MG :: Volume #6

#286: Nine dragons unites

The formidable brown radiance overhead has pressed together, with this radiance, is together formidable is similar to the arm electric arc. 一道强大的土黄色光芒当头压了下来,伴随着这道光芒的,是一道强大的如同儿臂似的电弧。 Has on Franklin of Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven strength to glitter strength of light, however under these two's converging attack, he actually does not dare to make any strong resistance. 拥有着人道巅峰九重天实力的弗兰克林身上闪烁着光明的力量,但是在这两者的夹击之下,他却根本就不敢做出任何强硬的抵抗。 white horse Thunder Lightning is formidable, he had the experience of confrontation, regarding this is not strange. However the great strength of He Yiming, that was really extremely in strange and strange. 白马雷电强大,他已经有过交锋的经验,对此并不奇怪。但是贺一鸣的强大,那就实在是太过于诡异和古怪了。 After these time rides white horse is flushing, He Yiming unexpectedly has not released the Five Elements Ring five times of amplification strengths. 在这一次骑着白马冲上来之后,贺一鸣竟然没有释放出五行环的五倍增幅力量。 However, Your Holiness the Pope rather He Yiming at this moment displays the strength of five times of amplification, is not willing to resist the strength that at this time He Yiming releases. 但是,此刻的教皇陛下宁愿贺一鸣施展五倍的增幅之力,也不愿意抵挡此时贺一鸣所释放的力量。 Because at this moment, He Yiming is releasing power of god unexpectedly uninterruptedly. 因为此刻,贺一鸣竟然是不间断的释放着神之力 divine power of earth, by He Yiming controlling Five Elements Ring, had been pounded in the Overturning Heaven Seal technique by being similar. 土之神力,被贺一鸣艹控五行环,以一个又一个的类似于翻天印的手法砸了下来。 Although present Five Elements Ring is just Divine Item's copy, but also is unable this power of god also amplification five times, but so, is relying on the great strength of divine power of earth, as before is not Franklin is actually willing to shake with it hardly. 虽然如今的五行环只不过是仿制神器,还无法将这种神之力也增幅五倍,但就算如此,凭借着土之神力的强大,却依旧不是弗兰克林愿意与之硬撼的。 Let alone, in the He Yiming side, but also has one not to be slightly inferior in their white horse. This top Saint Beast after is unable to defeat Your Holiness the Pope one-on-one, finally was also the bold approval Totem Clan the law of fair fight, by the potential of person beast uniting, relied on the pure strength to bully the old man who this had is counting the hundred years advanced age. 何况,在贺一鸣的身边,还有着一只丝毫也不逊色于他们的白马。这头顶尖圣兽在单对单无法战胜教皇陛下之后,终于也是没脸没皮的认可了图腾一族的公平战斗之法,以人兽合一之势,凭借着单纯的力量欺负起这位拥有着数百年高龄的老头子了。 When these two's powerful ability links, even if by the Your Holiness the Pope invincible might, only has avoidance with every effort, circles with them is actually not willing to fight. 当这两者的威能结合在一起之后,哪怕是以教皇陛下的神威,也唯有尽力躲避,与他们兜着圈子却不肯真的交手了。 If the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse uses this technique, He Yiming does not have any good means. 人道巅峰强者若是施展这种手法,就连贺一鸣也没啥好办法。 Perhaps on the road of long-distance running, white horse can exceed these Nine Layers Heaven humanity finally. Above the migration of small range and fends, humanity is having the enormous superiority. Franklin promotes Nine Layers Heaven to count hundred years, regarding the skill grasped went to an inconceivable situation, at this moment here with every effort was delaying the time , was quite effective. 或许在长途奔行之路上,白马最终能够胜过这些九重天的人类。但是在小范围的移动和闪避之上,人类却占据着极大的优势。弗兰克林晋升九重天百年,对于本身的技巧掌握更是达到了一个不可思议的地步,此刻在这里尽力的拖延着时间,却也颇为奏效。 However he also knows that this situation impossible has maintained, because the He Yiming movement is more and more flexible. 不过他也知道,这种情况不可能一直维持下去,因为贺一鸣的动作已经是越来越灵活了。 After promoting Nine Layers Heaven, he and white horse coordination is in this way tacit gradually, moreover he also gradual has been familiar with own body and has powerful ability that. Therefore the person beast unites powerful ability that releases to be getting stronger and stronger, lets the pressure that Franklin bears is also bigger and bigger. 在晋升九重天之后,他与白马的配合正通过这种方式逐渐默契,而且他本人也逐渐的熟悉了自己的身体和所拥有的威能。所以人兽合一所释放出来的威能越来越强,让弗兰克林所承受的压力也是越来越大。 A their beast is pestering here, but had the energy of part to throw fight between Garfield and in the Ji Mo Fanshu. 他们二人一兽在这里纠缠着,但还是有部分的精力投到了加菲尔德吉摩凡殊之间的战斗上。 They understand that the fights between these two to a certain extent are the wars of true victory and defeat. 他们都明白,这两位之间的战斗在某种程度上才是真正的胜负之战。 He Yiming rides white horse to expel in Franklin day Shanghai to run all over the place, their fights seem like the range are enormous, but if concerns the bad risk degree, is actually well below that two dark powerhouse extremely one. 贺一鸣骑着白马撵着弗兰克林天上海中乱跑,他们的战斗看似范围极大,但若是论及凶险程度,却是远远不及那两位黑暗强者的万分之一。 As a result of the respective misunderstanding and hate, both sides have regarded as the mortal enemies the opposite party, gets rid not to be forgiving, does not have greatly the stance that the opposite party cuts to kill does not stand still. 由于各自的误会和怨恨,双方都已经将对方视为死敌,出手之间再不留情,大有不将对方斩杀就绝不停歇的架势。 The way of this decisive battle is unlikely to appear among the Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses generally, but at this moment, they have actually abandoned all, fought to the death truly. 这种决战的方式一般不太可能在九重天强者之间出现,但是这一刻,他们却抛开了一切,真正的决一死战了。 Even if this is not the Garfield original intention, but he actually also not chooses. Because Ji Mo Fanshu clarified wanted to rob his Puppet. But is equal to Puppet of Mortal Dao peak powerhouse without doubt is the one's favorite of Sir alliance head, he is impossible gives in any event. 哪怕这并不是加菲尔德的本意,但他却也是并无选择。因为吉摩凡殊摆明了想要抢夺他的傀儡。而相当于人道巅峰强者的傀儡无疑是议长大人的心头肉,他是无论如何都不可能割舍的。 The fight of both sides from the beginning intensely exceptionally, Mortal Dao peak formidable powerful ability on this sea area thorough has shown. 双方的战斗从一开始就激烈异常,将人道巅峰的强大威能在这一片海域上彻底的展现了出来。 Surrounding sea water once for a while splashed ten zhang (3.33 m) high rough sea waves unceasing toward attacked to go in all directions. 周围的海水时不时的溅起了十丈高的巨浪不断的朝着四面八方冲击而去。 How long lasting surname although these rough sea waves do not have, often after pounding one wave, immediately stood still, but this picture has exceeded the limit that normal humanity can imagine. 虽然这些巨浪并没有多长的持久姓,往往砸出了一波之后顿时停歇了下来,但是这种景象已经超出了正常人类所能够想象的极限了。 In the islands, these Western new promote Venerables were stupefied looks at the fights of two darkness top powerhouses, their in the eyes facial expressions varied, however in the intense fear, has actually filled infinite yearning. 岛屿上,那些西方的新晋尊者们都是膛目结舌的看着两位黑暗顶尖强者的战斗,他们的眼中神情各异,但是在强烈的恐惧之中,却都充满了无限的向往。 Originally, the strength of humanity can also achieve unexpectedly this step! 原来,人类的力量竟然还可以达到这一步! In these people, Edwin and Grinton are excited, their double fists closely grip, the vision closely has locked two dark powerhouses the place of battle. Their movements have exposed their determinations without doubt, but days later whether can complete their wishes, then can guarantee on nobody. 在这些人中,艾德文格林顿最是激动,他们的双拳紧紧握住,目光紧紧的锁定了两位黑暗强者的交战之地。他们的动作已经将他们的决心展露无疑,只是曰后是否能够完成他们的心愿,那就无人能够保证了。 In a higher sky, Treasure Pig is stepping on the shoulder of Bai Lingba (108), static watches below accident. When it saw that white horse Thunder Lightning and He Yiming send the invincible might greatly, when does not dare with it that Franklin forces spells hardly, in a small eye immediately is sparkling, and revealed dangerous radiance. 在更高的天空之中,宝猪踩着百零八的肩膀,静静的看着下方的变故。当它看到白马雷电贺一鸣大发神威,将弗兰克林逼迫的根本就不敢与之硬拼之时,一双小眼睛之中顿时是闪闪发光,并且流露出了一丝危险的光芒 If He Yiming here, a Palestinian long-handled fan that then can definitely be relentless comes, cancels the strange thought in its small head. 如果贺一鸣在此,那么肯定会毫不留情的一巴掌扇过来,将它那小脑袋中的诡异念头打消掉。 But unfortunately, Bai Lingba (108) is not He Yiming, although he is having the extremely high wisdom, what without a doubt is, when has not calculated the extreme danger, he will not interfere anybody's decision. 但可惜的是,百零八并不是贺一鸣,他虽然拥有着极高的智慧,但毫无疑问的是,在没有计算到极度的危险之时,他是不会去干涉任何人的决定。 At this time, according to his computation, a strength of He Yiming side occupied has crushed the surname the strength, regardless of Treasure Pig makes any trouble to him, will not affect the general situation. 此时,按照他的计算,贺一鸣一方的实力已经占据了压倒姓的实力,无论宝猪给他添什么乱子,都不会影响大局。 The body of Treasure Pig moves, finally left the body of Bai Lingba (108), has given birth to dark clouds on its four hooves, making its steady standing firm live. 宝猪的身体一动,终于是离开了百零八的身上,在它的四蹄上生出了一道黑云,让它稳稳的站定住了。 This is it now only compared with a white horse Thunder Lightning more formidable place, can the free in the sky flight, and these inborn has Spirit Beast of wing besides Divine Beast, only has these to be rarest, can lightization Divine Weapon Saint Beast. 这是它如今唯一比白马雷电更加强大的地方,能够自由的在天空中飞行的,除了神兽和那些天生就拥有翅膀的灵兽外,就唯有这些最为罕见的,能够光化神兵圣兽了。 Small Treasure Pig is treading stable step, has avoided below two groups of fight intense men and horse, goes toward these Venerable expert of islands coastline unexpectedly. 宝猪踏着稳定的步伐,避开了下方两团战斗激烈的人马,竟然是朝着岛屿海岸线的那些尊者高手们而去。 When He Yiming sends out the long and loud cry of provocation, these people who in this islands temporarily resides basically came. 贺一鸣发出挑衅的长啸之时,这个岛屿上暂住的那些人基本上都来了。 Not is only Western new promotes Venerables, all took care their juniors to come here. 不仅仅是西方的新晋升尊者们,就连所有服侍他们的子弟们都来到了此处。 Treasure Pig selects the person to fight, naturally must look weakly these began in own person, it has not achieved white horse Thunder Lightning so formidable top Saint Beast powerful ability, if looks for a Nine Layers Heaven contest of Mortal Dao peak, that was looks oppressively. 宝猪挑人打架,自然是要找那些弱于自己的人动手了,它可没有达到白马雷电如此强大的顶尖圣兽威能,若是找一个人道巅峰的九重天较量,那就是自己找虐了。 The Treasure Pig semblance asks for the person to like very much, seeing a pig to come, naturally will not cause anything to cause a stir, even presents the fellow who 12 do not enlarge ones vision to want Treasure Pig to hold to treat as the food that goes well with wine is also very ordinary matter. 宝猪的外表很讨人欢喜,看见一头猪过来,当然不会引起什么轰动,甚至于出现12个不开眼的家伙想要将宝猪抓住当做下酒菜也是很平常的事情。 However, the pig when can fly treads the black cloud is running over, again also nobody will despise this pig. 但是,当一只会飞的猪踏着黑色的云彩跑过来的时候,就再也没有人会小看这头猪了。 Treasure Pig arrived to approach they not too far high in the sky to stop, it smilingly has opened the mouth, light has spat from its mouth. 宝猪来到了靠近他们不太远的高空中停了下来,它笑眯眯的张开了嘴巴,一点光从它的口中吐了出来。 The formidable Fire Element strength in has filled immediately the air instantaneously. 强大的火系力量顿时在瞬间就弥漫了开来。 Comes from Western Venerables is the experienced generations, feels this formidable strength of fire and that rushing murderous aura, they do not understand immediately well. 来自于西方尊者们都是见多识广之辈,一感受到这股强大的火之力和那股澎湃的杀气,他们立即明白不好。 Almost is with one voice, a Temple department, is an alliance department, even Venerables of these neutralities have called out continually. 几乎是异口同声的,不论是神殿一系,还是联盟一系,甚至于连那些中立的尊者们都是暴喝了起来。 They make the surrounding person disperse as soon as possible, simultaneously their bodies are also radiance suddenly flashes, wants to protect the body by Divine Weapon, leaves this place as soon as possible. 他们让周围的人尽快散开,同时他们的身上也是光芒大作,想要以神兵护体,尽快离开此地。 However, the Treasure Pig movement even more quick planned. 然而,宝猪的动作愈发的快了一筹。 That light turned into Nine-toothed Rake immediately, the above nine fire dragons shoot up to the sky, simultaneously has spouted everywhere fire. 那一点光顿时变成了九齿钉耙,上面的九条火龙冲天而起,同时喷出了漫天大火。 These fire dragons itself are that several fire dragon Old Ancestor in Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove with own essence concise, powerful ability that has not under any Divine Item's copy. But these time passed through the rock magma baptism in Colored Glaze Island Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater, powerful ability went a step further greatly, achieves has been possible be called the terror rank. 这些火龙本身就是神器九龙炉之中的那几条火龙老祖宗用自身精气凝练而成,所拥有的威能不在任何仿制神器之下。而这一次经过了琉璃岛万丈火山口之内的岩浆洗礼,威能更是大进一步,达到了堪称恐怖的级别。 Nine fire dragons, nine raging flames, in started to spread on the island instantaneously. 九条火龙,九道熊熊烈火在瞬间就已经开始在海岛上蔓延了开来。 All people panic-stricken is shouting, they want to run away with all might and main, but powerful ability of nine fire dragons, since has released, how also possibly readily to make the people flee. 所有人都是惊恐的呼喊着,他们竭尽全力的想要逃走,但是九条火龙的威能既然已经释放了出来,又怎么可能轻易的让众人逃离。 Instantaneous, most people fell into sea of fire, in this type intense to temperature burning down of extreme, even if the Xiantian powerhouses does not resist the ability life mourning at the scene, say nothing of any average person. 瞬间,绝大多数人都陷入了火海之中,在这种强烈的到了极点的温度焚烧之下,哪怕是先天强者都是毫无抵抗能力的命丧当场,就更不用说什么普通人了。 Was these new promote Venerables resists the enemy with all streng on the contrary, wants to flee from this sea of fire. 反倒是那些新晋尊者们一个个竭力抵抗,想要从这火海之中逃离出去。 Under Divine Item's copy powerful ability, ordinary new promote Venerables radically was not the Treasure Pig match. 仿制神器威能之下,普通的新晋尊者们根本就不是宝猪的对手。 previously Li Yajing when can only direct seven fire dragons, has made all new promote Venerables besides He Yiming not dare to go forward to challenge. 昔曰厉雅静在仅能指挥七条火龙的时候,就已经让除了贺一鸣之外的所有新晋尊者们都不敢上前挑战了。 The strength that now Treasure Pig has is far from Li Yajing can compare, when his fire dragon releases, even if Western world most potential these Venerables, protects oneself under burning down of flame merely reluctantly, had no time to pay attention to other people radically again. 如今宝猪所拥有的实力远非厉雅静能够比拟,当他的火龙释放出来之时,纵然是西方世界最具有潜力的那些尊者们,也仅仅是在火焰的焚烧之下勉强自保,根本就无暇再关注其他人了。 sharp roar transmits from the sea level together, the body of Franklin has made several dazzling movements, unexpectedly stiffly leaves behind that crevice that to withdraw toward Treasure Pig to fly from He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning. 一道厉啸从海面上传来,弗兰克林的身体做出了几个令人眼花缭乱的动作,竟然硬生生的从贺一鸣白马雷电所留下的那一丝空隙脱身朝着宝猪飞来。 He Yiming in the heart in great surprise, he knows this is Franklin becomes angry out of shame, was seeing that many juniors were killed, Western next generation Venerables was also in imminent danger, therefore he will not have the risk of choice leeway to avoid He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning. 贺一鸣心中大惊,他知道这是弗兰克林恼羞成怒,在见到那么多子弟被杀,西方下一代尊者们亦是岌岌可危了,所以他才会没有选择余地的冒险避开了贺一鸣白马雷电 Franklin had set firm resolve, must strike to be killed violently, strikes to kill the kid who this only courts disaster thoroughly. 弗兰克林已经下定了决心,要一击毙命,将这只惹祸的小家伙彻底击杀。 However, making the matter that all people cannot think of occur. 然而,令所有人想不到的事情发生了。 Treasure Pig groans unexpectedly, that in the sky is dancing in the air nine fire dragons were under some order in this moment likely, they are hard to hope to attain the speed that by the naked eye, turns into one has been dozens zhang (3.33 m) terrifying fire dragon. 宝猪竟然一声哼哼,那空中飞舞着的九条火龙在这一刻象是得到了某种命令般,它们以肉眼难以企及的速度,变成了一条长达数十丈的恐怖火龙。 Afterward, Treasure Pig jumps high, jumping just right to this frightening fire dragon above. The raging fire of that flaming ignition, actually cannot injure its slightest. 随后,宝猪高高跃起,恰到好处的跳到了这条令人恐惧的火龙之上。那熊熊点燃的烈火,竟然不能够伤它分毫。 The body of Treasure Pig seems thorough integrated in the fire dragon, a that more giant fire dragon wraps it small body. 宝猪的身体似乎是彻底的融入了火龙之中,那更加巨大的火龙将它小小的身躯包裹在内。 Afterward, this giant fire dragon split the mouth, is far from the manpower can together and roaring sound has released from its mouth...... 随后,这条巨大火龙裂开了口,一道远非人力能及的咆哮声从它的口中释放了出来…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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