MG :: Volume #6

#265: The valuable pig hammers the body

The front door shoves open, inside jet black piece. 大门推开,里面漆黑一片。 Here, as if has one mysterious strength, is unable to look at the distant place including the He Yiming eyesight. 在这里,似乎是有着一种神秘的力量,连贺一鸣的目力都无法望到远处。 Deep inspiration, inexplicable, visits that moment of entering in him, He Yiming feels some strength. This is one mysterious strength, gives his feeling strangely quite. 深深的吸了一口气,莫名的,在他踏足进入的那一刻,贺一鸣就是感受到了某种力量。这是一种神奇的力量,给他的感觉相当的怪异。 Has closed both eyes slightly, long time, when he has opened both eyes, some adaptation current environment. 微微的闭上了双目,良久之后,当他睁开了双目之时,这才有些适应目前的环境。 On the face has revealed a surprised color, by his present strength, let alone was was a little merely dark, even if were the thorough seabed, can resist that giant inconceivable deep sea pressure. 脸上露出了一丝惊讶之色,以他如今的实力,别说仅仅是一点儿黑暗了,哪怕是深入海底,也能够抵御那巨大的不可思议的深海压力。 But, in this shiny black place, he actually felt suitable does not adapt. 可是,在这个黑黝黝的地方,他竟然感觉到了相当的不适应。 Has considered the moment, He Yiming putting out a hand of slowly, puts in his hand immediately brightly greatly, rays of light releases from in his hand, immediately lit the front path. 考虑了片刻,贺一鸣缓缓的伸出了手,在他的手上顿时是光明大放,一道光他的手中释放出来,顿时将前面的道路照亮了。 This is Channel, above the surrounding dike, has the 1-layer level is similar to the mirror surface luminous big lump. The entire grotto Channel cliff comprised of these lumps. 这是一个通道,在周围的岩壁之上,有着一层层如同镜面光亮般的大疙瘩。整个岩洞通道的石壁就是由这些疙瘩组成的。 He Yiming looked at several, he discovered with amazement, Light Stregth that oneself release unexpectedly so small and weak, can illuminate the side merely less than three zhang (3.33 m) place. 贺一鸣看了几眼,他惊讶的发现,自己所释放的光明力量竟然是如此的弱小,仅仅能够照亮身边不足三丈的地方。 Moreover, when strength of light appears, here is filling the strange pressure as if became slightly big a little, constrains the lowest situation Light Stregth that he released. 而且,当光明的力量出现之时,这里所弥漫着的奇异压力似乎就变得稍微大了那么一点,将他所释放出来的光明力量压抑到了最低的地步。 Has hesitated for a long time, He Yiming both eyes moves slightly, he heard, Li Yajing left this place. 沉吟了许久,贺一鸣双目微动,他听到了,厉雅静已经离开了此地。 However, his complexion instantaneously becomes quite strange, because when hearing the Li Yajing footsteps, he also heard a more familiar sound of footsteps. 不过,他的脸色瞬间变得相当怪异,因为在听到了厉雅静的脚步之时,他同时也听到了一道更加熟悉的脚步声。 Treasure Pig, this kid covertly followed unexpectedly. 宝猪,这小家伙竟然偷偷摸摸的跟了上来。 Suddenly, on the forehead of He Yiming has seeped out cold sweat immediately. This kid, arrived at others restricted area to be at unexpectedly. If had been discovered that even if kills at the scene, he does not have anything to say. 一时间,贺一鸣的脑门上顿时渗出了一片冷汗。这个小家伙,竟然来到了人家的禁地所在。若是被人发现了,就算是当场打杀,他也没有什么好说的。 Above stone gate of that entrance has resounded a strange sound, this is a pig's feet is trampling the gate. However Treasure Pig quite intelligent, it as if also knows that here cannot cause very big sound, therefore tramples the gate, rather is knocking on a door. 那门口的石门之上响起了一道诡异的声音,这是一只猪蹄在踹门。不过宝猪相当的聪慧,它似乎也知道这里不能够弄出很大的声音,所以与其说是踹门,不如说是在敲门。 The He Yiming personal appearance, arrived at stone gate in a flash, general's family gently opened a seam. 贺一鸣身形一晃之间,已经来到了石门边,轻轻的将门开了一道缝。 Just opened a point, white light dodged together immediately. 刚刚打开了一点,一道白光顿时闪了进来。 Small Treasure Pig is collecting strength of light on He Yiming furtive is sizing up toward all around, the appearance that being soundless made one burst out laughing. 宝猪凑着贺一鸣手上的光明之力贼头贼脑的向着四周打量着,那副蹑手蹑脚的模样令人捧腹不已。 The He Yiming general's family covers hastily, his angry looked at Treasure Pig, said in a soft voice: How did you come?” 贺一鸣连忙将门掩上,他恼怒的看了眼宝猪,轻声道:“你怎么来了?” Treasure Pig has shown the big smiling face immediately, it arrived by the foot of He Yiming, has stroked gently intimately two, afterward before having lifted two hoof, entire grasped his leg, the long nose is vibrating slightly, a face I did not feel relieved, therefore with expression. 宝猪立即是露出了大大的笑脸,它来到了贺一鸣的脚旁,亲热的摩挲了两下,随后抬起了两只前蹄,整个儿的抱住了他的腿,长鼻子微微的抖动着,一脸“我不放心,所以跟来了”的表情。 He Yiming helpless looks at small Treasure Pig, in the heart suddenly moves, said: „Does here have the treasure?” 贺一鸣无奈的看着小宝猪,心中豁然一动,道:“这里有宝贝?” According to Treasure Pig disposition, as if also only then can by it be looked the treasure that glances can make inborn somewhat lazy it come here. 按照宝猪姓格,似乎也只有能够被它看上眼的宝物才能够让天姓有些懒惰的它跟着自己来到此处。 Appearance that the Treasure Pig small eyeball turning round chaotic extension, on the face has stacked laughing foolishly immediately. 宝猪的小眼珠子滴溜溜的乱转,脸上顿时堆起了一副傻笑的模样。 He Yiming stared its one ill-humoredly, said: Here is the Colored Glaze Cave domain, is their Mountain Splitting Grand Martial-Ancestor previously closes up to be, regardless of you had a liking for any thing, cannot take.” 贺一鸣没好气的瞪了它一眼,道:“这里是琉璃洞的地盘,也是他们开山祖师爷昔曰闭关所在,无论你看上了什么东西,都不许拿。” These words were quite swift and fierce, have been full of the warning flavor. 这句话颇为凌厉,充满了警告的味道。 The face of Treasure Pig broke down immediately, since it follows after the He Yiming side, this is first getting a bawling out, since He Yiming has achieved this situation, it naturally understands how should do. 宝猪的脸顿时垮了下来,自从它跟在贺一鸣的身边之后,这还是第一次挨训,不过既然贺一鸣都做到了这个地步,它自然明白应该怎么做了。 He Yiming gently is touching the small head of Treasure Pig, said: Kid, Colored Glaze Cave has several thousand years of friendship with us and our Celestial Pond Lineage, cannot because of us, but mutual hatred. In addition, the Li Family father and daughter had helped me, the graciousness cannot handle the matter of enmity report.” 贺一鸣轻轻的抚摸着宝猪的小脑袋,道:“小家伙,琉璃洞与我们与我们天池一脉有着数千年的交情,不能因为我们而交恶。此外,厉家父女曾经帮过我,恩将仇报的事情是做不来的。” Treasure Pig winked the small eye, nod of appearing to understand but not really understand, afterward, it very simple jumping to the bosom of He Yiming. 宝猪眨了眨小眼睛,似懂非懂的点着头,随后,它很干脆的跳到了贺一鸣的怀中。 Since cannot treasure hunt here, the lazy muscle of Treasure Pig manifested suddenly immediately. 既然不能够在这里寻宝,宝猪的懒筋顿时发作了。 He Yiming shaking the head slightly, he has taken back the thoughts, static induction here that magic. 贺一鸣微微的摇着头,他收回了心思,静静的感应着这里的那股神奇力量。 Slowly, on his face has appeared a color suddenly. This strength clearly is strength of fire, seemed to be many in this strength of fire a thing. 慢慢的,他的脸上现出了一丝恍然之色。这股力量分明就是火之力,不过在这股火之力中似乎是多了一点东西。 He Yiming is unable to describe how this type of thing should call, or is spiritual wisdom of fire. Life Strength that Divine Tree aura that because this strength of fire meets in Cave Heaven Paradise with him releases is quite similar. 贺一鸣也无法形容这种东西应该如何称呼,或者说是火之灵姓吧。因为这股火之力与他在洞天福地所遇到的那神树气息所释放出来的生命力量颇为相似。 That has spiritual wisdom strength of wood, but here has spiritual wisdom strength of fire. 那是有着灵姓木之力,而这里就是有着灵姓火之力了。 Gathers the palm, Light Stregth of that palm place vanished immediately, the surroundings restore a darkness once again. However, merely after is the flash, Five Elements Ring appears in his hand immediately, a fire dragon fled in all directions from that five colors radiance. 将手掌一合,那掌心处的光明力量顿时消失了,周围再度恢复成一片黑暗。不过,仅仅是一瞬间之后,五行环顿时出现在他的手上,紧接着,一条火龙从那五彩光芒中流窜了出来。 This fire dragon is He Yiming uses Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove to condense the blood of Saint Beast to come, concentrates the strength of fire essence. 这条火龙是贺一鸣使用神器九龙炉凝聚圣兽之血而来,也算是集中火之力的精华。 In instantaneous, entire cavern bright writings, has illuminated about ten zhang (3.33 m) distance unexpectedly all of a sudden. 瞬间,整个洞穴中光明大作,竟然一下子照亮了十丈左右的距离。 These in cavern bring spiritual wisdom strength of fire to flow cheerfully, they emerged in this fire dragon competitively, afterward flees in all directions from fire dragon within the body. 洞穴中的那些带着灵姓火之力欢快的流动着,它们争先恐后的涌入了这条火龙之中,随后又从火龙体内流窜而出。 However, in this enters one, this fire dragon as if became expanded a point. 然而,在这一进一出之间,这条火龙似乎就变得壮大了一分。 He Yiming in the heart expressed admiration, cannot think that here actually has the so mysterious wondrous use. This way, that words that Li Jiangfeng spoke might be extremely. 贺一鸣心中啧啧称奇,想不到在这里竟然有着如此神奇妙用。这样看来,厉江峰所说的那番话极有可能是真的了。 Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove, perhaps is really here inborn forging. 神器九龙炉,或许真是在这里天生锻造而成。 Started to walk the both legs, He Yiming walked toward inside, but that fire dragon was fulfilling responsibility was circling in his around the body, has lit the front path to him. 迈开了双腿,贺一鸣朝着里面走去,而那条火龙则是尽责的在他的身周盘旋着,给他照亮了前方的道路。 This cavern is not smooth, seems unceasing toward under line. Once realizes this point, He Yiming was some palpitations. 这条洞穴并不平坦,似乎是不断的朝着下方而行。一旦察觉这一点,就连贺一鸣都是有些心悸了。 They from top to bottom, took a very long section of road, if downward walks again, only feared that must enter in the rock magma. 他们从上而下,已经走了很长的一段路,若是再往下走,只怕真的要进入岩浆之中了。 Although in Five Elements Ring becomes under the world, He Yiming has the confidence of self-preservation. Which person however it is estimated that does not have to be willing to accept the rock magma with no reason at all the baptism. 虽说在五行环的自成世界之下,贺一鸣有着自保的信心。但是估计也没有哪个人愿意无缘无故的接受岩浆的洗礼。 both ears is vibrating unceasingly, He Yiming received in the front sound the ear all. 双耳不断的抖动着,贺一鸣将前方的声音尽数收入了耳中。 He heard rock magma air bubble sound, moreover is more and more loud. 他听到了岩浆气泡的声音,而且是越来越响。 As he unceasingly downward and good, here heat degree also achieved was more intense, let he also unendurable situation. 随着他不断向下而行,这里的热度也是达到了更加强烈的,让他也难以忍受的地步了。 Sighed one lightly, has hiked up a flame visible flower from the He Yiming top of the head slowly. 轻叹一声,从贺一鸣的头顶上缓缓的飘起了一朵火红色的有形之花。 flower of fire, even if under strength of fire burning down of Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove, can guarantee his safety as before, but this moment surrounding heat degree is intense, but also is not enough achieving to let the situation that his flower of fire collapses. 火之花,纵然是在神器九龙炉火之力焚烧下,依旧能够保得他的平安,而此刻周围的热度虽然强烈,但还不足以达到让他的火之花崩溃的地步。 Treasure Pig lazily has had a yawn in his bosom, since He Yiming does not permit it treasures hunt, is this low-spirited appearance. 宝猪懒洋洋的在他的怀中打了一个哈欠,自从贺一鸣不允许它寻宝之后,就一直是这种精神不振的模样。 in the heart suddenly moves, Treasure Pig this kid as if must adapt to here circumstances compared with him. So intense strength of fire, has not had any influence to it unexpectedly. 心中豁然一动,宝猪这小家伙似乎比他还要更适应这里的环境。如此强烈的火之力,竟然对它没有造成任何的影响。 Shakes the head slightly, the Divine Beast bloodlines truly are mysterious incomparable, this powerful physique is far from humanity can imagine. 微微摇头,神兽血脉确实是神奇无比,这种强悍的体质远非人类能够想象的。 Continues, for a long time, finally saw the front that wipes the intense red light that cannot conceal, the sound of air bubble ebullition then hears from the ear even more was intense. 继续前行,许久之后,终于看到了前方那一抹掩饰不住的强烈红光,而那从耳中传来的气泡沸腾之声就愈发的强烈了。 He Yiming both eyes narrows the eyes, he knows that he arrived at the Channel end finally, arrived at this rock magma sites. 贺一鸣双目微眯,他知道,自己终于来到了通道的尽头,也来到了这一片岩浆所在地。 Cautiously is stepping on feeling hot ground, went out of Channel. Outside is a giant platform, outside the platform, is really that ebullition fiery red rock magma. 小心翼翼的踩着发烫的地面,走出了通道。外面是一片巨大的平台,在平台之外,果然就是那沸腾着的火红岩浆了。 Treasure Pig winked two small eyes, restored to groan to call suddenly likely energetic. 宝猪眨了两下小眼睛,突地象是恢复了精神般的哼哼叫了起来。 He Yiming is startled slightly, Treasure Pig the expression is quite strange, his surprised asking: „Does here have the treasure?” 贺一鸣微微一怔,宝猪的这个表情颇为怪异,他惊讶的问道:“这里有宝贝?” In this fiery red world, has been full of sufficiently the high temperature that the person cremates, if hides the treasure in this place, truly is the average man the good place that is hard to search. 在这个火红的世界之中,充满了足以将人焚化的高温,如果将宝贝藏在此地,确实是常人难以寻觅的好地方。 However, stems from He Yiming to be unexpected, Treasure Pig is swinging the small head unexpectedly. It is leaning the head, as if had considered, four hooves make an effort finally, gently jumped from the bosom of He Yiming. 然而,出乎贺一鸣意料之外的,宝猪竟然是摇着小脑袋。它侧着头,似乎是考虑了一下,终于四蹄用力,轻轻的从贺一鸣的怀中跳了出来。 He Yiming vision staring on its body, does not know that it is up to mischief. 贺一鸣将目光凝视在它的身上,不知道它在搞什么鬼。 However, matter that Treasure Pig then handles, is makes him be surprised. 然而,宝猪接下来所做的事情,却是让他大吃一惊。 Sees only Treasure Pig one to turn around, unexpectedly is straight runs toward the platform end, afterward Xiangqian furiously leaps, like this was similar to a stone has fallen into that terror rock magma. 只见宝猪一个转身,竟然是笔直的朝着平台尽头跑去,随后奋力的向前一跃,就这样如同一块石头般的掉进了那恐怖的岩浆之中。 He Yiming in the heart one tight, beat vigorously several, at present faintly becomes dark. 贺一鸣心中一紧,大力的跳动了几下,就连眼前都隐隐发黑。 However he immediately calm, Treasure Pig this kid is intelligent, impossible brings about own destruction decidedly. Since it jumps on own initiative, that explained that definitely has the assurance that will not be burnt and been drown to death. 不过他立即就镇定了下来,宝猪这小家伙何等聪慧,断然不可能自寻死路。它既然主动跳下去,那就说明肯定有着不会被烧死和淹死的把握。 Really, merely after is counts breaths, a white form from the rock magma jumped, kid self-satisfied in this piece red braves the air bubble in unceasingly the rock magma cheerful is hovering. 果然,仅仅是数息之后,一道白色的身影从岩浆中跳了起来,小家伙得意的在这一片红色的不断冒着气泡的岩浆中欢快的游动着。 He Yiming stupefied looks at Treasure Pig, until this moment, he discovered that originally on the body of Treasure Pig, but also has this mysterious place. 贺一鸣膛目结舌的看着宝猪,直到这一刻,他才发现,原来在宝猪的身上,还有着这许多神秘之处。 However, making he more surprised matter occur. 不过,让他更加惊讶的事情发生了。 Treasure Pig after playing jokes upon has partly made a sound, stopped surges unexpectedly, but was static sank to the rock magma. 宝猪的戏耍了半响之后,竟然停止了翻腾,而是静静的沉入了岩浆之中。 He Yiming hesitant, proliferated Thought, tight is following the body of Treasure Pig, does not dare to have the interrupt of moment. 贺一鸣犹豫了一下,将意念扩散了出去,紧紧的追随着宝猪的身体,不敢有片刻的中断。 In his feeling, the body of Treasure Pig looks like bottomless black hole, is absorbing crazily is coming from infinite strength of fire in rock magma. 在他的感觉中,宝猪的身体就像是一个无底的黑洞,正在疯狂的吸收着来自于岩浆中的无穷火之力 These strength of fire have the significant difference with strength of fire of other places, because in strength of fire of this place is bringing rare spiritual wisdom, because of this spiritual wisdom, can therefore at this moment not have the dreaded absorption by Treasure Pig. 这些火之力与其它地方的火之力有着明显的区别,因为此地的火之力中带着一丝罕见的灵姓,而正是因为这种灵姓,所以才能够被此刻的宝猪无所忌惮的吸收着。 Massive strength of fire emerged in the Treasure Pig small body, its body surface becomes red incomparable, seems like roasted the ripe suckling pig, wrinkled 1-layer unexpectedly. 大量的火之力涌入了宝猪小小的身躯中,它的体表变得通红无比,就像是一只被烤熟的乳猪般,竟然还皱起了一层 However, Life Strength that from small Treasure Pig transmits actually even more formidable to inconceivable. 但是,从小宝猪身上所传来的生命力量却是愈发的强大至不可思议。 As if in within the body, has some strength, because this had spiritual wisdom the stimulation of strength of fire to awaken...... 似乎在它的体内,有某种力量因为这股带着灵姓火之力的刺激而觉醒了…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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