MG :: Volume #6

#268: Sea monster attack

Above the boundless sea, the mighty waves tumble, the rough sea waves are dreadful. 苍茫大海之上,波涛翻滚,巨浪滔天。 Although in the sky ten thousand li (0.5km) not clouds that a piece of sunny fine weather, above that sea level, was dark Tao is however turbulent, has filled the infinite crisis. 虽然天空之中万里无云,一片晴朗的好天气,但是在那海面之上,却是暗涛汹涌,充满了无穷的危机。 Colored Glaze Island various coast quarters had the guarding personnel to return to the island, approached in 30 zhang (3.33 m) of seashore not to have any person's shadow again, in the harbor the previously busy picture has never to return. 琉璃岛的沿岸各处所有驻守人员全部返回了岛内,靠近海边的30丈之内再也没有了任何人影,海港上昔曰忙碌的景象已经是一去不复返了。 However, two person's shadows actually in this moment towering arrived at the seashore from the island, they look that in the sea level that broke to pieces that giant crack of plank and shore harbor, the facial expression on face was ugly. 然而,两道人影却在这一刻突兀的从岛内来到了海边,他们看着海面上那碎成了一块块的木板和岸边港口的那一道道巨大裂缝,脸上的神情都是难看之极。 Father, these Sea Monster were also too hateful.” Li Yajing gets angry: They link all sea boats to destroy unexpectedly completely, the loss of this humble sect may too be really big.” “爹,这些海怪们也太可恶了。”厉雅静怒道:“它们竟然连所有的海船都破坏殆尽,这一次本门的损失可真的太大了。” Li Jiangfeng shaking the head slowly, said: These time was also the unfortunate great good fortune, if were not the morning of Brother Jin discovery, making all disciples urgently withdraw to the island, then we lost no longer was some sea boats, but was in the gate the massive disciples.” 厉江峰缓缓的摇着头,道:“这一次也算是不幸中的大幸了,如果不是金兄发现的早,让所有的弟子们都紧急撤回岛内的话,那么我们损失的就不再是一些海船,而是门中大量的弟子了。” The Li Yajing delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly, sighed lightly: Cannot think that retaliation hearts of these Sea Monster unexpectedly so intense, they encircled the island to have the Yitian│one day time, does not know when will retreat.” 厉雅静秀眉微微皱了一下,轻叹道:“想不到这些海怪的报复心竟然如此的强烈,它们围岛已经有一天的时间了,不知道什么时候才会退去。” Li Jiangfeng smiles bitterly, said: This is Open Sea Saint Beast first time makes to encircle the behavior of island, how long time god knows can. Our slowly.” He, said: We have emitted hawk in any case, making humble sect disciples outside do not approach, perhaps they will encircle the island on own initiative to evacuate some time.” 厉江峰苦笑一声,道:“这是外海圣兽们第一次做出围岛的行为,天知道会有多长的时间。我们慢慢的等吧。”他顿了顿,道:“反正我们已经放出了飞鹰,让本门在外的弟子们不要靠近,或许它们围岛一段时间就会主动撤离了。” Li Yajing helpless [say / way]: Hopes so.” 厉雅静无奈的道:“但愿如此。” Her vision revolution, had discovered likely anything resembles looked to the sea level. 她目光一转,象是发现了什么似的看向了海面。 In this moment, a shadow suddenly leaps from the sea, was similar to flies same shooting at to the arrow of string Li Yajing. 就在这一刻,一条黑影从海中骤然跃出,如同离弦之箭般飞一样的射向了厉雅静 This is a Open Sea flying fish, has formidable bouncing ability, the mouth sharp length of body, can leap the water surface to attack the enemy from the sea water suddenly. 这是外海一种飞鱼,拥有强大的弹跳能力,嘴尖体长,可以从海水中突然跃出水面攻击敌人。 Li Yajing does not return, she lifts a hand point, a little sparks referred to flying from her lush jade, this point sparks did not seem any might, but bumped into that flying fish to burn immediately violently, looked like lights all fat of this flying fish within the body to be the same with the fat directly, merely was among the moments, turned into one group of ashes it. 厉雅静头也不回,她抬手一点,一点儿的火星从她的芊芊玉指中飞了出来,这一点火星看上去没有任何威力,但一碰到那条飞鱼顿时猛烈的燃烧了起来,就像是直接点燃了这条飞鱼体内的所有脂肪和油脂一样,仅仅是片刻之间,就已经将其变成了一团灰烬。 However, coming out of this flying fish merely is a start, in the next quarter, the minimum over a thousand flying fish flushed from the sea, is similar to myriad arrow rain general toward father and daughter burr. 然而,这一条飞鱼的出来仅仅是一个开始,就在下一刻,起码上千条飞鱼从海中冲了出来,如同万千箭雨一般的朝着他们父女两人飞刺而来。 These flying fish unexpectedly so maneating, rather flies the ashore, must strike to kill here person of appearance completely. This suicide -type attack truly made a person in the heart round of disobedience. 这些飞鱼竟然是如此的凶悍,宁肯飞到岸上,也要将这里露面之人全部击杀。这种自杀式的攻击确实令人心中发忤。 The Li Yajing complexion slightly changes, however her subordinate is actually not slow, the delicate hands lifted rapidly quickly, huge strength strength of fire has filled the air in her around the body. 厉雅静的脸色微微一变,但是她的手下却是丝毫不慢,纤手迅快的抬了起来,一股庞大的力量火之力在她的身周弥漫了起来。 Afterward, left that command all person Venerables to envy Divine Item's copy Nine Dragons Stove in her hand. The fire hole opens rapidly, a fire dragon brought huge pressure to clash suddenly. 随后,在她的手上多出了那件令所有人尊者们羡慕不已的仿制神器九龙炉。炉口迅速打开,一条火龙带着庞大的气势猛然冲了出来。 Instantaneous, turned into one group of seas of fire in her front. 瞬间,在她的面前就已经变成了一团火海。 These flushed ashore the flying fish that look like like a moth to the flame have crashed in this sea of fire, looked like in sprinkles entering the sea water that in the fierce flame kept, has exuded the sound of resounding rupturing. The flame in sea of fire elevates from time to time suddenly, that is the massive schools of fish after was melted by the fire dragon instantaneously the result. 那些冲上岸的飞鱼们就像是飞蛾扑火般的冲进了这一片火海之中,就像是在剧烈的火焰中不停的泼入海水似的,发出了响亮的爆裂之声。火海中的火焰时而骤然升高,那是大量的鱼群在瞬间被火龙消融之后的结果。 In these seas flying fish, although is cut-throat, but actually is just one crowd of most common fish, nature far impossible is Venerable rank the enemy of Li Yajing, let alone also has Divine Item's copy Nine Dragons Stove in her hand, was used to cook these flying fish to use a talented person in an insignificant position absolutely. 这些海中飞鱼虽然凶狠,但却只不过是一群最普通不过的鱼类,自然远不可能尊者级别的厉雅静之敌,更何况在她的手上还有着仿制神器九龙炉,用来烧这些飞鱼绝对是大材小用了。 However, released formidable strength of fire in Li Yajing, these sea fish prevented completely, when beside flame, formidable pressure leapt suddenly, together black was similar to the long whip same object broke through the blockade of strength of fire stiffly, pulling out like lightning before the body of Li Yajing. 然而,就在厉雅静释放出了强大火之力,将这些海鱼全部阻挡在火焰之外的时候,一股强大的气势陡然腾起,一道黑色的如同长鞭一样的物体已经硬生生的突破了火之力的封锁,闪电般的抽到了厉雅静的身前。 This is a whisker of huge Sea Monster, floated from the coastline unexpectedly, after these flying fish attracted the attention of Li Yajing, started suddenly fatal strikes. 这是一只巨大海怪的触须,竟然从海岸线附近浮了上来,在那些飞鱼吸引了厉雅静的视线之后,发动了突如其来的致命一击。 The Li Yajing complexion slightly changes, her response is actually not slow, the wrist|skill in a flash, Divine Item's copy Nine Dragons Stove in hand kept off in her front slightly. 厉雅静的脸色微微一变,不过她的反应却是丝毫不慢,手腕微微一晃,手中的仿制神器九龙炉就挡在了她的面前。 That giant tentacle after piercing flame, pounding maliciously to Nine Dragons Stove's copy above. 那条巨大的触手在刺穿了火焰之后,狠狠的砸到了仿制九龙炉之上。 The formidable strength made Li Yajing retrocede several steps, but that only Sea Monster actually even more had bad luck. 强大的力量让厉雅静都是为之后退了数步,但是那只海怪却是愈发的倒霉了。 Nine Dragons Stove in this moment released unexpectedly formidable to the extreme quantity of heat, making that not have protection Sea Monster to eat one to owe greatly. Formidable strength of fire passed to above the tentacle, immediately burnt burnt a section the entire tentacle. 九龙炉在这一刻竟然释放出了强大的到了极点的热量,让那条没有防备的海怪吃了一个大亏。强大的火之力传到了触手之上,顿时将整个触手都烫焦了一截。 Greatly filled painful howling sound to upload from the sea level, afterward this tentacle shrank at the unequalled speed. 一道巨大的充满了痛苦的嚎叫声从海面上传了出来,随后这条触手以无与伦比的速度缩了回去。 The Li Jiangfeng complexion changes, he said hastily: We walk.” 厉江峰的脸色微变,他连忙道:“我们走。” Li Yajing complied with one, wrist|skill rocked slightly, that fire dragon returned to Nine Dragons Stove. In their, is raging fire faces upwards, when Saint Beast in sea level gather together, the Li Family father and daughter already disappeared without a trace. 厉雅静应了一声,手腕微微晃动之间,那条火龙已经回归九龙炉之内。在他们的身后,更是一片烈火朝天,当海面上的圣兽们汇聚一堂之时,厉家父女早就不知去向了。 Left the coastline by far, the Li Yajing delicate eyebrows micro wrinkle, said: Father, these Sea Monster Saint Beast were too sly, is not good to deal with.” 远远的离开了海岸线,厉雅静的秀眉微皱,道:“爹,这些海怪圣兽太狡猾了,不好应付啊。” Li Jiangfeng nod slightly, said: These Sea Monster to retaliate to come, in the sea that their strengths far from usually meet Saint Beast can compare, including several intelligent, is nothing unusual.” Sighed one lightly, his helpless [say / way]: Cannot think these Open Sea Saint Beast unexpectedly are such of one mind, after was hunted and killed one batch by us, will understand unexpectedly a set bigger strength comes to retaliate.” 厉江峰微微的点着头,道:“这些海怪是为了报复而来,它们的实力远非平时所遇到的海中圣兽能够比拟,其中有几条聪慧一点的,也不足为奇。”轻叹了一声,他无奈的道:“想不到这些外海圣兽们竟然是如此的齐心,在被我们猎杀了一批之后,竟然会懂得集合更大的力量前来报复。” On face that Li Yajing that slightly reveals the heroic spirit broke into a smiles suddenly, said: Father, Uncle Hua surname was luckily anxious, supervising the disciples to be similar, if not so, this loss that in one day these Sea Monster the corpses will process may be bigger.” 厉雅静那略显英气的脸庞上突地展现出了一丝笑容,道:“爹,幸好华师伯姓子焦急,督促弟子们在一曰内将原先那些海怪的尸身们处理的差不多了,若非如此,这一次的损失可就更大了。” Li Jiangfeng speechless laughs in spite of trying not, said: Senior Brother Hua is also wants as soon as possible takes out Saint Beast Core and these most precious material counts, transfers to Venerables one, has not thought that bumped into has avoided a bigger loss unexpectedly, was the unfortunate great good fortune. But unfortunately, the corpse of part of Sea Monster Saint Beast drew in the sea......” he to shake the head, a regret of face, the Saint Beast corpse has to be hard to describe the value, making his in the heart quite not abandon. 厉江峰哑然失笑,道:“华师兄也是想要尽快将圣兽内丹和那些最珍贵的材料取出统计一下,给各位尊者们一个交待,没想到误打误撞竟然避免了更大的损失,也算是不幸中的大幸了。但可惜的是,还是一部分的海怪圣兽的尸身被拖入了海中……”他摇了摇头,一脸的遗憾,圣兽的尸体有着难以形容价值,让他心中颇为不舍。 The Li Yajing vision looked at one in the direction of islands center, said: Is a pity now Old Ancestor not on island, moreover Great Venerable Zhuang does not allow us to start the strength of volcano, how could otherwise these Sea Monster encircle the island to be successful.” 厉雅静的目光朝着岛屿中心的方向望了一眼,道:“可惜如今老祖宗不在岛上,而且庄大尊者也不允许我们发动火山之力,否则这些海怪们又岂能围岛成功。” Li Jiangfeng smiles bitterly, he sighed one lightly, said: Brother He entered below grotto to have four days, but throughout has not actually come back, was really anxious.” 厉江峰苦笑一声,他轻叹一声,道:“贺兄弟进入下方岩洞之中已经有四天的时间了,但却始终没有回来,真是令人担忧。” The corners of the mouth of Li Yajing have cast aside slightly, but to today, she was sincerely convinced regarding the He Yiming strength, did not have any too big envy again. 厉雅静的嘴角微微的撇了一下,不过到了今天,她对于贺一鸣的实力已经是心服口服,再也没有了什么太大的妒忌。 Father, what you raise him to make, by his strength, can make these Sea Monster Saint Beast depart? „ Li Jiangfeng straight look saying: „ The Brother He strength is perhaps bad, but he powerful ability that if riding white horse Thunder Lightning, has definitely is the no small matter, even not under human peak powerhouse. Has him to assist in the one side, when can in Saint Beast to these seas create a more formidable pressure.” “爹爹,您提他做什么,难道以他一人之力,就能够让这些海怪圣兽们离去么?“厉江峰正容道:“贺兄弟的实力或许不济,但他若是骑上白马雷电,所拥有的威能肯定是非同小可,甚至于不会在人类巅峰强者之下。有他在一旁相助,当能给这些海中圣兽们带来更加强大的压力。” Li Yajing whispered in a soft voice a anything, afterward no longer spoke. 厉雅静轻声的嘀咕了一句什么,随后就不再说话了。 After He Yiming and white horse Thunder Lightning returns, the people knew this men and horse combination formidable powerful ability. If He Yiming can make white horse lend a hand to assist, regarding Colored Glaze Island, is rare formidable helping. 贺一鸣白马雷电回返之后,众人就都知道这人马组合的强大威能了。若是贺一鸣能够让白马出手相助,对于琉璃岛而言,将是一个不可多得的强大臂助。 But unfortunately, after He Yiming enters the mountain Dedong hole, although that white horse Thunder Lightning in the disciples with Colored Glaze Cave has not opposed, but also ignores regarding other people. 但可惜的是,在贺一鸣进入山底洞穴之后,那白马雷电虽然没有与琉璃洞中的弟子们作对,但是对于其他人也是不理不睬。 It as if understands the He Yiming whereabouts, therefore not any irritable performance. 它似乎明白贺一鸣的去向,所以并没有任何急躁的表现。 As one with Mortal Dao peak powerhouse super Saint Beast of side by side, can here maintain peaceful, was quite great, but wants to count on it in He Yiming not in the situation helps the Colored Glaze Island getting rid imperial enemy, that did not have anybody to dare to expect. 作为一头与人道巅峰强者比肩的超级圣兽,能够在这里保持安静,已经是相当的了不起了,但想要指望它在贺一鸣不在的情况下帮助琉璃岛出手御敌,那就没有任何人敢于奢望了。 The father and daughter returned to Colored Glaze Cave quickly, here, Zhuang Munan and Hua Ruijin already were waited there for some time. 他们父女两人很快的回到了琉璃洞之内,在这里,庄沐楠华瑞金早就是恭候多时了。 Li Jiangfeng saw to say completely, when heard in these seas Saint Beast actually to have extremely Gao Zhihui, and after having greatly did not fold not the bountiful encirclement island determination, on these two faces is not quite attractive. 厉江峰将刚才的所见全部说了出来,当听到这些海中圣兽们竟然拥有着极高智慧,并且大有不折不饶的围岛决心之后,这两位的脸上都不太好看了。 The Hua Ruijin anger snort|hum, said: These fellows were really too hateful, since they so did not know the limitation, after Old Ancestor returned, must strike to kill them completely, did not remain.” 华瑞金怒哼一声,道:“这些家伙们实在是太可恨了,既然它们如此不识相,等到老祖回返之后,一定要将它们全部击杀,一个不留。” Zhuang Munan suspended slightly started, sinking sound track: These Sea Monster, although is formidable, but since cannot come ashore, that does not need extremely in caring. In our island produces self sufficient, even if were stranded does not have any issue for several years. However......” on his face has flashed through a swift and fierce chill in the air, said: If they do not know the limitation, then Sir Sect Master definitely also will make an exception the prestige of use volcano, catches the whole lot in a dragnet them.” 庄沐楠微微的摆了一下手,沉声道:“这些海怪虽然强大,但既然不能上岸,那也就不用太过于在意。我们岛上自产自足,就算是被困数年也没有任何问题。不过……”他的脸上闪过了一丝凌厉的寒意,道:“若是它们真的不识相,那么宗主大人肯定也会破例动用火山之威,将它们一网打尽。” Several Venerable one after another nod, but they know, before Colored Glaze Old Ancestor has not returned, depends on their these manpower, is unable how these huge quantity of Sea Monster Saint Beast. 几位尊者相继点头,不过他们都知道,在琉璃老祖没有回返之前,就凭他们这些人手,是根本无法奈何这些数量庞大的海怪圣兽 , Transmitted one to be full of the dignified pressure roaring sound from the distant place suddenly greatly resonantly. 霍然间,从远方传来了一道巨大嘹亮而充满了威严气势的怒吼声。 This roared together has spread over the entire islands instantaneously, in the heart of all people intensely were vibrating, looked like some people roars near their ears suddenly loudly, the beckoning god swung. 这一道怒吼瞬间传遍了整个岛屿,所有人的心中都是强烈的震动着,就像是有人突然在他们的耳边大声吼叫似的,让人心动神摇。 Several Venerable complexions also change, is always steady, is always confident Zhuang Munan is face look changes quite ugly. 几位尊者的脸色同时大变,就连向来稳重,从来都是自信十足的庄沐楠都是脸色变得颇为难看。 [Say / Way] that impossible......” he muttered: This is the top Saint Beast strength, is for several thousand years, as if never has this level Sea Monster to enter the inland sea.” 不可能……”他喃喃的道:“这是顶尖圣兽的力量,可是数千年来,似乎从来就没有这种级数海怪进入内海。” Can make this Five Qi Great Venerable have this dizziness feeling, feared that also only had to achieve this grade of Realm Saint Beast. 能够让他这个五气大尊者也产生这种眩晕感觉的,怕是也唯有达到了这等境界圣兽了。 Several people have looked one, saw each other in the eyes deep worry, after knowing Open Sea Saint Beast presented this grade of powerhouse, they that strong confidence also enormously was attacked. 几人对望了一眼,都看到了彼此眼中深深的担忧,在得知外海圣兽中出现了这等强者之后,他们原先那强烈的信心也受到了极大的冲击。 The personal appearance flashes, they left Colored Glaze Cave, goes toward direction running that the sound conveys. 身形闪动之间,他们已经是离开了琉璃洞,向着声音传来的方向奔行而去。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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