MG :: Volume #6

#280: peak killer

He Yiming eyebrows selects lightly, although he already knows, if the average person, Bai Lingba (108) definitely not many. But he how regardless of actually unable to think that this time future can be famous Underworld Old Ancestor unexpectedly. 贺一鸣双眉轻挑,虽然他早就知道,如果是普通人的话,百零八肯定不会多口。但他却无论如何也想不到,这一次的来者竟然会是大名鼎鼎的黄泉老祖 If before is meets, then He Yiming definitely turning the head without demur will walk, but at this time, is feeling that surging forward formidable True Qi and surges upward incomparably, as if flooded in huge pressure of entire world, on the face of He Yiming has shown a happy smiling face. 如果是以前相遇,那么贺一鸣肯定会二话不说的转头就走,但是此时,感受着身上那汹涌澎湃的强大真气和高涨无比,似乎充斥于整个天地的庞大气势,贺一鸣的脸上就露出了一丝欢喜的笑容。 He is thinking a moment ago still whether must to where ask a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse to compare notes, but now looks like, this point has not needed him to take the trouble. 他刚才还在想,是否要到什么地方去找一位人道巅峰强者来切磋一下,但是如今看来,这一点已经无需他费心了。 The personal appearance rocks, He Yiming jumped to stop to wait for that on his white horse Thunder Lightning, following direction that Bai Lingba (108) directs, He Yiming gently clamps horse belly. 身形晃动之间,贺一鸣已经跳到了停下来等待他的白马雷电身上,顺着百零八所指点的方向,贺一鸣轻轻的一夹马腹 white horse Thunder Lightning changed to white light immediately, flew to run in that direction generally. 白马雷电顿时化作了一道白光,朝着那个方向飞一般的跑了过去。 A moment later, eye pupil of He Yiming micro bright, he saw a small sunspot. His in the heart sighed secretly that the Bai Lingba (108) far-sighted person marvelous ability is really out of the ordinary, such far place can also see clearly that this has gone beyond in the category that the manpower has been able to achieve absolutely. 片刻之后,贺一鸣的眼眸微亮,他已经看见了一个小小的黑点。他心中暗自感叹,百零八的千里眼神功果然非同凡响,这么远的地方也能够清晰看到,这绝对已经超出了人力所能达到的范畴之内。 However, making him feel that what was strange, this small sunspot did not fly in high in the sky, but with white horse Thunder Lightning same drowning oneself in the sea. 不过,令他感到奇怪的是,这个小黑点并不是在高空中飞行,而是和白马雷电一样的踏海而来。 Has been startled slightly, if were not Bai Lingba (108) said the status of this person, then He Yiming definitely by for this reason the person is ordinary Venerable, but impossible thinks that this person unexpectedly was a Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse. 微微的怔了一下,如果不是百零八说出了此人的身份,那么贺一鸣肯定会以为此人是一位普通的尊者,而不可能想到此人竟然是一位人道巅峰的九重天强者。 He Yiming continues to go forward toward that sunspot, but meaning that small sunspot has not given way to traffic, similarly line toward this direction in big strides. 贺一鸣朝着那个黑点继续前进,而那个小黑点也没有丝毫避让的意思,同样大踏步的朝着这个方向行来。 Quick, both sides on have achieved have been able the clear seeing opposite party facial features situation. 很快的,双方就已经达到了可以清晰的看到对方面容的地步了。 Although He Yiming can be called at this time is the well-trained and equipped army, however when facing Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, even if he, does not dare to have the slight careless and indiscreet general idea. 虽然此时贺一鸣称得上是兵强马壮,但是在面对人道巅峰的九重天之时,哪怕是他,也是不敢有丝毫的轻忽大意。 The opposite that person is really Underworld Old Ancestor, this He Yiming that puts on a powerhouse of black clothes robe surprised to look at approaches gradually. 对面那人果然是黄泉老祖,这位穿着一身黑色衣袍的强者正一脸惊讶的看着逐渐逼近的贺一鸣 He does not think absolutely He Yiming tries to catch up intentionally, but thinks their once more chance encounter merely. 他绝对不会想到贺一鸣是故意迎头赶上,而仅仅是以为他们再次巧遇。 The vision in He Yiming and the others body revolutions, the Underworld Old Ancestor complexion really had the extremely subtle change. 目光在贺一鸣等人的身上一转,黄泉老祖的脸色竟然有了极其微妙的变化。 He lived has counted hundred years, pair of eyes, after seeing He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning at this moment sinisterly, immediately has discovered on them the unusual place. During the Thought rotations, has swept immediately, top Saint Beast strength that after his clear feeling He Yiming around the body that formidable aura and white horse Thunder Lightning not minced. Even if calm like the mountain, first under Heaven assassin who always annihilates the arch villain, is unavoidably for it look changes. 他老人家活了数百年,一双眼睛毒辣之极,看到了此刻的贺一鸣白马雷电之后,立即发现了它们身上的不同寻常之处。意念转动之间,顿时扫了过来,当他清晰的感受到了贺一鸣身周那强大的气息和白马雷电毫不掩饰的顶尖圣兽实力之后。就算是沉稳如山,老歼巨猾的天下第一刺客,都是免不了为之色变 He Yiming speechless smiles, although he is proud, but actually never thinks one can in the front hideaway itself strength of this grade of powerhouse, therefore after seeing Underworld Old Ancestor, he has not concealed own strength. 贺一鸣哑然一笑,他虽然自负,但是却从不以为自己能够在这等强者的面前隐藏本身实力,所以在看到了黄泉老祖之后,他并未掩饰自身的力量。 Underworld Old Ancestor, does not see for a long time, He really thinks of extremely.” He Yiming smilingly was saying, however in his eye pupil does not have the least bit happy expression. 黄泉老祖,好久不见,贺某真是想念万分。”贺一鸣笑眯眯的说着,但是他的眼眸中却没有半点笑意。 The Ji Mo Fanshu complexion returned to instantaneously normal, his sinking sound track: He Yiming, you are really the having god-given wisdom rare talent, can actually promote to Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, is really is big old man to be unexpected.” 吉摩凡殊的脸色瞬间恢复了正常,他沉声道:“贺一鸣,你果然是天纵奇才,竟然能够晋升到人道巅峰的九重天,真是大出老夫意料之外。” He Yiming hey however smiles, in his heart has remembered previously immediately by the situation that Underworld Old Ancestor chases down. 贺一鸣嘿然一笑,在他的心中立即想起了昔曰黄泉老祖追杀的情形。 At that time their two beasts collaborated, is not at present the enemy of this formidable Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, but at this moment, He Yiming did not have to fear to him again. 那时候他们二人二兽联手,都不是眼前这位强大的人道巅峰强者之敌,不过此时此刻,贺一鸣对他已经是再无所惧。 He enters step Nine Layers Heaven by luck, happen to some itchy.” He Yiming rubs hands, says with a smile: Does not know whether Old Ancestor is interested in comparing notes one with me.” 贺某侥幸进阶九重天,正好有些手痒。”贺一鸣搓着手,笑道:“不知道老祖是否有兴趣与我切磋一场。” On his face is hanging the light smiling face, but the provocative flavor in words can actually hear including the idiots. 他的脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,但是话中的挑衅味道却连白痴都听得出来。 The Underworld Old Ancestor air/Qi smiles extremely, said: Good extremely arrogant boy, your just entered the step Nine Layers Heaven, wants to exceed the old man.” 黄泉老祖气极而笑,道:“好个狂妄的小子,你一个刚刚进阶的九重天,也想要胜过老夫么。” The He Yiming complexion sinks, said: Underworld Old Ancestor, you, since is also Nine Layers Heaven, then should also know, once after entering step Nine Layers Heaven, the potential of human body will be released completely, between you and me did not have any disparity, you think that I will be inferior in you?” 贺一鸣脸色微沉,道:“黄泉老祖,你既然也是一位九重天,那么也应该知道一旦进阶九重天之后,人体的潜能将会被完全释放出来,你我之间已经没有了任何差距,难道你以为我还会逊色于你吗?” In practice on the way, even if in the first-order, individual cultivation level also has the enormous difference. 在修炼之途中,哪怕是在同一阶之中,个人的修为也会有着极大的不同。 Any Five Qi Great Venerable will use Light of Divine Weapon to carry on the long-range flight, but lightization two Divine Weapon and lightization six Divine Weapon Great Venerable in the strength are actually the differents. 任何一个五气大尊者都会使用神兵之光进行长途飞行,但是光化了二个神兵光化了六个神兵大尊者在实力上却是天差地远。 Even if these has not entered the step to Xiantian Realm ordinary Cultivator, they when cultivating Internal Energy, in also has the division of strong and weak with the first-order. 哪怕是那些尚未进阶到先天境界的普通修炼者,他们在修炼内劲之时,在同一阶之中也有着强弱之分。 But, the Mortal Dao peak is actually only not any disparity Realm. 但,人道巅峰却是唯一的没有任何差距的境界 Any super talent that the powerhouse who has achieved Nine Layers Heaven Realm, can have complete ability that releases human within the body, among them the strength is closest. 凡是达到了九重天境界的强者,都是能够将人类体内所拥有的全部能力释放出来的超级天才,他们之间的实力可谓是最为接近的。 So long as places this Realm, entered the step to count hundred years, entered the step Yitian│one day, individual fundamental strength was almost the same. 只要是身处这一境界,无论是进阶了数百年,还是进阶了一天,个人的基础实力都是相差无几。 Ji Mo Fanshu loses says with a smile: He Yiming, I thought that you enter the step the time not to be long, probably not over ten days.” 吉摩凡殊失笑道:“贺一鸣,我看你进阶的时间并不长,大概不超过十天吧。” He Yiming in the heart one cold, the look immediately became incisive. The time that he promotes is not truly long, let alone was ten days, Yitian│one day did not have. 贺一鸣心中一凛,眼神立即变得尖锐了起来。他晋升的时间确实不长,别说是十天了,就连一天也没有。 Saw the He Yiming complexion, Ji Mo Fanshu continued saying: Even if your my strength is similar, but we fight to be possible not only compete the True Qi strong and weak, respective Martial Dao cultivation level, Divine Weapon and experience wait / etc.. The old men promote this Realm to count hundred years, can it be that the baby of this new promotion can compare.” 看到了贺一鸣的脸色,吉摩凡殊继续道:“纵然你我实力相若,但是我们交手可不仅仅是比拼真气强弱,还有各自的武道修为,身上的神兵和经验等等。老夫晋升这一境界百年,又岂是你这个新晋升的娃子可以比拟的。” He Yiming complexion micro cold, his in the heart suddenly has flashed through a thought that said with a smile: Underworld Old Ancestor, you actually chatted with me these, is it possible that doesn't want to fight with me in today inadequately?” 贺一鸣脸色微寒,他心中豁然闪过了一个念头,笑道:“黄泉老祖,你竟然与我闲聊这些,莫非是不想在今曰与我一战不成?” The Ji Mo Fanshu complexion is invariable, said: Good, old man today has important matter to be encumbered, truly does not hope that fights with you.” 吉摩凡殊脸色不变,道:“不错,老夫今曰身有要事缠身,确实不希望与你交手。” He Yiming secretly nod, heart really so, but he actually cannot find out, this old person has no fear of great distances from Eastern rushes to this place, for any matter. 贺一鸣暗自点头,心道果然如此,只是他却想不出,这位老人不远万里从东方赶到此地,又是为了什么事情。 Ji Mo Fanshu partly turns around, bright sound track: He Yiming, the old man has the matter to say goodbye in advance, misses today, the old man momentarily accompanies.” 吉摩凡殊半转身,朗声道:“贺一鸣,老夫有事先行告辞,错过今曰,老夫随时奉陪。” If meets beforehand He Yiming, he does not get rid to kill, impossible makes the choice of avoidance absolutely. But at this time felt the He Yiming strength, in he because of something when was burning with impatience, he actually has to make the choice of avoidance. 如果是遇到以前的贺一鸣,他就算是不出手打杀,也绝对不可能做出退避的选择。但此时感受到了贺一鸣的实力,并且在他因为某件事情而心急如焚之时,他却不得不做出了退避的选择。 Ran into a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse rarely, how He Yiming has been willing to let off easily. 只是,难得遇到了一位人道巅峰的强者,贺一鸣又如何肯轻易放过。 His both legs make an effort slightly, had jumped down from carrying on the back of white horse Thunder Lightning, such as flew to arrive at Ji Mo Fanshu. Five Elements Ring on hand has shone suddenly, that five colors radiance senseless pounds toward his back of the head. 他的双腿微微用力,已经从白马雷电的背上跳了下来,如飞般的来到了吉摩凡殊的身后。手上的五行环骤然亮了起来,那五彩光芒没头没脑的朝着他的后脑勺砸去。 He Yiming these time gets rid, before speed or strength far from, can compare. 贺一鸣的这一次出手,无论是速度还是力量都远非以前可以比拟。 After the potential of human body released the limit, ability that displays truly was unequalled. 当人体的潜能释放到了极限之后,所发挥出来的能力确实是无与伦比。 However, after head of Ji Mo Fanshu, facial features grew pair of eyes, his treads the foot in sea level to move slightly, immediately is similar to ice-skating slipping out. His movement not measured strangely that fluctuated instantaneously several Truth and False unpredictable forms. 然而,吉摩凡殊的脑袋后面像是长了一双眼睛似的,他那踏在海面上的脚微微一动,顿时是如同滑冰般的溜了出去。他的身法诡异莫测,瞬间就已经变幻出了数条虚实难测的身影。 He Yiming both eyes micro bright, his in the heart has to acknowledge. 贺一鸣双目微亮,他心中不得不承认。 Underworld Old Ancestor has not spoken incorrectly, even if the true strengths of two people are similar, when cultivation technique that in the Martial Dao experience and cultivates is different, powerful ability that displays has a disparity. 黄泉老祖并没有说错,哪怕两个人的真正实力相若,但是在武道经验和所修炼的功法不同之时,所发挥出来的威能还是有所差距的。 That several illusory person's shadow has glittered, finally only remaining. 那几条虚幻的人影闪烁了一下,最终就仅剩下一条了。 Ji Mo Fanshu suddenly turning around body, in his eyes is flashing the agitated anger. Counts among hundred years, in situation that in he so compromises for the general interest, He Yiming is the fellow who first so goes too far. 吉摩凡殊豁然转过了身体,他的眼中闪动着汹汹的怒火。数百年间,在他如此委曲求全的情况下,贺一鸣是第一个如此欺人太甚的家伙。 Underworld Old Ancestor, wants to leave, but asks Five Elements Ring in my hand first.” He Yiming smiles cold, in the anger regarding his vision turns a blind eye. 黄泉老祖,想要离开可以,但是先问问我手中的五行环吧。”贺一鸣冷然一笑,对于他目光中的怒火视若无睹。 He has struck to kill Hao Xue, and caused heavy losses to Yu Family Old Ancestor, although this time Underworld Old Ancestor does not know, but among them the hatred was unable to melt. 他已经击杀了郝血,并且重创了宇家老祖,虽然此时的黄泉老祖并不知晓,但是他们之间的仇恨已经是无法化解的了。 So long as there is a possibility, He Yiming will take its life without hesitation. Naturally, wants powerhouse who strikes to kill a Mortal Dao peak, big of this difficulty, even if He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning collaborates not to grasp. 只要有一丝可能,贺一鸣都会毫不犹豫的取其姓命。当然,想要击杀一位人道巅峰的强者,这个难度之大,哪怕贺一鸣白马雷电联手都没有把握。 Ji Mo Fanshu nod slowly, he said finally: Also good, since you want to bring death, the old man delivers you to start off.” 吉摩凡殊缓缓的点着头,他终于道:“也好,既然你想要送死,老夫就送你上路吧。” He Yiming is ready in full battle array immediately, True Qi surging forward in within the body emerged in Five Elements World. 贺一鸣立即是严阵以待,体内的真气汹涌澎湃的涌入了五行世界之内。 Five Elements Ring worthily is among the world most formidable Divine Weapon Sharp Item, even if instills into which True Qi by the Nine Layers Heaven strength, can achieve five times of amplification effects similarly. 五行环不愧是天下间最强大的神兵利器,哪怕是以九重天的实力将真气灌输其中,也同样可以达到五倍的增幅效果。 Although uses Divine Weapon to be able quite some victories not the military, but He Yiming absolutely will not actually abandon not to use. Meanwhile, he carried after behind another hand has given a hand signal, white horse Thunder Lightning and Treasure Pig understands all. 虽然使用神兵之能颇有些胜之不武,但贺一鸣却绝对不会弃而不用。同时,他背在身后的另一只手做了一个手势,白马雷电宝猪无不是心领神会。 They have drawn back toward the rear area, seems wants making room to let their two fair war evidently, but is glittering from Treasure Pig that small eye radiance, this fair above only feared that must get a big question mark. 它们朝着后方退了开去,看样子似乎是想要腾出地方让他们两位公平一战,但是从宝猪那小眼睛中所闪烁着的光芒来看,这个公平之上只怕要打上一个大大的问号了。 In the Ji Mo Fanshu hand wields, black mist fills the air immediately, has covered in which him instantaneously. 吉摩凡殊手中一挥,一股黑色的雾气顿时弥漫而出,瞬间就已经将他笼罩其中。 He Yiming is startled, what cultivation technique is this? 贺一鸣微怔,这算是什么功法 However, his complexion actually suddenly changes, in the mouth sent out one to cry out strangely, the body was similar to has installed jumping of spring to the midair. 然而,他的脸色却是突地一变,口中发出了一道怪叫,身体如同装了弹簧似的跳到了半空之中。 From that sea, black Cross-Sword dodges not to have. 从那大海之中,一把黑色的叉剑一闪而没。 Ji Mo Fanshu has flashed before suddenly, he sneers saying: Your response is very good, but you can hide the first time, is not necessarily able to shunt the second time.” 吉摩凡殊骤然闪现了出来,他冷笑道:“你的反应很不错,不过你能够躲得开第一次,未必就能躲开第二次。” He Yiming has a lingering fear looks at this person, he understands finally why the Western two powerhouses so will dread to this person. 贺一鸣心有余悸的看着此人,他终于明白,西方的两位强者为何会对此人如此的忌惮了。 Because of this person, is killer. That group black fog is Camouflage Technique of stage prop, is used to pay attention appealingly. But he, has actually discarded the dignity of Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse, sneak attacks by a killer status. 因为此人从本质上来说,还是一位杀手。那团黑雾就是一个道具的障眼法,用来吸引人注意罢了。而他本人,却是舍弃了九重天强者的尊严,以一个杀手的身份来进行偷袭。 Mortal Dao peak killer, this is a how fearful character. 一个人道巅峰的杀手,这是多么可怕的一个人物。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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