MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5936: Most fearful evil forces

Chapter 5934 most fearful evil forces 第5934章最可怕的邪恶势力 But Chu Feng has not left. 楚枫并没有动身。 Chu Feng feels something fishy. 楚枫觉得事情有些蹊跷。 Martial Practitioner Chamber Of Commerce president said, has the reliable information, person who activity these two world have Prison Sect. 武者商会会长可是说,有着可靠消息,这两个世界都有狱宗的人活动。 But now, these two Upper Realm, under investigating formation technique, the Prison Sect person's shadows do not have, but another has several million. 可现在,这两个上界,在侦查阵法之下,其中一个一个狱宗的人影都没有,而另外一个则有着几百万道。 This disparity, was too rather disparate. 这差距,未免太悬殊了。 If the Prison Sect person, really grasped Little Fishy, that is also prepared inevitably early, is impossible such exposition easily. 况且若是狱宗的人,真的抓了小鱼儿,那必然也是早有准备,不可能这么轻易的暴露。 The matter leaves must have the monster unusual. 事出反常必有妖。 senior.” 前辈。” Chu Feng looks to this place old person. 楚枫看向此地的一位老者 This old person, on the road of this place, once talked with Chu Feng, is good to the Chu Feng attitude, and has certain position. 这位老者,在来此地的路上,也曾与楚枫交谈,对楚枫态度较好,并且有着一定地位。 Chu Feng young hero, how?” old person asked. 楚枫少侠,怎么了?”老者问。 May have to have the utensil of Prison Sect aura, can give me one?” Chu Feng asked. “可还有带有狱宗气息的器物,能否给我一件?”楚枫问。 Has.” During the old person speeches, gave Chu Feng a red long gown fragment. “有。”老者说话间,将一件红色长袍碎片递给了楚枫 The person of special-purpose long gown of that precisely Prison Sect. 正是狱宗之人专用的长袍。 But on this long gown fragment attaches formation technique, for better retains Prison Sect to be in sole possession of the aura that. 而这长袍碎片上面附着阵法,是为了更好的保留狱宗独有的气息。 senior, I can use the Teleportation Formation method, enters azure snow Upper Realm?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,我能用传送阵法,进入青雪上界吗?”楚枫问。 Ok, but Little Friend Chu Feng, detects formation technique to determine, in azure snow Upper Realm does not have the Prison Sect trail, why do you also want to go?” old person asked. “可以,不过楚枫小友,侦测阵法已经确定,青雪上界内没有狱宗的踪迹,你为何还要去?”老者问。 senior, I told the facts, the Prison Sect person can able to move unhindered vast martial cultivation world be so long, was very difficult to be found the den, fully explained that their methods were not ordinary.” 前辈,我实话实说,狱宗的人能纵横浩瀚修武界这么久,都很难被人找到老巢,足以说明他们的手段不一般。” junior felt, these two Upper Realm contrasts are so striking, is not quite right.” 晚辈是觉得,这两个上界对比如此强烈,不太对劲。” Did not conform to the Prison Sect past style.” Chu Feng said. “不符合狱宗以往的行事风格。”楚枫说道。 You felt, glimmer Upper Realm is a trap, instead is the azure snow world hiding the true Prison Sect main force?” old person asked. “你是觉得,微光上界是陷阱,反而青雪世界藏着真正的狱宗主力?”老者问。 Guessed personally, temporarily does not have any evidence.” Chu Feng said. “只是个人猜测,暂时没有任何证据。”楚枫道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, if is really felt, yourself go, extremely to be dangerous?” Some old person worries. 楚枫小友,若真是如此觉得,那你自己去的话,岂不是太过危险了?”老者有些担心。 He obeys Xianhai to direct in October/ten months. 他是听从仙海十月指挥的。 Let them remain here, they must remain here. 让他们留守在这里,他们就必须留守在这里。 Moreover he also understands the character of Xianhai October/ten months, even if pursues now, tells Xianhai Chu Feng's to guess in October/ten months, she will still decide however will not believe. 而且他也了解仙海十月的性格,就算现在追上去,去告诉仙海十月楚枫的猜测,她也定然不会信。 Chu Feng also said guessed, simply does not have the evidence. 况且楚枫也说了只是猜测,根本没有证据。 not to mention Xianhai in October/ten months, even if he has the military power not to dare adventure. 莫说仙海十月,就算是他掌握兵权也不敢冒险。 At present, the decision of Xianhai October/ten months is correct. 眼下来看,仙海十月的决策是正确的。 senior felt relieved, I have the method to deal.” 前辈放心,我有方法应对。” I search to explore the way, if really has the situation, I come back to look for the senior help again.” Chu Feng said. “我去探探路,若真的有情况,我再回来找前辈帮忙。”楚枫说道。 Also good, Chu Feng young hero must be careful.” old person said. “也好,楚枫少侠务必小心。”老者说道。 But before Chu Feng leaves, said: senior, should you be able through formation technique, to relate in October/ten months Sir?” 楚枫动身之前,却又说道:“前辈,您应该能通过阵法,联系到十月大人吧?” Ok.” old person said. “可以。”老者道。 Or, told in October/ten months Sir my guess, even did not believe that can still urge her to handle affairs carefully.” Chu Feng felt more and more, glimmer Upper Realm possibly is a trap. “要不,还是将我的猜测告诉十月大人,就算不信,也可以劝她小心行事。”楚枫越来越觉得,微光上界可能是陷阱。 old person somewhat hesitates. 老者有些犹豫。 Reason that hesitant , because understands Xianhai in October/ten months, he feared that told Xianhai this news in October/ten months, Xianhai not only did not believe in October/ten months, instead will reprimand in him. 之所以犹豫,就是因为了解仙海十月,他怕将这个消息告诉仙海十月,仙海十月不仅不信,反而会斥责于他。 senior, is related to Xianhai Yu Clan so many human lives.” 前辈,事关仙海鱼族这么多人命呢。” Careful, always unobstructive.” Chu Feng said again. “小心一点,总是无碍的。”楚枫再度说道。 Good.” Hears this words, old person no longer hesitates, compares in ten million/countless the clansman life, how was he reprimanded one to be able? “好。”听闻此话,老者不再犹豫,相比于千万族人性命,他被斥责一顿又能如何? Therefore immediately through great formation, relates Xianhai in October/ten months, and situation of Chu Feng saying, told Xianhai in October/ten months. 于是立刻通过大阵,联系到了仙海十月,且将楚枫说的情况,告诉了仙海十月。 Passed on to Chu Feng young hero for me, many thanks his reminder, we will pay attention.” “替我转告楚枫少侠,多谢他的提醒,我们会注意的。” Moreover, everyone stimulates to movement the person of formation technique to persevere same place.” “另外,所有人催动阵法之人坚守原地。” Hears , the Xianhai October's response, Chu Feng knows, Xianhai does not believe words that in October/ten months he spoke. 听到阵内,仙海十月的回应,楚枫知道,仙海十月还是不相信他说的话。 In October/ten months Xianhai said is quite tactful, had not previously displayed the strong disaffection and resistance like dragon Mochuan. 只是仙海十月说的比较委婉,没有像先前龙莫川那样表现出强烈的不满和抗拒。 But that all stimulates to movement the person of formation technique to persevere in same place, has actually proven, she does not believe the Chu Feng's judgment. 可是那句,所有催动阵法之人坚守在原地,却已经证明了,她不相信楚枫的判断。 Otherwise if, should send, follows Chu Feng to enter azure snow Upper Realm to look together. 如若不然,应该会派人,跟随楚枫一同进入青雪上界看一看的。 Afterward, Chu Feng then, through Xianhai Yu Clan Teleportation Formation, entered in azure snow Upper Realm. 随后,楚枫便独自一人,通过仙海鱼族传送阵,进入了青雪上界之中。 Azure snow Upper Realm, is one piece by the world that the azure snowflake covers, no wonder will call this name. 青雪上界,是一片被青色雪花覆盖的世界,难怪会叫这个名字。 But stands in this boundless azure snow, cannot see in the snowy area of any trail, Chu Feng actually not confused. 而站在这茫茫青雪,看不到任何踪迹的雪地上,楚枫却并没有迷茫。 He acts immediately, the arrangement detects formation technique. 他立刻行动,布置侦测阵法 Chu Feng felt, if azure snow Upper Realm is really prepared early, then their hidden formation technique, should cover the whole world ahead of time. 楚枫觉得,若是青雪上界真的早有准备,那么他们的隐藏阵法,应该是提前覆盖整个世界的。 Because precisely has to hide formation technique, Xianhai Yu Clan detection formation technique anything cannot observe. 正是因为有隐藏阵法,仙海鱼族的侦查阵法才什么都观察不出。 But if powerful hidden formation technique really exists, can investigate from the interior to the Prison Sect person. 但倘若强大的隐藏阵法真的存在,从内部也是可以侦查的到狱宗的人。 Investigates formation technique to arrange, Chu Feng then throws into which the long gown fragment of Prison Sect aura. 侦查阵法布置完毕,楚枫便将狱宗气息的长袍碎片丢入其中。 Afterward the stimulation of movement investigates formation technique, while grazes fast, naturally Chu Feng not only camouflaged the facial features, hid itself. 随后一边催动侦查阵法,一边快速飞掠,当然楚枫不仅伪装了面容,也隐藏了自己。 Un?” “嗯?” Grazes shortly, detection formation technique in Chu Feng hand had the response unexpectedly. 飞掠没多久,楚枫手中的侦查阵法竟有了反应。 Here, real Prison Sect person.” “这里,真的狱宗的人。” Chu Feng thought that this does not seem like the luck to be good. 楚枫觉得这不像是自己运气好。 Is more like this side world, really has many Prison Sect people, therefore increases the possibility that Chu Feng ran into the person of Prison Sect. 更像是这方世界,真的存在很多狱宗的人,所以才增大了楚枫遇到狱宗之人的可能性。 But, Chu Feng can hear in the meantime thunders intermittently. 而也就在此时,楚枫能够听到阵阵轰鸣。 That thunders from the space transmits, by chance is the direction of glimmer world. 那轰鸣自天上传来,恰巧是微光世界的方向。 Deciding however was the glimmer world had the extremely fierce fight, otherwise was impossible to span the starry sky, the sound transmission here came. 定然是微光世界发生了极其激烈的战斗,否则不可能跨越星空,声音传递到这里来。 „Is the glimmer world really a trap?” “微光世界果然是陷阱吗?” Hopes that they can be safe and sound.” “希望他们能安然无恙吧。” After Chu Feng sighed, immediately leaves, to investigating the direction of formation technique locking grazed to go. 楚枫感叹之后,立刻动身,向侦查阵法锁定的方向飞掠而去。 There, has a city, when Chu Feng approaches discovered that city had been slaughtered unexpectedly completely. 那里,有着一座城池,当楚枫靠近的时候发现,那座城池竟已被屠戮殆尽。 Proliferates the corpse, but does not have rivers of blood, even the bodies of many people do not have the wound. 遍布尸体,但没有血流成河,甚至许多人的身上没有伤口。 Everyone seems like swallowed the soul to perish. 所有人都像是被吞噬灵魂而亡。 But in the city center, is gathering 15 men and women unexpectedly, they put on are also very special. 而在城池中心,竟聚集着十五名男女,他们穿着也很特别。 The white bamboo hat, the red long gown, on the long gown also with the black typeface, writes the Underworld Envoy three large characters. 白色斗笠,红色长袍,长袍上面还以黑色字体,写着地狱使三个大字。 These people, precisely Prison Sect person. 这些人,正是狱宗的人。 Obviously , is this city by the chief criminal of slaughter. 很显然,也是这座城池被屠的罪魁祸首。 They sit cross-legged in the same place, unexpectedly in arranging formation technique, in the precisely city that in that formation technique gathers in the soul of people. 他们盘坐在一起,竟在布置阵法,那阵法之内汇集的正是城内众人的魂魄。 But these souls had been built up, has died thoroughly, Chu Feng came eventually late one step. 只不过这些魂魄已被炼化,已经死透了,楚枫终究来晚了一步。 May in the Chu Feng impression, that Underworld Envoy that he contacted before, may not seem like the evil person, will not slaughter innocents, although is also very stubborn, but has own justice. 可在楚枫印象中,他之前接触的那位地狱使,可不像是恶人,并不会滥杀无辜,尽管也很固执,但却有着自己的正义。 But now these people, is the true dishonest ways. 但现在这些人,则是真正的邪门歪道。 Thus, in Prison Sect, has advantages and disadvantages. 由此可以看出,狱宗之内,也是有好有坏。 No wonder the world said, Prison Sect is the most fearful evil forces. 难怪世人都说,狱宗是最可怕的邪恶势力。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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