MG :: Volume #6

#282: Agreement

The Ji Mo Fanshu vision concentrates, was similar to the incisive dagger falls above the He Yiming face, made him have a burning feeling unexpectedly. 吉摩凡殊的目光一凝,如同尖锐的匕首落到了贺一鸣的脸庞之上,竟然让他有着一种火辣辣的感觉。 „Is Brother He so why warm-hearted?” Ji Mo Fanshu tranquil asking. 贺兄为何如此热心?”吉摩凡殊平静的问道。 He Yiming induces a swift and fierce murderous intention that around the body swung immediately, he knows the request that one set has caused the suspicion of opposite party. 贺一鸣顿时感应到了身周所荡起的一丝凌厉杀机,他知道自己所提出的要求已经引起了对方的怀疑。 However, on the face of He Yiming actually maintains composure, he is only the calm [say / way]: Franklin and He have a grudge, now he and Garfield, Yu Family Old Ancestor male servant mixes up, He is far from the enemies of three Mortal Dao peak, has not to haggle over with it. But if can collaborate with Old Ancestor, the enmity that then must be able to report.” 不过,贺一鸣的脸上却是不动声色,他只是冷静的道:“弗兰克林贺某有仇,如今他与加菲尔德宇家老祖厮混在一起,贺某远非三位人道巅峰之敌,只好不与其计较。但若是能够与老祖联手,那么必能报的此仇。” Ji Mo Fanshu then feels relaxed, actually in his heart also secretly beats a drum, if all these eternal truth He Yiming said that when two Western topest Nine Layers Heaven in the same place, even if that were he does not dare to get rid easily. 吉摩凡殊这才释然,其实在他的心中也是暗自打鼓,如果这一切真如贺一鸣所言,当两位西方最顶尖的九重天在一起的时候,那么纵然是他也是不敢轻易出手的了。 Pushes the person by oneself, thinks that He Yiming is also the similar idea. 以己推人,想必贺一鸣也是同样的想法吧。 Earnest looks at He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning, is feeling formidable pressure that transmits from them, he had determined finally a point, these two really have with the qualifications that he collaborates. 认真的看着贺一鸣白马雷电,感受着从他们身上所传来的强大气势,他终于确定了一点,这两位果然有着与他联手的资格了。 Slowly has selected under one, Ji Mo Fanshu sinking sound track: Good, said it and meant it.” 慢慢的点了一下头,吉摩凡殊沉声道:“好,一言为定。” The He Yiming great happiness, said hastily: Old Ancestor, my this goes to Colored Glaze Island, asking them to go into action to seek for that two Western powerhouses to be in Southern Border. So long as Colored Glaze Island this local bully goes into action, can definitely find their trails.” 贺一鸣大喜,连忙道:“老祖,我这就去琉璃岛,请他们出马在南疆寻找那两位西方强者所在。只要琉璃岛这个地头蛇出马,肯定能够找到他们的踪迹。” If merely is two Western top Nine Layers Heaven, then He Yiming naturally does not have any assurance. However can actually know from the words of Bai Lingba (108) interception that these two definitely are in some foothold of long-term housing, moreover by their status, absolutely is the people of many taking care. 如果仅仅是两位西方顶尖的九重天,那么贺一鸣自然没有任何把握。但是从百零八窃听的话中却可以知道,这两位肯定是长期居住的某一个据点之内,而且以他们的身份,绝对是不乏服侍之人。 So long as the population more than one, definitely will have some clues to reveal that but by Colored Glaze Island in the influence of Southern Border sea area, can find out some clue most likely. 只要人数一多,肯定会有一些蛛丝马迹显露出来,而以琉璃岛南疆海域的势力,十有八九可以查出一些端倪。 However, Ji Mo Fanshu actually slightly shakes the head, said: Brother He, if Yu Family Old Ancestor really with Garfield in the same place, then did not need to trouble other people to act to seek.” 然而,吉摩凡殊却是微微摇头,道:“贺兄,如果宇家老祖真的与加菲尔德在一起,那么就无需麻烦其他人出面寻找了。” He Yiming is startled, looked that were unavoidably many to his vision the color of several points of doubt. A moment later, his eye one bright, said: „Can Old Ancestor induce to the Yu Family Old Ancestor site?” 贺一鸣微怔,看向他的目光中不免多了几分狐疑之色。片刻之后,他的眼睛一亮,道:“老祖能够感应到宇家老祖的所在地?” Ji Mo Fanshu smiles proudly, said: This person, since is Puppet that the old man refines, naturally can induce to his existence, if this point cannot achieve continually, the old man why ten thousand li (0.5km) far away catch up with this place.” 吉摩凡殊傲然一笑,道:“此人既然是老夫炼制的傀儡,自然能够感应到他的存在,若是连这一点也做不到,老夫又何必万里迢迢赶来此地。” He Yiming nod gently, but in his heart secretly is actually startled. Since Underworld Old Ancestor can induce to existence of Puppet, then can also through Puppet know had had matter? 贺一鸣轻轻的点着头,但是他的心中却是暗自吃惊。既然黄泉老祖能够感应到傀儡的存在,那么是否也能够通过傀儡知道曾经发生过的事情呢? If made him know the truth of matter, then let alone collaborated with him, only feared that must raise on the contrary puts him and Western Nine Layers Heaven collaborates to cope with itself. 若是真的让他知道了事情的真相,那么别说是与他联手了,只怕反倒要提放他与西方九重天联手来对付自己了。 However what luckily is, now Yu Family Old Ancestor fell in the hand of Garfield, this Western top expert definitely used some mysterious method to make Yu Family Old Ancestor be at somebody's beck and call, in this simultaneously, definitely got down anything to ban that actually keeping Underworld Old Ancestor from feeling what happened on the body of Yu Family Old Ancestor. 不过幸好的是,如今宇家老祖已经落到了加菲尔德的手中,这位西方的顶尖高手肯定是使用了某种神奇的手段让宇家老祖俯首听命,在这个同时,也肯定是下了什么禁制,让黄泉老祖无法感受到在宇家老祖的身上究竟发生了什么事情。 An intention revolution, he had haggling over immediately, once puts in an appearance after them, if wants completely all means to strike to kill Yu Family Old Ancestor this Puppet thoroughly, forever never recurring trouble. 心念一转,他立即有了计较,一旦与他们照面之后,就要想尽一切办法将宇家老祖这个傀儡彻底击杀,永绝后患。 The vision took a look at one following direction of Underworld Old Ancestor advance, He Yiming asked: Where is?” 目光顺着黄泉老祖前进的方向瞅了一眼,贺一鸣问道:“是哪里么?” Yes.” Ji Mo Fanshu simple transparent [say / way]: Brother He, Yu Family Old Ancestor in hundred li (0.5km), we quickly can see.” “是。”吉摩凡殊简单明了的道:“贺兄,宇家老祖就在百里之内,我们很快就能够看到了。” He Yiming nod, puts out a hand again and again a move, white horse Thunder Lightning, although does not would rather like this let off the present enemy, but has flung the tail, arrived at the He Yiming side. 贺一鸣连连点头,伸手一招,白马雷电虽然并不情愿就这样放过眼前的敌人,但还是甩了一下尾巴,来到了贺一鸣的身边。 An eyeball revolution, He Yiming said with a smile slightly: Old Ancestor, He has a proposition, does not know how you do think?” 眼珠子微微一转,贺一鸣笑道:“老祖,贺某有一个提议,不知道你以为如何?” You said.” “你说。” Waits a minute makes He provoke first, you ambush in secret, if can seize the opportunity to lend a hand to solve one suddenly, we were relaxed.” He Yiming smilingly was saying, but in his heart is also disturbed, becomes famous for a long time Nine Layers Heaven expert regarding one, does not know whether Underworld Old Ancestor can lag behind this honor. “稍候就让贺某先去挑衅,您老就潜伏在暗中,若是能够抓住时机突然出手解决一个,那我们就轻松了。”贺一鸣笑眯眯的说着,不过在他的心中也是忐忑,对于一个成名已久的九重天高手,不知道黄泉老祖是否能够拉下这个脸面。 Unexpectedly Ji Mo Fanshu accepted unexpectedly without hesitation. 不料吉摩凡殊竟然毫不犹豫的应承了下来。 He Yiming goes forward with this first under Heaven assassin, in the heart is startled secretly, no wonder Franklin and Garfield like this dreaded to this person. 贺一鸣跟着这位天下第一刺客前进,心中暗自吃惊,怪不得弗兰克林加菲尔德都对此人这样忌惮。 By his strength, if assassinates a person intentionally, even if has met same step expert, only feared is also very difficult to deal with. 以他的实力若是存心去刺杀一个人,哪怕是遇到了同阶高手,只怕也是很难应付的了。 * * * * ※※※※ They are not the people of hauling, once had decided that immediately is at high speed hurries to that direction. 他们都不是拖拉之人,一旦有所决定,立即是快马加鞭的朝着那个方向赶去。 , Can see bleak islands by far in the front. 远远的,可以看见一个荒凉的岛屿就在前方。 In this islands side, the massive ships, only have not had two sea boats. However these two sea boats are fine . Moreover the modeling and Eastern sea boat also has the enormous difference. 在这个岛屿之旁,并没有大量的船只,仅有二艘海船而已。但是这二艘海船精美华丽,而且造型与东方的海船也有着极大的区别。 When Ji Mo Fanshu saw these two sea boats, in the eyes has flashed through swift and fierce radiance finally, even more has believed a point regarding the He Yiming words. 吉摩凡殊看到了这两艘海船之时,眼中终于闪过了一丝凌厉的光芒,对于贺一鸣的话愈发的相信了一分。 He Yiming turns the head, a face sincere [say / way]: Old Ancestor, He this goes to direct them, you may probably hide, if were discovered by them, then your first illustrious name did not have.” 贺一鸣转头,一脸诚恳的道:“老祖,贺某这就去将他们引出来,你可要藏好了,若是被他们发现,那么你的一世英名就没有了。” Ji Mo Fanshu cold snort|hum, said: This point does not need Brother He to miss, actually you one time facing two Mortal Dao peak, is careful for on.” 吉摩凡殊冷哼一声,道:“这一点无需贺兄挂念,倒是你一次面对二位人道巅峰,还是小心为上。” He is not worried about the He Yiming safety, but feared that little beside this noticeable top expert, own assassination was not necessarily able to be successful. 他并不是担心贺一鸣的安危,而是怕少了这个引人注目的顶尖高手之外,自己的刺杀就未必能够成功了。 The personal appearance in a flash, Ji Mo Fanshu has submerged in the sea slightly. 身形微微一晃,吉摩凡殊已经潜入了海中。 He looks like an originally lives the sea-monster in sea to be common, dexterous penetration in, made one indescribable flexible. 他就像是一条原本就生活在大海之中的游鱼一般,轻巧的穿入其中,灵活的令人无法形容。 The He Yiming complexion slightly changes, he has thought his Swimming Fish Movement is among the world most suits in movement that extremely in the water displays, but now looks like, Underworld Old Ancestor is not inferior in submarine movement. 贺一鸣的脸色微微一变,他一直以为自己的游鱼身法才是天下间最适合在水中施展的绝顶身法,但是如今看来,黄泉老祖在水下的身法却是一点儿也不比自己逊色。 He gains ground, heaved a deep sigh secretly. This old fogy said right, although at this time own basic military force and Divine Weapon will not be inferior in their these Nine Layers Heaven, however in the Martial Dao training, fight experience actually differs much, to defeat them in official fighting, that also section of remote roads must walk. 他抬头,暗自长叹一声。这个老家伙说的没错,虽然此时自己的基本武力和一身神兵已经不会逊色于他们这些九重天,但是在武道修养,战斗经验方面却还是相差不少,若是想要在正式的交手中将他们击败,那还有一段遥远的路要走。 Vision gradual has strengthened, in the eye pupil of He Yiming appears intermittently murderous aura. 目光逐渐的坚定了起来,贺一鸣的眼眸中隐现杀气 Such being the case, that makes itself first operate from the bodies of these two Western powerhouses. 既然如此,那就让自己从这两位西方强者的身上首先开刀吧。 He holds up the head, is similar to the thunder thunderclap long and loud cry sends out from his mouth together suddenly...... Formidable True Qi seemed from his body the volcanic eruption has seethed with excitement, the tremendous strength rolling went toward the front. Although the strength of this sound wave was inferior when Treasure Pig and Bai Lingba (108) collaborate exaggeration that but also similarly was the no small matter. 他昂首,一道如同雷霆霹雳般的长啸从他的口中骤然发出……强大的真气从他的身上好似火山爆发般的沸腾了起来,巨大的力量朝着前方滚滚而去。虽然这股音波的力量远不如宝猪百零八联手之时的那么夸张,但也同样是非同小可了。 Giant ripples proliferated from sea level, that sea water likely by any strength to force promotes, has raised the dreadful rough sea waves in the He Yiming front, the giant wave reaches as high as two zhang (3.33 m), wells up to go toward that two sea boats crazily. 一道巨大的涟漪从海面上扩散了开来,那海水像是被什么力量给强力的推动似的,在贺一鸣的面前掀起了滔天巨浪,巨大的浪头高达二丈有余,朝着那两艘海船狂涌而去。 white horse Thunder Lightning happy long hissing, from its body also electric arcs, followed closely the wave that is raising to be in hot pursuit. 白马雷电欢喜的一声长嘶,从它的身上也荡起了一片电弧,紧随着那掀起来的浪头紧追不舍。 „......” “啪……” Giant wave numerous hitting above sea boat, the great power that contains made on the ship the person of remaining stand steadily, does not fall down in abundance. However, their nightmares just started. 巨大的浪头重重的打在了海船之上,其中所蕴含的强大力量令船上留守之人站立不稳,纷纷摔倒在地。然而,他们的噩梦才刚刚开始。 The sound wave power to injure that the long and loud cry of He Yiming causes is actually not big, does not have Treasure Pig the roar of dragon might that to exaggerate. However followed closely white horse Thunder Lightning that came is fearful urgently pressing fu. 贺一鸣的长啸所引起的音波其实伤害力并不大,远没有宝猪龙威之吼那么夸张。但是紧随而来的白马雷电就是可怕的催命苻了。 That naked eye obvious electric arc has spread over each corner on deck instantaneously, and along with sea water unceasing seepage but spread toward the entire sea boat. 那肉眼可见的电弧瞬间传遍了甲板上的每一个角落,并且随着海水不断的渗透而朝着整艘海船蔓延了开来。 Has transmitted the sad and shrill pitiful yell from the ship unceasingly, even if formerly is pounded the dizzy person by the wave, sobered under the intense electric current stimulation. 从船上不断的传来了凄厉的惨叫,哪怕是先前被浪头砸晕的人,也在强烈的电流刺激下清醒了过来。 However, they rather never sober, because waits for their, is just likes the hell general terrifying fate. 不过,他们宁愿永远不要清醒过来,因为等待他们的,是犹如地狱一般的恐怖下场。 Fierce electricity glow is attacking their body unceasingly, making all people suo suo in the sea water tremble, and a moment later was turning into the hard coke that one group will not move. 剧烈的电芒不断的冲击着他们的身躯,让所有人都在海水之中嗦嗦发抖,并且在片刻之后变成了一团不会移动的焦炭了。 He Yiming stupefied looks at the changes on that two sea boat, his face look changes not measured imaginary. 贺一鸣膛目结舌的看着那两艘海船上的变化,他的脸色变幻莫测。 Since these Western people arrived at Southern Sea, and also the plan gets rid to cope with him, then He Yiming counterattacks, does not have what psychological burden. But he actually cannot think one and white horse Thunder Lightning the prestige of collaboration, went to this situation unexpectedly. 这些西方人既然来到了南海,并且还打算出手对付他,那么贺一鸣予以还击,并没有什么心理负担。但他却想不到自己与白马雷电的联手之威,竟然达到了这种地步。 Although has the massive sea water here, making the Thunder Lightning strength obtain the full display, but they whole-heartedly have not actually created such result. 虽然在这里有着大量的海水,让雷电的实力得到了充分的发挥,但他们却并没有全力以赴就已经造成了这样的结果。 powerful ability that men and horse unites, really dispersing to be more formidable. 人马合一的威能,果然比分散开来要更加强大。 The seabed place under of some darkness, that first under Heaven old assassin cursed secretly. 海底之下的某个黑暗之处,那位天下第一的老刺客暗自咒骂不已。 But white horse Thunder Lightning the enemy friend does not divide, almost suffered loss including him. However this is also he to go into hiding the whereabouts, does not dare to release too many protecting body True Qi reason. 白马雷电可是敌友不分,连他也差点吃了苦头。不过这也是他为了隐匿行踪,不敢释放太多的护体真气的缘故。 Above the islands, has transmitted two long and loud cries immediately. Afterward, three person's shadows shoot up to the sky, circled in in the sky slightly such, was similar to three rocket pen perpendicular incidence. 岛屿之上,立即传来了两道长啸。随后,三道人影冲天而起,在空中稍微的盘旋了那么一下,就如同三道火箭般的笔直射了过来。 He Yiming is sharp-eyed, saw that actually also has the people of several looking familiar in this islands. 贺一鸣眼尖,一眼就看到在这个岛屿上竟然还有着几位眼熟之人。 They are these time go to Southern Border, originally Western new promote Venerable that plans and Jin Zhanyi and the others fought. However at this moment on their faces is an inconceivable facial expression. Very obviously, they cannot think absolutely, when these two powerhouses assume personal command on the island, which fellow has eaten the bear heart leopard balls dares to come to oppose with them. 他们就是这一次前往南疆,原本打算与金战役等人交手的西方新晋尊者。不过此刻他们的脸上都是一片不可思议的神情。很显然,他们绝对想不到,当这两位强者在岛上坐镇之时,还有哪个家伙吃了熊心豹子胆的敢来与他们作对。 The person's shadow dodges slightly, in the sky that three radiance stopped immediately. 人影微微一闪,空中的那三道光芒顿时停了下来。 Three top powerhouses set up in an array, came from Western Franklin, Garfield and that unemotionally Yu Family Old Ancestor. 三位顶尖的强者一字排开,正是来自于西方弗兰克林加菲尔德和那位面无表情的宇家老祖 He Yiming in the heart one happy, these two have not really left Southern Border, when facing these three Mortal Dao peak powerhouses, his heart actually does not make every effort to succeed beat fiercely. 贺一鸣心中一喜,这两人果然没有离开南疆,不过在面对着这三位人道巅峰的强者之时,他的心脏却还是不争气的剧烈跳动了起来。 His deep sorption air/Qi, True Qi of whole body raised to gather the extreme, the word did not gather greatly, the stance of immediately beginning. 他深深的吸着气,全身的真气提聚到了极点,大有一言不合,立即动手的架势。 The seabed, Ji Mo Fanshu has penetrated the sea level, saw Yu Family Old Ancestor that familiar facial features, his complexion actually has a rare fierce color...... 海底,吉摩凡殊透过了海面,看到了宇家老祖的那张熟悉面容,他的脸色竟然有着一丝罕见的狰狞之色…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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