MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5931: It is not the life-saving efforts, rescues the graciousness of clan

Chapter 5929 is not the life-saving efforts, rescues the graciousness of clan 第5929章不是救命之恩,是救族之恩 This formation technique bound is too but strong, even if he has clenched the teeth, causes completely the skills, the speed that but he leads the way, still endured compared with the turtle fast. 可是这阵法束缚太强,哪怕他已是咬紧牙关,使尽浑身解数,可是他前行的速度,仍是堪比龟速。 Until, he sees Chu Feng to returning, and in Chu Feng's behind, has several hundred formation chains. 直到,他看到楚枫向回走来,并且在楚枫的身后,有着几百条结界锁链 But that each formation chains, after drags to entrain a Dragon Breath Clan clansman . 而那每一条结界锁链,都拖拽着一个龙息一族族人后。 He relaxes finally. 他才终于松了一口气。 Really failed, and all lost very heavy wound. 果然失败了,并且皆是负了很重的伤。 However is good because, does not have the danger. 但是好在,并没有生命危险。 Chu Feng drags is very laborious, after all the Dragon Breath Clan everyone's body, has bound formation technique. 只是楚枫拖的很辛苦,毕竟龙息一族所有人的身上,都有束缚阵法 This makes Chu Feng drag to entrain them to leave, is extremely strenuous. 这使得楚枫拖拽他们离开,也是极其费力。 Chu Feng, I come.” 楚枫,我来吧。” When Chu Feng, dragon Moxiao said. 待得楚枫靠近后,龙莫笑说道。 Sir, although your cultivation realm above me, may in this, you display the space to be limited.” “大人,您的修为虽远在我之上,可在这里面,您发挥空间有限。” „The everyone senior injury, will only aggravate in this formation space, must leave as soon as possible, makes junior come.” 诸位前辈的伤势,在这结界空间内只会加重,必须尽快离开,还是让晚辈来吧。” Chu Feng such remarks, the dragon smiled not also no longer says anything. 楚枫此话一出,龙莫笑也不再说什么。 Right that Chu Feng said that although he is strenuous, possibly the above strength of display also smiles in the dragon not. 楚枫说的对,他虽然吃力,可能发挥的力量也是远在龙莫笑之上的。 At this time, the increasing number of people start to enter the formation space, they also realized that the situation is not wonderful. 此时,越来越多的人开始进入结界空间,他们也都意识到情况不妙。 However many people do not adapt, is unable to penetrate, can only wait for in formation space edge. 但是很多人不适应,都根本无法深入,只能在结界空间边缘处等待着。 When they saw, Chu Feng drags the person who entrains these to be wounded, over the face is pale, is quite strenuous, appearance that actually did not give up. 待得他们看到,楚枫拖拽着那些负伤的人,满面苍白,极为吃力,却仍不放弃的模样。 Without exception, all changes countenance. 无一例外,皆是十分动容。 When Chu Feng is dragging them, when goes out of the formation space, is the prostration sat on the ground directly. 楚枫拖着他们,走出结界空间之时,已是虚脱的直接坐在了地上。 Also luckily is Chu Feng, trading to do is others, at all not possible to tow these people. 也就幸亏是楚枫,换做是其他人,根本不可能将这些人拖出来。 Chu Feng, I... I am unfair to you.” 楚枫,我…我对不起你。” Looks that Chu Feng is so weak, the paralysis in the bosom of Zi Ling, dragon don't Chuan who carries the severe wound, lowers the head finally. 看着楚枫如此虚弱的,瘫在紫铃的怀中,身负重伤的龙莫川,也终于是低下了头。 As World Spiritist, he naturally knows, is formation technique that Chu Feng provides, protected them. 身为界灵师,他自然知道,是楚枫提供的阵法,保护了他们。 Otherwise if, their injuries are certainly more serious than the present. 如若不然,他们的伤势一定比现在更加严重。 But actually was not only formation technique protected them, Chu Feng saved them. 但却不仅仅是阵法保护了他们,楚枫更是救了他们。 If not for Chu Feng drags to entrain fast them, their injuries will be certainly getting more and more serious, certainly will die in inside. 若不是楚枫将他们快速拖拽出来,他们的伤势一定会越来越重,一定会死在里面。 Chu Feng, really rescued their life. 楚枫,是真的救了他们一命。 But facing dragon Sichuan and others of over the face lamentation, Chu Feng has not haggled over not, but said with a smile: Minor matter.” 而面对满面悔恨的龙莫川等人,楚枫也并未计较,而是笑着说道:“小事一桩。” The attitude that also precisely Chu Feng this does not haggle over, causes Dragon Breath Clan all clansmen, looked that the Chu Feng's vision becomes has profound respect. 正是楚枫这样不计较的态度,使得龙息一族所有族人,看楚枫的目光变得肃然起敬。 If before, about the Chu Feng's hearsay, many people were doubtful. 如果说之前,关于楚枫的传闻,许多人还半信半疑。 Then now, many people have believed in firmly. 那么现在,许多人已是深信不疑。 This absolutely is not a common junior. 这绝对不是一个寻常的小辈。 Is junior who breaks their cognition. 是打破他们认知的小辈。 It seems like that Chu Feng rescued dragon not Sichuan these several hundred people. 看似楚枫救了龙莫川这几百人。 But they were clear, if not for Chu Feng persuaded, all of them must step into Teleportation Formation. 可他们都清楚,若不是楚枫相劝,他们所有人都要踏入传送阵 That consequence, but is not Chu Feng can rescue comes back. 那个后果,可就不是一个楚枫能救的回来的了。 Therefore Chu Feng, saved their Dragon Breath Clan everyone. 所以楚枫,是救了他们龙息一族所有人。 Although Chu Feng is weak, but is only the strength of consumption are too many, is only the short half day, Chu Feng has restored. 楚枫虽然虚弱,但只是耗费的力气太多,只是短短半日,楚枫就已经恢复。 As for dragon not Sichuan they, not danger, but the injury is not simple, is not the short time then can restore, needs to recuperate slowly. 至于龙莫川他们,并无生命危险,只不过伤势也不简单,并非短时间便能恢复的,需要慢慢调养。 Thoroughly after restoring, the method that Chu Feng will then understand, told Long Mucheng them. 彻底恢复之后,楚枫便将自己参透出的方法,告诉了龙慕橙他们。 That is a cultivation method of similar expiration and inspiration, is actually simple, is only this rule, quite specially. 那是一种类似吐纳的修炼方法,其实非常简单,只是这个规律,较为特别。 Must defer to this rule to be useful. 必须按照这个规律才有用。 Sir Mucheng, this method is absolutely useful.” 慕橙大人,这个方法绝对有用。” After Formation Aperture attempts, many people look wild with joy, to take a stand. 阵眼之中尝试之后,许多人面露狂喜,纷纷表态。 They are unable to see as before that restores the degree that formation technique accumulates, but they can feel, integrates in their dragon breaths with Chu Feng this method Formation Aperture, smooth incomparable. 他们依旧无法看到,那修复阵法积累的程度,但是他们能够感受到,用楚枫这个方法将他们的龙息融入阵眼之内,顺畅无比。 Before not resembles, is so laborious. 不会像之前那么辛苦。 Little Friend Chu Feng, really does not know how should thank you.” Long Mucheng said to Chu Feng. 楚枫小友,真是不知该如何感谢你了。”龙慕橙楚枫说道。 senior first leaves urgently is thanking me, my method not necessarily is effective, the need time can witness.” Chu Feng said. 前辈先别急着谢我,我这个方法还不一定有效,需要时间才能见证。”楚枫说道。 This method absolutely is first effective.” “首先这个方法绝对有效。” We integrate the strength of dragon breath here, there is a period of time, we can feel, used the huge difference after your method.” “我们在这里融入龙息之力,也有一段时间了,我们能够感受到,使用你这个方法后的巨大差别。” Ok, this method does not have the effect, but you is also equal to the savior of my clan.” “就算,这个方法没有效果,可伱也等于是我族的救命恩人。” In the beforehand inference, we integrates Formation Aperture the dragon breath normally, really takes tens of thousands years, can restore formation technique to fill up that.” “在之前的推断中,我们正常将龙息融入阵眼,真的需要几万年的时间,才能将那修复阵法填满。” We really do not want tens of thousands years of consumption here, you , if not come, today is the day that all our clansmen leave.” “我们是真的不想将几万年的时间耗费在这里,你若不来,今天就是我们所有族人离开的日子。” Coming out that you also look, this Teleportation Formation method can only use one time, therefore we have not tried the wrong cost.” “你也看的出来,这传送阵法只能使用一次,所以我们没有试错的成本。” Must walk, all clansmen, all walk together.” “要走,就所有族人,全部一起走。” You , if not come, perhaps my Dragon Breath Clan, really must exterminate the clan.” “你若不来,我龙息一族,恐怕就真的要灭族了。” Extermination of the clan in the formation space, and way of choosing, if this passes on, perhaps will become entire day below laughingstock.” “灭族在结界空间中,并且还是自己选择的方式,这若是传出去,恐怕会成为全天下的笑柄了。” Shaking the head of Long Mucheng self-ridicules. 龙慕橙自嘲的摇了摇头。 Although heard the Chu Feng's suggestion after afterward, she chooses to support Chu Feng. 尽管后来听到楚枫的建议后,她选择力挺楚枫 But before, she also agreed that leaves this place using Teleportation Formation. 可是之前,她也是同意利用传送阵离开此地。 Sees dragon not Sichuan and others result. 看到龙莫川等人结果 She is also a lingering fear. 她也是一阵后怕。 She is very clear, if not for Chu Feng, dragon Sichuan and others is in danger not. 她很清楚,若不是楚枫在,龙莫川等人都有生命危险。 If so many people use Teleportation Formation, Dragon Breath Clan inevitably is the total destruction. 若是那么多人都用传送阵,龙息一族必然是灭顶之灾。 senior, needs to thank is not I, but is yourself.” 前辈,需要感谢的不是我,而是你自己。” Can believe a suggestion of my such outsider, thus spoils the completed plan, is not everyone can achieve.” “敢相信我这样一个外人的建议,从而破坏已经完成的计划,可不是所有人都能做到的。” You decide the person of Dragon Breath Clan destiny.” Chu Feng said. “你才是决定龙息一族命运之人。”楚枫说道。 Yo, Chu Feng, could not look that you will also speak very much, the appearance of this sweet-talking, looks like your mother actually very much.” Long Mucheng said. “哟,楚枫,看不出来你还很会说话啊,这嘴甜的样子,倒是很像你母亲。”龙慕橙说道。 „Is my mother mouth very sweet?” Chu Feng asked. “我母亲嘴很甜吗?”楚枫问道。 Treats others, indifferent must die, but in my front, is mischievous little girl.” “对待其他人嘛,冷漠的要死,但在我的面前,就是一个调皮的小丫头。” But, is very likable.” “不过,很讨人喜欢。” Chu Feng, your mother, is I have seen the most outstanding woman.” 楚枫,你的母亲,是我见过最优秀的女人。” However you, are I have seen the second outstanding man.” Long Mucheng said. “而你,是我见过第二优秀的男人。”龙慕橙说道。 Who is first?” Chu Feng asked. “第一是谁?”楚枫问。 Later you know that now is also not the time.” Long Mucheng is mysterious. “以后你会知道的,现在还不是时候。”龙慕橙故弄玄虚。 I anticipated actually, on that day earlier arrived.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “那我倒是期待,那一日早点到来了。”楚枫笑道。 It looks like in Chu Feng, meets Dragon Breath Clan, is purely is an accident/surprise. 楚枫看来,遇到龙息一族,纯属是一个意外。 Long Mucheng suggested that he stays here, Chu Feng naturally cannot stay behind. 龙慕橙建议他留在这里,楚枫自然不会留下。 Because Chu Feng also has other things to do, that is looks for the Ancestral Martial World Sect key. 因为楚枫还有其他事情要做,那就是去找祖武界宗的钥匙。 Because, here is the territory that Qin Jiu leaves behind, Chu Feng wants to have a look to obtain some harvests. 要不是因为,这里是秦九留下的领地,楚枫想看看能不能得到一些收获。 Meanwhile, because of Long Mucheng and some of his mother friendship, wants to look to help one group of them, Chu Feng has left. 同时,也因龙慕橙与其母亲有些交情,想看能不能帮一帮他们,楚枫早就离开了。 But now, to departure time. 但现在,也是到了离开的时候。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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