MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5984: The Chu Feng mother, is unable to enter the place

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Chapter 5982 Chu Feng mother, is unable to enter the place 第5982章楚枫母亲,无法进入之地 Your this little rascal, such fierce?” “你这小鬼,这么厉害的吗?” Determines Chu Feng to break open, Xia Xingchen pair of beautiful eyes, likes completely. 确定楚枫破开,夏星辰一双美眸,满是欢喜。 But that flower, actually seized the formation technique ball: Where certainly has problems, comes one time.” 可那花花,却一把将阵法球夺了回去:“一定是哪里出了问题,重新来一次。” Sees that Xia Xingchen rushes saying: Colored, does not bring such, but like this was disgraced, as senior, must mean what he says.” 见状,夏星辰赶忙道:“花花,不带这样的哦,这样可有失身份了,作为前辈,要说话算话啊。” senior unobstructive, comes again many time.” But Chu Feng is actually secure. 前辈无碍,再来多少次都可以。”可楚枫却是有恃无恐。 Quick, flower also restored the beforehand condition the formation technique ball, gave Chu Feng again. 很快,花花也是将阵法球恢复到了之前的状态,再度递给楚枫 And said in the tone of warning: This time I am staring at you.” 且还以警告的语气说道:“这次我盯着你。” senior looked carefully.” 前辈看仔细了。” Chu Feng is with smile on the face, by the movement, grasped the formation technique ball again in both hands. 楚枫面带微笑,再度以刚才的动作,将阵法球抓在双手之间。 This time, Chu Feng slowed down the speed intentionally, in addition flower originally also not a weakling. 这一次,楚枫故意放缓了速度,再加上花花本来也不是吃素的。 Therefore the clarity that everyone looks, formation power of Chu Feng release, is not pure formation power, is formation technique. 所以大家都看的清楚,楚枫释放的结界之力,不是单纯的结界之力,是阵法 Chu Feng in within the body prepare formation technique, broke open this spheroid. 楚枫于体内布置好了阵法,破开了这球体。 And is preliminary secret Dian. 并且是初阶秘典。 Therefore, these also breaks open time smoothly. 因此,这一次也是顺利破开。 „Had you broken before?” Looks at Chu Feng flower. “你以前破过?”花花看着楚枫 „The second time.” Chu Feng said. “第二次。”楚枫道。 When is the first time? Is you that who teaches?” Asked flower. “第一次是什么时候?是谁教的伱?”花花问。 No one teaches me.” Chu Feng said. “没有人教我。”楚枫道。 Is impossible, by your cultivation realm, is impossible to break open this thing, was your formation technique made up for the realm disparity.” “不可能,以你的修为,不可能破开此物,是你的阵法弥补了境界差距。” Is who teaches your method?” Asked flower. “到底是何人教你的这个方法?”花花质问道。 Was for the first time just, that senior you said, is who teaches my formation technique?” Chu Feng said. “第一次就是刚刚,那前辈你说,是何人教我的阵法?”楚枫道。 You...... I do not believe.” The flower face does not believe. “你……我才不信。”花花一脸不信。 senior, junior told the facts, junior is having some methods, this method can make senior make up for the realm disparity, deals different formation technique.” 前辈,晚辈实话实说,晚辈掌握着一些手段,这个手段可以让前辈弥补境界差距,来应对不同的阵法。” Although in battlefield difficult display, but decodes the ruins words, so long as gives enough time, junior perhaps really helps to senior.” Chu Feng said. “虽然战场上难以发挥,但是破解遗迹的话,只要给予足够时间,晚辈也许真的帮的到前辈。”楚枫说道。 Good flower, no matter you do believe Chu Feng, but Chu Feng to break the formation achieves in your eyelid background, must mean what he says.” Xia Xingchen urged. “好了花花,不管你相不相信楚枫,但楚枫破阵是在你眼皮底子做到的,要说话算话啊。”夏星辰劝道。 Colored, although questioned Chu Feng, but also is actually willing to face the reality, therefore said: Ok, but the offensive talk said in front, I did not count on that you help me, so long as do not disturb on the line, everything listens to me to arrange.” 花花虽然质疑楚枫,但却也愿意面对现实,于是道:“行吧,但是丑话说在前面,我不指望你帮我,你只要别捣乱就行,凡事听我安排。” Does not have the issue.” Chu Feng should with a smile under. “没问题。”楚枫笑着应下。 Afterward, Chu Feng then with Xia Xingchen, as well as stepped the journey flower. 随后,楚枫便与夏星辰,以及花花踏上了旅途。 To hurry along fast, stimulates to movement one to float the spatial warship flower, this floats the spatial warship is not very big, but the speed is quick. 为了快速赶路,花花催动着一艘浮空战船,这浮空战船不是很大,但却速度很快。 Not can only in the normal world flight, also has the good flying speed in the teleportation tunnel. 不仅能在正常的世界飞行,在传送隧道内同样也是有着不俗的飞行速度。 Just started, Xia Xingchen possibly spoke the word of praise for Chu Feng, therefore with has chatted flower. 刚开始,夏星辰可能是替楚枫说好话,所以一直与花花聊天。 Two people are sound transmission, Chu Feng do not know in secret they said anything, but looks at their once for a while laughing, then knows that they talked are very happy. 两个人是暗中传音,楚枫不知道他们说什么,但是看她们时不时的大笑,便知道她们交谈很是愉快。 As for Chu Feng, has not been idling, he sits cross-legged to sit in the deck, other formation technique in cultivation Heavenly Dao secret standard. 至于楚枫,也没闲着,他盘膝坐在甲板上,是在修炼天道秘典上的其他阵法 Although preliminary secret standard enough heaven defying, but the set up formation requires the time after all. 虽说初阶秘典足够逆天,但毕竟布阵需要时间。 If the normal confrontation, facing slaughtering formation, often is without enough time. 如果是正常交锋,面对攻杀阵法,往往是来不及的。 Therefore Chu Feng needs to grasp other formation technique in Heavenly Dao secret standard. 所以楚枫需要掌握天道秘典上的其他阵法 Little rascal, cultivation?” “小鬼,修炼呢?” Suddenly, the gentle sound, resounds in the Chu Feng ear. 忽然,轻柔的声音,在楚枫耳边响起。 The opening eyes pupil, was Xia Xingchen is bending the waist the small face gathered in front of oneself. 睁开眼眸,是夏星辰正弯腰将小脸凑到了自己面前。 And is very near. 并且很近。 Although Xia Xingchen is senior, but let alone, Xia Xingchen is really long is very well looks. 虽说夏星辰前辈,但别说,夏星辰长得真的是挺好看的。 The cheek, the stature, temperament, is top, and her character, actually also asks for very much happily. 无论是脸蛋,身材,气质,都是顶级,并且她的性格,其实也很讨喜。 Also Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, will have the crooked thoughts to Xia Xingchen no wonder. 也难怪苍穹仙宗宗主,会对夏星辰动起歪心思。 Is only closed eye meditation, senior has the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “只是闭目养神,前辈有事?”楚枫问。 „Is your little rascal, all right cannot chat with you?” “你这小鬼,没事不能和你聊天吗?” Xia Xingchen sat in front of Chu Feng, but also collects to Chu Feng intentionally, the leg bumped into the Chu Feng's leg to stop. 夏星辰一屁股坐在了楚枫面前,还故意向楚枫这边凑了凑,腿都碰到楚枫的腿了才停下。 Little rascal, is not curious the place that we go, is what kind of ruins?” Xia Xingchen asked. “小鬼,不好奇我们去的地方,是怎样的遗迹吗?”夏星辰问。 „It is not curious, in any case I am the help.” Chu Feng said. “不好奇,反正我是帮忙的。”楚枫道。 Chu Feng such remarks, that in not far away, is driving flower lightly snorted that floats the spatial warship: 楚枫此话一出,那个在不远处,驾驶着浮空战船的花花轻哼一声: Said probably sees the magnificent scene to be the same, that is the place that your mothers cannot break.” “说的好像见惯大场面一样,那是你娘都破不开的地方呢。” Sees that Xia Xingchen also nods immediately: Your flower senior said right, there indeed is the place that your mothers have not broken.” 见状,夏星辰也是立刻点头:“你花花前辈说的没错,那里的确是你娘亲都没有破开的地方。” Accurate, incessantly is your mother, is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion also helpless place.” “准确来说,不止是你娘亲,是七界圣府也无能为力的地方。” Even, at the beginning of time these powerhouses, including Ancestral Martial World Sect these people, has not broken open this ruins.” “甚至,时代初期的那些强者,包括祖武界宗的那些人,也都没有破开这座遗迹。” Otherwise, was impossible to keep the present.” “不然,也不可能留到现在了。” Oh, does he have what background?” Chu Feng asked. “喔,那他到底有何来头?”楚枫问。 Concrete background no one knows, actually inside has anything also no one to know, but we called it the motion palace.” Xia Xingchen said. “具体来头没人知晓,其实里面有什么也没人知晓,但我们称它为移动宫殿。”夏星辰道。 Moves the palace?” Chu Feng had come the interest at this moment thoroughly. “移动宫殿?”楚枫此刻已是彻底来了兴趣。 Right, because of this ruins, is an ancient palace, but it will move.” “对,因为这座遗迹,是一座古老的宫殿,但是它是会移动的。” Once for a while will vanish, no one knows that next time where its will appear.” “时不时的就会消失,没人知道它下一次会出现在哪里。” And wants to use formation technique bound, leaves behind the mark above, does not have the use.” “并且无论是想用阵法束缚,还是在上面留下印记,都没有用处。” In brief, no one can limit its movement.” “总之,没人能够限制它的移动。” From vanishes previous time, has passed many years.” “距离上一次消失,已经过去蛮多年头了。” Mentioning is the luck is also good, unexpectedly was found flower, that motion palace new position.” “说来也是运气好,竟然被花花找到了,那移动宫殿新的位置。” What kind of, should thank me, if not for I, flower will not lead you to travel together.” Xia Xingchen said. “怎么样,是不是应该感谢我,若不是我,花花可不会带着你同行。”夏星辰道。 many thanks senior.” After Chu Feng expression of gratitude, asked: My mother, can't arrive at ruins most deep place?” 多谢前辈。”楚枫道谢后又问:“我母亲,也没能走到遗迹最深处吗?” Having to arrive, but before then, no one can go.” “不是没能走到,而是在此之前,没有人能够进去。” But I and flower actually went, this is historical, we break for the first time person of record.” “但是我和花花却进去了,这是历史上的第一次啊,我们是打破纪录之人。” Because of you, we turns back immediately, therefore you can understand flower, why is angry in you?” Xia Xingchen said. “但因为你,我们立刻折返了回来,所以你能理解花花,为何有气于你吧?”夏星辰道。 Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点了点头。 The place that but in the heart some questions, so many expert are actually not able to enter before, how flower and did Xia Xingchen go in? 但心中却有些疑问,之前那么多高手都无法进入的地方,怎么花花与夏星辰就进去了? Although their strength is not weak, but in the present age is also not the strongest that batch, let alone and time initial these powerhouse ratios. 虽然她俩实力不弱,但在当代也都不是最强那一批的,就别说与时代初期那些强者比了。 Ok, ruins matter, known told you.” “好了,遗迹的事,知道的都告诉你了。” Little rascal, said quickly.” “小鬼,快说说。” These about your hearsay, real? Has the moisture content?” “那些关于你的传闻,都是真的吧?到底有没有水分啊?” Xia Xingchen holds the Chu Feng arm suddenly, very curious inquiry. 夏星辰忽然一把抓住楚枫胳膊,很是好奇的询问起来。 Which did senior hear?” Chu Feng inquired. 前辈都听闻了哪些?”楚枫询问。 But Xia Xingchen, the matter that also hears her 11 told Chu Feng. 夏星辰,也是将她所听闻的事情一一告诉了楚枫 Chu Feng was also 11 conducted the explanation. 楚枫也是一一进行了解答。 Some indeed were exaggerated, thing that but oneself achieve, Chu Feng had not denied. 有些的确是被人夸大其词了,但是自己做到的事,楚枫也没有否认。 Your this little rascal, was too simply strong.” “你这小鬼,简直太强了吧。” Your this progress speed, your actions, compared with your mother must simply in the past even better.” “你这进步速度,还有你这所作所为,简直比你母亲当年还要更胜一筹啊。” I see you to know you to be serious for the first time, but never expected that your little rascal heaven defying to this situation.” “我第一次见你就知道你不得了,但没想到你这小鬼逆天到了这种地步。” After Chu Feng here has been confirmed that Xia Xingchen is also not the parsimonious praise Chu Feng. 而在楚枫这里得到确认之后,夏星辰也是毫不吝啬的夸赞起楚枫 Even is also she of side character, at this time in front of Chu Feng, actually probably a little miss. 甚至也是一方人物的她,此时在楚枫面前,却像是一个小姑娘。 Eyeful star light, unexpectedly some feelings of worship. 满眼的星光,竟然有些崇拜的感觉。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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