MG :: Volume #6

#288: Entering the sea

A point gently, without any earthshaking pressure and pressure, looked like put out a hand gently has caressed forehead of younger generation, He Yiming right hand index finger in the Yu Family Old Ancestor forehead. 轻轻的一点,没有任何惊天动地的气势和威压,就像是伸出手轻轻的抚过了晚辈的额头似的,贺一鸣的右手食指点在了宇家老祖的眉心之间。 That whole body has been full of the ominous offense flavor up and down, as if treated as absolutely irreconcilable enmity Yu Family Old Ancestor unable to evade this sudden finger He Yiming unexpectedly. 浑身上下充满了凶戾味道,似乎将贺一鸣当做了不共戴天之仇的宇家老祖竟然没有躲得过这突如其来的一指头。 In this body hides a Solidified Blood Person Mortal Dao peak to come by a similar aura attraction, its instinct told it, if can similar swallow this, then its powerful ability can have inconceivable increase. This increase is not the ordinary enhancement, but is the evolution. 这位身体内隐藏着一个凝血人人道巅峰被一股同类的气息吸引而来,它的本能告诉它,若是能够将这个同类吞噬,那么它本身的威能就能够有不可思议的增加。这种增加并不是普通的提高,而是进化。 Evolves higher first-order existence, even can get rid of all bunches to wrestle, becomes a legend of time. 进化成更高一阶的存在,甚至于能够摆脱一切束搏,成为一个时代的传说。 However, when Solidified Blood Person controlling Yu Family Old Ancestor arrived at the He Yiming side, Solidified Blood Person of its within the body suddenly discovered that under the suppression of opposite party that type of strange aura, it is unable to make any movement unexpectedly again and responds. 但是,当被凝血人艹控宇家老祖来到了贺一鸣的身边之时,它体内的凝血人突然发现,在对方那种奇异气息的压制之下,它竟然再也无法做出任何的动作和反应了。 This looks like in the nature, when the absolute weak one in seeing to be able effortlessly the powerhouse who they hunt and kill, itself will frighten the truth that is unable to move again to be the same. 这就像是在自然界中,绝对的弱者在见到能够毫不费力将它们猎杀的强者之时,本身就会吓得再也无法动弹的道理一样。 By frog move that no longer the poisonous snake observes closely, was not revolted against swallowing of leeway to fall by the poisonous snake until them. 被毒蛇盯住的青蛙会愣愣的不再动弹,直到它们被毒蛇毫无反抗余地的吞食掉。 At this moment has such terror feeling in Solidified Blood Person of Yu Family Old Ancestor within the body. 此刻在宇家老祖体内的凝血人正是有着这样的恐怖感觉。 On the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor, has massive dark secret technique that Garfield arranges, Thought relation of between these secret technique Solidified Blood Person and Ji Mo Fanshu shut off completely. Therefore Ji Mo Fanshu does not know that actually to have any accident on the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor. 宇家老祖的身上,有着加菲尔德所布置的大量的黑暗密法,这些密法凝血人吉摩凡殊之间的意念联系给完全切断了。所以吉摩凡殊并不知道在宇家老祖的身上究竟发生了什么变故。 Similarly, why Garfield cannot guess correctly Yu Family Old Ancestor to go crazy suddenly. 同样的,加菲尔德也猜不出宇家老祖为何会突然发疯。 However they have not thought similarly, this matter will be unexpectedly related with He Yiming, because change has gone beyond beyond the cognition categories of all people. 不过他们同样没有想到过,这件事情竟然会与贺一鸣有关,因为这其中的变化已经超出了所有人的认知范畴之外。 The aura that He Yiming both eyes none remaining twinkle, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person releases actually attracted Yu Family Old Ancestor, and is approaching his moment instead to be made by Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person. 贺一鸣双目精光闪烁,神道凝血人所释放出去的气息竟然将宇家老祖吸引了过来,并且在接近他的那一刻反而被神道凝血人所制。 Reason that at this time, He Yiming guessed correctly Yu Family Old Ancestor can be refined Puppet, should be also related with Solidified Blood Person. If not so, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person also impossible of oneself within the body after hearing Yu Family Old Ancestor howling sound had the sign of recovery, and first initiative release the so strange aura came a move of bee to direct the butterfly. 在这时候,贺一鸣已经猜出了宇家老祖之所以能够被炼制成傀儡,应该也与凝血人有关。若非如此,自己体内的神道凝血人不可能在听到宇家老祖嚎叫声之后有了复苏的迹象,并且第一次主动的释放出了如此奇异的气息来招蜂引蝶了。 in the heart towering surged a strange thought that He Yiming clear awareness, this is not Thought that his in the mind produces, request that but the deep sleep more than one year of Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Thought has transmitted from his in the mind. 心中突兀的涌起了一个怪异的念头,贺一鸣清楚的知道,这并不是他脑海中所产生的意念,而是从他脑海中所沉睡了一年多的神道凝血人意念所传达出来的请求。 , He Yiming stretched out finger without hesitation, knocked in arrived at his front to the point of advantage, suddenly turned into klutz Yu Family Old Ancestor the place of forehead. 不假思索的,贺一鸣伸出了手指,敲到好处的点在了来到他的面前,突然变成了木头人的宇家老祖的眉心之处。 Red radiance dodges, Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person in his Dantian from the place of this point being connected transmitted in the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor unexpectedly. 红色的光芒一闪,在他丹田内的神道凝血人竟然从这一点相连之处传送到了宇家老祖的身体之内。 The time as if has stopped in this time that the flash, even if is carrying on the two Dark Element big shots of war of life and death both were involuntary a little energy to disperse. 时间似乎在这此时停顿了那么一瞬间,哪怕是正在进行生死之战的两位黑暗系大佬都是身不由己的将一点儿的精力分散了出去。 All people saw...... 所有人都看到了…… Yu Family Old Ancestor is similar to the lunatic flushes away toward He Yiming generally, but He Yiming puts out a hand, afterward this topest Mortal Dao peak Puppet toward Yu Family Old Ancestor like this stays in half in the sky that flash. 宇家老祖如同疯子一般朝着贺一鸣冲去,而贺一鸣朝着宇家老祖伸手一点,随后这位最顶尖的人道巅峰傀儡就这样停留在半空中那么一瞬间。 His body dropped toward the sea. In the place of his forehead, a finger size cave entrance is glittering the bright red blood light, made a person in the heart round of cold profoundly. 紧接着,他的身躯就朝着海中跌落了下去。在他的眉心之处,一个手指头大小的洞口闪烁着鲜红的血光,深邃的令人心中发寒。 Underworld Old Ancestor and Garfield have almost simultaneously roared. 黄泉老祖加菲尔德几乎同时怒吼了一声。 Their what kind cultivation level, is Thought sweeps merely understands that did not have the least bit life aura above this Puppet again. 他们两个人何等修为,仅仅是意念一扫就已经明白,在这具傀儡之上已经是再也没有了半点儿的生命气息。 He Yiming the directs, interrupts all vitalities of this Puppet within the body unexpectedly completely, including has not stayed behind. 贺一鸣的这一指点出,竟然将这具傀儡体内的所有生机全部截断,连一点儿也未曾留下。 Although they do not know that actually He Yiming how achieves, formidable why will unable to think of this finger of prestige so to inconceivable. 虽然他们并不知道贺一鸣究竟是如何做到的,也想不到这一指之威为何会如此的强大至不可思议。 However, these two dark big shots understand, this Puppet thorough discarding. 但是,这两位黑暗大佬都明白,这具傀儡彻底的废掉了。 And Ji Mo Fanshu grieved such as twists, because he felt, in own in the mind that group seemed the deep sleep Solidified Blood Person Thought started to dissipate. 其中吉摩凡殊更是心痛如绞,因为他感觉到了,在自己脑海中的那一团仿佛是沉睡着的凝血人意念已经开始消散了。 Lost the contact in Yu Family Old Ancestor, when Garfield controls, his in the mind that rolls Solidified Blood Person Thought is just similar to the deep sleep of hibernation. But, in this moment, this Thought actually starts to dissipate. 宇家老祖失去了联系,被加菲尔德控制之时,他脑海中的那团凝血人意念只不过如同冬眠的沉睡着。可是,在这一刻,这点儿意念却开始消散。 This middle difference has represented anything, but he is clear. 这中间的差别代表了什么,他可是一清二楚。 In the mouth has sent out one incisively, has filled hatred sharp roar. 口中发出了一道尖锐的,充满了怨毒的厉啸 This loss was really too big, was not only he most outstanding descendant Hao Xue death, used Puppet that Solidified Blood Person trained also similarly dead to vanish including his untold hardships. 这一次的损失实在是太大了,不仅仅是他最杰出的后代郝血死亡,连他千辛万苦使用凝血人培养出来的傀儡也是同样身亡消失了。 Yu Family Old Ancestor the Puppet, but that Solidified Blood Person is actually he counts the painstaking care that hundred years embodies to be, once dissipates, regarding his big of attack, truly is hard to imagine. 宇家老祖的这个傀儡也就罢了,但那个凝血人却是他数百年所凝聚的心血所在,一旦消散,对于他的打击之大,确实是难以想象。 Suddenly, in his heart surged the limitless anger, but makes him vent this anger object is actually not He Yiming, but present Western dark alliance head. 一时间,在他的心中涌起了无边无际的愤怒,而让他发泄这股怒火的对象却并不是贺一鸣,而是眼前的西方黑暗议长 If were not Garfield has kidnapped Puppet, how also to have this beyond any help evil consequence. 如果不是加菲尔德劫持了傀儡,又岂会发生这许多无可挽回的恶果。 Getting rid of Ji Mo Fanshu even more ruthlessly has burnt, on his body unexpectedly faint has appeared scarlet radiance. That moment when this radiance flashes before, gave the person to bring the inexhaustible huge pressure immediately. 吉摩凡殊的出手愈发的狠辣了,在他的身上竟然隐隐的现出了一丝血色的光芒。当这道光芒闪现出来的那一刻,顿时给人带来了无穷无尽的巨大威压。 The complexion big change of Garfield, he calls out in alarm one: divine power of blood.” 加菲尔德的脸色大变,他惊呼一声:“血之神力。” Formerly although their preying were crisis-ridden, but both sides holding back one trick as if by prior agreement, will not actually have pressed the bottom strength of god to release. 先前他们的搏杀虽然危机四伏,但双方却不约而同的留了一手,没有将压箱底的神之力量释放出来。 However at this moment, does not know that actually Ji Mo Fanshu has sent any insanity, planned to use including strength of god unexpectedly. 但是此刻,也不知道吉摩凡殊究竟发了什么疯,竟然连神之力量都打算动用了。 Once two topest Mortal Dao peak powerhouses start to use respective power of god, that explained both sides are genuine did not die continuous, must branch out a life and death. 一旦两位最顶尖的人道巅峰强者开始动用各自的神之力,那就说明双方是真正的不死不休,非要分出一个生死了。 Faced this as if to lose the sane first under Heaven assassin, Garfield in the heart sprouted to draw back intent finally. 面对着这位仿佛是失去了理智的天下第一刺客,加菲尔德心中终于萌生了一丝退意。 Dies to spell with a lunatic, this regarding him, seems not a wise choice. 与一个疯子死拼,这对于他来说,似乎并不是一个明智的选择。 Under the personal appearance flashes continuously, Garfield is similar to spirit snake general running away goes, he flies in the Franklin direction, simultaneously shouted to clear the way in the mouth fierce: Collaborates.” 身形连续闪动之下,加菲尔德已经是如同一条灵蛇一般的逃窜而去,他朝着弗兰克林的方向飞去,同时在口中厉声喝道:“联手。” Franklin is cloudy the face, when Yu Family Old Ancestor attacks He Yiming, in his heart has filled liking, but also thinks that Garfield in wins with the Underworld Old Ancestor battle, therefore director Puppet attacks He Yiming. However afterward he was not true immediately clearly. 弗兰克林阴沉着脸,在宇家老祖袭击贺一鸣之时,他的心中充满了欢喜,还以为加菲尔德在与黄泉老祖的争斗中获胜而出,所以指挥傀儡袭击贺一鸣。但是随后他立即明白并非如此了。 Yu Family Old Ancestor does not resist ability unexpectedly was directed the broken forehead by He Yiming, and has fallen into the sea, such accident is really makes one be hard to accept. 宇家老祖竟然是毫无抵抗能力的就被贺一鸣一指点破眉心,并且跌入了大海之中,这样的变故实在是令人难以接受。 At this moment, saw Garfield to give up the alliance head dignity, before arriving at his body, unexpectedly requested to collaborate on own initiative, this Western Temple Your Holiness the Pope without hesitation has selected under one. 此刻,见加菲尔德放弃了议长的尊严,竟然来到了他的身前主动请求联手,这位西方神殿教皇陛下毫不犹豫的点了一下头。 The strength that He Yiming and Underworld Old Ancestor and the others added is truly huge, if not use that move, only feared that today only had the rout to turn over. 贺一鸣黄泉老祖等人加起来的实力确实庞大,如果不动用那一招,只怕今曰唯有大败而归了。 Staff of Light has placed the front averagely, that stick head light scatters, in as if entire world came from by this does not know where light covered. 光明之杖平平的放在了胸前,那杖头上光明四溅,似乎整个天地间都被这一股来自于不知何方的光明所笼罩了。 Garfield that skinny body was similar to a Malaysian monkey arrived at the Your Holiness the Pope side, his body rocked slightly, the vague heavy line appeared in the radiance middle together. 加菲尔德那干瘦的身躯如同一只大马猴般的来到了教皇陛下的身边,他的身体微微晃动,一道若有若无的黑线出现在光芒的中间。 However, this shadow with has not competed for the shining world brightly the authority, it tight along with bright step, has thrown down own shadow in the gloomy corner. 不过,这股影子并没有与光明争夺照耀天下的权力,它紧紧是随着光明的步伐,在阴暗的角落中投下了自己的影子。 It looks like with the bright and fresh dark shade, although does not have dazzling of light, but this type hides in strength in secret makes the person palpitation. 它就像是伴随着光明而生的黑暗之影,虽然没有光的耀眼,但这种隐藏在暗中的力量却是更加的令人心悸。 Light and shade, when brightly and links dark, combined one mysterious strength unexpectedly. 光和影,当光明与黑暗联系在一起的时候,竟然组合成了一种神奇的力量。 This strength no longer is mutual engender(ing) repels one another, but complements one another, has formed a perfect whole. 这种力量已经不再是相生相克,而是相辅相成,形成了一个完美的整体。 This light and dark world has not stabilized, seems carrying on fumble and fusion slowly. However so, the great strength of powerful ability releases from this light dark world, is lets the people for it palpitation. 只是,这个光与暗的世界尚未稳定,似乎正在进行慢慢的摸索和融合。不过就算如此,从这个光暗世界中所释放出来的威能之强大,也是让众人为之心悸不已。 The He Yiming complexion slightly changes, that wanted to continue to go forward to go all out also to Ji Mo Fanshu that Garfield struck to kill also stop. 贺一鸣的脸色微微一变,就连那想要继续上前拼命也要将加菲尔德击杀的吉摩凡殊也停了下来。 Although in his heart wishes one could to tear to shreds dark alliance head, however his reason remains, knows, if goes forward at this time rashly, only feared by tearing to shreds will not be Garfield, but was he. 他的心中虽然恨不得将黑暗议长碎尸万段,但是他的理智尚存,知道若是此时莽撞上前,只怕被碎尸万段的不会是加菲尔德,而是他本人了。 Light and Dark Fusion, hey......” Ji Mo Fanshu cold [say / way]: Brother He, we collaborate, how eradicates this Light and Dark Fusion.” 光暗合璧,嘿嘿……”吉摩凡殊冷然道:“贺兄,我们联手,将这光暗合璧破除如何。” He Yiming naturally cannot have any opposition, his sinking sound track: Old Ancestor has what respected opinion.” 贺一鸣自然不会有任何反对,他沉声道:“老祖有何高见。” Light and Dark Fusion is Western most formidable martial skill, in Flower of Five Elements Grand Samsara with our Eastern world is the same.” In the Ji Mo Fanshu sound is bringing a light unwillingness: „To eradicate their Light and Dark world, must crush the surname the strength to be good.” 光暗合璧西方最强大的武技,就和我们东方世界中的五行大轮回之花一样。”吉摩凡殊的声音中带着一丝淡淡的不甘:“想要破除他们的光明和黑暗世界,就必须要拥有压倒姓的力量才行。” He Yiming is startled, when facing two Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, and in their hands has imitates Divine Weapon, wants to find to crush the surname the strength, this is almost the impossible matter. 贺一鸣微怔,在面对两位人道巅峰的九重天,并且在他们的手中都有着仿制神兵之时,想要找到压倒姓的力量,这几乎就是不可能的事情。 Our three can collaborate to attempt.” Ji Mo Fanshu cold [say / way]: If Your Excellency Treasure Pig can also release time Nine Dragons Unites, that had confidence.” “我们三个可以联手尝试一下。”吉摩凡殊冷然道:“如果阁下宝猪还能够释放一次刚才的九龙合一,那就更有把握了。” Is experiencing that strikes, Ji Mo Fanshu that earthshakingly Treasure Pig had released a moment ago acknowledged the Treasure Pig strength. 在见识到了刚才宝猪所释放出来的那惊天动地的一击,吉摩凡殊已经承认了宝猪的实力。 Although this strength is unable to be lasting, but uses at crucial moments, has the formidable function that plans unable to think. 虽然这种力量无法持久,但在关键时刻使用出来,却是有着意想不到的强大作用。 He Yiming smiles bitterly, said: Treasure Pig just released, basic began on impossible once more.” 贺一鸣苦笑一声,道:“宝猪刚刚释放完毕,根本就不可能再次动手了。” Ji Mo Fanshu in the eyes flashed through one to regret the color, he also saw that in the heart had also had a scare, the condition of after seeing Treasure Pig dropping, he knows that these time only feared could not count on Treasure Pig Nine Dragons Unites, but now looks like, his premonition point right. 吉摩凡殊眼中闪过了一丝惋惜之色,他也看到了那一幕,心中亦是吓了一跳,但是在见到了宝猪跌落的状况之后,他就知道,这一次只怕指望不上宝猪九龙合一了,而如今看来,他的预感一点没错。 Long sighed, Ji Mo Fanshu once again calm, his sinking sound track: We collaborate by the most formidable strength attack, hopes to be able before they form the true Light and Dark world, beats them.” 长叹了一口气,吉摩凡殊再度冷静了下来,他沉声道:“我们联手以最强大的力量攻击吧,希望能够在他们结成真正的光明和黑暗世界之前,将他们斩于马下。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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