MG :: Volume #6

#274: Dense of peak

On the face of He Yiming the smiling face collects immediately, he slightly awkward smiling, said: Brother Zhuang chatted, although He slightly has obtained, but from the Nine Layers Heaven actually difference really far, where may reach the sky in a single bound.” 贺一鸣的脸上笑容顿时是为之一敛,他略显尴尬的笑了笑,道:“庄兄说笑了,贺某虽然是略有所得,但是距离九重天却还是差之甚远,哪里有可能一步登天。” Zhuang Munan is startled, he has hesitated the moment, said: Brother He, can you once feel divine power of fire under the volcano?” 庄沐楠微怔,他沉吟了片刻,道:“贺兄,你在火山之下可曾感受到了火之神力?” He Yiming nod without hesitation, this point does not need to conceal, because, when he absorbs divine power of fire massively, this Five Qi Great Venerable should have an indistinct induction to be right. 贺一鸣毫不犹豫的点着头,这一点根本就无需隐瞒,因为在他大量吸收火之神力的时候,这位五气大尊者应该会有着一丝隐约的感应才对。 The facial expression on Zhuang Munan face even more strange, he said: Brother He, since successful induction divine power of fire, hasn't been able to absorb it?” 庄沐楠脸上的神情愈发的古怪了起来,他道:“贺兄既然已经成功的感应到了火之神力,难道还无法将之吸收么?” He Yiming speechless smiles, said: Little brother, although no talent, but reluctantly has absorbed a point.” 贺一鸣哑然一笑,道:“小弟虽然不才,但还是勉强吸收了一点。” He had supplemented in in the heart, I not only have absorbed here divine power of fire, but also has absorbed Spiritual Heaven Treasure Temple divine power of earth and Cave Heaven Paradise divine power of wood. 他在心中补充了一句,我不但吸收了这里的火之神力,而且还吸收了灵霄宝殿土之神力洞天福地木之神力 However these words are thinking at heart, if said that not necessarily was meddlesome. 不过这番话在心里想想也就罢了,若是说出去,那就未必是好事了。 A Zhuang Munan both hands racket, said: Brother He, since has sensed and absorbed divine power of fire, hasn't achieved Nine Layers Heaven?” 庄沐楠的双手一拍,道:“贺兄既然已经感悟并且吸收到了火之神力,难道还未曾达到九重天么?” He Yiming has hesitated, his brow micro wrinkle, since he promotes said after Five Qi Great Venerable, has consulted the books about Nine Layers Heaven Realm. 贺一鸣沉吟了一下,他的眉头微皱,自从他晋升道五气大尊者之后,就已经查阅过了关于九重天境界的书籍。 How although not to have practiced the Nine Layers Heaven concrete method in all books, but how to actually meet the requirements of this Realm to narrate in detail. 虽然在所有的书籍中都没有如何修炼九重天的具体方法,但是却将如何达到这个境界的要求详细的叙说了出来。 In producing Thought, and successful lightization after five Divine Weapon outside Life's Divine Weapon, cultivation level of Five Qi Great Venerable also achieved peak Realm. 在产生了意念,并且成功的光化了除了本命神兵之外的五把神兵之后,五气大尊者的修为也就达到巅峰境界了。 At that time, if can smelt all Light of Divine Weapon as one, then can release a more formidable several fold the top strength. 那时候,若是能够将所有的神兵之光熔炼为一体,便能够释放出更加强大数倍的顶尖力量。 This strength, is most great power under Divine Dao. 这种力量,才是神道之下的最强大力量。 One is the base, Three Flowers Gathering in Crown, Five Qi towards the Origin, 9/9 = 1. 一线为基,三花聚顶,五气朝元,九九归一 Only has after all strengths gather together, is the true Mortal Dao peak. 唯有当所有的力量汇聚到一起之后,才是真正的人道巅峰。 But if this grade of level powerhouse can go a step further again, can knock the front door to Divine Dao, becomes that is having Spiritual God powerful ability inhuman existence. 而这等级数的强者若是能够再进一步,就可以敲开通向神道的大门,成为那拥有着神灵威能般的非人存在。 Although He Yiming Martial Dao cultivation level, and already successful lightization three Divine Weapon. But this is also the limit that he can reach at present. 贺一鸣武道修为虽然了得,并且已经成功的光化了三把神兵。但这也已经是他目前所能够达到的极限了。 If were not the view has read Five Elements Samsara secret book, had the new sensibility regarding strength of five elements, then he only feared that second Divine Weapon Aurora Sword is unable to succeed continually lightization. 如果不是观阅了五行轮回秘籍,对于五行之力有了新的感悟,那么他只怕连第二把神兵极光之剑都无法成功光化 But can lightization Black Tortoise Shell be is more accidental, if no these mysterious runes strengths in Five Elements Ring, then He Yiming protects Divine Weapon to be at a loss regarding this similarly. 而能够光化玄龟壳就更是一个意外了,若是没有五行环之内的那些神秘符文力量,那么贺一鸣同样对于这件防护神兵束手无策。 He Yiming merely was hesitant, immediately said: Brother Zhuang, franks, even if calculates Life's Divine Weapon, the little brother also merely was lightization three Divine Weapon, was far from six Divine Weapon of total.” 贺一鸣仅仅是犹豫了一下,立即道:“庄兄,实不相瞒,纵然是将本命神兵算在内,小弟也不过仅仅是光化了三把神兵而已,距离总数的六把神兵相差甚远。” Zhuang Munan facial color strange visits him, a moment later, he loses says with a smile: Brother He, before several thousand years of Divine Dao has not vanished, wants to promote to the Mortal Dao peak, truly needs lightization six Divine Weapon, and finally all Divine Weapon powerful ability concise is one, otherwise is unable to reach the Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven Realm. Since Divine Dao vanishes, Strength of World weakens largely, if defers to this method to practice, will could the people of lightization six Divine Weapon not be few, but can finally the smelting be one, that will be extremely rare, even wanted the vanishing world.” 庄沐楠面色古怪的看着他,片刻之后,他失笑道:“贺兄,在数千年的神道尚未消失之前,想要晋升到人道巅峰,确实需要光化六把神兵,并且最终将所有的神兵威能凝练为一,否则就无法达到人道巅峰的九重天境界。但是自从神道消失之后,天地之力大幅减弱,若还是按照这个方法来进行修炼,或许能够光化六把神兵之人不会少,但是能够最终将之熔炼为一的,那就是凤毛麟角,甚至于要绝迹天下了。” He Yiming eyebrows raises slightly, his Martial Dao cultivation level is quite close to the Mortal Dao peak, after listening to these words, has thought through instantaneously reason. 贺一鸣双眉微微一扬,他的武道修为已经是极为接近于人道巅峰,在听了这句话之后,瞬间想通了其中缘故。 Although humanity can have a longer life along with the enhancement of Martial Dao cultivation level, but if compared with these Saint Beast, this life actually as before feels dwarfed, is far from. 人类虽然能够随着武道修为的提高而拥有着更加漫长的寿命,但若是与那些圣兽们相比,这个寿命却依旧是小巫见大巫,相差甚远。 In the situations of World's Energy massive outflow, the influence that human Cultivator comes under by far in these vitality long incomparable Saint Beast. If must practice routinely, gathers enough World's Energy in within the body comes to be one six Light of Divine Weapon again concise, powerhouse who then can reach most peak, feared that was one does not have. 天地之气大量流失的情况下,人类修炼者受到的影响远胜于那些生命力漫长无比的圣兽。若是还要按部就班的修炼,在体内汇聚到足够的天地之气后再来将六把神兵之光凝练为一,那么能够达到最巅峰的强者,怕是一个也没有了。 A in the heart revolution, He Yiming sinking sound track: Brother Zhuang, how do they practice now?” 心中一转,贺一鸣沉声道:“庄兄,如今他们又是如何修炼的?” Zhuang Munan said with deep veneration: humble sect Sir Sect Master had said that wants to reach the Mortal Dao peak in present this age, must comprehend strength of god. Although does this even compared with slowly saves the strength, lightization six Divine Weapon also want difficult many. After but once success, can reach the sky in a single bound, strides in boundary of the topest Mortal Dao peak directly.” 庄沐楠肃然道:“本门宗主大人曾经说过,在现在这个年代想要达到人道巅峰,就必须去领悟神之力量。虽然这样做甚至于比慢慢积蓄力量,光化六把神兵还要困难的多。可是一旦成功之后,就能一步登天,直接跨入最顶尖的人道巅峰之境。” The He Yiming complexion changes, on his body, was having three different Attribute strength of god, but his strength actually as before stays in now same place, when compared with enters step Five Qi Great Venerable on the True Qi quantity and powerful ability at first wants formidable many, but these three power of god throughout have not actually brought the archery target change to him. 贺一鸣的脸色微变,在他的身上,已经拥有着三股不同属姓神之力量了,可是如今他的实力却依旧是停留在原地,虽然在真气的数量和威能上远比最初进阶五气大尊者之时要强大的多,可是这三种神之力却始终都没有给他带来质的变化。 When facing Franklin and other true Mortal Dao peak, he as before is the hands tied feet tied, only has the share of fleeing to the wilderness. 在面对弗兰克林等真正的人道巅峰之时,他依旧是束手束脚,唯有落荒而逃的份儿。 Brother Zhuang, so long as comprehends strength of god, certainly can visit Nine Layers Heaven?” He Yiming asking speak unhurriedly and clearly. 庄兄,只要领悟神之力量,就一定可以踏足九重天么?”贺一鸣一字一顿的问道。 This matter regarding him, was extremely was really important, even if were clearly knows that opposite party impossible lay to deceive in him, He Yiming must inquire insistently. 这件事情对于他来说,实在是太过于重要了,哪怕是明知道对方不可能撒谎欺瞒于他,贺一鸣也还是要追根究底的询问一番。 The Zhuang Munan complexion sinks, but he has remembered He Yiming immediately but is the obligation person who Colored Glaze Island breaks through, this huge favour suspends here, how regardless of not to suit to the person the complexion looks. 庄沐楠的脸色微沉,不过他随即想起了贺一鸣可是为琉璃岛解围的大恩人,这份天大的人情摆在这里,无论如何也不适合给人脸色看的。 Brother He, Sir Sect Master had once left behind a practice attainment, how regarding to sense divine power of fire to have the detailed description, if you are interested, how travels together along with the old man a view.” 贺兄,宗主大人曾经留下了一本修炼心得,其中对于如何感悟火之神力有着详细的描述,你若是感兴趣,就随老夫同行一观如何。” He Yiming is overjoyed immediately, toward his deep bow, said: many thanks Brother Zhuang., But so does, must make Brother Zhuang feel embarrassed.” 贺一鸣顿时是大喜过望,向着他深深一躬,道:“多谢庄兄。,只是如此做,要让庄兄为难了。” Zhuang Munan smiles bitterly, said: Actually this practice attainment already in the hand of old man, but unfortunately during hundred years, the old man actually cannot obtain the little advance, thus it can be seen, the old man and power of god truly are miss.” He shook the head, is suddenly typical: Brother He, Sir Sect Master had said when the previously presentation copy, attempts to attack the boundary of Nine Layers Heaven in this method, actually is also [say / way] of being opportunistic, if there are if possible, should better steadily hit steady, good that walks step by step.” 庄沐楠苦笑一声,道:“其实这本修炼心得早就在老夫的手中,但可惜的是百余年间,老夫却不能取得寸进,由此可见,老夫与神之力确实是无缘的很啊。”他摇了摇头,突地道:“贺兄,宗主大人在昔曰赠书之时曾经说过,以这种方法尝试冲击九重天之境,其实也是一种取巧之道,若是有可能的话,最好还是稳打稳扎,一步步走上来的好。” He Yiming feels grateful toward him smiles, said: many thanks Brother Zhuang raises, little brother pays attention.” 贺一鸣向着他感激的一笑,道:“多谢庄兄提点,小弟理会的。” Zhuang Munan nod, he brings He Yiming to turn around to walk slightly. 庄沐楠微微点头,他带着贺一鸣转身就走。 However the moment, they returned to Colored Glaze Cave. At this time, all powerhouses wait outside the hole, although Colored Glaze Island has not invited these recently Venerables to meddle this matter, but they are also embarrassed in the hole stand by. Once on Colored Glaze Island had crisis situation, they must exert the aid. 不过片刻,他们已经回到了琉璃洞之中。此时,所有的强者们都在洞外等候,虽然琉璃岛并没有邀请这些新进尊者们插手此事,但他们也不好意思在洞内袖手旁观。一旦琉璃岛上出现了危机情况,他们还是要施加援手的。 After Zhuang Munan gets down, the news that immediately outside the Sea Monster beasts will retreat passed on, immediately has caused a piece of stir. The people are certainly clear, can achieve this point, definitely follows in Zhuang Munan behind, that not loud He Yiming is related, by looking were more to his vision the color of several points of admiration. 庄沐楠下来之后,立即将外海怪兽们退去的消息传了出去,顿时引起了一片的轰动。众人当然明白,能够做到这一点的,肯定是跟随在庄沐楠身后,那一身不响的贺一鸣有关,是以看向他的目光中更是多了几分钦佩之色。 At this time He Yiming all thoughts were attracted by that practice attainment, has been perfunctory the moment with the people, immediately entered in the hole with Zhuang Munan together. 只是此时贺一鸣的所有心思都被那本修炼心得所吸引,与众人敷衍了片刻,立即与庄沐楠一起进入了洞中。 Is simple in a decoration, but actually in exceptionally comfortable small cavern room, Zhuang Munan cautiously held books. 在一个装饰简单,但却异常舒适的小洞穴房间中,庄沐楠小心翼翼的捧来了一本书籍。 When He Yiming opens the books, slightly is startled, this books obviously are shortly after new transcribing, sees does not have the hundred years time. 贺一鸣将书籍翻开之时,不由地微微一怔,这本书籍明显是新抄录不久,怎么看也没有百年的时光。 As if saw the doubts of his in the heart, Zhuang Munan said with a smile: Brother He, every other one year, the old man will again transcribe this book, and wants to understand any thing, but unfortunately, every time arrives in high spirits, loses, throughout has not progressed.” 似乎是看出了他心中的疑惑,庄沐楠笑道:“贺兄,每隔一年,老夫都会重新将本书抄录一遍,并且想要从中悟出点什么东西,但可惜的是,每一次都是乘兴而来,铩羽而归,始终未曾有所进展。” He Yiming then feels relaxed, has selected under one toward him, like this opened the book to watch slowly. 贺一鸣这才释然,向着他点了一下头,就这样翻开了书慢慢的观看了起来。 This is the practice attainment that candid Nine Layers Heaven expert keeps, regarding He Yiming at this moment, absolutely is the priceless treasure. 这是一本真正的九重天高手所留下来的修炼心得,对于此刻的贺一鸣来说,绝对是无价之宝。 Zhuang Munan sets out slowly, quiet has drawn back, does not affect the He Yiming reading process. 庄沐楠慢慢起身,静悄悄的退了出去,再也不影响贺一鸣的阅读过程。 , The He Yiming complexion started to have change slightly gradually, on his face, flashed through one from time to time suddenly, has been fluttering from time to time doubts, these two totally different expressions were exchanging on his face, making in his heart be full of the unpredictable flavor. 渐渐的,贺一鸣的脸色开始有了些微的变化,在他的脸上,时而闪过了一丝恍然,时而飘动着一丝疑惑,这两种迥然不同的表情在他的脸上不停的交换着,让他的心中充满了变幻莫测的味道。 Long time, He Yiming has closed this books finally, his long expiration, in the heart raising meaning of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 良久之后,贺一鸣终于合上了这本书籍,他长长的吐了一口气,心中泛起了一丝哭笑不得之意。 In this book has really recorded similar method, once after comprehending strength of god, can all Light of Divine Weapon smeltings be one. Using strength of god formidable characteristic, wins the topest Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven throne at one fell swoop. 这本书上果然记载了类似的方法,一旦领悟了神之力量后,就可以将所有的神兵之光熔炼为一。利用神之力量的强大特姓,一举登上最顶尖的人道巅峰九重天的宝座。 However, wanting the to absorb strength of god success ratio to be extremely low, moreover records according to the book, before lightization six Divine Weapon, wants to sense absorbs strength of god, basically is unlikely the matter. 但是,想要吸纳神之力量的成功率极低,而且据书中记载,在光化六把神兵之前,想要感悟吸收神之力量,基本上就是不太可能的事情。 Hence, reason that He Yiming was also understands Divine Predictor and Hao Dong does not remind his reason. 至此,贺一鸣也算是明白神算子郝侗之所以不提醒他的缘故了。 It is estimated that before oneself succeed lightization six Divine Weapon, they must absolutely airtight that this matter covers up, will not give the opportunity that oneself find out. 估计在自己成功光化六把神兵之前,他们绝对要将此事遮掩的密不透风,根本就不会给自己了解的机会。 Truly, in knowing also had this shortcut, even if by He Yiming strength in meditation at this moment, somewhat is ready to make trouble, is unable to calm down grieving newly. 确实,在知道了还有这个捷径之时,哪怕是以贺一鸣此刻的定力,也是有些蠢蠢欲动,根本就无法将心重新静下来。 But reason that Zhuang Munan will consider truthfully, is because was seeing that terrifying picture of shore, thinks that this was comprehended strength of god automatically, has achieved result that Nine Layers Heaven later and white horse Thunder Lightning collaborated. 庄沐楠之所以会如实相告,也是因为在看到了岸边的那种恐怖景象,以为这是自己自动的领悟了神之力量,达到了九重天之后与白马雷电联手的结果。 Moreover, in the He Yiming mouth, Zhuang Munan obtained him to succeed the to absorb divine power of fire news. Therefore he can not dread told oneself this content. If not so, this Great Venerable Your Excellency definitely not before oneself do not have lightization six Divine Weapon spoke the truth. 而且,在贺一鸣的口中,庄沐楠已经得到了他成功吸纳火之神力的消息。所以他才会毫无忌惮的将这番内容告诉了自己。若非如此,这位大尊阁下肯定不会在自己没有光化六把神兵之前就说了实话。 Covering gently this practice attainment, the in the eyes none remaining twinkle of He Yiming, in his mind recalled each few words that above was narrating, from his body , since leapt divine power of fire. 轻轻的掩上了这本修炼心得,贺一鸣眼中精光闪烁,在他的脑海中回忆着上面所讲述的每一句话,从他的身上,也同时腾起了一丝火之神力 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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