MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5932: Top Dragon Spring, Mucheng quenchings

Chapter 5930 top Dragon Spring, Mucheng quenchings 第5930章顶级龙泉,慕橙淬炼 Chu Feng and Zi Ling walk, Dragon Breath Clan all clansmen see off. 楚枫紫铃走的时候,龙息一族所有族人都来相送。 Including also in therapy dragon not Sichuan and others. 包括还在疗伤的龙莫川等人 Chu Feng young hero.” 楚枫少侠。” Before old man stupid, being true underestimated you.” “之前老夫愚钝,属实是小看了你。” But your life-saving efforts, the old man will not forget, later old man life is your.” “但你的救命之恩,老夫绝不会忘,以后老夫这条命是你的。” When results in the old man to leave this damned place, returns to vast martial cultivation world time, the old man looked that who dares to bully you.” “待得老夫离开这个鬼地方,重返浩瀚修武界的时候,老夫看谁敢欺负伱。” not to mention others, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, the old man still dare to do to do with them even.” 莫说别人,就算是七界圣府,老夫也敢与他们干上一干。” dragon Mochuan is striking one's chest to say. 龙莫川拍着胸脯说道。 Good, said it and meant it.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “好,一言为定。”楚枫笑着说道。 Old man words, kept a promise absolutely.” A dragon don't Chuan face is earnest. “老夫此话,绝对算数。”龙莫川一脸认真。 The words before dragon Sichuan, are really not unkind. 龙莫川之前的话,着实刻薄。 Said Chu Feng own time fortunately, when it is said Chu Feng mother, Chu Feng has not nearly controlled the anger. 楚枫自己的时候还好,当其说楚枫母亲的时候,楚枫都险些没控制住怒火。 Reason that controlled, has not haggled over with him. 之所以控制住了,没与他计较。 Is Chu Feng knows, although this person is proud, but the natural disposition does not go bad, this is wholehearted from him, is the Dragon Breath Clan clansman, coming out that looks. 就是楚枫知道,这个人虽然自负,但本性不坏,这从他一心一意,为龙息一族族人,就看的出来。 Such person Chu Feng saw. 这样的人楚枫见多了。 Is the enemy, a little has a headache. 做敌人,有点头疼。 But if really the sincerity true meaning is the friend, is trustworthy. 但要是真的真心真意做朋友,则是值得信赖的。 Chu Feng, when we leave here, Dragon's Breath Spring House will reopen.” 楚枫,当我们离开这里,龙息泉馆会重新开张。” At that time, you must look for us.” “那个时候,你一定要来找我们。” Even if you do not want us to help, must look for us, my Dragon Breath Clan, truly owes you a benevolence.” Long Mucheng said. “就算你不愿意我们帮忙,也要来找我们,我龙息一族,确实欠你一个恩情。”龙慕橙说道。 I will come, but does not want you to return the benevolence, but must taste your Dragon Spring.” Chu Feng said. “我会来的,但不是要你们还恩情,而是要尝尝你们的龙泉。”楚枫说道。 You did not say, I almost forgot.” Long Mucheng is suddenly enlighted, later one incomparably fine, two chi (0.33 m) come the high jade bottle to take out. “你不说,我差点忘记了。”龙慕橙恍然大悟,随后将一个无比精致,两尺来高的玉瓶取出。 We come here, all day stimulates to movement the Formation Aperture strength, truly does not have the time to quenching Dragon Spring.” “我们来到这里,整日催动阵眼的力量,确实没有时间淬炼龙泉。” But this is I collects.” “但这是我个人珍藏。” Little Friend Chu Feng , if not shut out, then receiving, enough you are drinking a while.” Long Mucheng gives Chu Feng the jade bottle. 楚枫小友若不嫌弃,便收着吧,足够你饮用一阵子了。”龙慕橙将玉瓶递给楚枫 Chu Feng grips one bottle of that moment, immediately complexion great happiness. 楚枫握住一瓶的那一刻,顿时面色大喜。 „Was senior, too precious?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,太珍贵了吧?”楚枫问。 The Dragon Spring price, he knows. 龙泉的价格,他是知道的。 One bowl of Dragon Spring water, need ten Dragon Spring coins. 一碗龙泉水,需要十个龙泉币。 But the Dragon Spring coin is very difficult to get so far as, initially Chu Feng and Underworld Envoy when Dragon's Breath Spring House. 龙泉币可是很难弄到的,当初楚枫地狱使龙息泉馆时。 Some people want receive in exchange for ten Dragon Spring coins with Venerable Armament and a cosmos sack treasure, no one trades, instead trades taunting of people. 有人想用一把尊兵和一乾坤袋的宝物来换取十个龙泉币,都没有人换,反而换来众人的冷嘲热讽。 But Long Mucheng to the Chu Feng's jade bottle, in fact has the cosmos sack effect. 龙慕橙楚枫的玉瓶,实际上是具有乾坤袋功效的。 Dragon Spring that this inside thinks, is quite boundless. 这里面装着的龙泉,极为磅礴。 It can be said that this inside spring water, Chu Feng does not drink, every day is used for the take a bath, enough he soaks 100 years. 可以这么说,这里面的泉水,楚枫不喝,每天用来泡澡,都足够他泡个一百年。 Seriously is the value not poor. 当真是价值不菲。 This I may probably blow.” “这个我可要吹一吹了。”” Mucheng girl bottle of Dragon Spring, that is not common Dragon's Breath Spring House can drink.” 慕橙丫头这瓶龙泉,那可不是寻常龙息泉馆能喝到的。” You have a look carefully, this called Mucheng Dragon Spring.” “你仔细看看,这叫慕橙龙泉。” Bloodline of Mucheng this girl is special, her dragon breath is also purer.” 慕橙这丫头的血脉特殊,她的龙息也更为纯粹。” Dragon Spring that others quenching, needs to process can drink, drinks directly is incorrect.” “其他人淬炼的龙泉,需要加工才能饮用,直接饮用是不行的。” But Dragon Spring of Mucheng this girl, can drink directly, and year is longer, the effect is better.” “但是慕橙这丫头的龙泉,可以直接饮用,并且年头越久,效果越好。” Dragon Spring that therefore she quenchings, is Dragon Breath Clan one certainly.” The dragon smiles was not saying. “因此她淬炼出来的龙泉,乃是龙息一族的一绝。”龙莫笑笑着说道。 This real, we must ask her brazenly, can drink is so little.” “这个是真的,就连我们都要厚着脸皮求她,才能喝到那么一点点。” Sometimes will also be rejected.” Dragon don't Chuan also said. “有时候还会被拒绝呢。”龙莫川也是说道。 This is really this is real.” Immediately the people echo. “这是真的这是真的。”立刻众人附和。 At this time a young boy, lifts up high the arm: 此时一个小男孩,更是高举手臂: My my I... I listen to Mucheng Dragon Spring of Sir Mucheng to grow up, is long to is so big, has not tasted.” “我我我…我可是听着慕橙大人的慕橙龙泉长大的,可是长到这么大,都没尝过呢。” Sees this situation, Chu Feng looks to Long Mucheng: Sir Mucheng, since this bottle of Mucheng Dragon Spring present as a gift me, whether I can take responsibility, asking everyone to drink one cup?” 见此情形,楚枫则是看向龙慕橙:“慕橙大人,既然这瓶慕橙龙泉赠我,那我是否可以做主,请大家饮上一杯?” Chu Feng such remarks, the audience turns very quiet. 楚枫此话一出,全场屏住呼吸。 In fact, not to mention is a little friend, many adults do not have the opportunity to drink Dragon Spring that Long Mucheng quenchings. 实际上,莫说是小朋友,许多成年人也没机会饮用龙慕橙淬炼的龙泉 Although Long Mucheng quenchings the custom of Dragon Spring common, Dragon Spring that but she also really quenchings her, regards, if treasure. 龙慕橙虽常有淬炼龙泉的习惯,但她也是真的将她淬炼的龙泉,视若珍宝的。 Dragon don't Chuanlong smiles this character, brazenly asked that sometimes was rejected, this was the real matter. 龙莫川龙莫笑这种人物,厚着脸皮去求,有时候都被拒绝,这可是真事。 Long Mucheng subconsciously is resists, truly stingy be used. 龙慕橙下意识便是抗拒的,确实抠门习惯了。 But changes mind thinks, has presented as a gift in Chu Feng, therefore then nods: Naturally.” 可是转念一想,都已经赠于楚枫了,于是便点了点头:“当然。” Oh!!!” “喔!!!” The next quarter, the audience cheers. 下一刻,全场欢呼。 But Chu Feng actually opens the mouth suddenly: Waits for, although is I takes responsibility, but I had not said, really asked you to drink.” 楚枫却忽然开口:“等一下,虽是我做主,可我并没说,真的请你们喝啊。” „......” People are speechless. “……”众人无言。 But the Chu Feng big sleeve wields, formation power such as golden light scatters, falls into the people hand, all changes to a wine glass. 楚枫大袖一挥,结界之力金光飘散,落入众人手中,皆是化作一个酒杯。 Afterward in the Chu Feng stimulation of movement hand the jade bottle, Dragon Spring in jade bottle then grazes, just falls into the people wine glass. 随后楚枫催动手中玉瓶,玉瓶中的龙泉便飞掠而出,刚好落入众人酒杯之中。 Life one leaves finally, but I and Dragon Breath Clan fate completely , without come to day to meet see again/goodbye surely.” “人生终有一别,但我与龙息一族缘分未尽,来日定会再见。” everyone senior, has a lot of time for that in the future bye.” Chu Feng holds up the wine glass. 诸位前辈,来日方长,日后再会。”楚枫举起酒杯。 In the future bye.” The people all lift the wine glass, later tosses down. “日后再会。”众人皆举酒杯,随后一饮而尽。 everyone senior, Chu Feng said goodbye.” 诸位前辈,楚枫告辞。” Afterward, Chu Feng then brings Zi Ling, walked into the formation space. 随后,楚枫便带着紫铃,走入了结界空间之中。 Elder Brother Chu Feng.” 楚枫哥哥。” May just step into the formation space, a small hand then held on Chu Feng. 可刚踏入结界空间,一只小手便拉住了楚枫 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, unexpectedly is the Zi Ling wear a look of happy expression, actually some not good meaning looks at Chu Feng. 顺势观望,竟是紫铃面带笑意,却有些不好意思的看着楚枫 Because of her another small hand, is carrying the formation wine glass that Chu Feng is condensing. 因为她的另一只小手,正端着楚枫凝聚的结界酒杯。 But that cup had emptied, does not have including drop of Dragon Spring remaining. 只不过那杯子已经空了,连一滴龙泉都没剩下。 Hasn't drunk enough?” Chu Feng asked. “没喝够?”楚枫问。 Too was really tasty, has not drunk such tasty thing, has completely relaxed, the mind purified feeling.” “真的太好喝了,从没喝过这么好喝的东西,有种心旷神怡,心灵都被净化的感觉。” This thing, perhaps is, was too suitable our girls who world any good wine is unable to compare to drink.” Zi Ling said. “这东西,恐怕是天下任何美酒都无法比拟的了,太适合我们姑娘喝了。”紫铃说道。 Mucheng Dragon Spring, truly lives up to reputation, compared with me in being better that Dragon's Breath Spring House drinks.” 慕橙龙泉,确实名不虚传,比我在龙息泉馆喝到的要好。” The words, the jade bottle that Chu Feng will just receive took, gave Zi Ling directly. 话罢,楚枫将刚刚收起的玉瓶又取了出来,直接递给了紫铃 Gives me?” Zi Ling opens beautiful eyes. “都给我啊?”紫铃睁大美眸 Said, our family/home, you takes responsibility.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “都说了,咱们家,你做主啊。”楚枫笑道。 Un, really good , this is Sir Mucheng gives your gift, how I am good the meaning confiscation.” “嗯,真好,不过嘛,这是慕橙大人送你的礼物,我怎好意思没收。” Like this, I keep part, other Elder Brother Chu Feng are receiving.” “这样,我留一部分,其他的还是楚枫哥哥收着。” The words, Zi Ling takes out a jade bottle, that similarly is a jade bottle that has the storage function. 话罢,紫铃取出一个玉瓶,那同样是一个具有储物功能的玉瓶。 Afterward thump thump, then Chu Feng's Mucheng Dragon Spring, to her jade bottle but actually. 随后咕咚咕咚的,便将楚枫的慕橙龙泉,向她的玉瓶里倒。 Sees this one, Chu Feng has not only loved dearly, instead has a proud feeling. 见此一幕,楚枫不仅没有丝毫心疼,反而有种自豪之感。 As the man, struggles diligently, to protect family member incessantly. 身为男人,努力奋斗,不止是为了守护家人。 If can rely on the skill, changes the lover to smile, before that similarly is, travels on, essential power. 若能凭借本事,换得爱人一笑,那同样是前行路上,不可缺少的动力。 When Chu Feng and Zi Ling leave this place, when returns to sacred land, altar/jar space as in such. 楚枫紫铃离开此地,回到圣地之时,坛宇依旧在此等着。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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