MG :: Volume #6

#269: Sea monster king

Above the sea level, that ocean waves rolling split, have revealed a gigantic terrifying monster head, afterward, this monster slowly crawled toward the shore from the sea, and gradual exposed its body in the line of sight of people. 海面之上,那碧波滚滚裂开,露出了一只硕大的恐怖怪兽脑袋,随后,这只怪兽慢慢的从海中朝着岸边爬了上来,并且逐渐的将它的身躯展露在人们的视线之中。 This is one huge is similar to the alligator common monster, its length of body about ten zhang (3.33 m), whole body has covered entirely jet black such as the scale of iron up and down, but what is more surprising, above its body, has the entire eight giant strong powerful longlegs. 这是一只巨大的如同鳄鱼一般的怪兽,它体长近十丈,浑身上下布满了漆黑如铁的鳞片,而更令人惊讶的是,在它的身躯之上,有着整整八只巨大的强健有力的长腿。 If He Yiming in this, will then discover with amazement that this monster somewhat is unexpectedly similar to that only Silver Eel King that he kills, however in the length of body, actually wants on small many. Moreover on its body, does not have that is glittering unceasingly the intense electricity glow. 如果贺一鸣在此的话,那么会惊讶的发现,这只怪兽竟然与他所杀的那只银鳗王有些相似,但是在身躯的长度上,却是要小上许多。而且在它的身上,也没有那不断闪烁着的强烈电芒,。 However, if discussed at the Saint Beast aura intensity, this monster actually must surpass previously Silver Eel King by far. 但是,若以圣兽的气息强度而论,这只怪兽却是要远远的超过了昔曰银鳗王 After this monster climbed up shore, it has raised the head, has sent out intense own howling sound suddenly. This howling sound not only has spread together over the entire islands, in that deep sea, by enormously affect. 当这只怪兽爬上了岸之后,它昂起了头颅,陡然发出了一道强烈自己的嚎叫声。这一道嚎叫声不仅仅传遍了整个岛屿,就连那深海之中,也是受到了极大的波及。 Is a moment later, tens of thousands, number various endless can in the sea of short survival lifeform on the land start to go crazy from the sea toward the shore wells up crazily, but. 仅仅是片刻之后,成千上万,数之不尽的各种能够在陆地上短暂生存的海中生物们开始发疯似的从海中朝着岸边狂涌而至。 Great varieties of these lifeform, all sorts of strange and unusual, basic on nobody can it recognizing entire. 这些生物的种类繁多,千奇百怪,根本就没有人能够将之认全。 At this moment, in the island all people had been refused to approach around the island in the hundred zhang (333m). However, in people's consciousness, actually never has the person to think these sea lifeform life ability and courage unexpectedly so formidable, they left in the sea unexpectedly, in humanity toward ground launches the attack. 此刻,岛上所有的人都已经被严禁靠近海岛周围百丈之内。但是,在人们的意识中,却从来就没有人想到过这些海洋生物们的生命能力和胆魄竟然会如此的强大,它们竟然离开了海中,朝着地面上的人类发动进攻。 These enter lifeform of ashore to have common characteristics from the sea, regardless of their build are strange, is strange in the movement of ashore advance, but their speeds absolutely are not slow. 这些从海中进入岸上的生物都有着一个共同的特征,无论它们的体型多么古怪,在岸上前进的动作多么稀奇,但它们的速度却绝对不慢。 Is a moment later, the rallying points of shore several humanity have discovered these strange phenomena immediately, but faces these terrors, the unprecedented matter, in the heart of all people have filled alarmed and afraid, under these formidable sea lifeform surprise attacks, was the death is immediately serious by the ordinary artificial main inhabit region. 仅仅是片刻之后,岸边数处人类的聚集点顿时发现了这些古怪的现象,但是面对这些恐怖的,前所未有的事情,所有人的心中都是充满了惊惧,在这些强大的海洋生物突袭之下,以普通人为主的聚居地顿时就是死亡惨重。 In these Sea Monster, has gigantically, almost to the big lobster that the human volume is similar, they are brandishing greatly is similar to the pliers of big straw cutter, can one cut two average person. In them also has huge starfish and sea snake, can swallow person one, but also has more alligators, has opened the terror swift and fierce mouth, being relentless from entering humanity. 在这些海怪中,有着硕大的,几乎与人类体积相若的大龙虾,它们挥舞着巨大的如同大铡刀的钳子,能够一下将普通人剪成两段。它们之中还有巨大的海星和海蛇,能够将人一口吞噬,还有着更多的鳄鱼,张开了恐怖凌厉的嘴巴,毫不留情的从入了人类之中。 Innumerable all kinds of Sea Monster first time left in the sea in history, launched the intense attack toward humanity. 无数各种各样的海怪们有史以来第一次离开了海中,向着人类发动了强烈的攻击。 The innumerable pitiful cries erupt from here, under just the contact, here turned into a living hell. 无数的凄惨叫声从这里爆发出来,在刚刚接触之下,这里已经变成了一片人间地狱。 But the swift and fierce long howl from out of the blue, Colored Glaze Island on numerous expert rushes in abundance, they had also been shocked by the present all, however after short alarmed and afraid, put into during the fight immediately. 凌厉的长啸声破空而至,琉璃岛上的众多高手纷纷赶至,他们也被眼前的一切惊呆了,但是在短暂的惊惧之后,立即投入了战斗之中。 These Sea Monster after leaving sea water, although can also fight, powerful ability that but can display in the sea compared with them actually missed. However the Sea Monster quantity are too really many, is far from this point humanity expert can resist. 那些海怪们在离开了海水之后,虽然还能够战斗,但是比它们在大海之中能够发挥出来的威能却还是差了许多。不过海怪的数量实在太多,远非这一点人类高手能够抵御。 Sets on fire......” “放火……” Intelligent humanity lit here houses under the threat of death, under the threaten of that flaming fire, Sea Monster haughty has restrained finally. 聪明的人类在死亡的威胁下点燃了这里的房舍,在那熊熊大火的威迫之下,海怪们的狂傲终于是有所收敛。 Giant and straight black smoke from houses billowing, looked like approximately good the signal was common, that several human rallying points near island shore has ignited such black smoke. Somewhat formed has counted the hundred years scale the rallying point like this to be committed to flames by a fire. 巨大而笔直的黑烟从房舍之上滚滚而起,就像是一个约好了的信号一般,在海岛岸边附近的那几个人类聚集点都燃起了这样的黑烟。有些形成了数百年规模的聚集点就这样被一把火付之一炬。 When Zhuang Munan and the others rushed to a shore biggest agglomeration, on their faces has been full of the anger. 庄沐楠等人赶到了岸边其中一个最大的聚集地之时,他们的脸上已经是充满了愤怒。 The foray of Sea Monster has stemmed from anybody's unexpected absolutely, in the beforehand that many years, has not heard similar matter occurrence, therefore they after seeing the mutation in sea, evacuated the shore all people merely, but has not shifted to the islands. 海怪们的突然袭击绝对的出乎了任何人的意料之外,在以前的那么多年中,从来就没有听说过类似的事情发生,所以他们在见到了海中的异变之后,仅仅是将所有人撤离了岸边而并没有转移到岛屿内部。 If they can one step move into the islands these people first, then this casualties can avoid absolutely. 如果他们能够先一步将这些人迁入岛屿内部,那么这种伤亡绝对可以避免。 After all, big of entire Colored Glaze Island was known as that the Southern Border first big island, will not be slightly inferior in Eastern Sea Penglai Immortal Island. If carries over islands center these people, then these come from Open Sea, how most also can only carry on Sea Monster that the short distance walks on the land regardless of also the impossible coming ashore storm. 毕竟,整个琉璃岛之大号称南疆第一大岛,丝毫也不会逊色于东海蓬莱仙岛。如果将这些人移向岛屿中心,那么这些来自于外海,最多也仅能够在陆地上进行短程行走的海怪们无论如何也不可能上岸强袭了。 Watches the present piece in confusion, since a Zhuang Munan suddenly long and loud cry, leapt yellow radiance from his body, bound him to fly the upper air, his finger slightly point, in addition together radiance immediately like flying to puncture. 看着眼前的这一片狼藉,庄沐楠豁然一声长啸,从他的身上腾起了一道黄色光芒,裹着他飞上了高空,他的手指微微一点,另一道光芒顿时是如飞般的刺了下来。 This is Light of Divine Weapon of Five Qi Great Venerable, that said the great strength of powerful ability radiance has, absolutely is unthinkable, has delimited in the ground gently, throws over is being similar to the heavy armor common lobster monster, is that thick-skinned meat coarse alligators, or is any strange Sea Monster, was stirred the fragment under this sharp radiance. 这就是五气大尊者的神兵之光,那道光芒所拥有的威能之强大,绝对是匪夷所思,在地面上轻轻划过,无论是披着如同重甲一般的龙虾怪兽,还是那皮厚肉糙的鳄鱼们,或者是什么稀奇古怪的海怪,都在这一道亮丽的光芒之下被搅成了碎片。 The strength of Five Qi Great Venerable has released in this moment completely. 五气大尊者的力量在这一刻完全的释放了出来。 Li Yajing waving gently, has appeared from her hand Nine Dragons Stove, that fire hole opens slightly, eight fire dragons shoot up to the sky, dyed the sky of this region has been similar to the blood smudged bright red. 厉雅静轻轻的一挥手,从她的手上现出了九龙炉,那炉口微微张开,八条火龙冲天而起,将这一片区域的天空染成了如同鲜血涂抹般的鲜红色。 If the list discussed by the might, although Li Yajing grasps Divine Item's copy Nine Dragons Stove, but is actually not able to contend with Zhuang Munan of Five Qi Great Venerable, however when facing a large number of Sea Monster, powerful ability that eight fire dragons released truly was beyond comparison. 若是单以威力而论,厉雅静虽然是手持仿制神器九龙炉,但却也无法与五气大尊者的庄沐楠抗衡,但是在面对着数量众多的海怪之时,八条火龙所释放出来的威能确实是无以伦比。 In comparison, Li Jiangfeng and Hua Ruijin Martial Dao cultivation level, although is similarly formidable, in striking to kill in the speed of monster not to be actually able with them to place on a par. 相比之下,厉江峰华瑞金武道修为虽然同样强大,但是在击杀怪兽的速度上却是无法与他们两个相提并论。 Is among the moments, here Sea Monster quantity sharp decline, insufficient to fear again. 仅仅是片刻之间,这里的海怪数量已经锐减,再也不足为惧了。 However their several people know, although they have hit these Sea Monster pressure at this moment, but this has been of little significance. 不过他们几人都知道,虽然此刻他们将这些海怪们的气势打了下去,但这已经是无关大局了。 suddenly, transmitted one from the distant place has been similar to the mountain peak general tremendous pressure, this gang of pressure huge making one was hard to imagine. 豁然,从远方传来了一股如同山峰一般的巨大压力,这股压力庞大的令人难以想象。 The Zhuang Munan complexion changes immediately, his vision carried over the front, and subconscious flies toward a higher sky. When facing these came from the monster of deep sea, toward the high in the sky flight always right. Because is at according to him, which deep sea Saint Beast did not have to have flight ability. 庄沐楠的脸色顿时大变,他的目光移向了前方,并且下意识的向着更高的天空飞去。在面对这些来自于深海的怪兽之时,向着高空中飞行总是没错的。因为据他所在,还没有哪只深海圣兽能够拥有飞行的能力 Afterward, this flight in the sky powerhouse saw immediately made his alarmed and afraid to extreme one. 随后,这位飞行在天空中的强者立即看见了令他惊惧的到了极点的一幕。 Length of body ten zhang (3.33 m) eight foot giant beast, were treading the powerful step in their directions good. 一只体长十丈的八足巨兽,正踏着有力的步伐向着他们的方向行了过来。 This only giant beast build so huge, however its movement is actually not slow, flexible is similar to rabbit, that eight terrifying great leg trod above the ground, linked a pit not to step on unexpectedly. The weight of as if on these eight legs undertaking is not that ten zhang (3.33 m) jumbo, but is one light , if no thing housefly. 这只巨兽的体型如此的庞大,但是它的动作却是一点儿也不慢,灵活的如同一只兔子似的,那八只恐怖的巨腿踏在了地面之上,竟然连一个坑也没有踩出来。似乎这八条腿上所承担的重量并不是那十丈的巨无霸,而是一个轻若无物的蚊蝇似的。 Zhuang Munan in the eyes flashed through one to fear intent, why did not know, when seeing first of this monster, he has an extreme frightened feeling, previously also only had on the body of Colored Glaze Old Ancestor, he had similar feeling. 庄沐楠眼中闪过了一丝惧意,不知为何,在见到这只怪兽的第一眼之时,他就有着一种极端恐惧的感觉,昔曰也唯有在琉璃老祖的身上,他才有过类似的感觉。 A vision revolution, he takes the bull by the horns, shouted to clear the way fierce: Walks quickly......” 目光一转,他当机立断,厉声喝道:“快走……” The formidable sound was similar to the thunder thunderclap has made a sound, has exploded toward the front unceasingly. 强大的声音如同雷霆霹雳般的响了起来,向着前方不断的炸了过去。 Is getting rid to strike to kill to come ashore Sea Monster three Venerable is in the heart one cold, can make Zhuang Munan without hesitation called these words, obviously that huge pressure that came from the front definitely is far from they can resist. 正在出手击杀上岸海怪的三位尊者都是心中一凛,能够让庄沐楠毫不犹豫的叫出这句话,可见从前方而来的那股庞大气势肯定远非他们能够抵御的。 Because of they several getting rid, therefore the human casualties of this foothold are not big, and under the Colored Glaze Island juniors' guidance, runs toward in island. 因为他们几个的出手,所以这个据点的人类伤亡并不大,并且在琉璃岛子弟的引导下,朝着内岛跑去。 The people saw a moment ago that pitiful one, knows that at this time is the crucial moment, reckless goes forward along with the tide of people. 人们都看到了刚才那凄惨的一幕,知道此时乃是生死关头,不顾一切的随着人潮前进。 When they strike has killed most Sea Monster, here almost did not have the live person. 所以在他们击杀了大半的海怪之时,这里已经几乎没有活人了。 Li Jiangfeng sinking sound track: Yajing, has burnt here.” 厉江峰沉声道:“雅静,烧了这里。” Li Yajing has complied with one in a soft voice, here is also the Colored Glaze Island property, but in this case, only has its thorough overburning, is the best means. 厉雅静轻声的应了一声,这里也是琉璃岛的财产,但是在这种情况下,也唯有将其彻底烧毁,才是最好的办法。 Not can only burn massive Sea Monster, but can also leave behind a sea of fire, all comes to pursue the terrifying enemy who to resist beside the sea of fire. 不但可以将大量的海怪烧死,而且还可以留下一片火海,将所有前来追击的恐怖敌人抵挡在火海之外。 Then is dancing in the air in half in the sky eight fire dragons toward occupying the private residence curl, instantaneously already all ignitions, and was involved in this giant flame. 那在半空中飞舞着的八条火龙朝着居民房卷去,瞬间就已经将一切点燃,并且卷入了这场巨大的火焰之中。 After seeing all flame continually a piece, three people turn head without hesitation, runs toward the rear area. 在看到了所有的火焰连成了一片之后,三人毫不犹豫的回头,向着后方跑去。 Meanwhile, Li Yajing partly turns around, that eight fire dragons escaped immediately into Nine Dragons Stove, and submerged her body. 同时,厉雅静半转身,那八条火龙顿时遁入了九龙炉之内,并且没入了她的身体。 Wants the Nine Dragons Stove release, and controlling eight fire dragons, regarding her are also an enormous burden. Now flees nears, naturally must receive it. 想要将九龙炉释放,并且艹控八条火龙,对于她而言也是一个极大的负担。如今逃离在即,当然要将之收回来了。 However, in this moment, wind has blown...... 然而,就在这一刻,一股风刮了过来…… This is an evil influence, a fabrication, sudden wind. 这是一股邪风,一股无中生有,突然出现的风。 This wind from the beginning very small, but merely is instantaneously became quite huge, and has formed giant tornado, numerous has blown this sea of fire, in this huge in a sea of fire has blown out exceedingly high Grand Dao (Main street) continually stiffly. 这股风一开始还是十分的微小,但仅仅是瞬间就已经变得相当庞大,并且形成了一条巨大的龙卷风,重重的刮过了这一片火海,在这巨大的连成了一片的火海之中硬生生的吹出了一条通天大道 A huge body from this Grand Dao (Main street), this is terrifying giant beast, its pair huge is similar to the copper bell eye is flashing a bloodthirsty none remaining. 一股庞大的身躯从这条大道中走了出来,这是一只恐怖的巨兽,它的一双巨大的如同铜铃般的眼睛闪动着一丝嗜血的精光。 Is seeing that moment of this monster, Li Jiangfeng three people of in the heart same has been full of the fear, their bodies suddenly one stiff, such as falling icehouse is also again hard to move. At this moment, they understand finally why Zhuang Munan must make them leave reckless. 在见到这只怪兽的那一刻,厉江峰三人的心中同样的充满了恐惧,他们的身体骤然一僵,如坠冰窖般的再也难以动弹。这一刻,他们终于明白,为何庄沐楠要不顾一切的让他们离开了。 The eye pupil of monster took a look to them, that look looked like humanity that kept aloof looks to ants, without any sentiment. 怪兽的眼眸瞅向了他们,那眼神就像是高高在上的人类看向一只蝼蚁似的,没有任何的感情。 The time, the monster publicized that to be only covered with has been similar to the dagger mouth, a formidable suction has sent from its mouth. 时候,怪兽张大了那只长满了如同匕首般的嘴巴,一股强大的吸力从它的口中发了出来。 The Li Jiangfeng three people simultaneously sinking waist saddle horse, they want resisting strongly. However, this suction so is intense and inconceivable, even if they, in the front of this strength, as if also becomes radically irresistibly. 厉江峰三人同时沉腰坐马,他们想要竭力的抵挡。然而,这股吸力却是如此的强烈而不可思议,纵然是他们,在这股力量的面前,似乎也变得根本就无法抵抗。 Their involuntary turns toward flushes away, although they want to release respective Divine Weapon, but around the body by the strength of thorough package this wind, unexpectedly continually the strength could not actually be displayed. 他们身不由己的向着冲去,虽然他们想要释放出各自神兵,但是身周却被这股风之力彻底包裹,竟然连一点儿的力量都施展不出。 Saw that giant monster mouth is near at hand, their complexions pale did not have slightly the scarlet. 眼看那巨大的怪兽嘴巴近在咫尺,他们三人的脸色都是惨白的没有了丝毫血色。 They cannot think in any event that they will die a violent death unexpectedly in this manner. 他们无论如何都想不到,自己竟然会以这种方式死于非命。 However, at this time, their at present, white light dodges...... 然而,此时,他们的眼前,白光一闪…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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