MG :: Volume #6

#294: Dark most precious object

He Yiming looks that the present black fog dissipates gradually, why does not know, the in his heart many happy flavor, instead has not been has a feeling of like grieve for like. 贺一鸣看着眼前的黑雾逐渐消散,不知为何,他的心中并没有多少欢喜的味道,反而是有着一种兔死狐悲的感觉。 A Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, in world that in this Divine Dao vanishes, is having the pivotal status. 一个人道巅峰强者,在这个神道消失的世界上,拥有着举足轻重的地位。 Regarding all people, they stood in society topest existence, such character was almost the legend that did not die. 对于所有人来说,他们都是站在了人世间最顶尖的存在,这样的人物几乎就是一个不死的传说了。 However at this moment, a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse actually in his at present in light of this falls from the sky, including clean that formidable Thought dissipates. Must say that in the heart has not sighed with emotion, only feared that also nobody believes. 但是此刻,一位人道巅峰强者却在他的眼前就此陨落,连那强大的意念都消散的一干二净。要说心中没有一点儿感慨,只怕也没人相信。 Heaved a deep sigh, He Yiming searched on the body of Garfield. Now he was not past years the youth of that making a debut, changed at will several, on best several types of things this dark powerhouse has plundered. 长叹一声,贺一鸣加菲尔德的身上搜索了起来。如今他再也不是当年的那个初出茅庐的少年,随意的翻动了几下,就将这位黑暗强者身上最好的几样东西搜刮了下来。 The body of Garfield puts on, is a long gown, this long gown seems should also be a very precious treasure. But unfortunately, under Thunderbolt Strike of Puppet person, this treasure has not played any defense role, the arm and thigh vanished partially thoroughly. 加菲尔德的身上所穿着的,是一件长袍,这件长袍看上去应该也是一件非常珍贵的宝物。但可惜的是,在傀儡人的雷霆一击之下,这件宝物并没有起到任何的防御作用,手臂和大腿部分已经是彻底消失了。 The offensive force of Divine Dao people, is really not under Divine Dao can resist. 神道中人的攻击力量,果然不是神道之下能够抵御的。 Besides this long gown, the He Yiming biggest harvest is a space ring. His beforehand suspicion not mistake, although the quantity of space goods is quite scarce, however on these Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses, can actually be able to find one. 除了这件长袍之外,贺一鸣最大的收获就是一个空间戒指。他以前的猜想并没有错误,虽然空间物品的数量极为稀少,但是在这些九重天的强者们身上,却还是可以能够找到一个的。 Enters in the True Qi transportation the ring, He Yiming saw many precious goods immediately, in these things, there are various precious raw materials, but also has some not to know the use the goods. However, most things are the Western special products, let alone was the fellow of He Yiming this half bucket of water, even if is similar to the Ji Mo Fanshu old worldly people are not necessarily able to recognize like this entire. 真气输送进入戒指之内,贺一鸣立即看到了许多珍贵的物品,在这些东西中,有各种珍贵的原材料,还有着一些不知用途的物品。不过,其中绝大多数的东西都是西方特产,别说是贺一鸣这个半桶水的家伙了,哪怕是如同吉摩凡殊这样的老人精都未必能够认全。 However, most made He Yiming be interested in this, was actually two white round beads. 不过,在这里面最令贺一鸣感兴趣的,却是两颗白色的圆珠子。 These two things in the hand, He Yiming has determined their status immediately. 将这两个东西拿在手中,贺一鸣立即确定了它们的身份。 Thunderclap Seed, came from Eastern Divine Item Thunderclap Seed, will fall in the hand of Western powerhouse unexpectedly, but also is really one makes one feel the sorrowful matter. 雷震子,来自于东方神器雷震子,竟然会落到了西方强者的手中,还真是一件令人感到悲哀的事情。 However, can take these two Thunderclap Seed on, he was quite happy. 不过,能够将这两颗雷震子拿到手上,他已经是相当的高兴了。 Now altogether 12 Thunderclap Seed in the hand of He Yiming, in addition these two was entire 14. If similar to Garfield says, six in the hand of Temple Your Holiness the Pope, then he can find entire 20 Thunderclap Seed. 如今在贺一鸣的手上一共有12颗雷震子,加上这两颗就是整整14颗了。若是如同加菲尔德所言,在神殿教皇陛下的手中也有六颗的话,那么他就能够找到整整20颗雷震子 Whole set Divine Item Thunderclap Heaven only 24 Thunderclap Seed, if can collect 20...... 整套神器霹雳天就仅有24颗雷震子而已,若是自己能够收集到20颗…… The lip of He Yiming wriggled, this is a how formidable enticement, moreover is enticement that he is unable to reject. 贺一鸣的嘴唇蠕动了一下,这是一个多么强大的诱惑,而且还是一个他根本就无法拒绝的诱惑。 You planned that looks for Franklin?” The Bai Lingba (108) sound has made a sound in his leisurely. “你打算去找弗兰克林么?”百零八的声音在他的身后慢悠悠的响了起来。 He Yiming is startled slightly, Bai Lingba (108) little will care about the matter outside his safety. 贺一鸣微微一怔,百零八可是很少会关心他的安危之外的事情。 However, since he inquired, He Yiming naturally cannot conceal his thoughts: Naturally must go, even if for that six Ashen Relic, I cannot let go this opportunity.”, He Yiming suddenly asked: Brother Bai, you had said before, has the expert ability whether lies, this Dark Cult association president Sir whether lay?” 不过,既然他询问了,贺一鸣自然不会隐瞒他的心思:“当然要去,就算是为了那六颗舍利子,我也不能放弃这个机会。”顿了顿,贺一鸣突地问道:“百兄,你以前说过,有鉴定人是否说谎的能力,这个黑暗议会的会长大人是否撒谎了?” I do not know.” Bai Lingba (108) tranquil [say / way]: I, only then appraises the live person ability whether lies, but regarding a deceased person, I was helpless.” “我不知道。”百零八平静的道:“我只有鉴定活人是否说谎的能力,但是对于一个死人,我就无能为力了。” He Yiming gently pats the forehead, in the heart also faintly sends coldly, spoke the half-day words with a deceased person a moment ago. If passes on this matter, does not know really will have many people to believe itself. 贺一鸣轻轻的一拍额头,心中也是隐隐发寒,刚才自己可是与一个死人说了半天的话。如果将这件事情传出去,真不知道有多少人会相信自己。 Garfield is shifting blame.” Bai Lingba (108) continues saying: He is not willingly is sneak attacked by Franklin finally, therefore wants you to revenge for him.” 加菲尔德在嫁祸。”百零八继续说道:“他不甘心最后被弗兰克林偷袭,所以想要你替他报仇。” He Yiming speechless smiles, said: I know, moreover Garfield also knows that I can look. Therefore he will eject Thunderclap Seed this bait. Because he knows that I am unable to reject this bait.” He turns around, gently has stroked several on the white horse Thunder Lightning nape of the neck, said: I also want to take a look, if can sufficiently collect 20 Thunderclap Seed, coordinates Thunder Lightning itself powerful ability again, will then achieve what kind Realm.” 贺一鸣哑然一笑,道:“我知道,而且加菲尔德也知道我能够看出来。所以他才会抛出雷震子这个诱饵。因为他知道,我根本就无法拒绝这个诱饵。”他转身,轻轻的在白马雷电的脖颈上抚摸了几下,道:“我也想要看看,若是能够凑足20颗雷震子,再配合雷电的本身威能,那么会达到何等境界。” He when spoke these words, unintentional looked at one toward behind not far away wooden and vertical Yu Family Old Ancestor. 他在说这句话的时候,有意无意的朝着身后不远处木然而立的宇家老祖看了一眼。 This formidable Divine Dao Puppet, at this moment looks like klutz, at first also when compared with Bai Lingba (108) leaves mountain valley must look like fool. 这位强大的神道傀儡,此刻就像是一个木头人似的,比百零八最初离开山谷之时还要象一个呆瓜 powerful ability that this fool has is really inconceivable, feels ashamed of one's inferiority including He Yiming. 只是,这个呆瓜所拥有的威能实在是不可思议,连贺一鸣也是自愧弗如。 Bent down the body, 11 of He Yiming six Divine Weapon before body has opened. 俯下了身体,贺一鸣将身前的六把神兵11翻开。 Before these six Divine Weapon obviously are the Garfield bodies, lightization that six, by ability of this Mr. alliance head, he lightization Divine Weapon naturally are the no small matters. 这六把神兵明显就是加菲尔德身前光化的那六把,以这位议长先生的能力,他所光化神兵自然是非同小可的了。 However, in these Divine Weapon, can make He Yiming look only to glance, only had that Dark Chains. 不过,在这些神兵之中,唯一能够让贺一鸣看上眼的,也就仅有那件黑暗锁链了。 This is a long iron bar, whole body jet black irrelevant, above inscribes mysterious runes. That moment when the hand of He Yiming takes this Divine Item's copy, he can fill the air from this Divine Weapon the clear induction to a formidable strength. 这是一把长铁条,浑身漆黑无关,上面铭刻着神秘的符文。当贺一鸣的手将这件仿制神器拿起来的那一刻,他能够清晰的感应到一股强大的力量从这件神兵之中弥漫而出。 In this seems above common Divine Weapon, actually has one type unusually to extreme the strength of aggression surname, if the average person is grasping this Divine Weapon, only feared that will immediately have been injured by the above strength, even discards life also not necessarily to know continually. 在这件看上去毫不起眼的神兵之上,竟然有着一种奇特的到了极点的侵略姓的力量,如果是普通人握着这件神兵,只怕立即就会被上面的力量打伤了,甚至于连丢掉姓命也未必可知。 The curious vision fell above this dark necklace, He Yiming first time saw so overbearing Divine Weapon Sharp Item. 好奇的目光落在了这条黑暗项链之上,贺一鸣还是第一次看见如此霸道的神兵利器 He hesitant, True Qi in within the body has welled up crazily, wants to enter in this Divine Weapon. However quick, his brow wrinkled. Because he discovered that Five Elements True Qi that oneself use is unable unexpectedly controlling this Divine Weapon. 他犹豫了一下,体内的真气狂涌而出,想要进入这件神兵之中。但是很快的,他的眉头就皱了起来。因为他发现,自己所使用的五行真气竟然无法艹控这件神兵 It is not because has the strength hindrance of other people in Divine Weapon, but is Divine Weapon itself does not allow entry of Five Elements True Qi. 并不是因为在神兵之内有着其他人的力量阻碍,而是神兵的本身就不容许五行真气的进入。 He even has such one feeling, if want to fill to input in Five Elements True Qi Divine Weapon forcefully, then the only result is Dark Chains in light of this explodes vanishes. 他甚至于有着这样的一种感觉,若是自己强行想要将五行真气灌输入神兵之内,那么唯一的结果就是黑暗锁链就此爆裂消失。 During the intention fine motions, He Yiming within the body True Qi transforms, turned into Qi of Darkness after the twinkling unexpectedly. 心念微动之间,贺一鸣体内真气转换,竟然在瞬息之后变成了黑暗之气 These time is unexpected smooth unexpectedly, his Qi of Darkness does not hinder entered in the necklace, and has obtained this Divine Weapon domination easily. 这一次竟然是出乎意料之外的顺利,他的黑暗之气毫无阻碍的就进入了项链之内,并且轻而易举的取得了这件神兵的控制权。 Felt this, He Yiming in the heart was some surprise. In this Divine Weapon, actually did not have Garfield least bit True Qi. 感受到了这一幕,就连贺一鸣心中都是有些诧异。在这件神兵之中,竟然没有了加菲尔德的半点真气 He sighed one lightly, has brandished gently several, in the sky were many immediately several pieces of mysterious illusory images. 他轻叹一声,轻轻的挥舞了几下,空中顿时多了几片神奇的幻影。 This Dark Chains changed to one such as the dream imaginary spirit snake to dance in the air in in the sky unexpectedly, moreover truly those who made He Yiming exclaim in surprise, Franklin has not spoken incorrectly, when used Dark Strength Nine Layers Heaven used Dark Chains, really can release three times of strengths. 这条黑暗锁链竟然化作了一条如梦似幻般的灵蛇在空中飞舞了起来,而且真正令贺一鸣惊叹的是,弗兰克林没有说错,当使用黑暗力量九重天使用黑暗锁链之时,果然能够释放出三倍的力量。 Naturally, this degree of strength amplification does not place He Yiming in the eyes, because the Five Elements Ring strength amplification intensity has achieved more terrorist five times. Therefore he does not care about ability of Dark Chains in this aspect. 当然,这种程度的力量增幅并不放在贺一鸣眼中,因为五行环的力量增幅强度达到了更加恐怖的五倍之多。所以他并不在乎黑暗锁链在这方面的能力 After brandishing has partly made a sound, the brow of He Yiming wrinkled, this thing truly is good, is not only having powerful ability of strength amplification, but when is also fighting with the person, Dark Chains also has ability of truly empty, illusory influence seeing and hearing. 挥舞了半响之后,贺一鸣的眉头皱了起来,这东西确实是好,不但拥有着力量增幅的强悍能力,而且在与人交手之时,黑暗锁链还有着一种实实虚虚,虚无缥缈的影响视听的能力 Regardless on fighting of any level, such ability is quite powerful. 无论在任何层次的交手上,这样的能力都是相当强悍的。 But unfortunately, these two ability regarding He Yiming, became some weaks. 但可惜的是,这两种能力对于贺一鸣来说,就变得有些鸡肋了。 The Five Elements Ring amplification strength has surpassed Dark Chains, but Aurora Sword in his hand can achieve the complete stealth, in comparison, he did not regard as important regarding Dark Chains. 五行环的增幅力量超过了黑暗锁链,而他手中的极光之剑更是能够做到全部隐身,相比之下,他对于黑暗锁链就不是那么的看重了。 Naturally, He Yiming also understands that can be called the Divine Item's copy thing, so will not be definitely simple. The strength that but He Yiming majors in is actually Five Elements unites, but is not Western Light and Dark Fusion. 当然,贺一鸣也明白,能够被称为仿制神器的东西,肯定不会这么简单。但贺一鸣所主修的力量却是五行合一,而并非西方光暗合璧 Hesitant, He Yiming has put out a hand to throw, threw this weapon to the Yu Family Old Ancestor direction, simultaneously used Thought, own transmission of order past. 犹豫了一下,贺一鸣伸手一抛,将这件兵器抛向了宇家老祖的方向,同时使用意念,将自己的命令传达了过去。 Yu Family Old Ancestor puts out a hand grass, immediately took this Divine Item's copy in the hand. 宇家老祖伸手一艹,顿时将这件仿制神器拿在了手中。 Tries.” He Yiming has issued own order without hesitation. “试一试。”贺一鸣毫不犹豫的下达了自己的命令。 The hand of Yu Family Old Ancestor wields, splashed immediately in his around the body black fog, this was Dark Chains revolves the performance of pinnacle. 宇家老祖的手一挥,在他的身周顿时溅起了一片黑色的云雾,这是黑暗锁链运转到了极致的表现。 However, in this moment, all around Strength of World actually once again crazily wells up to come, that is thin nearly in no World's Energy was almost all of a sudden by to absorb a cleanness. 然而,就在这一刻,四周的天地之力却是再度狂涌而来,那本来就已经是稀薄的近乎于没有的天地之气几乎是一下子就被吸纳了个干干净净。 Afterward, an explosive transmits suddenly, in the sky splashed the innumerable black fog. 随后,一声爆响骤然传来,空中溅起了无数的黑雾。 The He Yiming complexion big change, ordered to stop hastily. 贺一鸣脸色大变,连忙下令停止。 His in the heart regretted that already should think, this Puppet does not begin already, once begins, immediately is earth-shattering Prestige of Divine Dao. 心中后悔,早就应该想到,这个傀儡不动手则已,一旦动手,立即就是天崩地裂的神道之威 Although here enough World's Energy has not come to spend freely to him, therefore is unable to send out that Thunderbolt Strike beyond comparison again. However discussed by his quality, once there is a sound, the harm that caused was not absolutely small. 虽然这里并没有足够的天地之气来给他挥霍,所以再也无法发出那无以伦比的雷霆一击。但是以他本身的素质而论,一旦有所动静,造成的危害绝对不小。 Is good always follows regarding the He Yiming words because of Puppet, stopped all movements instantaneously. 好在傀儡对于贺一鸣的话还是言听计从,瞬间就停止了所有的动作。 He Yiming looks fixedly, has sucked in cold air, this Dark Chains like this hung above his body unexpectedly, but the color of entire chains had turned the strange change. 贺一鸣定眼看去,不由地倒抽了一口凉气,这条黑暗锁链竟然就这样挂在了他的身体之上,但是整条锁链的颜色却有了一翻奇异的变化。 In that jet black color, seemed to be many indistinct red, alarmed. 在那漆黑的色彩中,似乎还多了一丝隐约的红色,令人触目惊心。 He Yiming has been startled, immediately understands, this is Yu Family Old Ancestor subconscious has instilled into which the Solidified Blood Person strength. In his hand luckily what controls is the treasure of Divine Item's copy rank, if general Divine Weapon, only feared that immediately must be supported to explode. 贺一鸣微怔了一下,立即明白,这是宇家老祖下意识的将凝血人的力量灌输了其中。幸好他手中所掌控的是仿制神器级别的宝物,若是一般的神兵,只怕立即就要被撑爆了。 Smiled bitterly, He Yiming finally this Divine Weapon receiving. 苦笑了一声,贺一鸣最终还是将这件神兵给收了回来。 The Puppet strength is truly strong, but is very regrettable, even if by the richness of his net worth, does not have the means to be joined to appropriate Divine Weapon to him. 傀儡的力量确实强大无比,但是很遗憾的,纵然是以他的身家之丰厚,也是没有办法给他配上合适的神兵 Received several other Divine Weapon in ground, although these Divine Weapon cannot compare Five Elements Ring and Dark Chains this and other formidable Divine Weapon, but every is not every, even if falls the general Great Venerable hand, will regard absolutely, if most precious object, therefore he is not certainly willing to let off. 将地面上的其余几件神兵收了起来,虽然这些神兵比不上五行环黑暗锁链这等强大的神兵,但每一把都不是凡品,纵然是落到了一般的大尊者之手,也绝对会视若至宝,所以他当然不肯放过了。 To be continued 【未完待续】
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