MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5989: Ancient times and present age, white becoming dark armor male

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Waits and sees along the sound, the form stands by oneself together. 顺声观望,一道身影就站在自己旁边。 This is tall, is two meters fully. 这位身材高大,足有两米有余。 Wears a black armor, that armor is very fine, and above covers entirely the years the trace, that is the slash, the sword mark, various types of pointed weapons, even Martial Technique trace. 身穿一袭黑色铠甲,那铠甲十分精致,且上面布满岁月的痕迹,那是刀痕,剑痕,各种兵刃,甚至武技的痕迹。 But his skin part, gives out the ray, cannot be seeing the concrete outline unexpectedly. 而他的皮肤部分,竟散发着光芒,看不到具体轮廓。 But the clarity that full head the white hair actually looks , the white hair scatters, falls above the black armor, in addition tall and straight physique. 但满头的白发却看的清楚,白发散落而下,落在黑色铠甲之上,再加上挺拔的身姿。 Feels overbearingly incomparable, the oppression is full. 给人的感觉霸道无比,压迫十足。 But this, to the Chu Feng obviously not hostility. 但这位,对楚枫明显并无敌意。 senior, you are not only this landlord person, should grasp this place formation technique, can hear our dialogues.” 前辈,你既是此地主人,应该掌握此地阵法,能够听到我们的对话。” She to here, is very respectable, is also respectable to you.” “她对这里,是很尊敬的,对您同样尊敬。” „But why do you enrage her intentionally? Wants her to step into?” “可您为何故意激怒她?非要她踏入其中?” From this to own attitude, Chu Feng can feel, this just treated like that flower, is intentionally, is to make step into formation technique flower. 从这位对自己的态度,楚枫能感觉到,这位刚刚那般对待花花,是故意的,就是要让花花踏入阵法之内。 Because of you.” White becoming dark armor male say/way. “因为你。”白发黑甲男道。 I?” Chu Feng surprise. “我?”楚枫诧异。 You, named Chu Feng, is present age strongest junior martial practitioner, is present age strongest junior World Spiritist.” “你,名为楚枫,乃当代最强小辈武者,也是当代最强小辈界灵师。” „Doesn't you, why challenge that formation technique?” The white becoming dark armor male asked. “伱,为何不挑战那座阵法?”白发黑甲男问。 Because I listen to advice.” Chu Feng said. “因为我听劝。”楚枫道。 Listens to advice?” The white becoming dark armor male, some does not understand. “听劝?”白发黑甲男,有些不懂。 This formation technique clearly wrote two characters, the danger.” Chu Feng said. “这阵法分明就写了两个字,危险。”楚枫道。 White becoming dark armor male smiles, said: „The point of pleasant to hear said listens to advice, the coarse point that said is timid.” 白发黑甲男笑了笑,才道:“说的好听一点是听劝,说的难听一点就是胆小。” „Is Chu Feng that but this how and I hear not quite same?” “但这怎么与我听闻的楚枫不太一样?” senior, method of goading somebody into action is useless to junior.” 前辈,激将法对晚辈没用。” Only if, you can tell junior clearly, breaks open this to have what advantage.” “除非,你能明确告诉晚辈,破开此阵有何好处。” „The junior observation, this place should not have the treasure.” Chu Feng said. 晚辈观察,此地应该没有宝物了。”楚枫说道。 Treasure truly does not have, but the dignity do you want?” The white becoming dark armor male asked. “宝物确实没有,但尊严你要不要?”白发黑甲男问。 Dignity?” Chu Feng surprise. “尊严?”楚枫诧异。 Has seen the Ancient Era peer?” White becoming dark armor male. “见过远古时期的同辈了吧?”白发黑甲男。 Has seen.” Chu Feng said. “见过。”楚枫道。 Actually, they were in in hundred years were also born, must say, was the person of present age.” “其实,他们也是于百年之内出生,非要说,也是当代之人。” But why they posed as the ancient times, and looked down upon present age martial practitioner, why can you know?” The white becoming dark armor male asked. “可为何他们以远古自居,且看不起当代武者,你可知为何?”白发黑甲男问。 Because of their Bloodline inheritance from the ancient times, because their families stand erect in Ancient Era not but actually.” “因为他们的血脉传承自远古,因为他们的家族在远古时期就屹立不倒。” However present age martial practitioner......” words to here, Chu Feng stop. “而当代武者……”话到此处,楚枫停顿。 present age martial practitioner how?” The white becoming dark armor male asked. “当代武者怎么了?”白发黑甲男问。 Then, is the guesses of junior, nothing investigate.” Chu Feng smiles. “接下来的,都是晚辈的猜测,没有任何考究。”楚枫笑了笑 Makes me listen to your guess.” White becoming dark armor male say/way. “就让我听听你的猜测。”白发黑甲男道。 junior guessed, all human race of present age, the monster clan, not in the life that this time is born.” 晚辈猜测,当代的所有人族,妖族,并非是于这个时代诞生的生命。” Our ancestors, should also come from Ancient Era.” “我们的祖先,应该也都是源自于远古时期。” Why we, have not had the Ancient Era treasure, without the inheritance of Ancient Era?” “只是为何我们,没有拥有远古时期的宝物,没有远古时期的传承?” I guessed, is our older generations, the performance in Ancient Era is quite mediocre, is the martial cultivation world lowest level, is unable to inherit, but simply does not have the treasure to inherit.” “我猜测,是我们的先辈,在远古时期的表现较为平庸,乃是修武界的最底层,不是无法传承,而是根本没有宝物可以传承。” Even the ancestors of many, possibly in Ancient Era are not cultivator, is the true common people.” “甚至很多人的祖先,可能在远古时期都不是修武者,是真正的平民百姓。” Why this is in Lower Realm many places, many people Bloodline no reason.” “这便是为何在下界的很多地方,很多人连血脉都没有的原因。” Ancient times later period, should what happened, these powerful sect families all are involved.” “远古后期,应该是发生了什么事情,那些强大的宗门家族皆参与其中。” Causes their deep sleep, instead is our these ancestors is person of the common people, inherited.” “导致他们沉睡,反而是我们这些先祖是平民百姓之人,传承了下来。” But the Ancient Era matter, as if made many people lose the memory, therefore our ancestors, forgot that the matter of ancient times, then felt oneself were the person of this time.” “但远古时期的事情,似乎让很多人失去了记忆,所以我们的先祖,也都忘记远古之事,便觉得自己就是这个时代之人。” Naturally, since inheritance, how many does the Ancient Era character some survive?” “当然,传承至今,远古时期的人物又有多少存活下来的?” Most people, were this time birth.” “大多数人,都是这个时代出生的罢了。” Was ancient times these prestigious family aristocrats, the colossus, must separate out the person of same time.” “是远古那些名门贵族,庞然大物,非要将同一时代的人区分开来。” Because they look down upon us.” “因为他们看不起我们。” In their eyes, we can occupy this time, occupies this vast martial cultivation world, is completely because they fell into the deep sleep.” “于他们眼中,我们能够占据这个时代,占据这浩瀚修武界,完全是因为他们陷入了沉睡。” In their eyes, we are the tiger do not call the monkey of king in the mountain monkey.” “于他们眼中,我们不过是老虎不在山猴子称大王的猴子罢了。” No, actually the monkey is not, is the ants.” “不,其实连猴子都不是,是蝼蚁。” In their eyes, we as before are the Ancient Era common people, is humblest existence.” “于他们眼中,我们依旧是远古时期的平民百姓,是最低贱的存在。” Is they waves, blows the air/Qi, ants that can let our homeland flying ash annihilation.” “是他们挥一挥手,吹一吹气,都能让我们的家园飞灰湮灭的蝼蚁。” We while their deep sleep, attained their resources and treasure, had today's achievement.” “我们不过是趁他们沉睡,拿到了他们的资源与宝物,才有了今日成就。” But is inferior to them to be noble in the final analysis, was inferior that they are powerful.” “但归根结底不如他们高贵,不如他们强大。” Therefore in their eyes, we are the civilians of being in luck, is unable to place on a par with them.” “所以于他们眼中,我们不过是走运的平民,无法与他们相提并论。” - 啪- - 啪- - 啪- The Chu Feng words to here, that white becoming dark armor male clap unexpectedly. 楚枫话到此处,那位白发黑甲男竟拍起手来。 Chu Feng has not spoken, but has been staring at him. 楚枫没有说话,而是一直盯着他。 Your this is not the guess, but analyzes according to your experience.” “你这不是猜测,而是根据你所见所闻分析的。” Observation, the analysis, the itself/Ben is the World Spiritist basic skills.” “观察,分析,本就是界灵师的基本功。” Your basic skills are good, I can tell you, right that very you analyze, your analysis is correct.” “你的基本功不错,我可以告诉你,你分析的很对,你的分析是正确的。” All lives are born in the antiquity, ancient times was also the antique inheritance, the present age also similarly is the ancient times inheritance.” “所有生命诞生于太古,远古也不过是太古的传承,当代也同样是远古的传承。” Just each time, has a powerhouse of able to move unhindered side, there are common people of calm and steady survival.” “只不过每个时代,都有纵横一方的强者,也有安稳生存的百姓。” Powerhouse, naturally looks down upon the common people.” White becoming dark armor male say/way. “强者,自然看不起百姓。”白发黑甲男道。 Therefore senior, looks down upon us.” Chu Feng said. “所以前辈,同样看不起我们。”楚枫道。 Chu Feng, the respect must depend on the skill, by whose skill? By your own skill.” 楚枫,尊重是要靠本事的,靠谁的本事?靠你自己的本事。” „The weak one, trades does not respect, can only trade to pity, trades to sympathize.” “弱者,换不来尊重,只能换来怜悯,换来同情。” But gives to pity and sympathize, is the powerhouse decides.” “但是否给予怜悯与同情,是强者决定的。” Because they can also refuse to give to pity and sympathize, they can also choose to give the shame and destruction.” “因为他们也可以拒绝给予怜悯与同情,他们也可以选择给予羞辱与毁灭。” „All depending on conscience, but you are undeniable, they have the qualifications of decision.” “一切全凭良心,但你不可否认,他们有决定的资格。” For example enters a female, she just came time, looked that you are very not pleasing to the eyes.” “比如入阵的女子,她刚来的时候,看你还很不顺眼。” Is you revealed that formation technique general arrangement, she has transformed to you.” “是你亮出那座阵法布置图,她才对你有所转变。” This, is you respect that uses the strength to trade.” “这,是你用实力换来的尊重。” Similarly, you want to earn our respect, must use your strength.” “同样的,你想得到我们的尊重,也是要用你的实力。” Why otherwise can respect you?” “不然凭什么要尊重你?” „The effort of our older generation generation, for what?” “我们先辈世代的努力,为的是什么?” Really thinks, to protect world all living things, protects the world common people?” “真的以为,是为了保护世间万物,保护天下苍生?” Of course not.” “当然不是。” Our older generations, the generation diligently, are to spread out rest of us.” “我们的先辈,世代努力,就是要拉开我们其他人的距离。” Must be the powerhouse, must be the person who controls others destiny, must be the top dog.” “要做强者,要做掌握他人命运的人,要做人上人。” This is diligently the cultivation power.” “这才是努力修炼的动力。” Regarding the white becoming dark armor male words, Chu Feng had not replied, everyone has the idea of everyone. 对于白发黑甲男的话,楚枫没有回答,每个人有每个人的想法。 But Chu Feng knows, the white becoming dark armor male idea, in fact is the ideas of most cultivator. 楚枫知道,白发黑甲男的想法,实际上是大部分修武者的想法。 Incessantly ancient times, present age also so. 不止远古,当代也如此。 Even in the future, similarly so. 甚至未来,也同样如此。 PS: Little Brother, rest earlier, behind also has, but do not wait, the honeybee condition is too bad, slow of very revision. PS:兄弟们,早点睡吧,后面还有,但是别等了,蜜蜂状态太差,修改的很慢。
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