MG :: Volume #6

#272: Rolling mountains

Innumerable was similar to explodes the thunder-like prestige to make a sound, flooded in the ear of He Yiming instantaneously. 无数的如同炸雷般的声誉响了起来,瞬间充斥于贺一鸣的耳中。 Pitiful Saint Beast King after asking for advice Treasure Pig and He Yiming strength, has put their bodies all attention. However, it has not thought that originally during this team of combinations, truly has can with its side by side strength, that has not gotten rid of unexpectedly white horse Thunder Lightning. 可怜的圣兽王在领教了宝猪贺一鸣的实力之后,已经将所有的注意力都放到了他们的身上。但是,它怎么也没有想到,原来在这一队组合之中,真正拥有着能够与它比肩实力的,竟然还是那未曾出手过的白马雷电 Formidable electricity glow hit in has not guarded, on Saint Beast King that wanted to throw wholeheartedly. 强大的电芒打在了毫无防备,一心想要扑上来的圣兽王身上。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound sends out from the mouth of this fellow together, its body high ball, unexpectedly strength of paralysis this formidable electricity has flown the upper air. 一道凄厉的惨叫声从这家伙的口中发出,它的身体高高弹起,竟然这股强大的电之力麻痹的飞上了高空。 Treasure Pig groans was calling, passed through this short several respites, its spirit restored unexpectedly most probably, a small eye was splendid, has to roar greatly again a appearance. 宝猪哼哼的叫着,经过了这短短的几道喘息,它的精神竟然恢复了大半,一双小眼睛熠熠生辉,大有着想要再来吼一次的模样。 The body of Saint Beast King splashed suddenly in half in the sky sky-blue radiance, its huge body turned a somersault flexible, eight foot numerous falling above ground. 圣兽王的身体在半空中陡然溅出了蔚蓝色的光芒,它那庞大的身躯灵活的翻了一个跟头,八只脚重重的落在了地面之上。 After this is it comes ashore, the first time is unable to control own strength, but has left the corresponding trace in the ground. 这是它上岸之后,第一次无法掌控自身的力量,而在地面上留下了相应的痕迹。 Afterward, it opened big mouth, a water arrow sends out from its mouth suddenly, and explodes in half in the sky, has covered He Yiming and the others. 随后,它裂开了大嘴,一股水箭从它的口中骤然发出,并且在半空中爆裂开来,将贺一鸣等人都笼罩了进去。 Lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, He Yiming Five Elements Ring wields, formidable red radiance has covered entirely his around the body instantaneously, that infinite water arrow has not approached, was evaporated everywhere water vapor, did not have any effect again. 冷冷一笑,贺一鸣五行环一挥,强大的红色光芒瞬间布满了他的身周,那无穷的水箭尚未靠近,就已经被蒸发成了漫天的水汽,再也没有了任何功效。 However, during this water vapor fills the air, the Saint Beast King long tail shrinks, unexpectedly Ping Bai deficient about two-thirds. It turns around, when by recently the strength of quicker several fold runs toward the sea. 然而,就在这水汽弥漫之中,圣兽王的长尾巴一缩,竟然平白的短少了2左右。紧接着,它转身,以比来时更快数倍的力量朝着大海跑去。 He Yiming releases, is not pure strength of fire, but is in Dantian that is having infinite powerful ability divine power of fire. 贺一鸣释放出来的,并不是单纯的火之力,而是丹田内那拥有着无穷威能火之神力 Because he discovered when facing this level powerhouse, can pose the formidable threat to them only, and often can harvest the effect, only had strength of god of this idle work not to subdue|grams. 因为他发现,在面对着这种级数的强者之时,唯一能够对他们造成强大威胁,并且往往能够收获奇效的,也唯有这无功不克的神之力量了。 After absorbing other two power of god, although was unable to achieve Five Elements to unite in Dantian, mutual engender(ing) unceasing Realm, but these power of god growth actually quite good, when facing the formidable enemy releases, on its meeting. 在吸收了另外的两种神之力后,虽然还无法在丹田内达到五行合一,相生不绝的境界,但是这几种神之力的成长情况却是相当的良好,在面对强大敌人之时释放出来,也是恰逢其会。 Really, the terrifying water arrow that spurts from the Saint Beast King mouth, contacts divine power of fire, immediately changes into invisible, did not exist again. 果然,从圣兽王口中喷出来的恐怖水箭,一接触到火之神力,顿时化为无形,再也不复存在了。 However, sneaking away at a critical juncture of Saint Beast King is makes him quite surprised, this top Saint Beast unexpectedly that easy and the others was repelled by oneself, even links a true earthshaking fight not to occur. 但是,圣兽王的临阵脱逃却是让他颇为惊讶,这位顶尖儿的圣兽竟然那么容易的就被自己等人所击退,甚至于连一场真正的惊天动地的战斗都没有发生。 white horse Thunder Lightning stamping the feet gently, pursued at a quicker speed, in its top of the head, has formed revolving of Single Horn shape once again lightning radiance. 白马雷电轻轻的一跺脚,以更快的速度追了上去,在它的头顶上,再度的形成了一个独角形状的旋转着的闪电光芒 After passing through the multiple actual combat, white horse Thunder Lightning went to the peak situation regarding electricity glow controlling of this shape, the electricity glow one after another emerges from its Single Horn, goes toward the front everybody's unceasing lasing. 经过了多次的实战之后,白马雷电对于这种形态的电芒艹控已经达到了巅峰的地步,一个接一个的电芒从它的独角上涌现,朝着前方的大家伙不断的激射而去。 Saint Beast King actually does not have any meaning that wants to resist, is flushes away toward the front as before the maximum speed, on its body, unceasing emerged sky-blue light rolled, although these light rolled easily was defeated by the white horse electricity glow, light group that but surprisingly, Saint Beast King released looked like clothes, once were torn, did not use on the rejection immediately, the sky-blue light group bound the electricity glow to remain same place, when the electricity glow pierced these light group, Saint Beast King already by far fled this range. 圣兽王竟然没有任何想要抵抗的意思,依旧是以最快的速度朝着前方冲去,不过在它的身上,不断的涌现出了蔚蓝色的光团,虽然这些光团轻而易举的就被白马的电芒所击破,但是令人惊讶的是,圣兽王所释放出来的光团就像是一件衣服似的,一旦被撕裂,立马就舍弃不用,蔚蓝色的光团裹着电芒留在了原地,当电芒刺穿了那些光团之时,圣兽王早就是远远的逃离了这片范围。 Their speeds were to draw near the extreme, after white horse Thunder Lightning merely has even released the revolving electricity glow of three Single Horn shapes, this Saint Beast King has run into the sea. 它们的速度都是快到了极点,白马雷电甚至于仅仅释放了三个独角形的旋转电芒之后,这头圣兽王就已经逃进了大海之中。 Afterward, the sea water rippled fiercely, in the massive seas lifeform were similar to insane, welled up toward this sea area, and immediately submerged the body of that Saint Beast King under innumerable Sea Monster, did not see the signs. 随后,海水剧烈的荡漾了起来,大量的海中生物们如同疯了似的,朝着这一片海域涌来,并且立即将那头圣兽王的身体淹没在无数的海怪之下,再也不见踪迹了。 Until at this moment, He Yiming long breathing a sigh of relief, he finally has believed that by oneself and the others the strengths, can actually make one be equal to Open Sea Saint Beast King of Mortal Dao peak powerhouse does not fight to run away. 直到这一刻,贺一鸣才长长的舒了一口气,他终于相信了,以自己等人的实力,竟然能够让一只相当于人道巅峰强者的外海圣兽王不战而逃。 This is the matter of what kind glory, if passed on, only feared that will cause countless person's questions immediately and sighs. 这是何等荣耀之事,若是传了出去,只怕立马会引起无数人的质疑和感叹了。 Looks at front not far away that crowded numerous Sea Monster, the He Yiming in the heart forced smile. 看着前方不远处那拥挤的众多海怪,贺一鸣心中苦笑不已。 That Open Sea Saint Beast King clearly is feared one and the others do not die the continuous pursuit, will therefore summon nearby cannon fodders. So long as can delay their pursuit time, even if in these seas the lifeform complete death ray dies certainly, this Saint Beast King will not have any cares. 那头外海圣兽王分明是怕自己等人不死不休的追击,所以才会将附近的炮灰们都召唤过来。只要能够延缓他们的追击时间,哪怕这些海中生物们全部死光死绝,这头圣兽王也不会有任何在意的。 However, this Saint Beast King cannot think absolutely that by He Yiming strength and self-confidence at this moment, he is will not make the matter that goes to sea to pursue absolutely. 不过,这头圣兽王绝对想不到,以贺一鸣此刻的实力和自信,他是绝对不会做出下海追击的事情。 In sea and top Open Sea Saint Beast King preying? He Yiming did not have such guts. 在海中与一位顶尖的外海圣兽王搏杀?贺一鸣还没有那样的胆量。 Slowly, are getting more and more in various fish that in this region gathers, almost the uppermost layer sea level in this piece of region watertight that stops up. 慢慢的,在这片区域中所聚集的各种鱼类越来越多,几乎将这一片区域中的最上层海面堵的水泄不通。 The He Yiming complexion changes, this Saint Beast King was also too formidable, actually has so formidable summons strength. However what luckily is, in these seas lifeform can come ashore after is only minority, at this time fluctuating sea lifeform in the sea, most can only carry on to deter at the scene up and down, cannot attack regarding He Yiming. 贺一鸣的脸色微变,这头圣兽王也太强大了,竟然有着如此强大的号召力量。不过幸好的是,这些海中生物能够上岸的毕竟只是少数,此时在海中上下起伏的海洋生物们,最多仅能在场面上进行一下威慑而已,对于贺一鸣并不能进行攻击。 both ears moves slightly, He Yiming sinking sound track: Brother Bai, now what to do.” 双耳微微一动,贺一鸣沉声道:“百兄,现在怎么办。” A Bai Lingba (108) institute studies profoundly, such matter inquired to him that without doubt is just right. 百零八的一身所学渊博之极,这样的事情向他询问,无疑是恰到好处。 In these seas lifeform comes because of the sound, so long as a more formidable sound frightened off them on the line.” Bai Lingba (108) was saying leisurely. “这些海中生物是因为声音而来,只要更加强大的声音将它们吓走就行了。”百零八慢悠悠的说着。 The He Yiming complexion is quite strange, his vision carried over on being eager to try Treasure Pig immediately. 贺一鸣的脸色颇为古怪,他的目光立即移向了跃跃欲试的宝猪身上。 Although He Yiming I will not care about blockades of these lifeform, but regarding Colored Glaze Island, such many fish, if long-term occupying with this, then regarding their losses, cannot the mileage count. 虽然贺一鸣本人并不会在意这些生物们的封锁,但是对于琉璃岛来说,如此之多的鱼类若是长时间的盘踞与此,那么对于他们的损失,将会不可以道里计了。 The Li Family father and daughter had helped him, but he gained the huge advantage in seabed the place of crater. 厉家父女曾经帮助过他,而他在海底的火山口之处更是获得了天大的好处。 That is similar to the Divine Dao same Thought induction, that formidable incomparable is having the spiritual wisdom Fire Element strength, once made him receive the benefit greatly, therefore he cannot leave alone in any event. 那如同神道一样的意念感应,那强大无比的带着灵姓火系力量,都曾经让他大受裨益,所以他无论如何都不能放任不管。 Treasure Pig looks at the sea level, the small eye has revealed the color of feeling embarrassed. 宝猪看着海面,小眼睛露出了为难之色。 Although the roar of dragon might formidable incomparable, but wanted to spread to the sea, was actually not such simple matter. 龙威之吼虽然强大无比,但是想要传入了大海之中,却远不是这样简单的事情。 Bai Lingba (108) suddenly lifts the foot, slowly walked, swung piece of silver radiance since his body. Afterward, his body starts to change. After that white radiance abates completely, turned into a tuba of outsize. 百零八豁然抬脚,慢慢的走了上来,从他的身上荡起了一片银色的光芒。随后,他的身躯开始改变。当那白色的光芒完全消退之后,已经变成了一个特大号的大喇叭。 Eye of He Yiming slightly one bright, said with a smile: Brother Bai great idea.” 贺一鸣的眼睛微微一亮,笑道:“百兄好主意。” Regarding Bai Lingba (108) changes body ability, He Yiming , etc. became accustomed, even if Treasure Pig and white horse, appears very calm, did not have when the place of Nine Underworlds initially sees that shocked. 对于百零八的变身能力,贺一鸣等已经是习以为常了,纵然是宝猪白马,也显得十分镇定,远没有了在九幽之地初见之时的那等震撼。 Put out a hand grass, He Yiming has taken up the tuba, his five colors radiance leapt suddenly, Light of Divine Weapon bound him to fly the sky, and was holding Treasure Pig, arrived above the sea level of distant place averagely. 伸手一艹,贺一鸣拿起了大喇叭,他的身上五彩光芒骤然腾起,神兵之光裹着他飞上了天空,并且抱着宝猪,平平的来到了远方的海面之上。 He Yiming lowered the body, penetrated in one of the tuba the sea water. 贺一鸣放低了身体,将大喇叭的一头深入了海水之中。 In the sea millions various lifeform well up to come toward here crazily, had lifeform sparing no effort of formidable ability to start rounds impacts. However under the protection of five colors radiance, lifeform that these are in the majority ordinary is unable to threaten his safety. 大海中数以百万计的各类生物们朝着这里狂涌而来,其中拥有强大能力生物更是不遗余力的发动了一轮轮的冲击。但是在五彩光芒的防护之下,这些普通居多的生物根本就无法威胁到他的安全。 As for these Saint Beast that came from Open Sea, since that moment that Saint Beast King runs away, on inexplicable disappearance. 至于那些从外海过来的圣兽们,在圣兽王逃遁的那一刻起,就莫名的消失了。 Even if the summon of Saint Beast King, as if did not have any function regarding this level Open Sea lifeform. 哪怕是圣兽王的召唤,似乎也对于这种级数外海生物没有了任何作用。 Treasure Pig has opened the mouth, has aimed at another head of loudspeaker, a sound of extreme terrorist, erupted from its mouth, and following this long loudspeaker, spread to the sea. 宝猪张开了嘴巴,对准了喇叭的另一头,一股极端恐怖的声音,从它的口中爆发了出来,并且循着这根长长的喇叭,传入了大海之中。 Strength of being outspoken huge dragon might again has released, the object but who this time it attacks is not marine formidable Saint Beast King, but is these in various lifeform that in the sea survives. 庞大的龙威之力再一次的毫无保留的释放了出来,不过这一次它所攻击的对象并不是海上的强大圣兽王,而是那些在海中生存的各类生物 The He Yiming complexion changes suddenly, he discovered that he as if seriously had underestimated strength that Treasure Pig and Bai Lingba (108) unify. 贺一鸣的脸色陡然大变,他发现,自己似乎严重的低估了宝猪百零八所结合的力量。 Loudspeaker of a naked eye obvious strength fluctuation from thorough sea water transmitted orally, under the entire sea level becomes the mighty waves is turbulent immediately, looks like some people , under stirs the wind to stir rain, stirs earth-shakingly this sea area. Moreover, this scratching with the finger has not gone to the situation of stopping randomly, but proliferated toward four sides at a quicker speed. 一股肉眼可见的力量波动从深入海水之内的喇叭口传了出来,整个海面之下顿时变得波涛汹涌,就像是有人在下方搅风搅雨似的,将这一片海域搅得天翻地覆。而且,这种搔乱远没有达到停止的地步,而是以一种更快的速度向着四面扩散了出去。 The entire sea level seems deadlock after such one next, immediately was similar to the volcanic eruption has exploded. 整个海面似乎是僵持的那么一下之后,顿时就是如同火山爆发般的炸了起来。 Bang......” “轰隆隆……” The roar of formidable dragon might adds on the mysterious oscillation amplitude strength after Bai Lingba (108) variation again, caused in this moment unexpectedly was not inferior in that mountain collapse tsunami howl huge powerful ability. 强大的龙威之吼再加上百零八变异之后的神奇振幅力量,竟然在这一刻引起了不逊色于那山崩海啸般的巨大威能 Is centered on He Yiming, here sea water caved in suddenly, looks like has an invisible great hand, has pressed here sea water stiffly. 贺一鸣为中心,这里的海水骤然塌陷了下去,就像是有一只无形的巨手,将这里的海水硬生生的按了下去。 Afterward, all around sea water assumed the circular to soar toward high in the sky, that roof has even been ten zhang (3.33 m) high. 随后,四周的海水朝着高空中呈圆形腾飞了起来,那最高处甚至于已经达到了十丈之高。 Approaches in central sea lifeform without a single exception was killed by shock at the scene, their corpses along with the sea water that splashes high same was thrown into the sky. 靠近中心这一块的海中生物毫无例外的被当场震死,它们的尸身随着高高溅起的海水同样的被抛到了天空之中。 When under that sea naked eye obvious Sound Wave Powerful Ability passed to Colored Glaze Island, this giant incomparable island also intensely to the impact of extreme. 当那大海之下肉眼可见的音波威能传到了琉璃岛之时,这座巨大无比的海岛也受到了强烈的到了极点的冲击。 That of shore had been attacked by Saint Beast, some wharves of dehiscence look like one crowd of bean waste, was burst by the spate thoroughly submerges. 岸边的那座已经受到圣兽攻击,部分开裂的码头就像是一群豆腐渣似的,被大水彻底冲塌淹没。 The shore starts to crack, and fell into the sea, be relentless is submerged by the rough sea waves that leaps high. 大片大片的岸边开始崩裂,并且落入了大海之中,被那高高腾起的巨浪毫不留情的淹没了下去。 In the entire region, turned into place of Asura, innumerable life burying in. 整个区域之内,变成了一块修罗之地,将无数的生命埋葬其中。 He Yiming is holding Treasure Pig, is dragging the tuba in water, at the maximum speed flies upwards to go toward in the sky. When he arrived at high in the sky to overlook downward, this mysterious complete receiving in the eyes. 贺一鸣抱着宝猪,拖着水中的大喇叭,以最快的速度朝着天空中飞升而去。当他来到了高空中向下俯视,才将这神奇的一幕完全的收入了眼中 The mountain moves swings, rolling mountains, nothing more than so...... 山动地摇,大浪滔天,不外如此…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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