MG :: Volume #6

#283: Initiative provocation

At this time, Ji Mo Fanshu in the heart rudes awakening. 此时,吉摩凡殊心中后悔莫及。 Has penetrated the sea level in him by some secret technique, clear saw these three people, and felt to come from after them the intense aura, in the heart of this first under Heaven assassin in secret was dropping the blood. 在他以某种密法透过了海面,清晰的看到了这三个人,并且感受到了来自于他们身上的强烈气息之后,这位天下第一刺客的心中就在暗中滴血了。 He makes Hao Xue go to Southern Border, and will achieve Mortal Dao peak Realm Yu Family Old Ancestor to send his side. 他让郝血前往南疆,并且将达到了人道巅峰境界宇家老祖派到了他的身边。 To come in him, such combination in Southern Border, has swept away all sufficiently, does not have the anti- hand again. 在他想来,这样的组合在南疆之中,已经是足以横扫一切,再无抗手的了。 Because after Colored Glaze Old Ancestor leaves to go to Northern Border, here again does not have the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse to exist. Naturally can also have on some impossible people are surpassing the Yu Family Old Ancestor strength. 因为在琉璃老祖动身前往北疆之后,这里就再也没有了人道巅峰的强者存在。自然也就不可能有人能够拥有着超过宇家老祖的实力了。 However, he absolutely has not actually thought that not only He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning has achieved this Realm, what is also more hateful, Western two Nine Layers Heaven also arrived here unexpectedly. 但是,他却绝对没有想到,不但贺一鸣白马雷电都达到了这一境界,而且更可恶的是,西方两位九重天竟然也来到了此处。 In the Southern Border sea area, left four topest expert unexpectedly all of a sudden. 南疆海域之中,竟然一下子多出了四位最顶尖的高手 That one day, he in the place of practice Nine Underworlds, suddenly felt that in the heart has different, after thorough examination, this surprised discovery, oneself and Thought relation between Solidified Blood Person had been cut off by some strength. 一曰,他在九幽之地修炼,突然感到心中有异,仔细检查之后,这才惊讶的发现,自己与凝血人之间的意念联系已经被某种力量切断了。 This discovery makes him have a big shock. 这个发现让他大惊失色。 Since Solidified Blood Person entered in the body of Puppet, powerful ability that then can release, will not be absolutely inferior in a topest Mortal Dao peak. 凝血人既然已经进入到了傀儡的身体之内,那么所能够释放出来的威能,绝对不会逊色于一位最顶尖的人道巅峰。 Although is unable to use Divine Weapon, however when facing all Nine Layers Heaven following expert, actually almost invincible. 虽然无法使用神兵,但是在面对一切九重天以下的高手之时,却几乎无人能敌 But now he actually can only the faint induction to existence of Puppet, actually by some type mysterious, having a dark strength to cut off the concrete relation. 可是如今他却仅能隐隐的感应到傀儡的存在,却被某种神奇的,带着一丝黑暗的力量切断了具体的联系。 After obtaining this discovery, in his heart naturally is the startled anger occurred simultaneously, therefore without hesitation catches up toward Southern Border. 在得到了这个发现之后,他的心中自然是惊怒交加,所以不假思索的朝着南疆赶来。 Moreover, in his heart also has 1-layer to worry, since links the Mortal Dao peak Puppet also to have an accident, then Hao Xue, how could he cultivates one's own moral worth...... When met with He Yiming at first, he does not have to suspect He Yiming. However under the induction of Thought, makes him know that Yu Family Old Ancestor exists as before, but actually not in the He Yiming side. 而且,在他的心中还有着一层担忧,既然连人道巅峰的傀儡也会出事,那么郝血呢,他又岂能独善其身……在最初与贺一鸣相遇之时,他并非没有怀疑过贺一鸣。但是在意念的感应之下,却让他知道,宇家老祖依旧存在,但却不在贺一鸣的身边。 Moreover, he also knows that He Yiming absolutely is new promotion Nine Layers Heaven expert. If said that he and white horse collaborates to strike to kill Puppet, that is not accidental. However wants to hold Puppet, and blocks its Thought, only feared that has gone beyond beyond the He Yiming ability category. 而且,他也知道贺一鸣绝对是一位新晋升的九重天高手。若是说他和白马联手能够击杀傀儡,那并不意外。但是想要抓住傀儡,并且将其意念封锁,只怕就已经超出了贺一鸣能力范畴之外了。 At this time, after the seabed saw Garfield and Yu Family Old Ancestor truly, Ji Mo Fanshu finally is thorough has believed the He Yiming words. 此时,在海底真正的看到了加菲尔德宇家老祖之后,吉摩凡殊终于是彻底的相信了贺一鸣的话。 All over the world, can use this dark method to shut off itself and between Yu Family Old Ancestor the Thought relation, feared that also only had Western that formidable alliance head Your Excellency in Darkness Union Cult. 普天之下,能够使用这种黑暗的手段切断自己与宇家老祖之间意念联系的,怕是也唯有西方黑暗联盟议会中的那位强大的议长阁下了。 both eyes has narrowed the eyes slightly, Ji Mo Fanshu in the heart is angry, he even more calm. The whole person ambushes in the sea, did not have a life aura again. 双目微微的眯了起来,吉摩凡殊心中越是愤怒,他就愈发的冷静。整个人潜伏在海中,再也没有了一丝的生命气息。 in his heart only thought that how regardless of must cut to kill Garfield at the scene, for most outstanding descendant Hao Xue pays with a life. 他的心中就唯有一个念头,无论如何也要将加菲尔德斩杀当场,为了自己最杰出的后代郝血偿命。 The Franklin three people arrived at half in the sky, looks below He Yiming, besides Yu Family Old Ancestor the board a dead face, other two's in the eyes was revealing an inconceivable look throughout. 弗兰克林三人来到了半空中,看着下方的贺一鸣,除了宇家老祖始终板着一副死人脸之外,其余两人的眼中都流露出了一丝不可思议的神色。 They and He Yiming distinguish this are the short several days time, pressure that but transmits from He Yiming now, made their these two Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses fall into has worked as in the machine. 他们与贺一鸣分别这才是短短的数曰时间,但是如今从贺一鸣身上所传来的气势,却让他们这两位九重天的强者陷入了当机之中。 You...... He Yiming?” Franklin indecisive asking. “你……贺一鸣?”弗兰克林犹豫不决的问道。 He Yiming long smiles loudly, said: Respect Your Holiness the Pope, you actually still remember below, really made He feel extremely flattered.” 贺一鸣放声长笑,道:“尊敬的教皇陛下,您竟然还记得在下,真是令贺某受宠若惊。” Was seeing Franklin expression at this moment, in the heart infinite satisfaction of He Yiming. His both hands wield gently, five colors radiance has emerged on his body immediately. 在看到了弗兰克林此刻的表情,贺一鸣心中无限的满足。他的双手轻轻一挥,五彩光芒顿时在他的身上涌现了出来。 If there are two person long exactly the same in this world, but this Five Elements Ring five colors divine light impossible simultaneously has two people to have. 如果说在这个世界上真的有两个人长的一模一样,但是这五行环五彩神光不可能同时有两个人拥有。 After seeing this five colors radiance, even if Franklin does not believe that his eye, he has also determined at present this youngster true status. 在见到这五彩光芒之后,哪怕是弗兰克林再不相信自己的眼睛,他也确定了眼前这个年轻人的真正身份。 Saying that impossible, impossible...... Franklin muttered certainly: Your lightization six can't Divine Weapon, why enter the step to the Mortal Dao peak obviously?” 不可能,绝不可能……”弗兰克林喃喃的说道:“你明明未曾光化六把神兵,为何能够进阶到人道巅峰?” He once had fought with He Yiming, knows that has Divine Weapon Divine Item that plans unable to think in the hand of this kid. Five Elements Ring, Aurora Sword and Black Tortoise Shell have made the extremely profound impression on him. His previously invited Garfield to take He Yiming, no doubt has threatens the meaning of Celestial Pond Lineage, but was main, was actually wants to seek He Yiming Divine Weapon. Especially that including Black Tortoise Shell that strength of god can resist, was makes him never forget. 他曾经与贺一鸣交过手,知道在这个小家伙的手中有着意想不到的神兵神器五行环,极光之剑玄龟壳都给他留下了极为深刻的印象。他昔曰邀请加菲尔德拿下贺一鸣,固然有着借此威胁天池一脉的意思,但更主要的,却是想要谋取贺一鸣身上的神兵。特别是那个连神之力量都能够抵御的玄龟壳,就更是令他念念不忘了。 However, because both sides have fought, therefore he is clear, He Yiming distance success lightization six Divine Weapon Realm or difference quite far. 不过,也正是因为双方交过手,所以他才明白,贺一鸣距离成功光化六把神兵境界还是差之颇远。 Even if he can also grasp power of god finally, but wants one step to achieve lightization six Divine Weapon Realm first, that also needs the long-term practice. 哪怕他最终也能够掌握神之力,但想要先一步达到光化六把神兵境界,那还需要长时间的修炼。 However, these time meets, actually thoroughly overthrows his estimate. 但是,这一次相见,却将他的估算彻底推翻。 Looks that below that heroic spirit soars to the heavens, He Yiming of pressure bullfight, solemn Your Holiness the Pope also really has several points of absent-minded, whether, because is with one foot in the grave, therefore has old with dim eyes misread the person. 看着下方的那位豪气冲天,气势斗牛的贺一鸣,堂堂的教皇陛下还真的有着几分恍惚,是否自己因为年老力衰,所以老眼昏花看错了人。 The Garfield complexion is also quite ugly, his sinking sound track: Your Holiness the Pope, his previously really not lightization six Divine Weapon?” 加菲尔德的脸色也是颇为难看,他沉声道:“教皇陛下,他昔曰真的未曾光化六把神兵么?” Franklin hesitant, stretched out three fingers, said: Three.” 弗兰克林犹豫了一下,伸出了三根手指头,道:“三把。” He Yiming in the heart admires secretly, worthily is the Western topest powerhouse, unexpectedly from previous fight on accurate estimate own true strength. 贺一鸣心中暗自佩服,不愧是西方最顶尖的强者,竟然从上一次的战斗中就准确的估计到了自己的真正实力。 They are actually not able to imagine, in this world, actually also some people can strength of god be insufficient to explode the body dead in ordinary Five Qi Great Venerable Realm direct to absorb. Similarly, they are unable to imagine, actually some people can controlling strength of god substitute for Light of Divine Weapon, and finally completes the step. 只是,他们却无法想象,在这个世界上,竟然还有人能够在普通的五气大尊境界直接的吸纳神之力量而不至于爆体身亡。同样的,他们也无法想象,竟然有人能够艹控神之力量来取代神兵之光,并且最终完成进阶。 Garfield in the eyes has flashed through a swift and fierce murderous intention. 加菲尔德眼中闪过了一丝凌厉的杀机。 This youngster, previous time met merely lightization three Divine Weapon, but several days left, actually reached the sky in a single bound, has achieved with oneself situation side by side. 这个年轻人,上一次相见仅仅光化了三把神兵,但是数曰一别,却是一步登天,达到了与自己比肩的地步。 in his heart regrets constantly, if the time can flow backwards, they will not hesitate at all costs absolutely, must forever keep this person. 他的心中后悔不迭,若是时间能够倒流,那他们绝对会不惜一切代价,也要将此人永远的留下来。 But unfortunately, thinks now like this, without doubt after is , after knowing, thinks. 但可惜的是,如今这样想,无疑已经是后知后觉罢了。 He Yiming, you do.” 贺一鸣,你来作甚。” After undergoing the shock of moment, Franklin finally returned to normal. 经过了片刻的震惊之后,弗兰克林终于是恢复了正常。 Great Your Holiness the Pope after is not an average person, once he has restrained the mind, immediately after the regret of in the heart throws the brain, but is quiet asking. 伟大的教皇陛下毕竟不是普通人,他一旦收敛了心神,顿时将心中的后悔抛之脑后,而是沉静的问道。 He Yiming frank happy smiling, said: He hears several housings here, therefore visited to ask for advice.” 贺一鸣爽朗开心的笑着,道:“贺某听说几位居住在这里,所以就上门讨教来了。” When he spoke of asked for advice these two characters, body that formidable pressure immediately be outspoken has released, the body of white horse Thunder Lightning has the bright electric arc of visibling faintly. 当他说到讨教这两个字的时候,身上那强大的气势顿时毫无保留的释放了出来,就连白马雷电的身上都有着隐约可见的明亮电弧。 This is He Yiming is blustering, wish makes their attention centralized to own body. Then, that concealment in secret even more was discovered on impossible in Underworld Old Ancestor. 这是贺一鸣在虚张声势,想要让他们的注意力都集中到自己的身上。如此一来,那隐匿在暗中的黄泉老祖就愈发的不可能被人发现了。 Franklin sneers, [say / way] that he lets somebody cool off or calm down: Depended on you just to promote to the Mortal Dao peak strength, wanted to challenge us.” 弗兰克林冷笑一声,他冷冷的道:“就凭你刚刚晋升到人道巅峰的实力,就想要来挑战我们么。” He Yiming pats white horse Thunder Lightning under body, said: He men and horse unites, didn't have this qualifications?” 贺一鸣一拍身下的白马雷电,道:“贺某人马合一,难道还没有这个资格么?” The Franklin vision stared at the moment on the body of white horse, nod, said slowly: Right, you really have this qualifications.” 弗兰克林的目光在白马的身上凝望了片刻,缓缓点头,道:“没错,你果然有这个资格。” He Yiming eyebrows raises, on his face surged rapidly a color with deep veneration, said: Respect Your Holiness the Pope, please summon the Temple warhawk, we fair war.” 贺一鸣双眉一扬,他的脸上迅速的涌起了一片肃然之色,道:“尊敬的教皇陛下,请你将神殿战鹰召唤出来,我们再公平的一战吧。” Even if by Franklin astuteness, after hearing this shameless , is almost air/Qi seethes with rage. 哪怕是以弗兰克林城府,在听到了这一句恬不知耻的话之后,亦是差点气得七窍生烟。 He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning collaborates, among them the strength makes up absolutely mutually, can display more formidable powerful ability. However Temple warhawk regarding this Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, not only cannot form any boost, instead must turn into the burden that was unable to get rid. 贺一鸣白马雷电联手,他们之间的实力绝对是相互弥补,能够发挥出更加强大的威能。但是神殿战鹰对于他这位人道巅峰的九重天而言,非但不能形成任何助力,反而要变成了一个无法摆脱的累赘。 In comparison, he rather only select this men and horse to unite, is not willing when absolutely again the maid of Temple warhawk. 相比之下,他宁愿自己一个人单挑这人马合一,也绝对不愿意再当神殿战鹰的保姆了。 The eye of Garfield narrows the eyes slightly, has exuded a withered laughter from his skinny body: He Yiming, makes this king come with you to compare notes.” 加菲尔德的眼睛微微一眯,从他那干瘦的身躯中发出了一道干瘪的笑声:“贺一鸣,就让本座来与你切磋一下吧。” He Yiming is startled, this person belongs to Underworld Old Ancestor, but why can he challenge to himself? Is it possible that he saw any clue is inadequate. 贺一鸣微怔,这个人可是属于黄泉老祖的,但他为何要向自己搦战?莫非他看出了什么端倪不成。 After knowing relations between these two Western powerhouses, He Yiming does not believe that Darkness Union Cult association president Your Excellency meets the good intention to helping the Temple Pope situation. 在知道了这两位西方强者之间的关系之后,贺一鸣可不相信黑暗联盟议会的会长阁下会好心到帮助神殿教皇的地步。 The Franklin brow micro wrinkle, said: alliance head Your Excellency, this is our Temple matter.” 弗兰克林的眉头微皱,道:“议长阁下,这是我们神殿的事情。” Garfield shows a faint smile, a wisp slight, only has the sound that Franklin can hear to resound in his ear. 加菲尔德微微一笑,一缕轻微的,仅有弗兰克林能够听到的声音在他的耳中响起。 Your Holiness the Pope, He Yiming is really the having god-given wisdom rare talent, these time must resort to all means strikes to kill him. If leaves alone again, perhaps days later he may enter step Divine Dao.” 教皇陛下,贺一鸣果然是天纵奇才,这一次一定要不择手段的将他击杀。若是再放任不管,或许曰后他真的有可能进阶神道。” The Franklin eye hid shivered slightly, although he regarding He Yiming whether to break through to Divine Dao is not optimistic. 弗兰克林的眼皮子微微颤抖了一下,虽然他对于贺一鸣能否突破至神道并不乐观。 For several thousand years, many Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses want to surmount this last pass/test, has not actually succeeded. Then He Yiming is the talent, is not necessarily able to achieve the wish. 数千年来,多少九重天强者们都想要跨越这最后一关,却都没有成功过。那么贺一鸣就算是再天才,也未必就能够达成心愿。 However, he thinks that the age in He Yiming that legend, this terrifying entering step speed, in the heart that son persisted in having several points to vacillate. 但是,他一想到贺一鸣那传说中的年龄,还有这一次恐怖的进阶速度,心中的那点儿坚持就不免有了几分动摇。 Perhaps, Garfield said right, He Yiming may achieve really for several thousand years all Cultivator that long-awaited highest Realm. 或许,加菲尔德说的没错,贺一鸣真的有可能达成数千年来所有修炼者那梦寐以求的最高境界 Such enemy, cannot allow him to live absolutely with the world. 这样的敌人,绝对不能容他活与世上。 Slightly has selected under one, the Franklin personal appearance started to retrocede. However in this process, he and Garfield has exchanged a look unintentionally. 微微的点了一下头,弗兰克林的身形开始后退了。不过在这个过程中,他与加菲尔德有意无意的交换了一个眼神。 These two confrontations counted the hundred years old enemy to obtain the unprecedented tacit understanding in this moment. 这两个对峙数百年的老对头在这一刻取得了前所未有的默契。 Garfield flies toward the front, in his, Yu Family Old Ancestor does not leave not abandoned is following. From their bodies, formidable pressure shoots up to the sky. 加菲尔德朝着前方飞来,在他的身后,宇家老祖不离不弃的跟随着。从他们的身上,强大的气势冲天而起。 Two formidable Nine Layers Heaven expert, in toward He Yiming that this moment was relentless launched the most intense attack. 两位强大九重天高手,在这一刻毫不留情的朝着贺一鸣发动了最强烈的攻击。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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