MG :: Volume #6

#278: Humane peak

The personal appearance rocked slightly several, the people then steadily stand firm, but actually revealed from their eye pupils intensely to extreme color with amazement. 身形微微的晃动了几下,众人这才稳稳站定,不过从他们的眼眸之中却流露出了强烈的到了极点的骇然之色。 Is a long and loud cry, had so huge powerful ability, the strength that then this person has will achieve what kind Realm. 仅仅是一声长啸,就已经拥有了如此庞大的威能,那么这个人所拥有的力量又会达到何等境界呢。 In this moment, the people have thought all that terrifying Open Sea Saint Beast King, this formidable Saint Beast after stepping Colored Glaze Island, by together earthshaking roared to start regarding the attack of island. But now looks like, the strength that the master of that long howl has, only feared not under this terrifying top Saint Beast. 在这一刻,众人无不想到了那条恐怖的外海圣兽王,这只强大的圣兽在踏上了琉璃岛之后,以一道惊天动地的怒吼发动了对于全岛的袭击。而如今看来,那一道长啸声的主人所拥有的力量,只怕并不在这头恐怖的顶尖圣兽之下了。 He...... Succeeded.” Zhuang Munan twittering was saying in a soft voice. “他……成功了。”庄沐楠轻声呢喃着说道。 When spoke these words, his look even had that lax of flash. Because he does not know how should describe He Yiming at this moment. 在说这句话的时候,他的眼神甚至于都有了那么一瞬间的涣散。因为他已经不知道应该如何去形容此刻的贺一鸣了。 After the first impact failure, starts the impact unexpectedly once again, this matter that as if only then the lunatic can handle, but was succeeded by him unexpectedly. 第一次冲击失败之后,竟然是又一次发动冲击,这等似乎只有疯子才会做的事情,但竟然被他成功了。 Suddenly, Zhuang Munan only thought one counted the experience that hundred years gained in as if completely to turn into the useless merit. 一时间,庄沐楠只觉得自己数百年来积累的经验似乎全部变成了无用之功。 Martial-Uncle, he succeeded.” Saying that Li Jiangfeng gently raised the eyebrows, occurred simultaneously pleasantly surprised. 师叔,他成功了。”厉江峰双眉轻扬,惊喜交加的说道。 Once thinks that the world was born a topest Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, moreover this powerhouse under oneself witness to closing successfully, in his heart has the excitement that cannot conceal. 一旦想到天下又诞生了一位最顶尖的人道巅峰强者,而且这位强者还是在自己见证之下冲关成功,他的心中就有着掩饰不住的激动。 Zhuang Munan this is awakens, he smiles bitterly immediately, is not own experience mistake, but is He Yiming and average man is entirely different, oneself still weigh in the standard of according to normal person unexpectedly, naturally was the thousand li(500 km) of difference. 庄沐楠这才是惊醒过来,他随即苦笑一声,并不是自己的经验错误,而是贺一鸣与常人大不相同,自己竟然还在以正常人的标准来衡量,当然是差之千里了。 He deeply inspired, returned to normal the mood that in the heart that rushes, afterward a big hand pendulum, said: We have a look.” 他深吸了一口气,将心中那澎湃的心情平复了下来,随后大手一摆,道:“我们去看看吧。” People one after another nod, in this moment, even if some Jin Zhanyi in the heart is disturbed. Because they will soon face, and is not only old acquaintance He Yiming, but was Mortal Dao peak powerhouse Nine Layers Heaven He Yiming. 众人相继点头,不过在这一刻,哪怕是金战役都有些心中忐忑。因为他们即将面对的,并不仅仅是老熟人贺一鸣,而是人道巅峰强者九重天贺一鸣了。 * * * * ※※※※ Huge Strength of World flooded into within the body from the outside crazily, adds the solidity that void meridians stops up completely, afterward wells up once again toward Chaos Dantian. 庞大的天地之力从外界疯狂的涌入了体内,将那空虚的经脉全部添堵的结结实实,随后再度朝着混沌丹田之内涌去。 But in Dantian, all fragmentary radiance vanished, three Divine Weapon and various strength of god have combined to form a perfect whole. All strengths melt thoroughly, shares everything again. 丹田之中,所有零碎的光芒已经消失,三件神兵和各种神之力量结合成了一个完美的整体。所有的力量彻底相融,再也不分彼此。 In addition, making He Yiming feel that what is surprised, after that inexhaustible outside strength flooded into within the body, he can actually the clear induction to each point of strength, flowing of these strengths, are these strength functions, he can thorough grasps in in the heart. 此外,让贺一鸣感到惊讶的是,当那无穷尽的外界力量涌入了体内之后,他竟然能够清晰的感应到每一分的力量,无论是这些力量的流动,还是这些力量作用,他都能够彻底的掌握在心中 His Thought was more formidable than before did not have the several fold, slightly was moved, no matter the five main internal organs (entrails), was the skeleton muscle, by the clarity that he investigated, the body of humanity in this moment in his eyes, as if did not have the secret again. 他的意念比以前强大了无数倍,稍微的动念一下,不管是五脏六腑,还是骨骼筋肉,都被他探查的清清楚楚,人类的身体在此刻他的眼中,似乎已经再也没有了秘密。 Extended both hands averagely, He Yiming was gazing at silently, wisp of light radiance departed from the hand, was revolving toward his body at the extremely slow speed. Through the relation of Thought, He Yiming surprised discovery, oneself regarding Light of Divine Weapon controlling, same has achieved nearly in the perfect situation. 平平的伸出了双手,贺一鸣默默的注视着,一缕淡淡的光芒从手中飞出,以极其缓慢的速度朝着他的身体旋转着。通过了意念的联系,贺一鸣惊讶的发现,自己对于神兵之光艹控,同样的达到了近乎于完美的地步。 In the process of Light of Divine Weapon migration, he has not wasted the strength unexpectedly, and has also achieved extremely terrifying Realm regarding Divine Weapon controlling. 神兵之光移动的过程之中,他竟然没有浪费一点儿的力量,并且对于神兵艹控也达到了一个极其恐怖的境界 He believes that if exits to fight with general Five Qi Great Venerable at this time, then only depends on Aurora Sword, has been enough able to move unhindered the world. 他相信,若是此时出去与一般的五气大尊者交手,那么只凭一把极光之剑,就已经足以纵横天下了。 Expiration of gently, the He Yiming wrist|skill turns, that Light of Divine Weapon vanishes together immediately does not see. 轻轻的吐了一口气,贺一鸣手腕一翻,那一道神兵之光顿时消失不见。 both ears has shrugged slightly, he listened to Zhuang Munan and the others to walk in his direction. 双耳微微耸动了一下,他已经听出了庄沐楠等人正在朝着他的方向走来。 When starts crazy to absorb World's Energy, He Yiming knows that impossible hid the truth from expert of these Venerable ranks, therefore he absolutely did not have the thoughts that anything concealed, but opened the portal naturally, welcomed. 在开始疯狂的吸纳天地之气的时候,贺一鸣就知道不可能瞒得过这些尊者级别的高手了,所以他根本就没有什么隐瞒的心思,而是大大方方的打开了洞门,迎了出去。 But his movement at will is, raising specially has not gathered True Qi, when he opens the door, is silently, suddenly is actually discovered by bend angle place Zhuang Munan and the others. 他的动作随意而为,并没有特意的提聚真气,但是当他开门而出之时,却是悄然无声,竟然没有被弯角处的庄沐楠等人发现。 He Yiming in the heart sighed secretly, Nine Layers Heaven Realm was really out of the ordinary, strength that even if in the unconsciousness, he showed that was also more formidable than before. 贺一鸣心中暗自感叹不已,九重天境界果然非同凡响,哪怕是在无意识之间,他表现出来的实力,也已经是比以前强大了许多。 Zhuang Munan and the others had transferred this bend angle, immediately saw with a smile vertical He Yiming, their footsteps, picked up the speed slightly immediately. 庄沐楠等人转过了这个弯角,立即看到了含笑而立的贺一鸣,他们的脚步微微一顿,立即加快了速度。 Zhuang Munan respectfully has held the fist in the other hand to bend the waist to salute in the distant place saying: Congratulates Brother He marvelous ability big accomplishment.” 庄沐楠在远处就已经恭敬的抱拳弯腰行礼道:“恭喜贺兄神功大成。” Other people also stopped footsteps, Jin Zhanyi also has made the similar movement, said the similar words. 其余人也是停下了脚步,就连金战役也是做出了同样的动作,说出了同样的话。 Has achieved Venerable Realm expert regarding their these, anything cannot make them respect compared with Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven. Now were suddenly many in their sides a such character, naturally does not dare to have slight failure in politeness. 对于他们这些达到了尊者境界高手们来说,没有什么能够比人道巅峰九重天更加的让他们敬仰了。如今在他们的身边突然多了一个这样的人物,自然不敢有丝毫的失礼。 He Yiming speechless smiles, his gently wields the sleeve, said: Was polite.” 贺一鸣哑然一笑,他轻轻的一挥袖,道:“各位客气了。” A gentle strength wells up, immediately held the people together. 一股柔和的力量涌来,顿时将众人一同扶了起来。 They have exchanged a look, is in the heart with amazement. Uses True Qi not to have what great the method that the opposite party holds, even if the Xiantian powerhouse can also achieve. 他们交换了一个眼神,无不是心中骇然。使用真气将对方扶起来的手段并没有什么了不起,哪怕是先天强者也能够做到。 However, when facing this many Venerable, He Yiming will use unexpectedly also this technique, moreover he controls just right, gives the strength of everyone to differ from, but can actually the opposite party safe helps up to stand firm, this and other precise to extreme ability, was truly impressive. 但是,在面对这许多尊者之时,贺一鸣竟然也会使用这个手法,而且他控制的恰到好处,给予每一个人的力量都是有所不同,但却都能够将对方稳稳当当的扶起站定,这等精确的到了极点的能力,确实令人刮目相看。 But He Yiming is in the heart faintly somewhat is also contented, after all Divine Weapon and power of god fuse, his Thought increases, went to the true peak situation regarding the control of body. If not so, his also impossible superficial at the same time makes such many Venerables in the heart gasp in admiration. 贺一鸣亦是心中隐隐有些自得,在所有的神兵神之力融合之后,他的意念大增,对于身体的控制更是达到了真正的巅峰地步。若非如此,他也不可能轻描淡写的同时让如此之多的尊者们心中叹服。 Brother He, congratulations.” Jin Zhanyi has gone forward several steps, said one in a low voice. 贺兄,恭喜。”金战役上前了几步,低声说了一句。 Although his these words do not have with Zhuang Munan distinguish, but regarding them, is actually another feeling. 他这句话虽然和庄沐楠无甚区别,但是对于他们两人来说,却是另一番感慨。 He Yiming layer on layer nod, said: Brother Jin, the little brother has promoted Nine Layers Heaven, later must think your.” 贺一鸣重重一点头,道:“金兄,小弟已经晋升九重天,以后就要看你的了。” Jin Zhanyi eyebrows selects, the in his heart wave rushes, said: You could rest assured that this, I certainly will overtake for a lifetime you.” 金战役双眉一挑,他的心中潮涌澎湃,道:“你放心,这一辈子,我一定会追上你。” The people look one as if by prior agreement, in the heart is thinking, this desire only feared that was quite uncertain. 众人对望一眼,心中不约而同的想着,这个愿望只怕是相当的渺茫了。 Zhuang Munan coughs lightly, said: Gentlemen, the old man ordered to buy the banquet, today everybody one'ss heart's content drinks to heart's content, respectfully congratulates Brother He to enter step Nine Layers Heaven successfully.” 庄沐楠轻咳一声,道:“众位,老夫已经下令置办酒席,今曰大家放怀畅饮,恭祝贺兄成功进阶九重天。” The people are the belt smile nod, although at this moment most people in going crazy of in the heart envy, but regarding these over a hundred -year-old people, controls own semblance mood, does not have any issue. 众人都是带笑点头,虽然此刻绝大多数人都是在心中妒忌的发狂,但是对于这些上百岁的老人们而言,控制自己的外表情绪,还是没有任何问题。 Under the leadership of Zhuang Munan, people return to the hall, but various delicacy delicacies were similar to flowing water have delivered generally. 庄沐楠的带领下,众人重新回返大厅之内,而各种美味佳肴如同流水一般的送了上来。 Zhuang Munan once inquired that Bai Lingba (108), Treasure Pig and white horse Thunder Lightning whether attended, was actually flatly refused by He Yiming. 庄沐楠曾经询问百零八宝猪白马雷电是否出席,却被贺一鸣一口回绝。 Present white horse Thunder Lightning is topest Saint Beast, Zhuang Munan regarding its respect, does not have the falseness of least bit. 如今的白马雷电已经是最顶尖的圣兽了,庄沐楠对于它的尊敬,也是没有半点儿的虚假。 After the liquor over three patrol, Zhuang Munan has patted clapping, immediately came up more than ten both hands to hold the young disciple of tray. 酒过三巡之后,庄沐楠拍了拍手,顿时上来了十余位双手捧着托盘的年轻弟子。 The ages of these disciples vary, but Internal Energy cultivation level of everyone is good, has reached about the 8th-layer altitude. Although this cultivation level regarding them is not anything, however the Colored Glaze Island future may probably depend upon on their bodies. 这些弟子们的年龄有大有小,但是每一个人的内劲修为都不错,达到了第八层左右的高度。虽然这点儿的修为对于他们来说并不算什么,但是琉璃岛的未来可就要依靠在他们的身上了。 However, the vision of people sweeps on the faces of these disciples merely, immediately fell above the tray. On this tray, is placing Core of round unexpectedly, each Core is lending the formidable life aura. 不过,众人的目光仅仅是在这些弟子们的脸上一扫,顿时就落到了托盘之上。在这个托盘上,竟然摆放着一个个圆溜溜的内丹,每一颗内丹都散发着强大的生命气息。 in the heart of people secretly rejoices, they know that this absolutely is not ordinary Spirit Beast Core, but is that crowd of Saint Beast Core that they hunt and kill. 众人的心中暗喜,他们都知道,这绝对不是普通灵兽内丹,而是他们所猎杀的那群圣兽内丹 Zhuang Munan laughs loudly, said: Gentlemen, although the overseas monsters attack, snatched into some Saint Beast corpses the sea, but old man and the others first one step most important Core will actually take, was the unfortunate great good fortune.” He puts out a hand empty to direct, said: These Open Sea Saint Beast basically are Brother He kills, how therefore also asked Brother He to process?” 庄沐楠放声大笑,道:“众位,虽然海外怪兽们来袭,将一些圣兽的尸体重新抢入了大海之中,但是老夫等人却先一步将最重要的内丹取了出来,也算是不幸中的大幸了。”他伸手虚引,道:“不过这些外海圣兽基本上都是贺兄所杀,所以还请贺兄处理如何?” Regardless of people in the heart whether satisfies, nobody dares to raise the objection in this moment. 无论众人心中是否满意,也没有人敢在这一刻提出异议。 He Yiming shows a faint smile, he puts out a hand a move, glitters the multi- colors to be sharp, and appeared intermittently bright Core to be inhaled in the hand by him. 贺一鸣微微一笑,他伸手一招,一颗闪烁着多彩亮丽,并且隐现光明的内丹被他吸入了手中。 Held appreciatively the moment, He Yiming said: I want this Core foot, remaining also asked Brother Zhuang to divide to put, gave everybody to make a memento.” He has hesitated, said: This outside Sea Monster beasts come to retaliate, has brought very big casualties to Colored Glaze Island, therefore He suggested that everybody takes one respectively, other gives Brother Zhuang handling.” 把玩了片刻,贺一鸣道:“我就要这一颗内丹足矣,剩下的还请庄兄代为分放,就给大家做个纪念吧。”他迟疑了一下,又道:“不过这一次外海怪兽们前来报复,给琉璃岛带来了很大的伤亡,所以贺某建议,大家各取一颗,其余的就交给庄兄处置吧。” in the heart of people are overjoyed, expressed gratitude all heartfeltly. 众人的心中都是大喜过望,无不衷心道谢。 Although they know that He Yiming has taken Core of that great sea freshwater mussel shell, but absolutely nobody will actually send out least bit the complaint. 虽然他们都知道,贺一鸣已经将那个巨大海蚌贝壳的内丹取走了,但却绝对没有人会发出半点儿的怨言。 That one day, if not He Yiming rushes promptly gets rid, let alone was the harvest was many, only feared that also wanted some people forever to stay there. 一曰,如果不是贺一鸣及时赶到出手,别说是收获颇丰了,只怕还要有人永远的留在那里。 Takes away the remaining shares as for Colored Glaze Island, similarly nobody opposed. Here after is others domains, because and this matter has come under the intense attack of Sea Monster, are many a point, is natural. 至于琉璃岛拿走剩下的份额,同样没有人反对。这里毕竟是人家的地盘,而且还因为此事遭到了海怪们的强烈打击,多得一分,也是理所当然。 Jin Zhanyi hearty laughter, he has stood, put out a hand to take one at will, has put in the bosom. 金战役朗笑一声,他站了起来,伸手随意的拿了一颗,放入了怀中。 Since some people take the lead, the people also imitate, but the moment respectively obtained Saint Beast Core. 既然有人带头,众人也是纷纷效仿,不过片刻就已经各自获得了一颗圣兽内丹 Perhaps Saint Beast Core regarding He Yiming is not anything, but regarding their these new promote Venerable, that was the rare treasure. 或许圣兽内丹对于贺一鸣来说不算什么,但是对于他们这些新晋尊者而言,那就是难得一见的宝物了。 The distribution method of He Yiming this side, it may be said that is happy. 贺一鸣这方的分配方法,可谓是皆大欢喜。 Zhuang Munan toward He Yiming nod, he knows slightly, reason that He Yiming is so natural , is feeling grateful the sentiment of his presentation copy. If not he has put out the practice attainment of Colored Glaze Old Ancestor, He Yiming also gave up any idea in today successful promotion Nine Layers Heaven. 庄沐楠向着贺一鸣微微点头,他知道,贺一鸣之所以那么大方,也是在感激他的赠书之情。若非他拿出了琉璃老祖的修炼心得,贺一鸣也休想在今曰成功的晋升九重天了。 So-called compensation anything, but is a excuse. 所谓的补偿什么,只不过是一个借口罢了。 His in the heart was secretly gratified, has become friends with a such Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, was entire Colored Glaze Island and own good fortune. 心中暗自欣慰,结交了这样的一位人道巅峰强者,也算是整个琉璃岛和自己的福气了。 In this moment, in his heart somewhat is unavoidably disconsolate. 只是,在这一刻,他的心中不免有些惆怅。 Also does not know one in lifetime, whether also has the opportunity to break through the limit , to promote Nine Layers Heaven...... 也不知道自己在有生之年,是否还有机会突破极限,晋升九重天…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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