MG :: Volume #6

#271: Strength

in the sky black cloud clusters are tumbling, that raging fire burns down all completely, the thick black smoke is flooding the trim sky, here air is full of the intense smoke and fire taste that one type bloody and irritates the nose. 天空中一片黑色的云团翻滚着,那烈火将一切全部烧毁,浓浓的黑烟充斥着整片天空,这里的空气充满着一种血腥和呛人的强烈烟火味。 However, as if in nine days from some shore dozens zhang (3.33 m) place of islands erupted from sound suddenly. 然而,一股仿佛是来自于九天之外的声音豁然从岛屿的某一个岸边数十丈之地爆发了出来。 Roar......” “吼……” This was one has been full of pressure and strength howling, was keeping aloof a sound of Spiritual God. 这是一股充满了威压和力量的吼叫声,是一种高高在上的神灵的声音。 The time as if stopped in this moment, even if the thick smoke and everywhere wind that curls up high, became in this moment stay still. 时间在这一刻似乎是停止了下来,哪怕是那高高卷起的浓烟和无处不在的风,在这一刻都变得静止不动了。 This is not somebody's misconception, but is real existence. 这并不是某个人的错觉,而是真实的存在。 dragon might, when this strength presents in this world that moment once again, immediately can achieve the end to cover the sound under its powerful ability. 龙威,当这股力量再度出现在这个世界上的那一刻,立即将声音所能达到尽头的一切都笼罩在它的威能之下。 in the sky in hesitant unceasingly, head and tail both sides Zhuang Munan stops, his divine light was dim immediately, afterward the whole person is similar to at top speed falls toward the ground. 天空中正在犹豫不绝,首尾两端的庄沐楠一个停顿,他身上的神光顿时黯淡了下来,随后整个人如同流星赶月般的朝着地面上摔去。 In Treasure Pig place above, formed one to ban the spatial mysterious domain unexpectedly, besides it, all used the divine light flight weapon instantaneously to lose the function, the strength of that formidable divine light was broken by more formidable dragon roar completely. 宝猪的正上方,竟然形成了一个禁空的神奇领域,除了它本身之外,所有使用神光飞行的兵器都在瞬间失去了作用,那强大的神光之力被更加强大的龙吼完全震碎了。 The vision glance of He Yiming, his wrist|skill wields, together the great strength toward shocking wants the Zhuang Munan impact certainly to go. 贺一鸣的目光一瞥,他手腕一挥,一道巨力朝着震撼欲绝的庄沐楠冲击而去。 Although this Five Qi Great Venerable in surface can also maintain quite calmly, but in his heart already was flurried extremely. Actually can break his flight divine light, this matter absolutely is unprecedented. Drops from half in the sky, fully has not danced with joy is he restrains was best to display. 这位五气大尊者虽然表面上还能够维持相当的镇定,但是他的心中却早就慌乱万分。竟然能够将他的飞行神光震碎,这种事情绝对是前所未有。从半空中跌落下来,没有手舞足蹈已经是他全力克制的最好表现了。 However, the strength that after feeling He Yiming stimulated, is experienced he to trade on its strengths immediately, becomes by the speed that oneself tenesmus slow, finally light falling to ground above. 然而,在感受到了贺一鸣所激发的这股力量之后,经验丰富的他立即是借力使力,让自己下坠的速度变得缓慢了起来,最终轻飘飘的落到了地面之上。 However in this moment, he looked that was having the color of deep awe to the Treasure Pig vision. powerful ability that this formidable Saint Beast, has was really too fearful. 不过在这一刻,他看向宝猪的目光之中已经带着了深深的敬畏之色。这种强大的圣兽,所拥有的威能实在是太可怕了。 The Li Family father and daughter and Hua Ruijin died from Fu Bi without doubt, when white light dodges at present, He Yiming rides that moment that white horse Thunder Lightning is presenting towering, their in the heart also surge one type has been survivor of disaster wild with joy. 厉家父女和华瑞金本来是自付必死无疑,但是当眼前白光一闪,贺一鸣骑着白马雷电突兀出现的那一刻,他们的心中亦是涌起了一种劫后余生般的狂喜。 However, this feeling has not filled the air, they one after another heard two more inconceivable sounds. 然而,这股感觉尚未弥漫开来,他们就接连听到了两股更加不可思议的声音。 Outside the voice of Sea Monster beast, although terror, but also in their withstanding ability, but sends from the small Treasure Pig mouth has filled the dragon might roar, is actually Inheritance in the previously Divine Dragon special skill. That formidable pressure directly has as if crashed in in the heart of people, explodes in the five main internal organs (entrails), making their personal appearance creaky, is almost hard to withstand. 海怪兽的声音虽然恐怖,但还在他们的承受能力之中,但从小宝猪口中所发出来的充满了龙威的吼声,却是传承昔曰神龙的看家本领。那强大的威压仿佛直接冲进了众人的心中,在五脏六腑之内爆炸开来,让他们的身形摇摇欲坠,几乎难以承受。 This is the dragon might most major characteristics, more is approaches this strength the center, the impact that receives is also bigger. 这就是龙威最大的特点,越是接近这股力量的中心,所受到的冲击也就越大。 After Treasure Pig passed through the hammering body of raging fire rock magma, its powerful ability has the enormous enhancement similarly, even if were ordinary Venerable also irresistibly its strength whole-heartedly attacks. 宝猪经过了烈火岩浆的锻体之后,它的威能同样有着极大的提高,纵然是普通的尊者也无法抵抗它那全力以赴的力量冲击了。 You leave first.” “你们先离开吧。” The He Yiming clear and resonant voice was saying, his sound congealed, passed to three people of ears in roaring of Treasure Pig. 贺一鸣朗声说着,他的声音凝成了一线,在宝猪的怒吼中传到了三人的耳中。 His intonation was not urgent, seems like saying not worthy of mentioning small matter. But the people have a natural feeling, that must do according to his words. 他的语调并不急迫,就像是在说一件微不足道的小事情似的。但众人却都有着一种理所当然的感觉,那就是必须要按照他的话去做似的。 This type has not been having the order tone, has actually achieved the effect of order. 这种并没有带着命令的口气,却达到了命令的效果。 Because all people including Zhuang Munan knows when under this situation, in their strengths to the war, truly did not have the leeway that they can meddle. 因为包括庄沐楠在内的所有人都知道,在这种场合之下,在他们双方的力量对战之时,确实已经没有了他们能够插手的余地。 Li Yajing vision complex looked at He Yiming one, finally turns around with other people, at the maximum speed and Zhuang Munan can with, leave here by far. 厉雅静目光复杂的看了贺一鸣一眼,终于与其他人转身,以最快的速度和庄沐楠会和,远远的离开了这里。 Faint, has treated as a Mortal Dao peak powerhouse He Yiming in their in the heart. 隐隐的,在他们的心中已经将贺一鸣当做了一位人道巅峰的强者了。 But in fact, He Yiming has just now utilized Wood Element power of god, can pass to their ears the sound, if not so, during Treasure Pig dragon might roars, basic has any sound transmission on impossible. 而事实上,贺一鸣方才正是运用了木系神之力,才能将声音传到他们的耳中,若非如此,在宝猪龙威怒吼之中,根本就不可能有任何声音传递出去。 The destructive power that Treasure Pig howling continuously, creates beyond comparison. 宝猪的吼叫声继续不断,所造成的破坏力无以伦比。 In the Treasure Pig dead ahead, these houses that in addition has not collapsed fall to the ground instantaneously completely loudly, all arrives at this place various Sea Monster also formidable is the strength impact in the ground unceasingly to be tumbled in this moment from the sea. 宝猪的正前方,那些尚且没有倒塌的房舍瞬间全部轰然倒地,所有从海上来到此地的各类海怪也在这一刻被强大是力量冲击的在地面上不断翻滚。 They are twitching the body, however the strength of whole body was similar to from finding time, is unable to stand up from failure again. 它们抽动着肢体,但是全身的力量如同被从抽空了似的,再也无法翻身。 Sound wave the great strength of strength, even if that is burning fiercely the roaring flame were greatly affected. Is in the wink of an eye, all flame likely intensely were suppressed by some strength, became the turnover is uncertain. 音波的力量之强大,纵然是那剧烈燃烧着的烈焰都受到了极大的影响。仅仅是瞬息之间,所有的火苗都像是被某种力量强烈的压制了似的,变得吞吐不定了。 But came under the sound wave strength most direct attack that Open Sea Saint Beast King is whole body hits one to tremble, has appeared from its body surface intense sky-blue radiance, was similar to big guard shield has covered it. 而受到音波力量最直接攻击的那头外海圣兽王则是浑身打了一个哆嗦,从它的体表上现出了强烈的蔚蓝色的光芒,如同一个大护罩般的将它笼罩了起来。 The strength that in its mouth releases is rewinds on, by formidable powerful ability thorough striking retreating powder that Treasure Pig releases. 它口中所释放出来的力量更是倒卷而上,被宝猪所释放出来的强大威能彻底的击溃退散。 The entire aspect counter-, the formidable sound wave energy has been attacking monster strength guard shield immediately unceasingly, in howling that in Treasure Pig that has not stopped, this strength guard shield is similar to the small schooner in wind and rain, as if momentarily must throw off by the formidable sound wave strength. 整个局面顿时反了过来,强大的音波能量不断冲击着怪兽身上的力量护罩,而且在宝猪那尚未停止的吼叫声中,这道力量护罩更是如同风雨中的小小帆船,似乎随时都要被强大的音波力量所掀翻似的。 Under the suppression of dragon might, unusual slow, special in dead ahead that Treasure Pig that time as if crosses aims, that piece in the region that assumes fan-shaped expands unceasingly, all appears is similar to slow motion, making one have one type has just liked separates the strange feeling of world. 龙威的压制之下,时间似乎过的异常缓慢,特别的在宝猪所针对的正前方,那一片呈扇形不断扩张的区域之内,所有的一切都显得如同慢动作似的,令人产生了一种恍若隔世的诡异感觉。 Finally, Treasure Pig stopped, its semi-closure the small mouth, was stretching out the tongue, is similar to dog general is spitting the air/Qi. 终于,宝猪停了下来,它半闭着小嘴巴,伸出了舌头,如同狗儿一般的吐着气。 that roared together, although was full, but regarding it, actually also did utmost, did not have retention of least bit again. 刚才的那一道吼叫虽然是酣畅淋漓,但是对于它而言,却也是竭尽全力,再无半点儿的保留了。 After the Treasure Pig sound vanishes, Sea Monster strength protection vanishes immediately does not see. In its both eyes pupil is flashing color of the intense shock. As dominating a powerhouse of Open Sea side, it had many years not to experience similarly. 宝猪的声音消失之后,海怪身上的力量防护顿时消失不见。它的那双眼眸之中闪动着一丝强烈的震撼之色。作为称霸外海一方的强者,它已经有许多年没有过类似的经历了。 He Yiming puts out a hand a move, immediately attracted in Treasure Pig the bosom, he looks at the front indifferently, the wrist|skill wields, uses Five Elements Ring that yellow ochre strength unlimited proliferation of controlling. 贺一鸣伸手一招,顿时将宝猪吸到了怀中,他冷眼看着前方,手腕一挥,利用五行环艹控的那股黄色土之力无限制的扩散了起来。 This strength condenses the forming in half in the sky instantaneously, turned into one greatly, is similar to the mountain same golden yellow cloud cluster, has pressed toward under maliciously. 这股力量在半空中瞬间凝聚成形,变成了一个巨大的,如同高山一样的金黄色云团,朝着下方狠狠的压了下来。 Overturning Heaven Seal, this Earth Element hand seal cultivation technique has released in this moment in this manner. 翻天印,这个土系手印功法在这一刻以这种方式释放了出来。 Then drops from the clouds compared with a Sea Monster more giant cloud cluster, is bringing crazy pressure that is hard to imagine, as if must crash below jumbo thoroughly. 那比海怪更加巨大的云团从天而降,带着难以想象的疯狂气势,似乎要将下方的巨无霸彻底压垮。 The huge Sea Monster eye pupil color of shock was even more rich, leapt sky-blue radiance since its body once again. 巨大海怪眼眸中的震撼之色愈发的浓郁了,从它的身上再度腾起了蔚蓝色的光芒 When this radiance in it resists roaring of Treasure Pig, has released one time, will insisted when Treasure Pig was exhausted just now diverges, now is to count breaths merely, unexpectedly again it is forced releases this defensive strength. 这道光芒在它抵御宝猪的怒吼之时,已经释放过一次,堪堪坚持到了宝猪筋疲力尽之时方才散去,如今仅仅是数息之间,它竟然再一次被迫的重新释放这股防御姓的力量。 Imitates if a flat land thunder...... 仿若平地一声雷…… Along with a bang loudly, golden yellow divine power of earth drops from the clouds, numerous pressed Open Sea Saint Beast King in this group like the mountain heavy yellow cloud under. 随着轰然的一声巨响,金黄色的土之神力从天而降,重重的将外海圣兽王压在了这一团如山般沉重的黄云之下。 The formidable strength even downward pressed the paralysis the entire ground 1-layer, Sea Monster sky-blue radiance under roaring of Treasure Pig was in imminent danger, now has not returned comes pantingly again by a divine power of earth layer on layer pressure, immediately burst, that formidable strength oppressed above the body of Sea Monster completely, pounded into under it the bottom. 强大的力量甚至于将整个地面都向下压瘫了一层,海怪身上蔚蓝色的光芒宝猪的怒吼之下本来就是岌岌可危,如今尚未回过气来再被土之神力重重一压,顿时破裂开来,那强大的力量全部压迫到海怪的身体之上,将它砸入了地底之下。 He Yiming long expiration, in his hand Five Elements Ring in a flash, the yellow color cloud cluster current craze welled up to enter, returned to Five Elements World. 贺一鸣长长的吐了一口气,他手中五行环一晃,黄色的云团顿时狂涌而入,回到了五行世界之内。 Before after initiating divine power of earth, He Yiming is unable to control this strength, all power of god can send, but cannot receive, but now draws support the Five Elements World method comes controlling, made him try to find out that unexpectedly a little divine power of earth the method of true controlling, that formidable divine power of earth not only can release with wishes fulfilled, and can take back most parts. 以前在引发了土之神力后,贺一鸣根本就无法控制这股力量,所有的神之力都是能发而不能收,而如今借助于五行世界的手段来艹控,竟然让他摸索到了一点儿土之神力的真正艹控之法,那强大的土之神力不但能够随心所欲的释放出去,并且也能够收回大部。 Naturally, although had three strength of god in the body of He Yiming, but the total quantity of these strengths are not many, once will release definitely to consume, therefore He Yiming does not dare to look like releases strength of five elements having no scruples use this ultimate strength. 当然,虽然在贺一鸣的身体内已经拥有了三种神之力量,但这些力量的总量并不多,而且一旦释放出去肯定会有所耗损,所以贺一鸣也不敢象释放五行之力似的毫无顾忌的使用这种终极的力量。 The yellow color cloud cluster returned to Five Elements World, He Yiming chins up and chests out, in his heart has filled proud. 黄色的云团回归了五行世界之内,贺一鸣昂首挺胸,他的心中充满了骄傲。 The travel of this cave bottom rock magma has not gone in vain, faces one to achieve Mortal Dao peak Realm top Saint Beast. In situation that in white horse Thunder Lightning has not gotten rid, He Yiming and Treasure Pig collaborate, has obtained unexpectedly has crushed the surname the superiority, this at the matter that former several days is unable to imagine. 这一次山洞底部的岩浆之旅并没有白去,面对着一只达到了人道巅峰境界的顶尖圣兽。在白马雷电还没有出手的情况下,贺一鸣宝猪联手,竟然已经取得了压倒姓的优势,这在前几曰根本就是无法想象的事情。 At this time, in present ground were many a smooth big hole, that huge, was more than ten zhang (3.33 m) monsters has pressed under the bottom unexpectedly, turned into bottom of big hole part. 此时,眼前的地面上多了一个平整的大坑,那条巨大的,长达十余丈的怪兽竟然被生生的压进了地底之下,变成了大坑底部的一部分。 He Yiming both eyes raises, after seeing this, in his heart suddenly surged an intense restless feeling. 贺一鸣双目微扬,在看到这一幕之后,他的心中豁然涌起了一阵强烈的不安感觉。 This thought in his mind flashes past, afterward, He Yiming saw that Saint Beast King to lift the head from the place bottom, the look that pair penetrated to the bone icy coldly has projected the icy biting cold chill in the air. 这个念头在他的脑海中一闪而过,随后,贺一鸣就看见那头圣兽王从地底中抬起了头,那双冰凉透骨的眼神射出了冷冰冰的彻骨寒意。 Afterward, its eight powerful longleg makes an effort fiercely, like this fled from the place bottom, takes own huge body as the weapon, fast threw toward He Yiming. 随后,它的八只有力长腿猛地用力,就这样从地底窜了上来,以自身庞大的身躯为武器,朝着贺一鸣飞快的扑了上来。 Was the flash, He Yiming understood immediately reason. 仅仅是一瞬间,贺一鸣立即明白了其中缘故。 Although divine power of earth is formidable incomparable, however in their under foot ground is actually the most common land, although has pressed Saint Beast King, but is thick by the body of this fellow, is not actually able to cause the fatal damage. 土之神力虽然是强大无比,但是在他们的脚下这块地面却不过是最普通的土地而已,虽然将圣兽王压了下去,但是以这家伙的皮肉粗厚,却是根本就无法造成致命的伤害。 His in the heart sighed darkly, if this were to occur is having the most solid land place, then this Saint Beast King was again formidable, at least must be seriously injured, where might also continue jumping for joy so. 心中暗叹,如果这一幕是发生在拥有着最坚实土地的地方,那么这头圣兽王就算是再强大,起码也要身受重伤,哪里还有可能继续这般的活蹦乱跳。 white horse Thunder Lightning both eyes is sparkling, this time does not wait for He Yiming to get rid, on its Single Horn blew out fierce radiance, electricity glow of Single Horn sends out instantaneously, numerous points above body of Saint Beast King. 白马雷电双目闪闪发光,这一次不等贺一鸣出手,它的独角上已经爆出了剧烈的光芒,一枚独角似的电芒瞬间发出,重重的点到了圣兽王的身体之上。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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