MG :: Volume #6

#296: Ten thousand li (0.5km) trace

Personal appearance fast is rocking, was similar to arrived above an island like lightning. 身形飞快的晃动着,如同闪电般的来到了其中的一座海岛之上。 Ji Mo Fanshu god like the electricity, after he took a fast look around merely slightly, immediately the vision falls above that new grave mound. 吉摩凡殊神目如电,他仅仅是略微的扫视了一圈之后,立即将目光落到了那座新建立的坟头之上。 By experienced and reliable of his vision, naturally can see thing that this grave mound unearths newly. 以他的目光之老到,自然能够一眼看出这个坟头是新挖掘出来的东西。 After such a war, actually also some people can have the leisure to unearth the grave here, this unavoidably made people somewhat astonished. 在这么一场大战之后,竟然还有人能够有闲情在这里挖掘坟墓,这就不免让人有些惊异了。 In the Eastern world, digs the person grave without doubt is the matter of suitable crime. However Ji Mo Fanshu started, does not have the slight hesitation. His both hands have brandished in in the sky continuously several, these soils were dug immediately likely by two giant digging machines, turned. 东方的世界中,挖人坟墓无疑是相当罪过的事情。但是吉摩凡殊下起手来,却是没有丝毫的犹豫。他的双手连续在空中挥舞了几下,那些泥土顿时像是被两个巨大的掘土机刨动似的,不停的翻了上来。 Is counts breaths, this grave already thorough revealing, inside that person of facial features are clearly discernible. 仅仅是数息之间,这个坟墓就已经彻底的露了出来,里面那人的面容更是清晰可见。 The Ji Mo Fanshu complexion changes, this face he will certainly not feel strange. 吉摩凡殊的脸色不由地为之一变,这张脸庞他当然不会感到陌生。 Before two said that among them has also had the life-and-death fight, for the respective honor and Yu Family in Old Ancestor that irreconcilable contradiction dark world, they were wish by any means possible set at the opposite party in the deathtrap. 就在两曰之前,他们之间还发生过殊死的搏斗,为了黑暗世界中的各自荣誉和宇家老祖那不可调和的矛盾,他们都是千方百计的想要置对方于死地。 But unfortunately, under Light and Dark Fusion of Western two big powerhouses, he has chosen retreating immediately wisely, therefore does not know accident that then has. But, now looks like, he has definitely missed any interesting thing. 但可惜的是,在西方两大强者的光暗合璧之下,他立即明智的选择了退却,所以并不知道接下来所发生的变故。可是,如今看来,他肯定是错过了什么有趣的东西。 Bent down the body, Ji Mo Fanshu examined carefully this dark old person's corpse, his complexion even more dignified. 俯下了身子,吉摩凡殊仔细的查看了一下这位黑暗老人的尸体,他的脸色愈发的凝重了起来。 Garfield not only in chests and bellies by beyond any help wound, but also his hands and feet has also lacked one. Even if Ji Mo Fanshu wants to break the head, actually cannot think through can have like this huge injury under what situation. 加菲尔德不但在胸腹之间受到了无可挽回的创伤,而且他的手脚也都缺少了一只。哪怕吉摩凡殊想破了脑袋,也想不通究竟在什么情况下才能够出现这样的巨大伤势。 Associates to that one day felt the change of Strength of World, old person's complexion turned white faintly. 联想到那一曰所感受到了的天地之力的变化,老人的脸色隐隐发白。 Divine Dao...... 神道…… Is impossible appear here world, this fact is the matter that for several thousand years all powerhouses recognize. Because in this world, lost to train the high-quality soil of Divine Dao people. 不可能出现在这个世界上的,这个事实已经是数千年来所有强者们公认的事情了。因为在这个世界上,已经丧失了能够培养出神道中人的优质土壤。 He looks at the present corpse silently, the both eyes faint illumination, does not know that is considering anything. 他默默的看着眼前的尸身,双目隐隐发光,不知道在考虑着什么。 For a long time, he heaved a deep sigh, both hands wielded gently, the soil that tumbled has covered again, he held their palms together, turned toward this not any marking unexpectedly the orphaned grave deep bow. 许久之后,他长叹一声,双手轻轻一挥,原先翻滚过来的泥土再一次的覆盖了回去,他双手合十,竟然向着这个没有任何标识的孤坟深深一躬。 Afterward, he turns around to drown oneself in the sea to go, until submerging in the middle of sea day one of the distant place. 随后,他转身踏海而去,直至没入了远方的海天一线当中。 In direction that he leaves, is not He Yiming and Franklin Western, but goes toward the Eastern Continent long journey. 在他所离开的方向,并不是贺一鸣弗兰克林所去的西方,而是朝着东方大陆远行而去。 This formidable Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, has first under Heaven assassin ominous Underworld Old Ancestor, as if gave up the plan that continues to chase down. 这位强大的人道巅峰强者,有着天下第一刺客凶名的黄泉老祖,似乎是放弃了继续追杀的打算。 * * * * ※※※※ By far, white horse speed suddenly slow, in its attractive big eye is flashing strange radiance, in the mouth discontented light hissing, as if that only treats as to hold pillow Treasure Pig to complain anything Single Horn regarding the head on. 远远的,白马的速度陡然慢了下来,它那漂亮的大眼睛中闪动着一丝奇异的光芒,口中不满的轻嘶着,似乎是对于脑袋上那只将自己独角当做抱枕似的宝猪抱怨着什么。 Since leaving that nameless islands, they defer to the direction that Treasure Pig directs, pursues toward Western crazily. 自从离开了那座无名岛屿之后,他们就按照宝猪所指点的方向,朝着西方狂追而来。 Also does not know that actually Treasure Pig whether can smell the Your Holiness the Pope smell, can smell on Franklin the confounded nuisance of that innumerable treasure. In brief, under the leadership of Treasure Pig, they truly more overtakes far. But until at this moment, them as before cannot see Your Holiness the Pope. 也不知道宝猪究竟是否真的能够嗅到教皇陛下的气味,还是能够嗅到弗兰克林身上那无数宝贝的宝气。总之,在宝猪的带领下,他们确实是越追越远。可是直到此刻,他们依旧是没有能够见到教皇陛下 Treasure Pig has groaned several, seems is defending anything for oneself, but can also hear the depressed feeling that cannot conceal from its sound. 宝猪哼哼了几声,似乎是在为自己辩护着什么,不过从它的声音中也可以听到一丝掩饰不住的郁闷感觉。 Under these two Saint Beast collaborate, without doubt is in the world the combination of best tracing, a nose has the energy of direct access to the highest authorities, regardless of any person, so long as leaves leeway the aura, then his running away route will not have to hide in the Treasure Pig front. But the rapidness of another speed, without doubt is the unparalleled in the world, even if white horse Thunder Lightning did not have skilled masters the skill of in the sky flight, but the rapidness of its speed, is nobody can. 这两头圣兽联手之下,无疑是世界上最佳追踪的组合,一个鼻子拥有通天之能,无论什么人,只要留有气息,那么他的逃遁路线就会在宝猪的面前无所遁形。而另一个的速度之快,无疑是天下无双,哪怕是白马雷电还没有熟练的掌握空中飞行的技巧,但它的速度之快,亦是无人能及。 However, all these as if lost the function in the present. 但是,这一切在现在似乎失去了作用。 He Yiming can affirm that Franklin had discovered one and the others pursued, or this Temple Your Holiness the Pope has thought when running away oneself and the others will not let off him, therefore his running away route quite strange. 贺一鸣可以肯定,弗兰克林已经发现自己等人追了上来,或者说这位神殿教皇陛下在逃走之时就已经想到了自己等人并不会放过他,所以他的逃遁路线相当的古怪。 Even if Treasure Pig when the pursuit, scurries about, from time to time enters the seabed, from time to time surfaces, moreover changes the direction high of frequency, making the He Yiming secretly heart be also startled. 哪怕是宝猪在追击之时,也是上蹿下跳,时而进入海底,时而露出海面,而且转换方向的频率之高,让贺一鸣也是暗自心惊。 Hence, he has been able to affirm that Treasure Pig pursues the person, solely does not depend upon own nose to be so simple absolutely. But like its special treasure hunt ability, has depended upon some not being able to say Innate Skill ability, can therefore follow closely in the Franklin rear area does not abandon. 至此,他已经可以肯定,宝猪追人,绝对不是仅仅依靠自己的鼻子那么简单。而是象它的那种特殊的寻宝能力一样,依靠了某种说不出的天赋能力,所以才能够在弗兰克林的后方紧随不舍。 If solely is depends upon itself and white horse Thunder Lightning, they already do not know where was flung. 如果仅仅是依靠自己和白马雷电的话,那他们早就不知道被甩到哪里去了。 Present Treasure Pig is twitching suddenly own long nose, in its small eye glitters bright radiance that is occurring simultaneously pleasantly surprised. The He Yiming in the heart great happiness, said: Treasure Pig, we overtook.” 眼前的宝猪突地抽动着自己的长鼻子,它的小眼睛中闪烁着惊喜交加的明亮光芒贺一鸣心中大喜,道:“宝猪,我们追上了。” Treasure Pig leans the head to think that it has selected nod, shook the head, afterward groaned whistling called for quite a while. 宝猪侧着脑袋想了想,它点了点头,又摇了摇头,随后哼哼呼呼的叫了半天。 He Yiming pats the volume border, kid expressed the method of meaning also is really strange, making one guess airtight. However He Yiming does not have anything to be good to be worried that in his team, but has one nearly in the omnipotent translator. 贺一鸣一拍额际,小家伙表达意思的方法还真是古怪,令人猜之不透。不过贺一鸣也没啥好担心的,在他的队伍中,可是有着一个近乎于无所不能的翻译家。 Brother Bai, what did Treasure Pig say?” 百兄,宝猪说什么?” It said that we have met two Saint Beast King, these two Saint Beast King have fought, covered the Franklin aura.” Bai Lingba (108) tranquil saying. “它说我们遇到了二头圣兽王,这二头圣兽王大战了一场,将弗兰克林的气息掩盖掉了。”百零八平静的说道。 He Yiming eyebrows walks, said: Couldn't find him?” 贺一鸣双眉微走,道:“找不到他了么?” Treasure Pig huh several, kid has thrown out the chest the appearance of pack of stomach to be quite funny. 宝猪哼哧了几句,小家伙挺胸叠肚的模样颇为滑稽。 Can find, but must drive out these two Saint Beast King, their aura were too intense, affected the judgment of Treasure Pig.” “能够找到,但是必须将这两头圣兽王驱走,它们的气息太强烈了,已经影响到宝猪的判断。” That drives out them.” He Yiming cold [say / way]: If they know the limitation that if not know the limitation, snort|hum......” “那就把它们逐走吧。”贺一鸣冷然道:“若是它们识相那就罢了,若是不识相,哼……” Bai Lingba (108) looked at his one eyes silently, said: This is two Open Sea Saint Beast King.” 百零八默默的看了他一眼,道:“这是两头外海圣兽王。” He Yiming was stares round eye immediately, on the face raising a forced smile, Franklin Luck also is really good, can actually meet two Open Sea Saint Beast King in the boundless boundless sea. 贺一鸣顿时是瞪圆了眼睛,脸上不由地泛起了一丝苦笑,弗兰克林运气还真是不错,竟然能够在苍茫无际的大海中遇上两头外海圣兽王者。 If on the common land, or is Saint Beast King of inland sea, even if is similar to a of Spirit Elephant clan only has the lightization Innate Skill Spirit Elephant king, as well as Black Shark King of side of Penglai Immortal Island, how He Yiming will not care. However these Saint Beast King in Open Sea, is actually far from the fellows of these inland seas can compare. 若是一般陆地上,或者是内海的圣兽王者,哪怕是如同灵象一族的那只拥有光化天赋灵象王,以及蓬莱仙岛之侧的黑鲨王者,贺一鸣都不会怎么在意。但是在外海中的那些圣兽王者,却远非这些内海的家伙能够比拟。 The Open Sea bad risk is far from the inland sea can compare, survives the great strength of sea lifeform there, is by far in the inland sea. 外海的凶险远非内海能够比拟,在那里生存的海洋生物之强大,更是远胜于内海。 Similarly, can dominate a side in Open Sea, is honored as Saint Beast King, definitely is topest Saint Beast. 同样的,能够在外海称霸一方,被誉为圣兽王者的,肯定都是最为顶尖儿的圣兽 In Continent and inland sea, wants to achieve topest Saint Beast, must have the Divine Beast bloodlines, however in Open Sea, this rule already was actually broken. 大陆和内海,想要达到最顶尖圣兽,必须要拥有着神兽血脉,但是在外海,这个规则却早就被打破了。 These formidable Open Sea Saint Beast, the strength or the life, go to the situation that inland sea lifeform was unable to compare. In Saint Beast King that in them is born is the powerhouses of having fought many battles, the strength that has will not be inferior in this time white horse Thunder Lightning. 那些强大的外海圣兽们,无论是实力还是寿命,都达到了一个内海生物无法比拟的地步。在它们之中诞生出来的圣兽王都是身经百战的强者,所拥有的实力并不会逊色于此时的白马雷电 Light snort|hum, He Yiming said: Franklin definitely is intentionally for it, but how he can hide the truth from these two Open Sea Saint Beast to depart.” 轻哼了一声,贺一鸣道:“弗兰克林肯定是故意为之,不过他又是如何能够瞒得过这两头外海圣兽而离去呢。” Open Sea Saint Beast King is how formidable existence, everything appears in their around the body same step powerhouse, definitely will regard as provocation by them. Moreover they will not recognize the Temple Your Holiness the Pope lofty status, if were thrown to seize the Franklin aura by them, definitely will go forward to pester. However sea at this moment is actually the peaceful excess, He Yiming even can affirm that here has not had the intense fight, will otherwise fill the aura and Strength of World in space not so tranquil. 外海圣兽王是何其强大的存在,凡是出现在它们身周的同阶强者,肯定会被它们视为挑衅者。而且它们可不会认得神殿教皇陛下的崇高地位,若是被它们扑捉到弗兰克林的气息,肯定会上前纠缠。但是此刻的海洋中却是安静的过分,贺一鸣甚至于可以肯定,这里根本就没有发生过强烈的战斗,否则弥漫在空间中的气息和天地之力就不会如此的平静。 Western Temple secret technique could help him conceal the whereabouts.” Turnip sinking sound track: What to do do you plan?” 西方神殿密术或许能够帮助他掩饰行踪。”白萝卜沉声道:“你打算怎么办?” The He Yiming vision fell the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor, he was inquiring toward Solidified Blood Person Thought in in the mind. 贺一鸣的目光落到了宇家老祖的身上,他在脑海中向着凝血人意念询问着。 They already pursued not to know beyond many ten thousand li (0.5km) at this time, although has circled in the sea, however here Strength of World actually around thick many compared with that islands. 他们此时早就追出了不知道多少万里之外,虽然一直在海中兜圈子,但是这里的天地之力却远比那座岛屿周围浓厚的多。 So long as this means Yu Family Old Ancestor wants, can definitely display the startled day of that Divine Dao people to strike. 这说明只要宇家老祖愿意,肯定能够发挥出那神道中人的惊天一击。 Once had determined this, a He Yiming sycophancy head gently, from the body of white horse Thunder Lightning immediately intense to extreme huge pressure, but He Yiming was simultaneously be outspoken has also released own pressure. 一旦确定了这点,贺一鸣轻轻的一拍马头,从白马雷电的身上顿时荡起了强烈的到了极点的庞大气势,而贺一鸣也是同时将自己的气势毫无保留的释放了出来。 Among men and horse early has the tacit understanding, their pressure are complicated in the same place, looks like strength of five elements complements one another generally, and faint has the friendly trend. 人马之间早有默契,他们的气势交缠在一起,就像是五行之力一般相辅相成,并且隐隐的有着相融的趋势。 Actually, if the list by coordination tacit understanding, they compared with was much worse when Continent. 其实,若是单以配合的默契度来说,他们比起在大陆之时要差得多了。 After all, the tour of this Southern Sea, their rapidness of strength growth, absolutely is unthinkable, did not have thoroughly adapts to itself and strength growth of opposite party, wanted to be similar to such carried on the perfect coordination in the past, did not have several months being together, that was absolutely impossible. 毕竟,这一次南海之行,他们的实力增长之快,绝对是匪夷所思,彼此之间还没有彻底的适应自己和对方的实力快速增长,想要如同以往那样进行完美的配合,没有数月的相处,那是绝无可能的。 However, because of their strengths formidable to the extreme, even if some hobby free time in coordination, the great strength of pressure but displays, was actually far from the past can compare. 但是,正因为他们的力量强大的到了极点,所以哪怕在配合上有些癖暇,但所发挥出来的气势之强大,却远非以往能够比拟。 The entire sea level swung ripple immediately, this was pressure saves the extreme, after erupted suddenly marvelous sight that had. In this moment, among them pressure even had nearly in the feeling of substantialization. 整个海面顿时荡起了一圈圈的波纹,这是气势积蓄到了极点,在突然爆发之后所产生的奇观。在这一刻,他们之间的气势甚至于有了近乎于实体化的感觉。 Under the sea, has seethed with excitement immediately, two huge Open Sea Saint Beast King do not show weakness has also released their pressure. 大海之下,立即沸腾了起来,两只巨大的外海圣兽王毫不示弱的将它们的气势也释放了出来。 Here, but has two to lord it over in Open Sea, acting in a self-serving manner formidable Saint Beast King. Even if in Open Sea, they also rarely faces the challenge, but arrived in the inland sea, actually some people of bold, entered their domain, and sends out to have the intense enmity aura, naturally made their anger thrive. 在这里,可是有着两只在外海称王称霸,为所欲为的强大圣兽王。哪怕是在外海之中,它们也罕有遇到挑战,但是来到了内海之中,却有人胆大包天,进入了它们的地盘,并且散发出带着强烈敌意的气息,自然让它们怒气勃发了。 These two are having the anger aura rapidly quick the directions comes toward He Yiming and the others, along with their advances, surrounding sea water even more is seething with excitement, looks at this presence way merely, He Yiming knows that soon will appear, definitely is Open Sea Saint Beast King of two jumbo ranks. 这两股带着怒火的气息迅快的朝着贺一鸣等人的方向而来,随着它们的前进,周围的海水愈发的沸腾着,仅仅看着这个出场方式,贺一鸣就知道,即将出现的,肯定是两只巨无霸级别的外海圣兽王 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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