MG :: Volume #6

#293: Deceased person thought

The He Yiming footsteps stopped immediately, he closely is staring at present group of black mist, True Qi surging forward of whole body, but in the heart is actually calm exceptionally. 贺一鸣的脚步顿时停了下来,他紧紧的盯着眼前的这团黑色雾气,全身的真气汹涌澎湃,但心中却是镇定异常。 His age in Cultivator, although is not big, the strange event that but comes across absolutely were many. 他的年龄在修炼者之中虽然并不大,但是所遇到的诡异事件却绝对不少了。 The matter that although has at present absolutely is one that not measures strangely, but He Yiming does not have any feeling of being panic-stricken. Especially after he saw Prestige of Divine Dao with own eyes, even more so. 虽然眼前所发生的事情绝对是最为诡异莫测的一件,可贺一鸣还是没有任何惊慌失措的感觉。特别是在他亲眼见到了神道之威后,就愈发的如此了。 Carefully observed, He Yiming in the eyes has flashed through color of the surprise faintly. He does not certainly recognize this is any thing, but Thought has swept, makes him know that this group of black mist as if are also one group of Thought, somewhat is similar to his in the mind Solidified Blood Person Thought. 仔细的观察了一下,贺一鸣眼中隐隐是闪过了一丝诧异之色。他当然认不出这是什么东西,但是意念扫过,却让他知道,这团黑色的雾气似乎也是一团意念,就与他脑海中凝血人意念有些相似。 That group of black mist are wriggling slowly, seems is struggling anything. He Yiming hesitant, finally had decided that he has let loose his Thought, the initiative start contacted with this group of strange Thought. 那团黑色的雾气慢慢的蠕动着,似乎是在挣扎着什么。贺一鸣犹豫了一下,终于是有所决定,他放开了自己的意念,主动的开始与这团诡异的意念接触了。 When two Thought contact together, this group of black mist anchor the creeping motion suddenly. But this also merely is the flash, afterward looked like the support of some strength, immediately had the earth-shaking momentous change. 当两股意念接触到一起的时候,这团黑色的雾气陡然停住蠕动。但这也仅仅是一瞬间而已,随后就像是得到了某种力量的支持般,立即发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化。 The next quarter, this group of black fog turned into a head, moreover is exactly the same as Garfield before death appearance, on that skinny face, the eye pupil that pair profound not measures is also exactly the same. 下一刻,这团黑雾变成了一颗脑袋,而且与加菲尔德生前的容貌一模一样,在那干瘦的脸庞上,就连那一双深邃莫测的眼眸也是如出一辙。 Meanwhile, from that magic common head, has broadcast the Garfield sound: Your Excellency, many thanks helps one another.” 同时,从那颗魔幻一般的脑袋中,传来了加菲尔德的声音:“阁下,多谢相助。” He Yiming light snort|hum, in his heart doubt extremely, this is really Garfield Thought, after having the support of oneself Thought strength, his Thought in instantaneously already successful condensation original appearance. 贺一鸣轻哼一声,他的心中狐疑万分,这果然是加菲尔德意念,在得到了自己意念力量的支持之后,他的意念在瞬间就已经成功的凝聚出了原来的容貌。 However, Thought of person can actually achieve this step, this is also makes him feel the extremely surprised matter. 不过,人的意念竟然能够做到这一步,这也是令他感到万分惊讶的事情。 Moreover in his memory, has not seen the record about this aspect, as if in ancient book, does not have such matter record. 而且在他的记忆之中,也从来就没有看到过关于这方面的记载,似乎在古书之中,也没有这样的事情记录。 Garfield, you have not died unexpectedly.” 加菲尔德,你竟然没死。” No, I died.” Garfield human head looked at eye own corpse, in his sound has been full of the infinite feeling: But, I die with injustice unredressed, therefore lived temporarily.” “不,我已经死了。”加菲尔德人头看了眼自己的尸身,他的声音中充满了无限的感慨:“不过,我死不瞑目,所以暂时活下来了。” The He Yiming brow big wrinkle, said: „Can Thought of person also survive purely?” 贺一鸣的眉头大皱,道:“人的意念也可以单纯的存活么?” He when inquiry these words, the heart was also vigorously beat several that could not bear. If the average person, even if were the general Xiantian powerhouses has come across such matter, only feared that also thinks one yes fantasy. 他在询问这句话的时候,心脏也是忍不住的大力跳动了几下。如果是普通人,哪怕是一般的先天强者们遇到了这样的事情,只怕也会以为自己是活见鬼了。 However, itself had Thought ability He Yiming, actually deep understands the great strength of Thought. 但是,本身已经拥有了意念能力贺一鸣,却深深的明白意念的强大。 Also only has to have Thought, can be honoured as Five Qi Great Venerable, can rely on Light of Divine Weapon is being similar to the bird general hovering world. 也唯有拥有意念,才能够被尊称为五气大尊者,才能够凭借着神兵之光而如同飞鸟一般的翱翔天下。 Naturally, what is most important, above Celestial Pond Main Peak, He Yiming saw dying to count hundred years Sir Saint Dragon to give small Treasure Pig Inheritance one. From that moment on, he has a fuzzy idea, but at this moment saw after Garfield died, Thought that has alone, his in the heart some thoughts even more were intense. 当然,最重要的是,在天池主峰之上,贺一鸣曾经见过已经死去数百年圣龙大人给予小宝猪传承一幕。从那一刻起,他就有着一种模糊的想法,而此刻看到了加菲尔德身亡之后单独存在的意念,他心中的某件心思就愈发的强烈了。 On the Garfield illusory face has shown the expression of lifelike forced smile: Thought of person whether to survive I not to know alone, but I know that my Thought will dissipate quickly.” 加菲尔德虚幻的脸上露出了惟妙惟肖的苦笑的表情:“人的意念能否单独成活我也不知道,但我知道,我的意念很快就会消散的。” He Yiming is startled, carefully looks at his Thought, faint had some discoveries. This group of black mist are dissipating at the slow speed. Even if obtained own Thought strength to supplement, did not have any retrogradation trend, retarded this process merely. 贺一鸣微怔,仔细的看着他的意念,隐隐的有了些许的发现。这团黑色的雾气正在以缓慢的速度消散着。哪怕是得到了自己的意念力量补充,也是没有任何逆反的趋势,仅仅是延迟了这个过程而已。 He sighed one lightly, in the heart that frantic thought was cancelled immediately. 他轻叹了一声,心中的那个狂热的念头顿时被打消了。 You were did not die willingly.” He Yiming slow sound track: Had any wish not, a bit faster said.” “你是不甘心死亡吧。”贺一鸣缓声道:“有什么心愿未了,就快点说吧。” Although both sides are the enemies, but Garfield is actually first in the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse who in front of him falls from the sky, even if for his Nine Layers Heaven status, is worth all people respecting. 虽然双方是敌人,但加菲尔德却是第一个在他面前陨落的人道巅峰强者,哪怕就是为了他九重天的身份,也值得所有人尊敬。 If the wish of opposite party merely is minor matter, then He Yiming did not mind that helps him complete. 如果对方的心愿仅仅是小事的话,那么贺一鸣并不介意帮他完成。 The Garfield complexion concentrates, sinking sound track: many thanks.” 加菲尔德脸色一凝,沉声道:“多谢。” He Yiming brow micro wrinkle, but has not spoken. 贺一鸣眉头微皱,不过并未说话。 The Garfield vision looked to some direction of sea, said: Post-war of today, our dark world definitely does not dare with you for the enemy, therefore I hope that you can let off Grinton.” 加菲尔德的目光看向了大海的某个方向,道:“今曰之战后,我们黑暗世界肯定不敢与你为敌,所以我希望你能够放过格林顿。” He Yiming speechless laughs in spite of trying not, said: I have not gone to chase down their free times.” 贺一鸣哑然失笑,道:“我还没有去追杀他们的闲工夫。” When Treasure Pig puts Huoshao Island, although the most Western people died, but these achieved the powerhouses of Venerable rank actually respectively to unfold divine ability, or drilled into the bottom, submerged the sea. Naturally, Nine Dragons Unites rupturing of Treasure Pig is also the no small matter, has burnt several negligent new promote Venerable. 宝猪放火烧岛之时,虽然绝大部分的西方人都死光了,但是那些达到了尊者级别的强者们却各展神通,或是钻入地底,或是潜入大海。当然,宝猪九龙合一爆裂也是非同小可,也烧死了几个大意的新晋尊者 Afterward, Yu Family Old Ancestor that startled day strikes, is divided into two halves the entire islands, and has raised the difficult situation in the sea, huge Strength of World in this moment incisiveness of Prestige of Divine Dao release. 随后,宇家老祖的那惊天一击,将整个岛屿分成两半,并且在大海之中掀起了惊涛骇浪,庞大的天地之力在这一刻将神道之威释放的淋漓尽致。 Any expert that stays in the island Shangdi bottom, although had not been delimited by this sword, but they stiffly were actually killed by shock by this formidable strength impact. 凡是停留在岛上地底的高手们,虽然没有被这一剑划过,但是他们却被这股强大的力量冲击给硬生生的震死了。 A that Prestige of Divine Dao finger has delimited, the entire islands likely were hit by copper bell, the formidable strength has spread over each inch land, these thought oneself clever the fate of concealment Venerable expert in island can be imagined. 神道之威的一指划过,整个岛屿都像是被铜钟被撞击了一下似的,强大的力量传遍了每一寸的土地,那些自作聪明隐匿在海岛之中的尊者高手们的下场就可想而知了。 In comparison, ran away to enter Venerables in sea, although was contracted the dizziness vertigo by the rolling mountains bang, but sea the strength of water softening after is the no small matter, can preserve their this life. Afterward these people immediately are going all out escapes to go, does not dare to stay here. 相比之下,原先逃遁进入海中的尊者们虽然被大浪滔天轰得头晕眼花,但大海的水柔之力毕竟是非同小可,还是能够保得住他们这一条姓命。随后这些人立即是拼命的远遁而去,再也不敢停留在这里了。 Naturally, Franklin treated as the matter of shield also to fall into in the eyes of these people Garfield, but after seeing this, they running away quickly, again also nobody dares to turn head to look around. 当然,弗兰克林加菲尔德当做挡箭牌的事情也落入了这些人的眼中,只是在见到了这一幕之后,他们除了逃得更快之外,就再也没有人敢回头张望了。 In the induction of He Yiming, in this person of running away has four, has Darkness Union Cult most outstanding new promote Venerable Grinton. 贺一鸣的感应中,这一次逃走的人中有四位之多,其中就有着黑暗联盟议会最杰出的新晋尊者格林顿 Garfield has dangled the vision, said: many thanks Your Excellency.” 加菲尔德垂下了目光,道:“多谢阁下了。” He Yiming shows a faint smile, once these people go back, will disseminate absolutely the Garfield true cause of death, entire Western world the strength of Light and Dark, definitely gruel in great confusion. 贺一鸣微微一笑,这些人一旦回去,绝对会将加菲尔德的真正死因传播出去,整个西方世界的光明和黑暗的力量,肯定会乱成一团粥。 Dark alliance head has lifted the head once again, looked like an anomalous rubber ball pulls out upwardly one, making in the heart of person send faintly disobediently. 黑暗议长再度抬起了头,就像是一个不规则的皮球向上拔动了一下似的,让人的心中隐隐发忤。 Your Excellency, to repay your kindness, I have several small gifts to give to you.” 阁下,为了报答您的恩惠,我有几件小礼物要送给您。” He Yiming smiles cold, said: Garfield Your Excellency, these gifts should on your body, then you think whether I also need your presenting.” 贺一鸣冷然一笑,道:“加菲尔德阁下,这些礼物应该在您的身上吧,那么您以为我是否还需要您的馈赠呢。” Garfield angry, but says with a smile: Your Excellency, on my body, truly has part of gifts, but in addition, I will also provide the information that some you are interested.” 加菲尔德并不着恼,而是微笑着道:“阁下,在我的身上,确实有着一部分的礼物,不过除此之外,我还会提供一些您感兴趣的情报。” He Yiming both eyes micro bright, by the status of opposite party, the situation that this moment Thought soon will dissipate in addition, definitely will not bully by the lies. 贺一鸣双目微亮,以对方的身份,加上他此刻意念即将消散的情况,肯定不会以虚言相欺。 You said.” “你说。” The Garfield vision transferred to the body of white horse Thunder Lightning, said: This Sir Saint Beast, should be is having rare Thunder Lightning Attribute top Saint Beast.” 加菲尔德的目光移到了白马雷电的身上,道:“这位圣兽大人,应该是一位拥有着罕见的雷电属姓的顶尖圣兽吧。” He Yiming silently nod, so long as is the slightly insightful person, can definitely see this point. However since Garfield raised, these things that then he said were definitely related with white horse Thunder Lightning. 贺一鸣默默点头,只要是稍有眼光之人,就肯定能够看出这一点。不过加菲尔德既然提出来了,那么他说的这些东西肯定与白马雷电有关。 Really, Garfield continues saying: Your Excellency, your Thunder Lightning Saint Beast is having lightization Divine Weapon rare ability, but you have not let its lightization Divine Weapon, because whether is unable to find with Divine Weapon that it coordinates.” 果然,加菲尔德继续道:“阁下,您的这匹雷电圣兽拥有着光化神兵的罕见能力,但是您却并没有让它光化神兵,是否因为无法找到与它相配合的神兵。” He Yiming both eyes suddenly one bright, his surprised [say / way]: white horse can it lightization Divine Weapon?” 贺一鸣双目陡然一亮,他惊讶的道:“白马它能够光化神兵?” Garfield has been startled, this knows that He Yiming knows nothing unexpectedly, his affirmative [say / way]: this king will not misread absolutely, if you do not believe that might as well tries in later.” 加菲尔德怔了一下,这才知道贺一鸣竟然是对此一无所知,他肯定的道:“本座绝对不会看错,您如果不信,不妨在以后尝试一下吧。” He Yiming turns the head to look at white horse, sees only in its eye pupil also to glitter a pleasantly surprised color. 贺一鸣转头看着白马,只见它的眼眸中也是闪烁着一丝惊喜之色。 Regarding white horse, it biggest regret will not fly, therefore when facing Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, often is in disadvantageous Realm. 对于白马来说,它最大的遗憾就是不会飞行,所以在面对人道巅峰强者之时,往往处于不利的境界 If it can also be similar to Treasure Pig same lightization Divine Weapon, so long as that can use Light of Divine Weapon to fly, it was well satisfied. 若是它也能够如同宝猪一样光化神兵,那么只要能够使用神兵之光飞行,它就心满意足了。 He Yiming has hesitated the moment, finally has the institute to become aware suddenly. 贺一鸣沉吟了片刻,终于是有所恍悟。 Before white horse Thunder Lightning, naturally impossible lightization Divine Weapon, however in absorbing Silver Eel King Core, after the body had the mutation, it should produce this sudden change ability. Own story is too shallow, and has treated with white horse in one, therefore has not looked. 白马雷电以前当然不可能光化神兵了,但是在吸收了银鳗王内丹,身上发生了异变之后,它应该是产生了这种突变的能力。只是自己的阅历太浅,而且一直与白马待在了一起,所以没有看出来罢了。 Was own enemy saw certain clue on the contrary, really made one blush with shame. 反倒是自己的敌人从中看出了某些端倪,真是令人汗颜。 The head of Garfield as if became dim, he said hastily: Your Excellency, on my corpse, the space ring, inside is putting some rare things, including a very suitable Your Excellency life partner Saint.” 加菲尔德的脑袋似乎变得黯淡了一些,他连忙道:“阁下,在我的尸体上,有一个空间戒指,里面放着一些罕见的东西,其中有一件非常适合阁下伴生圣。” He Yiming sinking sound track: What thing?” 贺一鸣沉声道:“什么东西?” Thunderclap Seed.” 雷震子。” He Yiming deeply inspired, his in the heart criticizes, oneself actually have not thought of Thunderclap Seed, but is really stupid. However, he complexion sinks afterward, said: Garfield Your Excellency, Thunder Lightning is just top Saint Beast, but Thunderclap Seed is actually Divine Item, you think that it can control?” 贺一鸣深吸了一口气,他心中暗骂,自己竟然没有想到过雷震子,可真是蠢笨之极。不过,他随后脸色微沉,道:“加菲尔德阁下,雷电只不过是一只顶尖圣兽而已,而雷震子却是神器,你以为它能够掌控么?” Garfield says with a smile: Human and Saint Beast physique is different, Your Excellency Saint Beast within the body, should have the Divine Beast bloodlines. So long as not 24 Thunderclap Seed simultaneously lightization, then it can certainly withstand, and controlling.” 加菲尔德微笑着道:“人类与圣兽体质是不同的,阁下圣兽体内,应该还拥有着神兽血脉吧。只要不将24颗雷震子同时光化,那么它一定可以承受并且艹控的。” He Yiming hesitant, but he has to acknowledge that the Garfield words are reasonable. By white horse Thunder Lightning physique, so long as is not Divine Item of complete set, should not cause the too big burden. 贺一鸣犹豫了一下,不过他不得不承认,加菲尔德的话非常有道理。以白马雷电体质,只要不是全套的神器,应该不会对它造成太大的负担。 The head of Garfield was getting more and more dim, his sound is also quicker and quicker: Your Excellency, has two Thunderclap Seed on my body, however on the body of Franklin, has entire six Thunderclap Seed, if you can take all Thunderclap Seed, then eight Thunderclap Seed can display most formidable powerful ability absolutely.” 加菲尔德的脑袋越来越黯淡了,他的声音也是越来越快:“阁下,在我的身上有二颗雷震子,但是在弗兰克林的身上,却有着整整六颗雷震子,若是您能够将所有的雷震子都取到手,那么八颗雷震子绝对能够发挥出最强大的威能。” He Yiming in the heart suddenly moves, saw that this human head will soon dissipate, he asked hastily: „Is Space Strength that Franklin releases what?” 贺一鸣心中豁然一动,眼看这颗人头即将消散,他连忙问道:“弗兰克林所释放的空间力量是什么?” That is the Temple first Divine Item Light Crown protection strength, by Franklin ability, in Yitian│one day can only release one time.” “那是神殿第一神器光明皇冠的守护力量,以弗兰克林能力,一天之内仅能释放一次。” The Thought head of Garfield is getting more and more fuzzy, finally the dissipation does not see completely, but his residual sound is actually reverberating on this spacious lands, is similar to his intense not willingly as, for a very long time is not loose. 加菲尔德意念脑袋越来越模糊,终于完全消散不见,而他的余音却在这一片空旷的土地上回荡着,如同他那强烈的不甘心似的,久久不散。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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