MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5929: Dragon don't Chuan of being proud

Dragon don't Chuan who Chapter 5927 is proud 第5927章自负的龙莫川 You indeed are Eight Rank True Dragon World Spiritist, your cultivation realm is more powerful.” “你的确是八品真龙界灵师,你的修为更强大。” „But if real Eight Rank True Dragon is omnipotent, your Dragon Breath Clan, then does not need to look for my Elder Brother Chu Feng help.” “但若真的八品真龙就无所不能,你龙息一族,便也无需找我楚枫哥哥帮忙了。” He is not Eight Rank True Dragon, but he has Heaven's Eyes.” “他不是八品真龙,但他拥有天眼。” Dragon don't Chuan is short, because he also knows, Dragon Breath Clan truly needs to grasp the person of Heaven's Eyes this method. 龙莫川短暂沉默,因为他也知道,龙息一族确实需要掌握天眼这一手段之人。 But he is unwilling, therefore said. 可他不甘,于是说道。 Heaven's Eyes is the extraordinary method, has his originality, but is not also omnipotent, is unable to make up for the realm disparity.” 天眼是了不起的手段,有他独到之处,但也并非无所不能,无法弥补境界差距。” Ok, we should leave, two little friends should also leave.” “好了,我们该离开了,两位小友也该离开了。” The words, dragon Mochuan turns the head to leave. 话罢,龙莫川转头离开。 Leaves?” Zi Ling looks to Chu Feng. “离开?”紫铃看向楚枫 Should be that Teleportation Formation builds to complete.” Chu Feng said. “应该是那座传送阵打造完成了。”楚枫说道。 immediately, Chu Feng and Zi Ling arrive at formation technique in it place. 旋即,楚枫紫铃来到阵法所在之地。 Really such as Chu Feng expects, is that Teleportation Formation build completes, and has connected to restore formation technique. 果然如楚枫所料,是那座传送阵搭建完成,并且已经连接修复阵法 Sir Mucheng, is to leave?” Chu Feng asked. 慕橙大人,是要离开了吗?”楚枫上前询问。 Is Chu Feng, we were about to leave.” “是的楚枫,我们准备离开了。” For just in case, you and Zi Ling miss first goes out, you outside we, then along with us return to the Dragon Breath Clan territory together.” “为了以防万一,伱与紫铃姑娘先出去,你们在外面等我们,然后随我们一同回龙息一族的领地。” My Dragon Breath Clan, although cannot resist with Seven Worlds Saint Mansion directly, but can protect you in secret.” “我龙息一族,虽不能与七界圣府正面对抗,但可以暗中保护你们。” Later you treat in my Dragon Breath Clan, guarantee you are safe.” “以后你们待在我龙息一族,保证你们安全。” Sees Chu Feng and Zi Ling, Long Mucheng greets with a smile immediately. 见到楚枫紫铃,龙慕橙立刻笑脸相迎。 These more than ten days being together, Chu Feng and Zi Ling can feel the friendliness of Long Mucheng. 这十几日的相处,楚枫紫铃都能感受到龙慕橙的友善。 Actually the Long Mucheng age was also big, the words that must speak she also absolutely is the paternal grandmother generation. 其实龙慕橙的年纪也不小了,非要说的话她也绝对算是奶奶辈的了。 But she is full of vigor and vitality, do not look is the semblance of middle-aged person, may to the feeling of Chu Feng and Zi Ling, is more like big Elder Sister. 可是她却朝气蓬勃,别看是中年人的外表,可给楚枫紫铃的感觉,更像是一个大姐姐 Some people are this. 有的人就是这样。 Even if very old, but also has the child disposition, will not be changed by the common custom. 哪怕年纪很大,可却也是有着孩子心性,不会被世俗改变。 Some people are possibly young, experienced that but actually early has changed, is unable to return again young. 有的人可能年纪不大,但却已是早早变的老成,再也无法回到年轻。 Sir Mucheng, I suggested that do not leave with this Teleportation Formation.” Chu Feng said. 慕橙大人,我建议不要用这传送阵离开。”楚枫说道。 Why?” Long Mucheng asked. “为何?”龙慕橙问。 Here, but territory of Sir Qin Jiu, and brings to come here that mysterious woman you, she was also stimulated to movement the formation technique strength of this place, preventing you to leave.” “这里可是秦九大人的领地,并且将你们带到这里的那位神秘女人,她也是的催动了此地的阵法力量,防止你们离开。” Although that bound formation technique, is that mysterious woman stays behind, but in the final analysis is also the method of Sir Qin Jiu.” “虽然那束缚阵法,是那位神秘女人留下的,但说到底也是秦九大人的手段。” In the territory of Sir Qin Jiu, wants to break open bound formation technique of Sir Qin Jiu, this Teleportation Formation is not possible to achieve.” “在秦九大人的领地,想破开秦九大人的束缚阵法,这个传送阵是不可能做到的。” If Sir everyone really uses Teleportation Formation, the consequence will be bad, will be in danger.” Chu Feng said. “若是诸位大人真的动用传送阵,后果可能会非常糟糕,甚至会有生命危险。”楚枫说道。 Danger, we know certainly the danger.” “危险,我们当然知道危险。” May defer to your meaning, can we be been here inadequate by dire straits?” dragon Mochuan asked. “可按照你的意思,我们就应当被困死在这里不成?”龙莫川问道。 Yes, this method, is a native of Sichuan University , Mozambique and chief Sir World Spiritist, the method of together promoting.” “就是,这个方法,可是莫川大人与首席界灵师大人,一同推出的方法。” Chu Feng, even you are the child of Jie Ranqing, your talent, but you eventually are also only God-cloak World Spiritist.” 楚枫,就算你是界染清之子,你天赋了得,可你终究还只是神袍界灵师。” Engages in introspection, will your power of observation, be really stronger than two True Dragon World Spiritist?” “扪心自问,你的观察力,真的会比两位真龙界灵师更强吗?” At this time, many Dragon Breath Clan people, stood in dragon don't Chuan behind. 此时,不少龙息一族的人,站在了龙莫川的身后。 „......” “咳咳……” Old man said one.” “老夫说一句。” This formation technique, is my elder brother promotes, the old man has maintained the suspicion, had once said with the Teleportation Formation method as promoting, to leave this place to have certain risk forcefully.” “这座阵法,是我兄长推出的,老夫一直保持怀疑态度,也曾说过用传送阵法作为推动,强行离开此地有一定危险性。” Initially agreed that also because of everyone voting choice, minority must obey the majority.” The dragon smiles tactful saying not. “当初同意,也是因为大家投票选择,少数服从多数而已。”龙莫笑委婉的说道。 Smiles not, you help this Chu Feng, removes the stage of old man?” dragon Mochuan eyes one horizontal, very uncomfortable looked that smiles to the dragon not. “莫笑,你是帮这楚枫,拆老夫的台吗?”龙莫川眼睛一横,很是不爽的看向龙莫笑。 Elder brother, I am not this meaning, but this law is truly worth deliberating.” dragon Moxiao said. “兄长,我不是这个意思,只是此法确实值得推敲。”龙莫笑说道。 Although is chief World Spiritist, coming out that but looks, he respects oneself Elder Brother very much. 虽然是首席界灵师,但看的出来,他还是很尊重自己的这个哥哥的。 bound formation technique that Sir Mucheng, in my opinion, your bodies leave behind, is this place is indeed connected.” 慕橙大人,在我看来,你们身上留下的束缚阵法,的确是与此地相连。” When this place thorough restore, bound formation technique will relieve, you can also regain the freedom.” Chu Feng said. “待得此地彻底修复,束缚阵法自会解除,你们也就能够恢复自由。”楚枫说道。 This also said with you.” “这还用你说。” But this place is so easy to restore?” “可是此地是这么容易修复的吗?” Not tens of thousands years, we at all not possible this place restore.” “没有几万年的时间,我们根本不可能将此地修复。” Tens of thousands years, our Dragon Breath Clan, why must stay here, for the unknown person, is tens of thousands years of coolie?” dragon Mochuan gets angry the sound to interrogate. “几万年啊,我们龙息一族,凭什么要留在这里,为素不相识之人,做几万年的苦力?”龙莫川怒声质问。 Chu Feng has not managed him, but continues to look at Long Mucheng, because of after these days being together. 楚枫没有理他,而是继续看着龙慕橙,因为经过这些日子的相处。 Chu Feng is also observes. 楚枫也是观察出来。 Dragon Breath Clan does not have Clan Head now. 龙息一族如今没有族长 Although Long Mucheng, regarding dragon don't Chuan and dragon Moxiao is the later generation. 虽然龙慕橙,对于龙莫川与龙莫笑而言是后辈。 But she is the person who present Dragon Breath Clan is master of own affairs truly. 可是她才是如今龙息一族真正当家做主的人。 Sir Mucheng, after my observation, has understood clearly the hidden profound and abstruse principles of this place, here has certain rule.” 慕橙大人,经过我的观察,已经洞悉了此地的暗藏的玄机,这里是有着一定规律的。” This rule, possibly is the rule that mysterious women do not know, when is Sir Qin Jiu the set up formation stays behind.” “这个规律,可能是那位神秘女人都不知晓的规律,是秦九大人布阵之时留下的。” Therefore, I tried to find out a method, if according to my method, stimulates to movement this to restore formation technique, the restore speed will promote several times.” “因此,我摸索出了一个方法,若是按照我这个方法,来催动这座修复阵法,修复速度会提升数倍。” Most quickly less than one year, if slow also most hundred years, you can leave here.” Chu Feng said. “最快不足一年,若是慢的话也最多百年,你们就可以离开这里。”楚枫说道。 Quickest one year, slowest hundred years?” “最快一年,最慢百年?” Real false?” “真的假的?” Heard this words, in the Dragon Breath Clan clan also blasted out the pot. 听闻此话,龙息一族族内也是炸开了锅。 After all tens of thousands years and hundred years are completely not a concept. 毕竟几万年和百年完全不是一个概念。 Let alone one year, even several hundred years, even over a thousand years, but, they are still willing to wait for safety. 别说一年,就算是几百年,甚至上千年,但是为了安全起见,他们也愿意等。 Joke, here repair method, is first melts with my Dragon Breath Clan the strength of dragon breath in restoring formation technique, when the strength of savings dragon breath is completed, the strength of formation technique starts to restore.” “笑话,这里的修复方法,是先用我龙息一族的龙息之力融于修复阵法之内,当龙息之力积蓄完成,阵法之力才开始进行修复。” Before the strength of savings dragon breath is completed, will restore formation technique not to start to restore.” “在龙息之力积蓄完成之前,修复阵法根本不会开始修复。” Because however restores formation technique also to have the damage, the ghost knows the method that you said actually does have the effect?” A dragon don't Chuan face does not believe. “而因为修复阵法也有损伤,鬼知道你说的方法究竟有没有效果?”龙莫川一脸不信。 Chu Feng, what you said is earnest?” Long Mucheng inquired. 楚枫,你说的是认真的?”龙慕橙询问。 She also felt, reduces tens of thousands years to hundred years, even one year, some are too inconceivable. 她也觉得,将几万年缩短至百年,甚至一年,有些太不可思议。 But this news, is actually so joyful. 可是这个消息,却又是如此令人欣喜。 May not need Chu Feng to reply, dragon don't Chuan was anxious, rushed to arrive at side Long Mucheng. 可还不待楚枫回答,龙莫川则是急了,赶忙来到了龙慕橙身旁。 Mucheng, you should not believe that the words of this boy, even he is the Jie Ranqing son, but he is only a junior, is only God-cloak World Spiritist.” 慕橙,你该不会相信这小子的话吧,就算他是界染清的儿子,可他只是一个小辈,只是一位神袍界灵师。” not to mention is she, even Jie Ranqing came, is impossible to have such power of observation.” 莫说是她,就算是界染清来了,也不可能有如此观察力。” I am Eight Rank True Dragon, I am Eight Rank True Dragon World Spiritist, will my power of observation, be inferior to trivial God-cloak?” “我好歹是八品真龙,我是八品真龙界灵师啊,难道我的观察力,会不如一个区区神袍吗?” He thinks that who he is, he is difficult to be inadequate is Qin Jiu disciple is inadequate, said unexpectedly can understand clearly the Qin Jiu intention, sees through this place the rule, isn't this laughable?” dragon Mochuan said. “他以为他是谁啊,他难不成是秦九弟子不成,竟说能洞悉秦九的意图,看穿此地的规律,这不可笑吗?”龙莫川说道。 Chu Feng shakes the head with a smile. 楚枫笑着摇了摇头。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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