MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5986: Do not blame Elder Sister insufficient meaning

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Chapter 5984 do not blame Elder Sister insufficient meaning 第5984章别怪姐姐不够意思 Chu Feng and Xia Xingchen, across the formation gate, then entered in underground palace. 楚枫夏星辰,穿过结界门,便进入了一座地宫之中。 This underground palace is mostly the same except for minor differences, but Chu Feng notices, here formation power, seems to be consuming completely. 这种地宫大同小异,但是楚枫注意到,这里的结界之力,似乎正在消耗殆尽。 But even if so, this place still cannot be underestimated. 但哪怕如此,此地仍然不容小觑 Coming out that Chu Feng also looks , before this place, very extraordinary, but is actually the strength reduces now greatly. 楚枫也看的出来,此地之前很是不凡,但如今却是力量大减。 Chu Feng wants to make clear, reason that this place strength reduces greatly. 楚枫很想搞清楚,此地力量大减的原因。 What are you looking at?” “你在看什么?” The flower sound resounds. 花花的声音响起。 She had penetrated, but sees Chu Feng and Xia Xingchen has not followed, then turned back. 原本她已经深入,但见楚枫夏星辰迟迟没有跟上,便折返了回来。 But she also discovered, reason that Chu Feng and Xia Xingchen have not kept up with, is Chu Feng is observing earnestly. 而她也是发现了,楚枫夏星辰没跟上的原因,是楚枫在认真观察。 This slowed down the Chu Feng two people greatly, the speed of leading the way. 这大大减缓了楚枫二人,前行的速度。 Is sorry senior, this is the custom of junior.” “抱歉前辈,这是晚辈的习惯。” When ruins, wants to observe earnestly.” Chu Feng said. “每到一座遗迹,都想认真观察一番。”楚枫道。 Was needless to say with me was sorry, I thought your custom did not have nothing well.” Colored ikebana. “不用与我说抱歉,我觉得你的习惯没有什么不好。”花花道。 But she such remarks, Xia Xingchen is the look surprise looks flower. 而她此话一出,夏星辰则是神色诧异的看着花花。 Noticed flower, asked: Xingchen Elder Sister, do you think so me to do? On my face has thing?” 花花注意到了,不由问道:“星辰姐姐,你这么看我干嘛?我脸上有东西?” No, all right.” “没有,没事。” Xia Xingchen shakes the head with a smile, but actually she is the discovery, flower changed to the Chu Feng's attitude. 夏星辰笑着摇了摇头,但其实她是发现,花花对楚枫的态度变了。 Becoming reasonable, had spends inclusive. 变得通情达理,有包容度了。 What that does you... have to observe?” Looks flower to Chu Feng. “那伱…有观察出什么吗?”花花看向楚枫 Temporarily no.” Chu Feng said. “暂时没有。”楚枫道。 All right, is not anxious, in any case our some are the time.” Colored ikebana. “没事,不急,反正我们有的是时间。”花花道。 Hears this words, the Xia Xingchen expression is more complex. 听闻此话,夏星辰的表情更加复杂。 Afterward, flower then follows the Chu Feng's step vanguard, care that very Chu Feng observes all the way. 随后,花花便跟随楚枫的步伐前行,楚枫一路上都观察的很是仔细。 Actually Chu Feng is not every time so. 其实楚枫并不是每次都如此。 He will observe according to the ruins situation. 他会根据遗迹的情况来观察。 Has the clue, care that can observe. 有线索,才会观察的仔细。 But feels strange strangely, here everywhere is the clue, but Chu Feng actually cannot reorganize the concrete content. 而奇怪就奇怪在,这里处处是线索,但楚枫却整理不出具体的内容。 Here, is very complex. 这里,很复杂。 Also extensive test, this landlord person is not simple. 也充分验证了,此地主人的不简单。 He seems like intends to disrupt the judgment of viewer. 他似乎是有意扰乱观察者的判断。 And walks, has not met the mechanism/organization, blocks until the formation gate together in the front. 且一路走来,并没有遇到机关,直到一道结界门拦在前方。 This formation gate, is very unusual, it opens the condition, but is unable to step into directly. 这道结界门,很是奇特,它是开启状态,但无法直接踏入。 It has seven colors, the color rapid rotation, formed lock. 它有七种颜色,其中颜色快速旋转,形成了一把锁。 To break open this lock, needs to understand this lock. 想要破开这个锁,就需要参透这把锁。 Chu Feng and flower, as well as Xia Xingchen is observing earnestly. 楚枫与花花,以及夏星辰都在认真观察。 But Xia Xingchen actually gives up quickly: I could not understand, give you two. You found the method to tell me.” 夏星辰却很快放弃:“我看不懂,交给你们两个了。你们找到方法告诉我吧。” Perhaps senior, could not help you.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,恐怕帮不到你了。”楚枫说道。 „, What meaning?” Xia Xingchen is puzzled. “啊,啥意思?”夏星辰不解。 „This lock, turns on gradually.” “这把锁,是逐步开启的。” „After opening First Level, needs to step into, opens Second Level again, as for having Third Level or Fourth Level, this is the unknown matter, but junior feels to have, even possibly incessantly Fourth Level.” “开启第一重之后,需要踏入其中之后,再开启第二重,至于有没有第三重或者第四重,这便是未知的事,但晚辈觉得有,甚至可能不止四重。” „What can determine, all in this are fluctuate.” Chu Feng said. “但可以确定的是,这门内的一切都是变幻的。”楚枫说道。 In other words, can go, depending on the respective skill, you do not have the means to help me.” Xia Xingchen asked. “也就是说,能否进去,全凭各自本事,你们没办法帮我。”夏星辰问道。 Yes.” Chu Feng nods. “是。”楚枫点头。 Xia Xingchen a little does not lose heart, immediately looked to flower. 夏星辰有点不死心,旋即看向了花花。 Wants from flower there, to reach the different conclusions. 想从花花那里,得到不一样的结论。 But flower actually shakes the head saying: Right that Chu Feng said.” 可花花却摇头道:“楚枫说的对。” That what to do?” Xia Xingchen said. “那怎么办?”夏星辰道。 You wait for us here.” Colored ikebana. “你在这里等我们吧。”花花道。 Chu Feng, you may probably protect good flower senior.” Xia Xingchen looks to Chu Feng. 楚枫,那你可要保护好花花前辈。”夏星辰看向楚枫 Shouldn't I protect him?” Colored ikebana. “不是应该我保护他吗?”花花道。 Where has the girl to protect the man.” “哪有女孩子保护男人的。” Naturally was the man protects the girl.” “当然是男人保护女孩子了。” Felt relieved flower, Chu Feng is absolutely credible.” Xia Xingchen said with a smile. “花花放心,楚枫绝对靠谱的。”夏星辰笑着说道。 That must try to know.” The flower this words saying, then looks again to that formation gate. “那要试过才知道。”花花此话说完,便再度看向那结界门。 Although she also saw, wants to enter the formation gate is not simple, what Chu Feng said is credible. 她虽然也看出,想进入结界门不简单,楚枫所说的是靠谱的。 But she has not comprehended, First Level the law of decoding. 但她还没有领悟出,第一重的破解之法。 Buzz- 嗡- But in the meantime, the Chu Feng big sleeve wields, a formation technique chart arrangement. 而就在此时,楚枫则大袖一挥,将一个阵法图布置而出。 senior, this is First Level the law of decoding.” Chu Feng said flower. 前辈,这是第一重的破解之法。”楚枫对花花说道。 Left behind this formation technique chart, Chu Feng then displays formation technique directly, immediately entered in the formation gate. 留下这座阵法图,楚枫便直接施展阵法,旋即进入了结界门之内。 But Chu Feng's steps into smoothly, confirmed the reliability level of his method. 楚枫的顺利踏入,更是验证了他这个方法的可靠程度。 What kind of, credible not?” “怎么样,靠谱不?” Xia Xingchen self-satisfied saying. 夏星辰得意的说道。 That proud small expression, as if Chu Feng is her disciple is ordinary. 那个引以为豪的小表情,就仿佛楚枫是她的弟子一般。 „The formation technique aspect, really has the talent, as for moral behavior......” 阵法方面,确实有天赋,至于人品……” The flower words to here, Xia Xingchen then say immediately: Moral behavior not to mention, he has saved me.” 花花话到此处,夏星辰便立刻道:“人品更不用说,他可是救过我的。” Has saved you, incurable I, therefore he here, but also remains to be seen.” “只是救过你,又没救过我,所以他在我这里,还有待观察。” The flower this words saying, then also defers to the formation technique chart of Chu Feng arrangement to start the set up formation. 花花此话说完,便也按照楚枫布置的阵法图开始布阵。 Quick, she also steps into. 很快,她也踏入其中。 After she steps into, Xia Xingchen also according to formation technique chart arrangement, steps into smoothly. 而在她踏入之后,夏星辰也是按照阵法图布置,也是顺利踏入其中。 However in a while, Xia Xingchen then came out. 但是没过多久,夏星辰便出来了。 Really is hateful, does a gate, makes do complex.” “真是可恶,一个门而已,弄这么复杂干嘛。” Does not want to go, you did these simply.” “不想让人进去,你就干脆搞这些了呗。” Xia Xingchen honk small mouth, because is unable to go, she is very indignant, even blamed this landlord person. 夏星辰嘟着小嘴,因为无法进去,她十分气愤,甚至责怪起此地主人。 But quick, actually smiled: How Chu Feng that little rascal, sees is so accurate, his mother was Jie Ranqing in the past also so?” 但很快,却又不由的笑了:“楚枫那小鬼,怎么看的那么准啊,他的娘亲界染清当年也是如此吧?” We and his mother, seriously are not a level, this also missed are too many, no wonder we were not the Chu Feng her mother's opponents.” “那我们与他娘亲,当真不是一个层面,这也差太多了吧,难怪我们都不是楚枫她娘的对手。” Although has long known that Jie Ranqing is fierce. 尽管早就知道界染清厉害。 However Chu Feng that inconceivable explanation, let a Xia Xingchen clearer feeling the disparity. 但是楚枫那不可思议的解读,却让夏星辰更清晰的感受到了差距。 That feeling. 那种感觉。 Is she first step has not thought how is good to walk. 就是她连第一步都没想好怎么走。 Others have known how to walk following 4567. 人家已经知道,如何走后面的四五六七步了。 And does not guess that is also not ignorant, but is accurate definite. 并且不是猜的,也不是懵的,而是精准的确定的。 How this plays, this ratio? 这怎么玩,这怎么比? This is the disparity. 这就是差距。 Disparity between talent and talent. 天才与天才之间的差距。 Oh, sympathized with this time the junior talents.” “唉,同情这个时代的小辈天才们了。” Obviously is all influence in history strongest genius, because of fresh evening, evaded the suppression of Jie Ranqing.” “明明都是各方势力有史以来最强的天才人物,因为生的晚,也躲过了界染清的压制。” But does, actually ran into the Jie Ranqing son, is really pitiful.” “但是奈何,却遇到了界染清的儿子,真是可悲啊。” Although on the mouth is saying the sympathy, but these words, Xia Xingchen said. 虽然嘴上说着同情,但这番话,夏星辰却是笑着说的。 That where is sympathizes, clearly is more like takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 那哪里是同情,分明更像是幸灾乐祸。 But quick, the Xia Xingchen brow wrinkles, looks to attaining the formation gate. 但很快,夏星辰眉头皱起,看向拿到结界门。 „Should this this solitary one male widow, what spark not spark?” “这孤男寡女的,该不会擦出什么火花吧?” But this words saying, Xia Xingchen smiled, immediately turns around. 可此话说完,夏星辰自己都笑了,旋即转过身去。 How possibly, flower most to loathe the man, even Chu Feng that little rascal was outstanding, flower will not move.” “怎么可能,花花可是最厌恶男子了,就算楚枫那小鬼再优秀,花花也不会动心啊。” After comforting itself with a smile, actually the quick turning hostile color, turns around to look at that to say the formation gate, anxious straight stamping the feet. 笑着安慰了自己之后,却又很快变了脸色,转身看着那道结界门,急的直跺脚。 But Chu Feng that little rascal is not truly common.” “但是楚枫那小鬼确实不一般啊。” Thinks of here, Xia Xingchen holds their palms together unexpectedly, is paying homage to the formation gate. 想到这里,夏星辰竟双手合十,对着结界门膜拜起来。 Colored flower, do not blame Elder Sister insufficient meaning, but I heard that the man cannot share.” “花花啊花花,别怪姐姐不够意思,但是我听说男人是不能分享的。” You best or cannot break behind, best unable to go, asks your come out.” “你最好还是破不开后面的,最好进不去,求求你出来吧。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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