MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5987: Colored, awakens

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Possibly was the pray of Xia Xingchen the effect. 可能是夏星辰的祈祷起了效果。 After enters the formation gate, flower is not smooth, even is very difficult. 花花进入结界门后并不顺利,甚至很是艰难。 If Chu Feng expects, not only behind this has Second Level, Third Level, Fourth Level. 楚枫所料,这后面不仅有第二重,还有第三重,第四重 And each heavy difficulty is raised. 且每重难度都在提升。 At present is colored, before has arrived Fourth Level hinders, is this time she, does not have the confidence. 眼下花花,已来到第四重阻碍之前,可是此时的她,已经没了信心。 She is unable to seek the best to break the formation way, can only choose her to arrange, best formation technique. 她无法寻得最佳破阵的方式,只能选择一座她所能布置出的,最佳阵法 But she also knows, compares in Chu Feng's formation technique, her formation technique, missing were too many. 但她自己也知道,相比于楚枫的阵法,她的阵法,差了太多。 She can only by her cultivation realm, consume, but this is very difficult. 她只能凭借自身的修为,进行消耗,但这很艰难。 If trades to do usually, flower is really not possibly able to break through Fourth Level. 若是换做平时,花花可能真的无法突破第四重 However she knows, Chu Feng may break through Fourth Level very much. 但是她知道,楚枫很有可能会突破第四重 If Chu Feng went, she cannot go, this really lost face. 若是楚枫进去了,她进不去,这实在太丢脸了。 This type is not willing to lose to the junior at heart, making her obtain, compared with a past stronger will. 这种不愿败给小辈的心里,使得她获得了,比以往更强的毅力。 But this Fourth Level difficulty is too big, even if the will exceeded the past at this time, but actually also difficult could support. 可这第四重的难度实在太大,哪怕此时毅力超过以往,可却也难以支撑下去。 „, Did not lose to Jie Ranqing also even, how can lose to her son?” “不可以,败给界染清也就算了,怎么可以败给她的儿子?” Good and evil now is also True Dragon World Spiritist, how can lose to God-cloak World Spiritist?” “好歹现在也是真龙界灵师,怎能输给一个神袍界灵师?” not to mention passes on, whether outsider laughs in me, I am unacceptable.” 莫说传出去,外人是否笑话于我,我自己都不能接受。” „It is not good, is not good, I cannot defeat here, I must pass, I must pass.” “不行,不行,我不能败在这里,我一定要过去,我一定要过去。” In the consciousness gradually blurs, is unwilling to be defeated flower, unexpectedly crazy roared. 就在意识逐渐模糊之际,不甘失败的花花,竟疯狂的咆哮起来。 This is her first time, the strength of so desperate stimulation of movement formation technique, even if has arrived were in danger the situation, has not stopped. 这是她第一次,如此拼命的催动阵法之力,哪怕已经到了有生命危险的地步,也没有停止。 She believes a matter, Chu Feng can certainly pass. 她相信一件事,楚枫一定能过去。 If Chu Feng can pass, but she actually cannot pass, she thought that her cultivation is so long, then Bai Xiu refine. 若是楚枫能过去,但是她却过不去,她觉得她修炼这么久,便白修炼了。 Even if in danger, she must wrestle furiously. 哪怕有生命危险,她也要奋力一搏。 But under this faith support, the flower body starts to change. 而在这股信念支撑下,花花的身体开始发生变化。 The heart soon stops beating. 心脏快要停止跳动。 cultivation realm soon diverges. 修为快要散去。 The soul soon falls from the sky. 灵魂快要陨灭。 The life soon stops. 生命快要停止。 Traded to make the past, she felt this feeling, definitely stops immediately. 换作以往,她感受到这种感觉,必然会立刻停下。 But this time, she actually runs a risk without caring about danger, insisted as before. 但这一次,她却不顾死活,依旧坚持。 Thump thump- 咚咚- - 咔嚓- Suddenly, flower heard from within the body, complex sound. 猛然间,花花自体内听到了,复杂的声音。 Resembling is the broken egg, resembling is the drumbeat shares the honor. 似是破蛋而出,似是鼓声齐名。 That sound disappears in a flash. 那声音一瞬即逝。 But at the same time, from its within the body, a boundless formation power release. 但与此同时,自其体内,一股磅礴的结界之力释放而出。 At this moment, flower wild with joy. 这一刻,花花狂喜。 She not only consciousness becomes clear, can feel the change of own strength. 她不仅意识变得清晰,更是能够感受到自己力量的变化。 Her realm has not changed, as before is Seventh Rank True Dragon, is her Spirit Formation technique, obtained the sublimation, is endures to compare Eight Rank True Dragon. 她的境界没有变化,依旧是七品真龙,可是她的结界之术,却得到了升华,已是堪比八品真龙 Is bloodline power, under the support of this faith, under the stimulation of danger, her formation Bloodline unexpectedly awakens unexpectedly, thus obtained the Fight Against First Rank formation strength. 血脉之力,竟在这股信念的支撑下,在生命危险的激发下,她的结界血脉竟然觉醒,从而获得了逆战一品结界战力。 This makes flower wild with joy incomparable. 这让花花狂喜无比。 This is a unexpected happiness, but such unexpected happiness, regarding flower, is extremely important. 这是意外之喜,但这样的意外之喜,对于花花而言,极其重要。 Even can say, compared with any Treasure Storehouse, is more important. 甚至可以说,比任何宝藏,都更加重要。 This is she until now the breakthrough that wants to obtain. 这是她一直以来都想要获得的突破。 Follows bloodline power to awaken, the flower condition not only thoroughly restores, quick that blocks in Fourth Level formation technique of her front, is scatters in all directions. 伴随血脉之力觉醒,花花状态不仅彻底恢复,很快那拦在她前方的第四重阵法,也是四散开来。 Follows seven color formation power to scatter in all directions to go, she treads forward one step, all suddenly see the light, the underground palace corridor appears again in it at present. 伴随七彩结界之力四散而去,她向前踏出一步,一切豁然开朗,地宫长廊再度浮现在其眼前。 As she expected, a form also in the underground palace corridor. 不出她所料,一个身影也在地宫长廊之中。 Chu Feng!!! 楚枫!!! Chu Feng not only , and condition is good. 楚枫不仅在,且状态良好。 This time she somewhat rejoiced unavoidably. 此时的她不免有些庆幸。 Was good because of being the final moment awakened bloodline power. 好在是最后关头觉醒了血脉之力 Otherwise if, came in even, but that soon dies to arrive at the distressed appearance, still loses face. 如若不然,就算进来了,可那个快要死来到狼狈模样,依旧丢人。 senior.” 前辈。” Sees to be colored, Chu Feng rushes to serve with a ritual. 见到花花进来,楚枫赶忙施以一礼。 How long did you come in?” Asked flower. “你进来多久了?”花花问。 Also shortly.” Chu Feng said. “也没多久。”楚枫道。 Worthily is the inheritance of Ancestral Martial World Sect, your method real heaven defying, realm is weaker than so many me, unexpectedly can be quicker than me.” Colored ikebana. “不愧是祖武界宗的传承,你那手段真的逆天,境界比我弱这么多,居然能够比我快。”花花道。 Before trading does, she does not believe, by the formation technique ingenious degree, can make up for the realm disparity. 换做之前,她不会相信,凭借阵法的巧妙程度,能够弥补境界差距。 That is fantasy story, does not conform to the cultivation rule. 那是天方夜谭,是不符合修炼规则的。 Why when this is also, starts to see Chu Feng, Chu Feng said that he is oneself, broke open picked star Daoist priest bound to live in his formation technique, reason that flower did not believe. 这也是为何,最开始见到楚枫时,楚枫说他是自己,破开了摘星道长束缚住他的阵法,花花不信的原因。 But when she sees Chu Feng to provide, may break the First Level formation gate formation technique general arrangement, some of her then letters. 但当她看到楚枫提供的,可破第一重结界门的阵法布置图,她便有些信了。 By that formation technique general arrangement, breaks open First Level after with ease, she believed firmly. 当凭借那阵法布置图,轻松破开第一重后,她确信了。 When she in Second Level facing the formation gate hinders. 而当她面对结界门内第二重阻碍之时。 She starts to fondly remember Chu Feng's formation technique. 她开始怀念楚枫的阵法 Is behind, more fondly remembers. 越是后面,越是怀念。 If she has Chu Feng's formation technique, so will not be difficult, even was almost blocked outside. 若是她有楚枫的阵法,也不会如此艰难,甚至差点被拦在外面了。 senior overpraised, junior is only the luck is quite good.” Chu Feng said. 前辈过奖了,晚辈只是运气比较好。”楚枫道。 Do not be immodest, otherwise you are insulting me.” Colored ikebana. “别谦虚,不然你就是在侮辱我。”花花道。 senior, I may not have.” Chu Feng explained. 前辈,我可没有。”楚枫解释。 Naturally has.” “当然有。” We can arrive this step, depended is the strength, by the luck, is only impossible to arrive this step.” “我们能走到这一步,靠的都是实力,只靠运气,不可能走到这一步。” you, if said that you are the luck, that isn't insults my talent to be insufficient?” Colored ikebana. “伱若是说你是运气,那不就是侮辱我天赋不够吗?”花花道。 senior, junior is not this meaning, but junior heard that modest is one is good to be familiar with.” 前辈,晚辈可不是这个意思,只是晚辈听说谦虚是一个好习惯。” But you, if said like this that junior may not be immodest.” “但你要是这样说,那晚辈可就不谦虚了。” Actually, junior is a talent.” “其实,晚辈是个天才。” The sunlight that the Chu Feng mouth one, not only smiles is bright, but also was placed a rampant hand signal in the front. 楚枫嘴巴一咧,不仅笑的阳光灿烂,还在面前摆了个嚣张的手势。 But who once thinks, a Chu Feng this optional action, actually stirs up the flower corners of the mouth to rise, smiles. 可谁曾想,楚枫这随意的一个举动,却惹得花花嘴角上扬,嫣然一笑。 Then right, I do not like the modest person, you maintain.” “这才对嘛,我不喜欢谦虚的人,你保持住。” During the flower speeches, then walks toward the front. 花花说话间,便向前方走去。 But Chu Feng said suddenly: senior, I have observed, here does not have Treasure Storehouse.” 楚枫却忽然道:“前辈,我观察过了,这里没有宝藏。” What Chu Feng said is the truth, by preliminary secret Dian, he actually enters this place, was colored quicker. 楚枫说的是实话,凭借初阶秘典,他其实进入此地,比花花快了很多。 Therefore he has observed, by the beforehand clue, and clue of this place, Chu Feng determined a matter. 所以他已经观察过了,凭借之前的线索,以及此地的线索,楚枫确定了一件事。 Reason that here formation technique weakens, is some important thing disappears. 这里阵法减弱的原因,是某个重要的东西不见了。 He analyzed, the treasure of this place once had, but is taken now, therefore causes this place formation technique strength to reduce greatly, they can also enter this place. 他判断,此地的宝物曾经有,但是现在被取走了,所以导致此地阵法力量大减,他们也才能够进入此地。 But although most important thing possibly not. 但尽管最重要的东西可能不在了。 But here defensive formation also, even if the strength reduces greatly, may still have certain risk. 可这里的防御阵法还在,就算力量大减,可也具有一定危险性。 But Chu Feng also his guess, concrete told flower. 楚枫也是将他的猜测,具体的告诉了花花。 After hearing the Chu Feng's words, is lost in thought flower, but said quickly: Since came, might as well try, if will have the harvest?” 听到楚枫的话后,花花陷入沉思,但很快说道:“既然都来了,不如去试一试,万一会有收获呢?” senior, this place deep place is one challenges formation technique, according to my observations, that formation technique will be in danger.” The Chu Feng reminder said. 前辈,此地深处是一座挑战阵法,据我观察,那阵法会有生命危险。”楚枫提醒道。 Ok, I found that leading me to take a look.” “行,我了解啦,带我去瞧瞧。” Cannot I come, actually doesn't take a look with own eyes?” Colored ikebana. “总不能我都来了,却不亲眼瞧瞧吧?”花花道。 Chu Feng felt actually, flower this said is very reasonable: Good, I guide for senior.” 楚枫倒是觉得,这花花说的很有道理:“好,那我为前辈带路。” Afterward, Chu Feng then brings flower thorough. 随后,楚枫便带着花花深入。
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