MG :: Volume #6

#295: Actinic thunder clap

Lifts up high the fist, separates the bare weight heavy fist strike to leave. By his present strength, although separation strokes spatially, but that formidable True Qi as before has actually driven out a big hole in the islands. 高举起拳头,隔空重重一拳击出。以他如今的力量,虽然的隔空击打,但那强大的真气却依旧是在岛屿上轰开了一个大坑。 Afterward, He Yiming puts in which the Garfield corpse, both hands series brandishes, has buried this pothole. 随后,贺一鸣加菲尔德的尸体放入其中,双手连环挥舞,将这个坑洞掩埋了起来。 Regardless of Garfield had what enmity with him, but was buried for the idea of secure has struck root in the hearts of the people, therefore He Yiming did not mind that buried him. 无论加菲尔德生前与他有何仇怨,但是入土为安的理念已经是深入人心,所以贺一鸣并不介意将他掩埋起来。 Took two Thunderclap Seed on hand, He Yiming in the eyes has been flashing through color of the hesitation. 拿着手上的两颗雷震子,贺一鸣眼中闪过了一丝迟疑之色。 Perhaps white horse Thunder Lightning truly had the prestige of lightization Divine Weapon, but He Yiming actually cannot make up mind, whether lets its lightization Thunderclap Seed immediately, because he does not know, once after on hand on 14 Thunderclap Seed lightization, whether can also smooth lightization another six Thunderclap Seed. Therefore the safest method, after without doubt is collected 20 Thunderclap Seed, together makes white horse Thunder Lightning carry on lightization. 白马雷电或许确实拥有了光化神兵之威,但贺一鸣却拿不定主意,是否立即让它光化雷震子,因为他并不知道一旦将手头上的14颗雷震子光化之后,是否还能够顺利的光化另外六颗雷震子了。所以最稳妥的方法,无疑就是等收集到20颗雷震子之后,一起让白马雷电进行光化 However, Big Head has extended from his, white horse stretched out the thick tongue, in his on has licked on hand. 然而,一颗大头从他的身后伸了过来,白马伸出了粗大的舌头,在他的手头上舔了一下。 He Yiming and between white horse Thunder Lightning, but the suitable tacit understanding, saw that its movement understood its in the heart idea at this moment immediately. 贺一鸣白马雷电之间可是相当的默契,一见到它的动作顿时明白了它此刻的心中想法。 Thunder Lightning, you think that is wanting lightization Thunderclap Seed?” The He Yiming sinking sound asked. 雷电,你想在就想要光化雷震子?”贺一鸣沉声问道。 white horse Thunder Lightning without hesitation is moving a big head high and low point, in its vision has been full of the look of anticipation. 白马雷电毫不犹豫的将一颗大脑袋上下点动着,它的目光中充满了期待的神色。 He Yiming has hesitated half sound, said: Thunder Lightning, lightization Divine Weapon is not an easy matter, now my in the hand only 14 Thunderclap Seed, however in the hand of Franklin, have six. If you now 14 lightization, when I collected another six, only feared that you were not necessarily able success lightization.” 贺一鸣迟疑了半响,道:“雷电,光化神兵可不是一件容易的事情,如今我的手上仅有14颗雷震子,但是在弗兰克林的手中,却还有六颗。若是你现在就将14颗光化了,那么等我收集到另外六颗之时,只怕你就未必能够成功光化了。” His expression quite serious, however in mentioning gains six Thunderclap Seed from the Franklin hand, has actually been full of firm confidence. 他的表情相当的严肃,但是在提到从弗兰克林手中获取六颗雷震子之时,却是充满了坚定的信心。 If made other same step powerhouses hear his these words, definitely by for this reason person extremely arrogantly. 若是让其他的同阶强者听到了他的这句话,肯定会以为此人狂妄之极。 To obtain Thunderclap Seed such supernatural object from a Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven hand, is easier said than done. However, He Yiming has the intense self-confidence, the strength that because he has at this moment has supported his formidable confidence sufficiently. 想要从一个人道巅峰的九重天手中获得雷震子这样的神物,又是谈何容易。但是,贺一鸣却有着强烈的自信,因为此刻他所拥有的力量已经足以支撑他的强大信心了。 white horse is leaning the head, it seems is considering anything. 白马侧着头,它似乎是在考虑着什么。 A Treasure Pig small eyeball revolution, jumped from the bosom of He Yiming, arrived at the white horse Thunder Lightning front, groaned half sound with it, white horse was swinging the tail immediately, an attractive big eye was glittering bright radiance, looked like toward He Yiming. 宝猪的小眼珠子一转,从贺一鸣的怀中跳了出来,来到了白马雷电的面前,与它哼哼了半响,白马立即是摇着尾巴,一双漂亮的大眼睛闪烁着明亮的光芒,朝着贺一鸣看来。 Long sighing, He Yiming saw that its vision understands immediately it had set firm resolve. Although this determination does under adding fuel to the flames of Treasure Pig, but He Yiming actually as before is respect its choice. 长长的叹了一口气,贺一鸣一看到它的目光顿时明白它已经下定了决心。虽说这个决心是在宝猪的推波助澜之下做出来的,但贺一鸣却依旧是充分的尊重它的选择。 The wrist|skill wields, Five Elements Ring appears in the hand, a He Yiming Thought revolution, 12 purple golden spheres set up in an array in the ground immediately. 手腕一挥,五行环出现在手上,贺一鸣意念一转,12颗紫金色的圆球顿时就在地面上一字排开。 Since He Yiming grasps the Five Elements Ring space was dense, he all important things has put in Five Elements Ring. 自从贺一鸣掌握了五行环的空间之密后,他就将一切重要的东西都放入了五行环之内。 In Five Elements World, has the huge space, is almost being indomitable spirit Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove can live easily including that thus it can be seen inside space some much was actually big. 五行世界中,有着巨大的空间,连那几乎是顶天立地的神器九龙炉都能够轻易的居住下来,由此可见里面的空间究竟有多大了。 12 Thunderclap Seed when this space, if opposing the enemy suddenly releases, absolutely is big killing move. This is also he for the gift that the Western two big Mortal Dao peak powerhouses prepare, but unfortunately, he even also without enough time gets rid, Yu Family Old Ancestor on according to Prestige of Divine Dao Light and Dark Fusion breaking. 12颗雷震子在这个空间中,若是对敌之时突然释放出来,绝对是一大杀招。这也是他为西方两大人道巅峰强者所准备的礼物,但可惜的是,他甚至于还来不及出手,宇家老祖就以神道之威光暗合璧给打破了。 In two white the hand, completely have also placed in which Thunder Lightning strength consumption Thunderclap Seed, afterward He Yiming entrained the small Treasure Pig nape of the neck, clutched the distant place it. 将手中两颗白色的,已经将雷电力量消耗殆尽的雷震子也放在了其中,随后贺一鸣拽住了小宝猪的脖颈,将它揪到了远处。 Naturally, He Yiming places the Thunderclap Seed place is the islands of other half, he does not want to make powerful ability in Thunderclap Seed the grave mound of Garfield destroying. 当然,贺一鸣摆放雷震子的地方是另一半的岛屿,他可不想让雷震子中的威能加菲尔德的坟头给摧毁了。 white horse Thunder Lightning stood in these Thunderclap Seed front, it was leaning the head, actually seemed is considering to how be able lightization Divine Weapon. 白马雷电站在了这些雷震子的面前,它侧着脑袋,似乎是在考虑究竟要如何才能光化神兵似的。 A moment later, it low that noble head, above Single Horn has flashed before finally was containing the formidable Strength of Thunder and Lightning purple electricity glow. 片刻之后,它终于低下了那高贵的头颅,独角之上更是闪现着蕴含了强大雷电之力紫色电芒。 Afterward, these electricity glow little flies toward that 14 Thunderclap Seed. 随后,这些电芒一点点的朝着那14颗雷震子飞去。 Is among the moments, this Thunder Lightning has covered in which all Thunderclap Seed together. 仅仅是片刻之间,这一道雷电已经将所有的雷震子笼罩其中。 In this moment, He Yiming in the heart unexpectedly also becomes with trepidation. Although he determined, by white horse Thunder Lightning physique, even if the lightization failure, will not have any danger, when this moment approaches, in his heart actually as before filled worried. 在这一刻,贺一鸣心中竟然也变得提心吊胆起来。虽然他确定,以白马雷电体质,哪怕是光化失败,也不会有什么生命危险,但是当这一刻来临之时,他的心中却依旧是充满了担忧。 „......” “噼哩啪啦……” Under that intense electricity glow twinkle, the sound that the innumerable electricity glow ruptured has made a sound from this piece of group. 在那强烈的电芒闪烁之下,无数电芒爆裂的声音从这一片点团中响了起来。 The He Yiming brow dark wrinkle, he knows that the white horse Thunder Lightning lightization process is not smooth, when is inferior to previously Treasure Pig lightization Nine-toothed Rake like that relaxed enjoyable. 贺一鸣的眉头暗皱,他知道,白马雷电光化过程并不顺利,远不如昔曰宝猪光化九齿钉耙之时的那般轻松写意。 Treasure Pig in his bosom has groaned several, He Yiming gently is touching the small head of Treasure Pig, his sinking sound track: Treasure Pig, this is white horse own choice, nobody can help him, even if I, same cannot.” 宝猪在他的怀中哼哼了几声,贺一鸣轻轻的抚摸着宝猪的小脑袋,他沉声道:“宝猪,这是白马自己的选择,没有人能够帮助他,就算是我,也一样不能。” With white horse in together many years, He Yiming already deep experience this fellow arrogant to what kind situation, when it decided lightization Thunderclap Seed, that pupil color of resolution is also for it. 白马在一起多年,贺一鸣早就深深的体会到了这家伙的高傲到了何等的地步,当它决定光化雷震子的时候,那眼眸中的坚定之色就算是自己也是为之所动。 He can affirm, if because own getting rid helps one another to let white horse Thunder Lightning success lightization, then and white horse Thunder Lightning fate only feared that must stop. 他可以肯定,如果是因为自己的出手相助而让白马雷电成功光化,那么自己与白马雷电的缘分只怕就要到此为止了。 Treasure Pig as if also comprehended the meaning of He Yiming, once again it groaned was calling, seemed is expressing own some opinion. 宝猪似乎也领会到了贺一鸣的意思,它再度哼哼的叫着,似乎是在表达着自己的某种意见。 The corners of the mouth of He Yiming have shown a smiling face of comfort, said: You could rest assured that if Thunder Lightning is in danger, I will certainly not have nothing to do with.” 贺一鸣的嘴角露出了一丝安慰的笑容,道:“你放心,如果雷电真的有生命危险,我一定不会袖手。” Treasure Pig then peaceful, silently looks at the front, the little wench actually as before is not law-abiding rubbing. 宝猪这才安静了下来,默默的看着前方,小蹄子却依旧是不安分的搓动着。 The Thunder Lightning intensity of distant place is getting bigger and bigger, He Yiming even can feel, white horse Thunder Lightning at this moment, does utmost absolutely, did not have any to retain again. 远方的雷电强度越来越大,贺一鸣甚至于已经能够感受到,此刻的白马雷电,绝对是竭尽全力,再也没有了任何保留。 Long time, He Yiming both eyes suddenly one bright, in the eyes has flashed through a gratified color. 良久之后,贺一鸣双目骤然一亮,眼中闪过了一丝欣慰之色。 Although his Thought is unable to penetrate the Thunder Lightning region, but he actually saw, in that is glittering in Thunder Lightning slit, purple golden Thunderclap Seed arrived above white horse Single Horn, afterward has flashed through dazzling radiance, vanishes to disappear. 虽然他的意念无法穿透雷电的区域,但是他却看到了,在那闪烁着的雷电缝隙之中,一颗紫金色雷震子来到了白马独角之上,随后闪过了一道耀眼的光芒,就消失不见了。 After passing through the long-term effort, white horse Thunder Lightning already successful lightization first Thunderclap Seed. 经过了长时间的努力之后,白马雷电已经成功的光化了第一颗雷震子 So long as has succeeded first, then after several were only the time issues. 而只要成功了第一颗,那么以后的几颗就将只是时间问题了。 Really, the white horse Thunder Lightning facial expression was also relaxed, although that Thunder Lightning powerful ability has not weakened, but that filled the tense atmosphere in space is instantaneously is actually vanishing. 果然,白马雷电的神情也是轻松了许多,虽然那雷电威能并没有减弱,但是那弥漫在空间中的紧张气氛却是在瞬间消失了。 Treasure Pig groans is cheering, on face of Bai Lingba (108) also rare has shown a happy expression. Only has Yu Family Old Ancestor of that distant place, is similar to wooden stake does not have the least bit expression as before. 宝猪哼哼的欢呼着,就连百零八的脸上也罕见的露出了一丝笑意。唯有那更加远方的宇家老祖,依旧是如同木桩子似的没有半点儿的表情。 Crosses half sound again, there Thunder Lightning dissipates finally thoroughly, 14 Thunderclap Seed in ground vanish to disappear completely. 再过半响,那里的雷电终于彻底消散,地面上的14颗雷震子全部消失不见了。 Treasure Pig first rushing, fled all of a sudden the head of precious horse, four hooves closely grasped white horse Single Horn, it has treated as a formidable treasure that Single Horn completely. 宝猪第一个冲了上去,一下子就窜到了宝马的头上,四只蹄子紧紧的抱住了白马独角,它完全将那根独角当做了一件强大的宝贝了。 He Yiming goes forward, has patted the white horse nape of the neck gently, Thought of person of horse has exchanged, simultaneously felt that been wild with joy feeling of opposite party in the heart. 贺一鸣上前,轻轻的拍了拍白马的脖颈,一人一马的意念交流了一下,同时感受到了对方心中的那种欣喜若狂的感觉。 For a long time , the people finally restored from this happy mood. 许久之后,众人终于从这种欢喜的情绪中恢复了过来。 Finally looked in eye another islands that illegible with a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse not symmetric grave, He Yiming beckoned toward Bai Lingba (108), rides white horse, and has patted Treasure Pig. 最后看了眼另一个岛屿上那潦草的与一位人道巅峰强者毫不相称的坟墓,贺一鸣向着百零八一招手,骑上了白马,并且拍了拍宝猪 The kids understood immediately meaning of He Yiming, it was tight was holding white horse Thunder Lightning purple Single Horn, these two Saint Beast were hard to imagine the way that to exchange by other people. Afterward, white horse Thunder Lightning has dispersed four hooves, whirls to go toward the distant place. 小家伙顿时明白了贺一鸣的意思,它紧紧在抓住了白马雷电紫色独角,这两头圣兽以其他人难以想象的方式在交流着。随后,白马雷电散开了四蹄,朝着远方急行而去。 Although white horse Thunder Lightning already lightization Thunderclap Seed, but white horse actually does not dare to try controlling Light of Divine Weapon to fly immediately, first let alone the speed issue of beginner, even if white horse Thunder Lightning wants to attempt, He Yiming does not dare to ride! 虽然白马雷电已经光化雷震子,但是白马却并不敢立即尝试艹控神兵之光进行飞行,先别说初学者的速度问题,就算是白马雷电想要尝试,贺一鸣也不敢骑乘啊! Bai Lingba (108) has naturally flown the midair, but Yu Family Old Ancestor is also follows. 百零八自然是飞上了半空,而宇家老祖亦是紧随其后。 Also does not know that is what reason, this Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person can actually control Divine Weapon to fly, this also made He Yiming in the heart ignite a hope. Perhaps has Yitian│one day, after Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person adapted to Yu Family Old Ancestor Five Elements Physique thoroughly, he can own powerful ability control under Divine Dao, treat as a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse to use. 也不知道是何缘故,这位神道凝血人竟然能够控制神兵飞行,这也让贺一鸣心中燃起了一丝希望。或许有一天,当神道凝血人彻底的适应了宇家老祖五行之体后,他能够将自身的威能控制在神道之下,当做一个人道巅峰强者来使用了。 * * * * ※※※※ Sea water turn of the tide, west solar Dongsheng falls, two days later, above this sea area, towering cracking. 海水潮起潮落,太阳东升西落,两天之后,在这一片海域之上,突兀的裂了开来。 The black form fled from the sea together, his vision rapid has swept one in all around, afterward immediately tight staring above that two islands. 一道黑色的身影从海中窜了上来,他的目光迅速的在四周扫了一眼,随后立即紧紧的盯在了那两片岛屿之上。 Before this person several days, Ji Mo Fanshu that leaves, he returns to this place after two days, is to seek for some clues, and plans to follow in secret in Garfield, looks for an opportunity to assassinate. 此人正是数曰前离开的吉摩凡殊,他在二曰之后重返此地,是想要寻找一些蛛丝马迹,并且打算暗中跟在加菲尔德的身后,寻机刺杀。 However, when his first saw when this had been divided into two islands, shock of in the heart was really is far from the words can describe. 但是,当他第一眼看到这个已经被分为了两片的岛屿之时,心中的震撼实在是远非笔墨能够形容了。 Before two days, although he escaped to depart, however the fierce change of World's Energy actually cannot hide the truth from this grade of level powerhouse. 二曰前,虽然他已经是远遁离去,但是天地之气的剧烈变化却瞒不过他这等级数的强者。 This change was extremely was really formidable, even formidable to has made him the curiosity that went to explore not have. Because he has such one feeling, if do not know the limitation collects, perhaps will then occur makes him regret the life-long matter. 只是,这种变化实在是太过于强大了,甚至于强大的到了让他前去探索的好奇心也没有了。因为他有着这样的一种感觉,若是自己不识相的凑上去,那么也许会发生一些让他后悔终生的事情。 Then, after entire two said that he cautiously arrived here, but picture that here saw, was makes him have a soul-stirring feeling. 就这样,整整两曰之后,他才小心翼翼的来到了这里,而在这里看到的景象,更是让他有着一种惊心动魄的感觉。 His lip wriggled slightly, the [say / way] that to only have itself to hear the sound that mutters: What's the matter? Had a Divine Dao people to appear.” 他的嘴唇微微的蠕动了一下,以唯有自己才能够听到的声音喃喃的道:“怎么回事?难道真的有神道中人出现了么。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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