MG :: Volume #6

#291: The strength of shintoism

Franklin and Garfield complexion already became extremely ugly, their in the heart even emitted the thought that turned around to run away. Why however does not know, when they saw Yu Family Old Ancestor that pair of not any eye pupil of sentiment fluctuation, in the heart has such one feeling all, that is once diverged Strength of Light and Dark Fusion, then definitely at the scene will be executed by this person, and is very difficult the revolt the strength. 弗兰克林加菲尔德的脸色早就变得极为难看,他们的心中甚至于冒出了转身而逃的念头。但是不知为何,当他们看到了宇家老祖那一双没有任何感情波动的眼眸之时,心中无不有着这样的一种感觉,那就是一旦散去了光暗合璧之力,那么肯定会被此人当场格杀,并且很难有反抗的力量。 This feeling so intense, counts the thought of among hundred years to be once innumerable makes them be saved from death the feeling of makes their thorough cancelling immediately ran away. At least, before their Light and Dark Fusion had not been explained that but also is insufficient not to fight to run away. 这种感觉是如此的强烈,数百年间曾经无数次让他们死里逃生的这个感觉让他们彻底的打消了立即逃窜的念头。起码,在他们的光暗合璧没有被破解之前,还不至于不战而逃。 However, performance that Yu Family Old Ancestor goes is actually extremely in shocking. 然而,宇家老祖接下去的表现却是太过于骇人听闻。 Has raised an arm merely, has caused unexpectedly so formidable Strength of World change, this performance reminded them of were once innumerable in the old book has seen these Divine Dao fables. 仅仅是举起了一条手臂,竟然就引起了如此强大的天地之力变化,这种表现让他们都想起了曾经无数次在古籍中所见到过的那些神道传说。 Only has the super rank powerhouse in Divine Dao, they may reassignment so huge Strength of World. 唯有神道中的超阶强者,他们才有可能调动如此庞大的天地之力 At this moment, they have thought does not attend to running away of face countenance, as for whether to escape smoothly, that must think their Luck. 这一刻,他们都想到了不顾颜面的逃走,至于能否顺利逃脱,那就要看他们的运气了。 However, all these as if already late, because that regulations their alarmed and afraid arms have wielded finally. When is feeling that huge pressure baseless whereabouts moment, these two top powerhouses have abandoned the in the heart fear finally, they have assembled all strengths, being outspoken the strength display of light and dark to pinnacle situation. 但是,这一切似乎已经晚了,因为那一条令他们惊惧的手臂终于挥了下来。当感受着那巨大的压力凭空下落的一刻,这两位顶尖强者终于是抛开了心中的恐惧,他们将所有的力量都调集了起来,毫无保留的将光与暗的力量发挥的到了极致的地步。 However, all seems futile efforts. In the face of the huge rank disparity, they did not have the strength of resistance. 然而,所有的一切似乎都是徒劳的。在巨大的等阶差距面前,他们已经没有了抵抗的力量。 Along with the Yu Family Old Ancestor arm whereabouts, from in the sky towering were many a giant white line, this white line drops from the clouds together, at present all be relentless is cut by this together white line. 随着宇家老祖的手臂下落,从空中突兀的多了一道巨大的白线,这一道白线从天而降,眼前所有的一切都被这一道白线毫不留情的划开了。 The light and dark strength is strong, they have formed giant light dark knot in half in the sky. In this, in two world most formidable strength of god circulation continuous, overlapped, as if has formed an extremely special world. 光与暗的力量强大无比,它们在半空中形成了一个巨大的光暗结界。在这里面,两种世界上最强大的神之力量流转不休,重重叠叠,似乎是形成了一个极为特殊的世界。 However, when this together white line has delimited from in the sky, looks like that paper knife melts a circular paper to be ordinary, relaxed this light dark knot cutting. 但是,当这一道白线从天空中划过的时候,就像是那裁纸刀化过了一张圆形的纸张一般,轻轻松松的就将这一片光暗结界给划破了。 In this condensed the surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) the front within Strength of World, light and dark condenses knot that becomes unexpectedly is similar to general that the paper sticks, without any resistance strength. 在这凝聚了方圆百里之内的天地之力的面前,光与暗所凝聚而成的结界竟然是如同纸糊的一般,没有任何的抵御力量。 This white light has not stopped together, but was direct falling to under. 这一道白光没有停止,而是直接的落到了下方。 It delimited that to tower the isolated island above sea, has delimited boundlessly that boundless, stretching to the horizon sea. 它划过了那一处耸立在大海之上的孤岛,划过了那苍茫无际,一望无垠的大海。 Instantaneous, that is vibrated by the islands fierce start that fire covered as before, huge, the width reached several feet trench seems fabricated appeared from the central spot of islands suddenly, the number the endless crushed stone dust was noisy, scatters. 瞬间,那依旧是被大火所笼罩的岛屿剧烈的开始抖动了起来,一道巨大的,宽达数丈的壕沟仿佛是无中生有般的从岛屿的中心部位陡然出现,数之不尽的碎石尘土沸沸扬扬,四溅而起。 This trench is together getting more and more wide, is getting more and more long, the stir that creates is also bigger and bigger...... Afterward, this white light fell into the sea together. 这一道壕沟越来越宽,越来越长,引起的震动亦是越来越大……随后,这一道白光落入了大海之中。 The earthshaking bang, in sea presented a giant gully loudly together similarly. 轰然一道惊天动地的巨响,大海之中同样的出现了一道巨大的沟壑。 More than ten zhang (3.33 m) wide sea water the oppression that goes all out toward the two sides goes, the both sides sea water high ebullition, that roof even have gone suddenly to more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) situations. 十余丈宽的海水向着两边拼命的压迫而去,两侧的海水陡然高高的沸腾起来,那最高处甚至于已经达到了20余丈的地步。 Innumerable clear water drop in the sky, are flowing in the sea level, rocking, is reflecting radiance that is not having to exhaust under shining of ardent sun. 无数晶莹的水珠在天空中,在海面上流动着,晃动着,在烈曰的照耀下反射着无以穷尽的光芒 That big 20 zhang (3.33 m) giant wave has as if stopped in in the sky that the flash, afterward layer on layer fell, fills the giant gully that presents towering. 那高大20丈的巨大浪头在空中似乎是停顿了那么一瞬间,随后重重的落了下来,将那突兀出现的巨大沟壑填补住了。 The surrounding sea area received the so formidable stimulation, instantaneously becomes surges continuous. 周围的海域受到了如此强大的刺激,瞬间变得翻腾不休。 He Yiming and the others stupefied looks at present one, their in the heart even had some numb feelings. 贺一鸣等人膛目结舌的看着眼前的一幕,他们的心中甚至于都有了一些麻木的感觉。 This...... Unexpectedly is result that the manpower directs? 这……竟然是人力引起来的结果么? That group by easily tearing light and dark knot, in this moment seems insignificant, He Yiming and the others the vision much have not even looked at one in that direction. 那一团被轻易撕裂的光与暗的结界,在这一刻似乎已经是无足轻重,贺一鸣等人的目光甚至于都没有朝着那个方向多望一眼。 In this moment, two topest Mortal Dao peak powerhouses as if had been neglected. 在这一刻,两位最顶尖的人道巅峰强者似乎已经被人所忽略了。 That in sea does not calculate that the small islands stiffly had been hewn two halves by this strength. Looks from in the sky, a giant gully appears in the center of this islands, looks like divides into two a cake, has been divided into two this islands. 海中的那个并不算小的岛屿已经被这股力量从中硬生生的砍成了两半。从天空中望去,一道巨大的沟壑出现在这个岛屿的中心,就像是将一块蛋糕一分为二般,将这个岛屿分成了不等的两份。 In the gully, the massive sea water rapid craziness well up to enter, fills here thoroughly, has been divided into two small islands this island truly. 沟壑之中,大量的海水迅速的狂涌而入,将这里彻底充填,也将这个海岛真正的分成了两个较小的岛屿了。 Looks that alarmed, not the neat islands dike of grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, in the heart of people are cool. 看着那触目惊心,怪石嶙峋的不整齐的岛屿岩壁,众人的心中都是凉飕飕的。 In comparison, the roar of dragon might Treasure Pig and Bai Lingba (108) coordination displays must miss cannot the mileage count. 与之相比,宝猪百零八配合施展的龙威之吼就要差得不可以道里计了。 In the sea level is the mighty waves is also unceasing, came under just now the impact and influence of enormous force, giant ocean waves shoot up to the sky, although did not have to reach as high as 20 zhang (3.33 m) terrifying wave again, however about ten zhang (3.33 m) rough sea waves were actually common, and was attacking that repeatedly by the cleaving in two islands. 海面上也是波涛不断,受到了方才巨大力量的冲击和影响,一道道巨大的海浪冲天而起,虽然再也没有了高达20丈的恐怖浪头,但是十丈左右的巨浪却是屡见不鲜,并且频频的冲击着那被劈成了两半的岛屿。 After below is burning the flame was being under the so huge impact, finally is thorough extinguishment. 正在下方燃烧着的火焰受到了如此巨大的冲击之后,终于是彻底的熄灭了。 Even if having spiritual wisdom divine power of fire, however in nobody controlling situation, is unable to exist under this Might of World strength alone. 哪怕是拥有着一丝灵姓火之神力,但是在无人艹控的情况下,也无法在这种天地之威的力量下单独存在。 When the innumerable rough sea waves cover trim islands thoroughly, here raging flame finally thorough disappearance. 当无数的巨浪将整片岛屿彻底覆盖之时,这里的熊熊烈火终于彻底的消失了。 Hence, He Yiming has lifted head, that unbelievable vision looked to the front. 至此,贺一鸣才抬起了头,那难以置信的目光望向了前方。 In there, Darkness Union Cult Sir alliance head has been short of an arm and thigh, in his wound, not many blood, but his around the body does not have the emergence of any stump residual limb. 在那里,黑暗联盟议会议长大人已经是少了一条手臂和大腿,在他的伤口上,并没有多少鲜血,而他的身周也没有任何残肢的出现。 It looks like his clone/avatar body towering disappearance in the world, was caused the Strength of World strength melting by that [say / way] mysterious strength. 就像是他的这部分身体突兀的消失在世界上,被那道神奇的力量引起了天地之力的力量给消融了似的。 At this time, on the face of Sir alliance head has covered entirely the intense pain, however in this pain, is having also the thick frightened color. 此时,议长大人的脸上布满了强烈的痛苦,但是在这股苦痛之中,却也带着浓浓的恐惧之色。 After felt this formidable strength by oneself, he is unable to control the in the heart fear feeling again. 在亲身感受到了这股强大的力量之后,他再也无法控制心中的畏惧感了。 This fear feeling has known how things stand hundred years not to appear, even if when facing the first under Heaven assassin, his also impossible has such feeling. 这种畏惧感已经有数百年没有出现了,哪怕是在面对天下第一刺客之时,他也不可能产生出这样的感觉。 However in this moment, in his heart again is actually not able to conceal this type to feel. 但是在这一刻,他的心中却再也无法掩饰这种感觉了。 In his side, a space slight fluctuation, the person's shadow has flashed before from that Void together. When this person appears when the front of people, saw clearly the facial features of this person, is Western Temple Sir Pope. 在他的身边,空间一阵轻微的波动,一道人影从那虚空中闪现了出来。当这个人出现在众人的面前之时,才看清楚了此人的面容,正是西方神殿教皇大人。 Although does not have what obvious injury on his body, has not lacked the hand to break any disability of foot, however on his face same does not have the scarlet, slightly also not necessarily compared with his old enemy attractive many. 虽然在他的身上并没有什么明显的伤势,也没有缺手断脚的什么残疾,但是他的脸上同样的毫无血色,丝毫也不见得比他的老对头好看多少。 The He Yiming spirit inspires immediately, his without hesitation pats white horse. On this clever Saint Beast Single Horn immediately has appeared the intense electricity glow. 贺一鸣的精神顿时为之一振,他毫不犹豫的一拍白马。这头通灵的圣兽独角上顿时现出了强烈的电芒。 The illusory white horse electricity glow appears together suddenly, and stimulation like lightning. 一道虚幻的白马电芒骤然出现,并且闪电般的激发了出去。 In white horse in the heart, has naturally recognized Franklin, this together electric light whole-heartedly is without hesitation shoots toward that Temple Your Holiness the Pope. But follows closely Thunder Lightning to come, is actually He Yiming Five Elements radiance. 白马心中,自然是认定了弗兰克林,这一道全力以赴的电光更是毫不犹豫的朝着那位神殿教皇陛下射去。而紧随着雷电而来的,却是贺一鸣五行光芒 At this moment, he has not continued to release strength of god, but displayed the most formidable situation the Five Elements Ring strength at the maximum speed. 这一刻,他并没有继续释放神之力量,而是以最快的速度将五行环的力量发挥到了最强大的地步。 Thunder Lightning adds on five colors radiance is similar to urgently presses fu general toward the Your Holiness the Pope electricity to shoot. 雷电加上五彩光芒如同催命苻一般的朝着教皇陛下电射而来。 However, in this moment, Franklin actually has made one matter that no matter what no one has thought. His body in a flash, arrived at Garfield slightly unexpectedly, Staff of Light selects suddenly, point just right in this same step expert. 然而,就在这一刻,弗兰克林却做了一件任谁也没有想到的事情。他的身体微微一晃,竟然是来到了加菲尔德的身后,光明之杖骤然点出,恰到好处的点在了这位同阶高手的身后。 A rays of light bright strength blocked the Garfield within the body huge dark strength immediately. 道光明的力量顿时封锁住了加菲尔德体内庞大的暗之力。 If in the common situation, Franklin is fierce one time, impossible plotted against the old enemy. However Garfield at this moment has not awaked to turn around from that [say / way] powerful offensive obviously completely. 如果是一般的情况下,弗兰克林就算是再厉害一倍,也不可能暗算得了老对头。但是此刻的加菲尔德明显还没有从刚才的那道强大攻击中完全醒转过来。 When meets hardly that startled day strikes, he not only received the disability who forever is unable to make up , what is also more important, that formidable strength turns the vitality that he hits wells up, the head feels pain faintly, seemed like thrown in the wooden barrel of seal is thrown several double-hour by the giant, in addition until now is the dizziness vertigo. 在硬接那惊天一击之时,他不但受到了永远无法弥补的伤残,而且更重要的是,那股强大的力量将他打的气血翻涌,脑袋隐隐发痛,就像是被扔在了密封的木桶中被巨人抛来抛去了数个时辰似的,至今尚且是头晕眼花。 Before he responded, darkly had been raided by Franklin successfully. 所以当他反应过来之前,就已经被弗兰克林暗袭成功。 The Your Holiness the Pope god hand pushes gently, advanced Sir alliance head front, afterward he turns around to walk, escapes to go toward Western at the entire life quickest speed. 教皇陛下神手轻轻一推,将议长大人推到了面前,随后他转身就走,以生平最快的速度朝着西方远遁而去。 This electricity glow shot at that to break Garfield of foot immediately, this bad luck Sir alliance head under feeling the intense life threat sobered finally, he drank fierce greatly, Dark Strength in within the body surged crazily, has broken through ban of Franklin instantaneously under his body institute. However wants to run away to be far away again, that was the impossible matter. 这道电芒顿时射向那断了一手一脚的加菲尔德,这位倒霉的议长大人在感受到了强烈的生命威胁下终于清醒过来,他厉声大喝,体内的黑暗力量疯狂涌动,瞬间冲破了弗兰克林在他身上所下的禁制。但是再想要逃遁远离,那就是不可能的事情了。 Loudly a bang, white horse Thunder Lightning and He Yiming five colors radiance hit his body maliciously, Garfield called out pitifully, his body was similar to puppet threw high, after half in the sky rose the entire ten zhang (3.33 m) distance, was similar to lost the life general toward under pounds. 轰然一声巨响,白马雷电贺一鸣五彩光芒狠狠的击中了他的身躯,加菲尔德惨叫一声,他的身体如同玩偶似的高高抛起,在半空中上升了整整的十丈距离之后,才如同失去了生命一般的朝着下方砸去。 Regarding this level powerhouse, He Yiming does not dare to neglect, in the hand Five Elements Ring layer on layer wields, divine power of earth changed to yellow color radiance to send out suddenly, was similar to shell penetrated on the body of Garfield. 对于这种级数的强者,贺一鸣根本就不敢怠慢,手中五行环重重一挥,土之神力化作了一道黄色的光芒骤然发出,如同炮弹般的在加菲尔德的身体上穿透而过。 Above chest and belly of this Sir alliance head were many immediately a giant blood hole, the internal organs of creeping motion are clearly discernible. 这位议长大人的胸腹之上顿时多了一个巨大的血洞,其中蠕动的内脏清晰可见。 To this step, He Yiming stopped finally, was injured like this, even if the Divine Dao powerhouse only feared that was hard to escape by luck, let alone a trivial Mortal Dao peak. 到了这一步,贺一鸣终于停了下来,受到了这样的伤害,哪怕是神道强者只怕都难以幸免了,更何况一个区区的人道巅峰。 Throws......” “扑……” Body numerous falling of Sir alliance head to islands above, the blood that scattered were incarnadine the surrounding ground immediately. 议长大人的身体重重的摔到了其中的一片岛屿之上,那四溅的鲜血顿时将周围的地面染红了。 This from twitched several in the body of Western powerhouse, that skinny body as if even more reduced. 这位来自于西方强者的身体抽搐了几下,那干瘦的身体似乎愈发的缩小了一圈。 In his eye pupil revealed the intense not willingly color, but that in the eyes divine light was actually more and more dim, finally finally coagulated motionless. 他的眼眸之中流露出了强烈的不甘心之色,但是那眼中神光却是越来越黯淡,最终终于凝固不动。 One generation of powerhouse Nine Layers Heaven, after being far away from the western Fang Family garden, finally falls from the sky with Southern Sea above! 一代强者九重天,在远离了西方家园之后,终于陨落与南海之上! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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