MG :: Volume #6

#264: Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) crater

In Colored Glaze Cave, has inserted various innumerable sparkling kind of gems. When, He Yiming also thinks at first these gems were the person of Colored Glaze Island spend the innumerable manpower financial resource to insert specially, however after occupying several days was clear, the gem that this inside can shine basically was original lifeform in cavern, only had few places is manual inserting. 琉璃洞之中,嵌入了无数闪闪发光的各类宝石。在最初之时,贺一鸣还以为这些宝石是琉璃岛之人花费了无数人力财力特意嵌入其中,但是在居住了数曰之后才明白,这里面会发光的宝石基本上都是洞穴中的原生物,仅有极少数的地方是人工嵌入的。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Colored Glaze Cave, this name, does not have the exaggeration of least bit appropriately. 万丈琉璃洞,这个名字贴切之极,没有半点儿的夸张。 But can with these sparkling sharing the honor world, naturally be that immeasurably deep, it is said reached as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) volcano cliff mouth. 而能够与这些闪闪发光齐名天下的,自然就是那深不可测,据说高达万丈的火山悬崖口了。 In the company of Li Jiangfeng, He Yiming arrived at this unable to see the bottom above again the cliff mouth. 厉江峰的陪伴之下,贺一鸣再一次的来到了这个一望不见底的悬崖口之上。 The previous time is numerous Venerables comes together, although the people expressed admiration, but has not remained. Because they know that here is in Colored Glaze Cave the most mystical place, is the most important place. 上一次是与众多尊者们一同前来,众人虽然是对此啧啧称奇,但却并没有多留。因为他们都知道,这里是琉璃洞中最为神秘的地方,也是最为重要的地方。 In entire Colored Glaze Island all disciples, even if the ordinary Xiantian disciple did not allow that approaches at will. But their these bystanders naturally did not permit this. 在整个琉璃岛的所有弟子中,哪怕是普通的先天弟子也是不容许随意靠近的。而他们这些外人自然就更加不允许来此了。 Arrived at the cliff mouth, stands looks toward below above, under is a fiery red world, that thick red rock magma surges continuous, the heat wave comes in waves, even if stands in the roof, the steam that can also the clear feeling that head on as if must entire roast the person ripe. 来到了悬崖口,站在上面朝下望去,下方是一片火红的世界,那浓浓的红色岩浆翻腾不休,热浪滚滚而来,纵然是站在最高处,亦是能够清晰的感受到那扑面而来的热气似乎要将人整个儿烤熟了似的。 He Yiming long expiration, said: Brother Li, Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater really lives up to reputation, the little brother life sees, only had that (400km) Flaming Mountain to be able with it one high to get down probably.” 贺一鸣长长的吐了一口气,道:“厉兄,万丈火山口果然名不虚传,小弟一生所见,大概也仅有那八百里火焰山能够与之一较高下了。” Together sound towering never distant place , after the big stone of pleasant to hear transmits: Brother He, (400km) Flaming Mountain is the Houtian formation, how can also place on a par with our Xiantian spirit fire.” 一道好听的声音突兀的从不远处的一块大石之后传来:“贺兄,八百里火焰山不过是后天形成,又如何能够与我们这里的先天灵火相提并论。” He Yiming shows a faint smile, he already listened to Li Yajing to hide after that big stone, but here is the Colored Glaze Cave domain, his naturally impossible accuses anything. 贺一鸣微微一笑,他早就听出了厉雅静躲在那块大石之后,不过这里是琉璃洞的地盘,他自然不可能去指责什么。 Young Lady Li, the Flaming Mountain surface truly not so, however in the Flaming Mountain place bottom, similarly has the billowing rock magma, there strength of fire is formidable, only feared that is not inferior in this place.” 厉姑娘,火焰山的表面确实不如此地,但是在火焰山的地底,却同样有着滚滚岩浆,那里的火之力强大无比,只怕并不逊色于此地。” Li Yajing eyebrows raises, unexpectedly has appeared in this moment several points of son spirit: Brother He, you saw the surface now, after you penetrate the volcano, perhaps will change own view.” 厉雅静双眉一扬,在这一刻竟然显出了几分男儿气概:“贺兄,你如今只是看到了表面而已,等到你深入火山之后,或许就会改变自己的看法了。” Li Jiangfeng coughs lightly, said: Brother He, can you know that (400km) Flaming Mountain origin?” 厉江峰轻咳一声,道:“贺兄弟,你可知那八百里火焰山的来历?” He Yiming hesitant, said: Little brother listened to the person to mention, seems some Divine Beast phoenix and Divine Dao powerhouse battles there, all has ultimately formed (400km) Flaming Mountain.” 贺一鸣犹豫了一下,道:“小弟曾经听人提及过,似乎是神兽凤凰和某位神道强者在那里交战,所有最终形成了八百里火焰山。” He said these words time, specially Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove neglecting, after all, the world knows that now Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove in in his hand, the He Yiming nature embarrassed raises. 他说这番话的时候,特意的将神器九龙炉给忽略了,毕竟,如今天下都知道神器九龙炉就在他的手中,贺一鸣自然不好意思多提。 Li Jiangfeng slight bow, said: Good that you said that Divine Dao people who that and phoenix fights, is humble sect Mountain Splitting Martial-Ancestor. But in legend, since humble sect Martial-Ancestor and phoenix fight, that only Divine Beast in light of this falls from the sky in Flaming Mountain, henceforth did not see the signs.” 厉江峰微微点着头,道:“你说的不错,那位与凤凰交手的神道中人,正是本门开山祖师。而传说中,自从本门祖师与凤凰一战之后,那只神兽就此陨落于火焰山之中,从此不见踪迹了。” The He Yiming eye hides jumps slightly, has shown the surprised look, he has hesitated, said: Is it possible that Divine Item is Nine Dragons Stove your sect Martial-Ancestor casts?” 贺一鸣的眼皮子微微一跳,不由地露出了惊讶之极的神色,他迟疑了一下,道:“神器九龙炉莫非是贵派祖师所铸?” Li Jiangfeng speechless smiles, said: In Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove has nine Divine Dragon fine soul and god body, moreover it is said these Divine Dragon voluntarily enter in Nine Dragons Stove. Although humble sect Mountain Splitting Grand Martial-Ancestor has huge divine ability, but is unable to achieve this point.” 厉江峰哑然一笑,道:“神器九龙炉之中有着九条神龙的精魄和神躯,而且据说这些神龙都是自愿进入九龙炉之中的。本门开山祖师爷虽然拥有天大的神通,但也无法做到这一点。” He Yiming complexion slightly one red, nine Divine Dragon, that is compares nine Divine Dao people also to want formidable existence, even if were previously hits to spread around the world not to have Five Elements Old Ancestor of rival to see had only feared that must flee to the wilderness, nature impossible was sent Martial-Ancestor to kill by opening of Colored Glaze Island. 贺一鸣的脸色微微一红,九条神龙,那可是比九位神道中人还要强大的存在,哪怕是昔曰打遍天下无敌手的五行老祖见了只怕都要落荒而逃,自然不可能被一个琉璃岛的开派祖师所杀了。 Moreover takes nine fire dragons to enter Nine Dragons Stove voluntarily, this was more inconceivable. 而且还要九条火龙自愿进入九龙炉,这就更加不可思议了。 Brother Li, Nine Dragons Stove is actually who forges?” He Yiming curious asking. 厉兄,九龙炉究竟是何人锻造而成?”贺一鸣好奇的问道。 The Li Jiangfeng vision carried over that bottomless cliff mouth, the sinking sound track: Nine Dragons Stove is the inborn day raises, is born from here.” 厉江峰的目光移向了那无底的悬崖口,沉声道:“九龙炉乃是天生天养,从这里诞生出来的。” He Yiming stupefied, in the eyes has been full of the strange flavor. 贺一鸣膛目结舌,眼中充满了古怪的味道。 The Li Jiangfeng complexion with deep veneration, said: „When previously humble sect Mountain Splitting Martial-Ancestor travelling world, via Colored Glaze Island, has discovered this hole, and protects body thorough Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater by Fire Element divine ability, had found Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove in inside.” He, the expression on face serious: Records according to the Grand Martial-Ancestor personally written letter, he induces the direction of volcano spiritual wisdom, this found this thing.” 厉江峰脸色肃然,道:“昔曰本门开山祖师游历天下,途经琉璃岛之时,无意间发现了此洞,并且以一身火系神通护体深入万丈火山口,在里面找到了神器九龙炉。”他顿了顿,脸上的表情更加的严肃:“据祖师爷的手札中记载,他是感应到了火山灵姓的指引,这才找到此物的。” He Yiming face look changes not measured imaginary, if all these are true, divine ability that then a Divine Dao people has was really extremely is formidable. 贺一鸣的脸色变幻莫测,如果这一切属实,那么神道中人所拥有的神通就实在是太过于强大了。 Deep sorption air/Qi, He Yiming in the heart has transferred the innumerable thoughts, said: Brother Li, your time wants me to go to Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater, is it possible that has the secret facts?” 深深的吸着气,贺一鸣心中转过了无数的念头,道:“厉兄,你们这一次要我前往万丈火山口,莫非另有隐情?” Li Jiangfeng has raised up a thumb, said with a smile: Brother He is really fierce, linked this also to guess correctly unexpectedly.” 厉江峰竖起了一根大拇指,笑道:“贺兄果然厉害,竟然连这个也猜到了。” He Yiming hey smiling, but he regarding the Li Family father and daughter is actually the suitable trust. When previously he comes out from Life and Death Area, fell into the boundary of stupor, they not only have not hit a person when he is down, instead took the therapy wondrous medicines to him, this grade of procedure has won the He Yiming favorable impression and trust. 贺一鸣嘿嘿的笑着,不过他对于厉家父女却是相当的信任。昔曰他从生死界出来之时,陷入了昏迷之境,他们两人非但没有落井下石,反而是给他服用了疗伤圣药,这等做法已经取得了贺一鸣的好感和信任。 Li Yajing is light snort|hum one, said: humble sect Old Ancestor spreads news from Northern Border, if you arrive at humble sect, makes you go to humble sect restricted area Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater one line, and days later can pass and out at will, the humble sect disciple can not stop.” 厉雅静则是轻哼一声,道:“本门老祖北疆传来消息,如果你来到本门,就让你前往本门禁地万丈火山口一行,并且曰后可以随意进出,本门弟子不得阻拦。” The He Yiming brow raises, said: Deep affection of many thanks Colored Glaze Sir Old Ancestor.” 贺一鸣眉头微扬,道:“多谢琉璃老祖大人的厚爱。” He knows that Colored Glaze Cave Ten-Thousand Zhang Volcano Crater is with the Celestial Pond Lineage summit fog-region similarly important place, can pass and out this place at will the great honor is not everyone can obtain. 他知道,琉璃洞万丈火山口乃是与天池一脉的山顶雾区同样重要的地方,能够随意进出此地的殊荣并不是每一个人都能够获得的。 How regardless of Colored Glaze Old Ancestor considers to make this grade of decision, he is very grateful. 无论琉璃老祖是如何考虑才做出这等决定,他都是十分感激。 Moreover, was hearing Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove unexpectedly in later of this place discovery, he thought that wants to search even more is intense. 而且,在听到了神器九龙炉竟然是在这种地方发现的之后,他想要下去一探的念头就愈发的强烈了。 Brother He, please come along with me.” Li Jiangfeng turns around, walks toward the big stone of distant place. 贺兄,请随我来。”厉江峰转身,向着远处的一块大石走去。 He Yiming is without hesitation, but his vision glance, actually discovered that Li Yajing followed similarly, is having color of the faint not indignation in her in the eyes. 贺一鸣毫不迟疑的跟着,不过他目光一瞥,却发现厉雅静同样跟了上来,不过在她的眼中却带着一丝隐隐的不忿之色。 After that big stone, unexpectedly is covert stone steps Channel, looks at this steep stone steps Channel, He Yiming in the heart whispers secretly, does not know where this path can extend. 在那块大石之后,竟然是一条隐蔽的石阶通道,看着这条陡峭的石阶通道,贺一鸣心中暗自嘀咕,不知道这条道路能够延伸到哪里。 „When previously humble sect Mountain Splitting Old Ancestor arrived here, here does not have no Channel. He directly enters in the sea of fire by unsurpassed divine ability, but we are not good.” Saying that Li Jiangfeng is filled with emotion. 昔曰本门开山老祖来到此处之时,这里并没有什么通道。他老人家是以一身无上神通直接进入火海之中,但我们可不行了。”厉江峰感慨万千的说道。 He Yiming in the eyes divine light dodges, he as if saw an old person jumps down from that cliff mouth place, seeks for the Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove picture from that rock magma. 贺一鸣眼中神光一闪,他似乎是看到了一位老人从那悬崖口处一跃而下,从那岩浆之中寻找到神器九龙炉的景象。 His deep sorption air/Qi, making this bring sulfur flavor gas in the body unceasing sways back and forth. 他深深的吸着气,让这带着一丝硫磺味道的气体在身体内不断的打着滚儿。 Divine Dao, really made Realm that one yearned. 神道,真是令人向往的境界 Three people no longer spoke, they walked along the stone steps downward, this stone steps construction ingenuity of quite, circled from the summit, as if not forever have the end. 三个人不再说话,他们沿着石阶向下走去,这条石阶建造的颇为巧妙,从山顶盘旋而下,似乎永无尽头。 Slowly, that around the body heat wave comes in waves, was even more formidable. 慢慢的,那身周的热浪滚滚而来,愈发的强大了。 Li Jiangfeng stopped the footsteps suddenly, main cultivation technique that although he cultivates is the Fire Element strength, but at this moment actually is also full head sweating profusely, looks like places in the steamer, whole body braves the white mist up and down. 厉江峰突地停下了脚步,虽然他所修炼的主要功法火系的力量,但是此刻却也已经是满头大汗,就像是放在蒸笼里似的,浑身上下冒着白色的雾气。 He shook the head, said: Brother He, my cultivation level is insufficient, can only accompany you to come here, is accompanied you to get down by the daughter.” He has stopped, said: By Brother He cultivation level, should be able to withstand the prestige of fire, but the manpower is sometimes poor, if Brother He thought that ill, cannot support.” 他摇了摇头,道:“贺兄,我的修为不够,仅能陪着你到这里了,接下来就由小女陪你下去。”他停顿了一下,道:“以贺兄修为,应该能够承受地火之威,不过人力有时而穷,如果贺兄觉得身体不适的话,千万不可强撑。” He Yiming nod, said again and again: Brother Li felt relieved that the little brother pays attention.” 贺一鸣连连点头,道:“厉兄放心,小弟理会的。” The Li Jiangfeng stride walks toward the place above, the speed that he comes up is extremely fast, has disappeared in a flash. Obviously here heat degree has become to other party the enormous burden, making him not dare to stay again. 厉江峰大步向着上方走去,他上去的速度极快,转瞬就已经不见了。显然这里的热度已经对他造成了极大的负担,让他不敢再多停留。 The vision looks toward Li Yajing, He Yiming in the heart expressed admiration. 目光朝着厉雅静望去,贺一鸣心中啧啧称奇。 Discussed by Martial Dao cultivation level, Li Yajing must be inferior in his father plans incessantly, but at this moment in this type intense linked him also to feel in heat wave that somewhat was hard to withstand, she did not have the uncomfortable expression, instead was appears bursting with life, on the face are more 1-layer has been similar to the rouge common sunset glow, even more tender and beautiful desire dropped. 武道修为而论,厉雅静要逊色于其父不止一筹,但是此刻在这种强烈的连他也感到有些难以承受的热浪之中,她却没有一点儿的难受表情,反而是显得神采奕奕,脸上更是多了一层如同胭脂一般的红霞,愈发的娇艳欲滴。 He Yiming heartfelt [say / way]: Young Lady Li Fire Spirit Physique is really fierce, no wonder Colored Glaze Old Ancestor will give you to use Divine Item's copy Nine Dragons Stove.” 贺一鸣由衷的道:“厉姑娘火灵之体果然厉害,怪不得琉璃老祖会将仿制神器九龙炉交给你使用。” Li Yajing flashing eyes looks at He Yiming, said: What I have is Divine Item's copy, however in your hand, is actually true Fire Element first Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove.” 厉雅静目光炯炯的看着贺一鸣,道:“我所拥有的是仿制神器,但是在你手上的,却是真正的火系第一神器九龙炉。” He Yiming hey however smiles, he listened to the opposite party mouth that jealousy, but actually not connection. 贺一鸣嘿然一笑,他听出了对方口中那浓浓的醋意,但却并未接口。 Li Yajing light snort|hum, said: You could rest assured that humble sect Mountain Splitting Old Ancestor once left behind the last words, Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove is the inborn thing, is not humble sect Inheritance, the person of being predestined friends can obtain this thing favor, to demand, definitely will direct the calamity upper body. Therefore we will not scheme your Nine Dragons Stove absolutely.” 厉雅静轻哼一声,道:“你放心,本门开山老祖宗曾经留下遗言,神器九龙炉乃是天生之物,并非本门传承,有缘之人方能获得此物青睐,若是想要强求,肯定会引祸上身。所以我们绝对不会图谋你的九龙炉。” He Yiming has been startled, sigh with emotion [say / way]: your sect Old Ancestor is really the person of wisdom, if previously Yu Family can also want to be good like this.” 贺一鸣怔了一下,感慨的道:“贵派老祖宗果然是睿智之人,如果昔曰宇家也能够这样想就好了。” Li Yajing ill-humored [say / way]: Five Elements Ring is the strength of previously Five Elements Sect set entire school builds, how can also compare with inborn Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove.” 厉雅静没好气的道:“五行环昔曰五行门集合整个门派之力打造而成,又如何能够与天生神器九龙炉相比。” He Yiming forced smile, but she said right, thing that picks baseless, but another is the older generations carefully builds, once after losing, this mentality is impossible is naturally same. 贺一鸣苦笑不已,不过她说的没错,一个是凭空捡来的东西,而另一个则是先辈们精心打造而成,一旦失去之后,这个心态自然是不可能一样的。 They continue to go forward, after entire double-hour, Li Yajing just now stopped. 他们两人继续前进,整整一个时辰之后,厉雅静方才停了下来。 In her front, is a giant pit hole, but this moment cave entrance was actually sealed up by stone gate. 在她的面前,是一个巨大的石洞,而此刻洞口却被一座石门所封闭。 This is previously humble sect Mountain Splitting Grand Martial-Ancestor the place of closing up, he leaves leeway the last words, only has the Divine Item Nine Dragons Stove owner and contemporary Sect Master can enter.” In the Li Yajing vision has envying and a faint envy of not being able saying that but she actually [say / way] without hesitation: I can only send you to this, as for whether goes, you decide.” “这是昔曰本门开山祖师爷的闭关之地,他老人家留有遗言,唯有神器九龙炉的拥有者和当代宗主方能进入其中。”厉雅静的目光中有着说不出的羡慕和一丝隐隐的妒忌,但她却毫不犹豫的道:“我只能送你到此,至于是否进去,你自己决定吧。” He Yiming speechless laughs in spite of trying not, said: many thanks Young Lady Li leads the way, He naturally must go.” 贺一鸣哑然失笑,道:“多谢厉姑娘引路,贺某当然要进去了。” He puts out a hand to push the door to enter, only stays behind is somewhat indignant Li Yajing stares on helplessly as before outside. 他伸手推门而入,只留下依旧是有些愤愤不平的厉雅静在外干瞪眼。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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