MG :: Volume #6

#273: Breaking through

Looks the terrifying scene at present creating, He Yiming in the heart was also to the extreme of shocking. 望着眼前所造成的恐怖场面,贺一鸣心中也是震撼的到了极点。 Rough sea waves dreadfully, regardless of how giant ocean waves, once has subsided, will return to normal. However, on the Colored Glaze Island coastline had one forever the scar that is hard to make up. 巨浪滔天也就罢了,无论多么巨大的海浪,一旦平息了下来,就会恢复平静。但是,琉璃岛的海岸线上却有了一道永远难以弥补的伤痕。 Built the wharf here already thorough vanished, has revealed in islands stone wall that rugged steep rock. 原先建立在这里的码头已经彻底的消失了,露出了岛屿石壁上那嶙峋陡峭的岩石。 Entire horizon toward interior hollow, looks like has one greatly can the entire islands huge giant beast that when the pie eats maliciously here has nipped one, alarmed. 整个地平线朝着内部凹陷了下去,就像是有一只巨大的可以将整个岛屿当大饼吃的庞然巨兽狠狠的在这里咬了一口似的,令人触目惊心。 Only had after seeing this, can actually imagine that to spread to the dragon in seabed to roar to have how formidable powerful ability. 唯有在看到了这一幕之后,才能想象那传入了海底之中的龙吼究竟拥有多么强大的威能 In addition, in sea level, has lacked a shore of section of suddenly place, has the massive deep sea lifeform corpse, regardless of they were killed by shock livingly, was stunned, in this moment is static turns the belly to lie down, does not have move. 除此之外,无论是海面上,还是缺少了一截突地的岸边,都有着大量深海生物的尸体,无论它们是被活生生震死的,还是被震晕的,在这一刻都是静静的翻着肚皮躺着,没有一点儿的动弹。 , That once had raised slowly ten zhang (3.33 m) high rough sea waves thorough returned to normal, He Yiming both eyes concentrates, his Divine Sense has released, static induction here life aura. 慢慢的,那曾经掀起了十丈之高的巨浪彻底的平复了下来,贺一鸣双目微凝,他的神念释放了出去,静静的感应着这里的生命气息。 Make him feel what is very alarmed, in region that in the roar of dragon might can affect, did not have any Sea Monster to be able again leisurely and carefree existence. 让他感到无比惊心的是,在龙威之吼能够影响到的区域之内,再也没有了什么海怪能够悠闲的存在。 These come from Open Sea formidable lifeform, in death that this moment dies, running away of running away, actually again cannot enter the He Yiming Thought exploration the life aura. 这些来自于外海的强大生物们,在这一刻死的死,逃的逃,竟然再也没有能够进入贺一鸣意念探索的生命气息了。 However, when He Yiming continues Divine Sense spreads, he has actually discovered a more surprised matter. 不过,当贺一鸣继续将神念扩散出去之时,他却发现了一件更为惊讶的事情。 Although the dragon roar of Treasure Pig is formidable, but the might actually merely is the condensation in certain region, although has caused the tremendous damage beyond comparison here, but actually cannot affect a farther place. 宝猪的龙吼虽然强大,但威力却仅仅是凝聚在一定的区域之内,虽然在这里造成了无以伦比的巨大破坏,但却并不能影响到更远的地方。 However, why does not know, these Open Sea lifeform of distant place, obtained news of companions miserable fate likely, they unexpectedly in groups swims away toward the distant place. 但是,不知为何,远方的那些外海生物们,却像是得到了同伴们悲惨下场的消息似的,它们竟然成群结队的朝着远方游去。 Out of reason, under the obligation of any lifeform, they had not fled from this dangerous islands competitively. 毫无理由的,在没有任何生物的驱使之下,它们争先恐后的逃离了这个危险的岛屿。 He Yiming eyebrows selects slightly, he knows that in these Sea Monster, definitely has the method that some he does not know to relate and communicate. However only if he also turned, otherwise on impossible grasps absolutely mysteriously. 贺一鸣双眉微微一挑,他知道,在这些海怪之中,肯定有着某种他不知道的方法在联系和沟通着。不过除非他也变成了其中一员,否则就绝对不可能掌握其中奥妙。 Is moment time, in range of He Yiming Divine Sense attention, these schools of fish evacuated was similar. 仅仅是片刻功夫,在贺一鸣神念关注的范围之内,这些鱼群已经撤离的差不多了。 The intention moves slightly, divine power of fire in within the body swarms once again, like this entered Five Elements World unexpectedly, and changed to carefully, read the fine lace of strength actually unceasingly occurring together superposition completely. 心念微微一动,体内的火之神力再度蜂拥而出,竟然就这样进入了五行世界,并且化作了一根根细细的,完全读力却又不断交集重合的细线。 After these illusory fine laces expanded in this manner infinitely, He Yiming Thought unceasingly is expanding unexpectedly. 当这些虚幻的细线以这种方式无限的扩张了之后,贺一鸣意念竟然也是随之不断的扩大着。 This is He Yiming after experiencing Divine Thought has sensed homemade one unusual cultivation technique, once will pass spiritual wisdom divine power of fire to take Five Elements World as to direct to proliferate, the range that his Thought covers, can increase doubled and re-doubled. Although the effect is unable to place on a par with the volcano under at that time, but He Yiming has satisfied. 这是贺一鸣在经历过了神之意念感悟之后所自创的一种奇特的功法,一旦将透着灵姓火之神力五行世界为引扩散出去,他的意念所笼罩的范围,就能够成倍的增加。虽然效果无法与火山之下那时候相提并论,但贺一鸣已经是相当的满意了。 In his Thought induction range, all Open Sea lifeform are strongly full runs away to go toward the distant place, their speeds go to the limit situation that the respective race can go. From their bodies, He Yiming felt extremely fear in a panic, this feeling looked like the plague general spread in these Open Sea lifeform, making them not dare to approach Colored Glaze Island. 在他的意念感应范围之内,所有的外海生物们都是竭力全力的朝着远方逃遁而去,它们的速度都达到了各自种族能够达到的极限地步。从它们的身上,贺一鸣感受到了极度仓惶的恐惧,这种感觉就像是瘟疫一般的在这些外海生物中蔓延了起来,让它们再也不敢靠近琉璃岛了。 The wrist|skill shakes gently, tuba already to hand, and has flashed through silver radiance in in the sky, turned into Bai Lingba (108). 手腕轻轻一抖,大喇叭已经是离手而出,并且在空中闪过了一道银色的光芒,重新变成了百零八 Brother Bai, is this your merit?” The He Yiming sinking sound asked. 百兄,这是你的功劳么?”贺一鸣沉声问道。 In his feeling, Treasure Pig the roar of dragon, although is formidable, but wants to achieve this and other earthshaking Realm, that was unlikely the matter. 在他的感觉中,宝猪的龙之吼虽然强大,但是想要达到这等惊天动地的的境界,那就是不太可能的事情了。 Bai Lingba (108) swung the head, his movement scope is large, looks like person of the dizziness brain bulge draws support this movement lets oneself sober point. 百零八摇了摇脑袋,他的动作幅度颇大,就像是一个头晕脑胀之人借助于这个动作让自己清醒一点似的。 This is his first time makes this strange movement. He Yiming in the heart secretly thought, is it possible that this fellow also by the Treasure Pig sound stunning inadequately. 这可是他第一次做出这种古怪的动作。贺一鸣心中暗道,莫非这家伙也被宝猪的声音给震晕了不成。 This is not my merit.” Bai Lingba (108) restored the tranquil, leisure [say / way]: I just expanded ten times the Treasure Pig sound.” “这不是我的功劳。”百零八恢复了平静,慢悠悠的道:“我只不过将宝猪的声音扩大了十倍而已。” He Yiming has sucked in cold air, by roar of Treasure Pig dragon powerful ability, if expands ten times again...... Took a look under the eye, he understands finally why will cause the scene of this grade of mountain collapse sea crack. 贺一鸣倒抽了一口凉气,以宝猪龙之吼的威能,若是再扩大十倍……瞅了眼下方,他终于明白,为何会引起这等山崩海裂的场景了。 A long howl passed from the distant place, merely is a moment later, since sky of Colored Glaze Island center shone radiance, and this radiance rapid quick flew in the He Yiming direction. 一道长啸声从远方传了过来,仅仅是片刻之后,琉璃岛中心处的天空就亮起了一道光芒,并且这道光芒迅快的朝着贺一鸣的方向飞来。 He Yiming knows certainly, in current Colored Glaze Island, only has a Zhuang Munan person to have divine light flight ability. 贺一鸣当然知道,在目前的琉璃岛之内,也仅有庄沐楠一个人有着神光飞行能力 Really, after that said radiance approached, has revealed the Zhuang Munan facial features. 果然,当那道光芒靠近之后,露出了庄沐楠的面容。 He toward He Yiming slightly nod, when his vision looks toward , the complexion is actually involuntary becomes must ugly to the extreme. 他朝着贺一鸣微微点头,但是当他的目光朝着下方看过去之时,脸色却是身不由己的变得难看的到了极点。 Naturally, in this ugly expression, more is actually that unbelievable shock. 当然,在这难看的表情中,更多的却是那难以置信的震惊。 Although he also knows that He Yiming white horse Thunder Lightning is one is equal to Mortal Dao peak top Saint Beast, but the confrontation of two Saint Beast, will hit to collapse unexpectedly a section the entire coastline, this was really extremely is also terrorist. In comparison, that found at everywhere to turn various Sea Monster corpses of white belly is appearing the department of pediatrics. 虽然他也知道,贺一鸣白马雷电是一位相当于人道巅峰的顶尖圣兽,但是两只圣兽的交锋,竟然会将整个海岸线打塌一截,这也实在是太过于恐怖了。相比之下,那随处可见翻着白肚皮的各种海怪尸体就显得小儿科了。 However, he has not thought absolutely that during this confrontation, white horse Thunder Lightning has not gotten actually rid, was Treasure Pig has released the roar and Bai Lingba (108) that formidable inhuman Realm dragon anger ten times of amplification ability merely. 然而,他绝对没有想到,在这一次的交锋之中,白马雷电其实并没有怎么出手,仅仅是宝猪释放了龙怒之吼和百零八那强大的非人境界的十倍增幅能力 turned over the head slowly, Zhuang Munan looked that has been full of the feeling of difference to the He Yiming look, he slightly awkward smiles, said: Brother He, many thanks gets rid the graciousness of aid.” 缓缓的转过了头,庄沐楠看向贺一鸣的眼神中充满了异样的感觉,他略显尴尬的一笑,道:“贺兄,多谢出手援助之恩。” He Yiming beckons with the hand slightly, said: Brother Zhuang was polite, now Open Sea Saint Beast King ran away, these lifeform lost the restraint, should leave.” 贺一鸣微微摆手,道:“庄兄客气了,如今外海圣兽王已经逃遁,这些生物们失去了约束,应该已经离开了。” Eye of Zhuang Munan one bright, although Colored Glaze Island is enormous, the people on island can definitely achieve produce self sufficient. So long as is a normal person, then definitely does not like being sieged by outside Sea Monster beasts above islands. Even if this islands big of area is not inferior in Continent a state capital is also same. 庄沐楠的眼睛一亮,虽然琉璃岛极大,岛上的人们完全可以做到自产自足。但只要是一个正常人,那么就肯定不喜欢被外海怪兽们围困在一个岛屿之上。哪怕这个岛屿的面积之大并不逊色于大陆之中的一个州府也是一样。 The vision looks toward the distant place, although Zhuang Munan Divine Sense is good, but how can at this moment place on a par with He Yiming, therefore he is unable to induce to the situation in distant place, only had with the eye was taking a look at the He Yiming eye secretly. 目光朝着远方看去,庄沐楠神念虽然不错,但又如何能够与此刻的贺一鸣相提并论,所以他根本就无法感应到远处的情况,唯有拿着眼睛偷偷的瞅了贺一鸣眼。 Slightly smiles, He Yiming can certainly understand him at this time some moods of being swayed by personal gains and losses, very natural saying: Brother Zhuang, the little brother wants to glance over the Colored Glaze Island complete picture in in the sky, how please travel together along with me?” 微微的一笑,贺一鸣当然能够理解他此时有些患得患失的心情,很大方的说道:“庄兄,小弟想要在空中浏览一下琉璃岛全貌,请随我同行如何?” Zhuang Munan in the eyes has flashed through color of the gratitude, said: Is glad to accompany.” 庄沐楠眼中闪过了一丝感激之色,道:“乐意奉陪。” Two people smile, flew along the coastline, but Bai Lingba (108) and white horse Thunder Lightning in rear area distant is hanging, the meaning of not having mixed. 两个人相视一笑,沿着海岸线飞了过去,而百零八白马雷电则是在后方远远的吊着,根本就没有掺和上来的意思。 A moment later, Zhuang Munan in the heart even more excited. In leaving that piece of coastline after the sea area of it avalanche, his Thought really induces the strange change that under had. 片刻之后,庄沐楠心中愈发的激动了起来。在离开了那片海岸线都为之崩塌的海域之后,他的意念果然感应到了下方所发生的奇异变化。 In the Colored Glaze Island surrounding sea area, Open Sea lifeform of these terrors really run away to go toward the distant place, looks at their appearances, looks like has any terror thing to pursue in their, being far away that all sea lifeform that forces go all out goes. 琉璃岛周围的海域中,那些恐怖的外海生物们果然是朝着远方逃遁而去,看它们的那番模样,就像是在它们的身后有着什么恐怖的东西在追赶着似的,逼迫的所有海洋生物们拼命的远离而去。 However, only what makes his surprised is, the Southern Sea fish that some native places grow is also follows the crowd is carrying on moves. This made him feel to be puzzling, why these survival innumerable generation of Southern Sea lifeform of must be far away from here here. 不过,唯一让他惊讶的是,一些本土生长的南海鱼类也是随着大流在进行远迁。这就让他感到百思不得其解了,这些生存在这里无数代的南海生物们为何也要远离此处。 His in the heart slightly hesitates, immediately understands just now is definitely related with the vibration with that together earthshaking bang. 心中略一沉吟,顿时明白肯定与适才的那一道惊天动地的巨响和震动有关。 Zhuang Munan after returning to Colored Glaze Cave, immediately ordered all people to evacuate toward the island, and dispatched in all gates expert to leave for different destinations each region. 庄沐楠在返回了琉璃洞之后,立即下令所有人朝着岛内撤离,并且派遣出了所有的门中高手分赴各地。 Besides these Venerables that comes this to be a guest, can say that entire Colored Glaze Cave started to mobilize. 除了来此做客的那些尊者们之外,可以说整个琉璃洞都开始动员了。 Moreover his in the heart had decided that if situation really to not retractible time, then he without hesitation will start the volcano energy, destroys all external strengths completely. 而且就连他本人的心中都已经决定,若是情况真的到了不可收回的时候,那么他就会毫不犹豫的启动火山能量,将一切外来力量全部毁灭。 Naturally, the price of doing this is similarly enormous, if not has no way out, he will not use this type nearly in the mutually wounded method. 当然,这样做的代价同样极大,若非是走投无路,他也不会使用这种近乎于两败俱伤的方法。 However, while he starts to arrange all times, from the distant place has heard an earthshaking sound, and earth of under foot started obvious rocking. 然而,正当他开始安排一切的时候,从远方传来了一道惊天动地的响声,并且脚下的大地都开始了明显的晃动。 They who is far away from the battlefield do not understand that what happened, but a little that is can affirm that can create so sound powerful ability, only feared that no longer is the Mortal Dao category. 远离战场的他们根本就不明白发生了什么事情,但有一点那是可以肯定的,能够造成如此动静的威能,只怕已经不再是属于人道的范畴了。 Therefore Zhuang Munan has put down all immediately, catches up toward here, all that but he sees, make this Five Qi Great Venerable be filled with emotion. It seems like all these are the He Yiming achievement, originally he and his partners had this and other formidable strengths, no wonder can withdraw in the front of Western two topest powerhouses safely. 所以庄沐楠立即是放下了一切,朝着这里赶来,但是他所见到的一切,却让这位五气大尊者感慨万千。看来这一切都是贺一鸣的作为,原来他和他的伙伴们已经拥有了这等强大的实力,怪不得能够在西方两位最顶尖强者的面前安然脱身。 Long time, Zhuang Munan stopped, toward the He Yiming deep bow, said: Brother He, these time resolves the main island crisis, Zhuang really not thinks the report, but also please receive me to do obeisance.” 良久之后,庄沐楠停了下来,向着贺一鸣深深一躬,道:“贺兄,这一次解除本岛危机,庄某实在是无以为报,还请受我一拜。” He Yiming waves hastily, formidable True Qi was similar to the essence condensed generally, immediately his cradling. 贺一鸣连忙一挥手,强大的真气如同实质一般的凝聚了起来,顿时将他的托住了。 Brother Zhuang does not need politely, He is attains in your home a great deal. Therefore some minor matters, did not need to miss.” 庄兄无需客气,贺某在贵门已经是所获良多。所以些许小事,无需挂念了。” Zhuang Munan slightly has selected under one, he hesitant moment, finally asked: Brother He, your time goes to below crater, whether has comprehended?” 庄沐楠微微的点了一下头,他犹豫了片刻,终于问道:“贺兄,你这一次前往下方火山口,是否有所领悟?” The corners of the mouth of He Yiming swung a happy smiling face, said: Brother Zhuang is really god like the torch, He really has an attainment.” 贺一鸣的嘴角荡起了一丝开心的笑容,道:“庄兄果然是神目如炬,贺某确实是有所心得。” These time has obtained may not only be only then he, Treasure Pig also benefits greatly. 这一次有所得的可不仅仅是只有他一人,就连宝猪也是受益匪浅。 The body of Zhuang Munan micro cannot be thought shivered, his deep sorption air/Qi, in the eyes look besides envying, but also has intense shock. 庄沐楠的身体微不可觉的颤抖了一下,他深深的吸着气,眼中的神色除了羡慕之外,还有着强烈的震撼。 He heaved a deep sigh, said: Originally Brother He broke through Five Qi Realm, achievement Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, is really may celebrate encouraging.” 他长叹一声,道:“原来贺兄真的已经突破了五气之境,成就人道巅峰的九重天,真是可喜可贺。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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