MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5930: Is bent on having to try, result losses

Chapter 5928 is bent on having to try, result losses 第5928章偏要试,结果 What do you smile?” dragon Mochuan asked. “你笑什么?”龙莫川问。 It‘s nothing.” Chu Feng wants saying that he is really Qin Jiu inheritance. “没什么。”楚枫本来想说,他真的就是秦九的传承者。 However dragon Sichuan will definitely ask not, what evidence you do have to show? 但是龙莫川肯定会问,你有什么证据能够证明? Said in any case will not believe that therefore Chu Feng then feels not to need. 反正说了也不会信,所以楚枫便觉得没必要。 Most hundred years, hundred years, we can also optimize better Teleportation Formation in any case, at that time was twice the result with half the effort.” “反正最多百年,百年时间,我们也可以优化出更好的传送阵,那时更加事半功倍。” If hundred years later is unable this place restore, we to leave with the Teleportation Formation way again is not good.” Long Mucheng said. “若是百年之后无法将此地修复,我们再用传送阵的方式离开也不是不行。”龙慕橙说道。 Mucheng, although there is a risk, but I have observed, actually the risk coefficient is not very big.” 慕橙,虽然有风险,但是我观察过了,其实风险系数不是很大。” Here, is only a Qin Jiu territory, likely was only he in the past conveniently under the arrange/cloth, place that was used to rest that is all.” “这里,只是秦九的一处领地,很可能只是他当年随手布下,用来休息的地方仅此而已。” I am confident, had confidence, Teleportation Formation can bring our teleportation to go out.” “我有信心,也有把握,传送阵可以带着我们传送出去。” You also know, we were caught here, the resources of body belt/bring are limited, the resources that sufficiently collects, can only promote Teleportation Formation time.” “你也知道,我们是被抓到这里的,身上带的资源有限,强凑够的资源,只能推动一次传送阵。” Now has been ready, must waste the opportunity ten million/countless not, otherwise causes trouble late.” “如今已经准备就绪,千万莫要浪费机会,否则迟则生变。” If misses this time, but really must be stranded in this damned place tens of thousands years.” Dragon don't Chuan exhorted to Long Mucheng extremely. “若是错过这次,可就真的要被困在这个鬼地方几万年了。”龙莫川对龙慕橙极力劝道。 „A native of Sichuan University , Mozambique, I believes your ability, but stems from the clansmen considers safely, I want to try according to the Chu Feng's method.” Long Mucheng said. “莫川大人,我相信您的能力,只是出于对众族人安全的考量,我还是想按照楚枫的方法试一试。”龙慕橙说道。 Curtain orange, you......” “幕橙,伱……” Good, such being the case, that defers to the clan return office.” “好,既然如此,那就按照族归来办。” We vote collectively.” “我们集体表决。” Is willing to follow me, raises hand.” dragon Mochuan looked to the Dragon Breath Clan clansman. “愿意跟我走的,举手。”龙莫川看向了众位龙息一族族人。 May present tens of thousands clansmen, actually only then several hundred people raise hand, others chose silent. 可在场几万名族人,却只有几百人举手,其他人都选择了沉默。 But these several hundred people that raises hand, relates the quite intimate person as well as his inheritance with dragon Mochuan. 而举手的这几百人,也都是与龙莫川关系较为亲近的人以及他的传承者。 Therefore this aspect, is not dragon Mochuan wants to see obviously. 所以这个局面,显然不是龙莫川想看到的。 Good, very good.” “好,很好。” My Long really has not thought that Dragon Breath Clan that we unite, will readily believe the outsider words like this.” “我龙某人真是没有想到,我们团结的龙息一族,会这样轻信外人的话。” Heaven's Eyes how, but also really can be stronger than my True Dragon World Spiritist power of observation?” 天眼又如何,还真的能够比我这个真龙界灵师的观察力更强?” Indignation that dragon Mochuan displays, because of this result, making him feel that does not have the face very much. 龙莫川表现的更加气愤,因为这个结果,让他感觉很没有面子。 Naturally , a disappointment, by the disappointment that the clansman abandons. 当然,也有一种失望,被族人抛弃的失望。 Such being the case, Long then does not accompany.” “既然如此,那龙某便不奉陪了。” Mucheng, you believe the this child words, delayed, but my Dragon Breath Clan.” 慕橙,你听信此子的话,耽误的可是我龙息一族。” Hundred years, said that are long, may say that short are not short, that was end of one generation of junior periods.” “百年时间,说长不长,可说短也不短,那可是一代小辈时期的结束。” This words saying, the dragon Sichuan University sleeve wields not, then walks toward that Teleportation Formation. 此话说完,龙莫川大袖一挥,便向那座传送阵走去。 Several hundred people that raises hand to follow, is follows he to leave together. 举手跟随的几百人,也是跟着他一同动身。 Smiles the Sir not.” Chu Feng looked smiles suddenly to the dragon not, immediately lifts the hand to outline formation technique. “莫笑大人。”楚枫忽然看向龙莫笑,旋即抬手勾勒出一座阵法 Please smile the Sir to arrange this not, attaches on them, if really defeated, should be able some effects.” Chu Feng said. “请莫笑大人布置此阵,附着在他们身上,若是真的失败,应该能够有些效果。”楚枫说道。 Joke, I need you to protect, your trivial God-cloak.” Dragon not Sichuan exceedingly indignant looks to Chu Feng. “笑话,我需要你来保护吗,你一个区区神袍。”龙莫川无比愤怒的看向楚枫 This time he has started to hate Chu Feng, that look, wished one could to rip Chu Feng. 此时的他已经开始憎恨楚枫,那个眼神,恨不得将楚枫撕了。 Because he plans good all, was ruined by Chu Feng. 因为他计划好的一切,都是被楚枫所毁掉的。 In his opinion, Chu Feng not only destroyed his plan, but destroyed the Dragon Breath Clan future. 在他看来,楚枫不仅仅是毁了他的计划,而是毁了龙息一族的将来。 Halts.” But the dragon smiles not actually angrily rebukes suddenly, simultaneously a boundless formation power release, the entrance blockade of Teleportation Formation. “站住。”可龙莫笑却忽然怒斥一声,同时一股磅礴的结界之力释放而出,将传送阵入口封锁。 Little Friend Chu Feng formation technique, is seemingly simple, is actually mysterious, truly with formation technique of this place, has the appropriate close feeling, I feel useful.” 楚枫小友阵法,看似简单,实则玄妙,确实与此地的阵法,有着贴切相近之感,我觉得有用。” The words, the dragon smiles not then starts to arrange, the suddenly time, several hundred independent formation technique arrange completely successfully. 话罢,龙莫笑便开始布置,不过眨眼的功夫,几百座单独阵法全部布置成功。 This is the Eight Rank True Dragon World Spiritist method. 这便是八品真龙界灵师的手段。 Chu Feng does not have to arrange, but asked dragon Moxiao to arrange. 楚枫之所以没有自己布置,而是请龙莫笑布置。 Status that because not only the dragon smiles not, more because of his strength. 不仅仅因为龙莫笑的身份,更多是因为他的实力。 This is the realm disparity, same formation technique, is arranged by True Dragon World Spiritist, the effect is naturally more powerful. 这就是境界差距,同样的阵法,由真龙界灵师来布置,效果自然更为强大。 In clan the vote had had result.” “族内表决已经出了结果。” Properly speaking, you must respect this result, should not walk.” “按理来说,你们应当尊重这个结果,不应该走。” But for this Teleportation Formation method, you truly takes the trouble with effort, the old man knows that this is your painstaking care, the old man can understand your moods.” “但为了这座传送阵法,你们确实费心费力,老夫知道这是你们的心血,老夫能理解你们的心情。” Therefore you, if not must attempt to leave with Teleportation Formation, the old man is not blocking.” “所以你们若非要尝试用传送阵离开,老夫也不拦着。” But must adhere to stick cohere this to be good.” “但必须附着此阵才行。” Present is World Spiritist, should know, this formation technique can play the protective function, will not affect you to leave.” dragon Moxiao said. “在座的都是界灵师,应该知道,这个阵法能起到保护作用,绝不会影响你们离开。”龙莫笑说道。 Dragon smiles not, can you with me for the enemy?” dragon Mochuan gets angry the sound to interrogate. “龙莫笑,你是要与我为敌吗?”龙莫川怒声质问。 Dragon don't Chuan, the old man is Dragon Breath Clan chief World Spiritist, the Spirit Formation technique domain, is calculation that the old man said that rather than you.” “龙莫川,老夫才是龙息一族的首席界灵师,结界之术的领域,是老夫说的算,而不是你。” The world shakes, angry roaring that the dragon smiles not, is less grating than dragon Sichuan. 天地震荡,龙莫笑的怒吼,比龙莫川更加刺耳。 This sudden angry roaring, dragon Chuandu was feared not. 这突然的怒吼,就连龙莫川都被惊住了。 His Little Brother, rarely to his attitude. 他的弟弟,很少对他这个态度。 Old man or those words, you, if tries the old man not to block, but must adhere to stick cohere this.” “老夫还是那句话,你们要是试老夫不拦着,但必须附着此阵。” Trial, you decide.” “要不要试,你们自行决定吧。” The dragon smiles the big sleeve to wield not, these formation technique then fell before the people body respectively. 龙莫笑大袖一挥,那些阵法便分别落在了众人身前。 Line......” “行……” Line......” “行……” Dragon smiles not, could not look that you have such side, my Long today, gives you this face.” “龙莫笑,看不出来你还有这样一面,我龙某今日,给你这个面子。” Nod that dragon Mochuan refuses to accept very much, but actually also compromised, he takes the lead to attach that formation technique on the body. 龙莫川很是不服的点头,但却也是妥协了,他率先将那阵法附着在身上。 Sees that follows his several hundred people are to also follow to comply. 见状,那跟着他的几百人也是跟着照做。 Afterward, then stepped into teleportation within the formation, and immediately teleportation. 随后,便踏入了传送阵之内,且立刻传送 The Teleportation Formation method opens, the strength of formation technique is dreadful, all seem like incomparably normal. 传送阵法开启,阵法之力滔天,一切看似无比正常。 Sees this, Dragon Breath Clan many people, looks the regret. 看到这一幕,龙息一族的许多人,面露后悔。 They were also somewhat nervous. 他们也是有些慌了。 If this Teleportation Formation really can go out smoothly, they did miss this leaving opportunity? 倘若这传送阵真的能够顺利出去,那他们岂不是错过了这次离开的机会? After all their resources are limited, can only promote Teleportation Formation one time, now has stimulated to movement, they then did not have the opportunity again. 毕竟他们资源有限,只能推动传送阵一次,如今已经催动,他们便再无机会了。 But Chu Feng actually detected that was not right. 可是楚枫却察觉到了不对。 Smiles the Sir not, we had a look in the past, I feel improper.” Chu Feng smiles to say to the dragon not. “莫笑大人,我们过去看看吧,我觉得还是不妥。”楚枫对龙莫笑说道。 I am also having this intent.” dragon Moxiao spoke, then when brought Chu Feng to graze to go to they came the formation space. “我也正有此意。”龙莫笑说话间,便带着楚枫向他们来时的结界空间飞掠而去。 Actually that formation space, defends formation together, because has the fissure, they can go. 其实那结界空间,就是一道防御结界,只是因为有裂痕,他们才能够进去。 Because the dragon smiles bound formation technique not, making it step into the formation space, the action is then restricted, Chu Feng dashes actually fast. 因为龙莫笑身上的束缚阵法,使其踏入结界空间,便行动受限,倒是楚枫快速飞奔。 May in the formation space leads the way First Rank, dragon Moxiao then saw that prepare the teleportation tunnel presented the fissure. 可在结界空间前行一段距离后,龙莫笑便看出那布置好的传送隧道出现了裂痕。 Bad.” “糟了。” Sees this, the dragon smiles the complexion big change not, as World Spiritist, naturally knows that this is the teleportation failure causes. 看到这一幕,龙莫笑脸色大变,身为界灵师,自然知道这是传送失败导致的。 Place that may be defeated, in this will create the hindrance to them the formation space. 可偏偏失败的地方,就是在这会对他们造成阻碍的结界空间内。 The speed of Teleportation Formation method, bound of formation space, the two have the words that clashes in addition, result is fearful. 传送阵法的速度,加上结界空间的束缚,二者产生对撞的话,结果非常可怕。 He is clear, if the teleportation failure, dragon Sichuan and others were flung the teleportation tunnel not, what kind of fate can be. 他非常清楚,若是传送失败,龙莫川等人被甩出传送隧道,会是怎样的下场。 That can be the death mostly!!! 那多半会是死亡!!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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