MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5928: This is Land of Dao Awareness

Chapter 5926 this is Land of Dao Awareness 第5926章此乃悟道之地 senior looks for me, what matter doesn't know so-called?” Chu Feng enters the subject. 前辈找我,不知所谓何事?”楚枫直入主题。 Some truly matters, need you to help.” “确实有些事,需要你帮忙。” Now, you could not just have helped us.” “只不过现在,你还帮不到我们。” But, I listened to chief Sir World Spiritist to say your matter.” “但,我听首席界灵师大人说了你的事情。” Cannot think that you is not so unexpectedly simple, unexpectedly is the son of Jie Ranqing that girl.” “想不到伱居然如此不简单,竟是界染清那丫头的儿子。” Hears here, Chu Feng asked: „Does senior know my mother?” 听到这里,楚枫不由问道:“前辈认识我母亲?” Has had several reasons, and I appreciate your mother very much, is some friendship.” “有过几面之缘,并且我很欣赏你母亲,算是有些交情的。” Therefore, not to mention my Dragon Breath Clan, will have the matter to need you to help in the future.” “所以,莫说龙息一族,日后有事需要你帮助。” Is only I and your mother's several reasons, if there is a need place, you also open the mouth although, as long as is my Long Mucheng can achieve, will decide however will not decline.” “只是我与你母亲的几面之缘,若是有需要的地方,你也尽管开口,但凡是我龙慕橙能够做到的,定然不会推辞。” Moreover, this is a gift on first meeting.” “另外,这是一份见面礼。” Must accept.” “务必收下。” You , if not receive, in the future matter that needs you to help, my then not good meaning opens the mouth.” “你若不收,日后需要你帮忙的事,我便不好意思开口了。” During the Long Mucheng speeches, gives Chu Feng cosmos sack. 龙慕橙说话间,将一个乾坤袋递给楚枫 senior whether first saying that the one who needs me to help is what busy?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈可否先说,需要我帮的是什么忙?”楚枫问。 Helps my Dragon Breath Clan, becomes stronger.” “帮我龙息一族,变得更强。” This no doubt is not an easy matter, but is not thing that your one person can achieve, we also need to find another person.” Long Mucheng said. “这固然不是一件容易的事,但也不是你一个人能做到的事,我们还需要找另外一个人。”龙慕橙说道。 Another person?” “另外一个人?” „Who is?” Chu Feng asked. “是什么人?”楚枫问。 If Ok, you can also help us look actually.” During the Long Mucheng speeches, took a bead, gave Chu Feng. “若是可以,你倒是也可以帮我们找一找。”龙慕橙说话间,将一颗珠子取了出来,递给了楚枫 Person who can let this bead illumination.” Long Mucheng said. “能够让这颗珠子发光的人。”龙慕橙说道。 Chu Feng has taken the bead, curious asking: How needs to do? Will shine?” 楚枫拿过珠子,好奇的问道:“需要怎么做?才会发光?” Because sizes up after him, does not know how should stimulate to movement this bead. 因为经过他打量,也是不知道该如何催动这颗珠子。 In ten million meter/rice.” “千万米之内。” Wanting is the right person, appears in the ten million meter/rice of this bead range, it will then shine.” “只要是对的人,出现在这颗珠子范围的千万米之内,它便会亮。” But, ten million meter/rice are the maximum coverage scopes.” “不过,千万米已是最大覆盖范围了。” At this coverage scope, wants in this vast martial cultivation world, to find this person, being no different looks for a needle in a haystack.” “以这个覆盖范围,想在这浩瀚修武界内,找到这个人,无异于是大海捞针。” Therefore had not found.” Long Mucheng said. “所以至今没有找到。”龙慕橙说道。 Association found.” Chu Feng accepts this bead. “总会找到的。”楚枫将这颗珠子收下。 This also accepts.” Long Mucheng gives Chu Feng cosmos sack, it added: “这个也收下。”龙慕橙又将乾坤袋递给楚枫,其补充道: Has the pressure, this is only the gift on first meeting.” “别有压力,这只是见面礼。” When needs you to help, you can also reject, only looks in your mother's face, I am impossible the matter that forces you to do does not want to do.” “当需要你帮忙的时候,你也是可以拒绝的,只看你娘的面子上,我也不可能逼迫你做不想做的事。” I felt, you should meet to be willing to help, because after that everything becomes, thanked again.” “不过我觉得,你应该会愿意帮这个忙,因为那件事事成之后,还有重谢。” That then many thanks senior.” Chu Feng received cosmos sack, immediately asks: senior, can I visit here?” “那便多谢前辈了。”楚枫接过乾坤袋,旋即问道:“前辈,我可以参观一下这里吗?” Although is the formation technique world, but is very big. 虽是阵法世界,但是真的很大。 But Chu Feng followed the dragon to smile not, directly soars here to come, to miss many sceneries. 楚枫一路跟随龙莫笑,直奔这里而来,错过了很多风景。 Naturally, Chu Feng also has his goal. 当然,楚枫也有他的目的。 The territory that but here Qin Jiu builds personally, Chu Feng wants to have a look, whether these, can understand anything. 这里可是秦九亲手打造的领地,楚枫想看看,能否在这其中,参透出一些什么。 Sure.” Long Mucheng nods. “当然可以。”龙慕橙点头。 Afterward, Chu Feng then visits, discovered that here is not a simple territory. 随后,楚枫便参观起来,发现这里并不是一个简单的领地。 It looks like in Chu Feng, here is the careful build, but builds carefully, certainly not for artistic attractive. 楚枫看来,这里是精心搭建的,但精心搭建,绝不只是为了美观好看。 Each link, has the unique significance, is only the Chu Feng short time, is unable to understand. 每个环节,都有着独特的意义,只是楚枫短时间,也无法参透。 Chu Feng here, observed an enough more than ten days time. 楚枫在这里,观察了足足十几日的时间。 Because he wants to ravel the significance of here layout, wants to have a look to help the Dragon Breath Clan person, gets rid of here as soon as possible. 因为他想弄明白这里布局的意义,也想看看能不能帮到龙息一族的人,尽快摆脱这里。 But on Chu Feng arrives here the 19 th day, he understood finally. 而在楚枫来到这里的第十九日,他终于明白了。 I understood.” Chu Feng sighed suddenly. “我明白了。”楚枫忽然叹道。 Finally completely understood?” Stands also asks Chu Feng Zi Ling immediately. “终于看透了?”站在楚枫身旁的紫铃也是立刻问道。 For serveral days, which her Chu Feng arrived at to follow to, she also knows that Chu Feng wants to completely understand this place layout. 这些天,楚枫走到哪她都跟到哪,她也知道楚枫想看透此地布局。 Although cannot help Chu Feng, but actually wants to accompany Chu Feng. 虽然帮不到楚枫,但却想陪着楚枫 Here is Sir Qin Jiu, to break through some realm builds specially.” “这里是秦九大人,为了突破某个境界而专门打造的。” This is the place of his to undergo closed-door training, specially for the place of to undergo closed-door training to break through to build.” “这是他的闭关之地,专门为了突破而打造的闭关之地。” In my opinion, he should also successfully break through, because this breakthrough has special significance, therefore retained this place specially.” Chu Feng said. “在我看来,他应该也是成功突破,并且因为这次突破意义非凡,所以特意保留了此地。”楚枫说道。 Little friend these words, said was equal to having not said.” “小友这番话,说了等于没说啊。” Suddenly laughter resounds, waits and sees along the sound is a thin old man who keeps sheep-beard. 忽然一阵笑声响起,顺声观望是一名留着羊须胡子的精瘦老头。 This old man, smiles to be long not some shapes with the dragon. 这个老头,和龙莫笑长得有些像。 After these days, Chu Feng to Dragon Breath Clan was also some understanding. 经过这些日子,楚枫龙息一族也是有些了解。 Chu Feng knows, this thin old man, named dragon don't Chuan, he is also True Dragon World Spiritist, and realm is like dragon Moxiao, arrives at Eight Rank True Dragon. 楚枫知道,这个精瘦老头,名为龙莫川,他也是一名真龙界灵师,并且境界与龙莫笑一样,都到达八品真龙 The most important thing is, he is one's own Elder Brother that the dragon smiles not. 最重要的是,他是龙莫笑的亲生哥哥 Also was smiled with the dragon initially not, competed with the chief World Spiritist character. 也是当初与龙莫笑,竞争首席界灵师的人物。 Although is defeated, but is also regretfully lost, his Spirit Formation technique, actually does not smile the difference compared with the dragon not. 虽然落败,但也只是惜败,他的结界之术,其实并不比龙莫笑差。 Native of Sichuan University , Mozambique, is this what intention?” Chu Feng asked. “莫川大人,这是何意?”楚枫问。 Your explanation, is equivalent had not explained that because of without, no matter what what intention righteousness.” “你的这番解释,相当于没有解释,因为没有任何意义。” You said that Qin Jiu to break through the place under arrange/cloth, you do have the evidence?” dragon Mochuan asked. “你说秦九是为了突破布下的此地,你有证据吗?”龙莫川问。 No.” Chu Feng said. “没有。”楚枫道。 Actually he has, because sees through here at the same time, Chu Feng also comprehended the essence of this place. 其实他有,因为看穿这里的同时,楚枫也领悟了此地的精髓。 Even Chu Feng has known how to help their Dragon Breath Clan. 甚至楚枫已经知道,如何帮助他们龙息一族了。 Exactly but Chu Feng this simple reply, is dragon don't Chuan expects. 可恰恰楚枫这个简单的回答,是龙莫川所期望的。 Therefore, smile on dragon Mochuan the face is thicker, that is the smile of taunt. 因此,龙莫川脸上的笑容更浓,那是嘲讽的笑容。 How you concluded, my Elder Brother Chu Feng said isn't right?” Zi Ling asked back. “那你又何以断定,我楚枫哥哥说的不对?”紫铃反问。 She knows that the opposite party status is aloof, the strength is also aloof. 她知道对方身份超然,实力也超然。 But Zi Ling cannot get used to seeing, anybody despises Chu Feng. 紫铃看不惯,任何人轻视楚枫 I do not need to prove he said is not right, because of without the evidence, some people will then not feel right that he said.” “我不需要证明他说的不对,因为没有证据,便不会有人觉得他说的对。” „The child of Jie Ranqing, Bloodline of king, these reputations are truly extraordinary.” 界染清之子,王之血脉,这些名头确实了不得。” But the old man advised politely one, Little Friend Chu Feng, must tie up by these unwarranted reputations not, does not need to show off the useless knowledge.” “但是老夫奉劝一句,楚枫小友,莫要被这些虚名所捆绑,没必要炫耀无用知识。” Does not need to maintain this unwarranted reputation, mysterious, compiles the lie.” dragon Mochuan said. “更无需为了维持这种虚名,故弄玄虚,编造谎言。”龙莫川说道。 Why you said that my Elder Brother Chu Feng does compile the lie?” Zi Ling got angry, the tone is very ominous. “你凭什么说我楚枫哥哥编造谎言?”紫铃怒了,语气很凶。 Chu Feng held on Zi Ling actually. 倒是楚枫拉住了紫铃 Compares in Zi Ling, Chu Feng does not think the theory, disdains the theory. 相比于紫铃,楚枫根本不想理论,也是不屑理论。 In his eyes, this time dragon don't Chuan, is not powerful Eight Rank True Dragon, but is an ignorant old man. 在他眼中,此时的龙莫川,不是强大的八品真龙,而是一个无知的老头。 Facing this randomly calling old man, Chu Feng naturally cannot be angry. 面对这种乱叫的老头,楚枫自然不会生气。 However regarding the Zi Ling sinister aspect, dragon don't Chuan has not been angry, instead is the response said: 不过对于紫铃的凶相,龙莫川也没有生气,反而是回应说道: Here, the old man has observed, is only a common territory.” “这里,老夫早就观察过了,就只是一座寻常领地。” My solemn Eight Rank True Dragon will World Spiritist, be inferior to Little Friend Chu Feng God-cloak World Spiritist?” “难道我堂堂八品真龙界灵师,会不如楚枫小友一位神袍界灵师吗?” These words, are this dragon don't Chuan innermost thoughts. 这句话,才是这龙莫川的心里话。 Because his anything has not looked. 正因为他什么都没有看出来。 Therefore he does not believe, Chu Feng can look at anything. 所以他也不相信,楚枫可以看出来什么。 God-cloak again how, is not possible to be stronger than True Dragon World Spiritist, this also includes the power of observation. 神袍再怎么样,也是不可能比真龙界灵师强,这也包括观察力。 This is the world deep-rooted idea. 此乃世人根深蒂固的想法。 But the following Zi Ling a few words, make dragon Chuandu stare not. 可接下来紫铃的一句话,却让龙莫川都为之一愣。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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