MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5988: Palace Hall Master person?

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Actually behind, hindrance some checkpoints, but Chu Feng by preliminary secret Dian, can reduce and solve. 其实后面,也有一些阻碍的关卡,但是楚枫凭借初阶秘典,都能够化解。 At present flower, then Chu Feng provides formation technique, in situation that strives to arrange flower, reduced and solved is more relaxed. 眼下花花在,那么楚枫提供阵法,花花出力布置的情况下,化解的更加轻松。 „The Spirit Formation law of your little rascal, is really enviable.” “你这小鬼的结界阵法,真的是让人羡慕啊。” Colored really envies, has such formation technique, then regarding World Spiritist, wants even more more useful than any treasure simply. 花花是真的羡慕,拥有这样的阵法,那对于界灵师而言,简直比任何宝物都要更加的有用。 This is the peerless sharp weapon, and heaven defying rank. 此乃绝世利器,且逆天级别。 After the praise, starts the set up formation immediately. 夸赞之后,也是立刻开始布阵。 When starts the set up formation flower at that moment, Chu Feng also detects change immediately senior, your formation strength......” 当花花开始布阵那一刻,楚枫也是立刻察觉到了变化“前辈,你的结界战力……” Yo, eye such sharp, was discovered by you?” “哟,眼睛这么尖的吗,被你发现了?” Was Bloodline awakened, obtained the Fight Against First Rank strength, but actually was also just awakened in that formation gate.” “是血脉觉醒了,获得了逆战一品的战力,不过其实也是刚刚在那结界门内才觉醒的。” In our generation, resulted in very much, but places the present, probably is not anything.” “在我们这一代,是很了得了,不过放在现在,好像也不算什么。” I hear Seven Worlds Saint Mansion Ling Xiao and Jie Tian , should you... also?” “我听闻七界圣府灵霄界天也可以,伱…应该也可以吧?” On the flower mouth was saying to be not anything, but on the face also has the self-satisfaction that is difficult to cover. 花花嘴上说着不算什么,但脸上却也有着难掩的得意。 Un, junior truly.” Chu Feng said. “嗯,晚辈确实也可以。”楚枫道。 Colored smiles, she is not accidental/surprised. 花花笑了笑,她丝毫不意外。 Although she has not seen Ling Xiao and Jie Tian, but she believes that Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, absolutely above Ling Xiao and Jie Tian. 尽管她没见过灵霄界天,但她坚信,楚枫的结界之术,绝对在灵霄界天之上。 Some not possible people compared at present this little rascal heaven defying. 不可能有人比眼前这个小鬼更逆天了。 If really has, she also can only think of a person. 如果真的有,她也只能想到一个人。 But is not the present age junior. 但不是当代小辈。 Because, that is the Chu Feng's mother. 因为,那是楚枫的母亲。 Under the two coordination, then goes to the place that Chu Feng said quickly. 二者配合下,很快便来到了楚枫所说的地方。 This time underground palace, is extremely broad, just like a place bottom world. 此时的地宫,已是极其宽阔,宛如一座地底世界。 But the front, actually the colossus, blocked the way in bottom world. 但前方,却有一个庞然大物,堵住了地底世界的去路。 This thing, the ray is radiant, will be situated just like tomorrow in this. 此物,光芒璀璨,宛如明日坐落于此。 But is careful looked, actually overlaying layer upon layer, the intriguing structure, is very neat. 但仔细一看,却又层层迭加而起,错综复杂的结构,却又规整无比。 Regardless of the size, is that neat degree and shape, just like a vast city. 无论大小,还是那整齐程度以及形态,都宛如一座浩瀚城池。 It also has entrance, that front door, dignified incomparable. 它还有一个入口,那道大门,威严无比。 But it also seems like a warning. 但它也像是一个警告。 This place, cannot excel at rushing. 此地,不可擅闯。 Can determine after the observation, to break the formation cannot collaborate, can only a person. 经过观察可以判定,破阵不能联手,只能一个人。 If some people step into, this formation technique will then revolve thoroughly. 若是有人踏入其中,这座阵法便会彻底运转。 senior, has not deceived you, is the bad risk?” Chu Feng said. 前辈,没骗您吧,是不是很凶险?”楚枫道。 Because is only coming out that the normal people look, this cannot enter. 因为只是正常人都看的出来,此阵不可入。 The flower spend some the nod, immediately looked to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, I want to try.” 花花点了点头,旋即看向楚枫:“楚枫,我想试试。” Hears this words, Chu Feng is also one startled, rushes saying: senior, is very dangerous.” 听闻此话,楚枫也是一惊,赶忙道:“前辈,真的很危险。” I know, and after must go, can seek the law of decoding, therefore you are unable to help me provide the to break the formation formation technique chart, right?” Colored ikebana. “我知道,并且要进去之后,才能寻得破解之法,所以你是无法帮我提供破阵阵法图的,对吧?”花花道。 Yes, can only depend upon itself. And junior the method of to break the formation, mostly is also useless.” “是,只能依靠自己。并且晚辈破阵之法,多半也是无用。” junior felt, many of this test, are extremely complex, junior is indefinite, has not naturally grasped.” Chu Feng said. 晚辈觉得,此阵考验的很多,极其复杂,晚辈也不确定,自然也没把握。”楚枫道。 What Chu Feng said is the truth, Chu Feng always believes in a few words. 楚枫说的是实话,楚枫向来信奉一句话。 In the riches and honor danger asked!!! 富贵险中求!!! Fears anything, did ends. 怕什么,干就完了。 But the key point is, must have the riches and honor to take risk. 但重点是,要有富贵才能冒险。 Chu Feng judged, this place without the riches and honor, has only had the bad risk, that naturally would have no adventurous necessity. 楚枫判断,此地已经没有富贵,只剩下凶险了,那自然就没有冒险的必要。 Chu Feng, you have not experienced that time.” 楚枫,你没有经历过那个时代。” You have not naturally seen, initially all troops, wanted to step into this place the scene.” “你自然没有见过,当初各方人马,都想要踏入此地的场面。” This motion palace, us, there is a special significance.” “这座移动宫殿,于我们而言,有特殊意义。” I have this luck, discovered it, by chance is it that the strength weakens.” “我有这个运气,发现了它,恰巧是力量减弱的它。” If did not take advantage that this opportunity tries, perhaps I for a lifetime, will feel regret.” “若不趁这个机会试试,我恐怕一辈子,都会感到遗憾。” Said flower these words time, the vision has been staring at that just like boundless great formation of great city. 花花说这番话的时候,目光一直盯着那座宛如巨城的磅礴大阵 Chu Feng from her vision, can read her there yearning. 楚枫从她的目光中,能够阅读出她那里的向往。 senior, such being the case, you take this.” Chu Feng took teleportation talismans. 前辈,既然如此,那你将这个拿着。”楚枫将一张传送符纸拿了出来。 That is Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president to Chu Feng's talismans, when can the danger escapes uses. 那是武者商会会长楚枫的符纸,可以危险之时逃脱用。 Sees talismans that Chu Feng hands over, feels flower surprised, her surprised is not Chu Feng has such treasure. 看到楚枫递过来的符纸,花花感到惊讶,她惊讶的不是楚枫有如此宝物。 But the so precious treasure, Chu Feng gave her conveniently. 而是如此贵重的宝物,楚枫随手就给了她。 Also this, was too natural. 这也,太大方了。 In her concept, the relational very good person, so to be natural. 她的观念里,关系很好之人,才会如此大方。 But she and Chu Feng shortly after acquaintance, and she previously to the Chu Feng also like that attitude. 而她与楚枫才相识不久,并且她先前对楚枫还那般态度。 She thinks now, feels somewhat shamefacedly difficult to bear. 她现在想想,都感觉有些羞愧难当。 After short god, she smiled, smiled is very warm. 短暂愣神后,她笑了,笑的很暖。 Really is the good treasure.” “真是好宝贝。” No wonder Seven Worlds Saint Mansion cannot hold your little rascal.” “难怪七界圣府都抓不住你这小鬼。” Colored talismans, pushed. 花花将符纸,推了回去。 On me also has similar treasure, did not need you to go to the expense.” “我身上也有类似的宝物,就不用你破费了。” The words, flower then arrived directly, before that formation technique entrance . 话罢,花花便直接来到了,那阵法入口前。 Halts.” “站住。” But, the sound resounds from great formation in the meantime suddenly together. 可就在此时,忽然一道声音自大阵之中响起。 That sound is very chaos, cannot distinguish clearly its age, what can determine, that is a man. 那声音很是混沌,分不清其年龄,但能够确定的是,那是一个男子。 greets senior.” 拜见前辈。” Does not know that senior lives in this, many disturbs, but also asked senior to excuse me.” “不知前辈居住于此,多有打扰,还请前辈见谅。” Hears this sound, rushes to serve with a ritual flower. 听到这个声音,花花赶忙施以一礼。 Chu Feng, serves with a ritual. 楚枫,同样施以一礼。 They felt that sound does not seem like formation technique, is more like exists. 他们都感觉,那声音不像是阵法,更像是真实存在的。 Exists in this place really? 真实存在于此地? Passes on the sound from formation technique? 还是传自阵法之中的声音? Even if not this place actual master, this person still grasps the person of this place formation technique mostly. 就算不是此地真正的主人,此人多半也是掌握此地阵法之人。 This formation technique, is not you can challenge.” “这座阵法,不是你们可以挑战的。” „To maintain a livelihood, then leaves.” That sound resounds again. “想活命,便离开吧。”那声音再度响起。 senior, if junior challenges successfully, whether to can have been rewarded?” Asked flower. 前辈,若是晚辈挑战成功,能否得到奖励?”花花问。 But her inquiry, actually trades a chuckle „......” 但她的询问,却换来一声轻笑“呵……” Likes asking, might as well ask the heaven, when will you die?” “这么爱问,不如问问苍天,你何时会死?” Hears this words, flower brow slightly wrinkle. 听闻此话,花花眉头微皱。 Person who she has the temperament, but words that opposite party satirized, then enraged her. 她是有脾气的人,而对方这句略带讽刺的话语,则是激怒了她。 senior, if junior can challenge?” The flower this time tone, is the respect reduces greatly. 前辈,若晚辈非要挑战呢?”花花此时的语气,已是敬意大减。 Now walks, your life also.” “现在走,你的命还在。” If goes, your life is then connected with you skill.” “若进去,你的命便与你自身本事相连。” „It is not the old man looks down upon your present age World Spiritist, but is in you, no one can break open this absolutely.” “不是老夫看不起你们当代界灵师,而是你们之中,绝对无人可以破开此阵。” That sound resounds again. 那声音再度响起。 But flower stepped into that formation technique directly. 而花花则是直接踏入了那座阵法之内。 Just stepped into, formation technique that revolved slowly, then fast turn-around. 刚刚踏入其中,原本迟缓运转的阵法,便快速运转起来。 The Chu Feng earnest observation, in the eye somewhat is unavoidably intense. 楚枫认真观察,眼中不免有些紧张。 If only observes, even if that formation technique danger, this place had Ancient Being unexpectedly, still gave the so obvious reminder, Chu Feng was worried. 倘若只是自己观察出,那阵法危险也就算了,此地居然有远古存在,也给出了如此明显的提醒,楚枫就更加担心了。 He worried, is unable to live flower. 他担心,花花无法活着走出来。 Did not need to look, she could not come out.” “不用看了,她出不来了。” But in the meantime, side Chu Feng, the sound in that formation technique resounds again. 而就在此时,在楚枫侧面,那阵法内的声音再度响起。 But this time, is not in formation technique spreads, but is side Chu Feng's. 只不过这一次,不是阵法内传出,而是楚枫的身旁。
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