MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5939: Helps Song Yun steal thing

Chapter 5937 helps Song Yun steal thing 第5937章帮宋允东西 I hear, today, sends to have the important meeting to with Gu-school newly open.” “我听闻,就在今日,新派与古派有重要会议要开。” Sends the place newly, is gathering the senior figure of new faction, but they must go to participate this conference. “新派有一个地方,聚集着新派的高层人物,而他们都要去参加这次会议。 „The place that they are, will definitely guard against the strength to drop greatly.” “他们所在的地方,必然会防范力大大减退。” I give you a map, as well as concrete entry method, you help me steal same thing to come back.” “我给你一张地图,以及具体的进入方法,你去帮我去偷一样东西回来。” During the Song Yun speeches, then a map, as well as cosmos sack gave Chu Feng. 宋允说话间,便将一张地图,以及一个乾坤袋递给了楚枫 Chu Feng opens the map, above has planned the route, and above also wrote the method. 楚枫打开地图,上面已经规划好了路线,并且上面还写好了方法。 As for cosmos sack, is various special to break the formation treasures, it can be said that relative full of preparation. 至于乾坤袋内,乃是各种特殊的破阵宝物,可以说是准备的相当充分。 Obviously, meeting Chu Feng is by chance. 显然,遇到楚枫是碰巧。 But even if has not met Chu Feng, Song Yun still planned oneself do this matter. 但就算没有遇到楚枫,宋允也是打算自己来做这件事的。 It seems like my younger sister Song Yun, even if in Prison Sect this place, is not peaceful.” Chu Feng sighed. “看来我的宋允妹妹,哪怕在狱宗这种地方,也是不安生啊。”楚枫不由叹道。 Aiya did Elder Brother Chu Feng, what say?” “哎呀楚枫哥哥,说什么呢?” To be how same probably a bad child who I did say? Are others clever?” Song Yun casts aside the small mouth to say. “怎么把我说的好像一个坏孩子一样啊?人家多乖呢?”宋允撇着小嘴说道。 „Is is, clever, before me is very clever.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “是是是,乖着呢,在我面前还是挺乖的。”楚枫笑道。 ~ Song Yun is holding the arm, is supine the small face, obviously to the Chu Feng's words is somewhat discontented, but quick and bright smiles: “嘁~”宋允抱着胳膊,仰着小脸,显然对楚枫的话是有些不满的,但很快又灿烂一笑: right that Elder Brother Chu Feng said that is no one can make me clever, they do not match.” 楚枫哥哥说的也对,可不是谁都能让我乖的,他们不配。” Regarding this Chu Feng is also light smiles, asked: thing that you want to take is anything, on this map has not written.” 对此楚枫也淡淡一笑,不由问道:“那你想拿的东西是什么,这地图上可没写。” I want to take, is a red bottle, above attaches 38 seal talismans.” “我想拿的,是一个红色的瓶子,上面贴有三十八张封印符纸。” „After you goes in this place, can find.” Song Yun points at the map final picture circle circle to say. “伱进去这个地方之后,就能找到了。”宋允指着地图最后画的圈圈说道。 Believes that I can attain?” “就这么相信我能拿到?” Chu Feng coming out that also looks at from the map, this place, is quite special. 楚枫从地图也看的出来,这个地方,比较特别。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, others cannot achieve, your absolutely, you are the child of Jie Ranqing, now vast martial cultivation world strongest talent.” 楚枫哥哥,别人做不到,你的绝对可以,你可是界染清之子,当今浩瀚修武界最强天才。” Song Yun shows the self-confident smile, is self-confident about Chu Feng's. 宋允露出自信笑容,是对楚枫的自信。 I have an issue, this azure snow is Upper Realm the Prison Sect supreme headquarters?” Chu Feng asked. “我有一个问题,这青雪上界狱宗的大本营吗?”楚枫问。 Of course not, the Prison Sect supreme headquarters where, I am not clear, my rank is limited, cannot contact.” “当然不是,狱宗的大本营在哪里,我也不清楚,我的级别有限,根本接触不到。” Here is only the temporary foothold.” Song Yun said. “这里只是临时据点罢了。”宋允说道。 Knew.” “知道了。” Right, I also had an issue.” Chu Feng said. “对了,我还有一个问题。”楚枫说道。 What issue?” Song Yun said. “又什么问题啊?”宋允道。 You still remember, at that time when you that Underworld Envoy caught Prison Sect, did he also catch a little girl?” Chu Feng said. “你还记得,当时你被那位地狱使抓到狱宗时,他还抓了一个小女孩吗?”楚枫道。 I know that little girl, is lovable, but actually very strange.” Song Yun said. “我知道那个小女孩,蛮可爱,但却挺诡异的嘛。”宋允说道。 Right, you know where she is, crossed can fortunately?” Chu Feng asked. “对,你知道她在哪吗,过的可还好?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng feels now that little girl mostly is the Dark Black Monster God soul. 楚枫现在觉得,那个小女孩多半便是暗黑妖神的魂魄。 Also is the sacred object of three sages monster clan. 也是三圣妖族的圣物。 That little girl, simply had not been brought back to Prison Sect.” “那个小女孩,根本没有被带回狱宗。” He was kidnapped.” Song Yun said. “他被劫持了。”宋允道。 Was kidnapped, who kidnaps?” Chu Feng asked. “被劫持了,谁劫持的?”楚枫问。 He had not said, only said is one is powerful, Nine Souls Galaxy person.” Song Yun said. “他没说,只说是一个非常强大的,九魂天河的人。”宋允道。 Is powerful, Nine Souls Galaxy person?” Chu Feng is puzzled at first. “非常强大的,九魂天河的人?”楚枫起初不解。 Nine Souls Galaxy, where has very powerful person? 九魂天河,哪有非常强大的人? But quick, Chu Feng thinks a person, Xian Miaomiao teacher Song Changsheng, isn't a wrapped in a shroud of obscurity great strength exists? 可是很快,楚枫想到了一个人,仙喵喵的师尊宋长生,不就是一个神秘莫测的强大存在吗? However that why must kidnap the little girl, did he see what? 但是那位,为何要劫持小女孩呢,难道他看出了什么? Naturally, Chu Feng is also unascertainable, is the Xian Miaomiao teacher kidnaps. 当然,楚枫也不能确定,是不是仙喵喵的师尊劫持的。 expert that after all vast martial cultivation world hidden is very many, cannot do well Nine Souls Galaxy, is also hiding other expert besides Song Changsheng also perhaps. 毕竟浩瀚修武界隐藏的高手还是挺多的,搞不好九魂天河,除了宋长生还隐藏着其他高手也说不定。 „The person who Elder Brother Chu Feng, you care about are very many, how to feel your a little unfaithful/stamen?” 楚枫哥哥,你关心的人挺多啊,怎么感觉你有点花心啊?” Your this appearance, Zi Ling does Elder Sister know?” Song Yun is crooked the small head, badly a face smiles looks at Chu Feng. “你这个样子,紫铃姐姐知道吗?”宋允歪着小脑袋,一脸坏笑的看着楚枫 My where has, is the friends.” Chu Feng said. “我哪有,都是朋友嘛。”楚枫道。 Yes, is the woman friend, the female friend, sprinkles the water spray.” “是喔,都是女性朋友,红颜知己嘛,洒洒水啦。” That little girl is so small, are you a little beast?” Song Yun said. “不过那个小女孩那么小,你是不是有点禽兽啊?”宋允道。 What, I and she are not ripe, but she has helped me, therefore I am quite curious.” “什么呀,我和她都不熟,只是她帮过我,所以我比较好奇罢了。” In this issue, Chu Feng said Song Yun, therefore rushes to shift the topic: younger sister Song Yun, how long you want, can inquire the news about Xianhai Yu'er?” 这个问题上,楚枫说不过宋允,于是赶忙转移话题:“宋允妹妹,你要多久,能打探到关于仙海鱼儿的消息?” This conference ended to inquire.” Song Yun said. “这次会议结束就能打探到了。”宋允说道。 Good, your matter gives me.” “那好,你的这件事就交给我。” My matter gives you, if Ok , helping me inquire as far as possible clearly, had better be able know where Xianhai Yu'er was closed.” “我的事呢就交给你,若是可以,尽量帮我打探清楚一点,最好能知道,仙海鱼儿被关在哪里。” Was sure to remember, you are also careful, first want guarantee to be safe.” Chu Feng said. “不过切记,你也小心一点,首先要保证自身安全。”楚枫道。 Relax Elder Brother Chu Feng, I am not the fool, I will be careful.” “放心吧楚枫哥哥,我可不是什么笨蛋,我会小心的。” Right Elder Brother Chu Feng, do you still remember Prison Infant of your within the body?” Song Yun asked. “对了楚枫哥哥,你还记得你体内的狱婴吗?”宋允问道。 Un.” Chu Feng remembers certainly, initially that Underworld Envoy, said anything are the chancel directs, therefore also planted Prison Infant in own within the body. “嗯。”楚枫当然记得,当初那个地狱使,说什么自己是圣坛指引,于是也在自己的体内种下了狱婴 But that Prison Infant, in the deep sleep condition, has had no influence on oneself. 只不过那狱婴,一直在沉睡状态,对自己并无任何影响。 Your should Prison Infant also in within the body?” Song Yun asked. “你的狱婴应该还在体内吧?”宋允问。 In.” Chu Feng nods. “在的。”楚枫点头。 That is then good.” “那便好。” Takes this.” Song Yun gives Chu Feng talismans. “拿着这个。”宋允将一张符纸递给楚枫 That talismans is the black, above is carving the red spell, but that spell seems like a ghost infant, looks very strange. 符纸为黑色,上面刻写着红色符咒,而那符咒看起来就像是一个鬼婴,看起来十分诡异。 This calls infant rune/symbol.” “这是唤婴符。” Can awaken the Prison Infant strength to use for you.” “可以唤醒狱婴的力量为你所用。” „This strength of calling infant rune/symbol, should be able you to obtain First Rank True God cultivation realm.” Song Yun said. “这张唤婴符的力量,应该能你获得一品真神修为。”宋允说道。 How with?” Chu Feng asked. “怎么用?”楚枫问。 Pastes on the forehead then.” “贴在额头上即可。” When the time comes Prison Infant will regain consciousness, will invade your body, in this time, controls him, then makes his strength use for you.” Song Yun said. “到时候狱婴会苏醒,也会侵占你的身体,在此时机,控制住他,即可让他的力量为你所用。”宋允说道。 It seems like you in Prison Sect, good that truly crosses, this type thing attained.” Chu Feng said. “看来你在狱宗,确实过的不错,这种好东西都拿到了。”楚枫说道。 This thing natural value not poor, but is not the common person can control, controls not well, by Prison Infant backlash, thus rampage perishes, really has the danger.” “此物自然价值不菲,但也不是寻常人能够驾驭的,操控不好,会被狱婴反噬,从而暴走而亡,是真的具有生命危险。” Regarding Elder Brother Chu Feng, should the piece of cake.” Song Yun said. “不过对于楚枫哥哥来说,应该小菜一碟。”宋允说道。 You may really trust me, such dangerous thing, makes me use directly, you really did not fear that I die.” Chu Feng said. “你可真信得过我啊,这么危险的东西,就直接让我用,你真不怕我死啊。”楚枫道。 How can, in this world, be able to make me acknowledge that may only have one compared with my Song Yun strong person.” “怎么会呢,这个世界上,能让我承认比我宋允强的人可就只有一个。” That is my Elder Brother Chu Feng!!” “那就是我的楚枫哥哥啦!!” Trivial calls infant rune/symbol, my Elder Brother Chu Feng can control absolutely.” “区区唤婴符,我楚枫哥哥绝对能驾驭的啦。” Saying that Song Yun smiles. 宋允笑眯眯的说道。 Flatters you to pat.” Chu Feng sighed. “拍马屁还是你会拍啊。”楚枫叹道。 Elder Brother Chu Feng likes well.” 楚枫哥哥喜欢就好咯。” The words to here, Song Yun that led the way stopped suddenly: 话到此处,原本前行的宋允忽然停了下来: Elder Brother Chu Feng, matter cannot be delayed, do we leave now respectively? Then in this place convergence.” 楚枫哥哥,事不宜迟,我们现在各自动身?回头就在此地汇合。” Good.” Chu Feng nods. “好。”楚枫点头。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, does not leave till we meet.” 楚枫哥哥,不见不散喔。” Song Yun turns around to leave, actually turns head repeatedly, beckons to Chu Feng again and again. 宋允转身离开,却频频回头,对楚枫连连招手。 Because the speed is quick, was good quick then to vanish in the Chu Feng's line of sight. 但因为速度很快,也是好很快便消失在了楚枫的视线之中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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