MG :: Volume #6

#289: The light combines and complements one another darkly

Present light raising a slight fluctuation, He Yiming induced a tremendous strength to proliferate to come from the front once again immediately. 眼前的光明再度泛起了一丝轻微的波动,贺一鸣立即感应到了一股巨大的力量从前方扩散而来。 That is the strength of light, moreover was one type compared with former more formidable strength of light. 那是光的力量,而且是一种远比以前更加强大的光明之力 Under collaborations of two Mortal Dao peak powerhouses, the bright and dark strength melted to display more formidable powerful ability unexpectedly. 在两位人道巅峰强者的联手之下,光明与黑暗的力量相融竟然发挥出了更加强大的威能 The He Yiming complexion slightly changes, his static feeling this powerful ability, in the heart is sending faintly coldly. 贺一鸣的脸色微微一变,他静静的感受着这股威能,心中隐隐发寒。 However similarly, this strength is formidable, in his heart also even more somewhat anticipated. 不过同样的,这股力量越是强大,在他的心中也就愈发的有些期待了起来。 Because in his Chaos Dantian, and not only has Five Elements power of god, but also same is having the Light and Dark strength. If there are toward one day, he can also grasp this letting Light and Dark to join up, and displays bigger powerful ability special martial skill, that can also achieve this and other frightening situations. 因为在他的混沌丹田之内,并不仅仅有着五行神之力,还同样的拥有着光明和黑暗的力量。若是有朝一曰,他也能够掌握这种让光明和黑暗联合起来,并且发挥出更大威能的特殊武技,那岂不是也能够达到这等令人恐惧的地步了。 Although he when promoting Nine Layers Heaven, once made Strength of Light and Dark jointly merge into one organic whole, but that also is only melts, does not have strength exaggeration that thus and such and such at this time two Mortal Dao peak release. 虽然他在晋升九重天之时,曾经让光暗之力联合融为一体,但那也仅是相融而已,却远没有此时两位人道巅峰所释放出来的力量如此这般的夸张。 Thunder Lightning, whole-heartedly.” 雷电,全力以赴吧。” Along with these words, huge True Qi starts to past from He Yiming within the body, his hand has lifted slowly. radiance that releases from his hand similarly is not Five Elements Ring five colors radiance, but is that golden yellow Earth Element power of god. 随着这句话,庞大的真气贺一鸣的体内开始流转,他的手缓缓的举了起来。从他手上所释放的光芒同样不是五行环五彩光辉,而是那金黄色的土系神之力 Although has many different strength of god in his within the body, but He Yiming is most experienced regarding the utilization of divine power of earth, therefore in this moment, his without hesitation has released this most familiar strength of god. 虽然在他的体内有着多种不同的神之力量,但是贺一鸣对于土之神力的运用却是最有经验,所以在这一刻,他不假思索的将这股最熟悉的神之力量释放了出来。 The Ji Mo Fanshu wrist|skill wields, Cross-Sword vanished does not see, he is also putting out a hand of slowly, the scarlet has flashed before from his palm together. 吉摩凡殊手腕一挥,叉剑已经消失不见,他也是缓缓的伸出了手,一道血色从他的手掌上闪现了出来。 They know that light and dark these two types are similar to the needle-tip to the wheat awn, stood in two different violent strengths, if succeeded to melt, powerful ability that then released, definitely big to the situation that was unable to imagine. 他们都知道,光与暗这两种如同针尖对麦芒般的,站在了两个不同极端的力量若是成功相融,那么所释放出来的威能,肯定会大到了无法想象的地步。 Naturally, wish makes these two strengths succeed to melt, this is also easier said than done. So long as they give enough pressure before then, can perhaps undermine the balance between light and dark, making them instead encounter making a false counter-accusation of these two great powers. 当然,想要让这两种力量成功相融,这又谈何容易。只要他们在这之前给予足够的压力,或许就能够将光与暗之间的平衡打破,让他们两人反而遭到这两股强大力量的反噬。 white horse Thunder Lightning after obtaining the instruction of He Yiming, the body splashed immediately the purple electricity glow, that naked eye obvious electric arcs were rippling in its around the body, alarmed. 白马雷电在得到了贺一鸣的吩咐之后,身上顿时溅起了紫色的电芒,那一圈圈肉眼可见的电弧在它的身周荡漾着,令人触目惊心。 However sits well in white horse He Yiming and Treasure Pig is actually carefree and content, has not been under the impact of this strength. Thus it can be seen, white horse also has truly gone to most peak situation regarding Thunder Lightning control ability. 不过端坐在白马身上的贺一鸣宝猪却是悠然自得,根本就没有受到这股力量的冲击。由此可见,白马对于雷电的掌控能力确实也达到了最为巅峰的地步。 Cried loud and long from the He Yiming mouth together sends out, resounded with this howl together, entire in the sky has as if heard sound of the thundering. 一道长啸从贺一鸣的口中发出,随着这一道啸声响起,整个天空中似乎都传来了一道轰鸣之声。 Although this sound was inferior that Treasure Pig dragon might roars such stirring, but also is is similar to the bolt from the blue, is coordinating him and on white horse huge pressure, has a dignity. 虽然这股声音远不如宝猪龙威之吼那样的震撼人心,但也是如同晴天霹雳,配合着他与白马身上的庞大气势,别有一股威严。 Ji Mo Fanshu in the heart jumps slightly, has flashed through a thought rapidly quickly. This person was so young like this was formidable, then his step forever will stay in Nine Layers Heaven this Realm really? 吉摩凡殊心中微微一跳,迅快的闪过了一个念头。此人如此年轻就已经这样强大了,那么他的步伐真的会永远的停留在九重天这一境界么? Nine Layers Heaven is the Mortal Dao peak, the after physical ability of humanity to this Realm, is the development completely, impossible has the qualitative leap again. 只是,九重天已经是人道巅峰,人类的体能到了这一境界之后已经是开发殆尽,再也不可能有质的飞跃。 Only if beside Divine Dao in that legend, He Yiming the road of advance as if also same died of suffocation. 除非是那传说中的神道之外,贺一鸣的前进之路似乎也同样的被堵死了。 But, repeatedly creates youngster of miracle regarding this, actually could he find another exceedingly high Grand Dao (Main street)? 但,对于这个屡次创造奇迹的年轻人来说,他究竟能否找到另一条的通天大道呢? This thought in his mind unceasing is lingering, however his movement is not slow, with He Yiming divine power of earth, the white horse strong purple electricity same place, three formidable strengths simultaneously the light and dark world covers goes by Franklin and Garfield that impact toward that piece. 这个念头在他的脑海中不断的盘桓着,但是他的动作却丝毫不慢,与贺一鸣土之神力,白马的超强紫电一起,三股强大的力量同时朝着那一片被光与暗的世界所笼罩的弗兰克林加菲尔德冲击而去。 in the sky exploded huge radiance suddenly, He Yiming and the others strengths, although was formidable, but their quick has discovered that after that light and dark strength melted, turned into an immeasurably deep bottomless pit unexpectedly, inside as if contained the inexhaustible strength. 天空中骤然爆起了巨大的光芒,贺一鸣等人的力量虽然强大,但是他们很快的就发现了,当那光与暗的力量相融之后,竟然变成了一个深不可测的无底洞,里面似乎是蕴含了无穷无尽的力量。 Has refused to compromise in both sides a moment later, a huger strength counter-attacks, made He Yiming their in the heart raise unexpectedly a dangerous premonition. 在双方僵持了片刻之后,一股更加庞大的力量反击过来,竟然让贺一鸣他们的心中升起了一丝危险的预感。 As if by prior agreement, He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning and Ji Mo Fanshu simultaneously turn toward the rear area to fly general running away to go. 不约而同的,贺一鸣白马雷电吉摩凡殊同时向着后方飞一般的逃遁而去。 Instantaneous, a piece of huge light spread comes, such volume crosses Void that they have stood just now. The great strength of this strength, is unthinkable, as if compares three Mortal Dao peak the strengths also to plan greatly. 瞬间,一片巨大的光蔓延而来,就这样卷过了他们三人适才所站立的虚空。这股力量之强大,已经是匪夷所思,似乎比三位人道巅峰的力量还要更大一筹。 The He Yiming complexion is quite ugly, said: What is this?” 贺一鸣的脸色颇为难看,道:“这是什么?” Ji Mo Fanshu cold [say / way]: Light and Dark Fusion, they have completed.” 吉摩凡殊冷然道:“光暗合璧,他们已经完成了。” He Yiming in the heart moves greatly, said: „The Light and Dark Fusion strength so is unexpectedly strong, is unable to explain.” 贺一鸣心中大动,道:“光暗合璧的力量竟然如此强大,难道就无法破解么。” The Ji Mo Fanshu sound as before is ice-cold like the past: In Martial Dao of Western world, Light and Dark is the most formidable strength, several thousand years come, are not strength of light crush the darkness, are the dark strength crush the light. In this generation, Franklin is Light Physique, Garfield Dark Physique, therefore Light and Dark Strength in Western world has formed a rare balance.” He, continued saying: When the light and Dark Strength release from the Light and Dark Physique hand of Nine Layers Heaven, they have represented Western world most formidable Martial Dao. This is not we can explain.” 吉摩凡殊的声音依旧是冰冷如昔:“在西方世界的武道之中,光明和黑暗是最为强大的力量,数千年来的,不是光明的力量压倒黑暗,就是黑暗的力量压倒光明。在这一代,弗兰克林光之体,加菲尔德暗之体,所以西方世界中的光明和黑暗力量形成了一个难得的平衡。”他顿了顿,继续道:“当光明与黑暗力量九重天光暗之体手中释放出来的时候,他们就代表了西方世界最强大的武道。这已经不是我们能够破解的了。” He Yiming brow big wrinkle, said: Didn't have the means really?” His vision looked at one toward dispirited Treasure Pig on, if swallows white stone to the kid, should be able to let his quickly restoration compensation. 贺一鸣眉头大皱,道:“真的没办法了?”他的目光朝着萎靡的宝猪身上看了一眼,如果给小家伙吞食白石,应该能够让他很快的恢复全部力量吧。 As if saw the He Yiming thoughts, Ji Mo Fanshu has smiled cold, said: Only if days later Qi-Lian twin Demons can enter the step to Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven successfully, and collects complete Five Elements power of god, otherwise is unable to eradicate this Strength of Light and Dark Fusion.” 似乎是看出了贺一鸣的心思,吉摩凡殊冷然一笑,道:“除非曰后祁连双魔能够成功进阶到人道巅峰的九重天,并且收集齐全五行神之力,否则根本就无法破除这光暗合璧之力。” He Yiming eyebrows selects, said: Five Elements Physique, I have.” 贺一鸣双眉一挑,道:“五行之体,我也有。” Ji Mo Fanshu as before is the icy [say / way]: You have Five Elements Physique, but does not have Five Elements power of god, similarly is not good.” 吉摩凡殊依旧是冷冰冰的道:“你有五行之体,但并没有五行神之力,同样不行。” During the short several words, that light and dark strength returned to normal from the fierce fluctuation gradually, a huge strength blots out the sky to come, as if must grind all in this world completely. 短短的几句话之间,那光与暗的力量已经从剧烈的波动中逐渐的平复了下来,一股庞大的力量铺天盖地而来,似乎是要将这世界上的一切全部碾碎似的。 The Ji Mo Fanshu complexion changes, said: Brother He, the old man advances, said goodbye.” 吉摩凡殊的脸色微变,道:“贺兄,老夫先行一步,告辞。” He Yiming is startled, said hastily: „Can Old Ancestor this depart?” 贺一鸣微怔,连忙道:“老祖这就要离去了?” They when together, old man are helpless, but......” Ji Mo Fanshu sneers, said: They not throughout in the same place.” “他们两人在一起之时,老夫已是无能为力,不过……”吉摩凡殊冷笑一声,道:“他们不会始终在一起的。” The voice just fell, the personal appearance of this first under Heaven assassin started to rock continuously. Afterward, he is similar to the shell of chest cavity, flew from the midair to the sea. 话音刚落,这位天下第一刺客的身形已经开始连续晃动了起来。随后,他如同出膛的炮弹般,从半空飞向了大海之中。 Sea level at this moment is burning as before the raging flame, as if that float in sea level is not the sea water of stretching to the horizon, but is the oil that a pot seethes with excitement. 此刻的海面上依旧是燃烧着熊熊烈火,似乎那漂浮在海面上的并不是一望无垠的海水,而是一锅沸腾的油。 However, the Ji Mo Fanshu movement, he like this has passed through that fire blockade cleverly, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 但是,吉摩凡殊的动作灵巧之极,他就这样穿过了那大火封锁,瞬间消失不见。 He Yiming face look changes not measured imaginary that he is feeling the front gradually gentle Strength of Light and Dark, somewhat is quite indecisive. 贺一鸣的脸色变幻莫测,他感受着前方逐渐平缓的光暗之力,颇有些犹豫不决。 Although this time has collaborated one time with Underworld Old Ancestor, but he actually knows, oneself with this first under Heaven assassins, has the enmity that is hard to untie. If under this meet, did not have these two common enemies of Western powerhouses, perhaps should be one's turn them to resort to arms. 这一次虽然与黄泉老祖联手过一次,但他却知道,自己与这天下第一刺客之间,还是有着难以解开的仇怨。若是下此相遇,没有了这两位西方强者的共同敌人,或许就该轮到他们兵戎相见了。 At this time, He Yiming also wants reckless withdrawing to go, but the vision is staring at the sea level, in his eyes is glittering color of the hesitating in making a move. 此时,贺一鸣也想要不顾一切的脱身而去,但是目光凝视着海面,他的眼中还是闪烁着一丝举棋不定之色。 in his mind, familiar Thought is recovering slowly, and little start has enlivened. 在他的脑海中,一股熟悉的意念正在慢慢的复苏着,并且一点点的开始活跃了起来。 This is Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Thought, since the Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person main body entered in the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor, with hiding in Solidified Blood Person in that body started intensely to the swallowing motion of extreme. 这就是神道凝血人意念,自从神道凝血人的本体进入了宇家老祖的躯体之内后,就与隐藏在那具身体内的凝血人开始了强烈的到了极点的吞噬行动。 Their both sides want to swallow the opposite party, wants to absorb the strength of opposite party to expand oneself. 它们双方都想要将对方吞噬,都想要吸收对方的力量来壮大自身。 Solidified Blood Person that Ji Mo Fanshu refines although by the Garfield seal, however its strength therefore had not been weakened. Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person that He Yiming refines received in Life and Death Samsara the sea of light nearly in destroying the attack of surname, although in the Chaos Dantian inner absorption of He Yiming massive strengths, but can patch Ashen Relic, but the aura actually as before is weak. 吉摩凡殊所炼制的凝血人虽然被加菲尔德封印了,但是它本身的力量并没有因此而消弱。贺一鸣所炼制的神道凝血人生死轮回的光之海中受到了近乎于毁灭姓的打击,虽然在贺一鸣混沌丹田内吸收了大量的力量而得以修补舍利子,但本身的气息却依旧是孱弱不堪。 However, when these two different strengths in the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor meets, that sturdy Underworld Solidified Blood Person is unexpectedly basic on irresistibly He Yiming Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person. 但是,当这两股不同力量在宇家老祖的躯体内相遇之后,那身强力壮的黄泉凝血人竟然根本就无法抵抗贺一鸣神道凝血人 When Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person returned to the original condition, is centered on Divine Dao Ashen Relic, 107 Venerable big Ashen Relic simultaneously release pressure, immediately thorough suppressed Underworld Old Ancestor Solidified Blood Person, and easy the strengths in these Ashen Relic absorbing. 神道凝血人恢复了原状,以神道舍利子为中心,107颗尊者舍利同时将气势释放出来的时候,顿时彻底的将黄泉老祖凝血人压制了下去,并且轻而易举的就将那些舍利子之中的力量给吸收了过来。 Now, in the sea, He Yiming Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person is building up these strengths, and attempts to control Five Elements Physique that sees rarely. 如今,在大海之中,贺一鸣神道凝血人正在炼化这些力量,并且尝试着控制那具罕得一见的五行之体 He Yiming can induce, many 30 minutes, he can see own Puppet. 贺一鸣能够感应到,最多一刻钟,他就能够看到一个专属于自己的傀儡了。 In this case, he is not certainly willing same to wave to go with Underworld Old Ancestor. 在这种情况下,他当然不愿意和黄泉老祖一样挥手而去。 The in the sky shadow dodges, seven color radiance restrain in light of this. Bai Lingba (108) descended. 天空中黑影一闪,七彩光芒就此收敛。百零八已经降落了下来。 He walked.” Bai Lingba (108) tranquil saying. “他走了。”百零八平静的说道。 He Yiming naturally understands, Bai Lingba (108) said is Underworld Old Ancestor, thinks that by the strength of this person actually so dreaded this anything Light and Dark Fusion, his heart faintly tingles with numbness. 贺一鸣自然明白,百零八说的就是黄泉老祖,一想到以此人的实力竟然还是如此忌惮这什么光暗合璧,他的心头就是隐隐发麻。 Underworld Old Ancestor unexpectedly is not the entering the sea concealment whereabouts, elderly fisherman who after wanting makes that snipe freshwater mussel to contend, profits, but gave up all hatreds, at the maximum speed is far away from this place. 黄泉老祖竟然不是入海隐匿行踪,想要做那鹬蚌相争之后得利的渔翁,而是真的放弃了一切仇恨,以最快的速度远离此地。 Thus it can be seen, he has recognized, under Light and Dark Fusion of Western two powerhouses, He Yiming, even if the helper is numerous, is not their matches. 由此可见,他已经认定了,在西方两位强者的光暗合璧之下,贺一鸣纵然是帮手众多,也不是他们的对手。 cold snort|hum, He Yiming said: „It is not Light and Dark Fusion, making them have a look at my Light and Dark Fusion.” 冷哼了一声,贺一鸣道:“不就是光暗合璧么,让他们也看看我的光暗合璧吧。” His palm turns, surged from his right-hand man respectively a formidable strength. 他手掌一翻,从他的左右手上各自涌起了一股强大的力量。 Above the left hand is a dark gray color, but above the right hand, is actually light...... 左手之上是一片灰黑之色,而右手之上,却是一片光明…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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