MG :: Volume #6

#277: Venerable

In Colored Glaze Cave, gradually returned to normal, most expert rushed to the matters of regional processing damage control to go, but Zhuang Munan and the others remained. 琉璃洞之中,逐渐的恢复了平静,大多数的的高手都赶赴各地处理善后之事去了,但是庄沐楠等人却留了下来。 Here, after all has gathered expert of too many Venerable rank, anybody does not dare to neglect them. 在这里,毕竟集聚了太多的尊者级别的高手,任何人也不敢怠慢他们。 However, expert of this moment these Venerable ranks gather in some big cave, their look at each other in shock, vision once for a while is looking around in some direction. 不过,此刻这些尊者级别的高手们一个个汇聚在某个大洞穴之内,他们面面相觑,目光时不时的朝着某一个方向张望着。 At this time, Strength of World in hole occurred intensely to the change of extreme, even if the so intense change is the Xiantian powerhouse can also the clear induction. 此时,洞中的天地之力发生了强烈的到了极点的变化,如此强烈的改变纵然是先天强者也能够清晰的感应到。 This crazy variation degree is far from the Xiantian powerhouses can imagine, these formidable Venerables are also so. 只是,这种疯狂的变化程度远非先天强者们能够想象,就连这些强大的尊者们亦是如此。 Qi-Lian twin Demons looked one, vision stared on Li Jiangfeng, said: Brother Li, the long time heard that Senior Zhou Martial Dao cultivation level already achieved Great Venerable the boundary of peak, whether now is attacking Nine Layers Heaven Realm?” 祁连双魔对望了一眼,目光凝视到厉江峰身上,道:“厉兄,久闻周前辈武道修为早已达到大尊者的巅峰之境,如今是否在冲击九重天境界?” Li Jiangfeng hesitant, said: Martial-Uncle before hundred years already successful lightization six Divine Weapon, but among this hundred years, once repeatedly closed up attacks Nine Layers Heaven Realm, may unable to step over this last pass/test throughout.” He has stopped half sound, said: Li does not know whether Martial-Uncle his sudden enlightenment .” 厉江峰犹豫了一下,道:“师叔百年前就已经成功的光化了六把神兵,但是这百年间,曾经多次闭关冲击九重天境界,可始终没有能够迈过这最后一关。”他停顿了半响,又道:“不过厉某也不知道是否师叔他老人家顿悟了。” Numerous Venerables are slowly nod, their in the eyes have intense look of envying. 众多尊者们都是缓缓点头,他们的眼中都有着强烈的羡慕之色 lightization six Divine Weapon top Five Qi Great Venerable, he might the promotion anytime is Nine Layers Heaven Realm. Although the people know, the possible surname that succeeds not to be truly big, but this also truly only explained. 一位光化了六把神兵的顶尖五气大尊者,他随时都有可能晋升为九重天境界。虽然众人都知道,成功的可能姓确实不大,但这也确实是唯一的解释了。 The cave entrance person's shadow dodges, a person of facial color walked dignifiedly. 洞口人影一闪,一人面色凝重的走了进来。 The vision of people fell his body, was startled, Qi-Lian twin Demons has opened the mouth, unbelievable of face. 众人的目光落到了他的身上,不由地都是一怔,祁连双魔更是张大了嘴巴,一脸的难以置信。 This just walked person, is the people was suspecting unexpectedly closes up attacks Nine Layers Heaven Realm Zhuang Munan. 这位刚刚走进来之人,竟然就是众人正在怀疑闭关冲击九重天境界庄沐楠 After this Five Qi Great Venerable manhole, immediately induced here one nearly in the strange atmosphere, all people looked to the strangeness that in his vision was bringing not being able to say. 这位五气大尊者进入洞中之后,立即感应到了这里的一种近乎于诡异的气氛,所有人望向他的目光中更是带着一丝说不出的古怪。 His brow slightly wrinkles, if here only has Li Jiangfeng and other Colored Glaze Island Venerable, he loudly had already scolded, however here Venerables actually from far apart, influences after including several people formidable are not inferior in Colored Glaze Island, therefore he also only has to bear surname, has shown a smile, said: „Does Gentlemen, what matter have?” 他眉头略皱,如果这里仅有厉江峰琉璃岛尊者,他早就大声呵斥了,但是这里的尊者们却是来自于天南地北,其中有几人身后的势力之强大并不逊色于琉璃岛,所以他也唯有耐着姓子,露出了一丝微笑,道:“众位,有什么事情么?” Li Jiangfeng smiles bitterly, said: Martial-Uncle, did you induce?” 厉江峰苦笑一声,道:“师叔,您感应到了么?” The Zhuang Munan vision also shot a look at one toward some position immediately, he sighed one lightly, said: Naturally induced, his potential really formidable incomparable, does not know whether to break through smoothly successfully.” 庄沐楠的目光顿时也朝着某个方位瞥了一眼,他轻叹一声,道:“当然感应到了,他的潜力果然强大无比,就是不知道能否顺利突破成功。” The people have exchanged a look, they only know that has caused so intense Strength of World fluctuation, is attacking the Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse is really not Zhuang Munan. However for clarity, this Great Venerable clearly recognizes this person. 众人交换了一个眼神,他们这才知道,那位引起了如此强烈的天地之力波动,正在冲击九重天的强者果然不是庄沐楠。但是很明显的,这位大尊者分明是认得此人。 The big demon has hesitated, said: Village senior, who is that person?” 大魔迟疑了一下,道:“庄前辈,那人是谁?” in the eyes of people revealed color of the hope, because knew according to them, above Colored Glaze Island, as if also only had Zhuang Munan this Five Qi Great Venerable. But at this moment unexpectedly some people are attacking Nine Layers Heaven Realm, that said that here Martial Dao cultivation level has also reached the Five Qi Great Venerable peak, lightization six Divine Weapon powerhouses existed. 众人的眼中都流露出了一丝期盼之色,因为据他们所知,在琉璃岛之上,似乎也仅有庄沐楠这一位五气大尊者。可是此刻竟然有人在冲击九重天境界,那岂不是说在这里还有一位武道修为达到了五气大尊者巅峰,已经光化了六把神兵的强者存在了。 If there is such a person, but actually throughout is nobody knows, then the Colored Glaze Island secret time also does was good. 若是真的有这么一个人,但却始终是无人知晓,那么琉璃岛的隐秘功夫也就做的太好了。 The Li Family father and daughter and on Hua Ruijin faces has also been full of the color of doubt, because on them does not know that in the gate is hiding unexpectedly also so inconceivable formidable expert. 厉家父女和华瑞金三人的脸上也是充满了狐疑之色,因为就连他们也不知道门中竟然还隐藏着如此不可思议的强大高手 Zhuang Munan smiles bitterly, said: Gentlemen, this is attacking Nine Layers Heaven is not humble sect Great Venerable.” 庄沐楠苦笑一声,道:“众位,这位正在冲击九重天的并不是本门大尊者。” The big demon has been startled, said: „It is not your home Great Venerable, then......” his eye suddenly circle opens the eyes, said: He Yiming?” 大魔怔了一下,道:“不是贵门大尊者,那么……”他的眼睛豁然圆睁,道:“贺一鸣?” The expression of people are one stiff, the Li Yajing complexion changes, said: impossible, Brother He promotes Five Qi Great Venerable is more than one year point, he is impossible lightization six Divine Weapon.” 众人的表情都是一僵,厉雅静脸色微变,道:“不可能,贺兄晋升五气大尊者不过一年多点,他是不可能光化六把神兵的。” The people are looking mutually, the facial expression on face is quite strange. 众人相互望着,脸上的神情颇为古怪。 Since they have promoted Venerable, naturally wants to break through Nine Layers Heaven clearly, must succeed six Divine Weapon lightization first. 他们既然已经晋升尊者,当然明白想要突破到九重天,就必须要先将六把神兵光化成功。 Perhaps, in they have not promoted to the Great Venerable peak, before lightization six big Divine Weapon, they from the mouth of elder are used the strength of god integration Light of Divine Weapon matter. 或许,在他们没有晋升到大尊者巅峰,光化六大神兵之前,他们并不会从长辈的口中得到使用神之力量统合神兵之光的事情。 However all people understand, if no Light of Divine Weapon to promote Cultivator physique, develops the body potential of humanity thoroughly, basic increases the matter of Nine Layers Heaven on the impossible prospect. 但是所有人都明白,若是没有神兵之光提升修炼者体质,将人类的身体潜能彻底开发的话,根本就不可能指望攀升九重天之事。 When the Qilian big demon said He Yiming, the first feeling of people was this is absolutely impossible. 所以当祁连大魔说出贺一鸣之时,众人的第一个感觉就是这绝无可能。 The corners of the mouth of big demon cast aside slightly, said: Above Colored Glaze Island, besides Senior Zhou, only had Brother He this Five Qi Great Venerable.” He, said: Brother He and average person are different, cannot regard it by the common sense.” 大魔的嘴角微微一撇,道:“在琉璃岛之上,除了周前辈之外,也唯有贺兄这一位五气大尊者了。”他顿了顿,又道:“贺兄与普通人不同,不能以常理视之。” Since Cave Heaven Paradise, after He Yiming offers a sacrifice to Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove, Brother Qi-Lian twin Demons regarding his view had the change of enormous being hard explanation. In their in the heart, has recognized, He Yiming is a freak, can achieve many people unable to imagine, matter that even therefore does not dare to imagine. 自从在洞天福地,贺一鸣祭出了神器九龙炉之后,祁连双魔兄弟对于他的看法就有了极大的难以解释的改变。在他们的心中,已经认定了,贺一鸣是一个怪胎,能够做到许多人根本就无法想象,甚至于是不敢想象的事情。 Jin Zhanyi treads the previous step, bright sound track: This person should be Brother He, coming out that I can feel.” 金战役踏前一步,朗声道:“此人应该就是贺兄弟,我能够感觉的出来。” Strangeness that although his these words said that but the people even more have actually believed several points. The feeling of Venerable is quite keen, by relations between Jin Zhanyi and He Yiming, if has induced, seems not the strange matter. 他这句话虽然说的古怪,但是众人却是愈发的相信了几分。尊者的感觉是相当敏锐的,以金战役贺一鸣之间的关系,若是有所感应,似乎并不是什么奇怪的事情。 , The vision of all people transferred to the body of Zhuang Munan as if by prior agreement, this Great Venerable facial expression complex nod slightly, said: Celestial Pond Brother He.” 不约而同的,所有人的目光都移到了庄沐楠的身上,这位大尊者神情复杂的微微点头,道:“正是天池贺兄。” Several deep sigh sounds have simultaneously made a sound from this room, at this time, in the heart of everyone has been full of different feelings. 数道长叹声从这个房间内同时响了起来,此时,每一个人的心中都是充满了各种不同的感慨。 He Yiming, before more than one year, in Capital City, on Celestial Pond Main Peak with new promote Venerable that they met, in such a short time went to this situation unexpectedly...... The people here, regardless and his friendship quality, this moment in the heart are complex to the extreme. 贺一鸣,这个一年多以前在中京城,在天池主峰上与他们相遇的新晋尊者,竟然在这么短的时间内就已经达到了这个地步……在这里的众人,无论与他的交情好坏,这一刻的心中都是复杂的到了极点。 suddenly, that turbulent Strength of World trundle stopped, and slowly returned to normal. 豁然,那汹涌的天地之力滚动停了下来,并且慢慢的恢复了平静。 The people looked at one mutually, in the eye pupil has the mutual inquiry flavor. Although they are Venerable, but regarding attacking Nine Layers Heaven Realm does not have the experience of least bit. 众人互望了一眼,眼眸中都有着相互询问的味道。他们虽然都是尊者,但是对于冲击九重天境界却是没有半点儿的经验。 Succeeded?” Big demon sinking sound asked. “成功了么?”大魔沉声问道。 Zhuang Munan shakes the head slightly, said: Was a pity that falls short.” 庄沐楠微微摇头,道:“可惜,功亏一篑。” Heard these words, most of them at heart unexpectedly is inexplicable relaxing, even also has one to hide in chuckling to oneself of heart. 听到了这句话,他们之中的绝大多数人的心里竟然都是莫名的松了一口气,甚至于还有着一丝隐藏在心底的窃喜。 He Yiming this person had the unprecedented achievement, if makes him such young on promotion Nine Layers Heaven, that also had the natural justice. 贺一鸣此人已经拥有了前无古人的成就,若是让他这样年轻就晋升九重天,那还有天理了么。 This is the will of the people, in seeing progressed by leaps and bounds after the same cultivation level powerhouse, they again could not repress the heart of this envy. 这就是人心,在看到原先与自己同样修为的强者突飞猛进之后,他们就再也按捺不住这种妒忌之心了。 However, in the front of bystander, they own thoughts hideaway deep of , on the face actually shows color of the regret, seemed a pity regarding the failure of He Yiming. 不过,在外人的面前,他们都将自己的这份心思隐藏的很深,脸上却都展现出一副遗憾之色,似乎对于贺一鸣的失败十分可惜。 The atmosphere in hole was dignified immediately, all people become are silent. 洞中的气氛顿时凝重了起来,所有人都变得沉默不语。 For a long time, Jin Zhanyi heaved a deep sigh, said: Brother Li, how we see Brother He.” 许久之后,金战役长叹一声,道:“厉兄,我们去见见贺兄弟如何。” Li Jiangfeng is startled, immediately understood his meaning. Since He Yiming to closing the failure, will have the annoying and depressed mood unavoidably, but they go to meet, with his Hu Kan one far apart, thinks that can dilute his thoughts. 厉江峰一怔,顿时明白了他的意思。贺一鸣既然冲关失败,难免会有懊恼和沮丧的心情,而他们前去相见,与他天南地北的胡侃一通,想必能够将他的这番心思冲淡了。 Numerous nod, Li Jiangfeng said: Good.” 重重的一点头,厉江峰道:“好。” They walk side-by-side, just had gotten to the cavern entrance, actually almost simultaneously stopped the footsteps. Their suddenly has looked one, simultaneously saw opposite party in the eyes the color of doubts. 他们两人并肩而行,刚刚走到了洞穴门口,却几乎同时停下了脚步。他们两人豁然对望了一眼,同时看到了对方眼中的疑惑之色。 Strength of World in cave fluctuated again, moreover this fluctuation as if compared with a moment ago intense planned. 山洞中的天地之力再一次的波动了起来,而且这一次的波动似乎比刚才更加的强烈了一筹。 Even if were their these Venerable after feeling this fluctuation, thought that the excited god swung. 哪怕是他们这些尊者在感受到了这一股波动之后,亦是觉得心动神摇。 So huge strength fluctuation, does not know actually really He Yiming how does achieve? 如此庞大的力量波动,真不知道贺一鸣究竟是如何做到的? They do not know that this time He Yiming is drawing support the strength of outside suppresses that several Divine Weapon and strength of god in Chaos Dantian. 他们并不知道,此时的贺一鸣正在借助于外界的力量来压制混沌丹田内的那几种神兵神之力量 By these great strength of Divine Weapon and power of god, needed certainly inconceivable Strength of World. 以这些神兵神之力的强大,当然需要不可思议的天地之力了。 Luckily here is Southern Border Colored Glaze Island, has most abundant Strength of World, moreover is bringing spiritual wisdom divine power of fire, otherwise is unable to meet the request and standard of He Yiming. 幸好这里是南疆琉璃岛,有着最为充沛的天地之力,而且还是带着一丝灵姓火之神力,否则根本就无法达到贺一鸣的要求和标准。 He...... Also started.” The big demon muttered is saying, in the sound has filled unbelievable. “他……又开始了。”大魔喃喃的说着,声音中充满了难以置信。 Closes up attacks Nine Layers Heaven, this is the prudent matter. After being defeated a time, without training one year or so, basic carries on second time to clash the pass/test on impossible. However the performance of He Yiming made all people break eyeglasses of place. 闭关冲击九重天,这是何等慎重的事情。在失败了一次之后,没有修养个一年半载的,根本就不可能进行第二次冲关。但是贺一鸣的表现却让所有人跌破了一地的眼镜。 He after the first failure, has separated the moment unexpectedly merely, nonstop carried on second time flushed the pass/test. 他竟然在第一次失败之后,仅仅隔了片刻,就马不停蹄的进行了第二次冲关。 If this matter has spread and ensure will laugh aloud by all Cultivator. 这种事情若是传扬了出去,保证会被所有修炼者笑掉大牙的。 Zhuang Munan frowns, shook the head, said: Brother He he was extremely impatient.” 庄沐楠皱着眉头,摇了摇头,道:“贺兄他太过于心急了。” In these people, only has him to know that He Yiming grasped strength of god. But this is he will also practice the biggest reason that the attainment delivers. However He Yiming so impatient clashes the pass/test continuously twice, let in his heart raising a question, own actions whether were actually correct. 在这些人中,唯有他才知道贺一鸣掌握了神之力量。而这也是他将修炼心得送出去的最大原因。但是贺一鸣如此迫不及待的连续两次冲关,却让他的心中泛起了一丝疑问,自己的所作所为究竟是否正确。 If because of He Yiming own carelessly, but caused him to overstate, fell into the beyond redemption boundary, then Celestial Pond Lineage whether can with Colored Glaze Island henceforth the mutual hatred. 若是因为贺一鸣自己的不慎,而导致他走火入魔,陷入了万劫不复之境,那么天池一脉是否会与琉璃岛从此交恶。 His in the heart fast has transferred several thoughts, immediately has made the decision, so long as this He Yiming to closing failure, he will act to elaborate fierce relations with him immediately. 心中飞快的转过了数个念头,顿时做出了决定,只要这一次贺一鸣冲关失败,他会立即出面与他阐述其中的厉害关系。 By the He Yiming strength, after hearing his narration, should restrain the mind, so was no longer rash. 贺一鸣的实力,在听到了他的讲述之后,应该会收敛心神,不再如此莽撞了吧。 However, no matter what no one has thought that after the entire double-hour passes by, that Strength of World has seethed with excitement at a fiercer degree suddenly, and crazy keeps in that direction rolling goes. 然而,任谁也没有想到,当整整一个时辰过去之后,那天地之力突然以更加剧烈的程度沸腾了起来,并且疯狂的朝着那个方向不停的滚滚而去。 Meanwhile, together is similar to the thunder thunderclap long howl in the hole crack, shakes being popular oratorio, is hard oneself...... 同时,一道如同雷霆霹雳般的长啸声在洞中炸响,震得人心神剧荡,难以自己…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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