MG :: Volume #6

#287: The hemoglutination person recovers

The roar of huge dragon might with formidable to toward Franklin that the inconceivable Fire Element strength blots out the sky swarms to go. 巨大的龙威之吼伴随着强大至不可思议的火系力量铺天盖地的朝着弗兰克林蜂拥而去。 In this moment, Temple Your Holiness the Pope even has such one feeling, that was at present this small Saint Beast as if intentionally does this to tempt him to be swindled. 在这一刻,神殿教皇陛下甚至于有着这样的一种感觉,那就是眼前这头小圣兽似乎是故意这样做来引诱他上当似的。 When Nine Dragons Unites, powerful ability that giant fire dragon sends out is how terrifying, strength of fire he of surging forward also for it palpitation. Moreover in that raging flame, but also has to be able Venerable to stun the past formidable dragon might howling. powerful ability when all these joining up, releases has exceeded a Mortal Dao peak limit unexpectedly. 九龙合一之时,那条巨大火龙所散发出来的威能何其恐怖,汹涌澎湃的火之力就连他也是为之心悸不已。而且在那熊熊烈火之中,还有着能够将尊者都震晕过去的强大龙威的吼叫声。在这一切联合起来的时候,所释放出来的威能竟然已经超过了一位人道巅峰的极限。 Nine Layers Heaven is called the Mortal Dao peak, that was said that their strengths have gone to the limit situation that humanity can go. Moreover this 1-layer time strength was also is next to the strength under Divine Dao, perhaps even if in all top Saint Beast in society, they can surpass the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse in the strength total quantity, however were most in the strength level is also about the same. 九重天被称为人道巅峰,那是说他们的力量已经达到了人类能够达到的极限地步。而且这一层次的力量也是仅次于神道之下的力量了,哪怕是在世间的所有顶尖圣兽,它们或许在力量的总量上能够超过人道巅峰强者,但是在力量的层次上最多也就是在伯仲之间。 If goes a step further again, that is the Divine Dao category, but in this world, did not have existence of Divine Dao possibly. 若是再进一步,那就是神道的范畴,而在这个世界上,已经是不容许有神道的存在了。 At this moment, the strength that sprays from the mouth of that giant fire dragon, although has not exceeded this limit the strength level, but actually exceeds the limit that single Nine Layers Heaven can reach. 此刻,从那条巨大火龙的口中所喷洒出来的力量,虽然没有超过这种极限的力量层次,但却超过了单个的九重天能够达到的极限。 The Nine Dragons Unites the strength of strength and dragon might roar , is not unexpectedly inferior in the strongest strength of Mortal Dao peak powerhouse. 九龙合一的力量和龙威之吼的力量,竟然都是不逊色于人道巅峰强者的最强力量。 Under these two complement one another, powerful ability that releases without hesitation fended to come including Franklin. 这两者相辅相成之下,所释放出来的威能弗兰克林都是不假思索的闪避了来开。 In this moment, in the heart infinite sorrow of Temple Your Holiness the Pope, He Yiming men and horse unites, is Nine Dragons Unites of this small piglet, seems not the strength that he can resist. 在这一刻,神殿教皇陛下心中无限的悲哀,无论是贺一鸣人马合一,还是这头小猪仔的九龙合一,似乎都已经不是他能够对抗的力量了。 The giant roar spreads by far, is reverberating in this stretch of the spacious place of sea area. 巨大的吼声远远传开,在这一片海域的空旷之地回荡着。 Two Dark Element big shots who the intense pressure is carrying on the life and death fight continually both had that the delay of flash. However the firmness of their will, are far from the average man can imagine. Slightly such, immediately once again has pestered in together. 强烈的威压连正在进行生死搏斗的两位黑暗系大佬都有了那么一瞬间的呆滞。不过他们的心志之坚,绝非常人能够想象。稍微的顿了那么一下,立即再度纠缠在一起了。 Just had shunted Franklin that fire dragon Breath and dragon might roared to shake the head, in his head was some feels dizzy as before faintly. 刚刚躲开了火龙吐息龙威怒吼的弗兰克林摇了摇头,他的脑袋中依旧是有些隐隐发晕。 The Treasure Pig compensation releases toward him, although his movement is extremely quick, has avoided central powerful ability, but completely shunts this vortex after all, same by certainly affect. 宝猪的全部力量都是朝着他释放的,虽然他的动作极快,避开了最中心的威能,但毕竟还是完全躲开这个漩涡,同样的受到了一定的波及。 After feeling the great strength of Treasure Pig, in his heart had backed down. 在感受到了宝猪的强大之后,他的心中已经打起了退堂鼓。 What fellows the He Yiming side is one group, these fellows cannot provoke absolutely. 贺一鸣的身边都是一群什么样的家伙啊,这些家伙绝对招惹不得。 His thought just flashed through, saw that half in the sky fire dragon blasts out suddenly, that innumerable star fire point proliferates in the entire islands and nearby sea area instantaneously. 他的这个念头刚刚闪过,就看到半空中的火龙骤然炸开,那无数的星星火点瞬间就遍布于整个岛屿和附近的海域。 That two docking the sea boat of shore lights in this hot rain immediately, and quick being reduced to ashes. On the entire island is similar to Asura hell is ordinary, the flowers and plants trees, the birds beast, is came from as for their these Western temporarily residing guest, fell into this sea of fire. 那两艘停靠的岸边的海船顿时在这一片火雨中点燃,并且很快的化为了灰烬。整个海岛上更是如同修罗地狱一般,无论是花草树木,飞禽走兽,乃至于他们这些来自于西方的暂住客人,都陷入了这一片火海之中。 The Franklin complexion is pale, but he even more dreaded regarding Treasure Pig. 弗兰克林的脸色铁青,但他对于宝猪愈发的忌惮了。 The accident that goes makes him big anticipation. 只是,接下去的变故却又让他大出意料。 Small Treasure Pig after rupturing fire dragon, was one has planted unexpectedly, although that movement was mammoth, but likely has actually used up its compensation, is unable to maintain again. 宝猪在爆裂了火龙之后,竟然是一头栽了下去,刚才的那番动作虽然是声势浩大,但却像是用光了它的全部力量,再也无法维持下去了。 white light dodges, He Yiming caught Treasure Pig steadily, in his heart sighs with emotion secretly, after experiencing the baptism of rock magma, present Treasure Pig also cancould be underestimated. 白光一闪,贺一鸣已经将宝猪稳稳接住,他的心中暗自感慨,在经历了岩浆的洗礼之后,如今的宝猪也是不容小觑了。 The Franklin complexion changes, he immediately without hesitation gets rid to assault. Now He Yiming is holding exhausted Treasure Pig, best opportunity that without doubt he gets rid. 弗兰克林脸色微变,他立即是毫不犹豫的出手抢攻。如今贺一鸣抱着筋疲力尽的宝猪,无疑正是他出手的最佳时机。 The He Yiming anger snort|hum, in hand golden yellow divine power of earth has pounded once again. 贺一鸣怒哼一声,手中金黄色的土之神力再度砸了过去。 Under the attack of power of god, Franklin only has the choice to yield and withdraw. 神之力的攻击之下,弗兰克林唯有选择退避三舍。 However, at this moment, them actually heard one to be full of the pain pitiful cry. 然而,就在此刻,他们却听到了一声充满了苦痛的凄惨叫声。 He Yiming has also been startled, this cry was really too stirring, because he has not heard to contain the sound of so painful calling out. 贺一鸣也是怔了一下,这一股叫声实在是太震撼人心了,因为他从来就没有听见过包含着如此痛苦的嚎叫之声。 Their vision look toward some place, there, Yu Family Old Ancestor both hands is holding the head, has sent out the pain from his mouth to the extreme sound unceasingly. 他们的目光都朝着某个地方看去,在那里,宇家老祖双手捧着头,从他的口中不断的发出了痛苦的到了极点的声音。 This is the Puppet sound, but is the Solidified Blood Person sound, passes crazy call that this Five Elements Physique has sent, was full of various types unable with the pain that the spoken language described. 这是傀儡的声音,但更是凝血人的声音,通过了这具五行之体所发出来的疯狂的呐喊,其中充满了各种无法用言语来形容的痛苦。 Faint, He Yiming complexion ugly. He discovered that in this moment, Underworld Old Ancestor as if got certain winning side. 隐隐的,贺一鸣的脸色难看了起来。他发现,在这一刻,黄泉老祖似乎占据了一定的上风。 Although between two Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses has not decided the victory and defeat, however in regarding competition of Puppet on, original master Ji Mo Fanshu actually slightly better. 虽然两位九重天强者之间并没有分出胜负,但是在对于傀儡的争夺上,原主人吉摩凡殊却还是略胜一筹。 After all, to refine this Puppet, Ji Mo Fanshu not only will cultivate has counted hundred years Solidified Blood Person to infiltrate, but also has exercised the several months by the essence and blood personally, the painstaking care of spending, is really countless. 毕竟,为了炼制这具傀儡,吉摩凡殊不但将自己培育了数百年凝血人打入其中,而且还亲自以精血锻炼了数月,其中所花费的心血,实在是不计其数。 Method that although Garfield uses, is the top methods that Darkness Union in several thousand years Inheritance gets down, when Solidified Blood Person powerful ability was awakened by Ji Mo Fanshu gradually, even if were dark world most formidable secret technique is unlikely to continue to control existence of this terror. 虽说加菲尔德所施展的手段,都是黑暗联盟数千年中传承下来的顶级手段,但是当凝血人威能逐渐被吉摩凡殊唤醒的时候,哪怕是黑暗世界最强大的密术都不太可能继续控制这恐怖的存在了。 * * * * ※※※※ He Yiming when uses divine power of earth to pound the person, does not have the frugal meaning slightly, this lets not give up with own light divine power is extremely depressed with Franklin that it puts together hardly. 贺一鸣在使用土之神力砸人的时候,丝毫也没有节约的意思,这让舍不得拿自己的光明神力与之硬拼的弗兰克林万分郁闷。 Formidable Your Holiness the Pope was suspecting that actually He Yiming is how can have such many divine power of earth, his whole person is divine power of earth constructs becomes? 强大的教皇陛下在怀疑,贺一鸣究竟是如何才能够拥有如此之多的土之神力,难道他整个人都是土之神力构筑而成的么? However he actually does not know that in He Yiming within the body, has many different strength of god, moreover in Chaos Dantian this special place, although has not gathered complete Five Elements power of god unable to achieve to grow continually, but the power of god total quantity, is the power of god restoration speed, is far from other Nine Layers Heaven can compare. 然而他却不知,在贺一鸣的体内,有着多种不同的神之力量,而且在混沌丹田这种特殊的地方,虽然尚未汇聚齐全的五行神之力无法做到生生不息,但无论是神之力的总量,还是神之力的恢复速度,都远非其余的九重天能够比拟。 Under this is also He Yiming puts in an appearance to display the strength of god reason immediately, he bullies the person with this higher 1-layer strength. 这也是贺一鸣一照面之下立即施展出神之力量的原因,他就是用这种更高一层的力量去欺负人。 Only has all Nine Layers Heaven hits cannot gain ground, does not dare to knock with him hardly, can vent completely his in the heart that foul odor. 唯有将所有的九重天们都打得抬不起头,不敢与他硬磕,才能够将他心中的那一口恶气全部发泄出来。 Before these Mortal Dao peak hit him distressedly to run away, now 30 years of east of the river 30 years of Hexi, should be one's turn him to hit other Mortal Dao peak flees like a scared rat. 以前这些人道巅峰打得他狼狈而逃,如今30年河东30年河西,也该轮到他将其余的人道巅峰们打得抱头鼠窜了。 When he finds time to pay attention in two dark big shots die to spell, in the heart indistinct somewhat self-satisfied, although this misunderstanding has is the coincidence causes to a great extent, but he merit that is an intermediary is also indispensable. 在他抽空关注于两位黑暗大佬死拼之时,心中隐约的有些得意,虽然这一次的误会有很大程度上是巧合引起的,但他在其中穿针引线的功劳也是不可或缺。 in his heart whispered secretly, hit hits is not the crime, earlier killed early reincarnation. 他的心中暗自嘀咕,打吧打吧不是罪,早点打死早投胎 If these two people can put together one to perish together, that was the most perfect result. Even if puts together a mutual wounds, he will not mind absolutely , during a chapter of snipe freshwater mussel contends with that fisherman. 如果这两个人能够拼一个同归于尽,那就是最为完美的结局了。就算是拼一个两败俱伤,他也绝对不会介意当一回鹬蚌相争之中的那位渔夫。 However, perhaps is because forsees the concomitant tragedy. 然而,或许是因为乐极生悲。 When Treasure Pig dragon might roars, when Yu Family Old Ancestor has also lifted the head, the start call of going all out, the He Yiming complexion changes immediately, in his heart yelled well, does not brandish the arm of Five Elements Ring is becoming worn out. 宝猪龙威之吼完毕,宇家老祖也抬起了头,拼命的开始呐喊之时,贺一鸣的脸色顿时大变,他的心中大叫不好,就连挥舞着五行环的手臂都变得有气无力了起来。 Because in his within the body, actually had an unexpected change. 因为在他的体内,竟然发生了一个意想不到的变化。 In Chaos Dantian, that has sunk Solidified Blood Person that cannot awake to start to move unexpectedly. 混沌丹田之中,那个一直沉睡不醒的凝血人竟然开始动弹了起来。 If by the strength intensity discussed that Solidified Blood Person has not been the degree that can recover. Why however does not know, after hearing the Puppet painful scream, Solidified Blood Person as if greatly was stimulated, but started becomes is ready to make trouble. 若是以本身的力量强度而论,凝血人还没有达到能够复苏的程度。但是不知为何,在听到了傀儡的痛苦喊叫声后,就连凝血人似乎都是大受刺激,而开始变得蠢蠢欲动了。 Such change same makes He Yiming be caught off guard, he does not even know why this is. 这样的变化同样的让贺一鸣措手不及,他甚至于不知道这是因何而起。 To war is overjoyed with his Franklin, when He Yiming divine power of earth falls into is worn out, he also thinks that He Yiming strength of god that saved within the body has released cleanly. 与他对战的弗兰克林不由地大喜过望,在贺一鸣土之神力陷入疲软之时,他还以为贺一鸣已经将体内积蓄的神之力量释放干净了。 After all, were too many in strength of god that today's He Yiming releases, Franklin does not dare to say a surname that can have no scruples so formidable strength of god will spend freely. 毕竟,在今天贺一鸣所释放的神之力量已经太多了,就连弗兰克林也不敢说能够毫无顾忌的一次姓将如此强大的神之力量挥霍一空。 However, when his in the heart chuckles to oneself, felt an unusual change proliferated from the body of He Yiming. 然而,正当他心中窃喜之时,却是感到了一种异常的变化从贺一鸣的身体中扩散了出来。 This is some type of aura, a very mysterious aura, but this type of aura made Your Holiness the Pope feel the unusual danger. 这是某种气息,一种非常神奇的气息,但是这种气息却让教皇陛下感到了异常的危险。 Yu Family Old Ancestor facial expression suddenly has tarried, he looks like a not any intelligent puppet person, came from the summon of Underworld Old Ancestor, came from Darkness Union secret technique, is unable to him effective. 宇家老祖的神情豁然呆住了,他就像是一个没有任何智慧的木偶人,无论是来自于黄泉老祖的召唤,还是来自于黑暗联盟密术,都无法对他奏效了似的。 in the heart of two dark powerhouses are startled, their faint thinking, definitely had some accident on the body of this Puppet, this makes them is unable controlling. 两位黑暗强者的心中都是大为吃惊,他们隐隐的觉得,在这个傀儡的身上肯定是发生了某种变故,这才让他们变得无法艹控 suddenly, this Puppet has made command all person puzzled matters. 豁然,这个傀儡做出了一件令所有人都大惑不解的事情。 He turns around unexpectedly, straight overran in the He Yiming direction. 他竟然转身,笔直的朝着贺一鸣的方向冲了过去。 At this moment, the Yu Family Old Ancestor face became because of the excessive pain twisted, his both eyes is flooding like the blood red. His whole person is lending a dangerous and crazy aura, even if had Light Stregth Franklin unable to bear in in the heart has hit a shiver. 此刻,宇家老祖的脸庞已经因为过度的痛苦而变得扭曲了起来,他的双目充斥着如血般的红色。他的整个人都散发着一种危险和疯狂的气息,哪怕是拥有着光明力量弗兰克林都是忍不住在心中打了一个寒噤。 Above white horse Single Horn Thunder Lightning winds around, seems momentarily must strike to the opposite party fatally. 白马独角之上雷电缭绕,似乎是随时要给对方致命一击。 Lay down escaped the strength Treasure Pig to lift the head in the He Yiming bosom reluctantly, in the small eye has been full of the color of doubt. 躺在贺一鸣怀抱中已经脱力的宝猪勉强抬起了脑袋,小眼睛中充满了狐疑之色。 He Yiming deeply inspired, he can induce clearly, Solidified Blood Person in within the body started to move, it followed the meridians to arrive above her finger unexpectedly. 贺一鸣深吸了一口气,他能够清晰地感应到,体内的凝血人已经开始移动了,它竟然循着经脉来到了自己的手指之上。 Although He Yiming did not understand that actually Bai Lingba (108) Ashen Relic child must how be able to reduce to this grade of situation, but this actually does not affect his movement. 虽然贺一鸣并不理解一百零八舍利子究竟要如何才能够缩小到这等地步,但这却并不影响他的动作。 Yu Family Old Ancestor has opened the mouth, his entire body becomes flame colors. 宇家老祖张大了嘴,他的整个身体都变得一片火红色。 The Garfield in addition held all bunches on him wrestles vanished in this moment, but this Puppet has not actually returned to Ji Mo Fanshu grasped, but gave up both hands by the indescribable courage, has opened the big mouth, bit toward the He Yiming nape of the neck. 加菲尔德加持在他身上的所有束搏都在这一刻消失了,但这个傀儡却并没有回归到吉摩凡殊的掌握,而是以无法形容的勇气放弃了双手,张开了大口,朝着贺一鸣的脖颈咬来。 , Stretched out a finger gently. 轻轻的,伸出了一根手指。 Looked like was passing through over ten thousand times drilling beforehand, this was passing the strange red finger, point gently above the Yu Family Old Ancestor forehead...... 就像是在事先经过了上万次的演练似的,这根透着诡异红色的手指,轻轻的点在了宇家老祖的眉心之上…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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