MG :: Volume #6

#312: Refuge shelter

In Chaos Dantian, the Light and Dark strength starts little melts. 混沌丹田之内,光明和黑暗的力量开始一点点的相融。 When carrying on Light and Dark Fusion, He Yiming movement quite careful, his complete spirit strongly above this point, again did not have to divert attention he to attend. 在进行着光暗合璧之时,贺一鸣的动作相当的小心,他的全部精神都已经集中在这一点之上,再也没有了分心他顾。 Because he knows that this is so far the most important test, if can also form the Light and Dark Fusion strength in Dantian, was equal to that he effectively grasped a super rank strength, even if one type were facing the Nine Layers Heaven powerhouse, top strength that must stronger plan. 因为他知道,这将是自己到目前为止最重要的一个考验,若是能够在丹田之内也形成光暗合璧的力量,那么就等于他真正的掌握到了一种超阶的力量,一种纵然是面对着九重天强者,也要更强一筹的顶尖力量。 Perhaps although before his entering Divine Dao, was unable to use this strength to come with Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person Might of World to contend, but he believes when meeting other Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven, oneself definitely can also get certain winning side. 虽然在他的步入神道之前,或许还无法使用这种力量来与神道凝血人天地之威抗衡,但是他相信,在遇到其他的人道巅峰九重天之时,自己肯定也可以占据一定的上风。 Wore Light Crown again in top of the head, huge Light Stregth continuously emerged his body again. However after having the previous experience, He Yiming quite adapted regarding this strength. His deep sorption air/Qi, is paying attention to the power balance of Light Stregth and Yin Evil Qi, and careful unified them. 重新将光明皇冠戴在了头顶上,庞大的光明力量再一次源源不绝的涌入了他的身体。但是有过上一次的经历之后,贺一鸣对于这种力量已经相当的适应了。他深深的吸着气,关注着光明力量阴煞之气的力量对比,并且小心的将他们结合了起来。 Gradually, He Yiming has discovered a quite interesting matter. 慢慢的,贺一鸣发现了一件相当有趣的事情。 When the Light and Dark strength starts to unify, under foundation Divine Weapon Five Elements Ring of that all strengths also started to release five colors radiance. 光明和黑暗的力量开始结合之时,就连下方那一切力量的基础神兵五行环也开始释放出五彩光芒了。 strength of five elements is the Eastern most formidable strength, but Strength of Light and Dark is actually the Western most formidable strength. 五行之力东方最强大的力量,而光暗之力却是西方最强大的力量。 Although they by He Yiming bewildered is relying on the strength of melt Chaos Dantian as one, however in them, actually not true melts. 它们虽然被贺一鸣莫名其妙的凭借着混沌丹田之力熔为一体,但是在它们之中,却并没有真正的相融。 It looks like the water does not violate river water, between both sides has the mutual lack of understanding that 1-layer cannot see. 就像是进水不犯河水似的,双方之间有着一层看不见的隔膜。 Naturally, these strengths are quite honest in Chaos Dantian, situation occurrence that anything has not been in sharp opposition, even also compares the coordination ties up in central all strengths together, making He Yiming throughout maintain at Mortal Dao peak Nine Layers Heaven Realm. 当然,这些力量在混沌丹田之内还是比较老实,并没有什么针锋相对的情况发生,甚至于还比较配合的将中心所有力量捆绑在一起,让贺一鸣始终保持在人道巅峰九重天境界 But, in this moment, they as if had certain subtle changes. Especially when Strength of Light and Dark gradually starts to fuse the jade, their middle that matter mutual lack of understanding as if become vague. Feeling that type did not pass away intercourse, became harmonious. 可是,在这一刻,它们似乎发生了某些微妙的变化。特别是当光暗之力逐渐开始相融合璧之时,它们中间的那层隔膜似乎变得若有若无起来。原先那种老死不相往来的感觉,也变得和睦了许多。 Although also impossible gets it done in one action now, making these strengths true is similar to Chaos melts generally, but He Yiming believes that so long as his relentless effort does, then has one day to complete this wish finally, becomes the Eastern and Western most formidable all strengths is similar to the Chaos general whole. 虽然现在还不可能一蹴而就,让这些力量真正的如同混沌一般相融,但贺一鸣相信,只要他坚持不懈的努力去做,那么终有一曰能够完成这个心愿,将东西方最强大的所有力量变成一个如同混沌一般的整体。 Naturally, wants to achieve this step, he must first comes to be good Metal Element and Water Element power of god to absorb. 当然,想要做到这一步,他首先要将金系水系神之力吸纳进来才行。 The mind shook slightly, has restrained immediately. 心神微微的震荡了一下,立即就收敛了起来。 In Dantian, that light and dark strength under his controlling, has not had any rebound and confrontation, instead gradually formed one has been similar to the primal chaos mysterious design. 丹田之内,那光与暗的力量在他的艹控之下,并没有发生任何的反弹和对峙,反而是逐渐的形成了一个如同太极般的神奇图案。 In this faint trace is mixing with under the strength bundle of light and dark, all Divine Weapon and power of god even more were impregnable. 在这一丝丝夹杂着光与暗的力量捆绑下,所有的神兵神之力就愈发的牢不可破了。 Also has not known how long, He Yiming long expiration, he has opened both eyes slowly. 也不知道过了多久,贺一鸣长长的吐了一口气,他缓缓的睁开了双目 In his eye pupil, has flashed through an intense joyful color, but his whole person as if also had the subtle change. 在他的眼眸之中,闪过了一丝强烈的欣喜之色,而他的整个人似乎也发生了微妙的改变。 Looked at the past from the semblance, he became even more seemed to be mature, on his face, has one strength that made one dread. 从外表上看过去,他似乎变得愈发的成熟了,在他的脸上和身上,都有着一丝令人畏惧的力量。 Although under the restraint of He Yiming, the aura of his pressure and powerhouse has not revealed that however in his around the body, has one inexplicable strength, as if momentarily silently is affecting other people. 虽然在贺一鸣的克制之下,他本身的气势和强者的气息都没有泄露,但是在他的身周,就是有着一种莫名的力量,似乎随时都在默默的影响着他人。 This is the light and dark strength, after these two strengths combine and complement one another, new strength that is born. 这就是光与暗的力量,当这两种力量合璧之后,所诞生出来的新的力量。 Just like this time He Yiming previously had just swallowed Silver Eel King Core later white horse Thunder Lightning, is unable to control regarding this emergying strength completely. 此时的贺一鸣正如昔曰刚刚吞食了银鳗王内丹之后的白马雷电,对于这种新出现的力量根本就无法完全掌控。 However fortunately, the white horse Thunder Lightning strength extremely in the great strength, anybody does not dare to approach its side only. But He Yiming concise, is actually the bright and dark strength, these two strengths no doubt can melt, but can also counter-balance mutually. The strength that only if He Yiming will combine and complement one another releases, otherwise the average person is unable to feel the strange change of his around the body. Because merely received the overflow the influence of light dark force field, when He Yiming around the body will have fear feeling facing powerhouse. 不过唯一值得庆幸的是,白马雷电力量太过于强大,任何人都不敢靠近它的身边。而贺一鸣所凝练的,却是光明与黑暗的力量,这两种力量固然能够相融,但也能够相互抵消。除非贺一鸣将合璧的力量释放出来,否则普通人根本就无法感受到他身周的奇异变化。仅仅会因为受到了外溢的光暗力场的影响,在贺一鸣身周会产生一种面对强者之时的畏惧感罢了。 The vision has rotated slightly, He Yiming is satisfied regarding own this time condition. 目光微微的转动了一下,贺一鸣对于自己此时的状态非常满意。 However he actually does not dare to begin to battle with the person easily, because his body has been full of the Light and Dark Fusion later strength at this time, if begins at this time, then ensure gets rid is earthshaking, verve peerless. 不过他却并不敢轻易与人动手交战,因为此时他的身上充满了光暗合璧之后的力量,若是此时动手,那么保证一出手就是惊天动地,刚猛绝伦。 This point, so long as thinks that previously Western two big Nine Layers Heaven powerhouses powerful ability of Light and Dark Fusion knew. 这一点,只要想想昔曰西方两大九重天强者的光暗合璧威能就知道了。 That time was Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person gets rid luckily, has used formidable Might of World, otherwise only He Yiming and the others the strengths, only feared that was also not necessarily able to eradicate the Light and Dark Fusion strength. 那一次幸好是神道凝血人出手,动用了强大的天地之威,否则单凭贺一鸣等人的力量,只怕还未必能够破除光暗合璧的力量。 After all, Light and Dark Fusion belongs to the strength that two big expert cultivates, borrows Temple strength of light not to be the same with Franklin. 毕竟,光暗合璧是属于那两大高手修炼出来的力量,与弗兰克林借用神殿光明之力并不相同。 When strength that in coping to borrow, He Yiming Chaos Dantian can easily melts all strengths. However, own practice strength when when the opposite party releases, He Yiming Chaos Dantian was helpless. 在对付借用的力量之时,贺一鸣混沌丹田能够轻易的将所有的力量化解。但是,当对方释放的自身修炼的力量之时,贺一鸣混沌丹田就对此无能为力了。 Took a walk slowly several steps, relative careful of He Yiming performance, his static experience that Light and Dark Fusion later feeling. 缓缓的走动了几步,贺一鸣表现的相当小心,他静静的体验着那光暗合璧之后的感觉。 Forms Light and Dark Fusion in Dantian, this absolutely is a novel incomparable feeling, does not combine and complement one another to compare the light dark strength in outside the body. 丹田内形成光暗合璧,这绝对是一种新奇无比的感觉,远非在体外将光暗力量合璧能够比拟。 Put out a hand to pick Light Crown on top of the head, although nobody directed, but He Yiming somewhat understood, this thing absolutely was one nearly in the Divine Item treasure. 伸手将头顶上的光明皇冠摘了下来,虽然没有人指点,但贺一鸣已经有些明白了,这东西绝对是一件近乎于神器的宝物了。 If the list by powerful ability and wonderful place, this imperial crown only fears already not under true Divine Item Thunderclap Seed, even if and whole set Thunderclap Heaven, or is compared with Nine Dragons Stove, can compare 12. 如果单以威能和神妙之处而言,这件皇冠只怕已经不在真正的神器雷震子之下,哪怕是与整套的霹雳天,或者是九龙炉相比,也可以相较12。 Only different, that in this imperial crown and Thunderclap Seed, does not have the Life's sign. 唯一不同的,那就是在这个皇冠和雷震子之内,并没有生命的迹象。 If also has in the imperial crown and Thunderclap Seed is similar to that nine fire dragon formidable intelligent life exists, then they absolutely can be called true Divine Item. 如果在皇冠和雷震子之中也有着如同那九条火龙般的强大智慧生命存在,那它们就绝对能够被称之为真正的神器了。 Deep looked at golden yellow imperial crown in the hand, He Yiming in the heart suddenly has flashed through a strange thought that 深深的看了眼手中的金黄色皇冠,贺一鸣心中豁然闪过了一个奇异的念头, He can affirm, before Franklin, has not worn this imperial crown absolutely in the head, otherwise does not have Chaos Dantian, is he of body of light, is unable to resist the strength of light formidable enticement strength absolutely. 他可以肯定,弗兰克林以前绝对未曾将这个皇冠戴在头上,否则没有混沌丹田,又是光明之体的他,绝对无法抵御光明之力的强大诱惑力量。 May such being the case, how he be able to use Space Strength in legend in front of Might of World of Divine Dao Solidified Blood Person to run away. 可既然如此,那他又是如何才能使用传说中的空间力量神道凝血人天地之威面前逃遁的呢。 Tight stares at the imperial crown, He Yiming in the eyes is glittering color of the doubt. 紧紧的盯着皇冠,贺一鸣眼中闪烁着一丝狐疑之色。 Long time, pure the strength of light has sent in the imperial crown. The next quarter, the double pupil of He Yiming has condensed suddenly, he was realizing carefully this unusual feeling, understood the infinite wondrous use of this imperial crown finally. 良久之后,一股精粹的光之力量送入了皇冠之中。下一刻,贺一鸣的双眸骤然凝缩了一下,他仔细的体会着这种奇特的感觉,终于明白了这件皇冠的无穷妙用。 In this imperial crown, has ability that innumerable has not been knowing, but actually quite formidable, that is Space Strength. 在这个皇冠之内,拥有着无数尚未知晓的能力,但是其中有一项却是相当的强大,那就是空间力量 All space goods are previously Inheritance in the Divine Dao treasure, in age that Divine Dao vanishes, such thing is fewer and fewer. 所有的空间物品都是昔曰传承神道的珍宝,在神道消失的年代中,这样的东西已经是越来越少了。 But on the body of Franklin, not only has a radical space waistband, but also above this imperial crown has a space slit. 而在弗兰克林的身上,不但有着一根空间腰带,而且这个皇冠之上更是有着一个空间缝隙。 After strength of light passed the palm and imperial crown contacted, He Yiming immediately induces, in the interior of this treasure, has one he very familiar strength. This strength is strength of space, although this time He Yiming has not grasped this strength, but he is not strange regarding Space's Strength. 光明的力量通过了手掌与皇冠接触之后,贺一鸣立即就感应到了,在这个宝物的内部,有着一种他非常熟悉的力量。这股力量就是空间之力,虽然此时的贺一鸣并没有掌握这种力量,但是他对于空间的力量却绝不陌生。 When Thought contacts after this strength, an inexplicable information propagation in his Mind Territory. 意念与这股力量接触之后,一股莫名的信息传达到了他的脑域之中。 In imperial crown, Divine Dao refuge shelter, so long as can use the pure light strength to guide, then can allow user to enter in the refuge shelter instantaneously. 在皇冠之内,有一个神道的避难所,只要能够使用纯粹的光之力量来进行引导,那么就能够让使用者本人在瞬间进入避难所之内。 The time of although entering is not long, but this is quite great maintaining life Supreme Skill. 虽然进入的时间并不长,但这已经是相当了不起的保命绝技了。 The complexion slightly changed, brow of He Yiming towering wrinkled. 脸色微微的变了一下,贺一鸣的眉头突兀的皱了起来。 He thinks Light Crown is the same with Thunderclap Seed, inside does not have the formidable intelligent life, however after the in the mind inexplicable receive this information, his view had a change. 他原来以为光明皇冠雷震子一样,里面都没有强大的智慧生命,但是在脑海中莫名的接收到了这股信息之后,他的看法就有了一丝改变。 This imperial crown absolutely not that simple...... 这个皇冠绝对没有那么简单…… Perhaps, in its interior, but also has is hiding the intelligent life. However, what in that several fire dragons with Nine Dragons Stove is different, this intelligent life should be is in the deep sleep, does not know when will wake up. 或许,在它的内部,还真的有一个隐藏着的智慧生命。不过,与九龙炉中的那几条火龙不同的是,这个智慧生命应该是处于沉睡之中,不知道何时才会醒来。 Shook the head, He Yiming abandons this strange thought. His both ears shrugs slightly, immediately listening that the sound of outside was scrupulous in one's work in the ear. The corners of the mouth overflowed a happy expression, has stood up the body, rocks slightly, left same place. 摇了摇头,贺一鸣将这个古怪的念头抛开。他的双耳微微耸动,立即将外界的声音一丝不漏的听在了耳中。嘴角溢出了一丝笑意,站起了身子,微微晃动之间,就已经离开了原地。 He Yiming these time closes up the chosen place is a swarthy cavern, when he comes out from the cavern, immediately induced several to worry , and scalding hot vision gazed above his body. 贺一鸣这一次闭关所选择的地方是一个黝黑的洞穴,当他从洞穴中出来之时,立即感应到了几道担忧且灼热的目光注视到了他的身体之上。 Gains ground, has selected under one toward white horse Thunder Lightning, Treasure Pig, Bai Lingba (108) and that huge Dragon Snake. 抬头,向着白马雷电宝猪百零八和那条巨大的龙蛇点了一下头。 Afterward, Light Stregth quietly without interest submerged in Light Crown in hand. 随后,一股光明力量悄然无息的没入了手中的光明皇冠之内。 The present space seemed raising a strange fluctuation, looked like on the level of the lake the breeze has blown, swung one wave. 眼前的空间似乎是泛起了一丝诡异的波动,就像是湖面上微风吹过,荡起了一片水波似的。 When this piece of fluctuation vanishes, stood in same place He Yiming already towering disappearance. 当这一片波动消失之时,原本站立在原地的贺一鸣就已经突兀的消失了。 In a flash, all person beasts stare round the eye, they look at the place that He Yiming vanished, in the eyes reveal the puzzled color. 一瞬间,所有的人兽都是瞪圆了眼睛,他们怔怔的看着贺一鸣消失的地方,眼中流露出了大惑不解之色。 Especially here master, that huge incomparable Dragon Snake has extended the giant head, is similar to the astral wind roars breathing rapid has made a sound, it regarding He Yiming inexplicable vanished to feel suitable shock. 特别是这里的主人,那条庞大无比的龙蛇更是将巨大的头颅伸了过来,如同罡风怒吼似的呼吸声急骤的响了起来,它对于贺一鸣莫名的消失感到了相当的震撼。 In the space raising the similar fluctuation, He Yiming from has flashed before once again afterward same place, but he, as soon as appears is staggers immediately, nearly distressed falls down. 空间中再度泛起了同样的波动,随后贺一鸣从原地闪现了出来,不过他一出现顿时就是一个趔趄,差点儿狼狈的摔倒在地。 Shook the head, He Yiming received Light Crown, thinks that experience, he somewhat is afraid. 摇了摇头,贺一鸣光明皇冠收了起来,一想到刚才的经历,他就有些不寒而栗。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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