MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5985: Chinese flowering crabapple World Spiritist

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Chapter 5983 Chinese flowering crabapple World Spiritist 第5983章花仙界灵师 senior, that this flower senior, what did the full name call?” 前辈,那这位花花前辈,全名叫什么?” How I should call her, can't I also call flower senior?” Chu Feng inquired in secret. “我该怎么称呼她,总不能我也叫花花前辈吧?”楚枫暗中询问。 Her name was called flower, you called her senior on the line.” “她的名字就叫花花,你叫她前辈就行。” But, actually she is also very famous.” “不过,其实她也是很出名的。” Because before your mother to become famous, she was at that time vast martial cultivation world, one of the strongest junior World Spiritist talents.” “因为在你母亲扬名之前,她是当时浩瀚修武界,最强的小辈界灵师天才之一。” World Spirit long gown that because, she wore at that time, not only has flower petal Phantom, even gives out intermittent fragrance.” “又因为,她当时穿的界灵长袍,不仅带有花瓣虚影,甚至散发阵阵香气。” Therefore the world called her Chinese flowering crabapple World Spiritist.” Xia Xingchen said. “因此世人都称她为花仙界灵师。”夏星辰道。 Was sure to remember, you knew flower senior this matter do not leak, do not disclose her appearance outward, because the world is few person knows her appearance.” The Xia Xingchen reminder said. “不过切记,你认识花花前辈这件事不要外传,更不要向外透露她的长相,因为世人是少有人知道她的长相的。”夏星辰提醒道。 Relax senior, my mouth was strictest.” Chu Feng said. “放心吧前辈,我的嘴巴最严了。”楚枫道。 Xingchen Elder Sister, you comes.” Colored drinks one high. 星辰姐姐,伱过来一下。”花花高喝一声。 Seeing that Xia Xingchen was also rushes to set out the past. 见状,夏星辰也是赶忙起身走了过去。 Xingchen Elder Sister, are you to this Chu Feng, so how warm? If not for knows that he is the Jie Ranqing son, I suspected that he was your son.” 星辰姐姐,你怎么对这个楚枫,这么热情?若不是知道他是界染清的儿子,我都怀疑他是你儿子了。” To sound transmission say flower in secret. 花花以暗中传音说道。 Colored, talked nonsense anything.” Xia Xingchen cast aside flower one. “花花,胡说什么呢。”夏星辰撇了花花一眼。 Therefore you are not right, first time sees you to one male is so warm.” “所以你不对劲啊,头一次见你对一个男的这么热情。” Even if this Chu Feng is a junior, but is still the man , was the growth complete?” “就算这楚枫是小辈,但也是男人啊,也发育完全了吧?” Men and women give and receive do not kiss, you must maintain the distance with him.” Colored ikebana. “男女授受不亲的,你要与他保持距离啊。”花花道。 Your this girl, in head attire what is?” Xia Xingchen, selected a flower head with the finger, immediately said: “你这丫头,脑袋里装的都是什么啊?”夏星辰,用手指点了一下花花脑袋,旋即道: I told you, Chu Feng and other man were different, this little rascal, do not look young, but the person was very reliable.” “我跟你讲,楚枫和别的男人不一样,这小鬼,别看年纪小,但是人很可靠。” You have the hostility to him, is thinking finding fault, naturally cannot get used to seeing everywhere.” “你心怀敌意对他,就想着挑毛病,自然处处看不惯。” But you think carefully, since sees Chu Feng, this Chu Feng which matter has really offends you, has he deceived you?” “可是你仔细想想,自从见到楚枫,这楚枫哪一件事有真的得罪你,他骗过你吗?” You only stand in your viewpoint issue.” “你只站在自己角度考虑问题。” But do you stand in the Chu Feng angle think?” “但是你站在楚枫角度想想呢?” That divination Bamboo Slip picks star Daoist priest senior right?” “那占卜竹简是摘星道长前辈的没错吧?” Chu Feng found your dwellings by divination Bamboo Slip, no one entertained even, but also was lived by formation technique bound.” 楚枫凭借占卜竹简找到你们的住处,没有人招待就算了,还被阵法束缚住。” He what to do, he cannot be stranded, can only find the way to untie bound.” “那他怎么办,他总不能一直被困着吧,就只能自己想办法解开束缚。” Since is looks for missing people, looks to have a look at also does not have any issue everywhere.” “既然是来寻人的,到处找找看看也没有任何问题。” However your door opens wide, all treasures place at will, can Chu Feng have with your treasure?” “而你房门敞开,所有宝物都是随意摆放,楚枫可有拿过你一件宝物?” You, run over actually the hospitality, instead directly person bound, if not for I am preventing you, you could not do well regard to excel at rushing killing others directly.” “倒是你,跑过来不尽待客之道,反而直接将人束缚,若不是我在将你阻止,你搞不好就直接将人家当成擅闯者杀了。” As for behind you is also......” “至于后面你也是……” The words to here, rushed to cover the mouth of Xia Xingchen with the hand flower. 话到此处,花花赶忙用手捂住了夏星辰的嘴巴。 Okay good, knows knew, you look at you to look, added that is not special to this Chu Feng.” “好好好,知道了知道了,你看你看,还说对这楚枫不特别。” You always the help/gang kisses/intimate does not assist in handling, let alone we but good sisters.” “你可是向来帮亲不帮理的,何况咱们可是好姐妹。” But you because unexpectedly this Chu Feng blamed me.” Is digging the mouth flower, is somewhat suffering. “但是你居然因为这个楚枫责怪我。”花花撅着嘴巴,有些委屈。 Aiya, is colored you naturally is my good sisters, this naturally does not need to talk too much.” “哎呀,花花你当然是我的好姐妹,这自然无需多言。” But Chu Feng is also my good friend, my truth told you, he has rescued my life.” Xia Xingchen said. “但楚枫也是我的好朋友,我实话告诉你吧,他救过我的命。”夏星辰道。 Really?” Colored somewhat accidental/surprised. “真的?”花花有些意外。 Naturally.” Xia Xingchen said. “当然。”夏星辰道。 Sees Xia Xingchen so to affirm, flower looks again to Chu Feng one, her vision has changed. 夏星辰如此肯定,花花不由再度看向楚枫一眼,这一次她的目光有所变化。 That motion palace, in Divine Body Galaxy, therefore after one hurries along, Chu Feng also finally saw it. 那座移动宫殿,也在神体天河,所以经过一番赶路后,楚枫也是终于见到了它。 It hides is not secret, in a mountain forest, but appearance in it and Chu Feng imagination is different. 它藏的并不隐秘,就在一片山林之中,只不过它与楚枫想象中的样子不一样。 In the imagination, this motion palace should be extremely grand. 想象中,这移动宫殿应该极其雄伟。 However this motion palace, is simple-designed, without ray, and unexpectedly only has one meter high. 但是这座移动宫殿,造型简单,没有光芒,并且居然只有一米高。 It is situated at the foot of the hill, looks like ordinary citizens to be used to consecrate the mountain spirit the small temple to be the same. 它坐落在山脚下,就像是寻常百姓用来供奉山神的小庙一般。 Although the outward appearance and imagination have discrepancies. 只是虽然外观与想象有出入。 But sees it at that moment, Chu Feng then also knows, this motion palace is not very simple. 但看到它那一刻,楚枫便也知道,这移动宫殿很不简单。 When Chu Feng observes, has started the set up formation flower. 楚枫观察之际,花花早已开始布阵。 Colored, is not only True Dragon World Spiritist, and Spirit Formation technique achieved Seventh Rank True Dragon. 花花,不仅是真龙界灵师,且结界之术更是达到了七品真龙 Even if this realm, if normal to break the formation, wants to enter, the time of expenditure truly is also long. 只是哪怕她这个境界,若是正常破阵,想要进入,花费的时间也确实较久。 Chu Feng does not want to delay the too long time, because some of his own also a lot must be done. 楚枫不想耽搁太久时间,因为他自己也有很多事情要做。 Therefore Chu Feng starts to observe earnestly, then uses preliminary secret Dian quickly, found a better to break the formation method. 于是楚枫开始认真观察,很快便利用初阶秘典,找到了一个更好的破阵方法。 senior, according to my method set up formation, the speed will be quite quick.” 前辈,按照我的这个方法布阵,速度会比较快。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then starts to arrange the formation technique general arrangement. 楚枫说话间,便开始布置阵法布置图。 You are really funny, my to break the formation needs you......” “你真是搞笑,我破阵需要你……” Turns head flower, despicable stared Chu Feng one. 花花回头,鄙夷的瞪了楚枫一眼。 She was really angry, because she after all is Seventh Rank True Dragon World Spiritist, naturally does not hope trivial God-cloak, gesticulates before her. 她是真的生气了,因为她毕竟是七品真龙界灵师,自然不愿一个区区神袍,在她面前指手画脚。 This simply is to her disrespect. 这简直是对她的不尊重。 Not only she thinks like this, normal True Dragon World Spiritist thinks like this. 不仅她这样想,正常的真龙界灵师都会这样想。 After all everyone came from God-cloak, the God-cloak anything level, they are certainly clear. 毕竟大家都是从神袍过来的,神袍什么水平,他们当然清楚。 If God-cloak can compared with True Dragon, they not so laborious became True Dragon. 若是神袍能比的过真龙,他们也不会如此辛苦的成为真龙了。 But after she sees the Chu Feng's formation technique general arrangement, was actually shocked. 可是她看到楚枫的阵法布置图后,却愣住了。 Colored......” “花花……” In the meantime, Xia Xingchen is also the opens the mouth. 就在此时,夏星辰也是开口。 But the Xia Xingchen words have not said, flower actually beckons with the hand immediately. 夏星辰话未说完,花花却立刻摆手。 Ok, let alone, I tried.” “好了,别说了,我试试。” The flower unexpectedly big sleeve wields, formation technique under oneself previous arrange/cloth will erase directly, according to the Chu Feng's formation technique general arrangement starts to arrange. 花花竟大袖一挥,将自己先前布下的阵法直接抹除,按照楚枫的阵法布置图开始布置。 However the moment time, she then completes the formation technique arrangement. 不过片刻功夫,她便将阵法布置完成。 Such quickly?” “这么快?” Saw that completes quickly, Xia Xingchen becomes doubtful at heart. 见到这么快完成,就连夏星辰心里都犯起了嘀咕。 Because was too quick. 因为太快了。 Contrasts the previous time, formation technique that flower arrange, this formation technique arrangement time, quick several times. 对比上一次,花花自己布置的阵法,这座阵法的布置时间,快了数倍。 It is well known, formation technique arranges is longer, the might is bigger. 众所周知,阵法布置越久,威力越大。 Opens!!” “阵启!!” Follows one to drink lightly, flower stimulates to movement formation technique directly. 伴随一声轻喝,花花直接催动阵法 Under formation technique covers, in that motion palace, formation power emerged, formed a formation gate. 阵法笼罩之下,那移动宫殿内,一股结界之力涌现,形成了一道结界门。 Although moves the palace to be very small, but this formation gate is normal. 虽说移动宫殿很小,但这道结界门则是正常的。 Became?” “成了?” Xia Xingchen surprise looks to flower. 夏星辰诧异的看向花花。 Actually this first time was not she saw this formation gate, but was because rapidness of too that formation technique arrangement, she some difficult believed. 其实这不是她第一次看到这结界门了,但就是因为那阵法布置的太快,她才有些难以置信。 Yes.” Colored nod. “是啊。”花花点头。 Therefore, was this place formation technique was weak, was the Chu Feng that formation technique merit?” Xia Xingchen asked. “所以,是此地阵法弱了,还是楚枫阵法的功劳?”夏星辰问。 „His formation technique, somewhat is truly mysterious.” Colored ikebana. “他这阵法,确实有些神奇。”花花道。 But heard this words, Xia Xingchen jumped directly, arrived in front of Chu Feng, held on the Chu Feng's arm. 而听闻此话,夏星辰直接跳了起来,来到楚枫面前,一把拉住楚枫的胳膊。 Goes, Chu Feng your little rascal, what's the matter.” “哇去,楚枫你这小鬼,怎么回事啊。” „Were you too also fierce?” “你也太厉害了吧?” Where you from study?” “你都是从哪学的啊?” You can direct True Dragon World Spiritist.” “你都能指点真龙界灵师啦。” Xia Xingchen pair of beautiful eyes, tight is staring at Chu Feng, even if the past calm, looked like the little miss who has not seen the world to be the same. 夏星辰一双美眸,紧紧的盯着楚枫,哪怕还有以往的沉稳,就像是一个没见过世面的小姑娘一般。 senior, junior a while ago, just broke open ruins of Ancestral Martial World Sect situated in Totem Galaxy, obtained one to deal with many formation technique methods.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,晚辈前段时间,刚破开了祖武界宗位于图腾天河遗迹,得到了一个可应对诸多阵法的手段。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng such remarks, flower then surprised looks to Chu Feng: That was ruins, broken by you?” 楚枫此话一出,花花便吃惊的看向楚枫:“那座遗迹,被你破了?” May not need Chu Feng to reply, Xia Xingchen access road/simply said: Aiya, to be why surprised, person who Chu Feng this little rascal does not like boasting, he said is, certainly is.” 可还不待楚枫回答,夏星辰便道:“哎呀,何必如此吃惊,楚枫这小鬼可不是爱吹牛的人,他说是,就一定是。” Its reality compared in conquering Source of lineage/vein, this is not anything.” Xia Xingchen said. “其实相比于征服脉之本源,这也不算什么。”夏星辰道。 At this moment, the flower item of expenditure light looking pensive, immediately turned around directly, enters that to say the formation gate. 此刻,花花目光若有所思,旋即直接转身,进入了那道结界门。 But Xia Xingchen, is gathers near the Chu Feng ear, asked low voice: Really breaks open?” 夏星辰,则是凑到楚枫耳边,小声问:“真的破开啦?” senior, you just did not say, I don't like boasting?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,你不是刚刚还说,我不爱吹牛吗?”楚枫问。 Haha, I want to determine, I hear, that is the place that jie Tianran has no alternative.” “哈哈,我是想确定一下嘛,我可是听闻,那可是界天染都无可奈何的地方啊。” Naturally, including your mother.” Xia Xingchen frank laughs, immediately also touches the Chu Feng's head: Good good, my small Chu Feng is really extraordinary.” “当然,也包括你母亲。”夏星辰爽朗的大笑起来,旋即还摸了摸楚枫的脑袋:“不错不错,我的小楚枫真是了不得。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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