MG :: Volume #6

#266: The strong god read

He Yiming induced the mysterious change that in that rock magma on Treasure Pig was having, in the heart fills was surprised and sigh with emotion. 贺一鸣感应着那岩浆中宝猪身上所发生的神奇变化,心中充满了惊讶和感慨。 According to Li Jiangfeng, has Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove He Yiming to enter this place, should be able to gain some advantage. However when now He Yiming has not seen advantage the shadow, Treasure Pig started to absorb from here mysterious hot spiritual wisdom strength. 按照厉江峰所言,拥有着神器九龙炉贺一鸣进入此地,应该能够获得一些好处。但是如今贺一鸣还没有看到好处的影子之时,宝猪就已经开始吸收起来自于这里神秘的火之灵姓力量了。 Slowly, He Yiming has taken back the Divine Sense attention, because he has been able to determine, although here rock magma is violent, but is actually not able to threaten Treasure Pig life, instead has the enormous advantage to its growth. 慢慢的,贺一鸣收回了神念关注,因为他已经可以确定,这里的岩浆虽然猛烈,但却根本就无法威胁到宝猪姓命,反而会对它的成长有着极大的好处。 Such being the case, he did not certainly need to pay attention again. 既然如此,他当然无需再多关注了。 Sat cross-legged to sit above stone platform, He Yiming tranquil looked under that is appearing exceptionally fearsome rock magma class, his eye has shut slowly. 盘膝坐在了石台之上,贺一鸣平静的望着下方那显得异常可怖的岩浆流,他的眼睛慢慢的闭了起来。 His static induction here that mysterious strength of fire. 他静静的感应着这里那神奇的火之力 Faint, he has one premonition, Colored Glaze Old Ancestor does not hesitate ten thousand li (0.5km) to convey a message, making the person bring him to here, only feared that is related with here mysterious strength of fire. 隐隐的,他就是有着一种预感,琉璃老祖不惜万里传话,让人将他带到这里,只怕就是与这里的神奇火之力有关。 Formidable Thought is centered on He Yiming proliferated, he explored this to fill the strength of fire place cautiously. 强大的意念贺一鸣为中心扩散了出去,他小心翼翼的探索着这个充满了火之力的地方。 Similar to the ripples on water surface is ordinary, Thought spreads toward all around, after feeling strength of fire of some direction was richest, He Yiming Thought cannot help but swarms to go toward there. 如同水面上的涟漪一般,意念向着四周蔓延,不过在感受到了某个方向的火之力最为浓郁之后,贺一鸣意念就不由自主的朝着那里蜂拥而去。 There is the rock magma under platform is, huge Thought penetrated the rock magma to contact below volcano, and was proliferating along the mountain road unceasingly. 那里就是平台之下的岩浆所在,庞大的意念透过了岩浆接触到了下方的火山,并且沿着山路不断的扩散着。 In this moment, He Yiming had not discovered that his Thought proliferation range has exceeded the limit that he can reach by far. 在这一刻,贺一鸣并没有发现,他的意念扩散范围已经远远的超过了他能够达到的极限。 Before today, his Thought can proliferate to the around the body hundred zhang (333m) was quite great, but at this moment, his Thought actually likely can the inexhaustible proliferation be ordinary, toward the end of that mountain, the bottom exploration of abyss goes. 今曰之前,他的意念能够扩散到身周百丈就已经是相当的了不起了,但是此刻,他的意念却像是能够无穷无尽的扩散一般,朝着那大山的尽头,深渊的底部探索而去。 Surrounding these mysterious strength of fire overflowed unceasingly has been representing the spiritual wisdom strength, but He Yiming Thought can actually automatic melted with these spiritual wisdom strengths, and supported his Thought to proliferate unceasingly goes forward. 周围的那些神奇火之力不断的溢出了代表着灵姓的力量,而贺一鸣意念却能够自动的与这些灵姓力量相融,并且支持着他的意念不断扩散前进。 Also has not known how long, He Yiming had suddenly discovered that own Thought has reached the limit, is unable to continue to proliferate again. But only had this moment, he fainted from fear, originally own Thought in unknowingly, unexpectedly has achieved this and other inconceivable situations. 也不知道过了多久,贺一鸣突然发现,自己的意念已经达到了极限,再也无法继续扩散下去了。而唯有到了这一刻,他才惊觉到,原来自己的意念在不知不觉中,竟然已经达到了这等不可思议的地步。 in his heart was similar to has raised dreadfully rough sea wave was also again hard to return to normal. 他的心中如同掀起了滔天巨浪般的再也难以平复下去了。 In his feeling, own Thought passed to the seabed following this volcano, and arrived at periphery beyond a lot of li (0.5km) along the seabed. 在他的感觉中,自己的意念已经顺着这一座火山传到了海底,并且沿着海底来到了周围千百里之外。 It can be said that centered on him, surrounding area in a lot of li (0.5km) under his Thought covers. 可以说,以他为中心,方圆千百里之内都在他的意念笼罩之下。 What is this felt? 这是一个什么感觉? This is one type is similar to the Spiritual God is alive the feeling of keeping aloof. 这是一种如同神灵在世般的高高在上的感觉。 At this moment, He Yiming in the heart has been full of a looking disdainfully world heroic feelings, he as if turned into Divine Dao powerhouse in a legend, below all Divine Dao, even if the Mortal Dao peak powerhouse such as the class of Franklin , is similar to the ants general was tiny. 这一刻,贺一鸣心中充满了一种睥睨天下的豪情,他似乎是变成了一位传说中的神道强者,所有神道以下,哪怕是人道巅峰强者如弗兰克林之流,亦是如同蝼蚁一般的渺小了。 The heart of He Yiming is beating fiercely, he is inducing the surrounding all, finally determined that this is not has a dream, but really had matter. 贺一鸣的心剧烈的跳动着,他感应着周围的一切,终于确定这并不是自己做梦,而是实实在在发生了的事情。 However although his Thought has covered these a lot of li (0.5km) places, but actually cannot all look at in the eyes. 不过虽然他的意念笼罩了这千百里之地,但却并不是能够将所有的一切都看在眼中 He can distinguish these formidable aura in this range merely is, white horse Thunder Lightning, Zhuang Munan, these Venerables aura are most formidable. Naturally, besides them, but also has the aura that the number various endless strongs and weaks vary, releases these aura, has humanity, there is Spirit Beast, has in the massive seas lifeform. 他仅仅能够分辨出在这个范围之内的那些强大气息的所在,白马雷电,庄沐楠,还有那些尊者们的气息最为强大。当然,除了他们之外,还有着数之不尽的各种强弱不一的气息,释放出这些气息的,有人类,也有灵兽,更有着大量的海中生物 When He Yiming Thought is dedicated some in aura, he can clear saw all changes that this lifeform as well as its side have. 贺一鸣意念专注于某一个气息之时,他能够清晰的“看到”这个生物以及它身边所发生的一切变化。 This feeling very strange, simultaneously can have an omnipotent control feeling. 这种感觉非常的怪异,同时能够让人产生一种无所不能的掌控感。 This is one type intense to the extreme pleasant sensation, looks like can become addicted general wanting to stop but cannot. 这是一种强烈的到了极点的快感,就像是能够让人上瘾一般的欲罢不能。 The change that his static feeling this mysterious change is bringing, for a long time, he understood finally, is not his Thought is unable to continue to expand, because in his Thought end, that brought spiritual wisdom strength of fire is being micro cannot think. 他静静的感受着这种神奇变化所带来的改变,许久,他终于明白了,并不是他的意念无法继续扩张,而是因为在他意念的尽头,那带着灵姓火之力已经是微不可觉了。 In other words, the place that any has this mysterious strength of fire, his Thought can extend. Once this strength vanishes or is weaken to certain degree, then his Thought will become the successor will be incapable. 也就是说,凡是有着这种神奇火之力的地方,他的意念就能够延伸过去。一旦这种力量消失或者是减弱到一定的程度,那么他的意念就会变得后继无力。 After discovering this point, He Yiming in the heart surged intensely to the sense of being lost and lonely of extreme. 在发现了这一点之后,贺一鸣心中涌起了强烈的到了极点的失落感。 He even can determine, once own Thought withdrew from this place, then this type can control all feelings simultaneously to leave itself. 他甚至于能够确定,一旦自己的意念退出了此地,那么这种能够掌控一切的感觉就将同时离开自己。 in his heart surged intensely does not abandon, in this moment, he has wanted forever Thought to release, and stays the idea here. 他的心中涌起了强烈的不舍,在这一刻,他都有了想要永远的将意念释放出去,并且停留在这里的想法。 However, He Yiming Thought started to recycle slowly steadfastly. 然而,慢慢的,贺一鸣意念开始坚定不移的回收了。 Although he does not give up this mysterious feeling, however his movement is not slow, and does not have any stop. 虽然他非常的舍不得这种神奇的感觉,但是他的动作却丝毫不慢,并且没有任何的停顿。 Formidable Five Qi Great Venerable, once set firm resolve regarding something, firm execution that then he any will not be affected. 一个强大的五气大尊者,一旦对于某件事情下定了决心,那么他就会不受任何影响的坚定的执行下去。 Long time, He Yiming has opened both eyes suddenly, his long expiration, in the eyes is flashing strange radiance. 良久之后,贺一鸣陡然睁开了双目,他长长的吐了一口气,眼中闪动着奇异的光芒 Underwent just now that strange experience, He Yiming induced, this was a formidable strength. In comparison, the strength of Mortal Dao peak is unworthy radically smile. 经过了方才的那种奇异经历,贺一鸣感应到了,这是一股强大的力量。与之相比,人道巅峰的力量根本就是不值一哂。 However, this strength, although huge boundless, but actually disperses various places, extends a lot of li (0.5km) simply. 不过,这一股力量虽然庞大无边,但却是分散各处,简直就是延绵千百里。 This type felt that He Yiming had also experienced before, that in Cave Heaven Paradise Myriad Tree Valley. 这种感觉贺一鸣在以前也曾经体验过,那就是在洞天福地万树谷之中。 That does not know that survived many years Divine Tree, not only the body has formidable Life Strength, but also its root system intertwines complex, same extends the places of hundred thousand li(500 km). 那颗不知道生存了多少年的神树,不但身上有着强大的生命力量,而且它的根系盘错复杂,同样的延绵百千里之地。 However, initially when He Yiming Thought and Divine Tree intersected, this feeling was Divine Tree instills into forcefully, although made He Yiming have the feeling of being in deep sorrow in that instantaneously, but was relying on Divine Tree that formidable terror Life Strength, has not made He Yiming receive any substantive injury. 不过,当初贺一鸣意念树神相交之时,这种感觉是树神强行灌输过来,虽然让贺一鸣在那个瞬间有着痛不欲生的感觉,但是凭借着树神那强大恐怖的生命力量,却并没有让贺一鸣受到任何实质的伤害。 But here strength of fire did not have Divine Tree such Life Strength obviously, therefore it in He Yiming releases Thought explored helps its helping hand, making He Yiming try one type has been similar to the Spiritual God general feeling. 而这里的火之力明显没有树神这样的生命力量了,所以它才会在贺一鸣释放出意念探索之时助其一臂之力,让贺一鸣尝试到了一种如同神灵一般的感觉。 He can affirm that so formidable Thought ability, let alone impossible in humanity appears, even if lingers in Ghost Cry Mountain Range that big snake impossible reaches this altitude. 他可以肯定,如此强大的意念能力,别说在人类之中不可能出现,哪怕是盘桓在鬼哭岭的那条大蛇都不可能达到这个高度。 Can proliferate Thought to a lot of li (0.5km) remote, feared that also only had in previously Divine Dao the talented person to have this ability. 能够将意念扩散到千百里之遥,怕是也唯有昔曰神道中人才有这个能力了。 Associated to Cave Heaven Paradise Divine Tree, He Yiming understands immediately. 联想到了洞天福地神树,贺一鸣顿时明白。 strength of fire in this extinct volcano, definitely is also is similar to Divine Tree existence like that. But ultimate weapon that here, Colored Glaze Cave takes advantage of without doubt. 在这个死火山之中的火之力,肯定也是如同树神那般的存在。而这里,无疑正是琉璃洞所依仗的最后武器了。 His long sighing, in the heart was even more curious, does not know that the strongest protection strength in Northwest Celestial Pond Lineage is anything. 他长长的叹了一口气,心中愈发的好奇了,不知道在西北天池一脉之中的最强守护力量又是什么。 These time enters, although does not have anything to let for­tu­itous en­counter that his strength progresses by leaps and bounds, but regarding He Yiming, this line of harvests is actually rarer. 这一次进入虽然没有什么让他的实力突飞猛进的奇遇,但是对于贺一鸣来说,此行的收获却是更加难得。 Similar to the Thought induction of Divine Dao people, this type can only get an idea the matter that cannot explain actually to occur on his body, this regarding the growth of his days later, has the indescribable great benefit. 如同神道中人的意念感应,这种只能意会不能言传的事情竟然发生在了他的身上,这对于他曰后的成长,有着无法形容的巨大好处。 He has closed the eye again, is inducing all these silently. 他再一次的闭上了眼睛,默默的感应着这一切。 From his body, five colors radiance has released slowly, but surrounding that spiritual wisdom strength of fire was also emerged in Five Elements World that kept. 从他的身上,五彩光芒慢慢的释放了出来,而周围的那种灵姓火之力亦是不停的涌入了五行世界之内。 Although Five Elements Ring absorbs the strength of fire speed to be quick, however here strength of fire was extremely is really huge. 虽然五行环吸收火之力的速度很快,但是这里的火之力实在是太过于庞大了。 Covered the huge strength of fire field of a lot of li (0.5km) range regarding this, the strength that Five Elements Ring absorbed has been far including a drop in the bucket. 对于这个笼罩了千百里范围的巨大火之力场,五行环所吸收的力量连九牛一毛都谈不上。 Thought returns to Five Elements Ring, He Yiming surprised discovery, in this world, unexpectedly towering were many two strange and familiar strengths. 意念回归到五行环之内,贺一鸣惊讶的发现,在这个世界之中,竟然突兀的多了两道奇异而熟悉的力量。 strength of fire that and naturally just absorbed together, present strength of fire condensed a careful red band of light to circle unexpectedly in the side of Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove, that bright red color was Nine Dragons Stove as if must be inferior. 其中一道自然是刚刚吸收的火之力,如今的火之力竟然凝聚成了一条细细的红色光带盘旋在神器九龙炉之侧,那鲜红的色彩就算是九龙炉似乎都要为之逊色。 But in addition the strength made He Yiming be startled together. 而另一道力量就更让贺一鸣为之吃惊了。 This unexpectedly is Cave Heaven Paradise Life Strength above Divine Tree. 这竟然是洞天福地神树之上的生命力量 previously in Cave Heaven Paradise, He Yiming had once absorbed Divine Tree huge Life Strength, however under Five Element Revolution, these strengths as if dissipated in entire Five Elements World. 昔曰洞天福地之内,贺一鸣曾经吸收了树神的庞大生命力量,但是在五行流转之下,这些力量似乎已经消散于整个五行世界之中。 But until at this moment, him knows that originally this strength has not dissipated, but melts in Five Elements World, at this moment after strength of fire affects, this slowly reappeared. 而直到此刻,他才知道,原来这一股力量并没有消散,只是融于五行世界之内,此刻受到了火之力的影响之后,这才慢慢的浮现了出来。 Divine Sense circled above these two strengths for a long time, He Yiming finally the plan that gives up studying. 神念在这两股力量之上盘旋了许久,贺一鸣终于放弃了研究下去的打算。 Because of his faint thinking, the great strength of these two strengths, are not he at this moment can controlling. Divine Tree the strength of life said fortunately, but that brought spiritual wisdom strength of fire to be possible not to be good to provoke. Especially in strength of fire side, but also has giant weapon for criminal Nine Dragons Stove. 因为他隐隐的觉得,这两股力量之强大,并不是此刻的他能够艹控的。树神的生命之力还好说,但那带着一丝灵姓火之力可就不好招惹了。特别是在火之力的旁边,还有着一个巨大凶器九龙炉 Sees this thing, He Yiming the plan that gave up continue explore. 一看到这个东西,贺一鸣就放弃了继续探索的打算。 The wrist|skill turns, He Yiming has released that several small fire dragon that in Nine Dragons Stove refined, making them enter here rock magma to sway back and forth surges, and absorbed here special strength of fire. 手腕一翻,贺一鸣九龙炉之内自己炼制的那几条小火龙都释放了出来,让它们进入了这里的岩浆之中打滚翻腾,并且吸收这里特殊的火之力量 Naturally, under He Yiming controlling, several fire dragons has not disturbed the practice of Treasure Pig, here rock magma range was in any case enormous, making the place that they tossed about separatedly have more than enough to spare. 当然,在贺一鸣艹控下,几条火龙并没有打扰到宝猪的修炼,反正这里的岩浆范围极大,让它们分开折腾的地方也是绰绰有余了。 Here treated six double-hour fully, He Yiming has put out a hand a move, these fire dragons altogether has taken back in Five Elements Ring completely. 在这里整整待了六个时辰,贺一鸣伸手一招,将这些火龙一股脑儿的全部收回了五行环之内。 Afterward, his wrist|skill turns, Five Elements Ring changed to rays of light, like this was similar to was the same in the past, familiar house returned to Dantian. 随后,他手腕一翻,五行环化作了一道光,就这样如同以往一样,熟门熟路的回到了丹田之内。 However, in this moment, the He Yiming movement is actually towering stiffened, because he felt, after this time Five Elements Ring returned to Dantian, started to revolve unexpectedly independently. 然而,就在这一刻,贺一鸣的动作却是突兀的僵住了,因为他感觉到了,这一次的五行环回到了丹田之内后,竟然开始自主的旋转了起来。 In Five Elements Ring, 2 ply different great powers slowly wells up outward, they have been separated from the Five Elements Ring space, direct entered in Chaos Dantian. 五行环之内,二股不同的强大力量正慢慢的向外涌去,它们脱离了五行环的空间,直接的进入到了混沌丹田之内。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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