MG :: Volume #6

#279: Positive signs return

white light flees from the sea level together, left behind one piece has been similar to the illusory image common white line. 一道白光从海面上一窜而过,留下了一片如同幻影一般的白线。 He Yiming gently clamped horse belly, white horse stopped immediately dexterously. 贺一鸣轻轻的一夹马腹,白马立即是轻巧的停了下来。 After the banquet, He Yiming rode white horse to leave Colored Glaze Island immediately, because he wanted to test, actually oneself present Martial Dao cultivation level went to the what kind situation. But above Colored Glaze Island, obviously is not the good place that gets rid at will. 在酒宴之后,贺一鸣立即是骑着白马离开了琉璃岛,因为他想要测试一下,自己如今的武道修为究竟达到了何等地步。而在琉璃岛之上,明显不是一个随意出手的好地方。 Looks up, at present is the vast sea, that sea day remote is not tangibly, making one look to sigh. 抬头望去,眼前是一望无际的大海,那海天一线遥远的不可触摸,令人望而兴叹。 The wrist|skill turns gently, Five Elements Ring appeared in the hand, although above this weapon is surrounding five colors radiance as before, but, were for clarity many in this point other things. 手腕轻轻一翻,五行环已经出现在手上,虽然这件武器之上依旧是环绕着五彩光芒,但是很明显的,在这里面已经多了一点其它的东西。 He Yiming does not know were many anything, but he can determine that in this Five Elements World, has compared original is stabler and formidable. 贺一鸣并不知道其中多了什么,但是他可以确定,在这个五行世界之内,已经比原先的更加稳固和强大。 Has wielded wrist|skill gently, five glares have released immediately. 轻轻的挥动了一下手腕,五道强光顿时释放了出来。 Is centered on him and white horse Thunder Lightning, a huge aura shoots up to the sky, and proliferated toward around the body. In the entire sea level swung piece by piece continuous ripples suddenly, the sea level within dozens zhang (3.33 m) in his around the body, even had been pulled down that 1-layer stiffly. 以他和白马雷电为中心,一股庞大的气息冲天而起,并且朝着身周扩散了出去。整个海面上陡然荡起了一片片接连不断的涟漪,在他身周数十丈之内的海面,甚至于已经被硬生生的压低了那么一层 Double pupil of He Yiming one bright, this is powerful ability that he releases at this time, only this share huge is similar to essence general pressure, wanted formidable the several fold compared with before. 贺一鸣的双眸一亮,这就是他此时所释放出来的威能,单凭这股子庞大的如同实质一般的气势,就已经比以前要强大了数倍。 The strength of Mortal Dao peak, before is really not, can compare. 人道巅峰的实力,果然不是以前能够比拟的。 As if was feels to come from formidable pressure on He Yiming, white horse Thunder Lightning was also unwilling lonely long hissing, swung the innumerable electricity circles since its body, rippled toward all around with He Yiming pressure. 似乎是感受到了来自于贺一鸣身上的强大气势,白马雷电也是不甘寂寞的长嘶了一声,从它的身上荡起了无数的电圈,伴随着贺一鸣气势朝着四周荡漾了开来。 He Yiming understands, his True Qi integrated the body of white horse Thunder Lightning immediately, although a person of beast first time uses this method coordination, but among them the coordination is actually tacit to the extreme, as if had trained before excessively resembles innumerable, tacit just like one person. 贺一鸣心领神会,他的真气立即融入了白马雷电的身上,一人一兽虽然第一次使用这种方法配合,但是它们之间的配合却是默契的到了极点,仿佛在以前曾经演练过无数次似的,默契的宛若一人。 The tremendous strength proliferated a more remote place, formidable pressure covered in which big waters, He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning pressure standpoint proliferated, in that air has transmitted one unexpectedly humming sound the sound of tremor. 巨大的力量扩散到了更加遥远的地方,强大的气势将一大片的水域都笼罩其中,贺一鸣白马雷电气势立场扩散了开来,那空气中竟然传来了一股“嗡嗡”的颤动之音。 Huge self-confident wells up from He Yiming in the heart crazily, at this time, he even urgently wanted to find one side by side to get with his match well. 庞大的自信从贺一鸣心中狂涌而出,此时,他甚至于迫切的想要找到一个与他比肩的对手好好的打上一场。 Regarding him, only had process the test of actual combat, can determine actually own cultivation level at this moment has achieved what kind Realm. 对于他来说,唯有经过了实战的考验,才能够确定自己此刻的修为究竟达到了何等境界 However, looked at the eye this in all directions empty boundless sea, He Yiming quick gave up this plan. 不过,望了眼这四处空荡荡的苍茫大海,贺一鸣很快的就放弃了这个打算。 Powerhouse who wanted to find a Mortal Dao peak here, or was topest Saint Beast, that absolutely was the impossible matter. 想要在这里找到一个人道巅峰的强者,或者是最顶尖的圣兽,那绝对是不可能的事情。 Dantian place towering had a strange feeling, He Yiming in the heart one cold, immediately congealed own Thought in Dantian. 丹田处突兀的有了一种怪异的感觉,贺一鸣心中一凛,立即将自己的意念重新凝于了丹田之内。 Since melts all Divine Weapon and strength of god after one, He Yiming has been busy with treating with courtesy, although at this moment got rid of the invasions of these mediocre matters, but has not actually entered in Dantian to investigate one. 自从将所有的神兵神之力量都熔为一体之后,贺一鸣就一直忙于应酬,此刻虽然摆脱了这些凡俗之事的侵扰,但却还没有进入丹田内探查一番呢。 At this moment, after He Yiming Thought entered Chaos Dantian, the facial expression on his face had a strange change. 此刻,当贺一鸣意念进入了混沌丹田之后,他脸上的神情不由地有了一丝奇异的变化。 In this Dantian, the only change is all strengths no longer disperses to occupy, under they in the Strength of Light and Dark bunch wrestle, has formed a perfect whole. 在这个丹田之内,唯一的改变就是所有的力量不再分散而居,它们在光暗之力的束搏之下,已经形成了一个完美的整体。 This is the most fundamental mark of Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, all strength smeltings is one, and displays the limit powerful ability of human body the situation. 这就是人道巅峰强者的最基本标志,将所有的力量熔炼为一,并且将人体的威能发挥到极限的地步。 If Martial Dao cultivated this step, then itself of humanity has become a key, can turn on road the key to Divine Dao. 若是武道修炼到了这一步,那么人类的本身就成了一把钥匙,一把能够打开通向神道之路的钥匙。 So long as uses the key to open front front door, then achievement Divine Dao, as if also on the inadequate any issue. 只要使用钥匙将面前的大门打开,那么成就神道,似乎也就不成什么问题了。 Naturally, present He Yiming absolutely easily will not actually go out this last step. First let alone he absolutely does not have similar experience, even if at the Strength of World density of present world, is unable to support him to open that front door, and walks safely. 当然,如今的贺一鸣却绝对不会轻易的走出这最后一步。先别说他根本就没有类似的经验,就算是以如今天下的天地之力浓度,就无法支撑他打开那道大门并且平安走进去。 At this time, is attracting He Yiming attention is not that smelted as one assorted radiance, but is another resident of that static lying down in Dantian, Solidified Blood Person. 此时,吸引着贺一鸣注意力的并不是那已经熔炼为一体的各色光芒,而是那静静的躺在丹田内的另一位住客,凝血人 This originally is barely alive, fellow who has not restored the sign, after passing through Dantian all strengths fusion accidents, started to demonstrate one point of vitality unexpectedly. 这个原本还是半死不活,没有一点儿恢复迹象的家伙,在经过了丹田内所有力量的融合变故之后,竟然开始显示出了一分生机。 Static realizes from experience is coming from Solidified Blood Person strength, the He Yiming brow micro wrinkle, a moment later, he somewhat understood finally. 静静的体悟着来自于凝血人身上的力量,贺一鸣的眉头微皱,片刻之后,他终于是有些明白了。 When his successful promotion Mortal Dao peak, because all strengths melt, causing innumerable Fire Element divine power to emerge within the body meridians and Dantian crazily. 在他成功的晋升人道巅峰之时,由于所有的力量相融,致使无数火系神力疯狂的涌入了体内经脉和丹田 These strengths have the larger part by Chaos Dantian to absorb, but in addition, half actually lay down by this in Dantian, not loud these people swallowing. 这些力量有一大半是被混沌丹田吸纳,而除此之外,还有一半却被这躺在丹田之中,一丝不响的那些人给吞噬了进去。 No matter what this strange accident no one can think, but also because draws support the He Yiming promotion is Nine Layers Heaven that moment is the turning point, therefore the Solidified Blood Person aura will become formidable, even there is an omen that will soon recover. 这个奇异的变故任谁也想不到,但也正是因为借助于贺一鸣晋升为九重天的那一刻为契机,所以凝血人的气息才会变得强大起来,甚至于有了即将复苏的前兆。 If not so, god knows this fellow also wants obscure stays the long time in Dantian. 若非如此,天知道这家伙还要默默无闻的在丹田之中停留多长的时间。 During the intention fine motions, projected one wisp to represent dark Yin Evil Qi from the light of that group of fusion. 心念微动之间,从那一团融合之光中射出了一缕代表着黑暗的阴煞之气 This strength slowly is approaching Solidified Blood Person, and without hesitation contacts with it together. Afterward, He Yiming felt, Solidified Blood Person looked like a gluttonous child, provided clean that him the past strength swallowed instantaneously. Similarly, after swallowing these Dark Strength, Solidified Blood Person life aura as if even more formidable a little. But also only has a little, wrong non- by He Yiming now this and other inconceivable cultivation level, otherwise is unable to realize. 这股力量慢慢的靠近着凝血人,并且毫不犹豫的与它接触在一起。随后,贺一鸣就感觉到了,凝血人就像是一个贪吃的小孩子,将他所输送过去的力量瞬间吞噬的一干二净。同样的,在吞噬了这些黑暗力量之后,凝血人的生命气息似乎愈发的强大了那么一点。但也仅有那么一点儿,错非是以贺一鸣如今这等不可思议的修为,否则根本就无法察觉。 Intention phonograph, was radiance has shot toward Solidified Blood Person together, but this time but divine power of fire. 心念电转,又是一道光芒朝着凝血人射了过去,不过这一次可是火之神力了。 He Yiming is paying attention cautiously, that Solidified Blood Person really again this strength completely to absorb, moreover life aura once again formidable a little. 贺一鸣小心翼翼的关注着,那凝血人果然再一次的将这股力量全部吸纳,而且本身的生命气息再度强大了那么一点。 If the list discussed by the effect, this strength represented dark Yin Evil Qi to come compared with that must miss a scale. 只是,若是单以效果而论,这一股力量比起那代表了黑暗的阴煞之气来,还是要差了一个档次。 Afterward, He Yiming again by divine power of earth and divine power of wood attempt, the final result is exactly the same. 随后,贺一鸣再以土之神力木之神力尝试,最终的结果如出一辙。 Solidified Blood Person does not select food regarding deriving of strength, as if strength of five elements and Yin Evil Qi can let on its restoration speed quick such one. 凝血人对于力量的汲取并不太挑食,似乎五行之力阴煞之气都能够让它的恢复速度快上那么一线。 Naturally, He Yiming did not have to taking the Light Element strength stupidly attempts. 当然,贺一鸣还没有笨到拿光明系的力量去尝试。 If he has done this, it is estimated that Solidified Blood Person will revolt at the scene, first his Dantian breaking open. 如果他真的这样做了,估计凝血人会当场造反,先将他的丹田给撑破了事。 After having familiarized this point, He Yiming in the heart chuckles to oneself, if such situation continues, that after the several months, it is estimated that Solidified Blood Person must restore normally. 摸透了这一点之后,贺一鸣心中窃喜,若是这样的情况持续下去,那么在数月之后,估计凝血人就要恢复正常了吧。 Thinks one can drive this terrifying fellow, He Yiming in the heart to have mixed emotions. 一想到自己又将能够驱使这个恐怖的家伙,贺一鸣心中就是百感交集。 Does not know Solidified Blood Person, if after releasing came out, can have the how formidable strength, regarding this point, He Yiming, but suitable hope. 真不知道凝血人若是释放了出来之后又能够拥有多么强大的力量,对于这一点,贺一鸣可是相当的期盼。 His long breathing a sigh of relief, extended one to stretch, the vision stared at the sky, bright sound track: Gets down.” 他长长的舒了一口气,伸了一个懒腰,目光凝望天空,朗声道:“下来吧。” Can have the qualifications to follow frankly and uprightly side him, only had a Bai Lingba (108) person. 能够有资格光明正大跟在他身边的,也就唯有百零八一个人了。 Quick, Bai Lingba (108) has held Treasure Pig to fly, four hooves of Treasure Pig live saying that put on a high and mighty act jumped from the bosom of Bai Lingba (108), leisure spins before the body of He Yiming. 很快的,百零八已经抱着宝猪飞了下来,宝猪的四蹄生云,趾高气昂的从百零八的怀抱中跳了出来,慢悠悠的在贺一鸣的身前打着转儿。 He Yiming has patted the Treasure Pig nape of the neck affectionate, he closes the eye, has put Divine Sense. 贺一鸣亲昵的拍了拍宝猪的脖颈,他闭上眼睛,将神念放了开来。 pressure that released a moment ago from him, powerful ability that he has as if already not under white horse Thunder Lightning. In other words, if list by Martial Dao cultivation level, is the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, he also greatly may give it all. 从他刚才所释放出来的气势来看,他所拥有的威能似乎已经不在白马雷电之下了。也就是说,若是单以武道修为,那么就算是人道巅峰强者,他也大可放手一搏。 Naturally, this is competition between pressure, He Yiming naturally cannot merely thinking of parochial arrogance, oneself can easily powerhouse who defeats a Mortal Dao peak. 当然,这也仅仅是气势之间的攀比,贺一鸣自然不会夜郎自大的以为,自己就能够轻易的独自一人战胜一位人道巅峰的强者了。 Because any powerhouse who has achieved so Realm, each human body potential development to the top character of limit, moreover in the hands of these characters, definitely also has Divine Dao Treasure Item that best Divine Weapon and emerges one after another incessantly. Naturally what is main, in within the body of these people, is containing formidable power of god. 因为凡是达到了如此境界的强者,每一个都是将人体潜能开发的到了极限的顶尖人物,而且在这些人物的手中,肯定也拥有最好的神兵和层出不穷的神道宝器。当然更主要的是,在这些人的体内,都蕴含着一丝强大的神之力 Because of so, therefore He Yiming knows, even if have Five Elements Ring in the hand, is not necessarily able to defeat any Nine Layers Heaven easily. 正是因为如此,所以贺一鸣知道,纵然自己拥有五行环在手,也未必就能够轻易战胜任何一位九重天 But at this time, He Yiming must attempt, is own Divine Sense intensity. 而此时,贺一鸣要尝试的,就是自身的神念强度。 He wants to have a look, after he promotes is Nine Layers Heaven, actually Divine Sense increased many. 他想要看看,在他晋升为九重天之后,神念究竟增加了多少。 Quick, this invisible colorless strength at the maximum speed spread, merely is among the moments, then has achieved has gone far beyond the beforehand limit standard. 很快的,这无形无色的力量就已经以最快的速度蔓延了开来,仅仅是片刻之间,便已经达到了远远超过以前的极限水准。 Naturally, He Yiming Divine Sense, although is formidable , when crater has not been similar to the Spiritual God is ordinary, monitors a lot of li (0.5km) place the exaggeration of that directly. 当然,贺一鸣神念虽然强大,却也远没有在火山口之时的那种如同神灵一般,直接监控千百里之地的那么夸张。 Compared before, the great strength of his Divine Sense, was unable the mileage to count. 只是相比于以前,他的神念之强大,已经是不可以道里计了。 Laughs, He Yiming suddenly rises with a spring from the horseback, is in the midair, He Yiming shouts to clear the way loud: Thunder Lightning, our specific speed.” 哈哈一笑,贺一鸣豁然从马背上一跃而起,身在半空,贺一鸣高声喝道:“雷电,我们比一比速度。” white horse Thunder Lightning long hissing, its four hooves such as fly, instantaneous Xiangqian jumps out, splashed a rain water right in the face toward He Yiming scatters. 白马雷电一声长嘶,它四蹄如飞,瞬间向前窜出,溅起了一片雨水劈头盖脸的朝着贺一鸣撒去。 radiance dodges, has kept off these sea water all, He Yiming ridicules, while pursues toward the front. 身上光芒一闪,将这些海水尽数挡了下来,贺一鸣一边笑骂,一边朝着前方追去。 Really, his limiting velocity compared before also has the inconceivable enhancement, after all human body potentials developed completely, the rapidness of his speed, unexpectedly already not compared with on white horse Thunder Lightning slow many. 果然,他的极限速度相比于以前也有着不可思议的提高,在所有的人体潜能全部开发完毕之后,他的速度之快,竟然已经不比白马雷电慢上多少了。 The Mortal Dao peak, he has finally achieved this grade of Realm...... 人道巅峰,他终于达到了这等境界…… In the person of horse Er who suddenly, the Bai Lingba (108) sound spread to pursue. 豁然,百零八的声音传入了正在追逐的这一人一马耳中。 Some people came.” “有人来了。” As if by prior agreement, He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning simultaneously stopped, their doubt looks toward Bai Lingba (108). 不约而同的,贺一鸣白马雷电同时停了下来,他们狐疑的朝着百零八望去。 Although they could not have seen the person's shadow here, but they actually know that the Bai Lingba (108) far-sighted person is not ornaments. 虽然他们在这里还看不到人影,但是他们却知道,百零八的千里眼可不是一个摆设。 What person?” “什么人?” Underworld Old Ancestor......” 黄泉老祖……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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