MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5938: Prison Sect three factions

Chapter 5936 Prison Sect three factions 第5936章狱宗的三个派系 Elder Brother Chu Feng, where words this is, I and they are the people of the same clan, does not have the enmity without the injustice, if not for because of you, how I to kill them?” 楚枫哥哥,这是哪里话,我与他们好歹是同宗之人,无冤无仇的,若不是因为你,我怎么会杀了他们呢?” Song Yun puts in great inconvenience anxiously is digging the small mouth. 宋允委屈巴巴的撅着小嘴。 But Chu Feng put out a hand, concentrated on the wrist/skill of Song Yun. 楚枫则是伸手,专注了宋允的手腕。 formation technique of your palm, clearly already prepare.” Chu Feng said. “你掌心的阵法,分明是早就布置好的。”楚枫说道。 Truly is the prepare ahead of time, but also for just in case, Prison Sect must make war with Xianhai Yu Clan now.” “确实是提前布置好的,但也是为了以防万一嘛,如今狱宗要与仙海鱼族开战。” Definitely will have the people of many Prison Sect dead in battle, but Prison Infant in human body of Prison Sect, can supply my cultivation.” “必然会有更多的狱宗之人阵亡,而狱宗之人体内的狱婴,是可以供我修炼的。” They died in any case died, that Prison Infant remained is also wasting, might as well for my cultivation right?” Song Yun said. “反正他们死都死了,那狱婴留着也是浪费,还不如供我修炼呢对吧?”宋允说道。 Why can Prison Sect make war with Xianhai Yu Clan?” Chu Feng asked. 狱宗为何要与仙海鱼族开战?”楚枫问。 This is the secret, cannot tell you.” Song Yun at the back of small hand grinning saying. “这是秘密,不能告诉你。”宋允背着小手笑嘻嘻的说道。 Coming out that but Chu Feng also looks, she not really does not want to tell Chu Feng, but is more like cracking a joke. 楚枫也看的出来,她并非真的不想告诉楚枫,而更像是在开玩笑。 This girl, mischievous as always. 这个丫头,一如既往的调皮。 But Chu Feng said: Song Yun, can I also believe you now?” 楚枫还是说道:“宋允,现在我还能相信伱吗?” Reason that asked like this, is because the present their standpoint is indeed different. 之所以这样问,是因为现在他们两个的立场的确不同。 Chu Feng sees, Song Yun should be good in the Prison Sect position now. 楚枫看到出来,宋允如今在狱宗的地位应该还不错。 But Chu Feng is possibly doomed with Prison Sect for the enemy. 楚枫可能是注定要与狱宗为敌的。 Naturally, Elder Brother Chu Feng can certainly believe me.” Song Yun says immediately, and above the small face, full is earnest. “当然了,楚枫哥哥当然可以相信我。”宋允立刻道,并且小脸之上,满是认真。 „Can you also believe me?” Chu Feng asked back. “那你可还相信我?”楚枫反问。 This is natural, you forever are my Elder Brother Chu Feng, is person who Yun'er most trusts.” Song Yun said. “这是自然,你永远是我的楚枫哥哥,是允儿最信任的人。”宋允说道。 I am also open about the facts you, Xianhai Yu Clan Xianhai Yu'er is my friend, I think that you should also hear this matter.” “那我也不瞒你,仙海鱼族仙海鱼儿是我朋友,我想你也应该听说了这件事。” But I hear, she was seized in a few days ago, but likely seizes her is the Prison Sect person.” “但我听闻,她在前些时日被抓走了,而抓走她的很可能是狱宗的人。” You, if knows anything, but also please tell me.” Chu Feng said. “你若是知道什么,还请告诉我。”楚枫说道。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, we change a place, here did not facilitate to say these.” 楚枫哥哥,咱们换个地方,这里不方便说这些。” During the Song Yun speeches, then held the Chu Feng's palm with that small hand, is drawing Chu Feng Yu Kong, but the line leaves this place. 宋允说话间,便用那小手抓住了楚枫的手掌,拉着楚枫御空而行离开此地。 She has the Chu Feng speed run, flight while said: „Does Elder Brother Chu Feng, want to rescue Xianhai Yu'er?” 她带着楚枫快速飞行,一边飞行一边说道:“楚枫哥哥,想是要救仙海鱼儿吗?” Yes.” Chu Feng said. “是。”楚枫道。 Therefore Elder Brother Chu Feng did love another?” Song Yun asked. “所以楚枫哥哥是移情别恋了吗?”宋允问。 „?” Chu Feng at once, somewhat cannot find out the mind, asking: Your this girl, what words is this?” “啊?”楚枫一时之间,有些摸不清头脑,不由的问道:“你这丫头,这是什么话啊?” But a Song Yun still face is earnest: 宋允却依旧一脸认真: I was seized by Underworld Envoy initially, has not seen with Elder Brother Chu Feng a while.” “我当初被地狱使抓走,与楚枫哥哥也有一阵子没见了。” Now see again/goodbye, Elder Brother Chu Feng opening the mouth was me to help inquire Xianhai Yu'er to be grasped, has not asked good that I have crossed.” “如今再见,楚枫哥哥开口就是要我帮忙打探仙海鱼儿是不是被抓了,根本就没有问过我过的好不好。” „Doesn't this love another?” Song Yun said. “难道这不是移情别恋?”宋允道。 This that but we are not the lovers, how can with loving another to describe?” “这个那个,可是我们又不是恋人,怎么能用移情别恋来形容呢?” To me, you and Yu'er are the same, is my friend of being better.” Chu Feng said. “对我来说,你和鱼儿一样,都是我的要好的朋友。”楚枫道。 Therefore the friend will also differentiate to treat right?” Song Yun puts in great inconvenience anxiously. “所以朋友也会区分对待对吧?”宋允委屈巴巴。 „It is not, I heard them to call your Sir, naturally knows good that you crossed.” Chu Feng said. “不是,我都听到他们叫你大人了,自然知道你过的不错。”楚枫道。 I now am also good, but this cannot be you do not care about my reason.” “我现在是过的还行,但这不能是你不关心我的理由啊。” You have not thought, I have also endured hardship?” Song Yun said. “你就没想,我也吃过苦吗?”宋允道。 Hears this words, in the Chu Feng heart trembles, actually Song Yun said is very right. 听闻此话,楚枫心中一颤,其实宋允说的很对。 Compared in Song Yun and Little Fishy, some Chu Feng truly biases. 相比于宋允小鱼儿,楚枫确实有些偏心了。 Because he knows that Song Yun was brought back to Prison Sect , because the talent is good, subconscious then felt, Song Yun to Prison Sect had also met good. 因为他知道宋允被带回狱宗,是因为天赋较好,下意识的便觉得,宋允到了狱宗也会过的不错。 Then has not been thinking looks for Song Yun. 便没想着去找宋允 But also indeed neglected, Song Yun also excessively will be many not the good this matter. 可也的确忽略了,宋允可能也会过多不好这件事。 Was sorry younger sister Song Yun, I truly was too worried about Yu'er, after all she was grasped, now life and death unknown.” “抱歉了宋允妹妹,我确实是太担心鱼儿了,毕竟她被抓了,现在生死不明。” But my guarantee, if the grasped person is you, any character caught you, I will also save you.” Chu Feng said. “但我保证,若是被抓的人是你,无论是什么样的人物抓了你,我也同样会去救你。”楚枫道。 I was not grasped?” Song Yun said. “难道我不是被抓来的吗?”宋允道。 Eh......” Chu Feng had nothing to say in reply, at this matter, Chu Feng's really had being in the wrong place. 额……”楚枫无言以对,这件事上,楚枫的确有理亏的地方。 Good, does not press you.” “好了好了,不难为你。” I, am smart, even if were also liked by Sir everyone to Prison Sect deeply.” “我呢,聪明伶俐,哪怕到了狱宗也深受诸位大人喜欢。” Now, in Prison Sect also calculates enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that mixes, at least they treat as the key potential leader me.” “如今呢,在狱宗也算混的风生水起,至少他们是将我当做重点培养对象的。” Therefore, can contact some Prison Sect important characters occasionally.” “因此,偶尔能够接触到一些狱宗重要的人物。” Must make war with Xianhai Yu Clan about Prison Sect, I also hear, the specific reason I do not know.” “关于狱宗要与仙海鱼族开战,我也是无意间听到的,具体原因我也不知道。” „But if Elder Brother Chu Feng said is true, Prison Sect really grasped Xianhai Yu'er, then I guessed, Xianhai Yu'er likely is the source.” “但倘若楚枫哥哥所说属实,狱宗真的抓了仙海鱼儿的话,那么我猜测,仙海鱼儿很可能便是源头。” Xianhai Yu'er this talent, Xianhai Yu Clan is impossible to give up, if the determination is Prison Sect grasps, that this matter must make absolutely in a big way.” 仙海鱼儿这种天赋,仙海鱼族不可能放弃,倘若确定是狱宗抓的,那这件事情绝对是要闹大的。” This Elder Brother Chu Feng, other things, we turn head chatted again slowly, I first found the way to help you inquire the Xianhai Yu'er matter.” “这样吧楚枫哥哥,其他的事情,我们回头再慢慢聊,我呢先想办法去帮你打探一下仙海鱼儿的事情。” But, you also need to help me handle a matter to be good.” Song Yun said. “不过,你也需要帮我办一件事情才行。”宋允说道。 What matter?” Chu Feng asked. “什么事?”楚枫问。 Is this, Prison Sect, is divided into three camps.” “是这样的,狱宗内部,分为三个阵营。” Is divided sends with Gu-school and independent newly.” “分为新派和古派以及中立派。” I am , is Gu-school.” “我所在的,便是古派。” People in Gu-school quite traditional , the relative heart is friendly.” “古派的人呢较为传统,也相对心善。” They, although observes the Prison Sect custom, but actually also as far as possible will not slaughter innocents, firm believing, Prison Sect is legitimate, is the benefitting world.” “他们虽然遵守狱宗的规矩,可却也尽可能的不会滥杀无辜,坚定的认为,狱宗乃是正统,是造福天下的。” However you just saw, is the person of new faction, in them many people are well-mannered, but there are few people very badly.” “而你刚刚见到的,便是新派的人,他们之中的很多人还算规矩,但有一部分人非常的坏。” As for the high level of new faction, regarding is also the comparison indulges, what because they believe is Prison Sect takes series vast martial cultivation world, as the King, has the qualifications to trample others 's life.” “至于新派的高层,对于手下也是比较放纵,因为他们坚信的是狱宗要一统浩瀚修武界,身为王者,就是有资格践踏他人的生命。” Hearing here Chu Feng probably is then clear. 听到这里楚枫便大概清楚。 Why Prison Sect has to look at also good that Underworld Envoy. 为何狱宗有看着还不错的那位地狱使 Also there is a that crowd of slaughtering innocents to damage, originally was divided into two schools. 也有滥杀无辜的那群祸害了,原来是分成了两派。 You know why Prison Sect hadn't started the big sound in vast martial cultivation world?” Song Yun asked. “你知道为何狱宗一直没有在浩瀚修武界掀起大动静吗?”宋允问。 Why?” Chu Feng asked. “为何?”楚枫问。 „It is not the Prison Sect strength is insufficient, because internal two schools contend.” “并非狱宗的实力不够,而是因为内部两派相争。” If Gu-school is master of own affairs finally, that vast martial cultivation world should live in peace with each other.” “若是最终古派当家做主,那浩瀚修武界应该会相安无事。” „But if the new faction is master of own affairs, that feared that will be vast martial cultivation world no longer peaceful.” “可若是新派当家做主,那怕是浩瀚修武界将不再安宁。” Compared with after the present also wants chaotic many, the cultivation realm weak person, will live forever in abyss of suffering.” “会比现在后还要混乱的多,修为弱的人,将永远生活在水深火热之中。” Even the person in world, is only the Prison Sect member cultivation resources.” “甚至世间之人,只是狱宗成员修炼的资源罢了。” With the matter of Xianhai Yu Clan battle, I hears from the population of new faction.” “与仙海鱼族开战之事,我就是从新派之人口中听闻。” I suspected, if Xianhai Yu'er were really grasped, decides however is the people of new faction leads.” “我怀疑若是仙海鱼儿真的被抓,也定然是新派之人主导为之。” „The new faction also has the good point, because of their resorting to all means that the resources that truly obtains are more than Gu-school.” “不过新派也有可取之处,因为他们的不择手段,确实获得的资源比古派要多。” Therefore, their some thing, I yearned.” “因此,他们有一些东西,我十分向往。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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