MG :: Volume #6

#275: Working with concerted efforts

Formidable strength of fire has seethed with excitement in He Yiming around the body, above Colored Glaze Island, covered entirely is having spiritual wisdom strength of fire, and rapid quick has produced some mysterious blending with his around the body strength of fire. 强大的火之力贺一鸣身周沸腾了起来,在琉璃岛之上,本来就布满着拥有灵姓火之力量,并且迅快的与他身周火之力产生了某种神奇的交融。 In this moment, He Yiming Thought as if obtained the unlimited great power support, even can make him feel the surrounding area any life aura within a lot of li (0.5km). 在这一刻,贺一鸣意念似乎得到了无限制的强大力量支援,甚至于可以让他感受到方圆千百里之内的任何生命气息。 In this mysterious strength of fire covering range, He Yiming even more has an omnipotent feeling. 在这股神奇火之力的笼罩范围之内,贺一鸣愈发的有着一种无所不能的感觉。 The in his heart towering start cried out crazily, he wants to obtain this strength, obtains this type to control the great power in hand all. 他的心中突兀的开始疯狂的呐喊了起来,他想要得到这种力量,得到这种将一切都掌控在手中的强大力量。 Therefore, he does not hesitate any price! 为此,他不惜任何代价! The breath of He Yiming started rapidly, his eye pupil blushed faintly, and passed one share is being similar to the blood crazy color. 贺一鸣的呼吸开始急促了起来,他的眼眸隐隐发红,并且透着一股子如同血液般的疯狂之色。 The great strength of surrounding strength, has gone beyond the category that he can control by far. If before, He Yiming can also control own desire. However these time after that top Open Sea Saint Beast King fights, the He Yiming confidence infinitely inflated. 周围的力量之强大,已经远远的超出了他能够控制的范畴。如果是以前,贺一鸣还能够控制自己的欲望。但是这一次与那顶尖儿的外海圣兽王一战之后,贺一鸣的信心无限的膨胀了起来。 That hid in his heart desire was also hard to be depressing jumped again, and rapid has obtained the winning side quickly. 那隐藏在他心底的欲望再也难以压抑的跳了出来,并且迅快的取得了上风。 He Yiming around the body strength of fire started to have the subtle change, his body likely was huge black hole, was similar to Treasure Pig in the rock magma made, started to absorb to have the surrounding strength. 贺一鸣身周火之力开始发生了微妙的变化,他的身体象是一个庞大的黑洞,如同宝猪在岩浆之中所做的一样,开始吸纳起周围的力量了。 Huge, pure divine power of fire emerged in his body continuously, and entered his Chaos Dantian crazily. 庞大的,纯粹的火之神力源源不绝的涌入了他的身体之内,并且疯狂的进入了他那混沌似的丹田 The He Yiming surprised discovery, in Dantian all residents as if enormously were attacked, even if were divine power of earth and divine power of wood starts to release to belong to their radiance. 贺一鸣惊讶的发现,丹田内所有的住客似乎都受到了极大的冲击,哪怕是土之神力木之神力都开始释放出属于它们的光芒了。 Just, these residents are are not welcoming the arrival of formidable divine power of fire, but lords over Dantian in working with concerted efforts rejection this strength. 只不过,这些住客并不是在迎接强大火之神力的到来,而是在同心协力的拒绝这种力量独霸丹田 Here divine power of fire was really too many, many to inexhaustible, make the blood boil situation. 这里的火之神力实在是太多了,多到了无穷无尽,令人发指的地步。 Even if by He Yiming that Chaos Dantian, as if also has the trend that is unable to hold. 哪怕是以贺一鸣混沌般的丹田,似乎也有着无法容纳的趋势了。 He Yiming flesh has been full of the scarlet, although has not been in the bruised and lacerated situation, but looked at the past from the semblance, he looked like a blood person is common, became exceptionally terrifying. 贺一鸣身上的肌肤已经充满了血色,虽然尚未到皮开肉绽的地步,但是从外表上看过去,他就像是一个血人一般,变得异常恐怖。 If this condition continues, he definitely because is unable to withstand extremely in the formidable strength, but the whole body explodes to perish. 若是这种状态持续下去,他肯定会因为无法承受太过于强大的力量而全身爆裂而亡。 Such consequence, that was overstated seriously, but He Yiming at this moment, under surpassing the confidence influence of itself ability, was the edge that was in overstates. 这样的后果,那可是最为严重的走火入魔了,而此刻的贺一鸣,在超过了本身能力的信心影响下,也是正处于走火入魔的边缘了。 suddenly, that Chaos same Dantian started to revolve, afterward icy cold air current has passed through his meridians, swam against the stream under the obstuction of huge divine power of fire, arrived in He Yiming Mind Territory. 豁然,那混沌一样的丹田开始旋转了起来,随后一股冰凉的气流穿过了他的经脉,在庞大火之神力的阻扰之下逆流而上,来到了贺一鸣脑域之中。 Startles spirit hit one to tremble, a both eyes pupil as if awakening from a dream restoration of He Yiming was tranquil. 激灵灵的打了一个寒颤,贺一鸣的一双眼眸如梦初醒般的恢复了平静。 His vision glance, saw the color of flesh immediately, the complexion changes. Almost is without hesitation, He Yiming immediately stopped Fire Element power of god of to absorb outside, simultaneously goes all out in the mind that impractical idea has constrained. 他的目光一瞥,立即看到了身上肌肤的颜色,不由地脸色微变。几乎是不假思索的,贺一鸣立即停止了吸纳外界的火系神之力,同时将脑海中那股不切实际的想法拼命的压抑了下去。 Slowly, this thought of being similar to tide comes generally finally in undergoing the intense ideological fight retroceded, on the He Yiming vest the cold sweat streaminged. He knows that he almost must lose a moment ago in this formidable pure strength. 慢慢的,这股如同浪潮一般汹涌而至的念头终于在经过了强烈的思想搏斗之后退了下去,贺一鸣的背心上冷汗涔涔。他知道,自己刚才差一点就要迷失在这种强大的纯粹力量之中了。 If not Strength of Source that Chaos Dantian releases, then his consequence very pitiful. 如果不是混沌丹田所释放出来的本源之力,那么他的后果将会十分的凄惨。 Deep sorption air/Qi, He Yiming understands finally Jin Zhanyi and the others when mentioning heart demon, why appeared will discuss tiger look changes. Only has after personally experiences this mysterious strength the great strength, the terror that can clearly overstate is. 深深的吸着气,贺一鸣终于明白金战役等人在提及心魔之时,为何会显得谈虎色变了。唯有在亲身体验到这股神秘力量的强大之后,才能够明白走火入魔的恐怖所在。 His sorption air/Qi slowly, the heart of moving restlessly also slowly returned to normal. After all restores to be tranquil, He Yiming slowly has stood. 他慢慢的吸着气,躁动的心也慢慢的平复了下来。当一切都恢复了平静之后,贺一鸣才缓缓的站了起来。 He had a lingering fear looked at eye his body, that blood red color has drawn back all, but this lesson was actually deep inscribing in his heart, was again hard to dismiss from mind. 他心有余悸的看了眼自己的身体,那血红的色彩已经尽数的退了下去,但是这一次的教训却是深深的铭刻在他的心中,再也难以忘怀了。 He Yiming read attainment note in the hand, on his face has revealed a forced smile once again. 贺一鸣看了眼手中的心得笔记,他的脸上再度露出了一丝苦笑。 He was moved a moment ago to absorb Fire Element divine power, actually is also wants to attempt, had a look at itself whether can break the limit, was primarily huge divine power of fire, unified all strengths. 刚才他动念吸纳火系神力,其实也是想要尝试一下,看看自己是否能够打破极限,以庞大的火之神力为主,将所有的力量统一起来。 According to Colored Glaze Old Ancestor, reason that Nine Layers Heaven can be called the Mortal Dao peak, that was because they truly have stood above the Mortal Dao peak. 按照琉璃老祖所言,九重天之所以能够被称为人道巅峰,那是因为他们确实已经站在了人道的巅峰之上。 This 1-layer time expert, regarding own ability control already formidable to the inconceivable situation, can release each point of limit strength of human body. 一层次的高手,对于自身的能力掌控已经强大的到了不可思议的地步,能够将人体的每一分极限力量都释放出来。 If not so, their also impossible altogether six Light of Divine Weapon will congeal as one. 若非如此,他们也不可能将总共的六把神兵之光都凝为一体。 Wants successful lightization six big Divine Weapon is the matter that difficult such as to ascend to heaven, especially in situations of this World's Energy massive outflow, only if having topest practice Innate Skill, and has the considerable spell of good or bad fortune, may go to this grade of situation. 想要成功的光化六大神兵就已经是一件难如登天的事情,特别是在这个天地之气大量流失的情况下,除非是拥有着最顶尖的修炼天赋,并且有着相当的际遇,才有可能达到这等地步。 But wants to have enough strength to go these divine light integrations in the same place, achieves truly Realm that can control thoroughly, that even more belonged to impossible to complete the task that. 而想要拥有足够的力量去将这些神光统合在一起,达到真正的能够彻底掌控的境界,那就愈发的属于不可能完成的任务了。 During the first millenniums that in previously Divine Dao vanishes , to promote to the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse quantity in this manner drastically reduces. As unceasing weakening of Strength of World, the production of Mortal Dao peak even more was also rare. 昔曰神道消失的第一个千年之中,以这种方式晋升到人道巅峰的强者数量大幅减少。随着天地之力的不断消弱,人道巅峰的产生也就愈发的难得了。 However, the wisdom of humanity is infinite, in some lightization six Divine Weapon Five Qi Great Venerable have absorbed one by luck after world divine power that Life's Divine Weapon tallies, he unexpectedly successful all Light of Divine Weapon integrations in the same place, finally the successful promotion was Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven. 但是,人类的智慧是无穷的,在某一位光化了六把神兵五气大尊者侥幸的吸取了一丝与本命神兵相符的天地神力之后,他竟然成功的将所有神兵之光统合在一起,最终成功的晋升为人道巅峰的九重天了。 From now, genuine powerhouses in humanity start to practice in this method, they after success lightization six Divine Weapon, by any means possible will want to absorb strength of god, once after the success, can reach the sky in a single bound, strides among the world in the topest ranks. 从此以后,人类中的真正强者们就开始以这个方法来进行修炼,他们在成功光化六把神兵之后,就会千方百计的想要吸纳一丝神之力量,一旦成功之后,就可以一步登天,跨入天下间最顶尖的行列之中。 However, wants to absorb the strength of god difficulty is how difficult, takes a broad view at the entire world, the person who can achieve this point successfully adds, not over ten. 但是,想要吸取神之力量的难度又是何其困难,放眼整个天下,能够成功做到这一点的人加起来,也不会超过十个。 But they, are the most formidable strength of human in this world. 而他们,才是人类在这个世界上最为强大的力量。 He Yiming when the view reads this book, had seen, according to the view of Colored Glaze Old Ancestor, can absorb the strength of god character, must first achieve successful lightization six Divine Weapon Realm. 贺一鸣在观阅这本书的时候,就曾经看见过,按照琉璃老祖的说法,能够吸取神之力量的人物,首先要达到成功光化六把神兵境界 If cannot achieve this most foundation the thing, then all these will be the illusions. 若是做不到这个最基础的东西,那么这一切都将是镜花水月。 Because before has not met this standard, strength of god is basic on impossible by the body of humanity is withstood. 因为在没有达到这个标准之前,神之力量是根本就不可能被人类的身体所承受的。 However, He Yiming physique is different, although he merely lightization three Divine Weapon, but he has unique strong Chaos Dantian. 但是,贺一鸣体质不同,他虽然仅仅光化了三把神兵,但是他却有着一个独一无二的超强混沌丹田 Because of this mysterious Dantian, therefore he can before not having lightization six Divine Weapon on successful to absorb strength of god. 正是因为这个神奇的丹田,所以他才能够在没有光化六把神兵之前就成功的吸纳神之力量 If not He Yiming has achieved this point, Zhuang Munan also impossible took to share with him this practice attainment. 若非贺一鸣已经做到了这一点,庄沐楠不可能将这本修炼心得拿出来与他分享了。 After reading this book, He Yiming is to attempt, uses here omnipresent strength of fire, lightization Light of Divine Weapon melted within the body that three in the same place. 在阅读了这本书之后,贺一鸣就是想要尝试一下,利用这里无所不在的火之力量,将体内那三件已经光化神兵之光相融在一起。 He wants to know, if successful achieving this point, whether then can also achieve Nine Layers Heaven Realm. 他想要知道,若是自己成功的做到这一点,那么是否也能够达到九重天境界 However what is a pity, his attempt be relentless failed, although divine power of fire of outside is huge, once to absorb to Dantian, not only cannot these Light of Divine Weapon integrations in the same place, instead cause in Dantian the collaboration revolts of all residents. 但是非常可惜的是,他的尝试毫不留情的失败了,虽然外界的火之神力庞大无比,可是一旦吸纳丹田之中,非但不能够将那些神兵之光统合在一起,反而是引起了丹田中所有住客们的联手反抗。 If both sides refuse to budge, then the consequence will be dreadful. 若是双方真的僵持下去,那么后果将会不堪设想。 Harassed the scalp, He Yiming has sent out a helpless deep sigh. 扰了扰头皮,贺一鸣发出了一道无奈的长叹。 However, he regarding own future same has filled the intense self-confidence. 不过,他对于自己的未来同样的充满了强烈的自信。 Other expert after success lightization six Divine Weapon, but must be worried whether can succeed to absorb strength of god. However he did not have this to worry. In other words, so long as he can once again lightization three Divine Weapon, then can achieve to promote the request of Nine Layers Heaven. 其他的高手们在成功光化了六把神兵之后,还要担心是否能够成功吸纳神之力量。但是他却已经没有了这个担忧。也就是说,只要他能够再度光化三把神兵,那么就可以达到晋升九重天的要求了。 Wants the lightization Divine Weapon also by no means that easy matter, even if He Yiming is not nitpicking, casual looks for three worst Divine Weapon Sharp Item, same impossible lightization succeeds immediately. 只是,想要光化神兵也并非那么容易的事情,哪怕贺一鸣并不挑剔,随随便便的找来三把最差的神兵利器,也同样不可能立马光化成功。 This is because his strength is insufficient, even if after sensing Five Elements Samsara secret book, impossible is this intensity all of a sudden. 这是因为他的实力不足,哪怕是在感悟了五行轮回秘籍之后,也不可能一下子达到这种强度。 in the heart rotated the innumerable thoughts, He Yiming both eyes has been flashing through a none remaining suddenly. 心中转动着无数的念头,贺一鸣双目突地闪过了一道精光。 He remembered the attainment to write down the record, wanted to smelt in six Light of Divine Weapon together, must make them achieve to work with concerted efforts to be possible the success. 他想起了心得笔记中的记载,想要将六道神兵之光熔炼在一起,就必须要让它们做到同心协力才有可能成功。 Therefore general Five Qi Great Venerable when choosing Divine Weapon Sharp Item, will choose Attribute to be close, or is conforms to itself special Attribute Innate Skill Divine Weapon to come lightization. Does this , not only can play a more formidable might, prepares for the days later promotion Mortal Dao peak. 所以一般的五气大尊者在挑选神兵利器之时,都会选择属姓相近,或者是符合本身特殊属姓天赋神兵光化。这样做不但可以发挥出更加强大的威力,也是为了曰后的晋升人道巅峰做准备。 He Yiming naturally does not have this worry, but that worked with concerted efforts to make his faint held a little thing. 贺一鸣自然没有这个顾虑,但是那一句同心协力却让他隐隐的抓住了一点儿的东西。 A miraculous glow that in the heart flashes past, like this by He Yiming grasping firmly in hand. 心中一闪而过的一点灵光,就这样被贺一鸣牢牢的抓在了手中。 Working with concerted efforts...... 同心协力…… When divine power of fire of his crazy to absorb outside, all strengths in Dantian instantaneously were initiating the resistance. Even if Light Stregth and came from Ghost Cry Mountain Range Yin Evil Qi was release without hesitation powerful ability, they worked with concerted efforts was resisting the impact of strength of fire, is not willing to write off itself by this most formidable strength obviously. 在他疯狂吸纳外界的火之神力之时,丹田内的所有力量都在瞬间发起了抵抗。哪怕是光明力量和来自于鬼哭岭阴煞之气都是毫不犹豫的释放出了本身的威能,它们同心协力的在抵抗着火之力量的冲击,不愿意被这一股明显最强大的力量将本身抹杀。 This is strength of god characteristic, only has this topest strength, has such strong response. 这就是神之力量特姓,也唯有这种最顶尖的力量,才会有着这样强硬的反应。 Hence, He Yiming has been able to determine that in his Dantian, is not only having in Five Elements three Attribute power of god, but also that light with Yin Evil Qi, without doubt is also the light and dark strength of god. 至此,贺一鸣已经可以确定,在他的丹田内,不但拥有着五行中其中三种属姓神之力,而且那光明和阴煞之气,无疑也就是光和暗的神之力量 But He Yiming regarding the utilization and to absorb of these two strengths is very few, therefore it neglect. 只不过贺一鸣对于这两种力量的运用和吸纳都是少之又少,所以才会将之忽略。 However, in this moment, since these strengths can achieve to work with concerted efforts, then can also melt them as one here? 不过,在这一刻,既然这些力量已经能够做到同心协力,那么是否也能够借此机会将它们熔为一体呢? He Yiming believes that powerful ability that these strength of god have definitely not under Divine Weapon Sharp Item, if can smelt it, then cannot substitute for the Divine Weapon Sharp Item status...... The in the eyes look even more has strengthened, the He Yiming deep sorption air/Qi, on his body surged once again divine power of fire of faint trace, original that performed in this place! 贺一鸣坚信,这些神之力量所拥有的威能肯定不会在神兵利器之下,若是能够将之熔炼,那么未尝不可以取代神兵利器的地位……眼中的神色愈发的坚定了起来,贺一鸣深深的吸着气,他的身体上再度的涌起了一丝丝的火之神力,原先的那一幕在此地重新上演了! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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