MG :: Volume #6

#292: Cannot continue

Thump......” 扑通……” In the sea level of this rolling mountains, has broadcast a not too big sound suddenly. However this sound listened in the ear of He Yiming, actually appeared so resounding. 在这大浪滔天的海面上,突然传来了一道并不算太大的声音。但是这股声音听在了贺一鸣的耳中,却显得如此响亮。 His complexion changes, trades to look, in the eyes has flashed through an astonished uncertain color immediately. 他的脸色微变,换头望去,眼中立即闪过了一丝惊异不定之色。 Stood dangerous in the midair, among with no efforts has caused the Strength of World large fluctuation, and is divided into two halves the island at one fell swoop, making the sea difficult situation Yu Family Old Ancestor, was similar to the meteor has crashed unexpectedly generally. 原先悬立在半空之中,举手投足之间就引起了天地之力巨大波动,并且一举将海岛分成两半,让大海变得惊涛骇浪的宇家老祖,竟然如同流星一般的坠落了下来。 Looks to drop Solidified Blood Person in sea suddenly, He Yiming is unable to maintain tranquil again. His personal appearance in a flash, pounces upon suddenly in that direction immediately, simultaneously with Solidified Blood Person Thought has had the contact in his mind immediately. 看着突然跌落进了大海中的凝血人,贺一鸣再也无法保持平静了。他的身形一晃,立即朝着那个方向猛扑而下,同时在他的脑海之中立即与凝血人意念取得了联系。 Although in this Thought does not have what wisdom, but adopted the relation of Thought, He Yiming can actually clear knows the Solidified Blood Person physical condition. 虽然这个意念之中并没有什么智慧,但是通过了意念的联系,贺一鸣却能够清晰的掌握到凝血人的身体状况。 When he has flown in the sea level, immediately understood a general idea, after understanding this reason, in his heart was also raising color of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 当他飞到了海面上之时,立即明白了一个大概,不过在明白了这个原因之后,他的心中也是泛起了一丝哭笑不得之色。 Yu Family Old Ancestor strikes just now, truly has met the Divine Dao standard, this and is not only a revolution of strength of god, but truly has achieved previously Divine Dao expert Realm on powerful ability. 宇家老祖的适才一击,确确实实已经是达到了神道的标准,这并不仅仅是一丝神之力量的运转,而是在威能上真正的达到了昔曰神道高手境界 Talks straight and frankly, mountain collapse tsunami howl, this is in the legend true powerful ability of person of Divine Dao, is far from these Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses can imagine now. 指天画地,山崩海啸,这就是传说中神道之人的真正威能,远非现在这些人道巅峰的九重天强者能够想象的。 Although in the legend praised a Divine Dao people to the day, however during the age that Divine Dao vanished, and nobody true has experienced the Divine Dao strength. Franklin two Nine Layers Heaven itself are having certain strength of god, therefore they think that can resist the attack of Yu Family Old Ancestor under Light and Dark Fusion. 虽然传说中都将神道中人夸到了天,但是在神道消失的年代之中,并没有人真正的见识过神道的力量。弗兰克林两位九重天本身就拥有着一定的神之力量,所以他们自以为能够在光暗合璧之下抵御宇家老祖的攻击。 However, they absolutely have not actually thought that true Prestige of Divine Dao, meets unexpectedly earthshakingly so. 但是,他们却绝对没有想到,真正的神道之威,竟然会是如此的惊天动地。 If one had only known, when Yu Family Old Ancestor starts to absorb Strength of World, they definitely will not have the expectation that can resist, but must run away immediately. 若是早知如此,那么在宇家老祖开始吸纳天地之力的时候,他们就绝对不会有能够抵挡的奢望,而是要立即逃遁了。 However, adopted the exchange of Thought, He Yiming also understood a matter, in present this world, is really not the good place that a Divine Dao people can have. 不过,通过了意念的交流,贺一鸣也明白了一件事情,在现在这个世界上,果然不是神道中人能够存在的好地方。 Reason that Divine Dao was called Divine Dao, that is powerful ability that because they have exceeded the Mortal Dao limit, achieved only had Realm that the Spiritual God can imagine. 神道之所以被称之为神道,那是因为他们所拥有的威能已经超出了人道的极限,达到了唯有神灵才能够想象的境界 Yu Family Old Ancestor this strikes conveniently seems very simple, but that actually all World's Energy completely to absorb after instantaneously neighbor over a hundred li (0.5km) to his around the body, this can release time big powerful ability. 宇家老祖的这随手一击看上去十分简单,但那却是在瞬间将附近上百里之内的所有天地之气全部吸纳到了他的身周之后,这才能够释放一次的大威能 This strikes, although is unparalleled in the world, in the front of this strength is similar to including Light and Dark Fusion that three Mortal Dao peak powerhouses are unable to break through with joint forces easily accomplished was disillusioned, and finally causes Nine Layers Heaven to run away by mysterious strength of space, but another Nine Layers Heaven therefore was even cut lifelong the disability. 这一击虽然是天下无双,连三位人道巅峰强者合力也无法攻破的光暗合璧在这种力量的面前如同摧枯拉朽般的破灭了,并且最终造成一位九重天以神奇的空间之力逃遁,而另一位九重天甚至于是被斩成了终身残疾。 However, after releasing this has struck, resulted in the huge pressure to the surrounding environment, the surrounding area Strength of World within hundred li (0.5km) is spent freely instantaneously in this. Although has the Strength of World fill of distant place continuously, but wants to restore the original level, does not have one day two days, do not want to achieve. 但是,在释放了这一击之后,对于周围的环境造成了巨大的压力,方圆百里之内的天地之力在这瞬间被挥霍一空。虽说有着更远处的天地之力源源不绝的填补过来,但是想要恢复原先的水平,没有个一曰二曰的,根本就别想做到。 But Yu Family Old Ancestor after is only Puppet, but is not true humanity. 宇家老祖毕竟只是一个傀儡,而并非真正的人类。 Divine Dao Ashen Relic can controlling Yu Family Old Ancestor fly, is relying on is not Light of Divine Weapon, but can controlling Strength of World carry on the flight by Divine Dao. 神道舍利能够艹控宇家老祖飞行,凭借着的也不是神兵之光,而是以神道之能艹控天地之力来进行飞行的。 Because of so, therefore He Yiming and other talented people are unable to realize Yu Family Old Ancestor Light of Divine Weapon. 正是因为如此,所以贺一鸣等人才无法察觉到宇家老祖身上的神兵之光 However, when surrounding World's Energy after the instantaneous consumption completely, Yu Family Old Ancestor again is unable to continue to transfer that already no Strength of World, similarly is unable the support his body was flying. 但是,当周围的天地之气在瞬间消耗殆尽之后,宇家老祖就再也无法继续调动那已经没有的天地之力,同样无法的支撑着他的身体飞行了。 If a normal humanity, then in this case, naturally can divert Light of Divine Weapon to fly, but regarding Puppet, moreover just occupied Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person of Yu Family Old Ancestor body, like this being accommodating method, rather requested to be too high instantaneously. 如果是一个正常的人类,那么在这种情况下,自然会转用神兵之光飞行,但是对于一个傀儡,而且是刚刚占据了宇家老祖身躯的神道凝血人来说,这样的瞬间变通手段,就未免要求太高了。 Therefore, is direct, Yu Family Old Ancestor body of depreciation of the Puppet without a doubt to seabed. 所以,非常直接的,宇家老祖的这具傀儡之身毫无疑问的跌落到了海底之中。 Once has clarified the reason of matter, He Yiming is also the forced smile. 一旦弄清楚了事情的缘由,就连贺一鸣也是苦笑不已。 Stands in the sea level, the He Yiming deep sorption air/Qi, he feels is coming from the surrounding climate change. 站在海面上,贺一鸣深深的吸着气,他感受着来自于周围的环境变化。 Although as before is sea that stretches to the horizon, that broken islands, however during the induction of He Yiming, here Strength of World truly are several nearly dry up. 虽然依旧是那一望无垠的大海,还有那残破的岛屿,但是在贺一鸣的感应之中,这里的天地之力确实是几近枯竭。 Partly after making a sound, his complexion slightly changes, he drew the conclusion, if cultivates under this environment, then a person are most only to practice Internal Energy peak 10-layer, as for goes a step further again, wanted to promote Xiantian that is certainly not possibly. 半响之后,他的脸色微微一变,已经他已经得出了结论,若是在这种环境之下修炼,那么一个人最多就仅能修炼到内劲巅峰十层,至于再进一步,想要晋升先天那就是绝无可能了。 Thus it can be seen, here Strength of World already thin to what kind situation. 由此可见,这里的天地之力已经稀薄的到了何等地步。 That earthshaking strikes, the price of consumes unexpectedly is such big, the surrounding area Strength of World within hundred li (0.5km) for it. But this merely is a Divine Dao people strikes conveniently, if has unshackled, is similar to the Mortal Dao peak powerhouses such are pestering war, does not know really will cause what kind of accident. 那惊天动地的一击,所消耗的代价竟然是如此之大,方圆百里内的天地之力为之一空。而这仅仅是神道中人的随手一击罢了,若是放开了手脚,如同人道巅峰强者们那样纠缠着的大战,真不知道会引起怎样的变故。 An intention revolution, He Yiming understood finally why that nine fire dragons in previously Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove are not willing to come truly. Because under present Strength of World, radically the opportunity that could not allow them to have. 心念一转,贺一鸣终于明白了昔曰神器九龙炉之中的那九条火龙为何不肯真正的现身出来。因为在如今的天地之力下,根本就容不得它们有出现的机会了。 The wrist|skill wields, Five Elements Ring appears suddenly, looks that this sent out five colors radiance Divine Item's copy, He Yiming in the heart has been being full of the bitter and astringent flavor. 手腕一挥,五行环骤然出现,看着这件散发着五彩光芒仿制神器,贺一鸣心中充满了苦涩的味道。 He had known from the mouth of upper cave man lets this Divine Item promotion the means that and regarding this has been full of confidence. 他从山顶洞人的口中得知了让这件神器晋升的办法,并且对此充满了信心。 So long as can make him find a Strength of World abundant place, then can attempt to make Divine Item's copy promote as true Divine Item. 只要能够让他找到一个天地之力充沛的地方,那么就可以尝试让仿制神器升级为真正的神器了。 Although in ordinary outside this is one matter that is hard to achieve, but in the plan of He Yiming, the Ghost Cry Mountain Range summit, the Celestial Pond Main Peak summit, the Colored Glaze Cave crater, Cave Heaven Paradise first Cave Heaven and other places, is in the world the Strength of World richest place. 虽然在普通的外界这是一件难以做到的事情,但在贺一鸣的打算中,鬼哭岭的山巅,天池主峰的山顶,琉璃洞的火山口,还有洞天福地的第一洞天等地方,无不是世界上天地之力最为浓郁的地点。 After once He Yiming gathered Five Qi power of god, he plans to attempt, whether can promote this Divine Item's copy to Divine Item Realm. 一旦当贺一鸣汇聚了五气神之力后,他就打算尝试一下,是否能够将这件仿制神器提升到神器境界 If successful, then he true can control Divine Item, but is insufficient like serving Sir flattered Nine Dragons Stove. 如果成功了,那么他就将真正的可以掌控一件神器,而不至于象伺候大爷一样的讨好九龙炉了。 However, this good wishes after today saw Yu Family Old Ancestor the strikes, without doubt was disillusioned completely. 然而,这个美好的愿望在今曰见到了宇家老祖的这一击之后,无疑是全部的破灭了。 Divine Dao people strikes conveniently, unexpectedly Strength of World instantaneous absorption within hundred li (0.5km) surrounding area completely. Such speed, such quantity, although can make a Divine Dao people display powerful ability that Mortal Realm is unable to imagine, but similarly, this is also not the strength that now this world can withstand. 神道中人的随手一击,竟然就将方圆百里之内的天地之力瞬间吸收殆尽。这样的速度,这样的数量虽然能够让神道中人发挥出人道境界无法想象的威能,但同样的,这也已经不是现在这个世界能够承受的力量了。 Divine Dao vanishes, really has the inseparable relations with deficient of Strength of World. 神道消失,果然与天地之力的缺乏有着密不可分的关系。 Helpless received within the body Five Elements Ring, He Yiming shook the head, certain impractical idea thorough abandoning. 无奈的将五行环收入了体内,贺一鸣摇了摇头,将某些不切实际的想法彻底的抛开了。 Although he does not know that wish makes Divine Item promote to need how formidable Strength of World, but a little can affirm that was the need quantity absolutely has been over today a lot of times. 虽然他并不知道想要让神器升级需要多么强大的天地之力,但有一点可以肯定,那就是需要的数量绝对超过了今曰的千百倍。 Consumption of this Strength of World, let alone in general place, even if in first Cave Heaven, it is estimated that is also hopeless. 这种天地之力的消耗,别说是在一般的地方了,就算是在第一洞天之内,估计也是没戏的。 Perhaps, if makes him arrive at Cave Heaven Paradise Myriad Tree Valley, that does not know that lived many years Old Tree Life Strength to absorb to be completely clean, that also a little possibly promoted Five Elements Ring to Divine Item Realm. 或许,若是让他来到洞天福地万树谷,将那颗不知道活了多少年的老树生命力量全部吸纳干净,那还有点儿可能将五行环晋升到神器境界 But thinks that big tree can with the strength that Nine Dragons Stove contends with, He Yiming very aware cancelled this thought. 可是一想到那颗大树能够与九龙炉抗衡的力量,贺一鸣就非常自觉的将这个念头打消了。 Nine Layers Heaven of Mortal Dao peak is truly formidable, however has surpassed human limit the front of old monster(s) in these, is honest a little good. 人道巅峰的九重天确实强大,但是在这些超过了人类极限的老怪物们的面前,还是老实一点儿的好。 Sea level broken above, Yu Family Old Ancestor flew from the sea once again. But this time he is not World's Energy of controlling outside, but in use's divine light flight. 海面上裂了开来,宇家老祖再度从海中飞了上来。只不过这一次他并不是艹控外界的天地之气,而是在使用本身的神光飞行 He Yiming heaved a deep sigh, said: Later follows side me, without my order, can not get rid easily.” 贺一鸣长叹一声,道:“以后跟在我身边,没有我的命令,不得轻易出手。” Yu Family Old Ancestor indifferent has selected under one, he even links the eyeball not to rotate, but Puppet can achieve this grade of situation, has made He Yiming quite satisfied. 宇家老祖冷漠的点了一下头,他甚至于连眼珠子也没有转动一下,不过一个傀儡能够做到这等地步,已经让贺一鸣极为满意了。 Had this Puppet in side, He Yiming can be said as even more powerful, even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, he even has the qualifications of not paying attention. 有了这个傀儡在身边,贺一鸣可以说是如虎添翼,哪怕是人道巅峰强者,他甚至于都有着不放在眼里的资格了。 But unfortunately, this expert can only get rid, after this next, him purely turned into an ornament, even the strength of original Mortal Dao peak is unable to guarantee continually. 但可惜的是,这个高手仅能出手一下,在这一下之后,他就纯粹变成了一个装饰品,甚至于连原先的人道巅峰的实力也无法保证了。 After the exchange of Thought, He Yiming understood a matter finally. 通过了意念的交流之后,贺一鸣终于明白了一件事情。 The Divine Dao Ashen Relic biggest merit and shortcoming are similarly prominent, in the Strength of World abundant place, he even can treat as a Divine Dao powerhouse to use, when Strength of World exhausts, then he will turn into Puppet that has only been able to come under attack. In this regard, he even continually original that Solidified Blood Person must be inferior. 神道舍利的最大优点和缺点同样突出,在天地之力充沛的地方,他甚至于可以当做一位神道强者使用,但是当天地之力耗尽,那么他就将变成了一个只会挨打的傀儡罢了。在这一点上,他甚至于连原先的那个凝血人都要远有不如。 Because has been used to it not to utilize the ordinary Mortal Dao strength using Divine Dao strength Divine Dao big Ashen Relic unexpectedly, this result lets He Yiming when stupefied is also unbelievable. 因为已经习惯了运用神道力量的神道舍利竟然不会运用普通的人道力量,这个结果让贺一鸣膛目结舌之余也是难以置信。 Naturally, in any event this Puppet has considerable self-preservation ability, although he regarding Divine Dao following strength application not proficient, but itself truly has Nine Layers Heaven, even must the physical quality even better, even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse wants to strike to kill him, only feared that is also absolutely impossible to accomplish. 当然,无论如何这具傀儡都是具有相当自保的能力,虽然他对于神道以下的力量运用方式并不精通,但本身确实是具有九重天,甚至于要更胜一筹的身体素质,哪怕是人道巅峰强者想要将他击杀,只怕也绝无可能办到。 Looked at around the eye, the ocean waves of that ebullition returned to normal finally slowly. 看了眼四周,那沸腾的海浪终于是慢慢的平复了下去。 Although Divine Dao strength formidable incomparable, however in the front of nature, as if also can only bring the change of moment to this sea area, but is unable to make this change lasting maintains. 神道的力量虽然强大无比,但是在大自然的面前,似乎也仅能给这一片海域带来片刻的变动,而无法让这种变动持久的维持下去。 The personal appearance goes toward the front, a moment later arrived by the desolated island of ocean waves pouring breath fire above. 身形朝着前方而去,片刻之后就已经来到了被海浪浇息大火的荒芜海岛之上。 Here, is lying down a skinny corpse, in the chests and bellies of this corpse, has an enormous blood hole, can see from the blood hole that his five main internal organs (entrails) seemed broken. 这里,躺着一具干瘦的尸体,在这具尸体的胸腹间,有着一个极大的血洞,从血洞中可以看出,他的五脏六腑似乎都已经被震碎了。 But this, is the Garfield true cause of death. 而这,才是加菲尔德的真正死因。 Under this injury, even if the true Divine Dao powerhouses is unable to maintain a livelihood, say nothing of Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven. 在这种伤势之下,哪怕是真正的神道强者都无法活命,就更不用说一个人道巅峰的九重天了。 However, in this moment, He Yiming actually with amazement discovered that when he arrived at the front of this corpse, actually leapt black smog since the corpse, and started to condense in his front...... 然而,就在这一刻,贺一鸣却是骇然发现,当他来到了这具尸体的面前之时,从尸体上却腾起了一道黑色的烟雾,并且在他的面前开始凝聚了起来…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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