MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5983: She is not big, is similar to your mother

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Chapter 5981 she is not big, is similar to your mother 第5981章她不大,和你母亲差不多 Saw with own eyes that the situation is not wonderful, Xia Xingchen rushed to draw Chu Feng behind, and serious criticism. 眼见局势不妙,夏星辰赶忙将楚枫拉到了身后,且一脸严肃的批评起来。 Chu Feng, your saying was excessive.” 楚枫,你这话过分了喔。” Others flower young, is only and your mother is similar.” “人家花花年纪不大的,只是和你母亲差不多而已。” ...... …… She such remarks, Chu Feng and flower is speechless immediately. 只是她此话一出,楚枫和花花都顿时无语住。 Xia Xingchen realized the atmosphere is awkward, therefore hurrying added: Was your mother lived you fresh too early, the normal her talent, should not get married to guess right early.” 夏星辰意识到了气氛尴尬,于是赶忙补充道:“是你母亲生伱生的太早了,正常来说她那种天才,就不该那么早成家猜对。” According to the martial cultivation world age calculates, your mother takes several thousand years old to be reasonable.” “按照修武界的年龄来算,你母亲怎么也要几千岁才合理。” Therefore I with flower young, you should call her Elder Sister.” “所以我与花花年纪都不大,你应该叫她姐姐。” But such remarks, that flower actually first turns immediately: Who wants him to call Elder Sister, wasn't this chaotic the rank?” 可此话一出,那花花却立刻将头一扭:“谁要他叫姐姐,这不是乱了辈分?” Sees that Xia Xingchen rushes saying: Colored, was almost good.” 见状,夏星辰赶忙道:“花花,差不多行了。” Others Chu Feng takes divination Bamboo Slip to ask you to pick star Daoist priest senior, at all is not rushes.” “人家楚枫是拿着占卜竹简来找你摘星道长前辈的,根本不是闯进来的。” Moreover you do not have to wash, the bath, is unjust to others Chu Feng to peep, this somewhat was truly excessive.” “况且你都没有在洗,澡,就冤枉人家楚枫想偷看,这确实有些过分了喔。” Cannot, because has lost to Jie Ranqing, sprinkles the anger on the sons?” “总不能因为输给过界染清,就把火气洒在人家儿子身上吧?” Hears this words, that was colored anxious. 听闻此话,那花花急了。 What, Xingchen Elder Sister, this closes the Jie Ranqing anything matter, but... our two just went, because he rushes to hurry back.” “什么呀,星辰姐姐,这关界染清什么事啊,只是…咱们两个刚进去,就因为他闯进来不得不赶回来。” I really am the air/Qi.” “我真的是气啊。” The words to here, that flower want obviously anything, immediately serious looks to Chu Feng. 话到此处,那花花显然想都了什么,又立刻严肃的看向楚枫 „It is not right, you should be surrounded in the entrance are right, how do you get out of trouble?” “不对,你应该被困住在门口才对,你怎么脱困的?” I broke open bound.” Chu Feng said. “我破开了束缚。”楚枫说道。 Joke, depends on you to break open bound of entrance place, that is formation technique under my father personally arrange/cloth.” The flower face does not believe. “笑话,就凭你能破开门口处的束缚,那可是我父亲亲自布下的阵法。”花花一脸不信。 Your father picks star Daoist priest senior?” Chu Feng accident/surprise. “你父亲是摘星道长前辈?”楚枫意外。 Yes, how?” Is supporting chest very unyielding saying flower. “是,怎么了?”花花挺着胸膛很是硬气的说道。 Picks the star Daoist priest senior method, Chu Feng naturally admires, but I have my method.” Chu Feng said. “摘星道长前辈的手段,楚枫自然佩服,但是我也有我的手段。”楚枫说道。 You have what method, small age, crazy not side.” “你有什么手段,小小年纪,狂的没边了。” Let alone is you, your mother in this age, is impossible to break open my father's method.” That said flower. “别说是你,你母亲在这个年纪,也不可能破开我父亲的手段。”那花花说道。 Good flower.” “好了好了花花。” You, since has heard this Chu Feng, but also there is anything not to believe.” “你既然听闻过这楚枫,还有什么不信的。” Your father is fierce, that again fierce Seven Worlds Saint Mansion not?” “你父亲是厉害,那再厉害厉害的过七界圣府不?” Others Chu Feng can move out from Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, is this false?” “人家楚枫七界圣府都能全身而退,难道这是假的?” Summit of Nine Heavens, Chu Feng conquered Source of lineage/vein, is this false?” Xia Xingchen said for Chu Feng. “还是九天之巅,楚枫征服了脉之本源,这是假的?”夏星辰楚枫说道。 After hearing these words, that flower Mist was actually much weak, but both hands surround the chest front, whisper that questioned very much: 听到这些话后,那花花的气焰倒是弱了不少,但还是双手环抱胸前,很是质疑的嘀咕了一句: Hearsay exaggerates, who knows is really fake, I do not believe in any case.” “传闻夸大其词,谁知是真是假,反正我是不信。” But in the meantime, sound transmission maps the Chu Feng ear curtain together in secret, is Xia Xingchen. 而就在此时,一道暗中传音映入楚枫耳帘,乃是夏星辰 Chu Feng, what matter do you look to pick star Daoist priest?” 楚枫,你找摘星道长何事啊?” „To ask about something, about my mother.” Chu Feng returns in secret said. “想询问一些事情,关于我母亲的。”楚枫暗中回道。 This matter I judge, is truly in the wrong flower, but this flower character this, she is sick.” “这件事我来评判,确实是花花理亏,但这花花的性格就这样,她有病。” What sickness?” Chu Feng asked. “什么病?”楚枫问。 Congenitalness is hostile to the man sickness.” Xia Xingchen said. “先天性敌视男人症。”夏星辰道。 This sickness?” Chu Feng surprise. “还有这种病?”楚枫诧异。 Yes, but flower truly is hostile to the man very much, is not only you, except for picking the star Daoist priest, is almost hostile to all men.” “是啊,但花花确实很敌视男人,不仅是你,除了摘星道长,几乎敌视所有男人。” You, since is asks others to help, can endure , then endures.” “不过你既然是来求人家帮忙的,能忍则忍吧。” Others flower pick Daughter of star Daoist priest, although adopted daughter, but picks the star Daoist priest is very sore she.” “人家花花可是摘星道长的女儿,虽说是养女,但是摘星道长可是很疼她的。” I and Heavenly Dome Immortal sect matter you are know that Heavenly Dome Immortal sect issues a warrant for arrest me everywhere.” “我与苍穹仙宗的事情你是知道的,苍穹仙宗到处通缉我呢。” Reason that can seek asylum here, precisely because of the flower reason, others picks the star Daoist priest to comply.” “之所以能在这里避难,正是因为花花的原因,人家摘星道长才答应的。” Moreover she is angry, can understand that we were decoding ruins recently, she takes the big effort, seeks the law of entry.” “况且她心里有气,也是能理解的,最近我们正在破解一座遗迹,她费好大力气,才寻得进入之法。” But we just went in shortly, she discovered that some people went into the housing territory, then hurries back immediately.” “但是我们刚进去没多久,她就发现有人闯入了居住的领地,便立刻赶了回来。” But that ruins must go in again, needs again to break the formation, the beforehand effort can fall short.” “但是那座遗迹要再进去,需要重新破阵,之前的努力可以是功亏一篑了。” Hears here, Chu Feng can understand actually why this was colored such big anger. 听到这里,楚枫倒是能够理解,这花花为什么这么大的火气了。 Colored person does not go bad, at least to me is very good.” Xia Xingchen said. “花花人不坏,至少对我是非常好的。”夏星辰道。 senior, your friend, the moral behavior I trusts.” 前辈,你的朋友,人品我信得过。” Is only I really wants to see to pick the star Daoist priest, that now, what means has?” “只是我真的想见摘星道长,那现在,有什么办法吗?” My Chu Feng face is thick-skinned, is not cannot lower the head, but lowers the head really can see to pick the star Daoist priest?” Chu Feng asked. “我楚枫脸皮厚,不是不能低头,但是低头真的能见到摘星道长吗?”楚枫问。 Picks the star Daoist priest truly not here, which me makes concrete in does not know, knows flower.” “摘星道长确实不在这里,具体在哪我也不知道,只有花花知道。” This, I try to find a solution, making her do not catch up with you to walk.” “这样吧,我想个办法,让她不要赶你走。” Your boy is so miraculous, finds the performance opportunity again, flatters flower.” “你小子这么灵光,再找个表现机会,讨好一下花花呗。” She was happy, perhaps told you.” Xia Xingchen said. “她高兴了,说不定就告诉你了。”夏星辰道。 Ok.” “行。” Hears the flowered flower show to catch up with itself to walk, Chu Feng rushes should under. 听到花花会赶自己走,楚枫赶忙应下。 Runs over with great difficulty, cannot leave like this. 好不容易跑过来的,可不能就这样离开。 At this moment, Xia Xingchen smiling looks to flower. 此刻,夏星辰则是笑眯眯的看向花花。 May not need she to open the mouth, that flower then says immediately: 可还不待她开口,那花花便立刻说道: You two said in secret much.” “你们两个暗中说了不少吧。” Is speaking my malicious remarks?” “是不是在说我坏话?” A Xia Xingchen small mouth crack, the smile is very bright: Really intelligent, anything cannot hide the truth from you, but has not spoken your malicious remarks, but praises you.” 夏星辰小嘴一裂,笑容无比灿烂:“真聪明,什么都瞒不过你,不过可没说你坏话,而是夸你呢。” The words, look to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, has not admitted mistakes to flower senior.” 话罢,看向楚枫:“楚枫,还不向花花前辈认错。” Chu Feng bows immediately: Is sorry senior, Chu Feng comes is not the time, senior that the action of having no interest harms wastes the time, the solid heinous crime, senior must hit to scold, Chu Feng does not have the complaint certainly.” 楚枫立刻鞠了一躬:“抱歉前辈,楚枫来的不是时候,无心之举害的前辈浪费时间,实在罪该万死,前辈要打要骂,楚枫绝无怨言。” But flower is contemptuous smiles, coldly said: Does a bit less this set, you must look for my father, my father is not, when comes back me not to know, but also needs three years most quickly.” 可花花却轻蔑一笑,冷冷说道:“少来这套,你要找我父亲是吧,我父亲不在,什么时候回来我也不知道,但最快也要三年。” You three years later comes.” “你三年之后再来吧。” However three years later, we not necessarily also here.” “但是三年之后,我们未必还在这里。” Also was really said by Xia Xingchen right, this flower really catches up with the person to walk. 还真被夏星辰说对了,这花花是真的赶人走啊。 Sees that Xia Xingchen rushes to open the mouth. 见状,夏星辰赶忙开口。 Colored, do not break that ruins.” “花花,你不是要破那遗迹吗。” Chu Feng vast martial cultivation world, the strongest World Spiritist talent, lets him and we now travels together, could help busily.” 楚枫可是当今浩瀚修武界,最强的界灵师天才,让他与我们同行,说不定能帮到忙呢。” He?” May hear this words, on that flowered painted face contemptuous is thicker. “他?”可听闻此话,那花花脸上轻蔑更浓。 „It is not I looks down upon him, first did not say that the given name of vast martial cultivation world most World Spiritist talent is now credible.” “不是我看不起他,先不说当今浩瀚修武界界灵师天才的名号靠不靠谱。” My he is even credible, but that ruins is not their these juniors can meddle.” “我就算他靠谱,可那座遗迹也不是他们这些小辈能够插手的。” Colored, Chu Feng has helped me, when looks at my face, gives him an opportunity.” “花花,楚枫帮过我,就当看我面子,给他个机会呗。” Xia Xingchen grasps the flower arm, pretty saying. 夏星辰抱住花花胳膊,娇滴滴的说道。 Xingchen Elder Sister, since you opened the mouth, let alone I do not give you face.” 星辰姐姐,既然你开口了,也别说我不给你面子。” I give him to set a problem, he can break open, I let him and we travel together.” “我给他出一道题,他能破开,我就让他与我们同行。” „But if cannot break, asking him to leave immediately, Ok?” “但若破不开,让他立刻走,可以吗?” At this moment, does not need the Xia Xingchen opens the mouth, the Chu Feng access road/simply said: Ok.” 这一刻,不待夏星辰开口,楚枫便道:“可以。” Good, this breaking open, I limits your double-hour, if a double-hour cannot break, you leave immediately.” “好,将这个破开,我限你一个时辰,若是一个时辰破不开,你就立马离开。” During the speeches, flower lost a formation technique ball of watermelon size to Chu Feng. 说话间,花花将一个西瓜大小的阵法球丢向了楚枫 Colored, your.” May see that ball, Xia Xingchen is then resigned-looking. “花花,你这。”可看到那球,夏星辰便一脸无奈。 That ball is actually formation technique, but that is initial period of True Dragon can break open, Chu Feng is also only God-cloak, this clearly is the not possible matter. 那球其实就是一座阵法,但那是真龙初期才能破开的,楚枫还只是神袍,这分明就是不可能的事。 But next quarter, Xia Xingchen immediately complexion big change. 可下一刻,夏星辰顿时脸色大变。 That flower is also small mouth slightly, rubbing the eyes. 就连那花花也是小嘴微张,不由的揉了揉眼睛。 Sees only Chu Feng both hands to hold that formation technique ball, later swung swung, the flowers that formation technique ball then such as bloomed, bloomed. 只见楚枫双手抓住那阵法球,随后摇了一摇,那阵法球便如绽放的花朵,绽放开来。 But they know... 而她们都知道… This is to break the formation succeeds has the scene that. 这是破阵成功才有的景象。 PS: update was too recently bad, must to oneself the pressure, compelling. I pledged that this week within certainly erupts one time, if within has not erupted this week, I cursed this whole life unable to marry the wife. PS:最近更新太差,还是要给自己压力,逼一逼自己。我发誓本周之内一定爆发一次,如果本周之内没有爆发,我就诅咒自己这辈子娶不到老婆。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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