MG :: Volume #6

#270: The supernatural power of earth

After leaving the Dedong hole, He Yiming heard one to fill dignified howling sound immediately. 离开了地底洞穴之后,贺一鸣立即听到了一道充满了威严的嚎叫声 That moment when this sound passes on, He Yiming even can feel True Qi of own within the body to start to vibrate fiercely, that is one type formidable to the extreme sound, although could not have compared Treasure Pig dragon might to roar such fearfulness, but also has actually been enough to bring enough difficulty to him. 当这道声音传过来的那一刻,贺一鸣甚至于能够感受到自己体内的真气开始剧烈的震动着,那是一种强大的到了极点的声音,虽然还比不上宝猪龙威之吼那样的可怕,但却也已经足以给他带来足够的困扰了。 What thing is this is calling?” He Yiming frowns, mutters is saying. “这是什么东西在叫?”贺一鸣皱着眉头,喃喃的说着。 The matter that closed up in the several days that has in him is really too many, but he self-torture in the place bottom, basically was engrossed in reading sacred books and oblivious to what happening in the world, therefore does not know that outside the Sea Monster beasts came in swarms to siege the matter of islands. 在他闭关的这几曰之中所发生的事情实在是太多了,而他在地底之中苦修,基本上就是两耳不闻窗外事,所以并不知道外海怪兽们蜂拥而来围困岛屿之事。 The personal appearance in a flash, He Yiming promoted the pinnacle speed slightly, was similar to lightning general non-stop flying on, flew along that steep mountain wall straight upward. 身形微微一晃,贺一鸣将速度提升到了极致,如同闪电一般的直飞而上,沿着那陡峭的山壁笔直的向上飞去。 In absorbing here mysteriously, after bringing spiritual wisdom divine power of fire, He Yiming goes a step further regarding the control of strength of fire. His skin is feeling in all around space that scalding hot air current, this innumerable air currents unceasing to upwelling, has formed a formidable rise strength. 在吸收了这里神奇的,带着一丝灵姓火之神力之后,贺一鸣对于火之力量的掌控更进一步。他的皮肤感受着四周空间中那灼热的气流,这无数的气流正在不断的向上涌去,形成了一股强大的上升力量。 But He Yiming draws support this strength, therefore the rapidness of his speed, far ultra ordinary. 贺一鸣正是借助于这股力量,所以他的速度之快,远超平常。 A moment later, He Yiming Divine Weapon radiance receives, he already steady standing above crater. 片刻之后,贺一鸣身上的神兵光芒一收,他已经是稳稳的站在了火山口之上。 Link looks out in all directions, does not have a person's shadow here, he has hesitated, started to walk the both legs, turns toward the cavern line that oneself occupy to go. However in his heart is also quite strange, experiences by Hua Ruijin and the others experienced and reliably, how to forget that sends for waiting for itself here. 环目四望,没有一个人影在此,他迟疑了一下,迈开了双腿,向着自己居住的洞穴行去。不过在他的心中也是颇为奇怪,以华瑞金等人老到的经验,怎么会忘记派人在这里等候自己。 However, he actually does not know that present Colored Glaze Island was frightened by the slightest sound, the complete spirit was used to cope with these sudden Sea Monster. But has the qualifications to wait here his, only has formidable expert of Venerable rank, therefore Zhuang Munan very simple in this place in sending manpower. 然而,他却并不知道,如今的琉璃岛已经是风声鹤唳,全部的精神都用来对付那些突如其来的海怪了。而有资格在这里等候他的,也唯有尊者级别的强大高手,所以庄沐楠很干脆的不在此地驻派人手了。 Just arrived at outside that cavern room, cheerful light neighing sound has made a sound from inside together immediately, the corners of the mouth of He Yiming have shown a smiling face, he pushed the door to enter, white horse Thunder Lightning really extends big head, affectionate was stroking gently on his body. 刚刚来到那洞穴房间之外,一道欢快的轻嘶声顿时从里面响了起来,贺一鸣的嘴角露出了一丝笑容,他推门而入,白马雷电果然是伸过来大脑袋,亲昵的在他的身上摩挲着。 He Yiming gently patted several on its nape of the neck, the vision looked to Bai Lingba (108) in room, said: „Was Brother Bai, what thing was calling a moment ago? In the island what happened.” 贺一鸣轻轻的在它的脖颈上拍了几下,目光看向了房间中的百零八,道:“百兄,刚才是什么东西在叫?岛上发生了什么事情。” He the line, had run into several Colored Glaze Island disciples a moment ago, although is respectful to him, but on the face of everyone has one to worry about the color. Moreover in entire Colored Glaze Cave, is filling one type strange atmosphere that has filled the crisis, this makes He Yiming think extremely strangely. 他刚才一路行来,遇到了几个琉璃岛的弟子,虽然都对他毕恭毕敬,但是每一个人的脸上都有着一丝担忧之色。而且在整个琉璃洞之内,都弥漫着一种充满了危机的诡异气氛,这让贺一鸣觉得万分诡异。 in his heart was even suspecting whether Franklin and Garfield they arrived above the islands, if not so, by the Colored Glaze Island inside story, why also will have this matter occurrence that was critical situation. 他的心中甚至于在怀疑,是否弗兰克林加菲尔德两人来到了岛屿之上,若非如此,以琉璃岛的底蕴,为何还会有这等如临大敌的事情发生。 Bai Lingba (108) tranquil [say / way]: Open Sea Saint Beast revenged.” 百零八平静的道:“外海圣兽们来报仇了。” He Yiming is startled, touched the hand of white horse Thunder Lightning, his surprised asking: Open Sea Saint Beast?” 贺一鸣微怔,就连抚摸白马雷电的手都顿了一下,他惊讶的问道:“外海圣兽?” You have killed that many Saint Beast, and has transported their corpses. Therefore annoyed more monsters.” “你们杀了那么多的圣兽,并且将它们的尸体运了回来。所以惹来了更多的怪兽。” A He Yiming intention revolution, understood his meaning immediately. 贺一鸣心念一转,顿时明白了他的意思。 suddenly, has transmitted one from the distant place once again resoundingly to extreme howling sound, once hears this sound, He Yiming True Qi has seethed with excitement immediately fiercely, that several strengths in his Dantian are ready to make trouble. 豁然,从远方再度传来了一道响亮的到了极点的嚎叫声,一旦听到这个声音,贺一鸣身上的真气顿时剧烈的沸腾了起来,他丹田中的那几股力量都为之蠢蠢欲动。 Inexplicable, He Yiming felt an intense agitated feeling, he regarding the master disaffection of this sound, in the heart surged to want it to kill thought at the scene. 莫名的,贺一鸣就是感到了一种强烈的烦躁感,他对于这个声音的主人十分的不满,心中涌起了一股想要将其打杀当场的念头。 Treasure Pig and white horse have simultaneously groaned several, appearance that is also being ready to make trouble. 宝猪白马同时哼哼了几声,亦是一副蠢蠢欲动的模样。 The He Yiming intention phonograph, understood reason immediately. 贺一鸣心念电转,立即明白了这其中原因。 Although he does not know that is actually any monster to make this strange sound, but a little can determine that has been full of the flavor that the provocation and despised in this sound. The master of this sound keeps aloof, treated the ants manner to transmit own Thought by one type. 虽然他并不知道究竟是什么怪兽发出这种古怪的声音,但是有一点可以确定,在这股声音中充满了挑衅和藐视的味道。这个声音的主人高高在上,以一种对待蝼蚁般的态度将自己的意念传达了出去。 If the strength were inferior that naturally will feel fearful and apprehensive, is hard-to-control. However in facing to have Treasure Pig and Thunder Lightning of Divine Beast bloodlines, his within the body is hiding strength of god time, that will trigger the most formidable reaction. 如果是实力不如的,自然会感到心惊胆颤,难以控制。但是在面对拥有神兽血脉的宝猪雷电,还有他体内隐藏着的神之力量的时候,那就会引起最为强大的反弹。 He Yiming cold snort|hum, said: We have a look, is any fellow so to be actually rampant.” 贺一鸣冷哼了一声,道:“我们去看看,究竟是什么家伙如此猖獗。” white horse Thunder Lightning and Treasure Pig have cheered immediately, their within the body are having the most arrogant Divine Beast bloodlines, was so despised by some not well-known lifeform, naturally is resenting, after listening to the decision of He Yiming, naturally was lifts up high four hooves to approve. 白马雷电宝猪顿时是欢呼了起来,他们的体内拥有着最为高傲的神兽血脉,被某种不知名的生物如此藐视,自然是愤恨不已,听了贺一鸣的决定之后,当然是高举四蹄赞同了。 A both feet point gently, He Yiming is similar to together cotton fiber has flown the back of white horse Thunder Lightning. He just held on to your hat, four hooves of white horse stepped. 双脚轻轻的一点,贺一鸣已经是如同一块棉絮似的飞上了白马雷电的背脊。他刚刚坐稳,白马的四蹄已经迈了开来。 He Yiming in the heart shakes the head secretly, in within the body bloodlines of white horse Thunder Lightning, is flowing actually also the formidable fight instinct, once receives the challenge of same step powerhouse, immediately was similar to the oil drum threw a fire, lit thoroughly. 贺一鸣心中暗自摇头,白马雷电的体内血脉中,其实也流动着强大的战斗本能,一旦受到同阶强者的挑战,顿时是如同在油桶中丢了一把火,彻底的点燃了。 Speed rapidness of white horse how, was almost suddenly ran the cave, if on the way has met in the hole the juniors, its body dexterously jumped, has not bumped into anybody. 白马的速度何其之快,几乎就是眨眼间就已经跑出了山洞,途中若是遇到了洞中子弟,它的身体就轻巧的跳了起来,根本就没有碰到任何人。 These Colored Glaze Island disciples most thought that at present a flower, wind has blown afterward, does not know that what happened. Only several Xiantian powerhouses indistinct has guessed correctly, in the heart with amazement. 那些琉璃岛的弟子们最多就是觉得眼前一花,随后一股风吹过,就再也不知道发生什么事情了。唯有几位先天强者们隐约的猜到了一些,不由地心中骇然。 Outside the cavern, Jin Zhanyi and the others looked out the front, but here after is Colored Glaze Island, but they are actually as a guest live in this. When has not obtained Hua Ruijin and the others the invitations, they do not dare to lend a hand to assist at will, otherwise, if has caused certain unnecessary misunderstanding, that was the gain does not equal the loss. 在洞穴之外,金战役等人遥望前方,但这里毕竟是琉璃岛,而他们却是以客人的身份居住在此。在没有得到华瑞金等人的邀请之时,他们可不敢随意出手相助,否则,若是引起了某些不必要的误会,那就是得不偿失了。 However, they regarding white horse Thunder Lightning exceptionally familiar, sees the white that flashes, immediately understands this top Saint Beast must get rid. 不过,他们对于白马雷电异常的熟悉,一看到那一晃而过的白色,顿时明白这头顶尖的圣兽要出手了。 The white horse speed is too fast, they have not even seen immediately person's shadow. Sees white horse to get rid, worry of their in the heart has put down the larger part immediately. 只是白马的速度实在太快,他们甚至于并没有看见马上的人影。只是见到白马出手,他们心中的担忧顿时放下了一大半。 After all, after hearing that [say / way] terrifying sound, they also know Colored Glaze Island is facing actually the enemy was Saint Beast of any rank. 毕竟,在听到了那道恐怖的声音之后,他们也知道琉璃岛所面对着的敌人究竟是什么级别的圣兽了。 Takes a broad view in the entire island, feared that also only has white horse Thunder Lightning to be able with it contending. 放眼整个岛上,怕是也唯有白马雷电能够与之抗衡。 Once left the cave, the white horse speed the genuine hurricane, actually also wanted quick many compared with the general Five Qi Great Venerable in the sky flight. 一旦离开了山洞,白马的速度才真正的狂飙了起来,竟然远比一般的五气大尊在天空中飞行还要快捷的多。 Is feeling the direction of that formidable aura, does not need He Yiming to urge that white horse Thunder Lightning has released it maximum speed, white ray has left behind the innumerable illusory images in the ground, he arrived at that raging fire agglomeration upwards. 感受着那股强大气息的方向,根本就无需贺一鸣催促,白马雷电已经将它最大的速度释放了出来,一道白色的光线在地面上留下了无数的幻影,他已经来到了那烈火朝天的聚集地。 He Yiming eyebrows selects slightly, he saw immediately a head length reached ten zhang (3.33 m) terrifying monster to open the big mouth, that black entirely mouth was similar to jet black non- light big hole, was swaying three, basically did not have many resistance ability human Venerable to attract slowly. 贺一鸣双眉微微一挑,他立即看到了一头长达十丈的恐怖怪兽正张开了大嘴,那黑通通的嘴巴如同一只漆黑无光的大洞,正在将三位摇摇晃晃,基本上没有多少抵抗能力的人类尊者慢慢的吸了过来。 * * * * ※※※※ Above sky, Zhuang Munan, although is burning with impatience, but he actually knows that in the front of this monster, he absolutely does not have many means. Is equal to the Mortal Dao peak strength, is not this Five Qi Great Venerable can resist. If he in sky, but can also the self-preservation no worries, getting down that but if overreaches oneself, then besides giving in the mouth of this monster adds one to eat, again did not have any function. 天空之上,庄沐楠虽然是心急如焚,但他却知道,在这头怪兽的面前,他根本就没有多少办法。相当于人道巅峰的实力,远不是他这个五气大尊者能够抵抗的。如果他在天空之中,还能够自保无虞,但若是不自量力的下去,那么除了给这头怪兽的口中添上一份吃食之外,就再也没有了任何作用。 Saw that three Venerable in humble sect soon will be absorbed the mouth of monster, has in the future star of hope Li Family father and daughter, he is burning with impatience, Divine Weapon radiance suddenly flashes, clenching teeth maliciously, then clashes to go to toward the under illness the flying sword. 眼看本门中的三位尊者即将被吸收怪兽之口,其中还有着门中未来的希望之星厉家父女,他已经是心急如焚,身上的神兵光芒大作,狠狠的一咬牙,那把飞剑朝着下方疾冲而去。 The flying sword is only giant the eye to fly the common thorn toward of monster, but the monster looked that did not look, hides the eye to below knocks, that sword punctured immediately above the eyelid of monster. 飞剑朝着怪兽的那只巨大眼睛飞一般的刺去,但是怪兽看也不看,就是将眼皮子向下一磕,那一剑顿时刺在了怪兽的眼皮之上。 Resounding metal and stone handed over the sound of striking to erupt suddenly, when the powerful offensive of this flying sword, splashed innumerable sparks, when the flying sword returned flew, to the monster has not actually brought the injury of least bit, even if were a little white mark has not remained. 响亮的金石交击之声骤然爆发了出来,在这一飞剑的强大攻击之下,溅起了无数的火星,但是当飞剑回飞之时,却没有给怪兽带来半点儿的伤害,哪怕是一点儿白色的印痕都没有留下来。 The skin firm meat of this monster has achieved this and other thick unexpectedly the inconceivable situations. 这只怪兽的皮坚肉厚竟然达到了这等不可思议的地步。 While Zhuang Munan looks deathly pale, thinks when the Li Family father and daughter and Hua Ruijin these time are doomed, white light from has delimited together suddenly at present, afterward a form drops from the clouds, has inserted between the monsters and Li Family father and daughter three people stiffly. 正当庄沐楠脸色惨白,以为厉家父女和华瑞金这一次在劫难逃之时,一道白光骤然从眼前划过,随后一个身影从天而降,硬生生的插入了怪兽与厉家父女三人之间。 In the vision of monster were many immediately a swift and fierce color, by its formidable strength, can certainly induce to the great strength of lifeform these time presents, moreover this lifeform speed also has only gone to the inconceivable situation, is the flash appeared in the front merely, cannot see clearly including it, but what makes its surprised is, that moment when this only lifeform presents, in its mouth sends the suction that comes out to be counter-balanced by a similar formidable strength immediately, thus has not sent out any has affected. 怪兽的目光中顿时多了一份凌厉之色,以它那强大的实力,当然能够感应到这一次出现的生物之强大,而且这只生物的速度也达到了不可思议的地步,仅仅是一瞬间就已经出现在面前,连它也未能看清楚,而更加让它惊讶的是,当这只生物出现的那一刻,它口中所发出来的吸力顿时被一股同样强大的力量所抵消,从而没有发出任何作用了。 He Yiming is riding white horse Thunder Lightning, in his hand, huge yellow radiance proliferated from Five Elements Ring. 贺一鸣骑着白马雷电,在他的手上,一道巨大的黄色光芒五行环上扩散了开来。 This is not Five Elements Ring strength of five elements, divine power of earth that but has linked up into a single stretch with strength of fire and strength of wood in He Yiming within the body that. 这并不是五行环五行之力,而是在贺一鸣体内那已经与火之力木之力连成一片的土之神力 Beforehand He Yiming is unable to use this strength willfully, after the crater has absorbed the massive magics, he went to a new situation regarding within the body power of god controlling, when using Five Elements Ring, has been able to take and put away this strength freely. 以前的贺一鸣根本就无法任意动用这股力量,但是在火山口吸收了大量的神奇力量之后,他对于体内神之力艹控已经达到了一个新的地步,在使用五行环之时,已经可以将这股力量收放自如了。 This strength is not he cultivates, the speed that therefore wants to supplement is very slow. 只是,这股力量并不是他自己修炼而成,所以想要补充的速度十分缓慢。 The yellow color strength was dignified exceptionally, like a mountain pressure above this lands, all strength of wind immediately by the collapse dissipation that this abundant divine power of earth suppressed, did not exist again. 黄色的力量凝重异常,就像一座大山似的压在了这一片土地之上,所有风的力量立即被这雄厚的土之神力压制的崩溃消散,再也不复存在。 As if felt the great strength of this strength, giant beast split the mouth, was similar to the mountain torrent roared the roar from its mouth erupts together. 似乎感受到了这股力量的强大,巨兽裂开了嘴巴,一道如同山洪咆哮般的吼声从它的口中爆发而出。 The huge sound is similar to the rough sea wave impact that yellow divine power of earth, looks like the spate winds through unceasing is scrubbing. 巨大的声音如同巨浪般的冲击着那黄色的土之神力,就像是大水流过似的不断洗刷着。 He Yiming both eyes raises, he cherishes the Treasure Pig four hooves to live saying that flew, has opened with the mouth that giant beast differs so much as to be beyond comparison, is together more formidable, filled the dignified dragon roar to erupt from his mouth...... 贺一鸣双目微扬,他怀中的宝猪四蹄生云,已经飞了起来,张开了与巨兽不成比例的嘴巴,一道更加强大的,充满了威严的龙吼声从他的口中爆发了出来…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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