MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5937: In Prison Sect meets the acquaintance

In Chapter 5935 Prison Sect meets the acquaintance 第5935章狱宗之内遇熟人 What's the matter, other world has the expert battle, how to start such big sound?” “怎么回事,别的世界有高手交战吗,怎么掀起这么大的动静?” These more than ten people, refines in the city the people soul, while raise one's head looks to void , the sound by void deep place was attracted. 这十几个人,一边炼制城内众人魂魄,一边抬头望向虚空,也是被虚空深处的动静所吸引。 But listens to their conversations, Chu Feng then to realize, they do not know, matter that side world has. 而听他们的交谈,楚枫便意识到,他们并不知道,那方世界所发生的事情。 And they have not hidden the aura, strongest also Third Rank Half God, even five Martial Venerable Realm. 并且他们没有隐藏气息,其中最强的也不过三品半神,甚至其中五个还是武尊境 From this Chu Feng judged, the position in Prison Sect should also be common, want to inquire the matter about Little Fishy, perhaps was difficult obtains the clue on them. 由此楚枫判断,他们在狱宗之内地位也应该一般,想要打探关于小鱼儿的事情,在他们身上恐怕是难以获得线索了。 Therefore Chu Feng comes directly. 于是楚枫直接现身。 Good one crowd of bastard, to do the so heartless matter, do you have a mind to chat?” The Chu Feng congealing sound asked. “好一群畜生,做了如此丧尽天良之事,你们还有心说笑?”楚枫凝声问道。 Yo, comes to act recklessly.” “哟,又来个不知死活的。” „Don't you recognize our clothes?” And a female sets out to say. “难道你不认得我们这身衣服?”其中一名女子起身说道。 Chu Feng has not spoken again, but begins directly, he camouflaged the aura, first suppresses cultivation realm to Third Rank Half God, later displays Thunder Mark , to promote cultivation realm to Fourth Rank Half God. 楚枫没有再说话,而是直接动手,他伪装了气息,先是将修为压制到三品半神,随后又施展雷纹,将修为提升到四品半神 It looks like in Chu Feng, this cultivation realm copes with them sufficiently. 楚枫看来,这个修为足以对付他们。 Suddenly, Chu Feng arrives in front of the Prison Sect people, the Venerable Armament broadsword in hand, pierced the female body of that speech directly. 眨眼间,楚枫来到狱宗众人面前,手中的尊兵大刀,直接洞穿了那名说话的女子身体。 Afterward sweeps suddenly, during blood splattering, the female was then cut two. 随后猛然一扫,鲜血喷溅间,女子便被斩成了两段。 I butchered you!!!” “我宰了你!!!” Sees Chu Feng to dare to kill people directly, the person of Prison Sect is also angry. 楚枫竟敢直接杀人,狱宗之人也是大怒。 And Third Rank True God, the cultivation realm promotion, achieves Fourth Rank Half God, revealed that Venerable Armament then prepares to launch the offensive. 其中一位三品真神,将修为提升,达到四品半神,亮出尊兵便准备发动攻势。 But Chu Feng waves a blade, deducts two him. 楚枫挥手一刀,也是将他劈成两段。 With is Fourth Rank Half God, he in front of Chu Feng, does not have the strength to hit back. 同为四品半神,他在楚枫面前,却是毫无还手之力。 „It is not good, run.” “不好,快跑。” Saw with own eyes that Chu Feng is so fierce, the person of Prison Sect did not have beforehand rampant Mist, the remaining people Yu Kong run away immediately. 眼见楚枫如此凶猛,狱宗之人也没了之前的嚣张气焰,剩下的人立刻御空逃窜。 But Venerable Armament in Chu Feng hand wields, blade, 12 people were cut to fall in an instant one after another, finally only has escaping of Third Rank Half God Realm. 楚枫手中的尊兵挥动,一刀一个,转眼间又有十二人被接连斩落,最终只有一名三品半神境的逃脱。 And promoted Fourth Rank Half God cultivation realm, can escape. 并且是将修为提升到了四品半神,才得以逃脱。 But even if promotion to Fourth Rank Half God, not possible to escape in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng is intentionally, puts him to walk intentionally. 但哪怕提升到四品半神,也不可能在楚枫面前逃脱,楚枫是故意的,故意放他走。 For Chu Feng does not cause the trouble, took away the body of person of Prison Sect dying, later Yu Kong, hid the figure, tagged along after that inescapable person to pursue. 楚枫为了不引起麻烦,将狱宗死去之人的尸体收走,随后才御空而起,隐藏身形,尾随那位逃脱之人追了过去。 Tagged along, arrived in a hidden extremely deep underground palace. 一路尾随,来到了一座隐藏极深的地下宫殿之中。 Arrives at the underground palace deep place, here is gathering several hundred people, is the appearance of Prison Sect. 来到地宫深处,这里聚集着几百人,都是狱宗的打扮。 But these several hundred people, all neat standing in the both sides, only has on the middle seat of honor, sits a petite form. 但这几百人,皆是整齐的站在两侧,唯有正中间的主位上,坐着一个身材娇小的身影。 Sir, is not good, we went out to run into a boorish fellow, did not fear the person of our Prison Sect unexpectedly, killed Li Cang they.” “大人,不好了,我们外出遇到了一个莽夫,竟不惧怕我们狱宗之人,杀了李沧他们。” Asks for the person to arrive at this place, immediately kneels on the ground. 讨回之人来到此地,立刻跪在地上。 „Does scoundrel, at this time, you also dare to court disaster? Didn't tell you to handle affairs carefully?” “混账,这个时候,伱们还敢惹祸?不是告诉你们小心行事吗?” But this seeking help, actually immediately by angrily rebuking of people. 可这位的求助,却立刻遭来了众人的怒斥。 everyone Elder, reproved them to have the what intention righteousness, dares to offend my Prison Sect person, must teach actually.” 诸位长老,训斥他们有何意义,敢得罪我狱宗的人,倒是必须教训。” Where is that person at?” But in the meantime, that form opens the mouth that sits in the seat of honor. “那人在哪?”而就在此时,那位坐在主位的身影开口。 That is together the delightful female voice. 那是一道甜美的女子声音。 And this sound is so familiar. 并且这声音是如此熟悉。 But this female opens the mouth, the people on the scene echo immediately: „The side that Sir Yun'er said is.” 而这女子一开口,在场的众人立刻附和:“允儿大人说的极是。” But this Yun'er, in addition that familiar sound, was makes Chu Feng think of a person. 可这句允儿,加上那熟悉的声音,则是让楚枫想到了一个人。 Song Yun, initially with mostly was the dark night Monster God little girl, together by Song Yun that Underworld Envoy seized. 宋允,当初和多半是暗夜妖神的小女孩,一同被地狱使抓走的宋允 Therefore Chu Feng flies the underground palace deep place directly. 于是楚枫直接飞到地宫深处。 Has not needed the people of these Prison Sect to respond, Chu Feng then asked loudly: „Is Song Yun, you?” 还不待这些狱宗之人有所反应,楚枫便大声问道:“宋允,是你吗?” Chu Feng this sound, without camouflage, but is the original voice. 楚枫这个声音,没有伪装,而是自己原本的声音。 But Chu Feng such remarks, that sits in the seat of honor condor, stands up immediately: Elder Brother Chu Feng?” 楚枫此话一出,那坐在主位的神鹰,也是立刻站起身来:“楚枫哥哥?” She spoke, but also took off head white bamboo hat, revealed the appearance/portrait. 她说话间,还摘下了头上的白色斗笠,露出了真容。 But her precisely Song Yun. 而她正是宋允 But person who that escapes, does not know that is stupid or stupid, has not understood the relations of Chu Feng and Song Yun. 而那名逃回来的人,不知道是蠢还是笨,还没有明白楚枫宋允的关系。 But aims at Chu Feng: Is he, Sir, was the homicide our people.” 而是指向楚枫:“就是他,大人,就是他杀了我们的人。” But he such remarks, Song Yun is actually in the eye the cold glow emerges. 可他此话一出,宋允却是眼中寒芒涌现。 Afterward his arm wields, a red dagger grazes, revolves in this underground palace fast. 随后其手臂一挥,一把红色匕首飞掠而出,快速于这地宫之内旋转。 When the dagger returns to his hand again, underground palace peaceful strangeness. 当匕首再度回到其手中之时,地宫安静的诡异。 That several hundred Prison Sect forms fall to the ground one after another, the blood also seeps out from the nape of the neck. 紧接着,那几百道狱宗身影接连倒地,鲜血也自脖颈渗出。 Died, was cut to kill completely. 死了,全部被斩杀。 precisely Song Yun personally for it, at this time the Song Yun whole body, gives out the Third Level strange and powerful aura, enabling its cultivation realm to achieve Ninth Rank Half God Realm. 正是宋允亲自为之,此时宋允周身,散发三重诡异且强大的气息,使其修为达到了九品半神境 When that Third Level strange aura removes, cultivation realm that she shows, achieved Sixth Rank Half God Realm. 而当那三重诡异气息褪去,她展现的修为,也是达到了六品半神境 Sixth Rank Half God, perhaps is Song Yun present real cultivation realm. 六品半神,恐怕便是宋允如今的真实修为 Her cultivation speed, is not unexpectedly slower than Chu Feng. 她的修炼速度,竟丝毫不比楚枫慢。 In waving, after cutting killed Prison Sect several hundred people, Song Yun looks like the bystander to be the same, jumping arrived in front of Chu Feng. 在挥手之间,斩杀了狱宗几百人之后,宋允就像是没事人一样,蹦蹦跳跳的来到了楚枫面前。 Extends two small hands, pressed firmly between the fingers the Chu Feng's face from the both sides. 伸出两只小手,从两侧捏住了楚枫的脸。 Quick be not hiding, reveals the appearance/portrait, making me take a good look my Elder Brother Chu Feng.” “快别藏着了,露出真容吧,让我好好看看我的楚枫哥哥吧。” Sees that Chu Feng also no longer hid, revealed the appearance/portrait. 见状,楚枫也不再隐藏,露出了真容。 Sees the Chu Feng appearance/portrait, is nearer, pair of beautiful eyes that the small face of Song Yun collects narrows two crescent moons, smiles very sweetly: 看到楚枫真容,宋允的小脸凑的更近,一双美眸眯成两道月牙,笑得很甜: Really, my Elder Brother Chu Feng looks pleasing to the eyes.” “果然,还是我楚枫哥哥看着顺眼啊。” These people, you killed them, all right?” Chu Feng asked. “这些人,你杀了他们,没事吗?”楚枫问。 Killed killed, no one knows in any case was I kills.” “杀就杀了,反正也没人知道是我杀的。” But, cannot make them know absolutely, you killed the Prison Sect person, otherwise... you may invite trouble.” “但是,绝对不能让他们知道,你杀了狱宗的人,不然…你可就惹祸上身咯。” During the Song Yun speeches, turns around, the palm spreads out, aims at the person of Prison Sect these died. 宋允说话间,转过身去,手掌摊开,对准了那些死去的狱宗之人。 His palm presents a red mark, that is together formation technique. 其掌心出现一道红色印记,那是一道阵法 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- formation technique projects many red lines, across all dying the human bodies of Prison Sect. 阵法射出多条红线,穿过所有死去的狱宗之人体内。 - 啊呜啊呜- Afterward, in these already within the body of person of dying, unexpectedly the wail that transmitted the baby, very to terrify person. 随后,在那些已经死去之人的体内,竟传来婴儿的哭泣声,十分瘆人。 Prison Infant, Chu Feng knows that this inevitably is Prison Infant. 狱婴,楚枫知道这必然是狱婴 In the human body of each Prison Sect, has Prison Infant. 每个狱宗之人体内,都有一个狱婴 However Song Yun two, Prison Infant melts, extremely resulting in talent. 不过宋允有两个,狱婴相融,是极其了得的天赋。 Because of completing Prison Infant melted, Song Yun was brought back to Prison Sect key training. 正因完成了狱婴相融,宋允才被带回狱宗重点培养。 But this sob, has not continued is too long, because is getting more and more weak, until vanishes thoroughly. 只不过这种哭泣,并未持续太久,因为越来越弱,直到彻底消失。 After completing all these, Song Yun another hand big sleeve wields, erases the bodies of person of these Prison Sect thoroughly. 在做完这一切之后,宋允另一只手大袖一挥,将这些狱宗之人的身体彻底抹除。 „Are you using their cultivation?” Chu Feng asked. “你是在用他们修炼吗?”楚枫问。 Is, right Elder Brother Chu Feng, where these by you killed the person, cannot waste.” Song Yun said. “算是吧,对了楚枫哥哥,那些被你杀了的人在哪儿,可不能浪费。”宋允说道。 Chu Feng also wields the sleeves, these were cut the person of body that Prison Sect kills then to be flung by him by it. 楚枫也是挥动衣袖,那些被其斩杀的狱宗之人尸体便被他甩了出来。 Murder carries off the corpse, worthily is my Elder Brother Chu Feng, this is also good, was actually convenient.” “杀人带走尸体,不愧是我的楚枫哥哥,这样也好,倒是省事了。” Song Yun stimulates to movement palm formation technique again, after Prison Infant in these human bodies also refine, raise one's head looks to Chu Feng: 宋允再度催动掌心阵法,将那些人体内的狱婴也炼化掉后,抬头看向楚枫: Elder Brother Chu Feng, their corpses do you have to use?” 楚枫哥哥,他们的尸体你还有用吗?” I first remain, if useful.” During the Chu Feng speeches received. “我还是先留着吧,万一有用呢。”楚枫说话间收了起来。 But Song Yun, then pinches the special law secret art, hid formation technique of palm. 宋允,则是捏动特殊法诀,隐藏了掌心的阵法 And thorough that very hidden. 并且隐藏的很是彻底。 „Have you wanted to massacre these people?” “你是不是早就想杀掉这些人?” Even I do not come, will you still massacre them?” Chu Feng asked. “就算我不来,你也会杀掉他们?”楚枫问。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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