MG :: Volume #6

#284: Assassination

Paint black, as if shadow towering reappearing that presents from in the sky of nihility in He Yiming around the body. 一条漆黑色的,仿佛是从虚无的空中出现的影子突兀的浮现在贺一鸣身周 The Garfield wrist|skill has not moved, person's shadow not, but his Divine Weapon arrived at the He Yiming side. 加菲尔德的手腕未动,人影未至,但他的神兵已经是神不知鬼不觉的来到了贺一鸣的身边。 He Yiming in the heart is secretly angry, Dark Cult is really not the good thing, the technique and Underworld that Old Ancestor uses is almost exactly the same, is accustomed to sneak attack to win. 贺一鸣心中暗自恼怒,黑暗议会果然不是什么好东西,施展的手法与黄泉老祖几乎如出一辙,都是习惯于以偷袭取胜。 However, regarding present He Yiming, a little fluctuation of energy was caught immediately by him. His cold snort|hum, body were many immediately a golden small vest, has protected the critical part on his body completely. 不过,对于如今的贺一鸣来说,身边的一点儿能量波动立即就被他捕捉到了。他冷哼一声,身上顿时多了一个金色的小背心,将他身体上的要害部位全部防护了起来。 But almost at the same time, purple light twinkle of white horse, has formed one electrical network comprised of Thunder Lightning. 而几乎与此同时,白马的身上紫光闪烁,形成了一道由雷电组成的电网。 Very obviously, by white horse top Saint Beast Spiritual Sense, in this moment discovered that the around the body space has different, and rapidly has made the response. 很显然,以白马顶尖圣兽灵觉,也在这一刻发现身周的空间有异,并且迅速的做出了反应。 The shadow that [say / way] presents towering as if quite dreaded to white horse Thunder Lightning, after the in the sky partly visible twinkle one next, was similar to living spirit snake bypassed the body of white horse, pulled out the body of He Yiming directly. 那道突兀出现的黑影似乎对白马雷电相当忌惮,在空中若隐若现的闪烁了一下之后,就如同一条活着的灵蛇似的绕过了白马的身体,直接抽到了贺一鸣的身上。 Garfield in the eyes has flashed through a strange color, in pulling out that his Divine Weapon achieved wishes to that moment of He Yiming body, he almost cannot believe his feeling. 加菲尔德眼中闪过了一丝古怪之色,在他的神兵如愿以偿的抽到了贺一鸣身体的那一刻,他几乎不敢相信自己的感觉了。 To come in him, even if He Yiming is the Mortal Dao peak that just promoted, but Nine Layers Heaven is Nine Layers Heaven, impossible this easily was hit by oneself. 在他想来,哪怕贺一鸣是一个刚刚晋升的人道巅峰,但九重天就是九重天,怎么也不可能这样就被自己轻易打中吧。 Must know, Divine Weapon that he releases is famous Divine Item's copy Dark Chains, that and Staff of Light similarly famous super rank Divine Weapon. 要知道,他所释放出来的神兵可是大名鼎鼎的仿制神器黑暗锁链,那与光明之杖同样名扬天下的超阶神兵 Although Dark Chains not true Divine Item such exaggeration in his hand, so long as pulls out the person, regardless of that person of body has how formidable protection armor, he has confidence it defeats. 虽然他手中的黑暗锁链并没有真正的神器那样夸张,但是只要抽到人身,无论那人的身上有着多么强大的防护铠甲,他都有把握将其击破。 Three times of amplification ability of Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, can it be that trivial protects Divine Weapon to resist. 人道巅峰强者的三倍增幅能力,又岂是区区一件防护神兵能够抵御的。 However, the Garfield complexion instantaneously changed, moreover is becomes extremely ugly. 然而,加菲尔德的脸色瞬间就变了,而且是变得极为难看。 His Dark Chains has truly selected the body of He Yiming, but before giving the feeling that he brings , is actually not same. 他的黑暗锁链确实是抽中了贺一鸣的身体,但是给他所带来的感觉与以前却是决不相同。 Imitated Divine Weapon seems pulls out above a giant rock, not only has not brought any injury to the rock, the reason that because instead made an effort, was under extremely intense reacting force impact, let his True Qi fluctuation, is not nearly able to control including Dark Chains perfectly. 仿制神兵似乎是抽到了一块巨大的岩石之上,非但没有给岩石带来任何的伤害,反而因为过于用力的缘故,受到了极为强烈的反作用力冲击,让他的真气一阵波动,差点儿连黑暗锁链都无法完美的掌控了。 Garfield complexion earth-shaking transformation, he finally understands why He Yiming so easy to have been selected by him, because this is others intentionally so. 加菲尔德脸色不由地变了,他终于明白,贺一鸣为何会如此的容易就被他抽中了,因为这是人家故意如此。 However the control of this dark world, on He Yiming actually cannot see that vest is any material. 不过就连这位黑暗世界的主宰,也看不出在贺一鸣身上的那件背心究竟是什么材料。 Although he at this time and Franklin is considered as on shoulder to shoulder cooperation, the meaning of but regarding He Yiming all, Your Holiness the Pope actually with him not having exchanged. 虽然他此时与弗兰克林算得上的并肩合作,但是对于贺一鸣的一切,教皇陛下却从来就没有与他交流的意思。 As for coming from Western these new promote Venerables, although saw He Yiming and Franklin fighting situation, but by their experiences and experiences, before Garfield not opens the mouth to inquire, is actually nobody dares easily discusses with this Dark Cult association president Sir. 至于来自于西方的那些新晋尊者们虽然看到了贺一鸣弗兰克林的交手情况,但是以他们的见识和经验,在加菲尔德没有开口相询之前,却是没有人敢轻易的与这位黑暗议会的会长大人探讨一下。 Therefore Garfield does not know that actually has so terrifying protection Divine Weapon on the body of He Yiming. 所以加菲尔德根本就不知道在贺一鸣的身上竟然会有着如此恐怖的防护神兵 A wrist|skill point, that black radiance dissipated slightly together immediately. However, in this moment, Garfield around the body towering has resounded a huge sharp howl. 手腕微微一点,那一道黑色的光芒顿时是消散了。然而,就在这一刻,加菲尔德身周突兀的响起了一道巨大的尖锐啸声。 Along with resounding of this howl, Garfield body sways, looks like tumbler is rocking. 随着这道啸声的响起,加菲尔德的身体一阵摇晃,就像是一个不倒翁似的晃动着。 Afterward, an invisible strength penetrated his body, on his chest a gigantic cave entrance. 随后,一道无形的力量穿透了他的身躯,在他的胸膛上开了一个硕大的洞口。 This time, but was one's turn He Yiming becomes stupefied gets up. He after has been suffering the Divine Weapon rap of opposite party hardly, returns the favor immediately. 这一次,可是轮到贺一鸣变得膛目结舌起来了。他在硬挨了对方的神兵敲击之后,也是立即还以颜色。 Aurora Sword in hand changes invisible, punctured like lightning. 手中的极光之剑化作无形,闪电般的刺了过去。 He has the absolute assurance, opposite party Divine Weapon affirmed that cannot break own Black Tortoise Shell, however own Aurora Sword can definitely make him be surprised, moreover is also containing the Northern Sea aurora in Aurora Sword, these two add together, regarding cultivating Dark Strength Garfield, absolutely is nightmarish existence. 他有着绝对的把握,对方的神兵肯定破不了自己的玄龟壳,但是自己的极光之剑肯定能够让他大吃一惊,而且在极光之剑中还蕴含着北海极光,这两者相加,对于修炼黑暗力量加菲尔德来说,绝对是一个噩梦般的存在。 However, this motion was also unexpected smooth, pierced the chest of opposite party Aurora Sword did not hinder. In this flash, He Yiming was even suspecting whether he has met fake goods. 然而,他这一次的行动也是出人意料的顺利,极光之剑毫无阻碍的刺穿了对方的胸膛。在这一瞬间,贺一鸣甚至于在怀疑,自己是否遇到了一个冒牌货。 This thought just raising, He Yiming knows that is not right. 只是,这个念头刚刚泛起,贺一鸣就知道不对了。 Because was pierced Garfield of chest to fall gently unexpectedly, right, such does not have bone light was held to fly by wind to the sea level. 因为被刺穿了胸膛的加菲尔德竟然飘落了下去,没错,就是那样没有一根骨头似的轻飘飘的被风儿托着飞向了海面。 Hence, He Yiming was saw clearly, a moment ago originally he pierced was not Garfield I, but merely was his clothes. As for Old Ancestor of that dark world I already do not know where ran away. 至此,贺一鸣才算是看清楚了,原来他刚才洞穿的并不是加菲尔德的本人,而仅仅是他的一件衣服而已。至于那位黑暗世界的老祖宗本人则是早就不知道逃到哪里去了。 Under they meet, in a short time fights a move, although only move, but whole-heartedly, does not have least bit keeps the hand. But after is this move, they have also gone to the most intense situation regarding each other dreading. 他们两个人见面之下,在极短的时间内交手一招,虽然仅有一招,但却都是全力以赴,没有半点儿的留手。可就是这一招之后,他们对于彼此的忌惮也达到了最强烈的地步。 The distant place has as if flashed through a shadow, Garfield appearance again in the He Yiming front. 远处似乎是闪过了一道黑影,加菲尔德再一次的出现在了贺一鸣的面前。 On his body, has been throwing over a black Chinese-style gown, with from in the sky floats at this moment, but below that black robe is without change, He Yiming had not seen that actually he when trades. 在他的身上,已经是披着一件黑色的袍子,与此刻从空中飘洒而下的那间黑袍一般无二,就连贺一鸣也没有看到他究竟是什么时候换上去的。 Franklin cold [say / way]: Association president Sir be please careful, on him that vest should be the Black Tortoise armor in legend, even if Divine Item in the hand , is very difficult to injure his slightest.” 弗兰克林冷然道:“会长大人请小心,他身上的那件背心应该就是传说中的玄龟护甲,纵然是神器在手,也是很难伤他分毫。” Garfield both eyes selects, gets angry: Your Holiness the Pope, why didn't you early say?” 加菲尔德双目微挑,怒道:“教皇陛下,您为何不早说?” If knows earlier this situation, that in that moment that He Yiming Tortoise Shell reappears, he will not choose the storm. 若是早点知道这个情况,那么在贺一鸣身上的龟壳浮现出来的那一刻,他就不会选择强攻了。 Franklin cold snort|hum, said: You had not inquired why I must say.” 弗兰克林冷哼一声,道:“你没有询问,我为何要说。” Garfield is dumbfounded immediately, although they at this moment truly are the cooperation, but they two influences are actually the absolutely irreconcilable bitter enemies. Garfield naturally is impossible passes to his ear this precious news. 加菲尔德顿时就是哑口无言,虽然他们此刻确实是合作关系,但是他们两家的势力却是不共戴天的世仇。加菲尔德自然是不可能将这个珍贵的消息传到他的耳中。 The Garfield anger snort|hum, said: What then currently you do have to need to remind my?” 加菲尔德怒哼一声,道:“那么现在您有什么需要提醒我的么?” Franklin leisure [say / way]: „The body of He Yiming has many treasure, one is containing the invisible sword of Northern Sea aurora, Five Elements Ring in his hand, can release five times of strengths, must be higher than much compared with us.” 弗兰克林慢悠悠的道:“贺一鸣的身上有着不少宝贝,其中一把蕴含着北海极光的无形之剑,还有他手中的五行环,能够释放出五倍的力量,比我们都要高出不少。” He Yiming smiles is listening to their dialog, the general thoughts have actually placed under the sea. Underworld Old Ancestor is really out of the ordinary, once he goes into hiding, including oneself also gave up any idea of unexpectedly found his trail. 贺一鸣笑眯眯的听着他们的对话,一般的心思却是放在了大海之下。黄泉老祖果然非同凡响,一旦他隐匿起来,竟然连自己也休想找到他的踪迹。 This person, really worthily is first under Heaven killer. If must say that some people can win him in this aspect, feared that also only had is holding Treasure Pig at this moment in Bai Lingba (108) that above the sky watched the fun. 这个人,真不愧是天下第一杀手。如果一定要说有人能够在这方面赢得了他的,怕是也唯有此刻抱着宝猪在天空上方看热闹的百零八了。 Garfield vision deep looks at He Yiming, long time, he heaved a deep sigh, said: Northwest [lineage/vein] are really great, gave you to prepare such many good things unexpectedly.” 加菲尔德的目光深深的看着贺一鸣,良久之后,他长叹一声,道:“西北一脉果然了不起,竟然给你准备了如此之多的好东西。” He Yiming hey smiling, in the heart said that Northwest [lineage/vein] besides giving my status, again has not provided any good thing. However these words do not need to say actually at this moment. 贺一鸣嘿嘿的笑着,心中却道,西北一脉除了给我一个名分之外,就再也没有提供任何好东西了。不过这番话倒是不用在此刻说出来。 The wrist|skill wields, that five huge radiance has flashed before suddenly, the wrist|skill turns, all radiance gathered above the Garfield top of the head, and has pounded suddenly. 手腕一挥,那五道巨大的光芒骤然闪现了出来,手腕一翻,所有的光芒汇聚到了加菲尔德的头顶之上,并且猛然砸了下来。 After knowing the Five Elements Ring wondrous use, whatever Garfield nature impossible Five Elements Ring sent out most formidable powerful ability. He puts out a hand gently wields, at the same time the black strange iron rod shoots up to the sky, as if must expose the sloppy strength at the scene. 在知道了五行环的妙用之后,加菲尔德自然不可能任由五行环发出最强大的威能了。他伸手轻轻的一挥,一面黑色的奇异铁棍冲天而起,似乎就要将散漫的力量给当场点穿似的。 However, in this moment, he saw, that wisp of slight smiling face that the corners of the mouth of He Yiming ripple. 然而,就在这一刻,他看到了,贺一鸣的嘴角所荡漾开来的那一缕细微的笑容。 Afterward, Garfield knew the reason, in his top of the head, that five colors radiance does not know when removed completely, at this moment only remaining, unexpectedly are inconceivable golden yellow radiance. 随后,加菲尔德就知道了其中原因,在他的头顶上,那五彩光芒不知何时已经完全的褪去了,此刻仅剩下的,竟然就是一股不可思议的金黄色光芒 That moment of this together radiance appeared, looks like a genuine mountain is ordinary, carries is making powerful ability and pressure that one is hard to imagine, layer on layer has pressed. 这一道光芒在出现的那一刻,就像是一座真正的大山一般,携着令人难以想象的威能气势,重重的压了下来。 Two Nine Layers Heaven all are complexion big changes, they naturally know that what strength can release the so intense pressure the outcome is. 两位九重天无不是脸色大变,他们自然知道,能够释放出如此强烈威压的究竟是什么样的力量。 However, they actually cannot think that He Yiming began unexpectedly has used this, even if regarding Nine Layers Heaven, was presses the bottom strength extremely. 但是,他们却想不到,贺一鸣竟然一上手就动用了这等哪怕是对于九重天而言,都是压箱底的绝顶力量。 power of god regarding other people, truly is rare, even if these Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses, can to absorb that a little strength of god not be easy. Once consumes, wants to make up for that is not time in one single day. 神之力对于其他人来说,确实是难得之极,纵然是这些九重天的强者们,能够吸纳那一点儿的神之力量也不容易。一旦耗损,想要弥补过来那可不是一朝一夕的时间。 Therefore does not arrive at the important moment, they will not use this type nearly in deterring the ultimate weapon of surname. 所以不到要紧关头,他们都不会动用这种近乎于威慑姓的终极武器。 However He Yiming is different, in his Dantian, sole strength of god had five types, although only three strengths are belong invisible. However regarding him, even if wastes some such strengths, does not have what greatly. 但是贺一鸣不同,在他的丹田之内,单单的神之力量就已经有了五种之多,虽然其中仅有三种力量是属于无形之中。但是对于他而言,就算是浪费掉一些这样的力量,也并没有什么了不起的。 After all, his supplement speed is not other people can imagine absolutely. 毕竟,他的补充速度绝对不是其他人能够想象的。 The Garfield personal appearance rocked once again, he as if thinks that one's old tricks heavy, use just now that strange movement avoids. 加菲尔德的身形再度晃动了一下,他似乎是又想故技重施,使用方才的那种诡异身法来进行躲避。 However, He Yiming actually raises in this time eyebrows, that Aurora Sword revolved rapidly quickly, has gotten down a gigantic sword net in his around the body cloth unexpectedly. Meanwhile, He Yiming complete Thought strongly to his body, has looked like an invisible eye, solidly has locked his body. 然而,贺一鸣却在此时双眉一扬,那极光之剑迅快的旋转了起来,竟然在他的身周布下了一个硕大的剑网。同时,贺一鸣的全部意念已经集中到了他的身上,就像是一只无形的眼睛,牢牢的锁定了他的身躯。 The Garfield anger snort|hum, he has not chosen in power of god with top of the head to knock as before hardly, but is similar to rock waste is ordinary, such as flies fell. 加菲尔德怒哼一声,他依旧没有选择与头顶上的神之力硬磕,而是如同一块顽石一般,如飞的坠了下来。 The looks of several people almost simultaneously one bright, they as if are waiting for anything. 几个人的眼神几乎同时一亮,他们似乎都在等待着什么。 Really, that sea water under Garfield body splits suddenly, pitch-black sword glow is similar to a concealment in secret the innumerable year of poisonous snakes, revealed that contained the violently poisonous fang incisively, maliciously bit toward the body of Garfield on came...... ps: today before down, asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket, thanks...... 果然,在加菲尔德身下的那片海水陡然裂开,一把乌黑的剑芒如同一条隐匿在暗中无数年的毒蛇,露出了那尖锐的蕴含了剧毒的獠牙,狠狠的朝着加菲尔德的身体上咬了过来……ps:今曰五更,求月票和推荐票,谢谢…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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