MG :: Volume #6

#285: Robs the puppet

Without any omen, when this black Cross-Sword has broken the sea level, that moment of braving, the people notes here to hide formidable expert. 没有任何预兆的,当这一把黑色的叉剑破开了海面,从中冒出来的那一刻,众人才注意到这里所隐藏着的强大高手 Ji Mo Fanshu vision calm like ice, in his heart, although has been full of the hatred, however his mood actually immovability even more. 吉摩凡殊的目光冷静如冰,他的心中虽然是充满了仇恨,但是他的心境却愈发的不动如山。 This is the first under Heaven killer strength in meditation, even if the absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy appears in his front, so long as has not struck to kill the person, he will not reveal murderous aura, nobody detection that but goes into hiding all killing hearts and aura. 这就是天下第一杀手的定力,哪怕是不共戴天的仇人出现在他的面前,但只要没有将人击杀,他就不会泄露一丝杀气,而是将所有的杀心和气息都隐匿的无人察觉。 This sword, is he united the complete strength, has released in this moment powerful ability of Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse all. 这一剑,已经是他凝聚了全部的力量,将九重天强者的威能在这一刻尽数的释放了出来。 By Garfield situation at this moment, in top of the head has the oppression of power of god, the middle has the encirclement of invisible sword, in addition under this time sudden fatal strikes. 加菲尔德此刻的处境,头顶上有着神之力的压迫,中间有着无形之剑的环绕,再加上此时下方突如其来的致命一击。 Even if same Nine Layers Heaven expert, absolutely will also be thrown into confusion in this moment, even is therefore difficult to run away a tribulation. 哪怕是同样的九重天高手,在这一刻也绝对会手忙脚乱,甚至于是难逃一劫。 However, in Garfield both eyes the slight startled color, he as if already had not actually expected some people to get rid sneak attack, the wrist|skill waves gently, that Dark Chains appeared under. Similarly jet black, but the minute belongs to two different Dark Strength in this moment fierce hits together. 然而,加菲尔德双目之中却并没有丝毫的惊慌之色,他似乎早就料到了会有人出手偷袭似的,手腕轻轻舞动之间,那黑暗锁链已经出现在下方。同样漆黑的,但是分属于两种不同的黑暗力量在这一刻凶猛的撞击在一起。 Similar to the stuffy thunder-like huge sound resounds together loudly, the massive air currents well up to go toward all around crazily. 一道如同闷雷般的巨大声音轰然响起,大量的气流朝着四周狂涌而去。 When Ji Mo Fanshu Cross-Sword and Garfield Dark Chains hits in together, he understands immediately, this Western dark godfather unexpectedly also with his same whole-heartedly. 吉摩凡殊叉剑加菲尔德黑暗锁链撞击在一起的时候,他立即明白,这位西方的黑暗教父竟然也是与他一样的全力以赴。 As if Garfield has not cared about the threat of He Yiming, but this moment that specially to wait for him presents the complete strength will remain. 似乎加菲尔德根本就不曾在意贺一鸣的威胁,而是专门为了等待他出现的这一刻似的将全部的力量都留了下来。 But almost ran out of water surface in Ji Mo Fanshu that moment, Franklin also moved, this represented Your Holiness the Pope of bright department to put out Staff of Light in Western, toward the front point. 而几乎就在吉摩凡殊冲出水面的那一刻,弗兰克林也动了,这位在西方代表了光明一系的教皇陛下拿出了光明之杖,朝着前方一点。 The light of big piece has released, has formed one light world in the Garfield top of the head unexpectedly. 大片的光明释放了出来,竟然在加菲尔德的头顶上形成了一片光的世界。 He Yiming invisible sword, that just likes the Mount Tai common great peak has not penetrated this bright world. 无论是贺一鸣的无形之剑,还是那犹如泰山一般的巨峰都没有穿透这一片光明世界。 white horse Thunder Lightning suddenly long hissing, on top of the head Single Horn flashes before except for the huge purple light beam, at the same time hits toward Yu Family Old Ancestor. 白马雷电豁然一声长嘶,头顶独角上闪现除了巨大的紫色光柱,朝着一边的宇家老祖打去。 This Yu Family Old Ancestor in although at first flushed with Garfield, but why does not know, he actually stood still in the midway, seems not willing to collaborate with Sir alliance head. 这个宇家老祖在最初虽然跟着加菲尔德冲了上来,但是不知为何,他却在中途停歇了下来,似乎是不愿意与议长大人联手。 But He Yiming actually knows that this did not have independent consciousness Puppet just to be suggested by Garfield, will therefore be making a stopover. 贺一鸣却知道,这位已经没有了自主意识的傀儡只不过是受到了加菲尔德的暗示,所以才会在中途停留罢了。 At this moment, when Underworld Old Ancestor appears, he is also unexpectedly ready to make trouble, but has not waited for him to get rid truly, early has preparation white horse Thunder Lightning first to release Strength of Thunder and Lightning, has repelled this top Puppet stiffly. 此刻,在黄泉老祖出现之时,他竟然也是蠢蠢欲动,只是还没有等他真正出手,早有准备的白马雷电就已经抢先释放雷电之力,将这个顶尖的傀儡硬生生的打退了下去。 This a series of accidents get rid to start from Underworld Old Ancestor, was the flash had finished merely. 这一系列变故从黄泉老祖出手开始,仅仅是一瞬间就已经全部结束。 The change of is dazzling, besides these peak powerhouses on the scene, even if ordinary Venerables that distant place these observe does not understand that actually that flash what happened. 其中的变化令人眼花缭乱,除了在场的这几位巅峰强者之外,纵然是远处那些观战的普通尊者们也不明白刚才的那一瞬间究竟发生了什么事情。 In their in the eyes, sees only, is that innumerable unpredictable radiance, in addition, they knew nothing. 在他们的眼中,唯一看到的,就是那无数变幻莫测的光芒,除此之外,他们就一无所知了。 The dark strength is surging here, in two dark world the component heaviest person has put together one after the according to most formidable condition hardly next, thorough separation. 黑暗的力量在这里涌动着,两位黑暗世界中分量最重之人在以最强大的状态之中硬拼了一下之后,彻底的分开了。 The Underworld Old Ancestor point of both feet on the water surface, slid about ten zhang (3.33 m) gently immediately, he let somebody cool off or calm down looks at Garfield, said: You early have the protection, knows that I will come!” 黄泉老祖的双脚在水面上轻轻一点,顿时溜到了十丈开外,他冷冷的看着加菲尔德,道:“你早有防备,知道我会来!” that did not have fancy struck, making Underworld Old Ancestor understand the opposite party was also ready . Moreover the enemy who he aimed at absolutely was not at first with He Yiming that he pestered. 刚才的那毫无花俏的一击,让黄泉老祖明白了对方亦是蓄势待发,而且他所针对的敌人绝对不是最初与他纠缠的贺一鸣 When facing Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, actually must retain the complete strength to deal with another person. Then in this time world, can make him so dread that also only had Underworld Old Ancestor. 在面对人道巅峰的九重天之时,却要保留全部的力量去对付另外一人。那么在此时的天下,能够让他如此忌惮的,也唯有黄泉老祖了。 On Garfield that skinny face has flashed through a light happy expression, the skin on his face is quite senile, just likes the dry bark is common, making the person fine hair but actually vertical. 加菲尔德那干瘦的脸上闪过了一丝淡淡的笑意,不过他的脸上的皮肤极为衰老,犹如枯树皮一般,令人汗毛倒竖。 We already know that you must come.” The Garfield both eyes none remaining dodges continually, said: You do not come out, we really cannot feel at ease.” “我们早就知道你要来了。”加菲尔德双目精光连闪,道:“你不出来,我们实在是不能安心。” Ji Mo Fanshu has dangled slowly the vision, he said in a soft voice: Originally you already know that I must come, is very good, very good......” 吉摩凡殊缓缓的垂下了目光,他轻声道:“原来你们早就知道我要来了,很好,很好……” His intonation quite light, but is inexplicable, all person in the heart on the scene have an absolutely terrified feeling, looked like the most poisonous naja hannah of frog by the world is observed closely, has one type the chill in the air of proceeding from the heart of hearts. 他的语调相当的平淡,但是莫名的,在场的所有人心中都有着一种毛骨悚然的感觉,就像是青蛙被世界上最毒的眼镜王蛇盯住了似的,有着一种发自于内心深处的寒意。 Perhaps He Yiming in the heart sweating profusely, only has him to understand reason. 贺一鸣心中大汗,或许唯有他一个人才能明白其中缘故。 Bai Lingba (108) pretends to be Underworld Old Ancestor to make an appearance in the Franklin front, and hides has hit these three Mortal Dao peak powerhouses in the sea with the water arrow. 百零八冒充黄泉老祖弗兰克林的面前露过面,并且躲在海中以水箭袭击过这三位人道巅峰强者。 When He Yiming appears, Temple Pope, is dark alliance head, is subconscious associated him and Underworld Old Ancestor to the same place. But in fact, when Underworld Old Ancestor acts, and that moment of getting rid, this matter completely was solid. 所以当贺一鸣出现之时,无论是神殿教皇,还是黑暗议长,都是下意识的将他与黄泉老祖联想到一齐了。而事实上,当黄泉老祖出面,并且出手的那一刻,这件事情就已经完全坐实了。 In in the heart of that two Western powerhouses, has recognized itself and relations between Underworld Old Ancestor. Moreover what we definitely know is that no matter how Underworld Old Ancestor explained that they will not believe. 在那两位西方强者的心中,已经认定了自己与黄泉老祖之间的关系。而且可以肯定的是,不管是自己还是黄泉老祖如何解释,他们都不会相信了。 But in Underworld Old Ancestor in the heart, because of Garfield in view of his manner, therefore had recognized the Western powerhouses definitely are because wants to rob Puppet, will therefore butcher Hao Xue, and guards to him in every possible way. 而在黄泉老祖心中,也因为加菲尔德针对他的态度,所以认定了西方强者们肯定是因为想要抢夺傀儡,所以才会宰了郝血,并且对他百般防范。 Misunderstanding only useful mistakes arising out of chance circumstances described, but is very obvious, He Yiming will be will not explain this misunderstanding absolutely. 这其中的误会唯有用阴错阳差来形容,但是很显然的,贺一鸣是绝对不会解释这个误会的。 Franklin is cloudy the face, his bright sound track: Sect Master Fan Shu, fortunately you are Nine Layers Heaven, but......” 弗兰克林阴沉着脸,他朗声道:“凡殊门主,亏得你是一位九重天,但是……” A He Yiming eyeball revolution, understands immediately he definitely is to accuse Underworld Old Ancestor to overturn the previously commitment the matter. 贺一鸣眼珠子一转,立即明白他肯定是想要指责黄泉老祖推翻昔曰承诺的事情。 But in fact, initially complied with Franklin, is not Ji Mo Fanshu, but is Bai Lingba (108). If lets Your Holiness the Pope in this moment blab out a secret, definitely will make his heart live the doubts. 但事实上,当初答应弗兰克林的,并不是吉摩凡殊,而是百零八。若是让教皇陛下在此刻嚷嚷出来,肯定会让他心生疑惑。 Gains ground, a suddenly long and loud cry, that is similar to the stuffy thunder common sound interrupts the words that Your Holiness the Pope had not spoken immediately. 抬头,豁然一声长啸,那如同闷雷一般的声音立即打断了教皇陛下尚未说完的话。 He Yiming puts out a hand Franklin, shouted to clear the way high: Your Holiness the Pope, that said the meet, He deceived you to direct, was grateful extremely. However today He wants to consult once again, but also please be liberal to grant instruction.” 贺一鸣伸手一点弗兰克林,高喝道:“教皇陛下,那曰相遇,贺某蒙你指点,不胜感激涕零。不过今曰贺某想要再度请教,还请不吝赐教。” His words are similar to flaming chariot falling in torrents altogether, simultaneously the both legs make an effort slightly, white horse Thunder Lightning is flies immediately general rushing. 他的话如同风火轮般一股脑儿的倾泻而出,同时双腿微微用力,白马雷电立即是飞一般的冲了上去。 white horse has a vivid memory regarding the old person who present puts on a strange strange shape, knows that this is a top powerhouse, after feeling He Yiming must kill the regard, it also no longer insisted that alone was the enemy. 白马对于眼前的这位穿着一身奇异怪状的老人记忆犹新,知道这是一个顶尖的强者,而且在感受到了贺一鸣的必杀心意之后,它也就不再坚持独自为敌了。 men and horse True Qi concentrates about instantaneously is one, the under foot of white horse has given birth to five colors radiance, it like this steps on this radiance to fly toward half in the sky Your Holiness the Pope. 人马真气瞬间凝合为一,白马的脚下生出了五彩光芒,它就这样踩着这道光芒朝着半空中教皇陛下飞去。 Garfield hesitant, he has given a hand signal, wooden Yu Family Old Ancestor turns around unexpectedly, seems wants to pursue He Yiming and white horse. But Ji Mo Fanshu sneers, has actually exuded a strange cry from his mouth. 加菲尔德犹豫了一下,他做了一个手势,木然的宇家老祖竟然转身,似乎是想要追击贺一鸣白马。但吉摩凡殊冷笑一声,从他的口中却发出了一道诡异的叫声。 Instantaneous, the Yu Family Old Ancestor movement stopped, in its mouth makes noise, a both eyes pupil also immediately turned bright red like the blood color, making one be afraid. 瞬间,宇家老祖的动作就停了下来,它的口中嗬嗬作响,一双眼眸也是立即变成了鲜红如血般的颜色,令人不寒而栗。 The Garfield complexion big change, this Puppet is his trump card existence, but actually cannot think that had been used a method by Underworld Old Ancestor, immediately had the mutation. 加菲尔德脸色大变,这具傀儡可是他的一个杀手锏般的存在,但却想不到被黄泉老祖施展了一个手段,顿时就发生了异变。 However, Inheritance in various Dark Cult several thousand years of secret technique similar no small matters, in his mouth was also reciting a strange incantation, simultaneously both hands continual was paddling anything in in the sky. 不过,传承黑暗议会数千年的各种密术同样非同小可,他的口中亦是吟唱着一段古怪的咒语,同时双手连续的在空中划动着什么。 After several breath, that towering facial features on Yu Family Old Ancestor face returned to normal, the scarlet in his double pupil also gradually has drawn back. 数个呼吸之后,宇家老祖脸上的那副峥嵘面容已经平复了下来,就连他双眸中的血色也渐渐的退了下去。 Ji Mo Fanshu anger snort|hum, after experiencing opposite party secret technique, he even more has believed that definitely was this person gets rid to capture Yu Family Old Ancestor the Puppet, if not so, how he can separate Thought contact of Solidified Blood Person with him, and prevented Solidified Blood Person controlling this Five Elements Physique. 吉摩凡殊怒哼一声,在见识到了对方的密术之后,他愈发的相信了,肯定就是此人出手擒拿了宇家老祖的这具傀儡,若非如此,他又如何能够隔断凝血人与他之间的意念联系,并且阻止凝血人艹控这具五行之体 The personal appearance rocks, Ji Mo Fanshu before marine treading several steps, his every step went out, the body transformed several forms immediately. Each form seems to be real, but Cross-Sword in each form hand is releasing strongly to extreme murderous aura. 身形晃动之间,吉摩凡殊已经在海上踏前了数步,他的每一步走出,身上顿时幻化出了数条身影。每一条身影似乎都是真实的,而每一条身影手中的叉剑更是释放着浓烈的到了极点的杀气 Under this swift and fierce murderous intention, even if were Garfield felt the deep threat. 在这股凌厉的杀机之下,哪怕是加菲尔德都感到了深深的威胁。 in his eyes, Ji Mo Fanshu seems the incarnation for the god of death in legend, is just taking in in his hand, is not that the giant sickle, but is slightly not inferior mysterious Cross-Sword. 在他的眼中,吉摩凡殊似乎是化身为传说中的死神,只不过在他的手中所拿着的,并不是那把巨大的镰刀,而是一把丝毫也不逊色的神奇叉剑 Wrist|Skill rapidly is wielding, Dark Chains has curled up black radiance piece by piece in his around the body, Dark Element secret technique was similar to his hand rained the release. 手腕急速的挥动着,黑暗锁链在他的身周卷起了一片片的黑色光芒,黑暗系密术在他的手上如同下雨般的释放了出来。 Instantaneous, these two leaders in Eastern and Western dark world have carried on preying of laughing in the face of death in this moment. 瞬间,这两位东西方黑暗世界中的领头人在这一刻进行了舍生忘死的搏杀。 Naturally, even if is preying on most intense that moment, they have not discarded to control the plan of Yu Family Old Ancestor this Puppet. 当然,纵然是在搏杀最激烈的那一刻,他们也没有舍弃控制宇家老祖这个傀儡的打算。 Ji Mo Fanshu unceasing use in the mind Thought summoned Solidified Blood Person, but with it relative, Garfield unceasingly ejected dark secret technique to hold and consolidate. 吉摩凡殊不断的利用脑海中意念凝血人进行呼唤,而与之相对的,加菲尔德则是不断的抛出了黑暗密术进行加持和巩固。 Yu Family Old Ancestor as if turned into the battlefield that another has made them to compete, making them carry on that moment of life and death fight, is robbing regarding the Puppet domination. 宇家老祖似乎已经变成了另一个让他们进行争夺的战场,让他们在进行生死搏斗的那一刻,也在抢夺对于傀儡的控制权。 However, to the hatred of Ji Mo Fanshu, Garfield somewhat was bewildered. 不过,相对于吉摩凡殊的仇恨来说,加菲尔德就有些莫名其妙了。 He cannot think through, is obviously same, why has Underworld Old Ancestor of similar demand to so positive getting rid go all out with regarding millennium Ice Island. 他怎么也想不通,明明与自己一样,对于千年冰岛有着同样需求的黄泉老祖为何要如此积极的出手与自己拼命。 Only he can think is, this matter is definitely related with He Yiming. 他唯一能够想到的就是,这件事情肯定与贺一鸣有关。 If made them know the truth of fact, does not know really this Western top powerhouse can regret one spent such big energy to regain Yu Family Old Ancestor this Puppet. 如果让他们知道了事实的真相,真不知道这位西方的顶尖强者会否后悔自己花费了如此之大的精力去收复宇家老祖这个傀儡 However in present this situation, he did not have the leeway of regret. 不过在如今这个情况下,他已经没有了后悔的余地。 For the Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven dignity, for the honor of Eastern and Western dark world, among them the fights, since occurred, again did not have the leeway of flinching. 为了人道巅峰九重天的尊严,为了东西方黑暗世界的荣誉,他们之间的这一战既然已经发生了,就再也没有了退缩的余地。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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