MG :: Volume #6

#290: The world changes

The same Light and Dark strength, simultaneously appeared in a pair of hand of He Yiming. 同样的光明和黑暗的力量,同时出现在了贺一鸣的一双手上。 The strength of his light came from place of samsara the sea of light, the strength of his darkness came from Ghost Cry Mountain Range of central great plains. Life and Death Area or Ghost Cry Mountain Range, are the previously Divine Dao people personally construction places. In there, they have left behind corresponding strength of god, but has experienced there dangerous He Yiming, will actually change into several to have. 他的光之力来自于轮回之地的光之海,他的暗之力来自于中央大平原的鬼哭岭。无论是生死界还是鬼哭岭,都是昔曰神道中人亲手建造的地方。在那里,他们留下了相应的神之力量,而经历过那里险恶的贺一鸣,却将之化为几有。 If before, He Yiming is also not necessarily able to release in this manner this Strength of Light and Dark, however in his at present, has a best example, induces the strength fluctuation of Strength of Light and Dark, these two strengths above He Yiming both hands is melting unexpectedly also in a same way. 如果是以前,贺一鸣也未必能够将这光暗之力以这种方式释放出来,但是在他的眼前,却有着一个最好的榜样,感应着光暗之力的力量波动,贺一鸣双手之上的这两种力量竟然也在以一种相同的方式相融着。 If Western these two topest powerhouses after seeing this, they will certainly feel deep shock. 若是西方的这两位最顶尖儿的强者在看到了这一幕之后,他们一定会感到深深的震撼。 This was Chaos Dantian special ability, if did not have this to hold all strengths piece of Chaos, then He Yiming, even if were having Light and Dark Physique in legend, not possibly easily achieved this Realm certainly. 这就是混沌丹田的特殊能力了,若是没有这能够容纳一切力量的一片混沌,那么贺一鸣纵然是拥有着传说中的光暗之体,也绝无可能轻易达到这种境界 Naturally, if no Chaos Dantian, he possibly has not succeeded in this moment on the promotion Mortal Dao peak. 当然,若是没有混沌丹田,他也没有可能成功的在这一刻就晋升人道巅峰了。 The huge pressure has released from the front of Western two powerhouses, when two Mortal Dao peak powerhouses the most formidable strength will release after this special way, powerful ability formidable not being able imagine that they erupt. 庞大的威压从西方两位强者的面前释放了出来,当两位人道巅峰强者将最强大的力量以这种特殊的方式释放出来之后,他们所爆发出来的威能强大的不可想象。 Staff of Light, Dark Chains...... 光明之杖,黑暗锁链…… These two Divine Item's copy simultaneously go toward the He Yiming point. 这两件仿制神器同时朝着贺一鸣点去。 In his front space raising a strange fluctuation, the mutual hit of these two strength, has caused Space Strength variation unexpectedly unexpectedly. 在他面前的空间竟然泛起了一丝奇异的波动,这两者力量的相互撞击,竟然已经引起了空间力量变异 The He Yiming eye hides a beat, this is the Divine Dao strength, passed through the suppressed Divine Dao strength absolutely. 贺一鸣的眼皮子一阵跳动,这是神道的力量,绝对是经过了压制的神道力量。 Because only has strength of god to initiate Space Strength variation. 因为唯有神之力量才能够引发空间力量变异 The strength that if He Yiming and other Nine Layers Heaven expert grasp now is just equal to turning on the Divine Dao key, after that Strength of Light and Dark unifies, they can release to have some invincible mights true divine power. 如果说如今贺一鸣九重天高手所掌握的力量只不过是相当于开启神道的钥匙,那么当光暗之力结合之后,它们就已经能够释放出拥有部分神威的真正神力了。 He Yiming in the heart suddenly, no wonder Underworld Old Ancestor does not return has left, because his deep understands this strength formidable and does not have to resist. 贺一鸣心中恍然,怪不得黄泉老祖头也不回的就走掉了,因为他深深的明白这种力量的强大和无可抵御。 Underworld Old Ancestor said right, wants to cope with this strength, only if before light and dark has not fused scatters it, once otherwise makes them unify, that again did not have this opportunity. 黄泉老祖说的没错,想要对付这种力量,除非是在光与暗尚未融合之前就将其打散,否则一旦让他们结合,那就再也没有这个机会了。 Because after Light and Dark Fusion, is a strength of higher level, in this strength front, even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse must yield and withdraw. 因为光暗合璧之后,就是一种更高层次的力量,在这种力量的面前,哪怕是人道巅峰的强者也要退避三舍。 However, on this time He Yiming face not startled not happy, he observes indifferently, the strength on palm also proliferated unexpectedly, covers Bai Lingba (108) and white horse. 不过,此时的贺一鸣脸上无惊无喜,他冷眼相观,手掌上的力量竟然也是扩散了出去,将百零八白马笼罩在内。 The He Yiming around the body space shook fiercely, had 12 magnitude of earthquakes like his here space, was here nearby were likely many a big vortex, must go in his to absorb completely. 贺一鸣身周的空间剧烈的震荡了起来,就像他这里的空间发生了12级的大地震,又像是这里的附近多了一个大漩涡,要将他完全吸纳进去似的。 However, in his around the body, towering were many 1-layer light and dark knot, this strength is exactly the same as the strength that the Western two powerhouses unify unexpectedly. 然而,在他的身周,突兀的多了一层光与暗的结界,这种力量竟然与西方两位强者所结合的力量如出一辙。 Although the surrounding turbulence is fierce, looks like wish of mixer crushes all. However, these strengths, once has met He Yiming knot, immediately returned to normal, did not have including the fluctuation. 周围的动荡虽然厉害,就像是一个搅拌机似的想要将一切都粉碎掉。但是,这些力量一旦遇到了贺一鸣身上的结界,顿时就平复了下来,连一点儿的波动也没有了。 Under this considerable strength protection, even if surrounding ever changing, He Yiming as before is as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, does not see vacillates slightly. 在这相当的力量守护之下,哪怕周围千变万化,贺一鸣依旧是稳如泰山,不见丝毫动摇。 Franklin and Garfield complexion became extremely strange, in their in the eyes, has the intense restlessness, panic-stricken, but also has the deep unbelievable look. 弗兰克林加菲尔德的脸色已经变得万分古怪,在他们的眼中,有着强烈的不安,惊恐,还有着深深的难以置信的眼神。 Light dark power of god, how do you achieve?” Franklin muttered is saying. “光暗神之力,你是如何做到的?”弗兰克林喃喃的说着。 He has the Light and Dark Physique matter not to be strange regarding He Yiming, but He Yiming grasps clearly is divine power of earth. Such being the case, how he is simultaneously light dark power of god inspiration within the body? 他对于贺一鸣拥有着光暗之体的事情并不奇怪,但是贺一鸣所掌握的分明就是土之神力。既然如此,他又是如何同时将光暗神之力吸入体内的呢? In his within the body, can actually simultaneously hold three different Attribute strength of god. 难道在他的体内,竟然能够同时容纳三种不同属姓神之力量 Such strength has exceeded the Mortal Dao limit, feared that also only had the Divine Dao people in legend to be able to absorb over three types different strength of god. 这样的实力已经超出了人道的极限,怕是也唯有传说中的神道中人能够吸纳三种以上不同的神之力量了。 However, even if he simultaneously to absorb light and dark strength of god, but how is can fuse them is one? To achieve this point the difficulty, nobody compared these two Western powerhouses to be clearer again. 不过,就算他同时吸纳光与暗神之力量,但又是如何能够将它们融合为一的呢?想要做到这一点的难度,再也没有人比这两位西方强者更加清楚了。 He Yiming smiles, said: Light dark divine power is really formidable, you also taste.” 贺一鸣嘿嘿一笑,道:“光暗神力果然强大,你们也来尝尝吧。” His both hands ball, the around the body light and dark strength is turbulent immediately, wells up to go toward the opposite two people crazily. 他双手一弹,身周光与暗的力量顿时汹涌而出,朝着对面的二人狂涌而去。 That formidable strength just likes in half in the sky flaming chariot revolving, will soon be arriving at that moment of opposite party, even transformed a huge primal chaos design. 那强大的力量在半空中犹如风火轮般的旋转着,在即将到达对方的那一刻,甚至于幻化出了一个巨大的太极图案。 Five Elements unites to turn, Light and Dark Fusion can turn similarly. 五行合一可以为轮,光暗合璧同样可以为轮。 He Yiming uses for reference in the Five Elements Ring controlling technique unexpectedly, so melted these two strengths. 贺一鸣竟然是借鉴于五行环艹控手法,将这两股力量如此相融了。 Staff of Light and Dark Chains collaborate to select again, the primal chaos wheel that although releases He Yiming breaks, but their two around the body strengths formidable were also attacked. 光明之杖黑暗锁链再一次联手点出,虽然将贺一鸣所释放出来的太极轮打破,但是他们两位身周的力量也是受到了强大的冲击。 Thus it can be seen, He Yiming concentrates about the great strength of these two strengths, compare these two Western powerhouses to be stronger unexpectedly plan. 由此可见,贺一鸣所凝合的这两股力量之强大,竟然比这两位西方强者更强一筹。 in the eyes has flashed through a proud color, the law of this brand-new light dark union attack, is He Yiming originates absolutely, in his eyes is flashing formidable self-confident radiance, if this time fights with some Mortal Dao peak powerhouse again, he can certainly win. 眼中闪过了一丝骄傲之色,这种全新的光暗结合攻击之法,绝对是贺一鸣首创而出,他的眼中闪动着强大的自信光芒,若是自己此时再与某一位人道巅峰强者交手,他一定能够战而胜之。 Franklin and Garfield have looked one, their in the eyes are flashing dangerous radiance. In this moment, they had decided that must not hesitate the price destroys this young Mortal Dao peak thoroughly. 弗兰克林加菲尔德对望了一眼,他们的眼中闪动着危险的光芒。在这一刻,他们已经决定,要不惜代价的将这个年轻的人道巅峰彻底毁灭。 The huge light and dark strength be outspoken has released from their bodies, and was passing through to unify later to display more formidable powerful ability. 庞大的光与暗的力量从他们的身上毫无保留的释放了出来,并且在经过了结合之后发挥出了更加强大的威能 He Yiming brow micro wrinkle, although he looked through some mysteries of light and dark union, however opposite party absolute strength truly above him, moreover in their hands, but also has two light and dark Divine Item's copy, this is they can the real cause that own powerful ability in a big way displays. 贺一鸣眉头微皱,虽然他已经看破了光与暗结合的一些奥妙,但是对方的绝对实力确实在他之上,而且在他们的手上,还有着两件光与暗仿制神器,这才是他们能够将自身威能最大发挥出来的真正原因。 In this moment, He Yiming in the heart resented secretly, if he can also to absorb to Metal Element and Water Element power of god, then by his strength, will not dread two Western powerhouses absolutely. 在这一刻,贺一鸣心中暗自愤恨,若是他也能够吸纳金系水系神之力,那么就算是以他一人之力,也绝对不会畏惧两位西方强者。 However at this moment, in his heart is some faintly is actually scared. 但是此刻,他的心中却是有些隐隐发毛。 However, in his heart suddenly moves, in the mind Thought spreads the news that has made him be overjoyed suddenly, on the face of He Yiming, has been in full bloom the most gratified smiling face. 然而,他的心中豁然一动,脑海中意念陡然传来了一个让他大喜过望的消息,在贺一鸣的脸上,更是盛开了最为欣慰的笑容。 Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Thought told him, Divine Dao Ashen Relic child and 107 Venerable big Ashen Relic have carved up Ashen Relic of Puppet within the body, and regained the optimum condition. 神道凝血人意念已经告诉他,神道舍利子和107颗尊者的大舍利已经将傀儡体内的舍利子瓜分完毕,并且恢复到了最佳状态。 After obtaining Underworld Old Ancestor careful training has counted hundred years Ashen Relic child, looked like took vigorously Kanmaru, soft Solidified Blood Person once again became strong. 在得到了黄泉老祖精心培养数百年舍利子之后,就像是服用了大力神丸般,软绵绵的凝血人再度变得坚挺了起来。 Huge, the profound inconceivable strength spread from the seabed slowly. 一股庞大的,深邃的不可思议的力量从海底缓慢的蔓延了上来。 This is one is hard to imagine, is similar to mountain capping general huge pressure. When this pressure fills the air on this sea area, besides Bai Lingba (108), the hearts of other person of beasts vigorously is beating, they were occupied by this strength deep shock. 这是一股难以想象的,如同高山压顶一般的巨大气势。当这股气势弥漫在这一片海域上之时,除了百零八之外,其余人兽的心脏都是大力的跳动着,他们已经被这股力量深深的震撼住了。 The sea water breaks suddenly, a person slowly rose from the sea. 海水陡然破开,一个人缓缓的从海中升了上来。 On his body, does not have slight Light of Divine Weapon, does not have the slight strength to hover. However, his body is this slowly rose from the sea during the gaze of people. 在他的身上,没有丝毫的神兵之光,也没有丝毫的力量游动。但是,他的身体就是这样缓缓的在众人的注视之中从海中升了上来。 In feeling this inconceivable one, on Western the faces of two top powerhouses has been revealing the unbelievable facial features. 在感受着这不可思议的一幕,西方的两位顶尖强者的脸上都露出了难以置信的面容。 Imperial spatial flight...... impossible!” Franklin muttered is saying. “御空飞行……不可能!”弗兰克林喃喃的说着。 Does not reply on any Light of Divine Weapon strength to carry on the imperial spatial flight, this has the matter in legend merely. After Divine Dao Realm vanishes, this again has not presented in this world. 不借助任何神兵之光的力量来进行御空飞行,这仅仅是存在于传说中的事情。在神道境界消失之后,这一幕就再也没有出现过这个世界上了。 Including Treasure Pig and white horse Thunder Lightning, all people have a feeling of having a parched mouth. 包括宝猪白马雷电在内,所有人都是有着一种口干舌燥的感觉。 Moreover, the facial features people of this person are not strange, he was directed into Yu Family Old Ancestor in sea by He Yiming. 而且,这个人的面容众人都不陌生,他就是被贺一鸣一指点入了海中的宇家老祖 turned over the head slowly, Yu Family Old Ancestor that did not have a sentimental vision to fall the body of He Yiming. Although knew perfectly well that this is Puppet, moreover his Thought also has part in own mind, but He Yiming actually as before was felt one intensely to the chill in the air of extreme. 缓缓的转过了头,宇家老祖那没有一丝感情的目光落到了贺一鸣的身上。虽然明知这是一具傀儡,而且他的意念还有着一部分在自己的脑海之中,但贺一鸣却依旧是感受到了一股强烈的到了极点的寒意。 His scalp in unknowingly has exploded, the beat of heart even more quick several points. 他的头皮在不知不觉中炸了起来,心脏的跳动愈发的快捷了几分。 However his response is extremely similarly quick, without hesitation toward the way-point of Western that two powerhouse, said: Has killed them.” 不过他的反应同样极快,毫不犹豫的向着西方那两位强者的方向点了一下,道:“杀了他们。” The complexion of that two Western powerhouses changes, their faint discoveries, the change of Yu Family Old Ancestor as if has related with He Yiming, but they actually cannot think through, why this Puppet will obey the order of He Yiming unexpectedly, and rank of Puppet promoted incredible Realm all of a sudden. 那两位西方强者的脸色微变,他们隐隐的发现,宇家老祖的变化似乎与贺一鸣有所关系,但是他们却想不通,为何这个傀儡竟然会听从贺一鸣的命令,并且傀儡的等级一下子晋升到了令人难以置信的境界 Yu Family Old Ancestor returned to the head, he extended an arm without hesitation. 宇家老祖回归了头,他毫不犹豫的伸出了一只手臂。 Speed that his arm lifts is not fast, that moment when this arm starts to lift, entire heaven and earth started immediately changes...... Strength of World upwells toward the arm of Yu Family Old Ancestor at an unprecedented crazy speed. 他的手臂举起来的速度并不快,但是当这条手臂开始举起来的那一刻,整个天与地顿时开始变了……天地之力以一种前所未有的疯狂速度朝着宇家老祖的手臂上涌去。 This strength has not entered in his body, but arrived at around his arm, as if the most formidable army general, obeyed the order meticulously. 这股力量并没有进入他的身体之内,而是来到了他的手臂周围,仿佛最强大的军队一般,一丝不苟的听从了命令。 Above the sky, is strong winds writings, the dark cloud tumbles immediately, above the sea level, is the mighty waves is billowing immediately, the rough sea waves soar to the heavens. 天空之上,顿时是狂风大作,乌云翻滚,海面之上,顿时是波涛滚滚,巨浪冲天。 Is such flash, entire world by inconceivable degree variation. 仅仅是那么的一瞬间,整个天地都在以一种不可思议的程度变异者。 Is that short has lifted among that breaths of arm, surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) Strength of World like this gathered the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor before the indescribable speed unexpectedly. 仅仅是那么短短的抬起了手臂的那一息之间,方圆百里的天地之力竟然就这样以无法形容的速度汇聚到了宇家老祖的身前。 His that arm is heavy like Mount Tai, the arm that raises high is similar to the machete whereabouts general has chopped toward the front...... 他的那条手臂重如泰山,那高高举起的手臂如同大砍刀下落一般的朝着前方砍了下去…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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