MG :: Volume #6

#276: Promotes Heaven

Massive, even flooded into He Yiming within the body compared with more formidable divine power of fire just now once again. 大量的,甚至于远比适才更加强大的火之神力再度涌入了贺一鸣的体内。 However, what from is just now different, at this time He Yiming exceptionally calm, in his both eyes does not have the least bit crazy look. 不过,与适才不同的是,此时贺一鸣异常的冷静,他的双目之中更是没有半点儿的疯狂神色。 This time He Yiming, is calm like the water, whatever that formidable strength of fire emerges Dantian unceasingly, even makes the meridians of whole body feel pain faintly, but He Yiming calm does not have the vacillation of least bit. 此时的贺一鸣,已经是心静如水,任凭那强大的火之力量不断涌入丹田,甚至于让全身的经脉隐隐发痛,但贺一鸣就是冷静的没有半点儿的动摇。 Really, after massive divine power of fire emerged Dantian, that balanced aspect immediately is broken. 果然,在大量的火之神力涌入了丹田之后,那股平衡的局面顿时就被打破了。 Not is only divine power of wood and divine power of earth and divine power of fire separates from each other, several other strengths also start to release their powerful ability slowly, and gradually unified. 不仅仅是木之神力土之神力火之神力分道扬镳,就连其余的几种力量也开始慢慢的释放着自己的威能,并且逐渐的结合了起来。 Essentially, these strengths do not have what height, because they are having spiritual wisdom formidable power of god. But because just they have this spiritual wisdom, therefore independently will carry on some degree of achievement, looks like lifeform in nature is the same, they stem from the instinct, chose one type most to suit itself to exist, and road of evolution can continue. 从本质上来说,这些力量并没有什么高低,因为它们都是拥有着一丝灵姓的强大神之力。但正因为它们有着这种灵姓,所以才会自主的进行某种程度的作为,就像是大自然中的生物一样,它们都出于本能的,挑选出了一种最适合自己存在,并且能够持续发展的进化之路。 All strengths started to close up toward the Dantian center. 所有的力量都开始朝着丹田中心处靠拢了。 Three are sending out the Light of Divine Weapon weapon, is various different Attribute power of god, under the oppression of formidable outside divine power of fire, slowly has concentrated. 无论是三把散发着神兵之光的武器,还是各种不同属姓神之力,都在强大的外界火之神力的压迫下,慢慢的集中了起来。 Here, has not come under any influence only, was that as before is soft and weak Solidified Blood Person. 在这里,唯一没有受到任何影响的,就是那依旧是软弱无力的凝血人了。 This has inserted the Divine Dao Ashen Relic fellow, since Dantian lives in seclusion, has lain down has not been having move of least bit. It except for keeping to absorb the strength in Chaos Dantian is making up for beyond own loss, did not have any extra contribution. 这个嵌入了神道舍利的家伙,自从在丹田隐居之后,就一直是躺着不曾有半点儿的动弹。它除了不停的吸纳混沌丹田中的力量来弥补自身的损耗之外,就没有了任何的额外贡献。 Even if at this moment, when all strengths start to take action, it does not have the response of least bit as before. 哪怕是此刻,所有的力量都开始行动之时,它依旧是没有半点儿的反应。 However, He Yiming therefore has not been offended anything, the strange aura that because releases from Solidified Blood Person can know that its body as before is frail incomparable, at first when does not have just condensed the forming that inconceivable great strength. 不过,贺一鸣并没有因此而见怪什么,因为从凝血人身上所释放出来的诡异气息就可以知道,它的身体依旧是孱弱无比,远没有最初刚刚凝聚成形之时那种不可思议的强大。 Divine Sense has swept on the body of Solidified Blood Person gently, He Yiming immediately gave up the attention, but all energy centralized to Dantian in these Divine Weapon and power of god. 神念凝血人的身上轻轻扫过,贺一鸣立即放弃了关注,而是将一切的精力都集中到了丹田中的那些神兵神之力上面。 This attempt, it can be said that in his life so far most greatly has challenged, really cannot accommodate the negligence of least bit. 这一次的尝试,可以说是他一生中到目前为止最大的挑战了,实在是容不得半点儿的疏忽。 He Yiming in the mind recalls he has been looking at these secret book contents unceasingly, all the practice introduction and that slurred way of cultivation in his mind 11 about Nine Layers Heaven passed over gently and swiftly. 贺一鸣脑海中不断的回忆着他所看过的那些秘籍的内容,所有关于九重天的修炼介绍和那模糊不清的修炼之道在他的脑海中11掠过。 Although physique and Innate Skill of everyone are different, cultivation technique that cultivates different wait / etc., therefore not accurate how to promote the Nine Layers Heaven standard mode. 虽说每一个人的体质天赋不同,所修炼的功法不同等等,所以并没有一个确切的如何晋升九重天的标准模式。 secret book that after looking at the seniors kept, has some help regarding He Yiming many. 但是在看过了前辈们所留下来的秘籍之后,对于贺一鸣多少都是有一些帮助的。 His Thought spread to Dantian, instantaneously already has had the contact with all Divine Weapon and strengths. 他的意念传入了丹田之中,瞬间就已经与所有的神兵和力量取得了联系。 These Divine Weapon, even if Five Elements Ring and Black Tortoise Shell, is at somebody's beck and call to him. This is the Divine Weapon lightization advantage, can control these formidable Divine Weapon each point of strengths with wishes fulfilled. 那些神兵也就罢了,哪怕是五行环玄龟壳,都对他俯首听命。这就是神兵光化的好处,能够随心所欲的控制着这些强大神兵的每一分力量。 However, this condition also only has when controlling single Divine Weapon will be occurring, if wants Light of Divine Weapon between different Divine Weapon to fuse in together, that is one difficult to the extreme matter. 但是,这种状况也唯有在控制着单个神兵之时才会发生,若是想要将不同的神兵之间的神兵之光融合在一起,那就是一件困难的到了极点的事情。 Each Divine Weapon has the itself special ability formidable weapon, they look like power of god are the same, has own dignity, wish is making them give up the dignity, big of difficulty can be imagined. 每一件神兵都是拥有本身特殊能力的强大兵器,它们就像是神之力一样,拥有着自己的尊严,想要让它们放弃尊严,难度之大可想而知。 Moreover, is formidable Divine Weapon, is so. In comparison, that is having Northern Sea aurora Aurora Sword best controlling, but Five Elements Ring and Black Tortoise Shell were a great difficulty. 而且,越是强大的神兵,就越是如此。相比之下,那拥有着北海极光的极光之剑最好艹控,但是五行环玄龟壳就是一个老大难了。 Even if in front of true strength of god, these two Divine Weapon radiance as if no any trend of possibly fusion. 哪怕是在真正的神之力量面前,这两把神兵光芒似乎也没有任何可能融合的趋势。 He Yiming hesitant, has put Dantian Five Elements Ring under. 贺一鸣犹豫了一下,将五行环放到了丹田的正下方。 Five Elements Ring is his Life's Divine Weapon, is he most important Divine Weapon, uses this to have Divine Item potential Divine Weapon to take the foundation of smelting, without doubt is the best choice. 五行环是他的本命神兵,也是他最重要的一件神兵,使用这件具有神器潜质的神兵来做为熔炼的基础,无疑是最好的选择。 Under He Yiming controlling desirably, to absorb that he keeps formidable strength of fire of outside, was under a formidable oppression strength by own Dantian throughout. 贺一鸣刻意的艹控之下,他不停的吸纳着外界的强大火之力,让自己的丹田始终处于一种强大的压迫力之下。 But in this special environment, may let these different Attribute Divine Weapon and strengths merges into one organic whole. 而正是在这种特殊的环境中,才有可能让这些不同属姓神兵和力量融为一体。 When Five Elements Ring thorough is stable after Dantian, above released five colors radiance immediately, and turning round revolving continuous, the great power in Five Elements World surged crazily, had greatly with a foreign pressure high below stance. 五行环丹田内彻底安定之后,上面顿时释放出了五彩光芒,并且滴溜溜的旋转不休,五行世界中的强大力量疯狂涌动,大有与外来压力一较高下的架势。 He Yiming uses Thought controlling hastily, the strength suppression of Five Elements Ring to the minimum degree. 贺一鸣连忙使用意念艹控,将五行环的力量压制到最低的程度。 Cracks a joke, if makes the Five Elements World strength release in Dantian completely, even if this Chaos Dantian, only feared that must unable to bear the impacts of these two great powers and to defending to rupture. 开什么玩笑,若是让五行世界的力量在丹田中完全释放,哪怕是他这个混沌丹田,只怕都要承受不了这两种强大力量的冲击和对捍而爆裂了吧。 Aurora Sword and Black Tortoise Shell simultaneously transferred to above Five Elements Ring five colors radiance, this is an attempt of He Yiming, his wish makes this 2 ply formidable strength insert in Five Elements World. 极光之剑玄龟壳同时移到了五行环五彩光芒之上,这是贺一鸣的一个尝试,他想要让这二股强大的力量嵌入五行世界之内。 However, matter that He Yiming most is worried about occurred finally, Aurora Sword looked like a spirit snake general start wriggled, when this Divine Weapon started to struggle, made He Yiming have the terror feeling that one type was unable to control unexpectedly. 然而,贺一鸣最为担心的事情终于发生了,极光之剑就像是一条灵蛇一般的开始蠕动了起来,在这件神兵开始挣扎之时,竟然让贺一鸣产生了一种无法掌控的恐怖感觉。 He increased Thought controlling immediately fully, with heart and soul concentrates on arriving on Aurora Sword, as for another more formidable Black Tortoise Shell, then could not branch out energy controlling again. 他立即是加大了意念艹控,全心全力的将精力集中到极光之剑上,至于另一个更加强大的玄龟壳,则是再也分不出精力艹控了。 A moment later, with the He Yiming effort, Aurora Sword finally from one mischievous turned into a little darling to the extreme child, smooth had been delivered to above Five Elements Ring by He Yiming. 片刻之后,在贺一鸣的努力之下,极光之剑终于从一个顽皮的到了极点的孩子变成了一个乖宝宝,顺利的被贺一鸣送到了五行环之上。 That turnover uncertain Five Elements radiance has covered this Aurora Sword immediately, both's Light of Divine Weapon touches, unexpectedly is faint has a feeling of being in sharp opposition. 那吞吐不定的五行光芒顿时将这件极光之剑笼罩了起来,两者的神兵之光相触,竟然是隐隐的有着一种针锋相对的感觉。 He Yiming in the heart complained of hardship secretly, Aurora Sword is so hard to deal with, then Black Tortoise Shell? 贺一鸣心中暗自叫苦,一个极光之剑就已经是如此难缠,那么玄龟壳呢? His intention moves, immediately realized the Black Tortoise Shell whereabouts, suddenly, he stared in a big way the eye, pleasantly surprised occurred simultaneously. 他的心念一动,顿时察觉到了玄龟壳的去向,一时间,他瞪大了眼睛,不由地惊喜交加。 Black Tortoise Shell unexpectedly already successful entered in Five Elements radiance, these two super formidable Divine Weapon, actually have not had any conflict, their above Light of Divine Weapon look like the water breast( bans word) to blend, intimate fuses in together. 玄龟壳竟然已经是成功的进入了五行光芒之中,这两件超级强大的神兵,竟然根本就没有发生任何的冲突,它们上面的神兵之光就像是水乳(禁言)交融般,亲密无间的融合在一起了。 He Yiming in the heart is wild with joy, he remembers immediately, oneself when lightization Black Tortoise Shell, were lucky mysterious runes in Five Elements Ring to assist then at one fell swoop succeeds finally, thus it can be seen, relations between Five Elements Ring and Black Tortoise Shell, truly were unusual. 贺一鸣心中狂喜,他随即想起,自己在光化玄龟壳之时,多亏了五行环之内的神秘符文相助最终这才一举成功,由此可见,五行环玄龟壳之间的关系,确实是非同一般。 Cannot think that this is thinking unexpectedly beforehand the biggest barrier like this is shocking but not dangerous passed, relaxed incredible. 想不到,这个在事先以为最大的障碍竟然就这样有惊无险的过去了,轻松的令人难以置信。 He Yiming confidence Sheng, his Divine Sense has released greatly once again, divine power of earth and divine power of wood in Dantian, as well as the part is under some order to be common by divine power of fire that he split specially likely, moved the past toward Five Elements Ring radiance. 贺一鸣的信心大盛,他的神念再度释放了出去,丹田内的土之神力木之神力,以及部分特意被他分裂出来的火之神力像是得到了某种命令一般,亦是朝着五行环光芒之中移动过去。 Substitutes for Light of Divine Weapon by strength of god, this method absolutely is unprecedented. Moreover takes a broad view at the world, besides He Yiming, feared that could not find the second person to have this special condition again. 神之力量来取代神兵之光,这种方法绝对是前所未有。而且放眼天下,除了贺一鸣之外,怕是再也找不到第二个人能够有此特殊的条件了。 Because except for grasping Strength of Source, has beside Chaos Dantian He Yiming, does not have the second person to be able before lightization six Divine Weapon on successful to absorb strength of god. 因为除了掌握本源之力,拥有混沌丹田贺一鸣之外,也没有第二个人能够在光化六把神兵之前就成功的吸纳神之力量 This is not only unable to induce this strength, even if were induces, but if did not have six Divine Weapon to build up the body, all potential development of human body completely. Then the body of humanity is really unable to bear the power of god huge pressure, if real to absorb this did not belong to the Mortal Realm strength, only had to explode the body to perish a way. 这不仅仅是无法感应这股力量,哪怕是感应到了,但若是没有六把神兵炼体,将人体的所有潜能开发殆尽。那么人类的躯体也实在是无法承受神之力的庞大压力,若是真的吸纳了这股不属于人道境界的力量,就唯有爆体而亡一途了。 Therefore, although the innumerable worthy people of former times are having the infinite wisdom, but also absolutely impossible thinks that strength of god can substitute for Light of Divine Weapon unexpectedly. 所以,虽然无数先贤们拥有着无穷的智慧,但也绝对不可能想到神之力量竟然可以取代神兵之光 Three different strength of god entered in the Five Elements light screen. 三股不同的神之力量进入了五行光幕之内。 If other Divine Weapon, is unable to melt with these three different Attribute power of god, but Five Elements Ring is different, this is having the Divine Item potential, and passes through three big strength of god have guided to use repeatedly Divine Weapon, unexpectedly is relaxed admitted these three strength of god. 如果是其余的神兵,根本就无法与这三种不同属姓神之力相融,但是五行环却并不一样,这件拥有着神器潜质,并且经过了三大神之力量多次引导使用过的神兵,竟然是轻松之极的就接纳了这三股神之力量 Instantaneous, in that Dantian, innumerable radiance suddenly flashes, but makes He Yiming feel what is gratified, besides that Aurora Sword, other Light of Divine Weapon and strength of god really deeply has the coordination of tacit understanding, as if they did not oppose that each other strength melts. 瞬间,在那丹田的下方,无数光芒大作,但是让贺一鸣感到欣慰的是,除了那把极光之剑外,其余的神兵之光神之力量竟然都是深有默契的配合着,似乎它们并不反对彼此的力量相融。 Since this method creates, innumerable top Five Qi Great Venerable finally closed in this are caught, if made these people know going crazy that He Yiming this time situation, can definitely be jealous. 自从这个方法创造出来之后,无数顶尖儿的五气大尊者都在这最后一关上被卡住了,若是让那些人知道贺一鸣此时的情况,肯定会妒忌的发狂。 The heart after was beating one vigorously next, immediately returned to normal, He Yiming entered in Realm of widow who does not remarry once again. 心脏在大力的跳动了一下之后,立即恢复了平静,贺一鸣再度进入了一种古井不波的境界之中。 Afterward, that has circled in the Dantian above light and dark strength moved finally, they started around Five Elements Ring and all strengths revolved. 随后,那一直盘旋在丹田上方的光、暗之力终于动了,它们开始绕着五行环和其中的所有力量旋转了起来。 They look like ropes, these strength tying up firmly in one, and is getting more and more tight, more and more tight...... This is most essential one step, is the Great Venerable to absorb power of god real cause. 它们就像是一根根的绳索,将这些力量牢牢的绑在了一起,并且越来越紧,越来越紧……这才是最为关键的一步,也是大尊吸纳神之力的真正原因。 They must draw support power of god formidable powerful ability, all strengths ties up in together, and compact to situation of complete fusion. 他们要借助于神之力强大威能,将所有的力量捆绑在一起,并且紧凑到全部融合的地步。 If successful, not only can reach the sky in a single bound to step into the boundary of Mortal Dao peak, but can also retain this formidable power of god since then. 若是成功,不但能够一步登天踏入人道巅峰之境,而且还能够从此保留这股强大的神之力 The breath of He Yiming had rapid slightly, the fusion of light dark two strength, really can display a more formidable strength. 贺一鸣的呼吸有了一丝微微的急促,光暗两种力量的融合,果然能够发挥出更加强大的力量。 But also only has this degree of strength, might contain three strength of god all strengths to merge into one organic whole. 但也唯有这种程度的力量,才有可能将包含了三股神之力量的所有力量融为一体。 Time, little passed, when the melt of light dark strength almost in Chaos is one piece, all space thorough extinguishing in Five Elements Ring. 时间,一点点的过去了,当光暗的力量在混沌之中几乎熔为一片之时,五行环之内的所有空间彻底的消弭。 The compression of huge strength suddenly from the body of He Yiming is a point, True Qi of his whole body extrudes to come toward Dantian in instantaneously. 庞大的力量从贺一鸣的身体之内骤然压缩为一点,他全身的真气瞬间朝着丹田内挤压而来。 Almost at the same time, around the body Strength of World crazy is surging, they have crashed in his body at unprecedented speed, fills up all empty meridians completely. 几乎与此同时,身周天地之力疯狂的涌动着,它们以前所未有的速度冲进了他的身体,将所有空荡荡的经脉全部填满。 He Yiming has opened both eyes, in his heart was similar to the burst in the bore general liking. 贺一鸣睁开了双目,他的心中如同炸膛了一般的欢喜。 He holds up the head, a long and loud cry, such as billowing heavenly thunder, in entire Colored Glaze Cave loudly crack...... 他昂首,一声长啸,如滚滚天雷,在整个琉璃洞之内轰然炸响…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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