MG :: Volume #6

#281: Talking irresponsibly

Eats delicacies from the He Yiming mouth together lightly sends out, his Five Elements Ring revolved vigorously. 一道轻啸从贺一鸣的口中发出,他的五行环大力的旋转了起来。 Huge True Qi rushes to well up from Five Elements Ring crazily, suppresses to go toward Ji Mo Fanshu. When facing this old killer, He Yiming does not dare to have retains slightly. 庞大的真气五行环之内澎湃狂涌而出,朝着吉摩凡殊压制而去。在面对这个老杀手的时候,贺一鸣再也不敢有丝毫的保留了。 He gets rid is his pressure bottom Supreme Skill, five times of great power amplifications, after he promotes is Mortal Dao peak Realm, in same step expert, did not have any strength to be able with it to contend again. 他一出手就是自己的压箱底绝技,五倍的强大力量增幅,在他晋升为人道巅峰的境界之后,在同阶高手之中,再也没有了什么力量能够与之抗衡了。 Really, the huge pressure that after feeling that overhead has pounded, the Ji Mo Fanshu complexion changes, his response truly is similar to He Yiming expects, when not like first time meets, by the similarly formidable strength the He Yiming Five Elements brilliance blocks, but by quite strange movement, in escaped instantaneously in the Five Elements radiance attack range. 果然,在感受到了那当头砸下来的巨大威压之后,就连吉摩凡殊的脸色都是一变,他的反应确实如同贺一鸣所料,再也不象第一次见面之时,以同样强大的力量将贺一鸣五行光华挡住,而是以一种相当诡异的身法,在瞬间就遁出了五行光芒的攻击范围之内。 He Yiming in the heart admires secretly, such super rank expert, will certainly have their maintaining life unique skills, therefore He Yiming never had also expected can conquer the enemy at one fell swoop. 贺一鸣心中暗自佩服,这样的超阶高手,当然会有他们的保命绝活,所以贺一鸣也从未奢望过能够一举克敌。 Five Elements radiance was similar to steadily eye, followed closely the body pursuit of Underworld Old Ancestor to go, traced the speed of enemy compared with the human body quickest limiting velocity on quick by Light of Divine Weapon plan. However Underworld Old Ancestor the set of cultivation technique is really strange, even if unable to lock it by He Yiming Divine Sense, say nothing of anything gave other party becomes injures. 五行光芒如同长了眼睛似的,紧随着黄泉老祖的身体追击而去,以神兵之光追踪敌人的速度要比人体最快的极限速度快上一筹。但是黄泉老祖的这一套功法实在是怪异之极,哪怕是以贺一鸣神念都无法将之锁定,就更不用说什么给他造成伤害了。 suddenly, was vanishing in Underworld Old Ancestor of turning round chaotic extension, like this vanishes in He Yiming at present. 豁然,正在滴溜溜乱转的黄泉老祖消失了,就这样消失在贺一鸣的眼前。 Slightly is startled the god, formidable sense of crisis another emergence in his heart, He Yiming without hesitation shrinks the four limbs and head, presented a gigantic vest on his body immediately, has wrapped his all torsos. 微微的一怔神,一股强大的危机感又一次的出现在他的心中,贺一鸣不假思索的将四肢和头颅一缩,在他的身上顿时出现了一个硕大的背心,将他的所有躯干都包裹了进来。 He just completed this movement, on the vest transmits slight has bitten......” the sound. Afterward, Ji Mo Fanshu has exuded an unbelievable angry pshaw, escaped instantaneously beyond ten zhang (3.33 m). 他刚刚完成这个动作,背心上就传来了一道轻微的“叮……”的声响。随后,吉摩凡殊发出了一道难以置信的怒哼声,瞬间遁出了十丈之外。 five colors radiance arrived at the He Yiming side, has built a rays of light curtain in his side. 五彩光芒重新来到了贺一鸣的身边,在他的身边筑起了一道光幕。 Head and four limbs slowly drilled from that big 1st back in the heart, He Yiming complexion dignified is taking a look at the present powerhouse. 头颅和四肢慢慢的从那大了一号的背心中钻了出来,贺一鸣脸色凝重的打量着眼前的这位强者。 movement of this person was really extremely in formidable and strange. 此人的身法实在是太过于强大和诡异了。 When previous time meets, Underworld Old Ancestor has not displayed this set of movement, but this time, when he had the qualifications to stand by the status of equality in the Underworld Old Ancestor front, this old killer without hesitation has displayed oneself most formidable Battle Skill. 上一次相见之时,黄泉老祖并没有施展这套身法,可是这一次当他有资格以平等的身份站在了黄泉老祖的面前之时,这位老杀手就毫不犹豫的施展了自己最为强大的战技 The vision is staring at He Yiming Black Tortoise Shell, especially in this vest suddenly becomes small 1st sticking to after the He Yiming body, the Ji Mo Fanshu complexion finally changed. 目光凝视着贺一鸣身上的玄龟壳,特别是在这件背心突然变得小一号似的紧贴在贺一鸣身上之后,吉摩凡殊的脸色终于变了。 Divine Item?” 神器?” Divine Item most important characteristics, can automatic control Divine Weapon size, but besides Divine Item, did not have no Divine Weapon to achieve this again. 神器最重要的一个特征,就是能够自动调节神兵大小,而除了神器之外,再也没有什么神兵能够做到这一步了。 He Yiming smiles, he did not explain, but said: Underworld Old Ancestor is divine ability are really general, He with you one-to-one fair war.” 贺一鸣嘿嘿一笑,他也不解释,只是道:“黄泉老祖果然是神通广大,贺某就与你‘一对一’的公平一战吧。” His pressure is crazy immediately inflation, his body as if under this aura contrasted grew such several points. 他身上的气势顿时疯狂般的膨胀了起来,就连他的身体都似乎在这股气息是烘托下长高了那么几分似的。 But at the same time, in Underworld Old Ancestor, same pressure has also seethed with excitement, although this pressure is not humanity sends, however seems not inferior on powerful ability in the He Yiming slightest. 而与此同时,在黄泉老祖的身后,一股同样的气势亦是沸腾了起来,这一股气势虽然并不是人类所发,但是在威能上却似乎并不逊色于贺一鸣分毫。 A Ji Mo Fanshu vision revolution, is feeling He Yiming and on white horse Thunder Lightning that huge pressure, his heart had a vacillation finally. 吉摩凡殊目光一转,感受着贺一鸣白马雷电身上那庞大的气势,他的心终于有了一丝动摇。 He Yiming, you are Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, wants to count on victory because of numerical superiority of forces.” 贺一鸣,你已经是人道巅峰的九重天了,难道还想要以多为胜么。” Laughed loudly half sound, the He Yiming complexion sank, cold [say / way]: „When Underworld Old Ancestor, previously Totem Clan Qilin Sir Saint Lord travelling world, regardless of meets head-on any expert, seems the person beast unites, this point you should know.” 放声大笑了半响,贺一鸣的脸色微沉,冷然道:“黄泉老祖,昔曰图腾一族麒麟圣主大人游历天下之时,无论迎战什么高手,似乎都是人兽合一,这一点你应该知道吧。” The Ji Mo Fanshu anger snort|hum, said: That is the Totem Clan custom, you are also Totem Clan.” 吉摩凡殊怒哼一声,道:“那是图腾一族的规矩,难道你也是图腾一族么。” He Yiming shook the head, said: He, although is not Totem Clan, but white horse is actually He life partner Saint Beast.” He, said: today our according to Totem Clan custom fights a decisive battle one, if you refuse to accept, might as well also looks for Saint Beast to come out with you to collaborate is.” 贺一鸣摇了摇头,道:“贺某虽然并非图腾一族,但白马却是贺某伴生圣兽。”他顿了顿,道:“今曰我们就以图腾一族的规矩决战一场吧,你若是不服,不妨也找一头圣兽出来与你联手就是。” The Ji Mo Fanshu eye hides turns, although his self-control has been very good, however after hearing He Yiming these words, nearly cursed angrily as before. 吉摩凡殊眼皮子一翻,虽然他的涵养一直很好,但是在听到了贺一鸣的这番话之后,却依旧是差点儿怒骂出来。 According to the Totem Clan well-mannered duel, this is unfair, as for letting him seeks for life partner Saint Beast, that was nonsensical talk. 按照图腾一族的规矩决斗,这也太不公平了,至于让他去寻找伴生圣兽,那就更是无稽之谈了。 Also at once, wants him to seek for one to where with white horse Thunder Lightning top Saint Beast side by side. 一时之间,又要他到哪里去寻找一个能够与白马雷电比肩的顶尖圣兽 He gets angry snort|hum one, actually knows that the matter of today was unable to be friendly. However even if facing two same step expert, he not flustered, because he has quite self-confidently regarding his technique of running away, let alone is two same steps, even if the population are many one time, he also has can run away from their hands self-confidently safely. 他怒哼一声,却知道今曰之事已经是无法善了。不过纵然是面对两位同阶高手,他也并未慌张,因为他对于自己的逃遁之术有着相当的自信,别说是两位同阶,就算是人数再多一倍,他也有自信能够从他们的手中安然逃走。 Was a pity, Puppet of old man not in this place, otherwise fights with you, still did not know who will be the winner.” Ji Mo Fanshu regrettable saying. “可惜,老夫的傀儡不在此地,否则与你们一战,尚不知鹿死谁手。”吉摩凡殊遗憾的说道。 He Yiming eye pupil China , Tunisia have flashed through strange radiance, his suddenly understood why the opposite party came this's reason. 贺一鸣眼眸中突地闪过了一丝奇异的光芒,他豁然明白了对方为何来此的原因了。 Yu Family Old Ancestor, definitely was that is used some mysterious technique to exercise Puppet Yu Family Old Ancestor by Underworld Old Ancestor. 宇家老祖,肯定是那位被黄泉老祖施展了某种神奇手法锻炼成傀儡宇家老祖 Although He Yiming does not know that actually Underworld Old Ancestor how refines Puppet, but a little he can actually affirm, among them definitely has some unknown mysterious relation. 虽然贺一鸣并不知道黄泉老祖究竟是如何炼制傀儡的,但有一点他却可以肯定,他们之间肯定有着某种不为人知的神秘联系。 An eyeball revolution, He Yiming said: What Puppet?” 眼珠子一转,贺一鸣道:“什么傀儡?” Ji Mo Fanshu smiles cold, his body started to rock slightly. However does not have what fighting will and formidable killing intent on his body. 吉摩凡殊冷然一笑,他的身体开始微微的晃动了起来。不过在他的身上却并没有什么战斗意志和强大的杀意 Thus it can be seen, the powerhouse of this Mortal Dao peak actually does not want to fight with He Yiming, but wants to get rid of his tracing by strange movement. 由此可见,这位人道巅峰的强者竟然并不是想要与贺一鸣交手,而是想要以诡异的身法摆脱他的追踪。 He Yiming in the heart is greatly anxious, after experiencing this old killer movement, He Yiming does not dare saying that certainly can overtake this person. Even if has white horse Thunder Lightning here, is similarly so. 贺一鸣心中大急,在见识到了这个老杀手身法之后,贺一鸣也不敢说一定能够追得上此人。哪怕是有白马雷电在此,也是同样如此。 Puppet that Underworld Old Ancestor, you said that is Yu Family Old Ancestor?” The He Yiming violent shouted to clear the way suddenly. 黄泉老祖,你说的傀儡,可是宇家老祖?”贺一鸣陡然暴喝道。 The form that swayed stopped suddenly, in the eye pupil of Ji Mo Fanshu is shining, staring firmly on the body of He Yiming. 那正在摇晃的身影陡然间停了下来,吉摩凡殊的眼眸中精光四射,牢牢的盯在了贺一鸣的身上。 How do you know?” Speak unhurriedly and clearly said the ice-cold biting cold words from his mouth. “你是如何知道的?”从他口中一字一顿的说出了冰冷彻骨的话。 He Yiming hey however smiles, his bright sound track: „Before He, some day had seen one side Yu Family Old Ancestor, if He did not remember incorrectly, this person should die, but this actually living appearance in the He front, and also had the Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven strength.” He, said: previously Yu Family Old Ancestor falls from the sky in the place of Nine Underworlds, if He cannot guess again , too was stupid.” 贺一鸣嘿然一笑,他朗声道:“贺某前些曰子曾经见过宇家老祖一面,如果贺某没有记错的话,此人应该已经死了,但是这一次却活生生的出现在贺某的面前,并且还拥有了人道巅峰的九重天实力。”他顿了顿,道:“昔曰宇家老祖是在九幽之地陨落,若是贺某再猜不出来,也就实在太笨了。” On the face of Ji Mo Fanshu the facial expression is motionless, but the murderous intention in eye pupil has actually been short. 吉摩凡殊的脸上神情不动,但眼眸中的杀机却是少了许多。 Where you see Yu Family Old Ancestor.” “你在哪里见到宇家老祖。” He Yiming has hesitated pretentiously, said: He runs into this person above some sea area above Southern Sea, but this person in the same place, is actually a famous person.” 贺一鸣装模作样的沉吟了一下,道:“贺某是在南海之上的某一片海域之上遇到此人,不过与此人在一起的,却是一位鼎鼎大名之人。” Eye pupil of Ji Mo Fanshu one bright, his facial expression returned to normal: Who is that person?” 吉摩凡殊的眼眸一亮,他的神情已经恢复了平静:“那人是谁?” He Yiming hey saying with a smile: Underworld Old Ancestor, He is not your subordinate, like this questioned did not think that was disrespectful.” 贺一鸣嘿嘿的笑道:“黄泉老祖,贺某并非你的手下,这样问话难道不觉得失礼了么。” Ji Mo Fanshu cold visits him, partly after making a sound, finally said: Brother He excuses me, who is that person?” 吉摩凡殊冷然的看着他,半响之后,终于道:“贺兄见谅,请问那人是谁?” To at this moment, this name shocking below old assassin has approved He Yiming that to be able finally with the status that he are treated equally. 到了此刻,这位名震天下的老刺客终于认可了贺一鸣那能够与他平起平坐的地位了。 He Yiming in the heart is filled with emotion, to achieve this step, the effort that he makes is big how. 贺一鸣心中感慨万千,为了达到这一步,他所付出的努力又是何其之大。 Has restrained the mind, his sinking sound track: This person of name called Garfield, does not know whether Old Ancestor has heard.” 收敛了一下心神,他沉声道:“此人名叫加菲尔德,不知老祖是否听说过。” The Ji Mo Fanshu look slightly changes, said: Western Darkness Union Cult association president Sir?” 吉摩凡殊眼神微微一变,道:“西方黑暗联盟议会的会长大人?” He Yiming nod, said again and again: Old Ancestor is really experienced, knows including the person of Western.” 贺一鸣连连点头,道:“老祖果然是见多识广,连西方之人也知晓。” Ji Mo Fanshu in the heart sneers, the present age Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse adds two palms of the hand both, how he does not know these same step expert name. 吉摩凡殊心中冷笑,当世的九重天强者加起来连两个巴掌都不到,他又如何不知道这些同阶高手的名称呢。 Brother He, this person always moves when Western, leaves rarely, why also will come Southern Sea.” 贺兄,此人向来在西方活动,罕有离开之时,又为何会来南海。” He Yiming heaved a deep sigh, said: Not was only Garfield came, Franklin also came.” 贺一鸣长叹一声,道:“不仅仅是加菲尔德来了,就连弗兰克林也来了。” Ji Mo Fanshu these time really changed countenance, his sinking sound asked: Why is this?” 吉摩凡殊这一次可是真的动容了,他沉声问道:“这是为何?” Because of the millennium Ice Island legend.” He Yiming shakes the head, has the choice these two formidable expert arrives at the Southern Border intention to narrate. “因为千年冰岛传说。”贺一鸣摇着头,有选择的将这两位强大高手来到南疆的意图讲述了一遍。 Ji Mo Fanshu somewhat is from the beginning doubtful, however after hearing their actions, has actually believed 70-80%. If moves is together, only feared that he has the method of more ominous offense to display. 吉摩凡殊一开始还有些半信半疑,但是在听到了他们的所作所为之后,却是信了个七八成。若是易地相处,只怕他会有着更加凶戾的手段施展出来。 Brother He, you whether to determine, Yu Family Old Ancestor whether really in their sides?” Ji Mo Fanshu asked cold. 贺兄,你能否确定,宇家老祖是否真的在他们的身边?”吉摩凡殊冷然问道。 He Yiming nod, the curse pledged again and again: He and Yu Family Old Ancestor has fought, nature impossible misreads. However what is strange, Yu Family Old Ancestor as if always follows to Garfield, this somehow.” 贺一鸣连连点头,诅咒发誓道:“贺某宇家老祖交过手,自然不可能看错。不过奇怪的是,宇家老祖似乎对加菲尔德言听计从,这就不知何故了。” The lip of Ji Mo Fanshu shivered slightly, said: In their sides, besides Yu Family Old Ancestor, whether also has other people?” 吉摩凡殊的嘴唇微微颤抖了一下,道:“在他们的身边,除了宇家老祖之外,是否还有其他人?” The head of He Yiming swung diligently: Did not have, only has him.” 贺一鸣的脑袋摇得更加勤快了:“没有了,就仅有他一人而已。” The Ji Mo Fanshu deep sorption air/Qi, toward the He Yiming deep bow, said suddenly: many thanks Brother He considers truthfully, days later the enemy is the friend, Ji Mo Fanshu must have a report.” 吉摩凡殊深深的吸着气,突地向着贺一鸣深深一躬,道:“多谢贺兄如实相告,曰后无论是敌是友,吉摩凡殊必有一报。” He Yiming beckoned with the hand, asks: Old Ancestor was polite.” He, has had the full hope to ask: Your Excellency goes on a trip in a hurry now, is it possible that is seeks Yu Family Old Ancestor to be inadequate.” 贺一鸣摆了摆手,问道:“老祖客气了。”他顿了顿,抱着满腔的希望问道:“阁下如今行色匆匆,莫非就是去寻宇家老祖不成。” Ji Mo Fanshu hesitant, finally nod said: Good, Garfield and old man have wear a day of enmity differently, since this time he left the Western world, the old man wants him to come but not return.” 吉摩凡殊犹豫了一下,终于点头道:“不错,加菲尔德与老夫有着不同戴天之仇,这一次他既然离开了西方世界,老夫就要他有来无回。” Although in the intonation of his these words does not have what fluctuating, but He Yiming actually listened intensely to extreme the meaning of hatred. 他这句话的语调之中虽然没有什么起伏,但是贺一鸣却从中听出了强烈到极点的怨毒之意。 He Yiming understands immediately that under the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances, Underworld Old Ancestor definitely recorded the head of Garfield Hao Xue and matter of Yu Family Old Ancestor. 贺一鸣顿时明白,在阴错阳差之下,黄泉老祖肯定是将郝血宇家老祖之事记到了加菲尔德的头上。 He Yiming in the heart is rotating innumerable thoughts, his sinking sound track: Underworld Old Ancestor, was inferior how your I do travel together?” 贺一鸣心中转动着无数的念头,他沉声道:“黄泉老祖,不如你我同行如何?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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