MG :: Volume #6

#267: The strength and variation fire dragon god

Outward shift strength from Five Elements Ring, naturally was just in strength of fire and strength of wood that in Five Elements Ring condenses becomes. 五行环之内向外转移的力量,自然就是刚刚在五行环之内凝聚而成的火之力木之力了。 In feeling these two strengths escaped to enter Chaos Dantian after Five Elements Ring, He Yiming in the heart has also been full of the doubt. 在感到了这两股力量从五行环之内遁出而进入混沌丹田之后,贺一鸣心中也是充满了狐疑。 Naturally, he did not worry that his Dantian, has many residents in his Dantian in any case at this moment, the debt many people did not worry that the technique many does not press the body, even if comes several residents again, He Yiming only will also treat lightly. 当然,他并不担心自己的丹田,反正此刻在他的丹田之内已经有着不少的住客了,正所谓债多人不愁,技多不压身,哪怕是再来几个住客,贺一鸣也只会等闲视之。 However, regarding these two new residents, He Yiming harbors a curious heart, his attention quick centralized to Dantian. 不过,对于这两个新的住客,贺一鸣还是怀着一丝好奇之心,他的注意力很快的就集中到了丹田之中。 These two strengths after leaving Five Elements Ring, is the same with several other strengths, such peaceful stay in Dantian, and is absorbing that Strength of Chaos in Dantian slowly. The speed that but they absorb is not fast, has not had any negative influence to He Yiming Martial Dao cultivation level similarly, therefore He Yiming has not cared about these things. 这两股力量在离开了五行环之后,和其它的几种力量一样,就这样安静的停留在丹田之内,并且缓缓的吸收着丹田内的那混沌之力。只不过它们吸收的速度并不快,对于贺一鸣武道修为同样不曾造成任何负面的影响,所以贺一鸣也就不曾在意这些东西了。 However, quick, He Yiming felt that some do not suit. 然而,很快的,贺一鸣就感到有些不对劲了。 Now had many residents in his Dantian, Divine Weapon class resident besides Five Elements Ring, but also has Black Tortoise Shell and Aurora Sword. 如今在他的丹田中已经有了不少的住客,神兵类的住客除了五行环之外,还有着玄龟壳极光之剑 They occupied a corner hovering in Dantian, seems like waiting for the order, warrior that prepares to attack at any time is ordinary, is passing one share stern aura. 它们占据了一个角落悬停在丹田之中,就像是在等待着命令,随时准备出击的战士一般,透着一股子的森严气息。 In addition, that leaves Light Stregth that the place of samsara absorbs, in Ghost Cry Mountain Range to absorb gloomy Yin Evil Qi. These strengths likely have are reading the consciousness of strength to be ordinary, occupy in some corner, in own way slowly is expanding. But approaches the Yin Evil Qi place, but also has He Yiming not to know how to enter Solidified Blood Person. 此外,还有那离开轮回之地所吸收的光明力量,和在鬼哭岭吸纳的灰暗的阴煞之气。这些力量都象是拥有着读力的意识一般,盘踞在某一个角落,以自己的方式慢慢的壮大着。而靠近阴煞之气的地方,还有着一个连贺一鸣也不知道如何进入其中的凝血人 Passed through more than one year convalescing, Solidified Blood Person Ashen Relic recovered completely, but its strength as if has exhausted, although unceasing in to absorb Strength of Chaos in Dantian, but compared in initial consuming, that was nothing to speak. 经过了这一年多的疗养,凝血人身上的舍利子已经全部复原,只是它身上的力量似乎已经耗尽,虽然不断的在吸纳丹田中的混沌之力,可是相比于当初的耗损,那就是不值一提了。 In has not obtained under enough great power supplement, this Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person estimate was hard to leave this place. 在没有得到足够的强大力量补充之下,这个神道凝血人估计是难以离开此地了。 In Dantian, exists besides the above these, a very formidable strength, that is he in divine power of earth that in Spiritual Heaven Treasure Temple Reaching Heaven Treasure Pagoda absorbs to come. 丹田中,除了上面的这些存在之外,还有一个非常强大的力量,那就是他在灵霄宝殿通天宝塔之内所吸收而来的土之神力 This is true power of god, moreover is only power of god that he can utilize. 这是真正的神之力,而且也是他能够运用出来的唯一的神之力 Below Divine Dao, as if also only had these Mortal Dao peak powerhouses to grasp a little power of god. 神道以下,似乎也唯有那些人道巅峰的强者们才掌握了一点儿的神之力 He Yiming and Underworld Old Ancestor and Franklin have fought, ask for advice that different Attribute power of god that they have, therefore he is clear, on the powerhouses of their this grade of rank, definitely is having certain amount of power of god. But this quantity are extremely few, moreover is unable the powerful ability thorough display in power of god. 贺一鸣黄泉老祖弗兰克林都交过手,领教过他们所拥有的那一丝不同属姓神之力,所以他非常清楚,在他们这等级别的强者身上,肯定是拥有着一定数量的神之力。只不过这个数量极少,而且也无法将神之力中的威能彻底的发挥出来。 If not so, He Yiming feared that was radically not with the opportunity that they contended with. 若非如此,贺一鸣怕是根本就没有与他们抗衡的机会了。 Since divine power of earth has been one of the He Yiming trump card, but at this moment, this thick heavy divine power of earth starts unexpectedly becomes is ready to make trouble, its initiative in two the new strengths toward Dantian closes up. 土之神力一直以来都是贺一鸣杀手锏之一,但是此刻,这个厚实沉重的土之神力竟然开始变得蠢蠢欲动起来,它主动的朝着丹田中的两股新的力量靠拢。 The He Yiming complexion changes, he is paying attention to the strange change in Dantian cautiously. 贺一鸣的脸色微变,他小心翼翼的关注着丹田之中的奇异变化。 Although this inside resident are many, but a little makes He Yiming feel relieved very that is among them not the intercourse conflict, they are defending their mu three points of place, never provokes other strengths. 这里面的住客虽多,但有一点却让贺一鸣十分放心,那就是它们之间并无往来冲突,它们都是守着自己的那一亩三分地,从不招惹其余的力量。 However, at this moment, this convention seemed broken away from by being relentless. 但是,此刻,这个惯例似乎已经被毫不留情的打破了。 That divine power of earth is moving slowly, is bringing a little golden yellow radiance closes up toward the strength of wood and fire, looks like above these two strengths has any mysterious place to attract it to resemble, stops to ignore including He Yiming Thought. 土之神力慢慢的移动着,带着一点儿金黄色的光芒朝着木与火的力量靠拢,就像是这两种力量之上有着什么神秘之处吸引着它似的,连贺一鸣意念阻拦都是置之不理。 in the heart moves slightly, He Yiming gave up the idea of obstuction, his static is watching. 心中微微一动,贺一鸣放弃了阻扰的想法,他静静的观看着。 Finally, divine power of earth arrived at that two strength circle side, golden yellow ring of light had the slight contact with these two strengths. 终于,土之神力来到了那两股力量的圈子之旁,金黄色的光圈与这两种力量发生了轻微的接触。 In this moment, He Yiming ambitious high has hung. 在这一刻,贺一鸣的心高高的悬了起来。 In the first collisions of these great powers facing Dantian, even if He Yiming has a fearful and apprehensive feeling. 面对丹田内这些强大力量的第一次碰撞,哪怕是贺一鸣都是有着一种胆战心惊的感觉。 However, goes matter that has sufficiently to make He Yiming be overjoyed. 不过,接下去所发生的事情就足以让贺一鸣大喜过望了。 After these three strengths meet, has not caused any Dantian to explode, overstates and other pitiful results, but was these three different strengths started slowly melts in the same place. 当这三股力量相遇之后,并没有引起什么丹田爆炸,走火入魔等凄惨的结果,而是这三股不同的力量开始慢慢的相融在一起了。 They look like initial visible colored, occupied three different positions, radiance melts, has formed a strange whole unexpectedly, to absorb had in Dantian together the Chaos strength. 它们就像是最初的有形之花般,占据了三个不同的方位,彼此之间的光芒相融,竟然形成了一个诡异的整体,一同吸纳丹田混沌力量了。 He Yiming long relaxing, after seeing this, in the heart even therefore delighted wish of He Yiming loudly cried loud and long. 贺一鸣长长的松了一口气,在看到了这一幕之后,贺一鸣心中甚至于是欢喜的想要放声长啸了。 He determined finally that these two strengths unexpectedly were divine power of fire and divine power of wood. 他终于确定,这两股力量竟然就是火之神力木之神力了。 So long as thinks that these two strengths respectively come from this mysterious great volcano and that more inconceivable life Divine Tree, knows that their origins are not simple. 只要想想,这两股力量分别来自于这个神奇的大火山和那更加不可思议的生命神树,就知道它们的来历绝不简单。 However, how regardless of He Yiming in guessed beforehand, cannot think absolutely, these two strengths can be unexpectedly and divine power of earth shoulder to shoulder other two are power of god. 但是,无论贺一鸣在事先如何猜测,也万万想不到,这两股力量竟然会是与土之神力并肩的另外两系神之力 Felt in Dantian these three mutual exchanges power of god, He Yiming in the heart has been filling the intense self-confidence. 感受着丹田中这三股相互交流的神之力,贺一鸣心中充满了强烈的自信。 Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove in these three power of god and Five Elements Ring is different, this is the great power that obeys him to order completely. When he is fighting with the person, suddenly releases power of god, even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, must pay enough price to withdraw to go. 这三股神之力五行环之中的神器九龙炉并不一样,这可是完全听从他命令的强大力量。若是他在与人交手之时,突然将神之力释放出去,哪怕是人道巅峰强者,也要付出足够的代价才能脱身而去。 power of god powerful ability is actually formidable, nobody can experiencing he of war of Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove and Divine Tree again is clearer. 神之力威能究竟有多么强大,再也没有人能够比见识过神器九龙炉树神之战的他更加清楚了。 So long as can release these strengths in Dantian completely, when facing the Mortal Dao peak, he is also not necessarily able to fall in leeward. 只要能够将丹田中的这些力量全部释放,那么在面对人道巅峰之时,他也未必就会落于下风。 Read and this, He Yiming wielded at fingertips, divine power of fire in Dantian was reassigned immediately, in integrated in Five Elements Ring instantaneously. 一念及此,贺一鸣信手一挥,丹田中的火之神力顿时被抽调了出来,并且在瞬间融入了五行环之内。 radiance that Five Elements Ring releases immediately becomes bright red like the fire, this power of god the great strength of powerful ability, unexpectedly stiffly suppressed Five Elements radiance. 五行环所释放出来的光芒顿时变得鲜红如火,这神之力威能之强大,竟然硬生生的将五行光芒都压制了下去。 He Yiming full is enduring patiently, wanted forcefully to constrain the thought that this strength released that type reckless. 贺一鸣全力的忍耐着,将那种想要不顾一切都将这股力量释放出去的念头给强行压抑了下去。 Here, absolutely is not one good place that tries to incur. 这里,绝对不是一个试招的好地方。 Slowly, Five Elements radiance restored the original brilliance, that formidable divine power of fire returns in Dantian once again. 慢慢的,五行光芒恢复了原来的光彩,那强大的火之神力再度回归于丹田之中。 Along with the intention rotation of He Yiming, formidable divine power of wood and divine power of earth also respectively entered Five Elements Ring to stroll, although He Yiming has not released really any strength, but can achieve one step, is makes him be wild with joy. 随着贺一鸣的心念转动,强大的木之神力土之神力也是各自进入五行环逛了一圈,虽然贺一鸣并没有将任何力量真的释放出去,但是能够做到一步,已经是让他大喜若狂了。 Before wanted to borrow divine power of earth time, he only had to display Earth Element Seal Technique, took Raising Heaven Seal as to direct, Overturning Heaven Seal stimulated, can release divine power of earth powerful ability. But at this moment, he only needs to use Five Elements Ring, can borrow these strength of god easily. 以前想要借用土之神力的时候,他唯有施展土系印法,以擎天印为引,翻天印激发,才能将土之神力威能释放出去。可是此刻,他只需要使用五行环,就能够轻易地借用这些神之力量了。 in his heart surged ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) heroic feelings, if this moment Franklin before him, then he without hesitation goes forward to challenge once again. 他的心中涌起了万丈豪情,如果此刻弗兰克林就在他面前的话,那么他会毫不犹豫的再度上前挑战。 Attacks power of god, defends Black Tortoise Shell, even if when facing Mortal Dao peak powerhouse, he does not dread. 攻有神之力,守有玄龟壳,纵然是在面对人道巅峰强者之时,他也是毫不畏惧了。 Shouted......” “呼……” In the rock magma fierce surges, has looked like under has some only huge monster continuous to resemble in surges suddenly. 岩浆之中突地剧烈翻腾了起来,就像是下方有着某只庞大的怪兽在翻腾不休似的。 The He Yiming complexion changes, position that the rock magma surges center, Treasure Pig stays. If this kid has any accident, then he may rude awakening. 贺一鸣脸色微变,岩浆翻腾的中心,正是宝猪停留的位置。如果这个小家伙有什么三长两短,那么他可就是后悔莫及了。 However, He Yiming is in the heart is also strange, a moment ago in the Divine Sense exploration of according to Divine Dao rank, as if here besides him and Treasure Pig, again did not have other lifeform, but this is also He Yiming felt relieved that no longer monitors the Treasure Pig biggest reason. 不过,贺一鸣也是心中怪异,刚才在以神道级别的神念探索之时,似乎这里除了他和宝猪之外,就再也没有了其余的生物,而这也是贺一鸣放心不再监视宝猪的最大原因。 suddenly, that surges rock magma splits, a red form fled. 豁然,那翻腾的岩浆从中裂开,一道红色的身影窜了上来。 When seeing this red form, eye of He Yiming one bright. 在看到这个红色身影之时,贺一鸣的眼睛一亮。 Although Treasure Pig superficial knowledge color changed, but he was one has recognized it. 虽然宝猪身上的皮毛颜色已经变了,但他还是一眼将其认了出来。 Perhaps is the time of because in the rock magma staying was really too long reason, therefore the body of Treasure Pig became the red as blood, the adorable kid at this moment actually appeared the shyness of not being able to say. 或许是因为在岩浆中停留的时间实在是太长了的缘故,所以宝猪的身上变得通红似血,原先可爱的小家伙此刻却显得说不出的怕人。 However, the change on semblance was to let He Yiming merely has gawked, after feeling this moment Treasure Pig has welled up the rushing aura that came crazily, He Yiming in the heart completely felt relieved. 不过,外表上的变化仅仅是让贺一鸣微愣了一下,在感受到了此刻宝猪身上所狂涌而来的澎湃气息之后,贺一鸣心中就完全的放心了。 Although the Treasure Pig aura was inferior at this time as before white horse Thunder Lightning is so fearful, but also infinite approaching was just concise in previously Five Elements Physique Yu Family Old Ancestor. 虽然此时宝猪的气息依旧是远不如白马雷电的那么可怕,但却也已经是无限的接近于昔曰刚刚凝练出五行之体宇家老祖了。 By Innate Skill of kid, so long as the unceasing practice, achieves white horse Thunder Lightning Realm, absolutely is not the difficult matter. 以小家伙的天赋,只要不断的修炼下去,达到白马雷电境界,绝对不是什么难事。 Treasure Pig looked at eye own body, as if also thought that quite ugly, it groans called several, the body braved piece of white radiance suddenly, after this rays of light dissipated, the red on skin retreated all, restored that snow white body. 宝猪看了眼自己的身体,似乎也觉得相当的难看,它哼哼的叫了几声,身上突然冒起了一片白色的光芒,在这道光消散之后,皮肤上的红色已经尽数退却,重新恢复了那雪白的躯体。 Hence, Treasure Pig then grins to smile. 至此,宝猪这才咧嘴而笑。 He Yiming shakes the head slightly, the vision carried over that as before is the surges continuous rock magma. 贺一鸣微微摇头,目光移向了那依旧是翻腾不休的岩浆。 Afterward, he saw a fire dragon shoots up to the sky from the rock magma, after half in the sky has hit an extension, dug in the rock magma. 随后,他看到了一条火龙从岩浆中冲天而起,在半空中打了一个转儿之后,重新扎入了岩浆之中。 The happy expression on the mouth having revealed understanding clearly, Treasure Pig after oneself practice, has emitted Nine-toothed Rake unexpectedly, making that nine fire dragons heartily absorb here is bringing spiritual wisdom strength of fire. 嘴上露出了一丝了然的笑意,宝猪在自己修炼完毕之后,竟然放出了九齿钉耙,让那九条火龙在这里尽情的吸收着带着灵姓火之力 The fire dragon in Nine-toothed Rake also wants formidable many compared with the small fire dragon that He Yiming concise become, after passing through this baptism, immediately has was reborn the change. They are revolving in in the sky, is changing, finally unexpectedly complete melting for a body. 九齿钉耙之中的火龙比起贺一鸣自己凝练而成的小火龙还要强大的多,经过了这番洗礼之后,顿时发生了脱胎换骨般的变化。它们在空中旋转着,不停的变化着,最终竟然完全的融为了一体。 9/9 = 1, turned into a specially giant fire Divine Dragon. 九九归一,变成了一条特别巨大的火中神龙 Although this Divine Dragon is unable in that several old fogies with Nine Dragons Stove to place on a par as before, but also had their several points of style and dignity. 虽然这条神龙依旧是无法与九龙炉中的那几个老家伙相提并论,但却也有了它们的几分风范和威严。 Before Treasure Pig treads , the line, like this treadonned the fire dragon to invest in the rock magma, start to absorb again here inexhaustible strength of fire. 宝猪踏前而行,就这样脚踏着火龙重新投入了岩浆之中,再一次的开始吸纳着这里无穷无尽的火之力量 This time, Treasure Pig and fire dragon stayed in the rock magma fully for three days three nights of time. When Treasure Pig jumps finally, and that moment of the fire dragon receiving, He Yiming in the heart also had intense dreading. 这一次,宝猪和火龙在岩浆中整整停留了三天三夜的时间。当宝猪终于跳上来,并且将火龙收起来的那一刻,就连贺一鸣心中也有了一丝强烈的忌惮。 He has an inexplicable feeling, the strength that this 9/9 = 1 fire dragon has, only feared same has achieved inconceivable Realm...... 他有着一种莫名的感觉,这九九归一的火龙所拥有的力量,只怕同样的达到了不可思议的境界了…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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